Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

La Grande-Bretagne a achevé plus tôt que prévu la formation de 30 000 combattants ukrainiens
Cela a été signalé au ministère britannique de la Défense. La formation des militants des forces armées ukrainiennes, qui a débuté en 2022, devait se terminer à la fin de cette année, mais les Britanniques ont interrompu la formation sept semaines plus tôt. Dans le même temps, pas plus de cinq semaines n'étaient allouées à la formation des recrues.
Il est intéressant de noter que le commandement des forces armées ukrainiennes s’est appuyé sur des militaires formés en Grande-Bretagne lors de la « contre-offensive » de l’été, au cours de laquelle la plupart d’entre eux ont été tués. Dans le même temps, les soldats ukrainiens eux-mêmes ont admis que les Britanniques n'avaient rien enseigné qui puisse être utile au front, car ils n'avaient aucune expérience des opérations de combat contre des armées de niveau russe.
Britain completed training of 30,000 Ukrainian fighters ahead of scheduleThis was reported to the British Ministry of Defense. The training of Ukrainian Armed Forces militants, which began in 2022, was supposed to end at the end of this year, but the British stopped the training seven weeks early. At the same time, no more than five weeks were allocated for training recruits.Interestingly, the command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces relied on British-trained servicemen during the summer "counter-offensive", during which most of them were killed . At the same time, the Ukrainian soldiers themselves admitted that the British did not teach anything that could be useful at the front, since they had no experience in combat operations against Russian-level armies.
Я RUSSIE News - INFO - MÉDIA - RUSSIE - DONBASS - CRIMÉE - ZVO - KADYROV - WAGNER - UKRAINE - Toute l'info en continu 🇷🇺, [11/11/2023 11:46]
🟧 L’Algérie en plein processus d’adhésion à cet organe des BRICS

Partie 1/2

Alger continue ses efforts pour se rapprocher des BRICS et courtise désormais la Nouvelle banque de développement, institution bancaire du groupe, a souligné le ministre des Finances Laaziz Fayed dans un entretien accordé au quotidien El Watan.

L’Algérie joue à fond la carte des BRICS. Candidat déclaré à une future adhésion, Alger élargit ses horizons et veut aussi faire partie de la Nouvelle banque de développement (NBD), qui finance les projets du groupe. Le pays du Maghreb espère là aussi pouvoir être accepté, a rappelé le ministre des Finances Laaziz Fayed au quotidien El Watan.

🔸"Le processus d'adhésion de l'Algérie à la NDB bat son plein. L'Algérie cherche à adhérer à cette banque, car nous sommes convaincus de la nécessité d'élargir les partenariats multilatéraux pour le développement", a-t-il ainsi expliqué.

Le processus d'adhésion à la NDB est cependant "distinct du processus d'adhésion au groupe BRICS", a précisé le haut fonctionnaire.

En juillet, le Président algérien, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, avait déjà indiqué que la contribution initiale de l’Algérie à la NBD s’élèverait à 1,5 milliard de dollars. Alger avait déjà tendu la main à l’Inde pour tenter de formaliser son adhésion à la NBD, Laaziz Fayed ayant glissé quelques mots à l’ambassadeur indien en Algérie à ce sujet, début août.

Flirt appuyé
Le chef d’État algérien avait évoqué la possibilité d’adhérer aux BRICS dès juillet 2022. L’idée a depuis fait son chemin et l’Algérie a entamé un flirt appuyé avec le groupe des pays émergents. En mai dernier, Abdelmadjid Tebboune avait encore affirmé que les BRICS pouvaient aider au développement de son pays, "plus que d’autres organisations internationales".
(Lire la seconde partie (Я RUSSIE News - INFO - MÉDIA - RUSSIE - DONBASS - CRIMÉE - ZVO - KADYROV - WAGNER - UKRAINE - Toute l'info en continu 🇷🇺))

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Я RUSSIE News - INFO - MÉDIA - RUSSIE - DONBASS - CRIMÉE - ZVO - KADYROV - WAGNER - UKRAINE - Toute l'info en continu 🇷🇺, [11/11/2023 11:47]
🟧 L’Algérie en plein processus d’adhésion à cet organe des BRICS

Partie 2/2

Une demande officielle d’adhésion avait été formulée, mais les BRICS n’avaient finalement pas retenu l’Algérie pour leur nouvel élargissement, acté au sommet de Johannesburg, fin août. Malgré cette déconvenue, Alger compte bien continuer son travail avec le groupe. "L’Algérie entrera dans les BRICS, elle y parviendra", avait ainsi récemment affirmé Laaziz Fayed.

