Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Washington et Moscou partagent une responsabilité particulière pour la stabilité mondiale, estime Peskov
🟩 Lors d'une interview avec le journaliste Pavel Zaroubine, Dmitri Peskov, porte-parole du Kremlin, a indiqué que les relations entre la Russie et les États-Unis étaient au point mort. Il a toutefois jugé que les deux pays avaient une responsabilité particulière pour la stabilité mondiale et qu'il sera nécessaire de reprendre les échanges avec le temps, jugeant que le président américain devra adopter une approche « plus constructive » des relations bilatérales.
🔹 t.me/russiejournal
This report alleges that Madame Zelensky's war-orphan charity is a front for child trafficking.

So even if the war in Ukraine is 'over' for the MSM and their audiences in the West, the undercurrents of child sex slavery, organ harvesting, and illegal arms sales (and who knows what other evils) will probably continue for some time until the place is truly de-Nazified.
Ukrainian realities. Disassembly with explosions, terror of the population - all this is a model of democracy and human rights.

A gift with an explosive device was given to Chastyakov by the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the media write

MOSCOW, Nov 6 - RIA Novosti. Ukrainian edition "Country.ua", citing law enforcement sources, claims that the gift, at the opening of which an explosive device went off, could have been given to the assistant to the Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny Gennady Chastyakov by the senior assistant to the Deputy head of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Timchenko.
"According to the sources of the "Country" in law enforcement agencies, according to the investigation, the gift, at the opening of which, according to the testimony of the wife of the deceased assistant commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, an explosive device went off, was handed to him by the senior assistant to the Deputy commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Timchenko A.V.," the newspaper writes.

As the Ukrainska Pravda newspaper reported earlier on Monday, citing a source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the Kiev region, as a result of careless handling of a grenade, an assistant to the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian troops, Valery Zaluzhny, was killed, the son of a military man was hospitalized in a serious condition.
Подарок со взрывным устройством Частякову передал военный ВСУ, пишут СМИ

The captured military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine told about the reprisals against the residents of Zaporozhye for the support of the Russian Federation
MELITOPOL, Nov 6 — RIA Novosti. Ukrainian militants are carrying out reprisals against residents of Zaporozhye for words in support of Russia, a captured military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine told RIA Novosti.
According to him, people may not be opposed to Russia, but they are afraid to say something positive about it.

"Because there are a lot of people (radically anti-Russian. — Ed.) came from the front. Even before the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine. — Editor's note) it won't come to that: the militants will arrive — and the conversation will end. People will pass. They will say that you speak for Russia, support it, and that's it. The guys disappeared," the prisoner said.
He noted that even conversations "among their own" can lead to this.
"I talked — and two days later a man disappeared. They say the fighters who live in the village have stopped by. They were taken to an educational conversation — and that's it, he disappeared," the agency interlocutor gave a concrete example.
He himself lived in the city of Zaporozhye and was mobilized in the summer of this year. He was captured in the Zaporozhye direction.
On November 3, the Ministry of Defense announced that 28 Ukrainian soldiers had voluntarily surrendered to Russian troops over the past week
Пленный рассказал о расправах над жителями Запорожья за поддержку России.

Украинские реалии. Разборки со взрывами, террор населения- все это образец демократии и прав человека.
Ukrainian realities.
This is also from the Ukrainian realities. There were many reports about the use of Ukrainian barrage detachments against deserters. In this case, the English-speaking members of such a squad clearly made a mistake. At the beginning of the video, the radio reports in Ukrainian that the military is fleeing from the position, further translation is not required because they speak a language that is understandable to most.
Those same mythical barrage detachments of the Armed Forces of Ukraine?

Это тоже из украинских реалий. Много было сообщений об использовании украми заградительных отрядов против дезертиров. В данном случае англоязычные члены такого отряда явно дали маху. В начале видео по радио сообщают по украински, что военные бегут с позиции далее перевод не требуется т.к. говорят на понятном для большинства языке.
This is a pretty good article on Ukraine. This writer's stuff is top-notch.

