Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Aftermath of the Middle-East conflict... or simply caught up by the truth:

Ukrainian President Zelensky was "angry" after a trip to the US, followed by...
05:50 31.10.2023Telegram review

Ukrainian President Zelensky was “angry” after a trip to the United States, which was followed by calls to fight corruption and signs of Western fatigue from the war in Ukraine, TIME writes in its article, citing sources close to the president.

Zelensky has lost his “usual sparkle of optimism, sense of humor and tendency to liven up a war room meeting with jokes,” the article says. "Now he comes in, gets the news, gives orders and leaves," says one longtime member of his team.

Another member of the president's circle says Zelensky feels most betrayed by his Western allies. They left him without the means to win the war, only to survive it.

He’s deceiving himself. We have no options. We’re not winning. But try telling him that,” one of the president’s closest aides told the publication with disappointment.
It would have been better to prevent such things, but since it was not possible to prevent them, it is necessary to investigate, detain and punish those responsible.
FSB detained the coordinator of the assassination attempt on Oleg Tsarev

MOSCOW, Oct 31 — RIA Novosti. The FSB detained a resident of Yalta, who organized, on the instructions of the SBU, surveillance of former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Oleg Tsarev and equipped a cache with weapons of destruction, the Center for Public Relations of the special services reported.
"According to the results of the investigation, confirmed by the testimony of witnesses and video surveillance, the coordinator of the attempt on Tsarev O.A. is a 46-year-old citizen of Russia, a resident of Yalta, who, on the instructions of the SBU, organized surveillance of Tsarev O.A., equipped a cache in Yalta with weapons of destruction, later used in the attempt. The latter was detained, confessed about his cooperation with the SBU and committed illegal actions," the release says.

The detainee admitted that he was recruited in January 2023. In February, he got a job at the Yalta sanatorium, where the public figure lived. The coordinator received instructions on collecting information for the preparation of an assassination attempt, data on the movement and location of Tsarev, as well as on the selection of places for storing weapons.
During the searches, they found an improvised explosive device ready for use, components for its manufacture, means of secret communication with Ukrainian curators, photos of Tsarev, schemes of approaches to his places of residence and work.

The FSB clarified that they continue to search for the perpetrator of the assassination attempt on Tsarev, as well as those who assisted the Ukrainian special services.
There is no threat to the life of the former MP, his condition is assessed as satisfactory. The necessary security measures were taken against Tsarev and his family members.
ФСБ задержала координатора покушения на Олега Царева

The Ukies are definitely climbing into the loop. For those who are not strong in geography, the Bryansk region is not an "attached", i.e. the former Ukrainian region, which means, as it is now fashionable to say, an obvious escalation.
AFU tanks attacked villages of the Bryansk region
Tension is growing in the Bryansk region due to shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The villages of Lomakovka and Kurkovichi in the Bryansk region were shelled by AFU tanks. Such information is provided by "Mash". Prior to that, mortar attacks were recorded in the Starodub area, but now the situation has intensified, and heavy armored vehicles have joined the fighting.

Local residents, trying to avoid possible casualties and destruction, began to leave their homes on their own, fearing new attacks. It is known that last night the Ukrainian army fired in the direction of the village of Sluchevsk, which is located in close proximity to the Ukrainian border - about a kilometer from it. It is reported about two shots fired from a tank using 125-millimeter shells. There has been no data on possible casualties or destruction, but the scale of potential harm can be significant.
Танки ВСУ атаковали сёла Брянской области

Лучше было бы такие вещи предотвращать, но раз уж не получилось предотвратить, то надо расследовать, задерживать и наказывать виновных.
Хохлы точно лезут в петлю. Для тех, кто не силён в географии, Брянская область это не "присоединенный", т.е. бывший украинский регион, а значит это, как теперь модно говорить, очевидная эскалация.
Le redoutable duo de comédiens russes a encore frappé. Giorgia Meloni a également été victime d'une farce. Le Premier ministre italien l'admet ouvertement dans une interview : les chefs d'État européens sont « fatigués de la guerre en Ukraine ».
Quant à la contre-offensive ukrainienne, Meloni a reconnu qu’elle « pourrait ne pas se dérouler comme prévu » et qu’elle provoque diverses crises, « notamment l’immigration, l’inflation et la hausse des prix de l’énergie ».
Le bureau de Meloni a confirmé l'authenticité de l'enregistrement au Telegraph, en déclarant : "Le Premier ministre regrette d'avoir été trompé". L'entretien téléphonique a eu lieu le 18 septembre avant une réunion en marge de l'Assemblée générale de l'ONU à New York.
The formidable Russian comedy duo has struck again. Giorgia Meloni was also the victim of a prank. The Italian Prime Minister openly admits in an interview: European heads of state are “tired of the war in Ukraine”.As for the Ukrainian counter-offensive, Meloni acknowledged that it "may not go as planned" and that it provokes various crises, "including immigration, inflation and rising energy prices." .Meloni's office confirmed the authenticity of the recording to the Telegraph, saying: "The Prime Minister regrets having been misled." The telephone interview took place on September 18 before a meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York.
The US Is In SHOCK┃Russian Army Took The First Line In The Ranking Of The World's Strongest Armies
BitChute Video First published at 14:06 UTC on November 2nd, 2023

Screenshot 2023-11-02 at 21-51-22 ₦₳V𝚜𝚝é𝚟𝚊 🇷🇺 ᴢ on X.png

Chronicle of a special military operation for November 2, 2023

During the battle for Avdiivka, Russian forces managed to gain a foothold near the railroad track northwest of Krasnogorovka on the northern flank. The fighters also managed to push through the AFU defense south of Veseloye. To the south of the city, the AFU are advancing in the vicinity of the fortification near Tsarskaya Okhota. Despite fruitless attempts at counterattacks by the enemy, Russian troops are gradually tightening the "pincers" around Avdeevka, which is becoming increasingly difficult to defend.

