Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

"Fun", "with a twinkle" the new year begins
A massive strike is being carried out in Ukraine, missiles in different regions, explosions are thundering, alarms are all over the country

Explosions are thundering in Kharkov and Kirovograd.

The missiles are maneuvering, changing course and approaching Kiev.

Missiles on the border of the Kiev and Cherkasy regions in the western direction.

Missiles from the Kherson region in the direction of the Kirovograd region.

Missiles in the eastern part of the Vinnytsia region, heading west.

Klitschko: "Explosions in the capital. In particular, in the Goloseevsky district, a fragment of a rocket fell in an open area of the park. There are explosions in Obolon."

Missiles in the Vinnytsia region are heading west and to the Zhytomyr region, according to monitoring publications.

7 sides fired a new wave of missiles. "The flight time to Ukraine is 08:40 — 09:30 (Moscow time) +/-," the resources associated with the Armed Forces of Ukraine report.

New explosions in Kiev, the impact of a hypersonic "Dagger", a new wave of missiles from the Tu-95 crossed the border in the Sumy region (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

New explosions are rumbling in Kiev, power outages are observed in Buchan and Vyshgorodsky districts of the Kiev region, according to the energy company DTEK.

It is known that one of the strikes was carried out by a hypersonic Dagger missile, and a new wave of missiles launched from the Tu-95 crossed the border in the Sumy region.

As reported by Russian Spring, fires are burning in the city after a series of earlier strikes.

It seems that the Russian Aerospace Forces are working on a new mixed strategy for the use of UAVs and missiles. All night, drones discharged the Ukrainian air defense, then missiles flew, and after them — more than a dozen missiles.

In addition, the footage below shows the flight of missiles in Kiev. Due to the attack, there is no light in some houses in the Shevchenko, Svyatoshinsky, Goloseevsky and Obolon districts.

Earlier, Ukrainian monitoring resources reported a record number of "Daggers" rushing towards Kiev: "There are 9 MiG-31s in the sky. A very serious danger."

The most powerful explosion in Kharkov: a flaming object explodes into the air (VIDEO)

The most powerful explosion in Kharkiv was caught on video — a flaming object explodes into the air.

The footage is unique in that the explosion was filmed from a fairly close distance, as well as in that it resembles Donetsk during the shelling.

Footage from the streets of Kiev after the strikes on the industrial zone (VIDEO)

Footage from the streets of Kiev after the strikes on the industrial zone is published by Greek businessman Tasos Tsiamis.

It is noteworthy that behind the scenes he comments that Russian missiles are flying specifically at military facilities.

It's not just rockets and drones that work.
ZVO fighters defeated a platoon of German Leopard tanks trying to attack Russian positions in the Svatovo direction (VIDEO)

Russian fighters defeated a platoon of German Leopard tanks that were trying to attack Russian positions in the Svatovo direction.

In the area of the village of Terny, the Armed Forces of Ukraine were preparing to attack the positions of our troops, but the group of troops "West" destroyed the enemy with precision-guided munitions.

The footage was shot by means of objective control.

Well, according to tradition, Ukrops are trying to snap back. They write about 4 downed drones on the approach to Belgorod.
Explosions sound over Belgorod, an alarm siren wails in the city (VIDEO)

At least six explosions have just sounded over Belgorod.

The townspeople are asked to go down to shelters. It is also loud in the sky over the Belgorod region: for example, residents of the village of Razumnoye filmed fragments falling from the sky after the explosions. Apparently, air defense is working in the sky.

"A missile danger siren has been launched in Belgorod. All residents should go down to shelter," said Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov.

Recall that the Kiev regime struck a crowded city center with MLRS on December 30, the number of victims was 25 people, a four-year-old girl became the twenty-fifth victim, she died yesterday, January 1, in one of the city hospitals.