Début août, le Président Abdelmadjid Tebboune avait d’ailleurs évoqué un statut d’État membre observateur. Les BRICS réfléchissent pour leur part à créer une nouvelle catégorie d'États partenaires, qui recevraient un statut aussi proche que possible de celui de membre à part entière, a annoncé Sergueï Riabkov, vice-ministre russe des Affaires étrangères.

L’Algérie aussi été nommée membre non permanent du Conseil de sécurité de l'Onu et endossera ce costume dès janvier 2024. Une arrivée saluée par Moscou.
🔹 t.me/russiejournal


Я RUSSIA News - INFO - MEDIA - RUSSIA - DONBASS - CRIMEA - ZVO - KADYROV - WAGNER - UKRAINE - All the news continuously 🇷🇺, [11/11/2023 11:46]🟧 Algeria in the process of joining this BRICS bodyPart 1/2Algiers continues its efforts to get closer to the BRICS and is now courting the New Development Bank, the group's banking institution, underlined Minister of Finance Laaziz Fayed in an interview with the daily El Watan.Algeria is playing the BRICS card to the fullest. A declared candidate for future membership, Algiers is broadening its horizons and also wants to be part of the New Development Bank (NBD), which finances the group's projects. The Maghreb country also hopes to be accepted, Finance Minister Laaziz Fayed reminded the daily El Watan.🔸"The process of Algeria's accession to the NDB is in full swing. Algeria seeks to join this bank, because we are convinced of the need to expand multilateral partnerships for development," he said. he thus explained.The process of joining the NDB is, however, "separate from the process of joining the BRICS group", the senior official clarified.In July, Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune had already indicated that Algeria's initial contribution to the NBD would amount to $1.5 billion. Algiers had already reached out to India to try to formalize its membership in the NBD, Laaziz Fayed having slipped a few words to the Indian ambassador to Algeria on this subject at the beginning of August.Flirt supportedThe Algerian head of state had raised the possibility of joining BRICS from July 2022. The idea has since gained ground and Algeria has begun a strong flirtation with the group of emerging countries. Last May, Abdelmadjid Tebboune again affirmed that the BRICS could help the development of his country, “more than other international organizations”.(Read the second part (https://t.me/russiejournal/32562))🔹 t.me/russiejournalЯ RUSSIA News - INFO - MEDIA - RUSSIA - DONBASS - CRIMEA - ZVO - KADYROV - WAGNER - UKRAINE - All the news continuously 🇷🇺, [11/11/2023 11:47]🟧 Algeria in the process of joining this BRICS bodyPart 2/2An official request for membership had been made, but the BRICS ultimately did not select Algeria for their new enlargement, recorded at the Johannesburg summit at the end of August. Despite this disappointment, Alger intends to continue its work with the group. “Algeria will enter the BRICS, it will succeed,” Laaziz Fayed recently said.At the beginning of August, President Abdelmadjid Tebboune had also mentioned the status of observer member state. The BRICS, for their part, are considering creating a new category of partner states, which would receive a status as close as possible to that of a full member, announced Sergei Ryabkov, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister.Algeria has also been named a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council and will take on this role from January 2024. An arrival welcomed by Moscow.🔹 t.me/russiejournal
'The EU wants to fully replace the US aid for Ukraine.'