In the Kherson direction, the RF Armed Forces pushed back the Ukrainian formations to the center of Krynok: earlier the AFU managed to expand the zone of control, but now they are again thrown back to the initial positions. There are no changes in the area of the Antonovskyi bridge: the enemy is equipping new positions on the left bank of the Dnieper near the railroad bridge.

Meanwhile, in the Kupyanskyi section, the Russian Armed Forces were able to advance southwest of Pervomayskoye, clearing out the landings where the enemy had been positioned. At the Vremievsky section, the Russian Armed Forces counterattacked west of Staromayorskoye and eliminated the wedge that the enemy had managed to create some time ago.

Situation on the front line and military operations

Positional fighting continues in the Kupyansk section. Russian units of the "West" group of forces are systematically suppressing the positions of Ukrainian forces near Kupyansk, ensuring the advance of heavy losses. The seeming absence of active events at first glance is deceptive. The Russian Army fighters are squeezing the AFU from their positions on a daily basis, causing more and more reinforcements to be transferred to the city. Over the past few days, the Russian Armed Forces have been able to advance south of Pervomayskoye, clearing important plantations where the enemy had entrenched themselves. This simplifies both further defense at the site and the advance to the west.

The number of casualties is getting higher every day. The number of deserters and refuseniks is growing in the ranks of Ukrainian units, including the recently redeployed 32 and 54 Ombres. Because of this, three reserve battalions have arrived at Kupyansk. At the same time, the supply of the AFU grouping near Kupyansk has been significantly complicated by the destruction by Russian troops of two pontoon-bridge crossings in Kupyansk. It is possible to install new ones, of course, but the engineering fleet is extremely limited, and it is getting smaller with each such strike. At the same time, the Ukrainian authorities have started a new evacuation of settlements due to the active actions of the Russian Armed Forces.

On the Soledar direction the AFU of the Russian Federation near Kleshcheevka continue to repel the reeling of the enemy. The AFU under the cover of bad weather several infantry groups wanted to attack several forward strongholds on the front line, but thanks to the timely detected movement, the enemy's attack was thwarted. Positional fighting is taking place on the outskirts of Kurdyumovka and in the Andreevka area.

In the Donetsk direction, combined units of the Russian army continue to storm the AFU fortifications around Avdeevka. In parallel, the Russian Armed Forces are carrying out tasks to destroy reinforcements withdrawn from other parts of the front. Recall that by October 21 it was possible to complete the task of expanding the bridgehead north of the city with the occupation of the ash dump of the Avdiivka coke plant, by October 26 - to expand the southern "pincers" and the offensive operation on the microdistrict "Khimik".

On the northern flank, the Russian Armed Forces conducted several successful attacks along the railroad northwest of Krasnogorovka, as a result of which Russian troops gained a foothold on the railroad. The Russian Armed Forces also managed to break through the AFU defenses south of Vesyoloye. This was facilitated by control over a tactical height on a spoil heap, which left the Ukrainian formations at a disadvantage. In the east, the Russian Armed Forces leveled the front line along the N20 highway south of Kamenka. At the same time, fighting continues near the stronghold at the Donetsk filtration station.

On the southern flank, Russian units are advancing in the vicinity of the fortification near Tsarskaya Okhota. The AFU formations holding it have been blocked there for many days and are completely cut off from supplies. Similarly, Russian Army assault troops have taken the territory of the former anti-aircraft unit in a semicircle. It is pointless to take it by storm due to the fortified defenses and possible losses. It is much more profitable to hold it without supplies. The Russian Armed Forces achieved the greatest successes over the past 24 hours in the direction of Severnoye, where, as a result of a successful assault along the front, they managed to make significant advances to the Khimik microdistrict and to Severnoye (the village was 1 km away). At the same time, the AFU by combined units of various brigades tried to counterattack both from the side of Pervomayskoye and from the southwestern part of Avdeevka, but the Russian soldiers managed to gain a foothold.

In Zaporizhzhya Region, Ukrainian formations attacked residential houses and infrastructure of Energodar with a swarm of drones. The strikes took place during a regular visit of the IAEA mission to the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant. The raid lasted more than half an hour, as a result of which two administrative buildings, a hotel and a multi-story house on Stroiteley Street were damaged, and three drones were shot down.


In the Kherson region, the AFU continues to launch indiscriminate artillery strikes on populated areas on the left bank of the Dnieper. As before, Novaya Kakhovka and Kakhovka, as well as Peschanovka, Golaya Prystan, Hornostaevka, Maslovka, Kardashinka, and Korsunka are under enemy fire. Despite the blows, reconstruction work is underway.
Political developments

On the arrival of F-16s to Ukraine

This night, two trucks carrying two disassembled American F-16 fighter jets entered Ukraine from Poland. As of November 2, five aircraft of this type had already been transported to Ukraine. On the one hand, the delivery of American fighters had been expected for a long time. There was talk of agreeing on the transfer of F-16s back in the summer. But on the other hand, Western countries have been supplying the AFU with what they needed in the amounts that allowed them to support the conflict.