"Весело", "с огоньком" начинается новый год
Работают не только ракеты и дроны.
Ну и уже по традиции хохлы пытаются огрызаться. Пишут о 4 сбитых дронах на подлете к Белгороду.
Some results. Not completely and unofficially yet.
An underground command post was destroyed in Kiev, where the Deputy commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny was located, Military Affairs reports.

The name of the allegedly deceased general of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is not called, the publication does not provide other details.

No official confirmation of this information has yet been received from either side.

It is also noted that as a result of the air attack on Kiev, the Ukrainian air defense lost several anti-aircraft systems, an industrial facility was hit, and Russian missiles destroyed one of the Kiev workshops for the production of drones.

The media wrote that the air alert sounded throughout Ukraine for 3.5 hours and became the longest in recent times. Military facilities were attacked by drones and a record number of Dagger missiles, observers noted.

The mayor of Kiev, Vitali Klitschko, spoke about a fire in the Podolsk district, where a warehouse building on 2,000 square meters is burning, in addition, lights went out in some areas.
"Военное дело": В Киеве поражен подземный бункер, погиб заместитель Залужного - Российская газета

The Montreux Convention has not yet been forgotten by everyone, although the Americans with their "rules-based order" would have done it at the snap of their fingers.
Turkey will not allow minesweepers donated by Britain to the Armed Forces into the Straits. This was stated in the administration of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
In a statement, the Center for Combating Disinformation at the Communications Department of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Turkey said that the claims of some media outlets that British mine detectors were allowed to pass through the Turkish Straits into the Black Sea are not true.

They stressed that Turkey has been impartially and strictly implementing the Montreux Convention, which regulates the rules of navigation in the Straits, since 1936, and has not missed a single warship since the beginning of the special operation. This is done in order to prevent an escalation of tensions in the Black Sea.

Turkey has informed its allies that British minesweepers will not be able to pass through the Turkish Straits into the Black Sea until the end of the Ukrainian conflict, RIA Novosti reports.

Recall that in December, British Defense Minister Grant Shapps announced his intention to transfer two minesweepers to Ukraine. According to him, this will allow "opening vital export routes" and creating a "navy of the future" in Ukraine.

The Russian Ambassador to the UK, Andrei Kelin, commenting on this news, said that the fate of the ships that London promises to transfer to Kiev is unenviable. He pointed out that the main question is how these ships will be able to pass through the straits and get to the Black Sea.
Турция не пропустит минные тральщики, подаренные Британией ВСУ - Российская газета

Некоторые результаты. Пока не полностью и неофициально.
Конвенцию Монтрё еще не все забыли, хотя у американцев с их "порядком , основанном на правилах" это произошло бы по щелчку пальцев.
Dmitry Medvedev made a post on X with a series of absurd predictions for the year 2024 and revisited his equally (not so) absurd predictions from last year.

The New Year has come, and it's time to make forecasts. There is nothing more senseless and hopeless than that. A year ago, I put it plainly: I want to contribute to the most absurd and outlandish future forecasts. But no, they still write back indignantly, why has nothing come true? Seriously, nothing?

Hasn’t Scholz said that Germany now pays tenfold for its gas? Hasn’t @elonmusk become the US President, if not by position but by influence (bearing in mind that he is not entitled to participate in the election because he was born in Africa)? Isn’t Poland getting ready to seize part of Ukraine, and Northern Ireland is preparing to split away from Foggy Albion? And so on, and so forth… In short, all of our life’s absurd has nearly come true and is still materializing.