Maintenant, les Britanniques poignardent également Zelensky dans le dos, Ex-colonel Kemp : « Les perspectives sont terribles... il n'y a aucune chance de pénétrer dans les défenses fortement fortifiées des Russes.
Que disent les "experts" qui passaient en boucle sur les médias, surtout @LCI qui nous racontaient que les Russes étaient faibles ??
The Telegraph (Ukraine has blown its best chance to defeat Putin)
Ukraine has blown its best chance to defeat Putin
Deprived of the weapons it needs to win, and with global attention shifting to Israel, the outlook is terrib

Now the British are also stabbing Zelensky in the back, 🇬🇧 Ex-Colonel Kemp: “The prospects are terrible... there is no chance of penetrating the heavily fortified defenses of the Russians.
What do the “experts” who were constantly playing on the media, especially @LCI, who told us that the Russians were weak??
Ukraine has blown its best chance to defeat Putin
Deprived of the weapons it needs to win, and with global attention shifting to Israel, the outlook is terrible
Preuve que tout le monde laisse tomber l'Ukraine, l'Irlande est le premier pays à supprimer les allocations financières données aux réfugiés ukrainiens...
Proof that everyone is letting Ukraine down, Ireland is the first country to eliminate financial allowances given to Ukrainian refugees...

Rumeur de rébellion au sein de l'armée ukrainienne. Il semble qu'elle se propage. Les citoyens enrôlés de force, contraints de porter des armes, les utilisent désormais pour tirer sur leurs officiers supérieurs. Des unités entières quittent les zones de guerre à pied. Ce n'est qu'une rumeur.

Rumor of rebellion within the Ukrainian army. It seems to be spreading. Forcibly conscripted citizens, forced to carry weapons, now use them to shoot their superior officers. Entire units leave war zones on foot. It's just a rumor.
I want to cite an article on the topic of yesterday's undermining of the assistant Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The author of the article shows who and where the blown-up Chastyakov came from and makes a number of assumptions about the motives of the assassination attempt.
The most important thing that this article made me think about is the return (perhaps imminent) of the Ukrainian junta to its historical roots. Many people write about Ukraine as a non-state, and if you look at it from the point of view of who became the main character of this new formation, it turns out that the current followers, willingly or unwittingly, copy it in the sense of goals and ways to achieve them. The main character of today's Ukraine is Bandera and "Bandera" in the form of all sorts of Shukhevichi, Stetsko, etc. and these were ultranationalists who sought to create a mono-national state mainly by bandit, terrorist methods. If this is the case, then Russia, perhaps, should not forget the history in that part of it that the "Bandera" was defeated in an armed way at one time, and the leaders, including Bandera himself, were eliminated in the same ways that they themselves acted.
By the way, again, it is possible that some, as they would say now, tolerance of the Soviet authorities towards the participants of Bandera gangs made possible the current reincarnation of the Ukrainian Bandera junta.
Operation "Anti-Valkyrie": Zelensky beats Zaluzhny ahead of the curve?
No sooner had the powerful waves raised by the publications of two leading Western media outlets – Time and The Economist - settled in the information space of Ukraine, where, in particular, it was said about "deep contradictions" between the political and military leadership of the country, than a series of rather strange and dramatic events directly related to the supreme command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine began.

And it would be fine if the matter was limited to sudden resignations alone, made clearly at the instigation of Zelensky's office and at the peak of the Zaluzhny who had become too much to allow himself. The explosion that shook the mansion of one of the commander-in-chief's most loyal confidants, his personal assistant Gennady Chastyakov, on the evening of November 6, makes one think that the president did not wait for the military to make a real conspiracy against the self-styled "Fuhrer", and decided to act ahead of the curve. And by the most brutal methods.

The deadly "gift"

As you know, the first phase of Operation Valkyrie, conceived by the Wehrmacht generals to get rid of the power of the possessed corporal, was an attempt to undermine him by thrusting an explosive device disguised as a briefcase with papers right under his feet in the Wolfsschanze conference room. Count von Stauffenberg put the bomb there, but Hitler was saved either by luck, or by his horned master, to whom he regularly sacrificed millions of people, or simply by a good oak table. In the end, "Valkyrie" turned out to be a solid tragicomedy. I don't know if this story is known to Zelensky and his henchmen with their "intelligence" of infusoria, but I suspect that yes. In this case, we should pay tribute to them – they started their response operation much more successfully.