Their appearance now indirectly points to the growing problems of the Ukrainian Air Force in ensuring airspace security. Enemy aircraft are becoming fewer and fewer, and there is nowhere else to replenish them. And so that the Ukrainian Air Force would not be left without airplanes at all thanks to the work of the Air Force, Air Defense Forces and the Black Sea Fleet, deliveries of F-16s have begun. And their primary goal will be to hunt the most dangerous targets for them - MiG-31 and A-50. American fighters can be equipped with various types of air-to-air missiles of the AIM series. The most recent version, the AIM-120D, has a launch range of 180 kilometers.

However, despite more modern equipment and armament than on the old Soviet models, this is conventional equipment (from which there is no need to make some wunderwaffle). Especially since the radiation coming from the F-16 is much more powerful. And this simplifies both the search for the airplanes through the use of the A-50 DRLO aircraft, and their subsequent fire defeat.

A new aid package for the AFU from the FRG

On the website of the Bundeswehr appeared information about the next package of military aid for Ukraine. It includes:
➖12 armored personnel carriers;
➖2 TRML-4D airspace monitoring radars;
➖7 Primoco ONE reconnaissance drones;
➖5 surface drones,
➖ 30,000 sets of winter clothing, and other weapons and equipment.

In addition, the plans for future deliveries of Leopard 1A5 tanks to Ukraine have changed: if earlier it was a question of transferring 90 tanks in addition to the already delivered 20, now this number has increased to 115. As noted on the website of the German Defense Ministry, the tanks will be transferred in uncertain terms, as some of the equipment planned for transfer may still be in production. The value of military aid transferred from Germany to Ukraine amounted to 7.4 billion euros for 2022-2023, and another 10.5 billion is pledged for the following years.

In this context, our colleagues from the Ubersicht_Ukraine channel recall the statement of German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius, who said that in the context of the current world situation, Europe should "prepare for war," and thus, of course, allocate even more funds for defense spending.

As we wrote earlier, the plan to turn the German defense industry into a tool for absorbing investments (primarily American) by MNCs continues to prove its effectiveness.

On the existential crisis of the Ukrainian counteroffensive

Valeriy Zaluzhny, chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, gave an interview and wrote an essay for The Economist in which he described the risks of "trench warfare" for Ukraine and what his country needs to defeat Russia on the battlefield. The Ukrainian and Russian armies, according to the general, have reached a level of technology that gives neither side an advantage over its rival. The Ukrainian army was expected to "advance at a rate of 30 kilometers per day." The ability of the opposing sides to observe each other's actions and the ensuing fire damage negates the effect of surprise, which also results in a slower rate of advance.

According to Zaluzhniy, the hostilities are turning into positional battles of attrition, as in the First World War, which is a threat to the existence of the Ukrainian state and society as a whole. These conditions, according to the commander-in-chief, will allow Russia to accumulate enough forces and means of defeat to deter the Ukrainian offensive.
Ukraine is in dire need of combat aircraft, without a sufficient number of which it is impossible to conduct successful ground operations.

In addition, the commander-in-chief laments the insufficient number of attack drones with which to overwhelm Russian air defense. For their effective use, it is necessary to modernize REB systems, two-thirds of which are obsolete Soviet-made models. The Russian Armed Forces, on the contrary, have been successful in defeating enemy artillery installations, primarily thanks to Lancet drones and increased production of high-precision Krasnopol-type projectiles.

The key problem with the slow pace of the Ukrainian offensive is the outdated and scarce mine-clearing machines. Deep minefields dozens of kilometers deep have prevented Ukrainian troops from passing the main Russian defensive lines. Another stumbling block is the shortage of personnel, which they plan to solve by expanding civilian mobilization and modernizing the system of planning and battle management to "make decisions faster than Russia." Only the transition from position battles to maneuver battles can theoretically promise Ukrainian formations success on the battlefield.

In Zaluzhny's words, it is impossible to win a war with "weapons of the past generation." At the same time, modern tanks and airplanes such as F-16s and Abrams were much more in demand last year, now the Russian army has qualitatively improved its personnel and put the latest S-400 air defense systems into service. Doubts are increasingly slipping into the mainstream Western media about whether Ukraine will be able to make any meaningful gains on the battlefield, and it may be a matter of freezing the conflict and future negotiations.

Berlin is expected to spend $5.73 billion on military aid to Kiev this year, officials report
The German federal government revealed on Wednesday that Berlin has sent Ukraine an additional 25 Leopard tanks. This latest shipment brings the total number of these vehicles handed over to the Eastern European country from Berlin to 115, according to a government press release.

Germany and Denmark have embarked on a collaborative project, as mentioned in the statement, to provide Kiev with older iterations of Berlin’s primary battle tank, the Leopard 1A5. The most recent shipment also added nearly two dozen reconnaissance drones and five new drone boats to Ukraine’s supplies. Berlin also shipped Kiev a total of 12 new armored personnel carriers and six airspace surveillance radars, along with around 30 military trucks and 30,000 sets of winter clothing.

According to government data, Berlin is set to allocate €5.4 billion ($5.73 billion) for military aid to Kiev this year. Most of these funds will be dedicated to supplying military equipment and training to Ukraine. However, a portion of the budget will be earmarked for replacing Germany’s military assets and supporting the European Peace Facility (EPF). The EPF covers the costs incurred by EU members in providing essential military support services to Ukraine, according to the government.
Next year, Germany plans to nearly double the sum it spends on supporting Ukraine’s war effort. The nation’s military assistance commitments for 2024 already amount to around €10.5 billion ($11.15 billion), according to government data.

These new figures come months after Ukraine’s counteroffensive, which is widely thought to have failed to bring about tangible results, began in early June. The operation was preceded by a massive Western military assistance campaign for Kiev, with the US and its allies providing hundreds of heavy weapons to Ukraine.