So, here comes a new set of forecasts, now for the year 2024 (and it’s not some glitzy ideas of Saxo Bank):

1. Nationalising the military-industrial complex of the EU states, US, and Canada in order to donate all of its defense production to the offended Kiev regime to support its military capacity. Providing Ukraine with a credit syndicated by the Western states in the amount of $25,5 trillion (which corresponds to the US GDP by PPP). Embezzling of this credit in a day’s time by the ruling Kiev regime with Hunter Biden participating.
2. Putting Joe Biden on the international wanted list for its careless leaving of the stage mid-speech, and ongoing absence of the US President backstage with his aides reporting that he is nowhere to be seen.
3. Sentencing Donald Trump to 99 years in prison based on all the criminal charges against him, with a ban to participate in presidential election in all the States of America. Electing him the new US President instead of Biden who got lost backstage.
4. Ominous mass revival of alien mummies hidden away inside US military bases, their arrival in US politics, with aliens subsequently gaining more than half the seats in the US Senate and House of Representatives.
5. Godzilla seizing power in Japan and being proclaimed 天皇 (the Emperor of Japan) ゴジラ I (Godzilla I). The Reptiloid Dynasty starts to rule Japan.

So, the New Year is about to bring us quite a bit of interesting stuff. Looking forward to it!

I'm not sure what the truth is behind this article (I mean, it's "Newsweek" - and who is "Russian political scientist" Yuri Baranchik?), but someone is definitely trying to get WWIII started...and I doubt it's Russia.

The escalation in rhetoric is concerning, even if it's just propaganda from Western sources. False flag soon?
Martin Armstrong has an article out where he states that 'they' are trying to provoke Putin to attack the British naval ship in the Black Sea.

The Neocons are playing with the lives of people desperate to create World War III and to entice Putin to PLEASE attack anyone in NATO. In 1915, Germany took out advertisements in the New York newspapers warning people not to travel on the passenger ship the RMS Lusitania for it was illegally using civilians as cover to provide arms to Britain. Of course, the US denied that they were using civilians just as Hamas in Palestine. The death toll was 1201 civilians died to get the USA to enter World War I.


Medvedeev: We never liked the French. Bastards. Bastards. Monsters.​

January 3, 2024 Editor Editor , External Speakers 6

In a daily press briefing the French Foreign Ministry refused to condemn the Ukrainian rocket attack on Belgorod, which killed 25 people, and called it a natural defensive action. He said Ukraine "exercises its legitimate right to defense in accordance with Article 51 of the United Nations Charter."
Therefore, France considers that the firing of several missiles on the center of a city which it is easy to know does not include any military target, is legitimate; that the consequent killing of civilians, old men, women and children, is legitimate.
Former Russian President and current Vice Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedeev said:

“We never liked the French. These species of frog eaters who fought against us. These pederasts...
And now we are convinced of it. The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs wrote, the strikes against Belgorod with cluster munitions are the “right to self-defense”. Bastards. Bastards. Monsters.”
In addition to derailing NATO's plans against Russia, the special military operation had the very positive effect of showing who Russia's friends are. And who are his enemies.
Join Boris Karpov's Telegram channel by clicking on the banner.
France, despite the nonsense of certain Russians glorifying “eternal Franco-Russian friendship” and other platitudes, is in fact an enemy of Russia and those who imagine that pats on the back between Putin and Chirac or between Putin and Macron mean that we are the best friends in the world, those who imagine that granting Russian nationality to a drunken thug actor shows Russia's friendship for France, understand nothing about diplomatic games.
But these diplomatic games no longer work in times of war, and if Vladimir Putin as President must maintain his height, his subordinates have complete freedom of speech and many are those who have put France in the front ranks candidates for a Russian “sanction”.
To those who will squeal, here and there, that “the French are not the French government” I will no longer even answer: France is generally a democratic country, and such a country is therefore represented by its People, its People who elects its leaders. Let those who truly support Russia act against their criminal government today before it is too late, or keep silent... and continue through their passivity to give full powers to their government!
Do you think that when we strike in France tomorrow, we will ask the French “who support Russia” to stand aside? This day is approaching, have no doubt, the action plans are already in place and all that is missing is the decision. We waited 8 years to strike in Ukraine following the criminal actions of the Ukrainians and therefore of NATO in Donbass, we will not wait 8 more years to make France pay for its arms deliveries to the Ukrainians and therefore its complicity active in the assassination of our civilians which is therefore today “justified” by French criminals.
While waiting for this day of the “sanction” do not be surprised if actions against French interests in Russia occur: You French will be the only ones responsible.
Boris Genadevich Karpov

