Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Sad, but when you play for hell, the Hell comes.

True but then again - remembering the words of Éomer in the film of LOR when he tells his sister Éowyn that 'War is the province of men', I can't help but feel pity for the young women in Ukraine who are now being conscripted into the Ukraine army to fill the bullet sized holes left by their dead menfolk, all in the name of feminism, equality, and Marvel film inspired supernatural physical powers. Let's see how long that false idea lasts in the face of a wall of falling steel, 24/7.
True but then again - remembering the words of Éomer in the film of LOR when he tells his sister Éowyn that 'War is the province of men', I can't help but feel pity for the young women in Ukraine who are now being conscripted into the Ukraine army to fill the bullet sized holes left by their dead menfolk, all in the name of feminism, equality, and Marvel film inspired supernatural physical powers. Let's see how long that false idea lasts in the face of a wall of falling steel, 24/7.
There's no better way to exemplify that knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.

Not sure if in this case there's any feminism involved, although I can't be too sure, I just feel like they need to have bodies in uniforms in order to continue to receive the money and weapons they're selling in the black market, at which point.. they ran out of men, and children and old folk, so, send in the women, then the girls.. and then, they will finally concede defeat.
And this is the eloquence with which the leaders speak about the death they are delivering to the Ukrainian people

President Putin invaded Ukraine wanting less NATO.
He is getting more NATO.
He totally underestimated the determination of the Ukrainian people to defend their freedom.
And he totally underestimated the strength and unity of NATO’s support.

NATO Allies are providing unprecedented military, humanitarian and financial assistance to Ukraine.
And Latvia plays a key role in this.
This is even more important now, as the situation on the battlefield is very difficult.

But that is not an argument for less support.
It is an argument for more support.

This matters.
Not just for Ukraine’s security, but for our security.
Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 18-14-06 Jewish Russophile on X @zerohedge Finland chose confrontatio...png

Russian forces pummel Ukrainian army’s command centers over week — top brass
Russian forces repelled three Ukrainian army attacks in the Zaporozhye area, destroying more than 425 enemy troops over the past week, the ministry reported
MOSCOW, November 17. /TASS/. Russian forces delivered 24 precision strikes, targeting the Ukrainian army’s command centers over the week of November 11-17 in the special military operation in Ukraine, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on Friday.

"The Russian Armed Forces delivered 24 multiple-launch strikes by precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles, wiping out forward command posts and deployment sites of the command staff of the Liman battlegroup and the Khortitsa operational/strategic group, and also temporary deployment sites of militants from the Neo-Nazi Azov and Right Sector formations [outlawed in Russia]," the ministry said in a statement.

The strikes obliterated the Ukrainian army’s artillery arsenals, armament, military hardware and fuel depots, airfield infrastructure and a sniper and engineering personnel training center, the ministry reported.

Russian forces repulse 26 Ukrainian attacks in Kupyansk area over week

Russian forces repulsed 26 Ukrainian army attacks in the Kupyansk area, killing and wounding more than 575 enemy troops over the past week, the ministry reported.

"In the Kupyansk direction, units of the western battlegroup repulsed 26 enemy attacks and continued improving their forward edge positions over the past week. Air strikes and artillery fire inflicted damage on manpower and equipment of the Ukrainian army’s 30th, 54th, 57th and 67th mechanized brigades in areas near the settlements of Sinkovka, Timkovka and Zagoruikovka in the Kharkov Region. The enemy lost as many as over 575 personnel killed and wounded, 2 tanks, 10 armored combat vehicles, 11 motor vehicles and 13 field artillery guns," the ministry said.

Russian forces repulse 23 Ukrainian attacks in Krasny Liman area over week

Russian forces repulsed 23 Ukrainian army attacks in the Krasny Liman area, eliminating over 1,100 enemy troops and 27 items of military hardware over the past week, the ministry reported.

"In the Krasny Liman direction, units of the battlegroup Center supported by aircraft, artillery and heavy flamethrower fires repulsed 23 attacks by assault groups of the Ukrainian army’s 24th and 47th mechanized brigades, 12th special operations brigade and the National Guard’s 15th regiment," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian army’s losses in the Krasny Liman direction over the past week amounted to "over 1,100 personnel, 8 armored combat vehicles, 14 motor vehicles and 5 field artillery guns," the ministry specified.

Russian forces repel 33 Ukrainian attacks in Donetsk area over week

Russian forces repelled 33 Ukrainian army attacks in the Donetsk area over the past week, the ministry reported.
"In the Donetsk direction, units of the southern battlegroup repelled 33 enemy attacks over the reporting period and inflicted damage by firepower on the Ukrainian army’s personnel and equipment in areas near the settlements of Maryinka, Kurdyumovka, Razdolovka, Andreyevka and Kleshcheyevka in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the ministry said.

The Ukrainian army’s losses in the Donetsk direction over the past week amounted to more than 1,810 personnel killed and wounded, 2 tanks, 15 armored combat vehicles, 24 motor vehicles and 22 field artillery guns, the ministry specified.

Russian forces eliminate over 745 Ukrainian troops in south Donetsk area over past week

Russian forces inflicted damage on four Ukrainian army brigades in the south Donetsk area, eliminating more than 745 enemy troops over the past week, the ministry reported.

"In the south Donetsk direction, units of the battlegroup East gained more advantageous frontiers and positions and repelled two attacks by assault groups of the Ukrainian army’s 79th air assault brigade and 128th territorial defense brigade in areas near the settlements of Novomikhailovka and Nikolskoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the ministry said.

"In addition, air strikes and artillery fire inflicted damage on units of the Ukrainian army’s 72nd mechanized, 58th motorized infantry, 102nd and 127th territorial defense brigades near the settlements of Ugledar, Staromayorskoye and Urozhainoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic," it said.

The Ukrainian army’s losses in the south Donetsk direction over the past week amounted to over 745 personnel, 12 armored combat vehicles, 15 motor vehicles, 20 field artillery guns and a Grad multiple rocket launcher, the ministry specified.

Russian forces destroy over 425 Ukrainian troops in Zaporozhye area over week

Russian forces repelled three Ukrainian army attacks in the Zaporozhye area, destroying more than 425 enemy troops over the past week, the ministry reported.

"In the Zaporozhye direction, units of the Russian battlegroup repelled three enemy attacks near the settlement of Rabotino in the Zaporozhye Region. They also inflicted damage by firepower on the personnel and equipment of the Ukrainian army’s 33rd, 117th and 118th mechanized brigades near the settlements of Uspenovka and Malaya Tokmachka in the Zaporozhye Region," the ministry said.
The Ukrainian army’s losses in the Zaporozhye direction over the past week amounted to more than 425 personnel, 2 tanks, 9 armored combat vehicles, 14 motor vehicles and 7 field artillery guns, the ministry specified.

Kiev loses over 460 troops in Kherson area over past week

The Ukrainian military lost over 460 troops on the right bank of the Dnieper River and in attempts to land on islands on the left bank in the Kherson Region over the past week, the ministry reported.

"In the Kherson direction, the enemy lost over 460 personnel killed and wounded, 2 tanks and 17 motor vehicles on the right bank of the Dnieper River and in attempts to land on islands," the ministry said.

