Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

I wrote today about the implementation of the plan for the new year, it seems that we are talking about over-fulfillment of plans.
There is a repeated wave of missile attacks on Ukrainian facilities
A second wave of missile strikes against Ukrainian targets has begun. Explosions in Poltava, Sumy and Cherkasy regions. According to sources, launches are currently being carried out in the direction of several regions of Ukraine, while Ukrainian monitoring resources claim that long-range Tu-22M3 missile bombers are in Russian airspace, which are capable of launching long-range missiles.

An air alert was declared throughout Ukraine this morning. It is known about attacks on military facilities and critical infrastructure in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkiv, Lviv, Dnipro and a number of other cities and regions. In total, according to the AFU, 158 drones and cruise missiles of various types were launched.

Experts do not exclude that, taking into account Russia's stock of long-range missiles, attacks on military facilities in Ukraine may continue at night and tomorrow afternoon.
Идёт повторная волна ракетных ударов по объектам Украины

Ignat is "burning up" for something today. How come they didn't shoot down any X22s, if you listen to other ukrops speakers, they shoot down Kinzhals and Iskander in full growth.
Ukraine has not been able to shoot down a single Russian X-22 missile during the entire war, — the speaker of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Ukraine has not been able to shoot down a single Russian X-22 missile during the entire war, said Air Force Spokesman Yuri Ignat.

More than 300 of them were produced.

"The X-22 missile flies at a speed of four thousand kilometers per hour, it enters its target mainly along a ballistic trajectory, therefore special means are needed to intercept it.

We need air defense systems like Patriot, because it's not so easy with these missiles. The enemy has used more than 300 of these missiles since the full-scale invasion. In addition to the X-22, they also have an upgraded version of this missile, the X-32.

Apathetic answer
Ukraine tried to hit the Belgorod region with three AGM-88 HARM missiles at once
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported the successful interception and destruction of three Ukrainian AGM-88 HARM missiles of American production over the territory of the Belgorod region. According to the official statement, it happened on December 29 at about 15:00 Moscow time.

The report notes that the Russian air defense on duty prevented an attempt by the "Kiev regime" to carry out a terrorist attack using these anti-radar missiles at objects on the territory of Russia.

The AGM-88 HARM is a high—speed anti-radar missile that was adopted in the United States in 1983. It is designed to defeat high-frequency radar stations and is often used to destroy air defense systems such as the S-300 and S-400. The missiles were first delivered to Ukraine by Washington last summer and are used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine to defeat Russian air defense systems.

This is not the first time that Ukrainian troops have tried to strike the Belgorod region using HARM missiles. A similar attempt was made in October last year, but the attack was repelled by Russian air defense systems. In December of the same year, Russian air defense systems also successfully shot down four HARM missiles.
Украина попыталась ударить по Белгородской области сразу тремя ракетами AGM-88 HARM

Я сегодня писал о выполнении плана к новому году, похоже, что речь идёт о перевыполнении планов.
Чего то Игнат сегодня "палится". Как так они не сбили ни одной Х-22, если послушать других укропских спикеров, они в полный рост сбивают Кинжалы и Искандеры.
Жалкий ответ.