Medvedeev: We never liked the French. Bastards. Bastards. Monsters.​

January 3, 2024 Editor Editor , External Speakers 6

In a daily press briefing the French Foreign Ministry refused to condemn the Ukrainian rocket attack on Belgorod, which killed 25 people, and called it a natural defensive action. He said Ukraine "exercises its legitimate right to defense in accordance with Article 51 of the United Nations Charter."
Therefore, France considers that the firing of several missiles on the center of a city which it is easy to know does not include any military target, is legitimate; that the consequent killing of civilians, old men, women and children, is legitimate.
Former Russian President and current Vice Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedeev said:

In addition to derailing NATO's plans against Russia, the special military operation had the very positive effect of showing who Russia's friends are. And who are his enemies.

France, despite the nonsense of certain Russians glorifying “eternal Franco-Russian friendship” and other platitudes, is in fact an enemy of Russia and those who imagine that pats on the back between Putin and Chirac or between Putin and Macron mean that we are the best friends in the world, those who imagine that granting Russian nationality to a drunken thug actor shows Russia's friendship for France, understand nothing about diplomatic games.
But these diplomatic games no longer work in times of war, and if Vladimir Putin as President must maintain his height, his subordinates have complete freedom of speech and many are those who have put France in the front ranks candidates for a Russian “sanction”.
To those who will squeal, here and there, that “the French are not the French government” I will no longer even answer: France is generally a democratic country, and such a country is therefore represented by its People, its People who elects its leaders. Let those who truly support Russia act against their criminal government today before it is too late, or keep silent... and continue through their passivity to give full powers to their government!
Do you think that when we strike in France tomorrow, we will ask the French “who support Russia” to stand aside? This day is approaching, have no doubt, the action plans are already in place and all that is missing is the decision. We waited 8 years to strike in Ukraine following the criminal actions of the Ukrainians and therefore of NATO in Donbass, we will not wait 8 more years to make France pay for its arms deliveries to the Ukrainians and therefore its complicity active in the assassination of our civilians which is therefore today “justified” by French criminals.
While waiting for this day of the “sanction” do not be surprised if actions against French interests in Russia occur: You French will be the only ones responsible.
Boris Genadevich Karpov
Medvedev is an idiot. He is despised in the Russian Federation. They laugh at his statements. I’m not defending France, Macron seems to be the worst of presidents, together they would be happy to serve the US country elites, Macron and Medvedev, 2 best friends. But we, ordinary people in the Russian Federation and France, must think and understand what is happening, so that there are no such ridiculous elections as in Argentina. Knowledge protects; the bloodiness of future events depends on our knowledge. The more knowledge a people has, the less blood will be shed among the people.
Robert Kennedy Jr, candidat à la présidentielle américaine : en avril 2022, Poutine et Zelensky sont parvenus à un accord de paix et la Maison Blanche a envoyé Boris Johnson saboter l’accord. Les Russes ont agi de bonne foi après la signature de l’accord. Ils ont retiré leurs troupes de la périphérie de Kiev. Et nous n’avons pas agi de bonne foi. Nous avons dû essayer de résoudre la guerre par la voie diplomatique. Depuis, 350 000 Ukrainiens ont été tués. Et nous avons transformé ce pays en une guerre par procuration entre la Russie et les États-Unis.
Lorsque mon oncle était président, son appareil militaire voulait qu'il fasse la guerre au Vietnam, au Laos, à Cuba, à l'Union soviétique lors de la crise de Berlin en 1962, il a déclaré : « Vous devez vous mettre à la place de l'ennemi si nous Je veux parvenir à la paix. »