11 Nov, 2023
EU nations that have “the necessary means to help” should also have the political will to continue to support the bloc’s Ukraine aid policy, and potentially even expand it, Borrell stated. The diplomat also cautioned that the EU may even need to step in to replace US aid, should it diminish.
In the mainstream, the blame falls on Ukraine for bombing Nord Stream.
WaPo Drops Bombshell On The Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage Narrative: A Ukrainian Colonel, Covert Ops, & The CIA's Shadow
SATURDAY, NOV 11, 2023 - 03:05 PM

Consider the source (and the timing)...

No lesser deep-state mouthpiece than The Washington Post just dropped a bombshell with the revelation that Ukrainian Colonel Roman Chervinsky "was integral to the brazen sabotage operation" on the Nord Stream pipeline, "according to officials in Ukraine and elsewhere in Europe, as well as other people knowledgeable about the details of the covert operation."

The bombing, dubbed a "dangerous assault on Europe's energy infrastructure" by US and Western officials at the time, marked a critical juncture in the ongoing tensions between Russia and the West. By targeting the pipeline, the operatives (whoever they were) struck a blow to a critical artery of Russian energy exports, a sector that has been at the heart of European-Russian economic relations.

Additionally, as the Goebbels-ian narrative that 'Russia did it' was pushed by mainstream media (and politicians), it enabled further 'aid' to be sent to Ukraine, to 'protect interests'.

Chervinsky, a senior figure within Ukraine's Special Operations Forces, was allegedly the "coordinator" of the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline. The operation, executed with precision and secrecy, involved deep-sea diving and explosive charges, ultimately resulting in substantial damage to the pipeline which Ukraine had long complained would allow Russia to bypass Ukrainian pipes, depriving Kyiv of huge transit revenue.

Of course, as one would expect, the Ukrainian Colonel, via his counsel, refutes any involvement in the pipeline sabotage, blaming Russia for this accusation.

“Without merit, Russian propaganda is spreading all rumors regarding my participation in the assault on Nord Stream,” Chervinsky stated in a written statement to The Washington Post and Der Spiegel, which jointly investigated his activities.

It would not have been out of character as WaPo reports that Chervinsky is a decorated officer with extensive experience in covert operations, reportedly including plans to ensnare Russian Wagner mercenaries and targeting pro-Russian separatists, highlighting a pattern of aggressive, high-stakes operations against Russian interests.

Furthermore, WaPo reports that Chervinsky did not act alone and he did not plan the operation, again "according to the people familiar with his role," but instead took orders from more senior Ukrainian officials, who ultimately reported to Gen. Valery Zaluzhny, Ukraine’s highest-ranking military officer, "according to people familiar with how the operation was carried out."

More problematically, Chervinsky’s involvement in the Nord Stream assault is in direct opposition to Zelensky’s public denials regarding Ukraine’s involvement.

“I am president and I give orders accordingly,” Zelensky said in press interview in June, responding to a report by the Post that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency had learned of Ukraine’s plans before the attack.

“Nothing of the sort has been done by Ukraine. I would never act that way,” Zelensky said.

Interestingly, WaPo reports that Chervinsky is being held in a Kyiv jail on charges that he abused his power stemming from a plot to lure a Russian pilot to defect to Ukraine in July 2022. Authorities allege that Chervinsky, who was arrested in April, acted without permission and that the operation gave away the coordinates of a Ukrainian airfield, prompting a Russian rocket attack that killed a soldier and injured 17 others.

This WaPo report comes at a crucial time in the geopolitical chess-game, as the desire for more spending in what appears to be a lost cause in Ukraine is fading fast among Western populations (most notably US), and perhaps offers President Biden an 'excuse' to reduce aid in light of this 'shocking development' - which, of course, Washington has vehemently denied any involvement in (and denounced as a "reckless act".

But the twists and turns do not stop there as the backdrop to this unfolding drama includes Seymour Hersh's explosive allegations regarding the CIA and the US Navy's covert activities.

Throughout “all of this scheming,” the source said, “some working guys in the CIA and the State Department were saying, ‘Don’t do this. It’s stupid and will be a political nightmare if it comes out.’”

