Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Another plane crash in Russia, no report yet on casualties. Note it crashed in the Belgorod region, wich is attacked on a daily basis by ukrainan drones and rockets :

Screenshot 2024-01-24 at 21-04-43 ayden (@squatsons) _ X.png

General discussion of the current overview of the Ukraine War by Ayden

Ukrainian Border Is Bursting At The Seams

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst
Back in mid-May last year, the infamous CIA officially launched a campaign to “capitalize” on what they claim is “an unprecedented opportunity to convince Russians disaffected by the war in Ukraine and life in Russia to share their secrets”. To that end, America’s top intelligence agency even created a Telegram channel, hoping to reach a larger Russian audience, as the universal app is highly popular there. One of the first posts on the channel includes a video calling for Russians to betray their country. It’s mostly trying to play into the supposed “disillusionment of common Russians”, allegedly “sick and tired of their corrupt government”, as well as the myth that Moscow started the war in Ukraine and that everything going on there is somehow the Kremlin’s fault. The posts also include instructions on how potential informants can get in touch with the CIA “anonymously and securely”.

However, for over half a year, the reaction of most users has been overwhelmingly negative. To that end, it can only be concluded that the campaign has been unsuccessful. And yet, the mainstream propaganda machine claimed that their intelligence sources said that they’ve achieved “some success”. At the time, high-ranking CIA officials involved in the project stated that the special military operation (SMO) “created a historic opening to have Russians come to us and deliver information the United States needs”. Quite laughably, the recruitment video even tried to appeal to “Russian patriotism”, quoting Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky. For some reason, the CIA believes that actual patriots would betray their own country in the middle of a crawling NATO aggression. Worse yet, it offers “solutions”, as the CIA allegedly “knows what Russians are going through”.

Another peculiarity is the propaganda ad’s focus on family themes, which is quite strange given the fact that Washington DC ideologues are obsessed with every anti-family idea in the book. The so-called “woke” extremist, ultra-liberal ideology is at an all-time high in the US, while solid evidence suggests that the troubled Biden administration is even involved in the massive child trafficking in Ukraine and elsewhere. So much for America’s “focus on family values”. However, the target audience in the video is quite clear and includes Russian government officials and employees. According to their own admission, this also refers to people who work in fields such as cybersecurity, high-tech, finance, the military and diplomacy. Top-ranking officials such as James Olson, a former CIA Chief of Counterintelligence, praised the effort, as well as the “perfect timing”.
“There are a lot of disaffected Russians out there now,” he said, adding: “They’re ashamed and disgusted by what [Putin is] doing to their brother and sister Slavs in Ukraine. He’s destroying Russia. He’s killing Russian boys. And there are good people in Russia, including intelligence officers, who want to strike back.”
Statements like this are clear evidence of how beyond hypocritical and delusional US elites are. The belligerent thalassocracy had no issues starting the war in Ukraine back in 2014, resulting in approximately 15,000 dead Slavs that they’re so “concerned” about, not to mention tens of thousands wounded, many of maimed for life. In the last nearly two years, Washington DC and its vassals and satellite states have also been delivering ever more advanced weapons that are used to strike civilians deep within Russia, including in Moscow’s residential areas. This is to say nothing of the decades of crawling biological warfare that the Pentagon has been conducting in Ukraine, including in areas bordering Russia. Where were the crocodile tears for “brother and sister Slavs” back then? However, the CIA doesn’t want to give up on recruiting informants in Russia.

On January 22, the infamous intelligence agency posted a new video that doubles down on the themes of “Russian patriotism”, family, culture, Soviet-era scientific accomplishments, etc. However, the target audience is even more specific this time – the military, particularly military intelligence services such as the legendary GRU. The video effectively calls for Russians to work as double agents by appealing to the aforementioned topics and playing into the supposed “feeling of betrayal”. The latest propaganda ad also uses debunked claims about the alleged “poor performance” of the Russian military, as well as the laughable idea that Russian soldiers are eating “rotten potatoes” and using “prehistoric weapons”. Once again, Tolstoy was quoted, while the CIA insists that “all it wants” is for the Russian people to “use their full potential for personal betterment”.