Russia: End of bacchanalia and awakening of Civil Society​

December 29, 2023 Editor Editor , External Speakers 1

It must be said that since the end of the Soviet Union many Russians have let themselves be carried away by Western “values”, in particular “artists”, recognized or self-declared, but also certain politicians and businessmen, to the highest level. Fortunately, we have not yet reached the Western level with, for example, public “walks of shame”, but a certain “elite” has allowed itself to be corrupted by these famous “values”. These are those we call “the 5th column”, a band of degenerates financially and morally corrupted by the West, discreetly or openly playing against the interests of the Russians and Russia.
The majority of the Russian people did not pay much attention to these people, simply because their own standard of living had been steadily rising since 2000 under Putin's leadership. However, in recent years in certain areas, “details” have begun to attract the attention of the Russians.
For example, the problems due to immigration: During the time of the Soviet Union there were no immigrants since we were all “Soviet”, there was no problem of “living together” to employ a language that the French understand, between Russians and Uzbeks or Tadjoks, Christians or Muslims.
The fact is that the children of these Soviets were born when the USSR is no more and solidarity between “Soviets” no longer exists. Communitarianism is developing, respect between ethnic groups is disappearing and what happened in France in the 1970s is starting to happen in Russia: The second generation of those who are then “immigrants” is starting to let themselves go. . Certainly the level in Russia is far from the level in France, but it is the same slope: Crime due to immigrants is increasing, and foreign slides try, sometimes successfully, to interfere in Russian judicial and political affairs. We must understand that, for example, rape committed by an immigrant is very rare in Russia, and therefore when there is one, all Russians feel concerned. Same thing for a phone theft or an assault.
This is happening while the Special Military Operation launched against NATO in Ukraine concerns the entire Society in Russia. On the one hand, many families have members who voluntarily joined the Front, but above all the patriotic consciousness, very strong here, means that everyone feels concerned and supports our forces.
All? Almost.
Because precisely the 5th column that I speak of above is positioned against the Special Military Operation. Simple to understand, since most of its members have luxury goods (sometimes paid for with dubious money…) in the West, have their children in Swiss British or American schools, and are often victims of Western “sanctions”. Many moreover no longer have any “patriotic fiber” but rather have what I call “pederastic fiber”, totally corrupted by “Western values”.
This 5th column of course benefits from the support of Western countries who do not hesitate to say that “we must get rid of Putin”, and this considerably annoys all Russians who, for their part, support Vladimir Putin.
It must be understood that almost the entire Russian Society participates financially in the Special Military Operation: In the smallest village in Russia, collections are organized by the inhabitants of money, clothes, etc., which are sent to the Front by volunteers.
So when the actions of the members of the 5th column become known, they can have serious consequences. This is how a party taking place in a Moscow nightclub came to the forefront of the media scene: Very special videos were leaked and broadcast on “patriotic” Telegram channels. The evening was in fact an orgy where the guests had to come naked and several very explicit videos of their actions were broadcast. Other videos showed magnums of champagne billed at 100,000 rubles each (1000 euros) between 2 sessions of homosexual sodomy. The participants were on the one hand artists, on the other hand businessmen, or even their children (adults, anyway!). The orgy was sponsored by 2 major companies, Yandex and MTS.
This of course triggered a national scandal: On the one hand Russian Society is not ready to accept these bachanals, on the other hand the financial debauchery while almost all citizens participate in the war effort does not pass, and finally that while our fathers, sons and brothers are fighting against NATO, the Russians have demanded harsh responses from the authorities.
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I posted on my Telegram channel several of the concrete consequences: The participating artists saw all their concerts canceled (Kirkorov, the Russian “king of pop”, a notorious homosexual in fact, tried to get out of it by claiming “ having entered by chance”…), TV shows have fired their guests who had participated in the evening, a TV film will even be reshot entirely with another main star. But also tax audits, and already sent to prison for tax evasion on the one hand, and “promotion of homosexuality” on the other. And it is very far from being over, we witness every day public “apologies” from participants who cry and “beg forgiveness from the Russians” in videos…. more or less sincere, but the “fear of the police” does its job!