According to the official version, Valery Zaluzhny's personal assistant, Major Chastyakov, arrived home after celebrating his own birthday, the first phase of which, of course, took place at his place of service, with a whole mountain of gifts. When unpacking one of those, received seemingly from his own colleague, senior assistant to the Deputy commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Timchenko, it exploded so that the birthday boy himself died on the spot, and his 13-year-old son Gleb received "torn shrapnel wounds of the face." However, somewhat later this version was pretty much "tweaked".

The Minister of Internal Affairs of the "nezalezhnaya" Igor Klimenko (note – before conducting a sensible inspection of the scene, not to mention qualified examinations, which in such a case should be a lot) categorically stated:

The deceased took out a gift box with grenades inside and began to demonstrate one of the ammunition to his son – a new Western-style grenade. First, the son took the ammunition in his hands and began to twist the ring. Then the soldier took the grenade from the child and pulled out the ring, provoking a tragic explosion. The police found 5 more such unexploded grenades in the apartment…

Moreover, according to the chief policeman, "they have already found a fellow serviceman who gave a fatal gift, searched his office and seized two more similar grenades." This story does not just speak of Klimenko's utter lack of professionalism (however, the fact that the Interior Minister is the same as a bullet from a known substance was clear from the beginning), but about a burning desire to hush up and close this extremely strange case as soon as possible, writing off everything as "careless handling of explosive objects." It would seem that this is a great reason to start yelling about the terrible machinations of bestial "cursed Muscovites" who kill the best sons of Ukraine right on their birthday in the family circle! Raise a new information wave of hatred and cannibalistic appeals! Accuse Russia of "terrorist methods"! But... none of this is being done. Verdict: "an accident." Isn't it amazing?

Versions: from improbable to obvious

Let's start with the fact that the idiotic craving of the Ukrainian "siloviki" for explosive "gifts" is well-known and does not need proof. What is the only story worth with the chief commandant of the Polish police Jaroslaw Szymczyk, who during a visit to Kiev was handed two "musical speakers", allegedly converted from shot grenade launchers. This cretin pinned the gifts to his own office, where one of them tore with such force that it pierced the floor of the police commandant's office in Warsaw and miraculously did not kill the general. The scandal was terrible, the story is loud. So, maybe there really is something similar here? No, it doesn't add up. Let's dig into the details.

The wife of the deceased clearly indicated that he "brought a gift bag with a bottle of alcohol and gift glasses in the form of grenades, the explosion occurred when it was opened." That is, there were no games with grenades and pulling rings! Moreover, Zaluzhny himself began his comment on the death of the assistant with the words: "An unknown explosive device went off in one of the gifts." The commander-in-chief didn't know the truth? Not reported? Doubtful. And finally, the behavior of the major himself, arranging such things in his own house, and even in the presence of his children, looks extremely wild. To do such a thing, you have to be a complete idiot. And those, as a rule, do not become assistants to the commanders-in-chief. No, it doesn't add up, at least cry!

Generally speaking, there is almost no information about Gennady Chastyakov in the public domain. Born in 1984. He graduated from the military Lyceum, then – the Odessa Institute of Land Forces, served in the Novograd-Volyn brigade, then began to do business ... Stop-stop! And this is already hot! With the beginning of his career, Zaluzhny makes his right hand not a combat officer, but a businessman, returning his shoulder straps. The second oddity of the same kind – Chestyakov lived in his "own house" in the village of Petropavlovsk Borshchagovka. Don't be deceived by the words "house" and "village". This place is an elite cottage village, in which there are mansions that most major generals of the Armed Forces of Ukraine cannot afford, not like the major. Could the deceased have participated in well-defined frauds that the APU has already become famous for all over the world: cutting Western military aid, scrolling colossal amounts of budget money and the like? Based on his status, he couldn'T HELP but participate! Well, no one has canceled such a thing as a purely criminal showdown among those who turn over huge amounts of black money. Perhaps he didn't share it with someone, threw someone, bypassed payments, or even appropriated someone else's share. For such things, it's not like a grenade or an improvised explosive device will be slipped into a bag with whiskey, and a rocket can be "dropped" on its head in Ukraine. The spiders in the local bank have no laws – only concepts. Doesn't this version sound much more plausible?