In counter-battery fire, Russian forces destroyed 16 Ukrainian field artillery guns and a Grad multiple rocket launcher in the Kherson direction over the reporting period, it said.

Russian forces wipe out four Ukrainian army radars over past week

Russian forces destroyed four Ukrainian army radars, including three foreign-made systems over the past week, the ministry reported.
"Over the reporting period, operational/tactical aircraft and missile troops of the Russian groupings of forces destroyed a radar station of an S-300 surface-to-air missile system and three counter-battery radars, among them a Cobra station that the Federal Republic of Germany supplied to Ukraine and two US-made AN/TPQ-50 radar stations," the ministry said.

Russian forces down three Ukrainian MiG-29 warplanes over week

Russian forces shot down three Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter jets in aerial and air defense combats over the past week, the ministry reported.

"Three Ukrainian Air Force MiG-29 planes were shot down in aerial and air defense combats," the ministry said.
Over the reporting period, Russian air defense capabilities "shot down 22 rockets of the HIMARS multiple launch rocket system, 2 JDAM guided air bombs and 198 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles," the ministry reported.

In all, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 536 Ukrainian warplanes, 254 helicopters, 8,989 unmanned aerial vehicles, 441 surface-to-air missile systems, 13,446 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,185 multiple rocket launchers, 7,123 field artillery guns and mortars and 15,342 special military motor vehicles since the start of the special military operation in Ukraine, the ministry reported.


Christelle Néant:

"When I began investigating the kidnapping of children in Artiomovsk by Ukraine, I had no idea of the extent to which I would uncover trafficking on an international scale and the sordid methods used to supply children to paedophile networks and organ traffickers.

Flashback. In April 2023, I interviewed a refugee from Artiomovsk, Yulia, who told me that as well as having mined and blown up their building, Ukrainian units called “Phoenix” and “White Angels” were kidnapping children in the town. This information immediately caught my attention, and I decided to investigate further to find out why Kiev was taking children away from their parents in this way.

On the very day I was conducting this interview, Russian colleagues were interviewing a little girl from Artiomovsk, whom the “White Angels” had tried to kidnap from her grandparents, claiming that her mother was dead, and that they were to take her to Germany. It was clear to me that these children kidnapped by Ukraine in Donbass were then sent abroad for all sorts of sordid trafficking, from organ trafficking to paedophile rings. Because the inhabitants of Donbass have never been able to assert their rights in the face of the war crimes committed against them by Ukraine since 2014 within the international justice bodies, Kiev enjoys total immunity at the ICC and the ECHR with regard to the crimes it may commit against the children of the region.

A few days later, other refugees from Artiomovsk confirmed the child abductions, and I discovered that the same methods were being used in other towns such as Avdeyevka (and now similar information is coming in from Kupiansk).

The last refugee from Artiomovsk we interviewed, Katia, confirmed the abduction of children by the “White Angels”, and explained that when the parents of abducted children called them to find out where they were, they claimed not to know anything about it.

Katia also told us that before the battle of Artiomovsk, they had never seen organisations like the “White Angels” in the town. These child abduction units only appeared once the fighting had started. In other words, once the city was in a state of general chaos, and the inhabitants could no longer turn to the courts to assert their parental rights. An ideal situation for traffickers of all kinds.

And their modus operandi was revealed at the 27 July 2023 conference on Ukraine’s crimes against the children of Donbass, held in the DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic). A woman, Liliya, and her daughter, Kira, gave evidence of how, at the start of the special military operation, around ten children were taken from a school in Chtchastye (then under Ukrainian control) in the LPR (Lugansk People’s Republic) to western Ukraine by the headmistress of the school, on orders from Kiev, without informing their parents.

The children were even forbidden to call their parents to tell them where they were. But Kira knew her mother’s telephone number by heart and managed to call her to let her know that they were in Lvov and then Khoust. Thanks to Liliya’s determination to find her daughter (she went to look for her in western Ukraine), we discovered how Kiev ‘exports’ the children it abducts.

The children taken from the school in Chtchastye had been taken away without any identity documents (they were not yet old enough to have passports, and their birth certificates were with their parents). When she got her daughter back, Liliya discovered that they had produced a new “original” birth certificate for Kira, who had been declared an orphan (even though her mother is alive and well)! According to Kira, the group of children with the new documents were to be sent to Poland!

Without the perseverance of Kira and her mother, no one would have known where and how the children had been taken. This is how Ukraine makes the children it abducts disappear, preventing anyone from finding out what happens to them: the parents are not informed of anything, the children are forbidden to contact them, and they are given false papers (that’s the best way to describe it, given that it’s impossible for the authorities to produce an original birth certificate when it’s in the hands of the parents) and declared to be orphans, before being sent abroad.

This is surely what happened to the children of Nikolayevka, who were taken to a holiday camp to “shelter” them, but whose parents now have no news of them.

Why use such illegal methods if the real aim is simply to shelter these children from the war? Well, because there is nothing legal about the real aim.

At the conference, Vassily Prozorov, a former employee of the SBU (Ukrainian intelligence services) explained that one of his investigations had revealed that some of the children abducted by Ukraine are sent to paedophile networks in Great Britain, via a whole network of Ukrainian and British officials or former officials who work together. At the heart of it all is one man, Sergei Borissov, a former SBU agent who was arrested in 2020 for kidnapping entrepreneurs for ransom! Strangely enough, he and his entire gang were released on bail in 2021, and here he is again, trafficking Ukrainian children to the UK! On the British side, members of MI6 and the Foreign Office are involved.

This is hardly surprising when you remember that in recent years there have been several scandals involving networks exploiting children in Great Britain, and paedophiles in the British establishment (such as Sir Jimmy Savile, whose crimes were covered up for years). And in 2021, the UK’s National Crime Agency (the NCA) stated that there would be between 550,000 and 850,000 paedophiles in Britain! In other words, there’s no shortage of customers, including very high-ranking people, for the paedophile rings that kidnap children in Ukraine.

Another investigation carried out by Vassily Prozorov revealed that several organisations registered in EU countries are also involved in ‘exporting’ children from Ukraine under the pretext of providing them with shelter. These organisations take unaccompanied Ukrainian children out of Ukraine. What happens to them afterwards is unknown. However, as early as 2022, several Western media, including Deutsche Welle and The Guardian, reported that Ukrainian children “evacuated” abroad had disappeared.

It is not only in the UK that Ukrainian children are at risk of falling into the hands of paedophile rings. In May 2023, a 52-year-old Ukrainian refugee was arrested in Poznan, Poland, for renting out children in her care to paedophiles. She adopted 10 children aged between 4 and 16. Investigators discovered that the woman rented out the children to paedophiles in Ukraine and Poland. Worse still, while the clients were abusing the children, she stood next to them to make sure they kept to the time limit (the sessions lasted 20 minutes).

In April 2022, a group of around thirty Ukrainian children disappeared in Spain on their way to the Canary Islands. That same month, an investigation was opened in Lithuania into potential child trafficking at a private Ukrainian orphanage, Perlinka, from which 43 children had been evacuated to the Baltic country. Several of the children, including girls, had complained of threats to send them to work in brothels, or that there were plans to send them to other countries, including the United States. When Ukraine demanded the return of these children, several sought asylum in Lithuania for fear of reprisals or being sent who knows where.