In fact this affair was undoubtedly used by certain political forces. Some quick explanations.
Russian political analysts describe the Russian political landscape as “Kremlin towers,” with each tower being a political faction. Some towers have more or less the same objectives, and my friend Igor Skurlatov from “Third Way” groups them into 2 categories in reference to the Special Military Operation, the “Party of Peace” and the “Party of War”.
  • The “Peace Party” is the 5th column, ready to sell out the interests of Russia and Russians by concluding peace at all costs. They are the traitors.
  • The “Party of War” are the Patriots who of course do not want “war for war's sake” but believe that the war must be fought to the final goal: The total demilitarization of Ukraine. As I say “We have to go to kyiv”. (and we will go!)
In each “Party” we find artists, businessmen and political leaders, some of whom are at very high levels.
Until now Vladimir Putin tried to maintain a certain balance between the factions, his main goal being on the one hand to allow Russian citizens to live properly, on the other hand to rebuild the strength of Russia after the fall of USSR.
But today, when Russia has once again become a force not only military but also economic (thanks among other things to “sanctions”), while the situation in Ukraine shows that NATO does not have the means to bring us down, It seems that Vladimir Putin has decided to bring down the 5th column.
The broadcast of these videos was undoubtedly done in this sense, not so much to send a few thieves to prison, but to say “stop”… and to wake up Civil Society.
And we come back to the problem of immigration developed above: It is well known that certain traitors advocate the “need” for millions of immigrants in Russia “so that the economy does not fall”, even though immigrant crime is increasing. ! There too, things are moving, I spoke about it with my article on the “Russian Community”.
For several weeks the operations of the Russian Community have evolved very widely, in many cities the Community groups regularly participate alongside the police forces in large anti-immigration operations which aim to expel people in an irregular situation, to send the others do their military service, and to arrest fleeing criminals.
It is quite obvious that the order for integration into the police force of this association of Russian citizens (anyone without a criminal record can be part of it) was given at the highest level. We also note that when officials of the “Russian Community” contact the Director of the Investigative Committee (the highest Russian police structure), the response is immediate and always positive. Many cases which until then were blocked by the “diasporas” are suddenly brought up to date and the judges render exemplary verdicts.
On the other hand, Russian deputies very quickly passed new laws to limit the arrival of immigrants in Russia. For example, for families with children to benefit from “family allowances”, the children must now be born in Russia, to at least one Russian parent. Until then, if a non-Russian family already had 3 children born outside Russia and had a 4th in Russia, everyone had family allowances for the 4 children. This is finished.
Also the withdrawal of Russian citizenship becomes easily possible, 5 criminal drug traffickers in St.Peterburg inaugurated this measure last week.
All this clearly shows that the tone is set: Between the “Western way” where such homosexual orgies are widely authorized and uncontrolled immigration encouraged, and the Russian way with traditional values and the repression of all delinquency including concerning immigration, Russia has chosen and civil society is called upon to actively participate in the defense of Russian values.
Those in the West who thought that the “Putin regime” was over will be disappointed. Not only will Vladimir Putin be re-elected in March but his most loyal advisor will always be at his side to support him. Nikolay Patrushev, the real beast of the Western Services, is not about to give up his apron.
Boris Gennadevich Karpov
I'll give you a couple of videos. Both of them are very sad in my understanding, but in different ways.
The video from the Russian army is sad and incomprehensible to me because the soldiers presented, apparently, are not some kind of "rex" at all, they do not give the impression of experienced fighters. What brought them there?
A Somali, an Indian and a Syrian are preparing to fight as part of the Russian army

