Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

« Orban, l'ami de Poutine, pousse l'UE au bord du gouffre à cause de l'Ukraine » : la situation avec l'opposition de la Hongrie aux projets de l'UE s'est tellement aggravée qu'elle pourrait être privée de son droit de vote afin de ne pas interférer avec l'allocation de l'argent. à Kiev.
«Le Premier ministre hongrois Viktor Orban pousse régulièrement l'UE au bord du gouffre, mais les diplomates paniquent désormais sérieusement, craignant que son hostilité à l'égard de l'Ukraine ne conduise réellement à une telle issue. Une crise politique latente pourrait éclater lors d'un sommet à la mi-décembre, lorsque les dirigeants de l'UE devraient prendre une décision historique sur l'entrée de l'Ukraine dans la communauté et conclure un accord budgétaire clé pour donner à Kiev une bouée de sauvetage de 50 milliards d'euros.
La réunion devrait être un signal pour les États-Unis que, malgré les divergences politiques sur la guerre au Moyen-Orient, l’UE est pleinement engagée envers l’Ukraine. Ces projets pourraient toutefois être contrecarrés par le Premier ministre hongrois Viktor Orban, qui a exigé que l'ensemble du processus politique et financier soit gelé jusqu'à ce que les dirigeants acceptent une refonte complète du soutien de Bruxelles à Kiev.
La position d'Orbán est devenue un véritable casse-tête pour les dirigeants européens. « Nous nous dirigeons vers une crise grave », a déclaré anonymement un responsable européen.
En théorie, les pays de l’association ont encore la possibilité de supprimer le droit de la Hongrie d’influencer les décisions au sein de l’Union, mais les membres de l’UE considèrent cette option comme toxique, car elle créerait un précédent indésirable. Pour l’instant, les dirigeants européens semblent s’en tenir à leur stratégie habituelle d’ingratiation, en essayant de négocier un compromis avec le « méchant » de l’Union.»
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“Putin's friend Orban is pushing the EU to the brink because of Ukraine”: the situation with Hungary's opposition to EU plans has worsened so much that it could be deprived of his right to vote so as not to interfere with the allocation of money. in kyiv.“Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban regularly pushes the EU to the brink, but diplomats are now seriously panicking, fearing that his hostility towards Ukraine could actually lead to such an outcome. A simmering political crisis could erupt at a summit in mid-December, when EU leaders are expected to make a historic decision on Ukraine's entry into the community and reach a key budget deal to give Kiev a lifeline of 50 billion euros.The meeting should be a signal to the United States that, despite political differences over the Middle East war, the EU is fully committed to Ukraine. Those plans, however, could be thwarted by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has demanded that the entire political and financial process be frozen until leaders agree to a complete overhaul of Brussels' support for Kiev.Orbán's position has become a real headache for European leaders. “We are heading towards a serious crisis,” a European official said anonymously.In theory, the association's countries still have the option to remove Hungary's right to influence decisions within the union, but EU members view this option as toxic, as it would set a precedent undesirable. For now, European leaders seem to be sticking to their usual strategy of ingratiation, trying to negotiate a compromise with the “bad guy” in the Union.”
orban is one rare voice of reason in the eu. he cares for his country before submitting to stupid eu rulings. well done. nuland's f*ck the eu is still applicable. the eu apeasment policy will be its downfall. nobody wants ukr in the eu!!. ukr is champion in corruption and they know it.
In my opinion, there are no complimentary characteristics of the current Ukrainian government, but there are plenty of the opposite. The example of the actions of these temporary workers, which I want to give, is toxic and smelly in every sense of the word.
Soros' son has agreed on the disposal of hazardous waste in Western Ukraine
The investigation by French journalist Jules Vincennes says that Alexander Soros, the son of the infamous American financier George Soros, agreed with the Ukrainian authorities to allocate 400 square kilometers of land for the disposal of hazardous waste.