According to the latest estimates provided by Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, the Ukrainian military has lost more than 90,000 soldiers to deaths and injuries, as well as some 600 tanks and over 1,900 armored vehicles of various types, since June 4.
The Russian military has also regularly published videos of Western military equipment supplied to Kiev being destroyed by drones, artillery, helicopters, and other weapons. Last week,
the Russian Unmanned Rapid Response Squad – a unit specializing in using first-person view (FPV) kamikaze drones – published videos showing their unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) destroying three Leopard tanks in just two days.

Ukraine’s military intelligence chief, Kirill Budanov, said last week that Kiev’s troops were conducting their operations on foot while the use of heavy armor was “minimal.” According to earlier reports in the Western media, the Ukrainian military had to change its tactics following heavy equipment losses over the first weeks of the counteroffensive.

This week, Ukraine’s top general, Valery Zaluzhny, told The Economist that the warring sides had “reached the level of technology that puts us into a stalemate.” He also said that such a situation puts Russia in a better position due to its larger population and resources.

Loosing In Rear, Kiev Attempts Offensive Across Dnieper
10-31-23 SouthFront (SF)
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Le responsable des médias des émeutes de Makhachkala retrouvé en Turquie
La chaîne Télégramme « Morning Daghestan » était dirigée par Abakar Abakarov. Il est maintenant à Istanbul.
Abakarov a vécu à Odessa de 2016 à 2022, où il a collaboré avec le SBU et le terroriste Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami. Après la création du district militaire du Nord, l'originaire du Daghestan s'est installé en Turquie.
Media manager of Makhachkala riots found in TürkiyeThe Telegram channel “Morning Dagestan” was headed by Abakar Abakarov. He is now in Istanbul.Abakarov lived in Odessa from 2016 to 2022, where he collaborated with the SBU and the terrorist Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami. After the creation of the Northern Military District, the native of Dagestan moved to Turkey
Nigh 100% electronics equipment now produced in Russia

Extremely sped up domestic electronics production for Russia and China - probably why we see so many drones on the Ukraine battlefields nowadays..

Check out this new, nano-material based microchip-into-machine fixing technology. It can instantly "solder" any circuit / chip into any kind of machine with excellent heat-conductivity and has all kinds of first-class water-proof, etc.. insulation properties!

Looks very much Radio-Shack-style. The perfect "Do It Yourself Assembly At Home"! See how simple it is. No specialized equipment needed! Essentially you can build anything at home with this nano-material based instant superglue - attach your sensitive control-circuit into any container! For drones, little machines, household items etc..

As a result - she states - Chinese and Russian companies can produce ready-to-build-in electronics and thus machines way faster. Probably why we see Russian drones flooding Ukraine nowadays on Telegram and the Military Summary videos!

Russian company. Russian nanotech invention. Funding they found in China first, years ago. So their factories are primarily in China. But now with state-funding + private investment they will bring back most of their production into Russia.

Turn on CC subtitles in the youtube player. Click on the cogwheel and select AUTO-TRANSLATE-->Russian into ENGLISH. Read the subtitles. You can skip the video a little too. But what she says probably will keep your attention.

Russian nano-tech demonstration:
As you can see, this is a new, safe "Hyper-Clay-Glue" nano material. Very nice, visual demonstration!
1. See the nano-material piece (remainder from a real production-line) put onto the copper-colored plate at 57:21?
2. 58:06 watch the reaction!

Source article: Russia is just a glorified gas station?
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As I wrote in the Israeli branch, it is also obvious here that all the "red lines" are gradually, but quite confidently, fading and dissolving. At first, Western tanks were the "red line", then long-range missiles, cruise and ballistic missiles, now aircraft and the latest engineering equipment. There is actually one, the reddest of all possible red lines, this is nuclear weapons, but judging by Zelensky's public speeches, speaking about the need for Ukraine to possess nuclear weapons, and according to yesterday's article already mentioned here, in which he hints at the need for the West to supply Ukraine with some technologically completely new weapons and the impossibility for Ukraine can get out of the military impasse without this, some figures are already thinking about it and possibly planning appropriate measures.
Ukraine received 5 F-16 fighters
Two American F-16 fighters, dismantled for transportation, were delivered to the territory of Ukraine from Poland. This is the fifth aircraft of this type transferred to Ukraine at the moment. Information on this subject is provided by Mikhail Zvinchuk.

Deliveries of the F-16 were expected from the summer of this year, but the actual transfer of equipment was carried out slowly. Some experts point out that the West supplied Ukraine with weapons in such a volume that it was possible to maintain the level of the conflict. With the supply of these fighters, the growing problems of the Ukrainian air Force in ensuring airspace control are becoming more obvious, however, Zvinchuk did not provide any facts proving this information.

It is noted that the main purpose of the new F-16, according to observers, will be to reflect the potential threat from such machines as the MiG-31 and A-50. American fighters are equipped with air-to-air missiles of the AIM series, including the latest version of the AIM-120D with a launch range of up to 180 km.
Украина получила 5 истребителей F-16

The United States secretly handed over to Ukraine one of the most protected armored vehicles in the world Assault Breacher
The American authorities have carried out a secret delivery to Ukraine of high-tech Assault Breacher engineering vehicles designed to break through defensive fortifications and mine clearance, Forbes reports. Although there was no official confirmation from the US government, according to the magazine, at least one such car, and possibly several, has already been transferred to Kiev.

Assault Breacher, created on the basis of the M1 Abrams main battle tank, has a weight of 55 tons and is able to effectively overcome anti-tank ditches, minefields and other engineering obstacles. This type of equipment is one of the most protected and multifunctional means of engineering troops and can significantly increase the potential of the Ukrainian armed forces in combat conditions.