Well, the ukrops video, as it has already become familiar, breaks through the bottom. There is already a lot of information about the ruthless Ukrainian mobilization, look at one of the results. The freaks who mock the weak have not gone far from him in development at all.
Mentally retarded in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the finished ones are burning over their comrade. They didn't give him a weapon, but it's understandable - it's dangerous
Приведу пару видео. Оба они в моем понимании весьма печальны, но по разному.
Видео из Российской армии печально и непонятно для меня тем, что представленные солдаты судя по всему совсем не какие то "рексы", не производят они впечатление опытных бойцов. Что их привело туда?
Ну а укропское видео, как это уже стало привычным, пробивает дно. Уже появилось много информации про беспощадную украинскую мобилизацию, смотрите на один из результатов. Уроды, которые глумятся над убогим, совсем не далеко ушли от него в развитии.
I'll give you a couple of videos. Both of them are very sad in my understanding, but in different ways.
The video from the Russian army is sad and incomprehensible to me because the soldiers presented, apparently, are not some kind of "rex" at all, they do not give the impression of experienced fighters. What brought them there?
A Somali, an Indian and a Syrian are preparing to fight as part of the Russian army

Well, the ukrops video, as it has already become familiar, breaks through the bottom. There is already a lot of information about the ruthless Ukrainian mobilization, look at one of the results. The freaks who mock the weak have not gone far from him in development at all.
Mentally retarded in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the finished ones are burning over their comrade. They didn't give him a weapon, but it's understandable - it's dangerous
Приведу пару видео. Оба они в моем понимании весьма печальны, но по разному.
Видео из Российской армии печально и непонятно для меня тем, что представленные солдаты судя по всему совсем не какие то "рексы", не производят они впечатление опытных бойцов. Что их привело туда?
Ну а укропское видео, как это уже стало привычным, пробивает дно. Уже появилось много информации про беспощадную украинскую мобилизацию, смотрите на один из результатов. Уроды, которые глумятся над убогим, совсем не далеко ушли от него в развитии.
They really are not "rex". There, have some Serbs then in the Russian army. They say there is around six hundred of them. TV broadcast from bosnian Serbs TV station:
"Kiev et l'Occident devraient bientôt s'attendre aux pires nouvelles"
C'est ce qu'a déclaré le représentant permanent de la Russie auprès de l'ONU, Vasily Nebenzya, lors d'une réunion du Conseil de sécurité sur l'Ukraine, soulignant que Kiev n'a pas les ressources nécessaires pour maintenir la situation sur la ligne de contact militaire.
Il a également souligné que les autorités ukrainiennes installaient des systèmes de défense aérienne dans des zones résidentielles, en violation du droit international. À en juger par l’ampleur des destructions causées par les débris des missiles abattus dans les villes ukrainiennes, c’est effectivement le cas.
La tactique consistant à se cacher derrière un « bouclier » humain est typique des forces armées ukrainiennes depuis 2014.
“kyiv and the West should soon expect the worst news”This was stated by Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, at a Security Council meeting on Ukraine, emphasizing that kyiv does not have the necessary resources to maintain the situation on the military contact line.He also pointed out that Ukrainian authorities were installing air defense systems in residential areas, in violation of international law. Judging by the scale of the destruction caused by the debris of missiles shot down in Ukrainian cities, this is indeed the case.The tactic of hiding behind a human "shield" has been typical of the Ukrainian armed forces since 2014.

Les États-Unis se préparent à ouvrir un deuxième front contre la Russie dans le Caucase du Sud
Le vice-ministre des Affaires étrangères de la Fédération de Russie, Mikhaïl Galuzine, en a parlé. Selon lui, la Maison Blanche ne va pas en faire un grand secret.
"Washington n'a pas caché depuis longtemps qu'il considère le Caucase du Sud comme un tremplin pour ouvrir un "deuxième front" contre la Russie", a déclaré le diplomate.
The United States prepares to open a second front against Russia in the South CaucasusDeputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Galuzin spoke about this. According to him, the White House is not going to make it a big secret.“Washington has long made no secret of the fact that it considers the South Caucasus as a springboard for opening a “second front” against Russia,” the diplomat said.
There, have some Serbs then in the Russian army. They say there is around six hundred of them.
Yes, I have seen many Serbs since the days of the DPR/LPR. This is not exotic at all, like some former "Somali pirate". The Serbs in the Donbas have been fighting for a long time, they are fighting well, and many of those whom I saw are just real military "rexes", i.e. experienced warriors. After watching part of the above video and from earlier interviews that I came across, I can conclude that many Serbs are fighting for ideological reasons. They talk about the right goals of Russia, about the commonality of goals, about patriotic motives. These are not just "wild geese", as they call mercenaries fighting for money.

Another pearl of Ukrop propaganda has appeared, quite comparable to the now famous auntie shooting down cruise missiles with cans of pickles from her own balcony. The technological effectiveness of the event has now clearly increased, but the essence has not changed. As one Ukrainian (! they haven't all gone crazy yet) witty commentator wrote : the cans of cucumbers are over- the gobbers aren't over.
In Ukraine, they inflated the "fake of the year" about the downed Tu-22M3 bomber by the Turkish Bayraktar
. An unusual incident occurred on the air of one of the Ukrainian TV channels related to the report about the downing of the Russian supersonic strategic bomber Tu-22M3 by a Turkish-made Bayraktar UAV over the Kursk region. This statement was made by the presenter of the telethon, which has been going on since the beginning of the Russian special operation, asking an expert a question.

The surprising moment was that the presenter did not name the source of this information, and there were no official reports or confirmations about the incident from the Ukrainian authorities or media resources. The military expert present on the air was clearly puzzled by such a question and was unable to provide any comment on it. Nevertheless, it is known that shortly before this, Ukrainian information resources reported the alleged disappearance of a Russian bomber from radar screens.

Experts have already called such information on the air of the Ukrainian TV channel "fake of the year".
На Украине раздули "фейк года"о сбитом бомбардировщике Ту-22М3 турецким "Байрактаром"

How are they still not tired of being shamed by themselves? The question, however, is quite rhetorical. They are serious figures in their eyes - they give out some kind of notes.
The search for the fallen rocket continues in Poland, but Russia has already been blamed
In Poland, the search continues for possible elements of a missile that flew from the territory of Ukraine, despite suggestions that it left the country. This is reported by the operational command of the Polish Armed Forces.

