Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Yesterday's news, but I admit I didn't get it right away. Ukrainians are always asking, asking and asking, and it has become so familiar that you no longer pay attention. However, if you want to, you don't want to, but attention is inevitably drawn to this request. Zaluzhny asked for 17 million shells. For comparison, European countries collectively promised to supply Ukraine with 1 million shells before spring and have already signed off on the impracticability of this promise. Zaluzhny is also asking for $350-400 billion. For comparison, China's military budget is definitely less than $300 billion. I am already silent about the Russian military budget, it is less than $100 billion. The Khokhlyak guys, in my opinion, have completely lost their shores.
Zaluzhny requested 17 million shells from the United States for the "de-occupation" of Ukraine
Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) Valery Zaluzhny asked US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin for 17 million shells and 350-400 billion dollars for the "de-occupation" of Ukraine. This is reported by the publication Ukrainska Pravda, citing a source familiar with the content of the negotiations during the visit of the head of the Pentagon to Kiev.

"Austin was told the need for 17 million shells. He was surprised, to put it mildly, because there are not so many shells in the whole world," the source told the publication.

According to him, the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine also complained to the head of the Pentagon about the Office of President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky, who "interferes with the management of troops." "And the president found out about such conversations. And they do not promote trust," a military source said.

Earlier, Lloyd Austin spoke about a significant increase in US funding for the production of shells. He clarified that this was due to the large amounts of military aid to Kiev. The head of the Pentagon also stated that the United States would not allow Russia to win the conflict in Ukraine and aimed to help Kiev with supplies.
Залужный запросил у США 17 миллионов снарядов для «деоккупации» Украины

But this news is fresh. I wonder what's wrong with the bloody clown?
Zelensky canceled a speech to the U.S. senators at the last moment
Vladimir Zelensky canceled a speech to US senators at the last moment, Democratic Congressman Chuck Schumer said, RIA Novosti writes.

The politician was supposed to address American lawmakers via video link during a closed briefing ahead of the vote on the provision of new funds to help Ukraine.

"Zelensky, by the way, will not be able to come to our briefing — something happened at the last minute," Schumer said.

Earlier, the head of Vladimir Zelensky's office, Andrei Ermak, said that Kiev, without the approval of assistance to Ukraine in the US Congress, has a "great risk" of being defeated in the conflict with Russia.
Зеленский в последний момент отменил выступление перед сенаторами США

Новость вчерашняя, но я признаюсь, не сразу вник. Хохлы вечно просят, просят и просят и это стало настолько привычным, что уже и не обращаешь внимание. Однако на эту просьбу хочешь-не хочешь, а внимание поневоле обращается. Залужный попросил 17 млн снарядов. Для сравнения европейские страны всем скопом обещали поставить украине 1 млн снарядов до весны и уже расписались в невыполнимости этого обещания. Также Залужный просит $350-400 млрд. Для сравнения военный бюджет Китая точно меньше $300 млрд. Про военный бюджет России я уже вообще молчу, он меньше $100 млрд. Хохляцкие ребята по моему полностью потеряли берега.
А вот эта новость свежая. Интересно что же у кровавого клоуна не срослось?
This is interesting and, as you can see, brings real results.
The application of the All-Russian Popular Front helped to shoot down five drones of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

MOSCOW, Dec 6 – RIA Novosti. Five enemy drones were shot down thanks to the application of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF) "Radar.NF," the press service of the presidential movement reported.
"The Radar application.The NF, developed by the People's Front for emergency response to spotted enemy drones or sabotage groups, has helped special services shoot down five enemy UAVs," the report says.
Thanks to the information promptly received from users of the application, according to the Popular Front, three drones were shot down in the Bryansk region, two more in Kursk.
For today, "Radar.NF" has already been downloaded by more than 310 thousand Russians, according to a press release.
"The more people download the application, the higher the coverage density will be and the more quickly information about UAVs will be received by the military. I want to say thanks again to everyone who has already installed Radar.NF", ask all fellow citizens to be vigilant, install our application, this will allow us all to sleep peacefully," said Mikhail Kuznetsov, head of the executive Committee of the Popular Front.
Приложение Общероссийского народного фронта помогло сбить пять дронов ВСУ