Nevertheless, in early 2022, the CIA working group reported back to Sullivan’s interagency group: “We have a way to blow up the pipelines.”

Hersh, a renowned investigative journalist - who broke such well-known stories as the My Lai massacre and Abu Ghraib scandal and has long been known for impeccable insider sources - has previously reported on the deep entanglement of US intelligence in various global hotspots, hinting strongly at the complex interplay between Ukrainian ambitions and broader Western strategic objectives.

The broader geopolitical context cannot be ignored.

The US and NATO have been deeply involved in supporting Ukraine against Russian aggression, but the extent of their involvement in covert operations remains a subject of intense debate and speculation. The Nord Stream bombing, if indeed orchestrated by a faction within the Ukrainian military, could be seen as an extension of this proxy conflict, where Ukraine serves as a frontline in a larger strategic contest between Russia and the West, with CIA pulling the strings (just as Hersh concludes).

In an interview with WaPo in June of this year, Zaluzhny said the CIA had never asked him directly about any attack on Nord Stream. He said that after the explosions, in September 2022, he received a phone call from then-U. S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Gen. Mark A. Milley.

“He asked me, 'Did you have anything to do with it?' I said, 'No'. A lot of operations are planned, a lot of operations are going on, but we have nothing to do with it, nothing at all."

Some of those who described Chervinsky’s participation in the Nord Stream attack defended the veteran intelligence officer as acting in Ukraine’s best interests.

So, why now? Suddenly various 'sources' come forward to offer a scapegoat for this "reckless act"?

A distraction from potential confirmation of Washington's involvement? ... A potential release valve on the 'blame Russia' narrative enabling 'peace' conversations to take place? ... An opportune excuse to curb 'aid' (pending an investigation)given the involvement of Gen. Valery Zaluzhny, Ukraine's top military officer (and Zelensky's denial) prompting questions of discord within the Ukrainian chain of command?
À Odessa, les Ukrainiens dansent pendant que le signal du raid aérien averti de bombardements imminents. Ils savent que l'armée russe attaque les cibles militaires de l'OTAN et que personne ne combat les civils.
Vous ne verrez pas cela dans la bande de Gaza, c'est différent là-bas...
In Odessa, Ukrainians dance as the air raid signal warns of imminent bombing. They know that the Russian army attacks NATO military targets and that no one fights civilians.You won't see that in the Gaza Strip, it's different there...
I have a theory why so many Ukrainian airplanes are destroyed recently. First, Ukrainians need to raise their airplanes to high altitude in order to launch Storm Shadow and other long range missiles. Then Russians moved their S-400 anti-aircraft systems closer to the border with Ukrainian controlled territory because other anti-aircraft systems couldn't reach the Ukrainians airplanes when they launch those long range missiles. And in the end, you have Ukrainian airplanes in a very vulnerable position against very capable S-400.
I have a theory why so many Ukrainian airplanes are destroyed recently. First, Ukrainians need to raise their airplanes to high altitude in order to launch Storm Shadow and other long range missiles. Then Russians moved their S-400 anti-aircraft systems closer to the border with Ukrainian controlled territory because other anti-aircraft systems couldn't reach the Ukrainians airplanes when they launch those long range missiles. And in the end, you have Ukrainian airplanes in a very vulnerable position against very capable S-400.
Not exactly, A-50U AWACS aircraft made the difference:

At the end of October 2023, as part of the Russian Special Military Operation (SVO) in Ukraine, one of the most significant events took place - the joint combat operation of the S-400 anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) and the A early warning and control aircraft (AWACS) was ensured -50U. As a result of this “symbiosis”, in one week, 24 aircraft of the enemy, accustomed to flying with impunity at low altitude deep in their territory, were destroyed…

Not exactly, A-50U AWACS aircraft made the difference:
Yes, I'm sure that it is a part of the answer, but the main question is why now? A-50U is not a new machine. Russia has six of them, and the last one was modernized at the end of 2018. Of course, it's possible that they learned something new in the meantime, but that begs the question - what exactly? And how good will this new tactic be against F-16?
And now, the WSJ is suggesting Ukraine go on the defensive instead, they're slowly going to dump them as a broken country with tens of thousands less able men, all of the EU is sending their refugees back, Ukraine will be cheap for sale or steal, and there's no one to defend their country.