There is, however, another one. After a resonant interview with The Economist, in which Zaluzhny, in fact, refutes all Zelensky's nonsense about the "continuation of the counteroffensive" and the combat capability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as such, where he directly contradicts the clown president in assessing the military-strategic prospects of the "nezalezhnaya", a lot of people both in the country and in the West started talking about that in this way the commander-in-chief means nothing more than his own "presidential ambitions" and intentions to move the fool Gorokhov, who finally lost the coast, from power, until he finally ruined both the army and the country. And then there are the "partners" who have the commander-in-chief in authority, they demand elections… Judging by some statements that have already been made from the president's entourage and office, this is exactly how Zaluzhny's "seditious" speeches were perceived there. Well, in this case, we have a classic "last warning", a real "black mark", which was handed to the commander-in-chief, blowing up his closest and obviously very valuable assistant. The essence of the "hint" is very clear: if you don't shut up, you're next!

Your will, but the confirmation of this version can be considered the words spoken by Zelensky in the traditional evening "address to the nation", recorded just on November 6. So to speak, over the cooling corpse of Chastyakov. He said this:

We must decide that now is the time of defense, the time of battle, on which the fate of the state and people depends, and not the time of stuffing, which only Russia expects from Ukraine. I think that now is not the time for elections. And if you need to put an end to a particular political dispute and continue to work only in unity, then there are structures in the state that are able to put points and give society all the necessary answers. So that there is no room for conflicts and someone else's game against Ukraine…

"Able to put points"?! However… Uttered just like that, these words would sound like another empty chatter. In combination with the explosion, which they are now trying to portray as an "accident", they, you will agree, have a completely different weight and strength. It remains only to wait for how Zaluzhny will perceive this message and how he will react. In any case, it will be interesting.
Alexander Neumropny, Kiev
Операция «Анти-Валькирия»: Зеленский бьёт по Залужному на опережение?

Я хочу привести статью на тему вчерашнего подрыва помощника главкома ВСУ. Автор статьи показывает кто такой и откуда взялся взорванный Частяков и делает ряд предположений о мотивах покушения. Самое главное, о чём меня заставила подумать эта статья, это о возвращении (возможно неминуемом) украинской хунты к своим историческим корням. Многие пишут об Украине, как о недогосударстве и, если посмотреть на это с точки зрения того, кто стал главным героем этого новообразования, то получается, что нынешние последователи вольно или невольно копируют его в смысле целей и способов их достижения. Главный герой нынешней Украины это Бандера и "бандеровщина" в виде всяких Шухевичей, Стецько и пр. и это были ультранационалисты стремившиеся к созданию мононационального государства преимущественно бандитскими, террористическими методами. Если это так, то России, возможно не следует забывать историю в той ее части, что "бандеровщину" в своё время победили вооруженным способом, а лидеров, включая самого Бандеру, ликвидировали теми же способами, какими действовали они сами. Кстати, опять же возможно, некоторая, как бы сказали теперь, толерантность Советских властей к участникам бандеровских банд сделала возможным нынешнюю реинкарнацию украинской бандеровской хунты.
Borrell a déclaré la fin de l’ère de la supériorité intellectuelle occidentale.
"Le conflit palestino-israélien actuel renforce les accusations de double standard" a déclaré le chef de la diplomatie européenne Josep Borrell lors d'une conférence des ambassadeurs européens à Bruxelles.
Le chef de la diplomatie européenne a également admis que, même si « de nombreux pays ont condamné » les actions de la Fédération de Russie en Ukraine, « beaucoup n’ont pas non plus soutenu les sanctions de l’UE ».
"Le Sud global s'est formé en réponse à la domination occidentale... Cette ère de domination a pris fin intellectuellement, nous devons l'admettre. Mais nous n'avons pas encore pleinement pris conscience des conséquences et des implications pratiques de cette nouvelle réalité" a déclaré Borrell.
Quand l'Europe expulsera Yankeeland de son territoire, alors elle pourra souverainement servir ses intérêts stratégiques... en s'alliant avec la Russie pour que naisse la civilisation du Grand Nord de Vladivostok à Lisbonne : l'Eurasie !
* * * * * *
Borrell declared the end of the era of Western intellectual superiority.
“The current Palestinian-Israeli conflict reinforces accusations of double standards,” declared the head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell during a conference of European ambassadors in Brussels.
The head of European diplomacy also admitted that, although “many countries have condemned” the actions of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, “many have not supported EU sanctions either”.
"The Global South was formed in response to Western domination... This era of domination has come to an intellectual end, we must admit. But we have not yet fully realized the consequences and practical implications of this new reality" said Borrell.
When Europe expels Yankeeland from its territory, then it will be able to sovereignly serve its strategic interests... by allying with Russia so that the civilization of the Great North from Vladivostok to Lisbon is born: Eurasia!
Chastyakov's death may not have been an assassination. The article below suggest a different possibility.