According to an official statement, on December 30, ground searches will be conducted in the Lublin voivodeship for possible fragments of an object that violated Polish airspace the day before. About 480 servicemen of the Polish Territorial Defense Forces are involved in the search operation. The purpose of the search is to finally confirm that there are no elements of this object left on the territory of Poland.

The search will take place to the southeast of Zamostye. Earlier, the operational command of the Polish Armed Forces reported that on Friday morning an unidentified air object entered Polish airspace from Ukraine, it was accompanied by air defense systems, then the object disappeared from radar. The Polish General Staff later stated that it was a Russian missile, but did not provide any evidence of this.

The Charge d'affaires of Russia in Poland, Andrei Ordash, was summoned to the country's Foreign Ministry about this missile. He later told RIA Novosti that he had received a note stating that the object had been identified as a Russian maneuvering missile. However, his request to provide documentary evidence was refused in the note.
В Польше продолжаются поиски упавшей ракеты, но Россию уже успели обвинить

The response to yesterday's event is pathetic to say the least, but not completely inconclusive. One child was killed and several people were injured.
32 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed in the air and intercepted by air defense systems on duty
On the night of today, Russian air defense systems successfully repelled a large-scale attack by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) launched from the Ukrainian side. According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 32 Ukrainian UAVs were intercepted and destroyed, targeting facilities in the Moscow, Bryansk, Kursk and Oryol regions.

"During the past night, an attempt by the Kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack using an airplane-type UAV against objects on the territory of the Russian Federation was stopped. Air defense systems on duty destroyed 32 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the air and intercepted them over the territories of the Bryansk, Orel, Kursk and Moscow regions," the defense ministry said in a statement.

Unfortunately, despite the successful interception of most of the UAVs, human casualties are reported: as a result of one of the attacks, one person was killed and four were injured. At the moment, the victims are under medical supervision.
Дежурными средствами ПВО были уничтожены в воздухе и перехвачены 32 украинских беспилотных летательных аппарата

A Ukrainian unmanned boat that tried to attack the Crimean Peninsula was destroyed in the Black Sea
On Saturday, December 30, the sailors of the Russian Black Sea Fleet successfully thwarted an attempt to attack the Crimean Peninsula, destroying an unmanned boat of the Ukrainian Navy. This is reported by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The incident occurred at about 10.00 Moscow time in the northwestern part of the Black Sea. The unmanned boat of the Ukrainian Navy, which was traveling in the direction of the Crimean Peninsula, was discovered by the forces of the Black Sea Fleet and destroyed from the regular armament of the patrol boat.

Specific details of the incident have not yet been disclosed, and additional information is not available. However, earlier the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported a night attack on the territory of Russia using 13 rockets and 32 unmanned aerial vehicles.
В Чёрном море уничтожен украинский безэкипажный катер, пытавшийся атаковать Крымский полуостров

Да, я видел много сербов еще со времен ДНР/ЛНР. Это совсем не экзотика, как какой то бывший "сомалийский пират". Сербы на Донбассе воюют давно, воюют хорошо и многие из тех, кого я видел как раз и есть настоящие военные "рексы", т.е. опытные воины. Посмотрев часть приведенного видео и из более ранних интервью, которые мне попадались, я могу сделать вывод, что многие сербы воюют из идейных соображений. Они говорят о правильных целях России, об общности целей, о патриотических мотивах. Это вам не просто "дикие гуси", как называют наёмников, воюющих за деньги. Появился очередной перл укропской пропаганды, вполне сопоставимый со знаменитой уже теперь тетушкой, сбивающей крылатые ракеты банками с солеными огурцами с собственного балкона. Технологичность мероприятия теперь явно повысилась, но суть от этого не поменялась. Как остроумно написал один украинский комментатор (! они еще не все сошли с ума): банки с огурцами закончились- брехуны не закончились.
Как им до сих пор не надоело позориться? Вопрос, впрочем, вполне риторический. Они в своих глазах прямо серьезные деятели- какие то там ноты выдают.
Ответ на вчерашнее мероприятие прямо сказать жалкий, но не совсем безрезультатный. Один ребенок погиб, несколько людей ранено.
I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. Right now, another meme is being born before our eyes, which may outlive its author. A light bulb from a refrigerator is what Russia threatens the entire "free, democratic world" with. The German general is burning. Kinzhal and Iskander are not a refrigerator light bulb at all, but to some extent he is right and this notorious light bulb will be used if it is useful in certain conditions. Only in order to understand this sense and be able to use it, there must be a creative thought and a good school.
"Refrigerator light bulb": Germany announced an unusual threat from Russia
General Freud: the Russian Federation may use light bulbs for refrigerators for military purposes