And paedophile networks are not the only threat hanging over Ukrainian children. In June 2023, a man was arrested in Transcarpathia while trying to take a baby to Slovakia. The man had bought the baby from its mother and was planning to sell it to organ traffickers! He had already sold and transported at least three other children in this way!

For those who think this is Russian disinformation, even the Ukrainian press and the Daily Mail have reported on this affair!

nd the disappearances of Ukrainian children used for their organs are nothing new. In 2005, a journalist from The Globe and Mail wrote an article condemning the discovery in Kharkov of a mass grave containing the bodies of babies and foetuses without their vital organs! Mothers complained that hospital staff had taken their babies at the moment of birth and then returned later to tell them that they had supposedly been stillborn. A very practical method of fuelling child trafficking.

And since December 2021, organ trafficking in Ukraine has been facilitated by the passing of a law that abolished the obligation to have the organ removal authorization signed by the donor, his parents or his legal representative authenticated by a notary. The pattern then becomes very clear: children are abducted, provided with new “original” documents and declared orphans, so that they can be placed under State guardianship or adopted by who knows who. These new guardians can then sign an organ harvesting authorisation, which no longer needs to be authenticated by a notary, and the deal is done.

In the light of all this information, it is high time that international organisations for the protection of human rights, and especially children’s rights, seriously investigated the abduction of children in Ukraine, and the sordid trafficking (organ trafficking or paedophile networks) of which they are the victims.

It’s also time for people in the West to open their eyes to what is happening in Ukraine, with the active complicity of the country’s authorities, in terms of child trafficking! Officials in Ukraine are making money by selling children to Western paedophile networks and organ traffickers, thanks to the ongoing conflict! This is how Ukraine “repays” its debt to the Western countries that supply it with arms and funding: by selling the children it steals from the Donbass and other regions where fighting is taking place, for their organs, or to satisfy the fantasies of high-ranking paedocriminals."https://donbass-insider.com/2023/08/16/org

Britain is worried about Russia's Avangard missile system, which can destroy the West in 30 minutes.

According to the Daily Express, the rocket, which Vladimir Putin described as a "meteorite", could be launched from beyond the Earth's atmosphere. In addition, it is capable of hitting multiple targets anywhere in the world in less than 30 minutes. The author of the material also calculated that the rocket can move at speeds of up to tens of thousands of kilometers per hour. By the way, “Vanguard” is considered one of a kind. https://t.me/vicktop55/18499
View attachment 85843

Russian forces pummel Ukrainian army’s command centers over week — top brass
Russian forces repelled three Ukrainian army attacks in the Zaporozhye area, destroying more than 425 enemy troops over the past week, the ministry reported


Christelle Néant:

"When I began investigating the kidnapping of children in Artiomovsk by Ukraine, I had no idea of the extent to which I would uncover trafficking on an international scale and the sordid methods used to supply children to paedophile networks and organ traffickers.

Flashback. In April 2023, I interviewed a refugee from Artiomovsk, Yulia, who told me that as well as having mined and blown up their building, Ukrainian units called “Phoenix” and “White Angels” were kidnapping children in the town. This information immediately caught my attention, and I decided to investigate further to find out why Kiev was taking children away from their parents in this way.

On the very day I was conducting this interview, Russian colleagues were interviewing a little girl from Artiomovsk, whom the “White Angels” had tried to kidnap from her grandparents, claiming that her mother was dead, and that they were to take her to Germany. It was clear to me that these children kidnapped by Ukraine in Donbass were then sent abroad for all sorts of sordid trafficking, from organ trafficking to paedophile rings. Because the inhabitants of Donbass have never been able to assert their rights in the face of the war crimes committed against them by Ukraine since 2014 within the international justice bodies, Kiev enjoys total immunity at the ICC and the ECHR with regard to the crimes it may commit against the children of the region.

A few days later, other refugees from Artiomovsk confirmed the child abductions, and I discovered that the same methods were being used in other towns such as Avdeyevka (and now similar information is coming in from Kupiansk).

The last refugee from Artiomovsk we interviewed, Katia, confirmed the abduction of children by the “White Angels”, and explained that when the parents of abducted children called them to find out where they were, they claimed not to know anything about it.

Katia also told us that before the battle of Artiomovsk, they had never seen organisations like the “White Angels” in the town. These child abduction units only appeared once the fighting had started. In other words, once the city was in a state of general chaos, and the inhabitants could no longer turn to the courts to assert their parental rights. An ideal situation for traffickers of all kinds.

And their modus operandi was revealed at the 27 July 2023 conference on Ukraine’s crimes against the children of Donbass, held in the DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic). A woman, Liliya, and her daughter, Kira, gave evidence of how, at the start of the special military operation, around ten children were taken from a school in Chtchastye (then under Ukrainian control) in the LPR (Lugansk People’s Republic) to western Ukraine by the headmistress of the school, on orders from Kiev, without informing their parents.

The children were even forbidden to call their parents to tell them where they were. But Kira knew her mother’s telephone number by heart and managed to call her to let her know that they were in Lvov and then Khoust. Thanks to Liliya’s determination to find her daughter (she went to look for her in western Ukraine), we discovered how Kiev ‘exports’ the children it abducts.

The children taken from the school in Chtchastye had been taken away without any identity documents (they were not yet old enough to have passports, and their birth certificates were with their parents). When she got her daughter back, Liliya discovered that they had produced a new “original” birth certificate for Kira, who had been declared an orphan (even though her mother is alive and well)! According to Kira, the group of children with the new documents were to be sent to Poland!

Without the perseverance of Kira and her mother, no one would have known where and how the children had been taken. This is how Ukraine makes the children it abducts disappear, preventing anyone from finding out what happens to them: the parents are not informed of anything, the children are forbidden to contact them, and they are given false papers (that’s the best way to describe it, given that it’s impossible for the authorities to produce an original birth certificate when it’s in the hands of the parents) and declared to be orphans, before being sent abroad.

This is surely what happened to the children of Nikolayevka, who were taken to a holiday camp to “shelter” them, but whose parents now have no news of them.

Why use such illegal methods if the real aim is simply to shelter these children from the war? Well, because there is nothing legal about the real aim.

At the conference, Vassily Prozorov, a former employee of the SBU (Ukrainian intelligence services) explained that one of his investigations had revealed that some of the children abducted by Ukraine are sent to paedophile networks in Great Britain, via a whole network of Ukrainian and British officials or former officials who work together. At the heart of it all is one man, Sergei Borissov, a former SBU agent who was arrested in 2020 for kidnapping entrepreneurs for ransom! Strangely enough, he and his entire gang were released on bail in 2021, and here he is again, trafficking Ukrainian children to the UK! On the British side, members of MI6 and the Foreign Office are involved.

This is hardly surprising when you remember that in recent years there have been several scandals involving networks exploiting children in Great Britain, and paedophiles in the British establishment (such as Sir Jimmy Savile, whose crimes were covered up for years). And in 2021, the UK’s National Crime Agency (the NCA) stated that there would be between 550,000 and 850,000 paedophiles in Britain! In other words, there’s no shortage of customers, including very high-ranking people, for the paedophile rings that kidnap children in Ukraine.