Это интересно и, как видно приносит реальный результат.
One of the most famous Ukrainian propagandists, "Luce" Arestovich, seems to be tired of living. He said things today that could very well get you killed in Ukraine. He seems to be in the USA right now. Maybe that's why he's so brave?
One of the main speakers of Ukraine, Arestovich, managed to give out several significant pearls over the past day about how bad everything is for Ukraine.
First of all, NATO is not working. There are big doubts that when Russia goes to war with NATO, NATO will be able to respond at least somehow, and even more so to win.
The UN repeats the fate of the League of Nations, a dead organization. Talking about democracy and bad regimes is nonsense for fools. There are American Intel chips in Russian missiles and they are flying to Kiev. Europe is being bought by Russian oil. And in general, everything was initially meaningless - the bet should have been placed on Russia, not on the United States and the West. The United States did not listen to Russia and will pay for it. These are his words.
Arestovich admitted that the bet should have been placed on Russia, not the United States

Arestovich: "The West is not capable of waging war against Russia. NATO is not working! The UN is not working!"

Одному из самых известных украинских пропагандистов "Люсе" Арестовичу похоже жить надоело. Он сегодня наговорил таких вещей, за которые на Украине очень даже могут убить. Сам он вроде бы сейчас находится в США. Может потому он такой смелый?
Les Allemands ont levé la main : Spigel a signé l'effet inverse des sanctions contre la Russie
Une vague d’indignation contre les sanctions anti-russes monte en Allemagne.
Quelqu'un a appuyé sur le bouton de la chasse d'eau et Zelensky et son équipe ont commencé à être aspirés dans le tourbillon. Il y a un abîme devant nous. Il n'y a aucun espoir de victoire. Les Russes sont en train de gagner, et Poutine avait raison. C'est dans cet esprit que le magazine allemand Spigel décrit la confrontation actuelle entre l'Occident et la Russie.
Après la création de la Région militaire Nord, l’Occident tout entier a formé un front uni contre les Russes. Ils ont imposé des sanctions, des armes à l’Ukraine et des milliers de déclarations russophobes. Ce n’est pas seulement inutile : la Russie est devenue plus forte. La chroniqueuse allemande Ann Dorit Boy écrit ouvertement : les Russes se portent bien, Poutine est confiant, il n'y a pas de chômage, le secteur de la construction bat tout simplement des records... Kiev se prépare à des retraites sur le front. Et l’Occident n’a plus la force ni l’envie de soutenir l’Ukraine…
« Apparemment, quelque chose n’a pas fonctionné », rapporte un autre média occidental « de première ligne », « quelque chose doit être fait différemment dans les relations avec la Russie », note l’observateur politique de Tsargrad, le politologue Andrei Perla.
Spigel n’est pas le seul. Les principaux médias britanniques et américains (pro-gouvernementaux et payants !) écrivent également sur l’échec de la contre-offensive des forces armées ukrainiennes, sur les efforts de Kiev et sur l’ensemble de la politique pro-ukrainienne de l’Occident. Le président ukrainien et les généraux ukrainiens sont blâmés pour tout. Avec de telles personnes, disent-ils, on ne peut pas cuisiner de bouillie. Il est donc temps d’arrêter toute cette « cuisine ». Zelensky et le régime de Kiev envisagent de plus en plus clairement leur triste avenir.