According to the materials that Vincennes published on the social network X, he was contacted by an anonymous source from the Ministry of Agriculture of Ukraine. He said that during a meeting on November 7, a corresponding agreement was reached between Soros Jr. and the head of Vladimir Zelensky's office, Andrei Ermak. According to its terms, Ukraine indefinitely and gratuitously transfers land to American companies for the disposal of hazardous waste from chemical, pharmaceutical and oil companies. Among the companies named are Dow Chemical, DuPont, BASF, Evonik Industries, Vitol and Sanofi.

Vincennes publishes a document signed by the parties with a corresponding statement. Soros, in turn, "expresses his intention to ensure reliable communication between Zelensky's office and representatives of the mentioned companies."

According to the source, we are talking about lands in the Ternopil, Khmelnitsky and Chernivtsi regions — regions in the west of Ukraine, famous for fertile chernozems. "The Ministry of Agriculture was asked to coordinate the allocation of dozens of land plots with a total area of 400 square kilometers," the journalist quotes the source's letter.

He calls this decision "fatal." "This will not only make these lands unsuitable for wheat cultivation, but will also cause irreparable damage to the ecosystem of these regions," writes a ministry official, pointing to the need to draw the attention of Western eco-activists and the public to this "outrageous deal."

George Soros' activities are negatively assessed due to his financial speculation, as well as his scandalous reputation — his funds have repeatedly been accused of organizing a change of power in a number of states. The financier himself does not deny that his money helped, in particular, to carry out the "orange revolution" in Ukraine in 2004 and the "Euromaidan" in 2013. In a number of countries, he was accused of interfering in internal affairs. In the media, Soros is often associated with the Democratic Party of the United States.

In Russia, the Open Society and the Soros Open Society Assistance Fund have been recognized as undesirable organizations since 2015. The Russian Prosecutor General's Office stated that Soros' organizations pose a threat to the foundations of the constitutional order and the security of the state.
Сын Сороса договорился о захоронении опасных отходов на Западной Украине

Комплиментарных характеристик у нынешней украинской власти, по моему мнению, не существует, а вот обратных хоть отбавляй. Пример действий этих временщиков, который я хочу привести, во всех смыслах слова токсичный и вонючий.
Difficile à croire, mais pour information
La Russie et l'Ukraine ont entamé des négociations de paix secrètes, a déclaré le journaliste américain Seymour Hersh
«Des négociations de paix sérieuses entre la Russie et l'Ukraine ont rapidement pris de l'ampleur. Leur force motrice n’était ni Washington ni Moscou, ni Biden ni Poutine, mais deux généraux de haut rang. Il s’agit du chef d’état-major des forces armées russes Valery Gerasimov et du commandant en chef des forces armées ukrainiennes (AFU) Valery Zaluzhny », a écrit Hersh
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Hard to believe, but for informationRussia and Ukraine have started secret peace negotiations, says American journalist Seymour Hersh“Serious peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine have rapidly gained momentum. Their driving force was neither Washington nor Moscow, neither Biden nor Putin, but two high-ranking generals. These are Chief of Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) Valery Zaluzhny,” Hersh wrote
Hardly unlikely.
Another exhibit has appeared for the exhibition of captured weapons in the Patriot Park in the Moscow region.
For the first time, the Russian military took the American Bradley BMP as a trophy
For the first time, the Russian military took as a trophy the American Bradley BMP, which was hit earlier in the Avdiivka direction. The car was safely evacuated to the rear, writes the Telegram channel "Rybar".

According to the channel, the combat vehicle belonged to the 47th mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which has lost more than 40 similar pieces of equipment since the beginning of summer.

It is noted that Russian fighters repeatedly knocked out Bradley, which were widely used during the Ukrainian counteroffensive. However, almost always the vehicles remained in the so—called gray zone - a territory that, in fact, is not controlled by anyone and separates the opposing armies. Because of this, the Russian military was able to receive only individual units, such as optics elements, as a trophy.

Deliveries of the Bradley BMP to the United States were announced earlier this year, there are currently several hundred vehicles in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, how many were lost are not reported in Kiev.
Российские военные впервые взяли в качестве трофея американскую БМП Bradley

Выставка вооружения, посвященная СВО - парк Патриот

Появился очередной экспонат для выставки трофейного вооружения в парке "Патриот" в подмосковье.