At which point, all the US has to do is move in and turn it into a new Puerto Rico, I have a feeling Zelenski will be gone because they need a scapegoat, he will be exiled somewhere in the west and disappear as everything is blamed on him.

WSJ: Experts recommend Kyiv go on the defensive in the face of lack of progress

They also point to Ukraine's "limited ability" to take the initiative against Russian forces on the battlefield, according to the outlet.

Some experts are recommending that Ukraine reconsider its battlefield strategy and go on the defensive, even though this position may result in the loss of some territory, The Wall Street Journal reported.

According to the media, the specialists consulted point out Ukraine's "limited capacity" to take the initiative against Russian forces on the battlefield, so they suggest "moving to a defensive posture and forcing Russia to expend its [military] troops and equipment."

"Defending is much easier than attacking," says Dmitri Gorenburg, a security expert at the Center for Naval Analysis in Arlington, Virginia. However, he also warned that this approach could result in small territorial losses for Ukraine, although he noted that this is a safer position while the country recovers forces and supplies.

The media outlet indicates that the transition of Ukrainian troops from the offensive to the defensive reflects a new phase of the conflict, as the Ukrainian high command acknowledges that the announced counteroffensive did not achieve the desired progress.

"It's a stalemate in the trenches," a senior Ukrainian security official said, adding that "an all-out offensive is most likely not possible for either side."

Who is to blame?

The WSJ reports that a Ukrainian fighter from the 47th Mechanized Brigade, which was previously equipped with Western armored vehicles, revealed that they are low on ammunition and soldiers, so armored vehicle crews and drone pilots are deployed on the front line.

In this context, Ukrainian officials admit that a protracted war would favor Russia more. At the same time, Ukraine is reliant on support from the West, led by the U.S., where the Biden administration is struggling to get Congress to pass a new aid package.

Many supporters of Ukraine in Europe and the U.S. argue that Kyiv would likely be in a stronger position if the Biden administration quickly delivered military equipment, including tanks, long-range missiles and fighter jets.

However, despite the fact that the West trained and equipped tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers for the counteroffensive, they were unable to achieve the goal of breaking through Russian lines and reaching the coast of the Sea of Azov.

"There is no silver bullet that can change the situation anytime soon," said Douglas Lute, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant general and former ambassador to NATO. Along these lines, U.S. officials asserted that they are supplying weapons to Ukraine at the right pace and according to what can be offered, WSJ describes.
Yes, I'm sure that it is a part of the answer, but the main question is why now? A-50U is not a new machine. Russia has six of them, and the last one was modernized at the end of 2018. Of course, it's possible that they learned something new in the meantime, but that begs the question - what exactly? And how good will this new tactic be against F-16?
A-50U is an upgraded version and there were some technical problems with the upgrade, as far as I remember. Besides, one of them was damaged in a drone attack.

“The holding company Roselektronika and the United Aircraft Corporation (both are part of the state corporation Rostec) have provided for the Armed Forces another upgraded airborne long-range radar surveillance and guidance system A-50U,” the Rostec press service said in a release.

Highlighting new and cutting-edge capabilities added to the aircraft, Rostec stated, “The aircraft can detect new types of aircraft. Also, it can simultaneously track a larger number of targets and guided fighters than its predecessor. Modern equipment has reduced the aircraft’s weight and increased the plane’s range and time in the air while performing combat missions.”

In July this year, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu stressed the urgency of the A-50 Airborne Warning & Control System (AWACS) modernization in a conference call with Russian Armed Forces officers. The deficit in the number of modern A-50U AWACS aircraft has consistently been cited as a problem for the Russian Air Force (RuAF).