Nous avons désormais déployé des systèmes de missiles en Roumanie et en Pologne, juste à côté de la frontière russe. Lorsque la Russie a placé des missiles nucléaires à Cuba, elle était plus éloignée de Moscou que nous ne le sommes aujourd’hui. Et puis nous étions prêts à envahir s’ils ne les avaient pas fait sortir. Mon oncle était président et nous avons ensuite pu entrer à Cuba. Mon oncle savait pourquoi les Russes faisaient cela. Ils l’ont fait parce que nous l’avons fait nous-mêmes. Et Khrouchtchev a fait de même, car nous avons fourni des systèmes de missiles en Italie et en Turquie. Et mon oncle, mon père, a rencontré l'ambassadeur et a secrètement conclu un accord secret : si vous retirez vos missiles, nous retirerons les nôtres de Turquie.
Les Russes ont été envahis à trois reprises depuis l’Ukraine. La dernière fois que cela s'est produit, les Allemands ont tué un Russe sur sept. Ils ont détruit un tiers de la Russie. Ils ont brûlé les champs. Mon oncle a dit cela dans un discours en 1963. Il a déclaré que les Allemands avaient détruit l’équivalent d’une partie des États-Unis – la côte est jusqu’à Chicago. Imaginez si tous les champs de blé, toutes les forêts étaient brûlés, toutes les villes transformées en ruines, et c'est ce qui a été fait. Ils ont des inquiétudes légitimes quant à l’avancée de l’OTAN en Ukraine. Nous ne leur permettrait jamais d'installer des systèmes de missiles au Canada ou au Mexique. Nous envahirions s’ils le faisaient. Et nous devons pouvoir nous mettre à leur place.
Robert Kennedy Jr, US presidential candidate: In April 2022, Putin and Zelensky reached a peace deal and the White House sent Boris Johnson to sabotage the deal. The Russians acted in good faith after signing the agreement. They withdrew their troops from the outskirts of kyiv. And we did not act in good faith. We had to try to resolve the war diplomatically. Since then, 350,000 Ukrainians have been killed. And we have turned this country into a proxy war between Russia and the United States.When my uncle was president, his military apparatus wanted him to go to war in Vietnam, in Laos, in Cuba, against the Soviet Union during the Berlin Crisis in 1962, he declared: "You must get involved place of the enemy if we want to achieve peace. »We have now deployed missile systems in Romania and Poland, right next to the Russian border. When Russia placed nuclear missiles in Cuba, it was further away from Moscow than we are today. And then we were ready to invade if they didn't get them out. My uncle was president and then we were able to enter Cuba. My uncle knew why the Russians did this. They did it because we did it ourselves. And Khrushchev did the same, because we supplied missile systems to Italy and Turkey. And my uncle, my father, met with the ambassador and secretly made a secret deal: if you withdraw your missiles, we will withdraw ours from Turkey.The Russians were invaded three times from Ukraine. The last time this happened, the Germans killed one in seven Russians. They destroyed a third of Russia. They burned the fields. My uncle said this in a speech in 1963. He said the Germans had destroyed the equivalent of part of the United States – the east coast all the way to Chicago. Imagine if all the wheat fields, all the forests were burned, all the cities turned into ruins, and that is what was done. They have legitimate concerns about NATO's advance in Ukraine. We would never allow them to install missile systems in Canada or Mexico. We would invade if they did. And we need to be able to put ourselves in their shoes.
Here it is necessary to discard all mathematics, calculations of how much by how much, and just be glad that for some the year started well.
Russia and Ukraine conducted the first prisoner exchange in six months. 248 people returned to Russia
The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that thanks to the mediation of the UAE, 248 Russian soldiers were returned from Ukrainian captivity.

"On January 3, as a result of a difficult negotiation process, 248 Russian servicemen were returned from the territory controlled by the Kiev regime. The return from captivity was made possible thanks to the mediation of the humanitarian character of the United Arab Emirates," the statement said.