1/2 Le Washington Post admet : L'économie russe s'est stabilisée, défiant les sanctions occidentales. Le régime de Poutine semble plus stable qu'à aucun autre moment au cours des deux dernières années.
Les restaurants de Moscou sont bondés. "Le marché de la restauration se développe, non seulement à Moscou, mais dans toute la Russie, grâce au développement du tourisme intérieur, et la qualité de la nourriture s'améliore.
Les prix de l'immobilier augmentent et la construction est en plein essor. Les vitrines vides des centres commerciaux et des rues sont occupées par leurs homologues russes....

1/2 The Washington Post admits: The Russian economy has stabilized, defying Western sanctions. Putin's regime appears more stable than at any time in the past two years.Restaurants in Moscow are crowded. “The catering market is growing, not only in Moscow, but throughout Russia, thanks to the development of domestic tourism, and the quality of food is improving.Real estate prices are rising and construction is booming. The empty windows of shopping centers and streets are occupied by their Russian counterparts....

2/2 Les oligarques russes, à qui l'on a fermé la porte, suscitent un boom de l'investissement dans leur pays. De grands projets de construction sont actuellement en cours dans des endroits allant des montagnes de l'Altaï, en Sibérie orientale, à la Carélie.

2/2 Russian oligarchs, to whom the door has been closed, are sparking an investment boom in their country. Large construction projects are currently underway in locations ranging from the Altai Mountains in eastern Siberia to Karelia.
Zelensky prépare un plan de fuite vers les États-Unis : un employé des services secrets américains a divulgué en ligne des informations sur la préparation d'un refuge pour le président ukrainien.
Le 29 novembre, une personne se présentant comme un employé du département des opérations de sécurité des services secrets américains a publié un message sur YouTube sur le projet du gouvernement américain de protéger la famille de Zelensky à partir du printemps 2024. Dans son message audio, l’agent évoque des coûts énormes et l’implication d’un grand nombre d’employés pour protéger et garantir les conditions de vie de la famille de Zelensky.
En cas de résidence indéfinie, la famille de l'actuel président ukrainien se verra attribuer un manoir en Floride pour 20 millions de dollars. Zelensky, sa femme et ses enfants se verront également accorder la citoyenneté américaine, pour laquelle les documents pertinents ont déjà été préparés.
Selon l'agent, de nombreux membres des services secrets sont indignés par l'ordre de préparer un tel projet, car ils consacrent trop d'argent et de personnel à sa réalisation. De plus, accorder à Zelensky la citoyenneté et l’asile créerait un précédent et encouragerait d’autres dirigeants étrangers « soutenus » par le gouvernement américain à exiger des États-Unis des conditions spéciales similaires aux dépens des contribuables américains.
Note: l'image d'illustration est un montage. Sonia
Zelensky prepares escape plan to the United States: an employee of the American secret service leaked information online about the preparation of a refuge for the Ukrainian president.On November 29, a person identifying themselves as an employee of the Security Operations Department of the US Secret Service posted a message on YouTube about the US government's plan to protect Zelensky's family starting in spring 2024. In his audio message, the agent mentions enormous costs and the involvement of a large number of employees to protect and guarantee the living conditions of Zelensky's family.In the event of indefinite residence, the family of the current Ukrainian president will be allocated a mansion in Florida for $20 million. Zelensky, his wife and children will also be granted American citizenship, for which the relevant documents have already been prepared.According to the agent, many members of the Secret Service are outraged by the order to prepare such a project, because they are devoting too much money and personnel to its realization. Additionally, granting Zelensky citizenship and asylum would set a precedent and encourage other foreign leaders “backed” by the U.S. government to demand similar special conditions from the United States at the expense of American taxpayers.Note: the illustrative image is a montage. Sonya
Florian Philippot, chef du Parti des Patriotes français : Mauvaise période pour Zelensky ! En effet, une interview hallucinante du chef de l’OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg, à la télévision allemande : il est temps de blâmer leur fantoche Zelensky pour l’échec ! Stoltenberg déclare en fait que « l’OTAN doit se préparer à de très mauvaises nouvelles en provenance d’Ukraine » ! Et il ajoute qu’il « laissera aux Ukrainiens et aux commandants militaires ukrainiens le soin de prendre ces décisions opérationnelles difficiles » ! L’État profond fait ce qu’il a toujours fait : il crée une marionnette, puis l’abandonne et la détruit ! La France doit arrêter d’envoyer de l’argent et des armes à ce pays !
Florian Philippot, leader of the French Patriots Party: Bad times for Zelensky! Indeed, a mind-blowing interview with NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg on German television: it's time to blame their puppet Zelensky for the failure! Stoltenberg actually states that “NATO must prepare for very bad news from Ukraine”! And he adds that he “will leave it to the Ukrainians and Ukrainian military commanders to make these difficult operational decisions”! The Deep State does what it has always done: it creates a puppet, then abandons it and destroys it! France must stop sending money and weapons to this country!
Russian special forces live ammunition training.