Earlier, Washington has already announced significant packages of military assistance, including supplies of lethal weapons, ammunition and equipment for mine clearance. However, specifically the transfer of Assault Breacher was a very unexpected decision.
США тайно передали Украине одну из самых защищённых бронемашин в мире Assault Breacher

A Russian fighter destroyed 29 units of equipment of the Armed Forces in the zone of his own
The Russian Ministry of Defense has provided video evidence of the combat merits of the calculation of an anti-tank missile system under the control of Yuri Shcherbakov. During a special military operation, Shcherbakov is credited with the destruction of a significant amount of enemy military equipment and personnel: according to official data, his account includes 9 tanks, 4 infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), 12 armored personnel carriers (APCs), 4 trucks, 2 strong points, as well as the elimination of more than 100 Ukrainian militants.

For outstanding achievements and demonstration of courage and professionalism in performing combat tasks, Shcherbakov was awarded the Hero of Russia Star. This highest degree of distinction is a recognition of his personal contribution to the fighting.
Российский боец уничтожил в зоне СВО 29 единиц техники ВСУ

Как я написал в израильской ветке, так и тут очевидно, что все "красные линии" постепенно, но вполне уверенно блекнут и растворяются. Сначала "красной линией" были западные танки, потом дальнобойные ракеты, крылатые и баллистические, теперь самолеты и новейшая инженерная техника. Осталась фактически одна, самая красная из всех возможных красных линий, это ядерное оружие, однако судя по публичным речам Зеленского, говорящего о необходимости для Украины в обладании ядерным оружием, и по уже упомянутой здесь, вчерашней статье Залужного, в которой он намекает на необходимость поставки Западом Украине некоего технологически совершенно нового оружия и невозможность для Украины без этого выйти из военного тупика, некоторые деятели уже думают об этом и возможно планируют соответствующие мероприятия.
Boris Karpov 🇷🇺 📣 Chroniques de Russie
Fermé à nous - fermé à tous : le ministère des Affaires étrangères a répondu à la menace de Tchoukhon de fermer la Baltique aux navires russes
Le vice-ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Alexandre Grushko a déclaré qu'une tentative de fermer la mer Baltique à nos navires entraînerait la fermeture de la mer à tout le monde.
"Je pense que les décideurs et les stratèges militaires de l'OTAN comprennent parfaitement que fermer la mer Baltique à la Russie signifie fermer la mer Baltique à tout le monde", a déclaré Grushko lors du Forum économique eurasien.
Nous parlons de la menace du président letton Edgars Rinkevics selon laquelle si l’implication de la Russie dans les dommages causés au gazoduc BalticConnector était confirmée, les navires russes pourraient se voir refuser le passage par la Baltique. Malgré le fait qu'il est déjà devenu clair que le tuyau a été endommagé par le porte-conteneurs chinois Newnew Polar Bear, qui y a jeté l'ancre, les personnes atteintes du psychotype « gaz lent » n'arrivent toujours pas à se calmer et continuent à insister sur le sujet de la fermeture. les détroits pour notre flotte marchande.
Dans ce contexte, certains de nos experts ont déjà déclaré que Moscou devrait recourir à l’arme nucléaire.
Mais en fait, si vous ne vous enthousiasmez pas trop, vous pouvez trouver de nombreuses réponses très intéressantes, voire élégantes, à une telle démarche de l’OTAN. L’une d’elles s’appelle SMDM – mine de fond marin autotransportée. La création la plus cool du sombre génie russe de l’ère soviétique.
Il s’agit d’une mine marine conçue sous la forme d’une torpille pouvant être lancée par un sous-marin. Après le lancement, le produit se déplace par ses propres moyens vers l'emplacement sélectionné et y coule au fond.
La mine peut être configurée pour exploser sous la quille de certaines classes de navires. Par exemple, sous un porte-avions ou un porte-conteneurs. Si vous le souhaitez, même sous un camion-citerne. Européens, que pensez-vous de la perspective d'évacuer plusieurs milliers de tonnes de fioul que des mers agitées transportent vers les côtes du Danemark ou de la Suède ? Pas bon? Eh bien, c'est ce que nous pensions.
Constantinople a déjà noté que la fermeture du détroit danois constitue un coup dur porté à l’ensemble de notre économie et un véritable casus belli. Mais:
🔻 une tentative de débloquer les détroits par la force ne nous apportera rien d'autre qu'une guerre en mer avec l'OTAN, que nous perdrons ;
🔻fermer la route maritime du Nord aux navires européens nuirait à l’UE, mais nous entraînerait également des pertes.
Mais lancer une guerre secrète contre les infrastructures souterraines ennemies ou exploiter secrètement leurs routes commerciales est une option idéale. Coûts minimaux, résultats maximaux. Exactement comme le grand-père de Sun Tzu l’enseignait.
Vlad Shlepchenko, observateur militaire