Human Rights Commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova clarified that 75 soldiers were returned without exchange. This became possible thanks to the persistent work of the Russian competent authorities "after, in violation of all agreements, five previously exchanged fighters of the Azov formation (an organization banned in Russia, recognized as a terrorist organization) were taken from Turkey to Ukraine.

In July, Vladimir Zelensky visited Turkey, after which several Azov leaders returned to Kiev with him. They were captured during the storming of the Azovstal plant in Mariupol in May 2022, and in September last year they were transferred to Ukraine during the exchange of prisoners of war. Russia then received 56 people. According to the terms of the agreement, the militants were supposed to stay in Turkey until the end of the conflict.

The Ministry of Defense noted that all those released are provided with the necessary medical and psychological assistance. "Military personnel will be delivered by military transport aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces for treatment and rehabilitation in medical institutions of the Ministry of Defense," the ministry added.

Journalist and volunteer Anastasia Kashevarova said that she reads the praises in the telegram channels of Abramovich and the UAE about the exchange. "The UAE is our comrades. But the situation was different there, 75 of our servicemen were solved on their site for 5 Azov residents. And I want to emphasize for those who, apparently, do not understand and do not know: the exchanges are conducted by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and the FSB of the Russian Federation also works with them. Thanks to these real men. To our military and FSB officers, who did not bend. Who did not follow the lead of the Ukrainian side and those who colluded with them. And no matter how Budanov painted, the exchange went like this: 1. The Ukrainian side gave 75 without exchange, for 5 Azov commanders, who were returned to Ukraine, violating the agreements. 2. Then 173 were exchanged for 173. As a result, 248 of ours returned, 173 of them. The merit of this exchange belongs only to our MO and FSB. That's it," Kashevarova stated.

"A very unusual prisoner exchange. 173 for 173. Additionally, 75 Russian prisoners were given for 5 Azov, the same ones that for some reason Erdogan unexpectedly gave to Zelensky last year. How did Kiev give them away? What for? Apparently, Erdogan simply demanded this from Zelensky in an ultimatum form. So Erdogan removed part of his guilt for the release of the Azov people in violation of the agreements. 15 of our rescued guys for each fascist commander, a symbol of the murder of Russians in Ukraine," said political expert Sergei Markov.
Россия и Украина провели первый за полгода обмен пленными. В Россию вернулись 248 человек

And here it's almost pure mathematics and the mathematics turns out to be sad.
About a million Ukrainians died or became disabled
Vyacheslav Chaus, head of the military administration of the Chernihiv region, said at a recent press conference that more than 50,000 mobilized citizens would not return to the region.

The head of the administration, realizing that he had blurted out something wrong, corrected himself - they say, we are talking about people who left for other regions of Ukraine.

"However, we know that this is a Freudian slip of the tongue. As far as we know, there are two brigades from Chernihiv in the Armed Forces of Ukraine — the 61st separate mechanized brigade and the 119th Territorial Defense Brigade. It is likely that residents of the Chernihiv region were drafted into other formations, but this does not negate the fact of colossal losses in the region. As of 2022, approximately 400 thousand men lived in the region, of whom, as stated by Chaus, 50 thousand died. That is, 12.5 percent of the male population of the Chernihiv region was destroyed during the battles with the Russian army. The indicators are just terrible. The real genocide. It is likely that such numbers are approximately the same in all regions of Ukraine," the authors of the Ukropsky Fresh telegram channel noted.

Political scientist Sergey Markov also carried out the calculation. In his opinion, there are 1 million irretrievable losses in Ukraine. "Political arithmetic. The number of deaths, indirectly, in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The head of the Chernihiv region accidentally gave out a figure. He said that 50,000 mobilized from the Chernihiv region would not return home. The population of the Chernihiv region was about a million, the population of Ukraine was about 30 million. Multiply it. We get 1.5 million. We make a correction for the fact that more people are being taken from the Chernihiv region than from others. Because the authorities take care of Westernized Uniates and residents of Kiev. Well, in general, we get about 1 million for the whole of Ukraine. I think these are not the dead, but the dead and the disabled together," the political expert wrote in his telegram channel.