MOSCOW, Dec 30 — RIA Novosti. The West underestimated the capabilities of the Russian military-industrial complex and the readiness of the allies to supply Russia, which can even use lighting for refrigerators for military purposes, the head of the situation center for Ukraine at the German Defense Ministry, Brigadier General Christian Freiding, told the German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung.
"We did not realize that they (Russia – ed.) would succeed in what we are now clearly observing: the build-up of the military—industrial complex, its expansion and increase in production capacity, despite the draconian sanctions regime," the general said.

According to Freud, Western countries did not believe in Russia's ability to stand up, which is why some of its capabilities in the Ukrainian conflict were ignored, including those related to attracting support from allies.
"Whether it's North Korea, whether it's China, as well as the countries of the global South. Even if these states supply only lighting for refrigerators, then it can also be used for military purposes," the general believes.

On Tuesday, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the Russian military-industrial complex, in order to meet the needs of its military and uninterrupted supply of troops, has significantly increased the production of the most in-demand weapons and weapons of destruction. According to Shoigu, employees of the Russian defense industry challenged the "vaunted Western military-technical potential."
"Лампочка холодильника": в Германии заявили о необычной угрозе от России

Простите, я не смог удержаться. Прямо сейчас, на наших глазах рождается еще один мем, который возможно переживет его автора. Лампочка от холодильника это то чем Россия угрожает всему "свободному, демократическому миру". Немецкий генерал жжёт. Кинжал и Искандер это совсем не лампочка от холодильника, но в какой то мере он прав и эта пресловутая лампочка будет использована, если от нее будет толк в определенных условиях. Только для того чтобы этот толк понять и суметь его использовать должна быть творческая мысль и хорошая школа.
Such is the war.
This afternoon, the Ukrainian Armed Forces struck the center of Belgorod with two cluster missiles "Alder" and MLRS "Vampire" of Czech production. The strike fell in a flat strip, part of the rocket was intercepted: Central Park named after Lenin Street, then the market, Belgorod Arbat and the central square (along the road).

The strike on the city center was targeted against civilians. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, 14 people were killed, according to other sources, 16 people, two of them children. Another 108 people were injured. There are 17 children among the injured, 4 of them in intensive care.

Details of yesterday's strike on Ukraine have emerged. The enemy's air defense was overloaded, 87 out of 122 missiles reached the target (about 70%). All hypersonic and ballistic missiles reached their targets.

Prisoner exchange. As expected, the Ukrainian side is disrupting the exchange - Ukrainians in their purest form. The SBU demanded not 300, but 525 prisoners in exchange for a smaller number of ours. This is done in a blunt ultimatum form as before, but after the breakdown of the deal with the prisoner of Azov, they do not go to such exchanges, so it is likely to be disrupted.
The exchange was planned to be held by the New Year. In addition, earlier the enemy changed lists and people, i.e. in exchange for an officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they had to release our officer, but in the end they brought an ordinary soldier to the exchange and confronted the fact.
31.12.2023 На Украину летит армада "ГЕРАНЕЙ" в ответ за удар по БЕЛГОРОДУ. Карта боевых действий на Украине сегодня (15 видео)

The AFU shelled Belgorod again in the afternoon, it is burning on the square


The UN structures in all their "glory"
The Permanent Representative called the silence of the UN OHCHR on the attack on Belgorod shameful

GENEVA, Dec 30 - RIA Novosti. The silence of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk regarding Ukraine's deadly strike on the center of Belgorod is shameful, he does not deserve to hold this post, the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN in Geneva said in a published statement on the Telegram channel of the permanent mission.
"Of course, there is no such reaction (of the head of OHCHR - ed.) and there will not be. F. 's unequivocal political commitment .The Turks and the OHCHR towards Washington and Brussels can no longer be hidden. For an international human rights defender, this is a disgrace, with which he has no right to hold such a high position," the document says.