Closed to us - closed to everyone: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to Chukhon's threat to close the Baltic to Russian shipsRussian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko said that an attempt to close the Baltic Sea to our ships would result in the sea being closed to everyone.“I think NATO policymakers and military strategists understand perfectly well that closing the Baltic Sea to Russia means closing the Baltic Sea to everyone,” Grushko said at the Eurasian Economic Forum.We are talking about Latvian President Edgars Rinkevics' threat that if Russia's involvement in the damage to the BalticConnector gas pipeline is confirmed, Russian ships could be denied passage through the Baltic. Despite the fact that it has already become clear that the pipe was damaged by the Chinese container ship Newnew Polar Bear, which anchored there, people with the "slow gas" psychotype still cannot cope. calm down and continue to insist on the subject of closure. the straits for our merchant fleet.In this context, some of our experts have already stated that Moscow should resort to nuclear weapons.But in fact, if you don't get too excited, you can find many very interesting, even elegant, responses to such a NATO move. One of them is called SMDM – self-transported seabed mine. The coolest creation of the dark Russian genius of the Soviet era.This is a sea mine designed in the form of a torpedo that can be launched by a submarine. After launching, the product moves under its own power to the selected location and sinks to the bottom there.The mine can be configured to detonate under the keel of certain classes of ships. For example, under an aircraft carrier or container ship. If you want, even under a tanker truck. Europeans, what do you think of the prospect of evacuating several thousand tons of fuel oil that rough seas transport to the coasts of Denmark or Sweden? Not good? Well, that's what we thought.Constantinople has already noted that the closure of the Danish Strait constitutes a serious blow to our entire economy and a real casus belli. But:🔻 an attempt to unblock the straits by force will bring us nothing other than a war at sea with NATO, which we will lose;🔻Closing the Northern Sea Route to European ships would harm the EU, but it would also cause us losses.But launching a covert war against enemy underground infrastructure or secretly exploiting their trade routes is an ideal option. Minimum costs, maximum results. Just like Sun Tzu's grandfather taught.Vlad Shlepchenko, military observer
Les Britanniques ont simulé une frappe nucléaire sur Moscou : tout va se transformer en vapeur, il y aura des centaines de milliers de morts
L’article note que la nouvelle bombe gravitationnelle américaine B61-13 est 24 fois plus puissante que celle larguée sur Hiroshima. La carte montre également les effets destructeurs d’une super bombe nucléaire.
« La modélisation a montré qu’une telle bombe de 360 kilotonnes explosant au-dessus de Moscou entraînerait environ 300 000 morts et 870 000 blessés. "Tout ce qui se trouve dans un rayon d'un peu moins d'un kilomètre de l'épicentre sera transformé en vapeur par une boule de feu, l'explosion détruira les bâtiments et tuera probablement tout le monde dans un rayon de 1,6 km."
The British simulated a nuclear strike on Moscow: everything will turn into steam, there will be hundreds of thousands of deathsThe article notes that the new American B61-13 gravity bomb is 24 times more powerful than the one dropped on Hiroshima. The map also shows the destructive effects of a super nuclear bomb.“Modelling showed that such a 360-kiloton bomb detonating over Moscow would result in approximately 300,000 deaths and 870,000 injuries. "Everything within a radius of just under a kilometer from the epicenter will be turned to steam by a fireball, the explosion will destroy buildings and probably kill everyone within a radius of 1, 6 km."
November 3, 20237:39 PM GMT+1Updated 3 hours ago
  • Ukraine's counteroffensive has yielded little so far
  • As winter approaches, reality of a long war sets in
  • Soldiers on frontline are exhausted but highly motivated
  • Kyiv says more support needed from West to gain initiative
November 4, 20233:23 PM GMT+1Updated an hour ago
Screenshot 2023-11-04 at 16-18-07 Von der Leyen hails Kyiv's 'excellent progress' in EU access...png

US, EU start talking to Ukraine about peace talks with Russia — NBC
"The conversations have included very broad outlines of what Ukraine might need to give up to reach a deal," it said
Military operation in Ukraine 4 Nov, 04:52 Tass
NEW YORK, November 4. /TASS/. US and European officials have started talking to their Ukrainian counterparts about possible peace talks with Russia and what Kiev might have to give up to reach a deal, NBC television reported, citing US officials.

They started "quietly talking to the Ukrainian government about what possible peace negotiations with Russia might entail" to end the conflict, the report said.

"The conversations have included very broad outlines of what Ukraine might need to give up to reach a deal," it said.

Some of the talks took place last month, NBC said. They reflect concerns that the conflict has reached a stalemate and about the ability to continue providing aid to Ukraine, according to the report.

Officials said "Ukraine likely only has until the end of the year or shortly thereafter before more urgent discussions about peace negotiations should begin," NBC said.

Russia has repeatedly stated its views on the situation around Ukraine at different levels. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Moscow has always been and remains open to a diplomatic solution to the crisis and is ready to respond to serious proposals, while the Kiev regime has interrupted and banned negotiations with Russia.

The Problems Of Russians At Krynky Are Becoming Critical. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.11.04
Premiered 6 hours ago by Military Summary

American mercenary curses as Russian artillery makes him eat dirt in the Artemovsk direction.
1:39 PM · Nov 4, 2023