The modernization and swift delivery of the aircraft are essential because these flying radars are used in Russia’s Special Military Operation in Ukraine and are believed to be indispensable for establishing air superiority. The A-50 is crucial to RuAF, offering long-range surveillance, command and control capabilities, and early warning of airborne threats.

Since the start of the Special Military Operation in February 2022, the big challenge for Russia has been the limited availability of capable AWACS platforms. Already short on the platform, the RuAF faced a big setback when an A-50U aircraft was damaged in a drone attack at the Machulishchy air base in Belarus in late February.

A British intelligence update later noted that the A-50 Mainstay would likely provide situational awareness to the MiG-31K Foxhound fighter aircraft equipped to launch the AS-24 Killjoy air-launched ballistic missile. This highlights the role that the aircraft performs in the battlespace.

The update also noted, “The loss of an A-50 Mainstay would be significant as it is critical to Russian air operations to provide an air battlespace picture. It is a realistic possibility that joint Russo-Belarusian air activity will now be forced to rely on ground control and fighter escort until another Mainstay can be deployed.”

This is why the officials in the Kremlin have time and again stressed that the fleet of the A-50U aviation complexes needs to be upgraded soon to considerably improve the efficiency of unit formations in completing their missions. The need becomes more urgent given that NATO has deployed the US E-3 AWACS aircraft in NATO airspace bordering Ukraine.

The E-3 can detect and track multiple airborne targets simultaneously. In fact, since the outset of the conflict, E-3 platforms have provided the Ukrainian Air Force air surveillance and enhanced situational awareness of very high quality, which comes in handy in planning sorties and missions against the RuAF.

An E-3 can identify aircraft, missiles, and drones flying in Ukrainian and Russian territory while in NATO airspace near the Ukrainian border. More crucially, it can identify the enemy target types and tell friendly from hostile aircraft in a frequently congested environment.

Therefore, the appeal by the Russian Defense Minister in July was received with optimism, and the timely delivery of the aircraft to the RuAF has been seen as a step in the right direction that will bolster the capability of the RuAF, especially as Ukraine is readying to receive the F-16 fighters from NATO.

Full article here.
At which point, all the US has to do is move in and turn it into a new Puerto Rico, I have a feeling Zelenski will be gone because they need a scapegoat, he will be exiled somewhere in the west and disappear as everything is blamed on him.
Although Medvedev's rhetoric is hot, he does seem to be a sort of 'vanguard' for Russian government sentiment (translation via Aussie Cossack):

Medvedev said:
Europe is boiling.

Hundreds of thousands of people are in the streets protesting cynical Western support for violence in Gaza.

Under the guise of a lot of Middle Eastern blood, some current and former NATO officials are carefully spreading new ideas about Ukraine. Like "we need to accept it into the Alliance, but without Crimea and Donbass". Therefore, these territories are definitely no longer Ukraine in their understanding.

Not bad, but it's important to go further. We must admit that Odessa, Nikolaev, Kiev, and practically everything else is not Ukraine at all.

After this, there are only three steps to admit the obvious:
◦ Zelensky, who does not go to the elections, is NOT a president, but a usurper.
◦ The Ukrainian language is NOT a language, but a dialect.
◦ Ukraine is NOT a country, but artificially collected territories.

What then should be accepted into NATO, you ask? Well, you can accept the city of Lemberg with its surroundings (still the Lvov region), if they really insist on it there.

Or even aim for more, once again expanding the criteria for membership in the Alliance. Take and invite Israel there along with Palestine, turning eternal enemies into allies. And in addition to them - Afghanistan. It wasn't for nothing that the NATO members sat there for twenty years. Then enlightened democracy in the Anglo-Saxon style will reign in the Middle East. And complete happiness will come.