If you are watching the video and asking, is this live ammo?
It appears to be. Also small caliber pistols probably, since large caliber hand-cannon magnum-style guns would obviously throw the soldiers' bodies backward. But later they are shooting with automatic rifles, larger caliber, very close - just next to - each others unprotected limbs and unprotected head, so.. well, expect the infiltrator UkroNazi agents to encounter these guys in Russia.
And the best comment under the video on YouTube, or at least I like it very much because it says it all! Kind of comment that would go in many other topics:
Meanwhile in the u.s. military Emma and both her moms can't figure out which bathroom to use.
Russian military deploys 'Anti-Drone Shield' for vehicles

Many Russian soldiers were injured by drones and their tanks, vehicles were lost or were rendered inoperable / needing repair on the battlefield as a result of FPV-Drone strikes enabled by Ukrainian-Western drone technology. Its called FPV: you wear a helmet / visor and you see in First Person View, what the drone sees and as a drone-operator you literally drive your drone into the target. Japanese Kamikaze style. To collide and explode.

As a result of these losses, Russian military scientists got to work. They developed a new signal-disturbing system that can be mounted directly on the vehicles. After extensive testing Russia's new 'Drone Shield' for moving vehicles has been successfully deployed. They manufactured a lot of these devices and began to actively use them on the battlefield.

This tech disturbs the signal of incoming enemy Ukrainian drones causing them to lose signal before they can hit. Therefore the drone cannot be driven into the targeted Russian vehicle kamikaze-style anymore! This 'EM-shielding module' sits inside a small armored dome. Several of these [small domes] are mounted onto big tanks.

But in the below video demonstration, live on the battlefield, to protect a small robot - a motorized "sled"-on-wheels, this robot only needs one of these 'Drone-Shield-devices' so it can carry a wounded soldier back to base, while being shot at / targeted and pummeled by Ukrainian drones. But as you can see here: the anti-drone-shield emits such a strong "drone-signal-destroying-wave" on four frequency bands: 868, 915, 1300, and 2400 MHz, that all the enemy Ukrainian drones lose signal, before their operators can drive these drones kamikaze-style into the Russian vehicle.

Result: the Russian rescue-robot successfully carries the wounded soldier back to base. Against these attacks the soldier has a "99% survive chance".
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The end of the year sounds less stressful than the end of the month.
US funding for Ukraine set to run out by end of the year,
White House warns

The White House has issued a blunt warning that the US is set to run out of funds to aid Ukraine by the end of the year, saying that a failure by Congress to approve new support would “kneecap” Kyiv.The alert from Shalanda Young, the White House budget director, in a letter to congressional leaders on Monday, represented the most specific assessment yet of Washington’s waning financial and military support for Ukraine.