Another investigation carried out by Vassily Prozorov revealed that several organisations registered in EU countries are also involved in ‘exporting’ children from Ukraine under the pretext of providing them with shelter. These organisations take unaccompanied Ukrainian children out of Ukraine. What happens to them afterwards is unknown. However, as early as 2022, several Western media, including Deutsche Welle and The Guardian, reported that Ukrainian children “evacuated” abroad had disappeared.

It is not only in the UK that Ukrainian children are at risk of falling into the hands of paedophile rings. In May 2023, a 52-year-old Ukrainian refugee was arrested in Poznan, Poland, for renting out children in her care to paedophiles. She adopted 10 children aged between 4 and 16. Investigators discovered that the woman rented out the children to paedophiles in Ukraine and Poland. Worse still, while the clients were abusing the children, she stood next to them to make sure they kept to the time limit (the sessions lasted 20 minutes).

In April 2022, a group of around thirty Ukrainian children disappeared in Spain on their way to the Canary Islands. That same month, an investigation was opened in Lithuania into potential child trafficking at a private Ukrainian orphanage, Perlinka, from which 43 children had been evacuated to the Baltic country. Several of the children, including girls, had complained of threats to send them to work in brothels, or that there were plans to send them to other countries, including the United States. When Ukraine demanded the return of these children, several sought asylum in Lithuania for fear of reprisals or being sent who knows where.

And paedophile networks are not the only threat hanging over Ukrainian children. In June 2023, a man was arrested in Transcarpathia while trying to take a baby to Slovakia. The man had bought the baby from its mother and was planning to sell it to organ traffickers! He had already sold and transported at least three other children in this way!

For those who think this is Russian disinformation, even the Ukrainian press and the Daily Mail have reported on this affair!

nd the disappearances of Ukrainian children used for their organs are nothing new. In 2005, a journalist from The Globe and Mail wrote an article condemning the discovery in Kharkov of a mass grave containing the bodies of babies and foetuses without their vital organs! Mothers complained that hospital staff had taken their babies at the moment of birth and then returned later to tell them that they had supposedly been stillborn. A very practical method of fuelling child trafficking.

And since December 2021, organ trafficking in Ukraine has been facilitated by the passing of a law that abolished the obligation to have the organ removal authorization signed by the donor, his parents or his legal representative authenticated by a notary. The pattern then becomes very clear: children are abducted, provided with new “original” documents and declared orphans, so that they can be placed under State guardianship or adopted by who knows who. These new guardians can then sign an organ harvesting authorisation, which no longer needs to be authenticated by a notary, and the deal is done.

In the light of all this information, it is high time that international organisations for the protection of human rights, and especially children’s rights, seriously investigated the abduction of children in Ukraine, and the sordid trafficking (organ trafficking or paedophile networks) of which they are the victims.

It’s also time for people in the West to open their eyes to what is happening in Ukraine, with the active complicity of the country’s authorities, in terms of child trafficking! Officials in Ukraine are making money by selling children to Western paedophile networks and organ traffickers, thanks to the ongoing conflict! This is how Ukraine “repays” its debt to the Western countries that supply it with arms and funding: by selling the children it steals from the Donbass and other regions where fighting is taking place, for their organs, or to satisfy the fantasies of high-ranking paedocriminals."https://donbass-insider.com/2023/08/16/org

Britain is worried about Russia's Avangard missile system, which can destroy the West in 30 minutes.

According to the Daily Express, the rocket, which Vladimir Putin described as a "meteorite", could be launched from beyond the Earth's atmosphere. In addition, it is capable of hitting multiple targets anywhere in the world in less than 30 minutes. The author of the material also calculated that the rocket can move at speeds of up to tens of thousands of kilometers per hour. By the way, “Vanguard” is considered one of a kind. https://t.me/vicktop55/18499

so much intelligence = know-how invested in killing ourselves. when will we stop this madness? when will we present the other cheek to interrupt this madness??
Another groan of a bloody clown, and certainly not that Ukrainians are dying in batches.
Ukraine will retreat without the support of the West, - Zelensky

If the West stops supporting the Kiev regime, Ukraine will "retreat," Vladimir Zelensky said.

"Right now I'm focused on getting help from the West. Their focus is shifting because of the Middle East and other reasons. Without their support, we will retreat," the Ukrainian president said, quoted by Bloomberg.

According to Zelensky, Ukraine will not agree to the freezing of the conflict, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are preparing for winter battles.

He also claims that Russia allegedly wants to organize a "Maidan-3" in Ukraine in order to oust Zelensky from his post. In this statement, he referred to "intelligence information that came from our partners."

A sharp increase in AFU losses was recorded in the Krasnolimansk direction
One of the most violent areas in the zone of special military operation (SVO) today is the Krasnolimansk direction. In the Kremen forests, the largest forest area on the territory of the LPR, active hostilities between the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the AFU unfolded.

According to recent reports, Russian troops are currently on the offensive in the area of the Serebryansky forestry from the settlement of Belogorovka, which is located in the LPR. Retired LNR Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Marochko, in an interview with RIA Novosti, said that in recent days there has been a significant increase in irretrievable losses among the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

According to Marochko, this dynamic is due to several factors. Firstly, the Ukrainian army is experiencing a shortage of Western ammunition, which significantly affects artillery training before assaults. Secondly, as Marochko notes, local APU offensives occur with insufficient fire support, which leads to an increase in losses.

Marochko also points to a decrease in evacuation measures on the part of the enemy, which is why many Ukrainian soldiers die from blood loss without waiting for medical help.

Earlier, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported on the successful repulse of an attack by stormtroopers from the 12th special purpose brigade "Azov" near the village of Chervona Dibrova in the LPR. In addition, strikes were carried out on the accumulation of forces and equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of the settlement of Torskoye in the DPR.
На Краснолиманском направлении зафиксирован резкий рост потерь ВСУ

Очередной стон кровавого клоуна и конечно же не о том, что украинцы гибнут пачками.
Similar things happen on both sides. It seems that for Russia, in any case, it is cheaper. Earlier it was reported that the pilot Kuzminov, who hijacked the Mi-8 helicopter to Ukraine, received $ 500K. In this case, the details are still unknown, but against the background of Ukrainian losses among pilots, it is not necessary to pay such money to a future F-16 pilot.
The pilot of the Armed Forces of Ukraine made a flight to the Russian side

MOSCOW, November 18. /tass/. An active pilot of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) flew to the Russian side. This was reported to TASS by the pilot of the Ka-52 helicopter Alexey Voevoda, who organized the flight.

"The pilot of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is in Russia, undergoing consultations with the Federal Security Service," the agency interlocutor said.

He explained that at the moment he could not disclose the details of the operation.
Летчик ВСУ совершил перелет на российскую сторону

Desperate guys swim on dry cargo ships. Ukrainians so stuffed the Black Sea with mines that these mines sailed to the Turkish coast and in such a situation such incidents were only a matter of time.
Mass media: a bulk carrier carrying grain from Odessa blew up on a mine in the Black Sea

MOSCOW, Nov 18 — RIA Novosti. In the Black Sea last Thursday, a Georgia S ship carrying grain under the flag of Liberia blew up on a mine, the Ukrainian edition of Ukrrudprom reported, citing sources.
"Four maritime and trade sources reported that Georgia S bulk carrier under the flag of Liberia, loaded with wheat, was heading from the port of Yuzhny (located in the Odessa region of Ukraine. — Ed.), when he was damaged in the open sea on Thursday," the publication says.