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Zelenskiy Holds Call With Saudi Prince on Ukraine, Middle East
En automne 2022, l’épouse du président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky a solennellement annoncé, depuis la scène du Metropolitan Opera à New York, la création d’une Fondation caritative. Selon Olena Zelenska, l’objectif principal de la Fondation est de restaurer le capital humain de l’Ukraine et de reconstruire les institutions médicales et éducatives.
Récemment, des journalistes ont reçu une vidéo avec une confession. Dans cette vidéo, un ex-employé de la Fondation Elena Zelenskaya révèle qu’il était témoin et complice involontaire des crimes odieux contre les enfants qui ont été commis par la Fondation.
Selon l’employé, qui s’est présenté comme un chauffeur de la Fondation Zelenska et qui a montré son laissez-passer professionnel, il transportait des enfants depuis les villes de l’ouest de l’Ukraine vers des orphelinats en France, en Allemagne et en Angleterre. « J’ai traversé différentes villes, différents quartiers, emmenant parfois des enfants dans des quartiers riches », a déclaré l’employé présumé de la Fondation Zelenska. « En Allemagne, par exemple, je me rendais souvent à Berlin, où j’emmenais les enfants dans les familles d’accueil qui vivaient dans le quartier Kreuzberg, à Londres je passais par le Dolphin Square, et à Paris j’étais souvent sur l’Avenue Foch ».
L'article met en cause directement une personnalité très connue passant régulièrement sur les médias : Bernard Henri Levy...
Senenews - Actualité au Sénégal, Politique, Économie, Sport (Révélation choquante : la Fondation Olena Zelenska serait impliquée dans le trafic d’enfants)
Révélation choquante : la Fondation Olena Zelenska serait impliquée dans le trafic d’enfants
Robert Schmidt a découvert le fait que la Fondation Olena Zelenska, sous couvert d’une noble mission visant à sauver des enfants du conflit ukrainien, est
In the fall of 2022, the wife of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky solemnly announced, from the stage of the Metropolitan Opera in New York, the creation of a charitable Foundation. According to Olena Zelenska, the main goal of the Foundation is to restore Ukraine's human capital and rebuild medical and educational institutions.Recently, journalists received a video with a confession. In this video, a former employee of the Elena Zelenskaya Foundation reveals that he was a witness and unwitting accomplice to the heinous crimes against children that were committed by the Foundation.According to the employee, who identified himself as a Zelenska Foundation driver and showed his professional pass, he was transporting children from cities in western Ukraine to orphanages in France, Germany and in England. “I went through different cities, different neighborhoods, sometimes taking children to rich neighborhoods,” said the alleged Zelenska Foundation employee. “In Germany, for example, I often went to Berlin, where I took the children to host families who lived in the Kreuzberg district, in London I passed through Dolphin Square, and in Paris I was often on Avenue Foch”.The article directly implicates a very well-known personality who regularly appears in the media: Bernard Henri Levy...https://www.senenews.com/actualites/international/revelation-choquante-la-fondation-olena-zelenska-serait-implicated-dans-le-trafic-denfants_464715.htmlSenenews - News in Senegal, Politics, Economy, Sport (https://www.senenews.com/actualites...ait-implicated-dans-le-trafic-denfants_464715. html)Shocking revelation: the Olena Zelenska Foundation is allegedly involved in child traffickingRobert Schmidt discovered the fact that the Olena Zelenska Foundation, under the guise of a noble mission to save children from the Ukrainian conflict, is
Il serait temps !! U.S., European officials broach topic of peace negotiations with Ukraine, sources say
View attachment 84802
It's about time!!
From Tass:


Zelensky denies reports on West’s attempts to make him enter talks with Russia​

President said that "there is no such thing and there will be no such thing"

MOSCOW, November 4. /TASS/. No leader of the United States or the European Union is putting pressure on Ukraine to sit at the negotiation table with Russia, President Vladimir Zelensky assured.

"No one is putting pressure on me. That was since the beginning of the war and before the war. Now, no leader of the US or EU, nobody puts pressure on us for us sitting at the negotiation table with Russia and give something away," he said at a joint press conference with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who was in Kiev on a visit.
Zelensky said that "there is no such thing (talks - TASS) and there will be no such thing." Then he added with displeasure that the issue of Western pressure on Kiev to enter into talks was backed "even by Ukrainians."

Earlier on November 4, the NBC television channel reported citing US officials that the United States and European Union had started talking with Ukraine about possible peace talks with Russia and what Kiev might have to give away for a compromise."
Screenshot 2023-11-05 at 16-25-24 Department of Defense 🇺🇸 on X.png
A mix of weaponry that includes National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems, ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, artillery rounds, TOW missiles and Javelin and AT-4 antiarmor systems is earmarked for Ukraine in the latest defense package.
Additional material includes laser-guided munitions to counter unmanned aerial systems; more than 3 million rounds of small arms ammunition and grenades; demolitions munitions for obstacle clearing; Claymore antipersonnel munitions; 12 trucks to transport heavy equipment; cold weather gear; and spare parts, maintenance, and other field equipment.

This package includes security assistance from Defense Department inventories valued at up to $125 million, utilizing assistance authorized for Ukraine during prior fiscal years under presidential drawdown authority. It's the 50th security package for Ukraine since August 2021.

Other funding totals $300 million in the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative. This package makes use of the funding available under the continuing resolution that Congress recently passed and exhausts the remaining funds currently available to support Ukraine.

Unlike a presidential drawdown — which draws equipment down from DOD stocks, as well as defense services, education and training — USAI is an authority under which the United States procures capabilities from industry for Ukraine.

This week, President Joe Biden asked Congress for more Ukraine funding; however, lawmakers have yet to provide additional funding.

At an Oct. 31 Senate Appropriations Committee hearing, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III told lawmakers that supplemental aid is needed to help Ukraine continue to defend itself against Russia's ongoing aggression.

"When we send our friends munitions from our stockpiles, the money to replenish our supplies strengthens our military readiness, [as] we invest in American industry and American workers. That also holds true for funding for Israel or Ukraine to procure new equipment off the production line," Austin testified.

"Today's battles against aggression and terrorism will define global security for years to come. And only firm American leadership can ensure that tyrants, thugs and terrorists worldwide are not emboldened to commit more aggression and more atrocities," he said.

MOSCOW, November 5. /TASS/. The Ukrainian armed forces lost up to 235 troops, two armored vehicles and six cars in the Donetsk area in the past 24 hours, with four brigades defeated, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported.