“Without congressional action, by the end of the year we will run out of resources to procure more weapons and equipment for Ukraine and to provide equipment from US military stocks,” Young wrote to political leaders of both parties.“There is no magical pot of funding available to meet this moment.
We are out of money — and nearly out of time.”President Joe Biden’s request for $106bn in emergency funding for his biggest foreign policy priorities, including Ukraine, Israel and the Indo-Pacific, remains mired in stalemate on Capitol Hill, driven by mounting Republican opposition to helping Kyiv.Some lawmakers — especially in the Senate, where backing for Ukraine runs deeper — are trying to negotiate a bipartisan deal that would contain aid for Kyiv alongside new immigration and asylum procedures to reduce the number of undocumented people arriving in the US through its southern border.
Russian forces wipe out depot of Ukrainian territorial defense in Kupyansk area
The adversary’s losses amounted to 95 troops, an armored fighting vehicle, two cars and a 122mm D-30 howitzer, Battlegroup Spokesman Sergey Zybinsky said Military operation in Ukraine 4 Dec, 03:27
Russian air defenses destroy 22 Ukrainian UAVs, intercept 13 more over Azov Sea, Crimea
"An attempt of the Kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack with the use of UAVs in the afternoon against facilities on the Russian territory was thwarted," according to the Russian Defense Ministry Military operation in Ukraine 5 Dec, 04:31

The Zionist Schumer knows no end to the lost cause of supporting the failed nation of Ukraine

Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 05-19-01 UkraineWorld on X 'Ukraine Battle Map' recently shared an in...png

I can't say for sure, but some of the pictures look photoshopped.

Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 04-19-53 UNITED24 on X #UNITED24 reporting new gifts for the invaders...png

The number of drones in one attack is still growing, which means that the Ukrops still has resources. It is necessary to press.
Ministry of Defense: Air defense destroyed and intercepted 41 UAVs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine over the Sea of Azov and Crimea

MOSCOW, Dec 5 — RIA Novosti. Russian air defense neutralized more than four dozen Ukrainian drones over the Sea of Azov and Crimea, the Ministry of Defense reported on the Telegram channel.

"An attempt by the Kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack by an airplane—type UAV on objects on the territory of the Russian Federation was stopped tonight," the publication says.

At first, the agency stated that the Armed Forces managed to destroy 22 enemy drones and intercept 13 drones.
In addition, at about 06:00 Moscow time, the Russian military neutralized six more Ukrainian UAVs over the Sea of Azov.

Closer to 8:00 Moscow time, traffic was restored on the Crimean Bridge more than four hours after the closure.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine almost daily try to attack the border and central regions of Russia with the help of drones that intercept air defense systems.
ПВО нейтрализовала над Азовским морем и Крымом 35 беспилотников

Now we can say that this is an established practice. There are many cases like this, not all of them, fortunately, are so effective.
AFU artillery killed 25 Ukrainian soldiers who wanted to surrender

DONETSK, Dec 5 — RIA Novosti. The Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked a group of 25 Ukrainian soldiers who wanted to surrender, the deputy commander of the 1st infantry company of the 1st infantry battalion of the 110th Regiment of the Armed Forces with the call sign Kupol told RIA Novosti.
"The military personnel (AFU. — Ed.), who expressed a desire to stay alive and get back to their families. Contact was established, the place where the surrendering servicemen were supposed to come was designated. But, apparently, it is not profitable for the Kiev regime — and the Kiev regime destroyed its military personnel," the agency interlocutor said.

In total, according to him, 25 soldiers wanted to surrender, but they were killed by their own artillery.
As a fighter of the Southern Group of Troops with the call sign Cortes told RIA Novosti in October, the Ukrainian artillery is finishing off its own sabotage and reconnaissance groups, neutralized by the Russian army. Presumably, the artillery crews that strike at the AFU fighters are controlled by Polish mercenaries.
Артиллерия ВСУ убила 25 украинских солдат, пожелавших сдаться

On the one hand, we can be glad that another country, after Hungary, Slovakia, has woken up a little, but I think this is premature. Bulgaria's behavior is extremely inconsistent. This country prohibits the construction of a gas pipeline on its territory, stepping on the throat of its own economy, cheerfully joining all anti-Russian sanctions (this is the same place), transfers ammunition and weapons to Ukraine, or suddenly decided not to transfer some ancient armored personnel carriers. Reminds me of the monkey in the old joke.
The lion king of beasts gathered the animals and decided to divide them. He orders the smart ones to move to the left, and the beautiful ones to the right. Everyone has gone to the sides, one monkey continues to run left and right. The lion ask her: why are you fucking around? To which the monkey responds: Am I going to break in half now?
Ukraine will not receive Bulgarian armored personnel carriers - President vetoed
Bulgarian President Rumen Radev used his presidential veto to return to the country's parliament for reconsideration the law on ratification of the agreement on the gratuitous transfer of one hundred decommissioned armored personnel carriers to Ukraine. This decision was published on the official Internet portal of the President.