According to a source in the government of Ukraine, the ship was probably hit by a floating sea mine. According to the MarineTraffic company, which is engaged in tracking ships, the bulk carrier was heading to the Romanian Constanta.
Previously, grain was exported from Ukrainian ports as part of a grain deal, but since July 18, its effect has ceased. Russia has notified Turkey, Ukraine and the UN of its objection to its extension. Vladimir Putin noted that the terms of the agreement regarding Moscow were not fulfilled, despite the efforts of the United Nations, because the West was not going to do it. The President has repeatedly pointed out that the main purpose of the deal was to supply grain to needy states, including African ones. This mission was never realized, and Western countries exported most of the Ukrainian products to themselves.
As reported by the Russian Defense Ministry, after the curtailment of the maritime humanitarian corridor, all vessels traveling in the Black Sea to Ukrainian ports from midnight on July 20 are considered as potential carriers of military cargo and are considered involved in the conflict on the side of Kiev.
Despite this, Ukraine has decided to continue grain supplies via the Black Sea. In August, the country's Naval Forces announced the opening of temporary corridors for merchant ships going to or from the ports of Chernomorsk, Odessa and Yuzhny. In the same month, Kiev began registering ships ready to sail along these routes "under the supervision of the Armed Forces of Ukraine", which will ensure their safety. At the same time, the representative of the Naval Forces of Ukraine Dmitry Pletenchuk admitted that it is impossible to guarantee the complete safety of the passage of ships through temporary corridors in the Black Sea.
СМИ: в Черном море на мине подорвался балкер, перевозивший из Одессы зерно

Подобные вещи происходят с обеих сторон. Думается, что для России это во всяком случае дешевле. Ранее сообщалось, что летчик Кузьминов, который угнал вертолет Ми-8 на Украину, получил $500К. В данном случае детали пока неизвестны, но на фоне украинских потерь среди пилотов такие деньги будущему пилоту F-16 платить не обязательно. Отчаянные ребята плавают на сухогрузах. Хохлы так нашпиговали Черное море минами, что эти мины доплывали и до турецкого побережья и в такой ситуации подобные инциденты были только вопросом времени.
Air defense forces destroy Ukrainian drone outside Moscow — Russian Defense Ministry
Air defense forces on duty destroyed an UAV over the Bogorodskoye municipality outside Moscow," the ministry said in a report
MOSCOW, November 19. /TASS/. Air defense forces took down a Ukrainian drone over the Moscow Region, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

"At 1:00 a.m. Moscow time on November 19 (10:00 p.m. GMT on November 18), an attempt by the Kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack on facilities on Russian soil with the use of a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle - TASS) was foiled. Air defense forces on duty destroyed an UAV over the Bogorodskoye municipality outside Moscow," the ministry said in a report.

Earlier, Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin reported the downing of a drone in that municipality, located east of the Russian capital. There were no casualties or damage, he said, citing preliminary data.

Emergencies services are working at the scene.

Good detail finally allows us to see what happens to houses when 500 kg of cast iron falls in the middle of the street - at least three out of four houses are covered by a blast wave. If anyone was in the basements, that’s where they will remain.

Another point is that the second bomb does not fly nearby, but falls exactly at the intended support in the forest belt.

The video is published by our neighbors from the 33rd Regiment of the 20th Division. The guys also note that according to reconnaissance data after the strike, we can talk about the loss of enemy manpower before the platoon and a large number of wounded."

Wishful thinking by The Institute for the Study of War

Nov 15, 2023 - ISW Press
The positional war in Ukraine is not a stable stalemate. It is not the result of fundamental realities in modern warfare that can only be changed with a technological or tactical revolution, as was the First World War’s stalemate. Neither does it rest on a permanent parity in military capacity between Russia and Ukraine that will continue indefinitely regardless of Western support to Kyiv. It results, on the contrary, from self-imposed limitations on the technologies the West has been willing to provide Ukraine and constraints on the Russian defense industrial base largely stemming from Russian President Vladimir Putin’s unwillingness so far to commit Russia fully to this war. The current balance is thus, in fact, highly unstable, and could readily be tipped in either direction by decisions made in the West.
Ukrainian Commander in Chief General Valery Zaluzhnyi recently articulated the main factors that have brought positional war to the conflict and made mechanized maneuver difficult or impossible. The recent Russian offensive operations around Avdiivka in Donetsk Oblast, among others, have shown that the Russians are suffering equally from these problems. Zaluzhnyi’s assessment tracks with what many other observers of the war have also seen. The most salient of these factors include:
  1. The pervasiveness of reconnaissance drones makes large-scale surprise impossible, and the effective creation by both sides of reconnaissance-strike complexes that merge reconnaissance and strike drones with artillery and other long-range systems makes visible concentrations of vehicles prohibitively dangerous;
  2. Russian electronic warfare, particularly jamming of GPS signals and drone communications, on an unprecedented scale severely hinders Ukraine’s ability to make full use of Western-provided precision munitions that rely on GPS and undermines the effectiveness of Ukraine’s own drone systems;
  3. Russian defensive works prepared over the course of many months and supported by extremely deep and dense minefields preclude rapid mechanized maneuver;
  4. Limited Ukrainian air defenses and Ukraine’s lack of a modern air force allows Russian manned aircraft to operate in close support of front line units and to target Ukrainian tactical reserves and logistics nodes;
  5. Limited Ukrainian long-range strike capabilities preclude the effective operational-level interdiction necessary to isolate the battlefield from Russian operational and strategic reserves; and
  6. Inadequate numbers of tanks and armored vehicles, coupled with uncertainty about the future availability of replacements, require Ukraine to husband its mechanized forces rather than accepting the losses inherent in concentrated assaults in the current state of the battlefield.
The Russians, in turn, suffer from many of these problems as well, but also suffer from their inability to distribute capabilities that give them important advantages widely across the theater. The density and effectiveness of Russian EW systems are inconsistent across the front, allowing the Ukrainians to continue to use drone-based reconnaissance-strike complexes to disrupt major Russian offensive operations, for example. Russian manned air operations, on the other hand, are sufficient to blunt Ukrainian advances in some areas but not sufficient to prevent Ukraine from moving reinforcements into threatened sectors or to open avenues of advance for prepared Russian mechanized attacks. The current inability of the Russian defense industrial base to support replacement-level production of tanks and armored vehicles has forced the Russian command to conserve vehicles and reduced many Russian units to light infantry-style attacks. Russian forces also face periodic localized artillery shortages that disrupt their offensive and defensive operations.

The solution to these challenges does not require a major technological revolution by either side. On the one hand, Western arsenals already possess the weaponry necessary to address nearly all the challenges confronting the combatants in Ukraine. On the other hand, Russia’s full mobilization of its economy and society for war could counterbalance its technological limitations.

Ukraine’s ability to prevent Russian forces from conducting large-scale mechanized maneuver warfare, most crucially, remains absolutely dependent on the continued provision of Western aid on at least the current scale. Air defense, artillery, and anti-armor systems are existential requirements for Ukraine. Ukraine cannot build or acquire enough such systems on its own to prevent the Russian military from regaining the ability to conduct mechanized offensive operations at scale or, indeed, from devastating Ukraine’s cities.