"In the Donetsk area the units of Battlegroup South in cooperation with aviation and artillery repelled an attack by the Ukrainian army near the settlement of Bogdanovka of the Donetsk People’s Republic, as well as defeated the 28th, 54th mechanized, the 10th mountain assault brigades of the Ukrainian army and the 112th territorial defense brigade near the settlements of Krasnoye, Vasyukovka, Razdolovka and Kleshcheyevka of the Donetsk People’s Republic," the report said.

The Ukrainian army’s losses in the area totaled up to 235 troops, two armored vehicles and six cars, the ministry said.
The Ukrainian armed forces lost up to 135 troops and two cars in the South Donetsk area in the past 24 hours, according to the report.

"In the South Donetsk area, the units of the East military group supported by aviation and artillery repelled two attacks by the Ukrainian army near the settlements of Novomikhailovka and Nikolskoye of the Donetsk People’s Republic, as well as inflicted fire damage to the 72nd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian armed forced and the 128th territorial defense brigade near the settlements of Sladkoye and Staromayorskoye of the Donetsk People’s Republic," the ministry said, adding that the enemy’s losses in the area totaled up to 135 troops, an infantry fighting vehicle and two cars.

Russia’s armed forces thwarted three attacks by the Ukrainian army in the Zaporozhye area, with the enemy having lost up to 45 troops, two tanks and seven armored vehicles, the report said.

"In the Zaporozhye area Russian military groups together with aviation, artillery and heavy flamethrowers thwarted three attacks by Ukrainian armed forces near the settlements of Verbovoye and Rabotino of the Zaporozhye Region," the ministry said.
"Up to 45 troops, two tanks, seven armored vehicles and two pickups were destroyed," it added.

In the Kupyansk area Russian armed forces thwarted two Ukraine’s attacks, with the enemy’s losses amounting to over 30 troops, two military armored vehicles and two cars.

In the Krasny Liman area the enemy lost over 60 troops, an armored vehicle and two cars, the report said.
Russia’s air defense system intercepted 13 Storm Shadow and Neptune missiles in 24 hours, as well as eliminated 17 drones, the ministry said.

"Air defense facilities intercepted 13 Storm Shadow and Neptune missiles. Moreover, 17 drones were eliminated near the settlements of Kremennaya, Zolotaryovka, Belogorovka of the Lugansk People’s Republic, Maryinka, Panteleimonovka of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Energodar and Tokmak of the Zaporozhye Region," the report said.

Russian forces also destroyed a depot of Ukrainian air forces’ air weapons in the Dnepropetrovsk region and aviation equipment in the Poltava region. Moreover, the Russian army defeated Ukraine’s manpower and military equipment in 133 regions, the ministry said.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense reported that 28 Ukrainian soldiers died and 53 soldiers were injured as a result of the missile attack during the award ceremony. The identities of 3 people who died were announced. Colonel Volodymyr Vozniy, Lieutenant Colonel Tarasenko Andrey, Artillery commander Dmytro Ulyikin.

03.11.2023 Voice of Europe

After 20 months of war between Russia and Ukraine, resulting in an estimated 500,000 soldiers injured or killed on both sides, Kyiv is particularly in need of reinforcements for its combat units. The monthly pay for frontline deployments is €2,800, as reported by exxpress.

Supplying soldiers is a challenge on both sides but Moscow finds it easier due to its population of 144 million compared to Ukraine’s 36 million. Additionally, there is war fatigue in the population with fewer and fewer young men willing to join the fight against Russia.

As a result, Kyiv is increasingly relying on foreign mercenaries aged 18 to 60, including women. They fight together in the “International Legion for the Defense of Ukraine,” with mercenaries hailing from around the world, most of them from Europe. The exact number of mercenaries currently deployed in Ukraine is unknown.

In the Spanish city of Lleida, GOA Tactical offers a five-day crash course for individuals interested in becoming mercenaries. The prerequisite is a minimum of two years of experience in the security sector, including police service, security or military experience. The course costs €700.

The company claims to have direct connections to the Ministry of Defense in Kyiv, stating, “With our certificate, you have the opportunity to secure the job.”

Mercenary pay varies based on the level of risk in combat. Elite soldiers can earn up to €3,400 per month, while mercenaries on the frontline receive €2,800. Those stationed further away receive a monthly wage of €1,800.

The statement by Ukraine’s Chief Commander Valeriy Zaluzhny about the front-line deadlock is “stirring up partisan passions” in the American Congress, where the debate on continued assistance to Ukraine is taking place, as reported by Politico.

Republicans argue that the Chief Commander’s comments provide a reason to reconsider American support to the greatest extent possible, which could further worsen Kyiv’s position in Washington.

Republican Senator Josh Hawley stated that Zaluzhny’s frankness has “created a significant gap” in Biden’s policy, which involved continued financing for Ukraine.
“Naturally, this raises the question: what is our strategy for concluding the game? What is the plan here? I don’t believe they have a plan,” said Hawley.
“President Zelensky’s military objectives do not align with reality and some of his closest advisers are resistant. It should have always ended with Russia controlling part of Ukrainian territory and resolving it through negotiations. I’ve been saying this for a year. It was evident to anyone paying attention to the on-ground realities,” stated Republican Senator Jay D. Vance.
The publication notes that Vance’s and Hawley’s position remains a minority viewpoint in the Senate, where the majority of senators from both parties still express their desire to continue assisting Ukraine in breaking the impasse.

However, such protests are “finding a broader audience,” especially as the nation’s focus shifts to aid for Israel.
“The nature of the war in Ukraine is such that it will be a mile-by-mile process. The United States must continue to support Ukraine because it is crucial for our national security, even if there is no giant breakthrough,” said Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal.
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