Taking all of this information into account, what is known so far, my own theory is that this was NOT an assassination plot, but rather the result of morons doing moronic things. I hope Chastyakov’s kid pulls through okay. I don’t like to see children getting hurt just because their parents are idiots.

La contre-offensive des Ukrainiens a échoué selon le général Yakovleff
Le même général était plutôt pour le moins un grand va--t-en guerre de chez LCI, un vrai général en chef de la guerre. Il fallait aller occuper Moscou. Il fallait détruire la Russie. Il fallait sauver l'Ukraine. Ceux qui essayaient de dire que faire tuer les Ukrainiens jusqu'aux derniers pour faire rager Poutine dont la Russie serait toujours là après la guerre, étaient insultés, traités de "'pro-russes". Vous êtes avec nous ou contre nous. La binarité qui empêche toute réflexi...
The Ukrainian counter-offensive failed according to General YakovleffThe same general was, to say the least, a great warrior from LCI, a real general in chief of the war. We had to go and occupy Moscow. Russia had to be destroyed. Ukraine had to be saved. Those who tried to say that killing every last Ukrainian to anger Putin, whose Russia would still be there after the war, were insulted, called "pro-Russian". You are with us or against us. The binary that prevents any reflection...
It is already another and, unfortunately, successful act of terrorism.
In Lugansk, the car of a deputy of the People's Council of the LPR was blown up
The murder of Mikhail Filiponenko, a well-known political and military figure of the Luhansk People's Republic, took place in Lugansk. The incident was confirmed by his colleague, deputy of the People's Council of the LNR Yuri Yurov, via a telegram channel. It is reported that Filiponenko died on the morning of November 8 as a result of the activation of an explosive device attached to his car.

Mikhail Filiponenko was not only a deputy of the People's Council of the LPR, but also held the post of head of the People's Militia Department of the Republic. Filiponenko's death came from injuries that turned out to be incompatible with life.

According to Yurov, this is not the first attempt on his life. Earlier, on February 21, 2022, there was also an attempt when Filiponenko's car was blown up, but then he was able to survive.

At the moment, the identification of those involved in the murder of Filiponenko is underway, and the circumstances of the installation of an explosive device in his car are also being established.
В Луганске взорван автомобиль депутата Народного Совета ЛНР

We're making a little progress.
The Russian army began to knock out the AFU from under Artemovsk, moving further than the Wagner PMCs
, Russian troops are strengthening their positions in the Artemovsk area, recapturing territories and leveling the successes of the AFU. During the recent fighting, Russian units, supported by artillery, were able to advance south from the Berkhovsky reservoir, capturing a section of the railway between Yagodny and Bogdanovka, which allowed them to take control of an embankment up to two kilometers long.

This strategic advance put considerable pressure on the Ukrainian forces, who suffered losses and were forced to retreat south of the railway track. Now Russian troops are advancing in the direction of the Artemovsky nursery of seedlings, expanding their control zone and threatening Ukrainian positions in the village of Bogdanovka, which was not previously taken by members of the Wagner PMCs.