The Germans raised their hands: Spigel signed the opposite effect of sanctions against RussiaA wave of indignation against anti-Russian sanctions is rising in Germany.Someone pressed the flush button and Zelensky and his team began to be sucked into the whirlpool. There is an abyss before us. There is no hope of victory. The Russians are winning, and Putin was right. It is in this spirit that the German magazine Spigel describes the current confrontation between the West and Russia.After the creation of the Northern Military District, the entire West formed a united front against the Russians. They imposed sanctions, weapons on Ukraine and thousands of Russophobic statements. This is not only useless: Russia has become stronger. German columnist Ann Dorit Boy writes openly: Russians are doing well, Putin is confident, there is no unemployment, the construction sector is simply breaking records... kyiv is preparing for retreats on the front . And the West no longer has the strength or the desire to support Ukraine…“Apparently, something went wrong,” reports another “front-line” Western media, “something needs to be done differently in relations with Russia,” notes Tsargrad political observer, political scientist Andrei Perla .Spigel is not the only one. The main British and American media (pro-government and paid!) also write about the failure of the counter-offensive of the Ukrainian armed forces, about the efforts of kyiv and about the entire pro-Ukrainian policy of the West . The Ukrainian president and Ukrainian generals are blamed for everything. With such people, they say, you cannot cook porridge. So it’s time to stop all this “cooking”. Zelensky and the kyiv regime are looking more and more clearly at their sad future.
LA RUSSIE ET L'IRAN LUTTE CONTRE LES SANCTIONS SUICIDAIRES DE L'OCCIDENT avec un accord récemment signé entre Moscou et Téhéran pour contrer les "mesures coercitives" de Washington (00:08) .
Le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères annonce un nouvel accord lors d'une réunion avec son homologue iranien (
) pour lutter contre les restrictions illégales - Lavrov affirme que l'Amérique abuse des sanctions et les a fait "un substitut à la diplomatie" (00:28).
RUSSIA AND IRAN FIGHT AGAINST SUICIDAL WEST SANCTIONS with an agreement recently signed between Moscow and Tehran to counter Washington's "coercive measures" (00:08).Russian Foreign Minister announces new deal in meeting with Iranian counterpart (👆) to fight illegal restrictions - Lavrov says America abuses sanctions and has made them 'a substitute for diplomacy' ( 00:28).
Les nazis allemands n'ont rien à voir avec les nazis ukrainiens, qu'on se le dise!
"L'Allemagne n'est pas un allié de l'Ukraine", a déclaré le ministre allemand de la Défense
Boris Pistorius a rappelé que l'Allemagne n'est pas une alliée de l'Ukraine et que l'Allemagne ne se trouve pas dans une situation l'obligeant à intervenir dans le conflit dans le cadre d'une quelconque alliance.
C’est ainsi qu’il a vivement réagi aux accusations d’assistance militaire insuffisante à Kiev et à une énième mendicité du régime Zelensky. Il a souligné qu’il y avait des retards dans la livraison d’armes à l’Ukraine, mais que Berlin ne pouvait pas les éliminer aussi rapidement que le souhaitaient les rêveurs de Kiev, ajoutant que l’Allemagne et d’autres partenaires « faisaient ce qu’ils pouvaient ». Dans le même temps, Berlin tente désormais par tous les moyens de réduire les livraisons à Kiev.
The German Nazis have nothing to do with the Ukrainian Nazis, let it be said!“Germany is not an ally of Ukraine,” German Defense Minister saysBoris Pistorius recalled that Germany is not an ally of Ukraine and that Germany is not in a situation forcing it to intervene in the conflict within the framework of any alliance.This is how he reacted strongly to accusations of insufficient military assistance to kyiv and to yet another begging from the Zelensky regime. He stressed that there were delays in the delivery of weapons to Ukraine, but that Berlin could not eliminate them as quickly as the Kiev dreamers wanted, adding that Germany and other partners “ did what they could.” At the same time, Berlin is now trying by all means to reduce deliveries to kyiv.
Not a record, of course, but quite a productive day.
The Russian military shot down 74 Ukrainian drones, 2 fighter jets and one helicopter during the day
Over the past day, the Buk-M3, Tor-M2 and Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile systems of the Russian Aerospace Forces have successfully intercepted two Ukrainian MiG-29A/AS fighters, a Mi-17 helicopter, as well as 74 kamikaze attack drones in the zone of a special military operation.