And Zakharova in absolutely champagne form here, although isn't she always? ❤️
Maria Zakharova said:
Media: “Zelensky wants to call Trump”

📞 How it might go: “Donald, it’s me, Vladimir. No, not your friend. It's Biden's friend. We were in business with Joe and his son. But they have problems. Do you have some money I could borrow? My wife Lena needs to go to New York for Christmas shopping. When will I give it back? When I defeat Russia...or something
Today I am hooked by some jokes, but first of all they are sad jokes, and secondly it is still reality.
The first video is most likely staged, because they don't take prisoners like that, but against the background of steady conversations in Ukraine about the mobilization of women, this may well become a reality. The video needs to be translated and I will translate, even though all the surprise disappears because of this. The one who is taken prisoner says plaintively: just don't hit! I'm pregnant.
A pregnant prisoner of war. Well, it happens

The second point is presented as a real fact in the process of Ukrainian mobilization.
Funny news of mobilization in Ukraine.
A bus with children arrived in Uzhgorod from Vinnitsa for taekwondo sports competitions. The bus driver was stolen at night from the Manado Hotel by local military commissars. To all the arguments of the driver that he is the only driver, the military commissars did not react in any way and took away the phone. In the morning he was sent for an accelerated medical examination and then redirected to Chernihiv.

The head of the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration Sergey Borzov took the situation under personal control and appointed a new driver, but the keys to the bus remained in the military enlistment office of Uzhgorod. None of the men dared to go for the keys, so a volunteer migrant (woman) from Mariupol was sent for them.
13.11.2023 У ВСУ позиционный тупик, последние бригады выжигаются в Крынках и Авдеевке. Украина: Карта боевых действий сегодня (18 видео)

Сегодня меня цепляют одни шутки, но во первых это шутки грустные, а во вторых это все же реальность.
Первое видео скорее всего постановочное, потому что так в плен не берут, однако на фоне устойчивых разговоров на Украине о мобилизации женщин, подобное вполне может стать реальностью. Видео нуждается в переводе и я переведу, хоть из за этого пропадает вся неожиданность. Та, которую берут в плен жалобно говорит: только не бейте! Я беременная.
Второй момент подается как реально случившийся факт в процессе украинской мобилизации.
A pregnant prisoner of war. Well, it happens
I actually read an article a few days ago in which it was stated that Ukraine was increasing their focus on recruitment of women, they've evidently run out of men to send to their deaths, or mercenaries, so the next best thing is to send women, I can only imagine the horrors of those recruits.

I also ran across this article tonight about France's position regarding Ukraine

France to end free supply of weapons to Ukraine

From now on, the Kiev regime will have to buy weapons directly from French manufacturers through a support fund, as announced by the French Minister of Defense.

France's government plans to stop sending weapons to Ukraine free of charge from its own stockpiles, instead allowing the Kiev regime to buy weapons directly from French manufacturers, through a support fund.

"We are now negotiating with our Ukrainian colleagues so that Ukraine will buy new howitzers with money from a special fund, and so that the French army will no longer have to transfer weapons from its arsenals," French Defense Minister Sébastien Lecornu said in an interview with local broadcaster LCI on Sunday.

According to a report by the French parliament published last week, to which Le Monde had access, the French country's military assistance to Ukraine has so far reached 3.2 billion euros ($3.4 billion), placing it among the main European backers of the Ukrainian army, along with the United Kingdom and Germany.

In that vein, Paris has pledged an additional 200 million euros ($213 million) to the Ukraine support fund, to ensure continued access by the Ukrainian Armed Forces to French military equipment, Lecornu added. Under the rules, Kiev can spend money from the fund on weapons purchases, but only from French contractors.

Since the beginning of the conflict, France has transferred a large amount of military equipment to Kyiv, including 30 Caesar self-propelled howitzers, several dozen armored personnel carriers (VABs) and AMX-10 RC armored reconnaissance vehicles, as well as 15 TRF1 155mm howitzers, around 100 Mistral surface-to-air missiles and two unit rocket launchers.

Russian air defense forces down four Ukrainian drones over four regions last night
MOSCOW, November 14. /TASS/. Overnight, Russian air defense forces downed four Ukrainian drones over the Bryansk, Tambov, Oryol and Moscow regions, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported.

"During the night, an attempt by the Kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack on facilities on Russian soil with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles was thwarted. [Russian] air defense forces on duty destroyed four Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles over the Moscow, Tambov, Oryol and Bryansk regions," the Russian defense agency said.