The Russian Air Force has the capability in principle to conduct World War II-style bombing campaigns against Ukrainian population centers, as it showed on a more limited scale during the Syrian civil war. Russia used a combination of nuclear-capable Blackjack and Backfire supersonic bombers and archaic propeller-driven Bear bombers to destroy large areas of Aleppo from 2015 to 2016. It still has these platforms and a large stockpile of the unguided “dumb” bombs it used in Syria. But the Bears cannot survive at all in contested airspace, and the Blackjacks and Backfires are vulnerable to the advanced surface-to-air systems the West has provided Ukraine. Since the Blackjacks and Backfires are part of Russia’s nuclear triad and the Russian defense industry cannot readily replace them, Putin has been unwilling to risk their loss. Western-provided air defense systems have thus kept the skies over Ukraine’s cities free of devastating bombing raids. If the West stopped providing such systems the Russians would almost certainly begin such raids with catastrophic consequences for Ukraine.

Western-provided air defense systems are also keeping Russian manned aircraft from directly supporting Russian troops on the ground. Russian forces used attack helicopters to devastating effect against the initial phases of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, but Ukrainian troops ultimately found ways to use their man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS) to down and eventually drive those helicopters away from the front. Russian fears of Ukraine’s longer-range surface-to-air missiles have kept Russian fighter-bombers and attack aircraft from engaging Ukrainian front line troops very closely. The loss of such systems would allow Russian Su-25 attack aircraft (roughly similar to the US A-10) and Russian Su-34 and Su-35 fighter-bombers (similar to the US F-15) to begin striking Ukrainian front-line positions and tactical concentrations supporting them. Such attacks would support and facilitate renewed Russian offensive operations.

Western-provided anti-tank systems have been essential to Ukraine’s efforts to stop Russian mechanized advances since the earliest days of the war. The appearance of even small numbers of Western Javelin anti-tank systems helped halt Russian armored thrusts toward Kyiv, setting conditions for Ukrainian forces to stop them and ultimately drive them back to the border. The West has continued providing Ukraine with similar man-portable anti-tank systems that are playing key roles in Ukrainian defenses against Russian mechanized maneuvers, along with Western-provided tanks and artillery. The loss of such systems would change the tactical balance and increase the likelihood of successful Russian mechanized penetrations of Ukrainian defensive positions.

Western-provided artillery systems have also played an essential role in allowing Ukraine to hold the current lines. Western artillery systems have longer ranges and greater accuracy than the old Soviet systems on which the Russians rely. The Ukrainians have integrated Western artillery into their drone-enabled reconnaissance-strike complexes to great effect—the Russians regularly complain that Ukrainian counter-battery fire (artillery strikes against Russian artillery that has just fired) is superior to their own. Russian fear of Ukrainian counter-battery fire has caused the Russian military to pull its guns back further to the rear, to avoid concentrating them, and to refrain from using them for the extended volleys that Russian doctrine calls for. Ukraine’s loss of these capabilities would allow Russian artillery once again to concentrate much closer to the front and sustain the high rates of fire needed to suppress Ukrainian defenses and enable penetrations of Ukrainian lines.

The end of Western support to Ukraine would strip Ukraine of these and other capabilities. The result would not be a continuation of the current positional warfare, but rather the opening up of opportunities for the Russians to renew large-scale mechanized offensives with good prospects for success. The front lines would very likely cease to be static as the Russians restored maneuver to the battlefield. It is difficult to see how Ukraine could offset the losses of these capabilities in a short period of time, if at all, given the state of its defense industrial base and its economy. The most probable scenario is thus that the Russians would begin once again driving Ukrainian forces back, taking larger areas of Ukraine, devastating Ukraine’s cities from the air, and possibly collapsing Ukraine’s ability to fight entirely. There is every reason to believe, in short, that cutting off Western aid to Ukraine would allow Russia to win militarily.

An expansion of Western aid to Ukraine, on the other hand, could well enable Ukrainian forces to restore maneuver to the battlefield on their own terms. Weapons exist in Western arsenals to destroy Russian electronic warfare systems. A US program is already underway to modify missiles designed to attack air defense radars to strike GPS jamming and similar EW systems, but EW systems are readily identified and located by their electromagnetic signatures in any case, and many sorts of munitions can kill them. Destroying Russian EW systems would increase Ukrainian forces’ ability to strike targets near the front precisely, disrupting Russian advances and setting conditions for Ukrainian offensive operations.

Increasing Ukraine’s airpower would likely make the most significant impact on the battlefield, as General Zaluzhnyi suggested. Limitations in the Western defense industrial base mean that shortages in Western artillery and ground-based short-range precision systems will not be rapidly overcome. But Western arsenals contain large numbers of air-launched precision systems that could offset the artillery limitations. The reason for the relatively limited Western ability to produce large numbers of artillery rounds results, in fact, from NATO’s reliance on air-delivered precision munitions to offset reliance on artillery. Ukraine does not have enough aircraft capable of surviving near the front lines, however, and, in some cases, the aircraft it does have are incapable of using advanced NATO munitions (although programs are underway to upgrade some of those). Long-range air-to-air missiles in conjunction with Ukraine’s ground-based air defenses would clear the skies of Russian aircraft. Increased numbers of HARM anti-radiation missiles that can target Russian air defense radars would allow Ukrainian aircraft to fly closer to the front themselves. Together these changes would let Ukraine begin to use the panoply of Western air-delivered precision munitions against Russian tactical targets to open corridors for ground advances.

Rapid advances require armor, and the lethality of the modern battlefield requires having enough armor to be able to afford to take significant losses and still accomplish operationally significant missions. The West needs to increase the amount of armor it is providing Ukraine dramatically in order to set conditions for successful Ukrainian offensive operations. The 2023 Ukrainian counteroffensive was hampered, among other things, by the fact that the West provided relatively small numbers of a multitude of different fighting vehicles with different characteristics and operational requirements. Many were not suitable for breaching prepared defensive positions at all because they lacked sufficient armored protection to survive against Russian tanks and anti-tank systems. The United States has hundreds of tanks in storage in Europe, prepositioned there to be ready for a NATO war with Russia. Releasing those tanks to Ukraine quickly would significantly increase Ukraine’s ability to conduct mechanized maneuver.

The West was also too parsimonious with its delivery of engineering equipment, particularly mine-clearing equipment. The West lacks large quantities of such systems, in fact, which was one reason for the parsimony, but it can afford to take more risk in drawing down its own stocks temporarily as it is difficult to foresee a major war in which the United States or NATO could become involved in the near term that would require the ability to breach minefields on a large scale.

General Zaluzhnyi rightly identified an array of reforms and adjustments Ukrainian forces can and should make independent of Western aid. The advent of pervasive reconnaissance and strike drones on the battlefield offers enormous scope for more transformational military change, among other things. The war in Ukraine in this respect is likely similar to the Spanish Civil War, which previewed many key changes that would come to fruition in World War II such as the use of airpower in many new roles. The West should use the opportunity to learn how to master emerging technological capabilities and the tactical innovations they require in the process of helping Ukraine win.

Facilitating Ukraine’s ability to reinstate maneuverability on the battlefield does not necessitate such extensive transformations, however. It requires leaning into the provision to Ukrainian forces of weapons and systems already in Western arsenals on the scale needed to allow Ukraine to succeed.