The author of the telegram channel Zapiski Veterana believes that the remaining Ukrainians will become Russians. "Considering that the number of mobilized by region + is the same (with rare exceptions), by simple mathematical actions it is possible to calculate the total losses of Ukraine in the war. I am almost sure that every day there are fewer and fewer Ukrainians on the territory of Ukraine (both physically and mentally) and more and more Ukrainians who, I believe, will become Russians in the near future. The math is simple — the more stupid Ukrainians — Russophobes die, the more new Russians will appear in Ukraine. Violent Russophobic Ukrainians will die, and the rest will sober up and understand who is really to blame for what is happening in Ukraine now," he is sure.
Около миллиона украинцев погибли или стали инвалидами

Тут надо отбросить всякую математику, подсчеты сколько на сколько, и просто порадоваться, что для некоторых год начался хорошо.
А тут почти чистая математика и математика получается печальная.

3 hours ago
Western nations ramped up funding to Ukraine shortly after the start of the Russian special military operation. Moscow has repeatedly warned that such assistance only prolongs the conflict.

The 54 foreign countries providing military assistance to Ukraine have spent over $200 billion since the beginning of Moscow’s special military operation, the Russian Defense Ministry (MoD) said in a statement on Thursday.

The MoD also said that a group of more than 500 US and NATO space vehicles is working in the interests of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. These include over 70 reconnaissance satellites, with the rest being commercial dual-use vehicles. In addition, more than 20,000 satellite terminals of the Starlink satellite system are available for Kiev.

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According to Moscow, a total of 13,500 foreign mercenaries – most of them from Europe – arrived in Ukraine to fight for the Zelensky regime. After about 6,000 mercenaries were taken out and more than 5,500 fled, only 1,900 "soldiers of fortune" remain in the special operation zone.

The Ministry added that foreign states had provided the Ukrainian army with over 1,600 pieces of missile and artillery weapons, more than 200 anti-aircraft systems, over 5,220 armored vehicles and more than 23,000 drones.

The statement comes a day after White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby admitted that there is no more US money to provide military assistance to Ukraine.

"We have given now Ukraine the last security assistance package that we have funds to support right before New Year's, right after Christmas. And we've got to get support from Congress so we can continue to do that."

He was referring to the 54th Presidential Drawdown Authority package announced on December 27 and valued at up to $250 million. The package included additional munitions for National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missiles Systems (NASAMS) as well as more Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (GMLRS) for the US-supplied M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS).

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When asked whether weapon supplies to Ukraine will stop should there be no congressional action, Kirby said "They would have to.”

“The President [Joe Biden] signed out the last security assistance package for which we had replenishment authority funds. That's it. We need the supplemental [package] passed so that we can provide additional security assistance to Ukraine,” the White House National Security Council spokesman said. He warned that "Absent supplemental funding, there's no other magical pot to dip into to try to get support for [Kiev]."

The US and its NATO allies have been providing military support to Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian military operation. The Kremlin has repeatedly warned against continued arms deliveries to Kiev, stressing that such moves only fuel the conflict, adding that Western military equipment will be eventually destroyed. Moscow also cautioned that NATO countries “are playing with fire” by providing Kiev with arms.

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Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, for his part, has emphasized that any cargo that contains weapons for Ukraine will become a legitimate target for Russia. According to him, the US and NATO are directly involved in the Ukraine conflict by supplying weapons and training soldiers in the UK, Germany, Italy and other countries.

Moscow likewise has stressed that the Kiev regime is using mercenaries as “cannon fodder”, and that the Russian military will continue to target them all across Ukraine.