The diplomat added that this is a concrete example of why relations between Russia and the UN OHCHR are bad.
"Mr. Turk's reaction to yesterday's strikes by the Russian Aerospace Forces on Ukrainian military targets was not long in coming. Without waiting for independent assessments and causes of civilian deaths, the international human rights defender expressed his "horror and condemnation" of Russia. Of course, he pretends that he has never heard of incidents involving the incompetent work of the Ukrainian air defense, which repeatedly led to deaths among his own civilian population, or about the September tragedy in Konstantinovka, as a result of which more than 15 people died from an erroneous missile strike by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on a local market," Gatilov said.
On Saturday afternoon, Belgorod Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov reported that the Ukrainian military had shelled the center of Belgorod. According to the head of the region, 14 people were killed, three of them children, 108 people were injured, 15 of them children. The Russian Defense Ministry was informed that Alder missiles and most of the Vampire MLRS rockets were intercepted by air defense systems, several rockets and cluster parts from downed Alder missiles hit Belgorod. As noted in the military department, in the case of a direct hit by cluster munitions of the MLRS "Alder" in Belgorod, and not their debris, civilian casualties would be disproportionately greater
Постпред назвал молчание УВКПЧ ООН по поводу удара по Белгороду позорным

Такая вот война.
Структуры ООН во всей своей "красе"
I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. Right now, another meme is being born before our eyes, which may outlive its author. A light bulb from a refrigerator is what Russia threatens the entire "free, democratic world" with. The German general is burning. Kinzhal and Iskander are not a refrigerator light bulb at all, but to some extent he is right and this notorious light bulb will be used if it is useful in certain conditions. Only in order to understand this sense and be able to use it, there must be a creative thought and a good school.
The US is on top of the light bulb terror and has banned incandescent light bulbs in order to protect Americans from light bulb terrorism. Or was it from global warming? Or Russia? Something something be afraid, we're taking this away from you, for your own good of course, or if not for you then for grandma.
'"Miserable tactics of terrorist attacks against civilians": The CIA and MI6 are directly involved in the planning of massive Ukrainian strike in Belgorod.'

30 Dec, 2023

30 Dec, 2023

31 Dec, 2023

'All countries involved in terrorist attacks on Russia should not get even a drop of Russian gas.'

minuit à Moscou, silence. Aucun feu d'artifice, nous n'avons pas le cœur à célébrer cette fête. Soutien à nos combattants, à leurs familles et aux victimes civiles des assassins de l'OTAN.
Bonne soirée à tous.
Sonia Anton et Boris

Midnight in Moscow, silence. No fireworks, we don't feel like celebrating. Support for our fighters, their families and the civilian victims of NATO's assassins.
Good evening to all.
Sonia Anton and Boris
Oh well....we're all going to die anyway, why not die as a flower with dignity for your country:-)

‘We will all die anyway’ – Ukrainian army adviser"​

"Death in battle is preferable to in a car crash, Alla Martinyuk, an aide to the supreme commander of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, General Valery Zaluzhny, said in an interview on Friday."

“But I will tell you, this is not right. All this hysteria is not needed. You need to believe that your son is a hero and the flower of the nation.”

“We will all die anyway. Leaving this life with dignity is much better than walking down the street and [having] a brick fall on you or a car run you over,”
she added."

Oh well....we're all going to die anyway, why not die as a flower with dignity for your country:-)

‘We will all die anyway’ – Ukrainian army adviser"​

"Death in battle is preferable to in a car crash, Alla Martinyuk, an aide to the supreme commander of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, General Valery Zaluzhny, said in an interview on Friday."

“But I will tell you, this is not right. All this hysteria is not needed. You need to believe that your son is a hero and the flower of the nation.”

“We will all die anyway. Leaving this life with dignity is much better than walking down the street and [having] a brick fall on you or a car run you over,”
she added."

Taking Putin's words as an answer to this pathetic propaganda cry, it would be for the psycho elite in the West, not the motherland that you'd be giving your life for. And as usual, Putin's right.