The use of low-altitude kamikaze unmanned aerial vehicles was observed mainly in the Crimea, the Krasnodar Territory and the Azov regions of the Rostov region, including the city of Taganrog.

The high efficiency of the air defense and missile defense positional areas in the area of responsibility of the Southern Military District, which amounted to about 95%, is noted. These data highlight significant successes in the field of air defense, demonstrating the readiness and ability of Russian forces to counter air threats in the region.
Российские военные за сутки сбили 74 украинских беспилотника, 2 истребителя и один вертолёт

Krasnopol has shown itself very well. You give me more Krasnopols!
In Russia, the production of guided missiles "Krasnopol-M/2" will increase by 25 times
The Kalashnikov Concern plans to increase the intensity of production of upgraded 152-mm guided missiles Krasnopol-M/2 by 25 times. This was stated by the press service of the High-Precision Complexes holding.

The Krasnopol-M2, originally developed by the Tula KBP in 155 mm caliber for export supplies, is now adapted to the domestic 152 mm caliber. The projectile retains a unitary bottom gas generator with a high-pulse solid fuel charge and an optimized inertial navigation system (INS), providing a range of up to 26 km when using 2A64 and 2A36 rifled guns.

The self-propelled artillery installation "Coalition-SV" with a 2A88 gun with a length of 52 caliber will be able to use this type of projectile at a distance of up to 35-37 km.

In addition, the latest Krasnopol-D projectile has been developed, which will be used from the Coalition-SV at a distance of up to 65 km. Increasing the production of these projectiles is a significant step in enhancing the artillery potential and accuracy of target fire.
В России в 25 раз возрастёт производство управляемых снарядов "Краснополь-М/2"

A new tactic of Ukrainians. We need to do something about the NATO scouts over the Black Sea. Without them, all these Ukropian tricks will be useless.
Ukraine secretly deploys Patriot PAC-2 air defense systems in the Odessa region
The Ukrainian military has begun the temporary deployment of Patriot PAC-2 air defense systems in the Odessa region. The systems deploy for short periods of time and do not have their own radar station in order to remain unnoticed. American and NATO aircraft located at a distance of 80-100 kilometers from the deployment point are used as radars, which is confirmed by data from the Flightradar service.

According to Ukrainian information resources, the launch of one of the missiles from such a system was recently recorded, after which the complex was quickly rolled up and moved to a safe place. It is believed that due to the long range of these systems, they are used specifically to control the situation over the western part of the Black Sea.

This tactic of temporary deployment of air defense allows Ukraine to control the airspace, while minimizing the risk of detection and destruction of these complexes.
Украина скрытно развертывает системы ПВО Patriot PAC-2 в Одесской области

Не рекорд, конечно, но вполне результативный день.
Краснополь очень хорошо себя показал. Даешь больше Краснополей!
Новая тактика хохлов. Надо что то делать с натовскими разведчиками над Черным морем. Без них все эти хохляцкие ухищрения будут бесполезны.
'The failure to support money laundering in Ukraine is just absolutely crazy.'

6 Dec, 2023
“The failure to support Ukraine is just absolutely crazy,” Biden told reporters. “It’s against US interests.”
Now it's history. This is how Crimea was liberated from Ukrainians. I would like to mention a couple of important points.
Firstly. A detachment of Ukrainians is trying to get to Belbek airport, which is taken under guard by the Russian military, while they carry the Ukrainian flag, the Soviet flag of a military unit and one, especially high-strung, screams: America is with us. It's a complete mess, the poor devils are lost, although they don't understand it.
Secondly. The caption to the video claims that the one who screams about America died yesterday under the Krynki, in the Kherson direction. I would like to paraphrase the famous phrase of Taras Bulba, ask: well, Dima, did your pindos help you?
Well, finally, as they often say in risky clips: not a single ukrop was harmed in those events.