Putin inks decree on granting citizenship to foreigners under contract with Russian army. According to the decree, their relatives will also obtain the right to apply for Russian citizenship:
MOSCOW, January 4. /TASS/. Foreign nationals who concluded a contract with Russia’s Armed Forces during the special military operation will be able to apply for Russian citizenship, according to a decree by Russian President Vladimir Putin published on the official portal of legal information.

According to the document, those foreigners who left service during the special military operation for health reasons, upon reaching the age limit or following the lifting of the martial law are also eligible.

According to the decree, their relatives will also obtain the right to apply for Russian citizenship.

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One HourAgo
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A Freezing Nightmare Is Approaching Ukraine From The North. Military Summary And Analysis 2024.01.04
Premiered 10 hours ago Military Summary
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It's titled "The Apogee of Idiocy." I do not know if this is true, but Vitali Klitschko has always been extremely tongue-tied.
The congratulation on his behalf says: I wish you all a happy new year, I wish you not to know grief, good luck, love, happiness and especially health.

Это озаглавлено "Апогей идиотизма". Я не знаю правда ли это, но Виталий Кличко всегда отличался редкостным косноязычием.
В поздравлении от его имени сказано: Поздравляю всех с новым годом, желаю чтобы вы не знали горя, удачи, любви, счастья и особенно здоровья.
It's titled "The Apogee of Idiocy." I do not know if this is true, but Vitali Klitschko has always been extremely tongue-tied.
The congratulation on his behalf says: I wish you all a happy new year, I wish you not to know grief, good luck, love, happiness and especially health.

Это озаглавлено "Апогей идиотизма". Я не знаю правда ли это, но Виталий Кличко всегда отличался редкостным косноязычием.
В поздравлении от его имени сказано: Поздравляю всех с новым годом, желаю чтобы вы не знали горя, удачи, любви, счастья и особенно здоровья.
He certainly needs a lesson in punctuation. Can the guy not get a buddy (or a third grader) to proofread?😂
I would title the following news like this: And this, unfortunately, is also Russia.
There is a lot to write about this, but I want to point out just two points.
The first. In my opinion, this is medieval feudalism in its purest form.
Second. In the place of those who directly took those prisoners, I would have strained a little. It turns out that they are fighting, risking their lives for airplanes, horses and other Kadyrov's swag.
Kadyrov declared his readiness to give up Ukrainian prisoners for the lifting of sanctions against his family members

GROZNY, January 5th. /tass/. The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, offered to release the captured fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in exchange for the lifting of sanctions against his family members. He announced this during the formation of law enforcement officers in Grozny.

"We have prisoners whom we took away in Donetsk and Luhansk [People's republics]. I am passing on to our guest (former UN Inspector for monitoring the elimination of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction Scott Ritter - approx. TASS) [list of prisoners of war]. If they lift the sanctions on my mother, my daughters, innocent people, horses, except for me, <...> then we will give these people away," he said.

When handing over the list to Ritter, a video recording of the captured Ukrainians was shown. In the video, they reported that it was proposed to release 20 prisoners on condition that sanctions were lifted from Kadyrov's relatives, his planes and horses.

On Friday, a large-scale construction is taking place in the center of Grozny with the participation of law enforcement officers and the presentation of military equipment. Scott Ritter, a former UN inspector overseeing the elimination of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, who previously served in intelligence in the US Marine Corps, is present at the event. He was given a tour of the Russian University of Special Forces.
Кадыров заявил о готовности отдать украинских пленных за снятие санкций с членов его семьи

Я бы озаглавил следующую новость так: И это, к сожалению тоже Россия.
Можно очень много написать по этому поводу, но я хочу отметить всего два момента.
Первый. На мой взгляд это средневековый феодализм в чистом виде.
Второй. На месте тех, кто непосредственно брал тех пленных, я бы несколько напрягся. Получается они бьются, рискуют жизнями за самолёты, лошадей и прочий хабар Кадырова.
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