Ukraine is a mere tool in the hands of the collective West, which has been using it to fight Russia, President Vladimir Putin said on Monday. He made the remarks at a military hospital in Moscow where he was meeting Russian servicemen wounded during the Ukraine military operation.

Asked about the enduring Western support for Kiev, the president said the elites of the collective West were actually the true enemy of Russia, rather than Ukraine itself.

“The point is not that they are helping our enemy, but that they are our enemy. They are solving their own problems with [Ukraine’s] hands, that’s what it’s all about,” Putin stated.

The conflict between Moscow and Kiev was orchestrated by Western elites, who seek to defeat Russia, he suggested. However, the collective West has been unable to achieve its goals, with the failure already showing in the change of its rhetoric on the conflict, the president explained.

Those who only yesterday were talking about the need to inflict a ‘strategic defeat’ on Russia are now looking for words on how to quickly end the conflict.

“We want to end the conflict too, and as quickly as possible, but only on our terms. We have no desire to fight forever, but we are not going to give up our positions either,” Putin said.

The battlefield situation is now changing despite all the aid Kiev has been receiving from the West, the president observed. Russia has been effectively outproducing the whole West militarily, he suggested, with the country’s output destined to grow even further.

“Despite the fact that from time immemorial [the West] has had such a goal – to deal with Russia, it looks like we will deal with them first,” Putin stated.

“You probably see it on the battlefield that they are gradually ‘deflating’. When a shell flies, it is probably difficult to tell whether they are ‘deflated’ or not, but in general you probably know: the situation on the battlefield is changing. And this is happening despite the fact that the entire so-called civilized West is fighting against us,” he told the servicemen.

According to Russia’s latest estimates, over 380,000 Ukrainian troops have been killed or wounded during the conflict. Ukraine has also sustained heavy materiel losses, with an estimated 14,000 tanks and other armored vehicles destroyed. Nearly 160,000 of the troop losses were during Kiev’s botched counteroffensive, launched in early June last year, Moscow says.
Quite extensive and thorough work is being carried out to identify war criminals among the captured AFU soldiers. However, crimes are committed every day and all this should end with some kind of tribunal, like the Nuremberg one, especially since representatives of the Kiev junta diligently copy the fascist third Reich in many ways, which means they should have a similar end.
Lavrov promised retribution to each of the criminals of the Kiev regime

Fair retribution awaits each of the criminals of the Ukrainian regime, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

He recalled that Russian courts, based on evidence gathered by the Investigative Committee, sentenced more than 200 representatives of Ukrainian armed formations to long terms of imprisonment.

"The same fate awaits all other criminals. Each of them will be overtaken by just retribution," Lavrov stressed.

The Foreign Minister noted that the Investigative Committee had opened more than four thousand criminal cases against about 900 people.

"They include not only members of radical nationalist associations, representatives of Ukrainian law enforcement agencies and mercenaries, but also representatives of the military and political leadership of Ukraine," he said.

The minister added that Russian law enforcement officers carefully record the atrocities committed by Ukrainian neo-Nazis, not limited only to the time of the special operation. According to Lavrov, the suffering of the civilian population of Donbass began much earlier, back in 2014. Those responsible for them will also be brought to justice, he assured.

The Russian Foreign Ministry called the Armed Forces of Ukraine a "terrorist beast"

Only "terrorist beasts" could shell Donetsk on New Year's Eve, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, commenting on the strikes by the Ukrainian military.

"The fire was again directed at civilian objects. There are dead and wounded. Only terrorist beasts could do this," Zakharova wrote on her telegram channel.

On the night of January 1, the Ukrainian Armed Forces fired at least 15 shells from multiple rocket launchers at Donetsk. Voroshilovsky, Petrovsky and Budyonnovsky districts of the city were hit.

In total, four people were killed in Donetsk after the shelling, and 13 people were injured of varying severity. Several apartment buildings, a hotel, a business center, a store and a school were damaged.

Довольно объемная и тщательная работа проводится по выявлению военных преступников среди пленных ВСУшников. Однако преступления совершаются каждый день и все это должно закончиться каким то трибуналом, по типу Нюрнбергского, тем более что представители киевской хунты во многом старательно копируют фашистский третий рейх, значит и конец у них должен быть похожим.
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