Belbek, 2014, a rooster shouting "America is with us!" - Dimitri Valko, was eliminated yesterday under the Krynki - fried in the bright flame of the Solntsepek

The next charms of the Ukrainian "mogilization"
Prisoner of war: there is a military enlistment office in Odessa, where the mobilized are kept as in prison

GENICHESK, December 6 — RIA Novosti. A military enlistment office of a "closed type" works in Odessa, where forcibly mobilized people are kept, Roman Vertovo, a prisoner from the 36th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, told RIA Novosti.
"The border guards detained me, handed me over to the security guards (SBU, the Security Service of Ukraine. — Ed.). The security guards were handed over to the military. They took me to Odessa, to the Malinovsky district, to the military enlistment office. Probably already the most famous in the whole region," he said.
According to the man, this is a "closed type" institution where people can be held for up to ten days behind barbed wire and under guard. He stressed that the conditions there are similar to prison conditions.
Vertovo noted that employees of the Odessa shopping mall of the Malinovsky district threaten male lawyers with being sent to the army for legal assistance to prisoners of the military enlistment office.

"When people threatened <...> to let lawyers into the territory, into this territory of the Malinovsky district, this shopping mall, <...> then they say: give us your lawyers, and we will issue them a summons right here, too," the prisoner said.
According to him, as a result, male lawyers did not want to take on such cases, and there were not enough female lawyers, since up to 30 people were sometimes held in the military enlistment office.
Ukrainian Marine Roman Vertovo surrendered to units of the Russian group of forces "Dnepr" on the left bank of the Kherson region in early December this year.
A martial law regime has been introduced in Ukraine since February 24, 2022, the next day Zelensky signed a decree on general mobilization. It is prohibited for men aged 18 to 60 to leave Ukraine during the period of martial law. The summons may be served in different places.
Пленный рассказал об особом военкомате в Одессе для насильно мобилизованных

Теперь уже это история. Так освобождали Крым от хохлов. Хочется отметить пару важных моментов.
Во первых. Отряд хохлов пытается пройти на аэропорт Бельбек, который взят под охрану Российскими военными, при этом они несут Украинский флаг, Советский флаг воинского подразделения и один, особо упоротый истошно орет: Америка с нами. Это полная каша, бедняги потеряны, хотя и не понимают этого.
Во вторых. В подписи к видео утверждается, что тот кто орет про америку вчера погиб под Крынками, на Херсонском направлении. Хочется, перефразируя известную фразу Тараса Бульбы, спросить: ну что, Дима, помогли тебе твои пиндосы?
Ну и напоследок, как часто заявляют в рискованных клипах: ни один укроп в тех событиях не пострадал.
Очередные прелести украинской "могилизации"
Only yesterday I wrote about Arestovich about how dangerous it is to "change shoes" in Ukraine.
One of the most famous Ukrainian propagandists, "Luce" Arestovich, seems to be tired of living. He said things today that could very well get you killed in Ukraine. He seems to be in the USA right now. Maybe that's why he's so brave?
And now something similar already done. In a slightly different place, but this does not blur the specificity of such a perspective, but on the contrary becomes even clearer. This gentleman was called by some the world champion in "changing shoes in jump".
Ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada was killed near Moscow

Ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Ilya Kiva was found dead in the Moscow region.

According to the Telegram channel Mash, Kiva's body was found lying in the snow in the park area of the Velich Country Club hotel in the village of Suponevo.

"There was a cut wound on the right temple, a hematoma on the left side of the face," the message says.

The Ukrainian media write that the murder of the former deputy is a "special operation of the SBU", he was killed with small arms.