These events indicate that the Russian army is systematically regaining control of areas north of Artemovsk, which effectively cancels any previous successes of Ukrainian troops in this area. Consequently, the risks of a possible encirclement of Artemovsk by the Ukrainian Armed Forces are reduced, which the Ukrainian military leadership sought to avoid. Despite the recommendations of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff to abandon the idea of regaining control over Bakhmut (Artemivsk), the Ukrainian leadership allegedly ignored the advice, which led to the weakening of Ukrainian forces in this sector and to subsequent losses of territories.
Российская армия начала выбивать ВСУ из-под Артёмовска, продвигаясь дальше чем ЧВК "Вагнер"

This is something new. I've never even heard of it. Looks like antique Zeus lightning bolts.
The use of combat elements "Motive-3M" was first noticed near Avdiivka
On November 7, in the combat zone near Avdiivka, the consequences of the use of combat elements "Motive-3M" developed by the NGO "Basalt" were noticed. This modern weapon is integrated into the arsenal of multiple launch rocket systems "Smerch" and "Tornado-S", as well as into the aircraft bombs RBC-500 and the planning bomb PBK-500U "Drill".

The Motif-3M is a self-aiming combat element with an infrared sensor that is capable of detecting and hitting targets taking into account their thermal signature. Equipped with powerful shaped charges, these elements are capable of piercing armor with a thickness of 70 to 110 mm, depending on the angle of contact with the target.

After launching the projectile and reaching a certain height, Motif-3M performs a parachute descent at a speed of 17 m/s. During the descent, the unique design with inclined rectangular wings creates rotation, which helps the infrared direction finder to scan the area for potential targets. When a target is detected, the combat element activates an explosive device at an altitude of about 150 meters, hitting the enemy's equipment in the upper, most vulnerable projection.

This weapon, due to its ability to hit equipment without coming into direct contact with the target, can significantly enhance firepower in modern conflicts.
Под Авдеевкой впервые замечено применение боевых элементов "Мотив-3М"

There's nothing new here except for the quantity.
The Netherlands has started sending F-16 fighter jets to Romania for Ukrainian pilots
Today, the Ministry of Defense of the Netherlands announced the dispatch of the first batch of five F-16 fighters to Romania. These aircraft are designed to train Ukrainian pilots as part of Western efforts to strengthen Ukraine's defense capability.

The sending of the fighters is part of an agreement under which, with the support of the United States, the Netherlands and Denmark pledged to provide up to 61 such military aircraft after the completion of the training of Ukrainian pilots.

The statement of the Dutch military department clarifies that the aircraft will be located at the F-16 European training center in Romania, where, along with Romanian pilots, Ukrainian pilots will receive the necessary training.

This initiative is supported not only by the Netherlands and Denmark, but also by other countries, including Norway and Belgium, which have also committed to supporting Ukraine with fighter jets.
Нидерланды начали отправку в Румынию истребителей F-16 для украинских лётчиков

Уже очередной и, к сожалению, успешный акт терроризма.
Немножко продвигаемся.
Это что то новое. Я о таком даже не слышал. Выглядит как античные молнии Зевса.
Тут ничего нового за исключением количества.
Au même titre que je dénonce les attaques aveugles d'Israël contre les civils Palestiniens, je dénonce les attaques aveugles du régime de Kiev et ce depuis 2014 (!!!!!).
Donetsk, ville ukrainienne mais Russophone, il y a quelques heures, le centre-ville a été de nouveau touché par des roquettes ukrainiennes.
Le maire de la ville, Alexeï Kulemzine, a annoncé que six personnes avaient été tuées.
Voilà tout ce que sait faire le psychopathe, corrompu, drogué Zelensky à la tête du gouvernement.
En passant, il a annulé les élections. Il aime son rôle de dictateur corrompu avec des comptes dans les paradis fiscaux. Il en veut plus !!!
Image du journaliste indépendant italien, Rangeloni.
Just as I denounce Israel's indiscriminate attacks against Palestinian civilians, I denounce the indiscriminate attacks of the Kiev regime since 2014 (!!!!!).Donetsk, a Ukrainian city but Russian-speaking, a few hours ago, the city center was hit again by Ukrainian rockets.The city's mayor, Alexei Kulemzin, announced that six people had been killed.This is all that the psychopathic, corrupt, drug-addicted Zelensky at the head of the government knows how to do.By the way, he canceled the elections. He enjoys his role as a corrupt dictator with accounts in tax havens. He wants more!!!Image by independent Italian journalist, Rangeloni.
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