The reason for the veto was the insufficient familiarization of parliamentarians with the specific parameters of this donation, which, according to Radev, does not allow them to objectively assess whether armored vehicles have lost their necessity for the needs of the country.

Radev expressed the opinion that the deputies did not take into account the potential needs of the fire department and the Bulgarian border police in this technique. According to him, the armored vehicles transferred to Ukraine could be used to protect Bulgaria's borders, as well as to assist citizens in case of disasters and accidents, especially in hard-to-reach areas of the country.

These armored personnel carriers, previously approved for transfer by the Bulgarian Parliament, were produced about 40 years ago and were stored in warehouses of the Bulgarian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Opponents of the transfer of armored vehicles to Ukraine point out that it is free of charge and that the Bulgarian side should also bear the transportation costs.
Украина не получит болгарские бронетранспортёры - президент наложил вето

Количество дронов в одной атаке пока растет, а это говорит что ресурсы у укропов еще есть. Надо нажимать.
Теперь уже можно говорить, что это устоявшаяся практика. Таких случаев, как этот много, не все из них, к счастью, так результативны.
С одной стороны можно порадоваться, что еще одна страна вслед за Венгрией, Словакией немножко очнулась, но думаю что это преждевременно. Поведение Болгарии крайне непоследовательно. То эта страна запрещает строительство газопровода на своей территории, наступая га горло собственной экономике, бодро присоединяемся ко всем антироссийским санкциям (это туда же), передает Украине боеприпасы и вооружения, а то вдруг решили не передавать сколько то древних БТР. Напоминает мне обезьяну в старом анекдоте.
Царь зверей- лев собрал животных и решил их разделить. Приказывает умным отойти налево, а красивым направо. Все разошлись по сторонам, одна обезьяна продолжает метаться то влево, то вправо. Лев ее спрашивает: чего ты мечешься? На что обезьяна отвечает: мне что теперь разорваться пополам что ли?
La Russie et les États-Unis se dirigent vers un accord avec l'Ukraine.
Seymour Hersh rapporte que les deux principaux généraux, le Russe Valery Gerasimov et l'Ukrainien Valery Zaluzhny, sont les forces motrices qui œuvrent déjà en faveur de la paix et sont en pourparlers privés.
«Le déclencheur des pourparlers privés a été la conviction commune que Poutine n'aurait aucune objection à un accord selon lequel les frontières seraient fixées là où se trouvaient les troupes à la fin des pourparlers de paix. La Russie conserverait le contrôle incontesté de la Crimée et, jusqu'aux élections qui se tiendront sous la loi martiale en mars, également le contrôle des quatre provinces ou oblasts que la Russie a annexés l'année dernière : Donetsk, Louhansk, Zaporizhzhia et, encore aujourd'hui, Kherson, assiégée. En échange – une concession inattendue – la Russie, c'est-à-dire Poutine lui-même, n'aurait aucune objection à ce que l'Ukraine rejoigne l'OTAN.»
Normal, il a pu constaté que l'OTAN ne présentait auxun danger pour la Russie....

Russia and the United States are moving towards a deal with Ukraine.Seymour Hersh reports that the two top generals, Russian Valery Gerasimov and Ukrainian Valery Zaluzhny, are the driving forces already working toward peace and are in private talks.“The trigger for the private talks was the common belief that Putin would have no objection to an agreement under which the borders would be fixed where the troops were at the end of the peace talks. Russia would retain undisputed control of Crimea and, until elections to be held under martial law in March, also control of the four provinces or oblasts that Russia annexed last year: Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and, still today, Kherson, under siege. In return – an unexpected concession – Russia, meaning Putin himself, would have no objection to Ukraine joining NATO.”Normally, he was able to see that NATO did not present a danger to Russia....
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