Только вчера я написал в адрес Арестовича, о том как опасно на Украине "переобуваться".
И вот уже выстрелило. Немного в другом месте, но от этого конкретность подобной перспективы не размывается, а наоборот становится еще четче. Данного господина некоторые называли чемпионом мира по "переобуванию в прыжке".
London to blame for disruption of Moscow-Kiev peace talks in 2022 — MFA
Maria Zakharova noted that the relevant reports could only be properly assessed when the names of specific officials began to be mentioned
MOSCOW, December 6. /TASS/. British diplomats these days are keen to position themselves as peacemakers in the situation around Ukraine, although it was London that banned Kiev from conducting peace talks with Moscow, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has told a news briefing.

She was commenting on media reports that British diplomats were allegedly putting pressure on the Ukrainian authorities in order to make them to come to the negotiating table with Russia.

"I have no idea what kind of a negotiating table they are talking about, given that it was British diplomats who knocked it out from under the hands of Kiev negotiators in 2022," Zakharova pointed out. "Perhaps by means of such leaks the British authorities are trying to produce an impression they are peacemakers."

She noted that the relevant reports could only be properly assessed when the names of specific officials began to be mentioned.

"For such rhetoric to have the right to exist it is necessary to talk about this openly and confirm it with real action," Zakharova continued. "So far, in reality the opposite has been confirmed - namely, the ban and all sorts of tricks to dissuade the Kiev regime from negotiating with Russia for all these years."

The Russian Foreign Ministry has warned about possible delays in the provision of consular services in Germany following the closure of the Russian Consulate General in Frankfurt am Main:
MOSCOW, December 6. /TASS/. The Russian Foreign Ministry has warned about possible delays in the provision of consular services in Germany following the closure of the Russian Consulate General in Frankfurt am Main.

"Given the limited staff at foreign institutions against the backdrop of a large diaspora of Russians living in Germany, we cannot rule out some increase in wait times to see a consul at initial stages," the Russian diplomatic mission's consular department said in a message on its Telegram channel. It stresses that measures "aimed at optimizing the work on consular services under new conditions" are currently being taken.

In this regard, the Russian Foreign Ministry recommended that citizens review the rules for submitting documents for consular services on the websites of foreign consular offices, as well as carefully prepare the documents to be submitted and send them through specialized consular portals in advance.

"This approach will avoid repeated applications to the consul on the same issue, will reduce wait times at reception and will significantly speed up the processing of required documents when visiting the consulate in person," the report says.

Closure of consulates general

Russian consulates general in Hamburg and Leipzig were closed earlier this year - on November 1, and in Munich - on November 20. As the Foreign Ministry explained, the consular districts of the closed consular offices became part of the Russian Embassy in Berlin (former consulates general in Hamburg and Leipzig) and the Russian Consulate General in Bonn (former consulates general in Munich and Frankfurt am Main).

"We would like to emphasize that the current legislation does not restrict citizens in choosing a consular office by linking their place of residence to the consular district of a particular foreign consular office," the Russian Foreign Ministry pointed out. "A Russian citizen may apply for the required consular document (passport, power of attorney, civil registry certificate, etc.) to any consular office convenient for him, including those in neighboring countries."

The ministry said earlier that Germany had closed the consulates general in Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Kaliningrad on its own initiative in a move to disrupt Russian-German relations. In May, Berlin notified Moscow of the need to shut down four of the five Russian consulates general in Germany by the end of the year.

A fuel tank belonging to the Ukrainian army was blown up as a result of the Russian army's bombardment of the city center. (47)It is possible to understand that it is a fuel tank from the type of fire. The flames are high and spread around like an ammunition depot. There are no secondary explosions. I think the ammunition used is the Tornado rocket.