US policymakers must understand, above all, that the current positional war in Ukraine is not a stable or permanent reality inherent either in the nature of war today or in the relative balance of military power between Russia and Ukraine. Ending or significantly curtailing American military support to Ukraine will enable Russia to win this war on the battlefield. That would be a catastrophe not only for Ukraine, but also for NATO and for the United States.

Even if he comes to power, Trump will not end conflict in Ukraine — former PM
Nikolay Azarov warned that the US authorities will be doing their utmost to keep the conflict going
MOSCOW, November 20. /TASS/. Former US President Donald Trump will not end the conflict in Ukraine even if he wins the election, as Washington seeks to deplete Russia's resources, Ukraine’s former Prime Minister Nikolay Azarov (in office in 2010-2014) has said.

"I do not believe that if Trump comes to power, the conflict in Ukraine will stop. I don't believe this. The ultimate end point is to exhaust Russia as much as possible. They have someone to use to implement this policy. The US will keep pressing for this as long as the current Kiev regime stays," Azarov wrote on Facebook (banned in Russia; owned by Meta Corporation, recognized as extremist in Russia).
Azarov warned that the US authorities will be doing their utmost to keep the conflict going.

Earlier, Trump claimed that should he return to the White House, he could easily end the conflict in Ukraine within 24 hours.

He did not rule out that Kiev would have to make territorial concessions. For his part, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said that he would explain to Trump in 24 minutes why the conflict could not be resolved in 24 hours. Later, Ukrainian media quoted sources as saying that Zelensky's office was trying to organize a telephone conversation with Trump with the aim to persuade him to support the package of aid to Ukraine, which is being blocked in Congress by the former president's Republican Party associates.

Screenshot 2023-11-20 at 11-51-18 Dmitry Medvedev on X “…Out of great tragedy and upheaval eno...png

  • The AFU fired Tochka-U missile in the Belgorod region and damaged several houses;
  • Russian strikes destroyed an ammo depot near Olshanitsa;
  • Russian strikes destroyed an ammo depot near Karpilovka;
  • Russian strikes at the Kanatovo airfield destroyed ammo and fuel depots of the AFU;
  • Ukrainian UAV was shot down in the Moscow region;
  • At least three civilians were wounded by Ukrainian shelling in Donetsk;
  • The Russian Army repelled Ukrainian attacks near Sinkovka;
  • The Russian Army repelled Ukrainian attacks near Stelmakhovka;
  • The Russian Army repelled Ukrainian attacks near Grigorovka;
  • The Russian Army repelled Ukrainian attacks near Klescheevka;
  • The Russian Army repelled Ukrainian attacks near Maryinka;
  • The Russian Army repelled Ukrainian attacks near Staromayorske;
  • The Russian Army repelled Ukrainian attacks near Rabotino;
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian Army continue near Avdiivka;
  • Russian forces eliminated 70 troops and two motor vehicles in the Kupyansk area;
  • Russian forces eliminated 30 servicemen, one armoured fighting vehicle, and two motor vehicles in Krasny Liman area;
  • Russian forces eliminated 240 servicemen, one tank, one infantry vehicle, two motor vehicles, one Msta-B howitzer in Donetsk area;
  • Russian forces eliminated 145 servicemen, two motor vehicles, one Krab self-propelled artillery system in South Donetsk area;
  • Russian forces eliminated 100 servicemen, three armoured fighting vehicles, 11 motor vehicles, as well as one D-30 howitzer in Zaporozhye region;
  • Russian forces eliminated 20 servicemen, two motor vehicles, one Msta-B howitzer, one Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system in Kherson region;
  • Russian air defense systems shot down 31 Ukrainian drones over the past day;
  • Russian air defense systems shot down two HIMARS and Olkha projectiles over the past day.
  • Russian forces advanced in the industrial zone near the Yasinovataya-2 station;
  • Clashes ongoing near Stepovoe;
  • Clashes ongoing north of Krasnogorovka;
  • Russian forces launch reconnaissance attacks on the Coke and Chemical plant.


  • 19november2023_Ukraine_map-1.jpg
    4.3 MB · Views: 1
As he wrote to us here,
A little observation, what i see or it looks like that to me.
I also want to write a little observation.
Firstly, as I wrote almost 2 years ago
In general, I think that firstly, the Ukrainian army will not fight seriously, because there is nothing to fight for, and the population will certainly meet the Russian forces as liberators, but Nazi groups such as Azov, the National Corps, and the right sector may try to organize some kind of guerrilla war.
I still think so, but as they say, there is a nuance. This notorious nuance lies in the erroneous assessment of some things and concerns all parties to the conflict.
On the Russian side, the mistake was an incorrect assessment of the quantity and quality of "brainwashed" in Ukraine. Here I have to sprinkle ashes on my head and admit that I was also in error. I will try to sort Ukrainians into groups, as I understand it now.
The first, relatively small, fascist part of Ukraine began to fight not "for Ukraine", but "for the strategic defeat of Russia on the battlefield." These are categorically different things and this group fought (in the past tense, because many of them have already died) and is still fighting, meaning the subsequent looting of Russia after the "strategic defeat". This goal, as practice shows, is unattainable by any Ukrainian means, or with any outside help. The further it goes, the more it becomes clear, including to this very group. The main mistake on the Russian side (including mine) is an incorrect assessment of the number of this group and their ability to operate effectively.
The second group, which certainly exists, is just deceived people. People whose outlook and observation can be conditionally compared with the "observation" of a respected member of the forum, whose quote I put at the beginning of the post. Here I must make a reservation that I do not laugh, I do not make jokes, and even more so I do not condemn anyone. Anyone has the right to look here or there, to notice or not to notice anything. So Ukrainians from this group are sincerely fighting for the "independence" of their homeland, as they understand it. It is still difficult for me to estimate the number of people in this group, I can only say that I would like them to be as few as possible.
The third and last group, which should be mentioned, expressed their attitude to the ongoing processes by emigrating from the country. By itself, this group is heterogeneous, divided into two parts: those who went to the West and those who went to Russia. Quantitatively, it seems to me, parts of this group are comparable, but in this case, the total amount that can be estimated from a quarter to a third of the population of "pre-war" Ukraine is interesting, and this amount just allows me to assert that my initial thesis - "there is nothing to fight for", is in principle correct.
This is my current vision of the correctness/inaccuracy of assessments from the Russian point of view.
Now I would like to touch on what I consider to be Ukraine's mistakes. If we leave aside the fundamental unattainability of the set goal of "strategic defeat of Russia on the battlefield", which initially may not have been obvious, then further Ukrainian mistakes were the result of Russian mistakes. The Russian retreat from Kiev and what in Russia was called a "regrouping" (in fact, also a retreat) in the Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions was propagandistically presented and perceived in Ukraine as a manifestation of the weakness of Russian forces, although in fact it was nothing more than a correction of the original, erroneous strategy. This created or reinforced the illusion of a possible "victory" and led to the sad finale of the subsequent Ukrainian "counteroffensive", which at the very heart of its plan had a rapid retreat of Russian forces at the first blow of the Ukrainians.
I must say that both Russian and Ukrainian mistakes led to additional, unnecessary losses, but at the same time Ukrainian losses, both in relative and absolute terms, turned out to be heavier.
In the West, the understanding of this thesis is also slowly coming.
Ukrainians don't want to fight for their country — American Thinker

Ukrainians do not want to fight for their country and only want to leave it, writes columnist Monica Showalter in an article for American Thinker.