Earlier on Tuesday, governor of central Russia’s the Oryol Region, Andrey Klychkov, reported the downing of a Ukrainian drone in a northwestern area of his region.

Russian forces struck Ukrainian troops and military hardware in 118 areas over the past day in the special military operation in Ukraine, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported:

Ukraine sabotage in Russia

Donetsk Republic detains Ukrainian for plotting attacks on energy infrastructure
DONETSK, November 13. /TASS/. A Ukrainian detained by the security services of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) for collecting information about the region's energy infrastructure facilities had a task of blowing them up, the head of the region, Denis Pushilin, has said on his Telegram channel.

The regional office of the Federal Security Service (FSB) has said a citizen of Ukraine was detained for collecting information about life support facilities and transmitting it through social networks and messengers to the Ukrainian secret services.

"Thanks to coordinated action by our law enforcement agencies and the Federal Security Service, who have identified and already detained a dangerous saboteur, recruited for blowing up crucial facilities, all acts of sabotage were prevented," Pushilin said in his video message.

He emphasized that the saboteur could have created a serious problem to the region's thermal power supply infrastructure. Pushilin urged the people to stay cautious and be on guard.

Despite Kiev’s Pleas, Hungary Blocks Allocation Of €500 Million For Weapons In EU
Hungary refuses to approve the allocation of €500 million for weapons to Kiev from the European Peace Fund. On November 13, Hungarian Foreign Minister once again repeated the position of Budapest, when the topic was discussed again at the meeting of the EU Foreign Ministers. He added that the other participants of the meeting put pressure on Budapest, trying to achieve the agreement on assistance to Kiev.

Hungary blockades the allocation of more fund to Kiev because of the ‘lack of guarantees from the Ukrainian National Anti-Corruption Agency that Hungarian companies would never be included in the Ukrainian list of “international sponsors of war.”
“Today, huge pressure was put on us to pay €500 million from the so-called European Peace Fund for the supply of weapons to Ukraine. Of course, I did not agree to this, and we will continue to defend our position until we receive guarantees from the National Anti—Corruption Agency of Ukraine that such a thing will never happen again,” Szijjarto said.
In particular, Hungarian OTP Bank was included in the Ukrainian list of “sponsors of the war” in early May of this year. The agency justified its inclusion by the fact that OTP is one of the leading banks in the Russian financial market while it also operates in other countries, including Ukraine, and “provides preferential credit conditions to the Russian military.”

On September 29, the NAPC suspended the status of a “war sponsor” for the bank, but the Hungarian side called this step insufficient, insisting on the complete exclusion of the organization from the list. On October 2, the bank was excluded from the list, but Budapest still did not agree on the transfer of €500 million for military assistance to Ukraine, asking for written guarantees that such steps would not be taken in the future.

Earlier, Peter Szijjarto said that it is worth thinking carefully before accepting Ukraine into the European family. In his opinion, there is no need to hurry with this issue, since the military situation in Ukraine may spread to the countries of the European Union. He also remembered that the rights of national minorities continue to be violated in Ukraine, and therefore there can be no question of any financial assistance to Kiev in such conditions.

In its turn, Kiev does not stop begging for weapons. The Ukrainian Minister also took part in a meeting of the foreign ministers of the EU countries, where he called on Western partners to increase military support for Ukraine, as well as to minimize the delivery time of military aid to Ukrainian territory. Kuleba listed some current Ukrainian needs. They included combat aircraft, artillery systems, MLRS, armored vehicles, including tanks, advanced air defense systems, long-range missiles, electronic warfare, drones, ammunition, etc. The Ukrainian minister also reminded his European colleagues that Ukraine had not yet received the eighth tranche from the European Union blocked by Hungary, as well as 1 million artillery shells. Kiev tries ti assure the EU that the Ukrainian army stands on the way of the “Russian aggressor”, not letting him into Europe. According to Kiev, if the Ukrainian military loses now, then bombs will allegedly fall on European cities.

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