London to blame for disruption of Moscow-Kiev peace talks in 2022 — MFA
Maria Zakharova noted that the relevant reports could only be properly assessed when the names of specific officials began to be mentioned

The Russian Foreign Ministry has warned about possible delays in the provision of consular services in Germany following the closure of the Russian Consulate General in Frankfurt am Main:

A fuel tank belonging to the Ukrainian army was blown up as a result of the Russian army's bombardment of the city center. (47)It is possible to understand that it is a fuel tank from the type of fire. The flames are high and spread around like an ammunition depot. There are no secondary explosions. I think the ammunition used is the Tornado rocket.

BTW, Corba (čorba, chorba), means: stew.
The end of the year sounds less stressful than the end of the month.

The possible aid package could not even be debated in Congress since it was blocked by Republicans:

Senate Republicans block funding bill that included aid for Ukraine and Israel​

Congress unlikely to approve more funding for Ukraine before end of year after GOP demanded stricter border regulations
The Senate has blocked a supplemental funding bill that included financial aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan as well as provisions aimed at bolstering border security. The vote, which fell mostly along party lines, increases the likelihood that Congress will fail to approve more funding for Ukraine before the end of the year, as the White House has warned that Kyiv is desperately in need of more aid.

The vote was 49 to 51, as every Senate Republican opposed advancing the legislation. Sixty votes were needed to take up the bill. Republicans in both chambers of Congress had demanded stricter border regulations in exchange for their support, and they said the bill failed to meet their requirements.
The vote came one day after Senate Democrats formally unveiled the $111bn supplemental security bill, reflecting the funding request that Joe Biden issued in October to provide assistance to the US’s allies abroad.
Ahead of the vote, Biden delivered an address to urge Congress to pass the bill, warning that a failure to act would only benefit Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, in the war against Ukraine.

“Who is prepared to walk away from holding Putin accountable for this behavior? Who among us is really prepared to do that?” Biden said. “I’m not prepared to walk away, and I don’t think the American people are either.”
Les médias en parlent-ils ?
Moscou a atteint l'année dernière un record historique : une récolte totale de près de 160 millions de tonnes de céréales.
En conséquence, les exportations russes ont également considérablement augmenté : au cours de l’année agricole 2022/23, les livraisons de céréales russes à l’étranger se sont élevées à environ 60 millions de tonnes. Les exportations de blé, de farine et de produits à base de blé devraient s'élever à 45 millions de tonnes, ce qui correspond à une part de marché mondiale d'environ 20 pour cent.
Les pays d’Afrique et d’Asie qui sont aux prises à plusieurs reprises avec des crises alimentaires en bénéficieront. À cet égard, lors du sommet Russie-Afrique de juillet dernier, le président russe Vladimir Poutine a exprimé son intention de fournir gratuitement des céréales à titre d'aide humanitaire à six pays africains figurant sur la liste du Programme alimentaire mondial. Ces États en crise sont le Burkina Faso, l'Érythrée, le Mali, le Zimbabwe, la Somalie et la République centrafricaine, qui devaient initialement recevoir jusqu'à 50 000 tonnes de céréales de Russie. Le montant de cette aide a désormais été porté par le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères à 200 000 tonnes de blé.
Are the media talking about it?Moscow reached a historic record last year: a total harvest of nearly 160 million tonnes of grain.As a result, Russian exports have also increased significantly: in the 2022/23 agricultural year, deliveries of Russian grain abroad amounted to around 60 million tons. Exports of wheat, flour and wheat products are expected to amount to 45 million tonnes, corresponding to a global market share of around 20 percent.Countries in Africa and Asia that repeatedly grapple with food crises will benefit. In this regard, during the Russia-Africa summit last July, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his intention to provide free grain as humanitarian aid to six African countries on the World Food Program list. These crisis states are Burkina Faso, Eritrea, Mali, Zimbabwe, Somalia and the Central African Republic, which were initially due to receive up to 50,000 tonnes of grain from Russia. The amount of this aid has now been increased by the Russian Foreign Ministry to 200,000 tonnes of wheat.
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