"Maybe it's time for Ukraine to start peace talks with Russia, compromise, if necessary, realistically assess its prospects and work to become a good country that you want to fight and die for," the article says.

The journalist was shocked to learn that the majority of Ukrainians, despite the multibillion-dollar assistance from the West, do not even want to fight for their country and want to join the European Union only to leave their homeland.

"The fact that they do not consider their country worthy of fighting says a lot about what kind of "country" it is. Maybe it really is part of Russia, as the Russians claim," Showalter summed up.

Foreign mercenaries fled Ukraine due to fierce fighting
Ukrainian officer Dmitry Kostyuk told CNN in an interview that many foreign mercenaries are leaving Ukraine, faced with the reality of fighting in the zone of a special military operation. According to him, the motivation of many foreigners to come to Ukraine is to get an impressive item on their resume, but they do not expect to face such fierce battles.

Kostyuk pointed out that many mercenaries come with the idea that there are ordinary shootings taking place here, but they do not realize the scale of the use of artillery and constant being under fire. This reality turns out to be a shock for them, and, according to the Ukrainian officer, almost half of the mercenaries who arrived, seeing the real situation at the front, decide to leave the combat zone, stating that "this is too much" and they "did not sign up for it."

"Almost half of the people saw all this and said, "No, no, this is too much. We didn't sign up for this," Kostyuk said.

It is not known how many foreign mercenaries are currently on the territory of Ukraine.
Иностранные наемники сбежали из Украины из-за ожесточённых боёв

The war from the Russian side is becoming less and less "comic", but of course we are far from the Israelis with their total approach.
For the first time, the Russian military used RBK-500 cluster bombs on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
For the first time, the Russian armed forces used RBK-500 cluster bombs near the village of Staromayorskoye in the Donetsk People's Republic to attack the AFU positions. Against this background, footage was published with flashes of explosions and clouds of smoke covering a significant area over the positions of the Ukrainian armed forces. This is reported by <url>.

According to the report, the use of cluster munitions by the Russian side was a response to the shelling of the Ukrainian side, which had previously used similar shells against cities located on the territory of the new Russian regions.

Currently, there is no exact data on whether the use of cluster munitions will become a permanent practice of the armed forces of the Russian Federation or it was an isolated case. However, according to sources, the capabilities of Russian ammunition are much broader than those that the West has supplied to Ukraine.
Российские военные впервые применили кассетные бомбы РБК-500 по позициям ВСУ

Russia also use old T-62 and even T-55 thanks, but they are more or less prepared in factory conditions for modern requirements.
A "sinister" detail was noticed in the footage with a Ukrainian tank (PHOTO)

German Leopard 1A5 tanks, which the APU received from the West, were transferred to the front line without the necessary protection, according to Forbes columnist David Ex.

He drew attention to this important detail after seeing a video clip on the Web, which caught a car of this type.

"There is something frightening in this video from Leopard 1A5, which, apparently, was filmed near the front line in Ukraine. The tank doesn't seem to have any additional armor. There is no protection from drones. There are no blocks of dynamic protection against the defeat of approaching missiles and projectiles," the Ex drew attention.

According to him, the leopards of this model need additional protection due to the fact that the 70-millimeter armor makes them the least protected tanks in the Ukrainian conflict.

Berlin has delivered 10 Leopard 1A5 tanks, over two dozen tracked all-terrain vehicles and more than 30 trucks to Ukraine.

Как нам написали здесь,
я тоже хочу написать небольшое наблюдение.
Во первых, как я написал уже без малого 2 года назад.
Я по прежнему так считаю, но как говорится, есть нюанс. Этот пресловутый нюанс заключается в ошибочной оценке некоторых вещей и касается всех сторон конфликта.
С Российской стороны ошибка состояла в неправильной оценке количества и качества "промытых мозгов" на Украине. Тут я должен посыпать свою голову пеплом и признаться, что я так же был в заблуждении. Я попробую разобрать украинцев по группам, как я это понимаю сейчас.
Первая, относительно небольшая, фашистская часть Украины стала воевать не "за Украину", а "за стратегическое поражение России на поле боя". Это категорически разные вещи и эта группа воевала (в прошедшем времени ибо многие из них уже погибли) и пока еще воюет, имея ввиду последующее за "стратегическим поражением" разграбление России. Цель эта, как показывает практика, недостижима никакими украинскими средствами, ни с какой угодно помощью извне. Чем дальше, тем больше это становится ясно в том числе и этой самой группе. Основная ошибка с российской стороны (и моя в том числе) в неверной оценке количества этой группы и в их способности к эффективной деятельности.
Вторая группа, которая безусловно существует, это просто обманутые люди. Люди, кругозор и наблюдательность которых условно можно сравнить с "наблюдательностью" уважаемого члена форума, цитату которого я вынес в начало поста. Здесь я должен оговориться, что я не смеюсь, не ерничаю и тем более никого не осуждаю. Любой человек имеет право смотреть туда или сюда, замечать или не замечать что угодно. Так вот украинцы из этой группы искренне борются за "независимость" своей родины, как они это понимают. Количество людей этой группы мне оценивать по прежнему тяжело, могу только сказать, что мне хотелось бы, чтобы их было как можно меньше.
Третья и последняя группа, о которой необходимо упомянуть, выразила свое отношение к происходящим процессам путем эмиграции из страны. Сама по себе эта группа неоднородна, делится на две части: те, кто поехал на запад и те, кто поехал в Россию. Количественно, мне кажется, части этой группы сопоставимы, но в данном случае интересно суммарное количество, которое можно оценивать от четверти до трети населения "довоенной" Украины и это количество как раз и позволяет мне утверждать, что мой первоначальный тезис-"воевать не за что", в принципе правилен.
Вот такое у меня современное видение правильности/ошибочности оценок с Российской точки зрения.
Теперь мне хотелось бы коснуться того, что я считаю ошибками Украины. Если мы оставим за скобками принципиальную недостижимость поставленной цели "стратегического поражения России на поле боя", которая изначально возможно и не была очевидна, то дальнейшие украинские ошибки стали следствием ошибок российских. Российское отступление от Киева и то, что в России назвали "перегруппировкой" (фактически тоже отступление) в Харьковской, Черниговской, Сумской, Херсонской и Запорожской областях было пропагандистски представлено и воспринято на Украине как проявление слабости Российских сил, хотя на самом деле это являлось не более чем исправлением первоначальной, ошибочной стратегии. Это создало или усилило иллюзию возможной "перемоги" и привело к печальному финалу последовавший украинский "контрнаступ", который в самой основе своего плана имел быстрое отступление российских сил при первом ударе украинцев.
Надо сказать, что как Российские, так и Украинские ошибки привели к дополнительным, необязательным потерям, но при этом Украинские потери, как в относительном, так и в абсолютном выражении оказались тяжелее.
На Западе понимание этого тезиса тоже потихонечку наступает.
Война с Российской стороны становится все менее "шуточной", но до Израильтян с их тотальным подходом нам, конечно же, далеко.
Россия также использует старые танки Т-62 и даже Т-55, но их более-менее готовят в заводских условиях к современным требованиям.
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