Somewhat schizophrenically, the video calls for Russians to “end betrayal” by actually committing it, all for “family values” and “the future of Russia”. And again, the CIA claims that they’re “seeing more outreach from Russians as a result of these videos”, without giving any evidence to support the statement. Moscow’s reaction to the video indicates that it’s quite unimpressed. The Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov ridiculed the CIA for trying to reach Russians through X (formerly known as Twitter) and Facebook, which are banned in Russia. He also said that the US intelligence agency is wasting its time and even “advised” them to try VKontakte, the most popular social media network in the country. The controversy is yet another proof of just how little the US elites know about modern-day Russia that’s anything but drunk on the need for approval and praise by the political West.


The CIA Channel News chimes in on the Russian plane crash

1 hour ago #CNN #News
Ret. US Army Major Mike Lyons reacts to Russia's assertion that its Ilyushin-76 transport plane that crashed in the Belgorod region was carrying Ukrainian servicemen bound for a prisoner exchange. #CNN #News


France rejected Russia's request to hold a UN Security Council meeting to discuss the downing of a Russian military plane by the Ukrinian military, the Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said.

France turns down Russian request to hold UNSC meeting on downed plane Wednesday — mission

24 JAN, 2024
Are there fully coordinated actions from all sides or not completely? According to some information, not Ukrainian crews are working on specific anti-aircraft installations. The Americans are on the patriots, the Germans are on the irises, etc. and these forces may not really obey the Ukrainian command. They have enough commanders of their own. So, who exactly gave the order to kill and who specifically pressed the missile launch button, we will probably never know.
The AFU did not inform the relatives of the prisoners about their presence in the Il-76
The Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War of Ukraine held a meeting with relatives of the deceased Ukrainian prisoners who were on board the downed Russian Il-76 aircraft in the Belgorod region. The meeting took place on Friday, attended by high-ranking representatives of the Ukrainian military and special services, including Kirill Budanov, head of the GUR MOU, Sergei Andrushchenko, First Deputy Chairman of the SBU, and others.

The Coordination Headquarters confirmed that the exchange of Ukrainian prisoners was indeed planned for January 24, but did not confirm that the dead were on this plane. This statement contradicts the previous statement of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation that Kiev was aware of the transportation of prisoners.

The IC of the Russian Federation on the eve published in the Telegram channel footage of the landing of Ukrainian prisoners of war on the Il-76 plane, which later crashed. The Ukrainian Armed Forces shot down a plane on January 24, carrying 65 Ukrainian prisoners, three accompanying officers of the Russian Armed Forces and six crew members. All of them died as a result of the disaster. The next day, both black boxes of the plane were found.

The topic of the Il-76 disaster became the main one at the meeting at the coordination headquarters, where the return of Ukrainian prisoners was discussed as part of the planned exchange on January 24.
ВСУ не стали сообщать родным пленных об их нахождении в Ил-76

The United States did not condemn the attack on the Russian Il-76
Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of Washington's reaction to the crash of the Russian military transport aircraft Il-76 in the Belgorod region. The Russian side accuses Kiev of attacking a plane carrying Ukrainian prisoners of war. The lack of condemnation of this action by the United States, according to Antonov, indicates Washington's disregard for Kiev's "barbaric actions."

Antonov mentioned that even after the convening of a meeting of the UN Security Council initiated by Russia, the American administration did not express its condemnation. According to the diplomat, such behavior by the United States is a manifestation of "ostrich politics", which, according to him, "has never led to good." Antonov also noted that some in Washington are trying to shift responsibility for what happened to Russia.

The IL-76 was shot down on January 24, killing all on board: 65 Ukrainian prisoners, 6 crew members and 3 escorts. The Russian Investigative Committee is investigating the incident as a terrorist act in accordance with article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the United States has not yet called the very destruction of the aircraft by a missile an act of terrorism.
США не стали осуждать атаку на российский Ил-76

Вполне скоординированные действия со всех сторон или не вполне? По некоторой информации на конкретных зенитных установках работают не украинские расчеты. На патриотах-американцы, на ирисах-немцы и т.д. и эти силы могут и не очень то подчиняться украинскому командованию. У них своих командиров хватает. Так что, кто конкретно отдал приказ на поражение и кто конкретно нажимал кнопку пуска ракет мы наверно никогда не узнаем.
Especially for those who are annoyed by Russian propaganda. Here is the propaganda of a truly democratic- Ukrainian one. As they say, find 10 differences.
The black Swan from Britain. Ochakov will not be under NATO

Russia and the United States have reached agreements on Ukraine, but the destruction of the Russian Il-76 aircraft has confused all the cards.

This was stated on the air of the video blog of Ukrainian propagandist Alexander Shelest by political scientist Mikhail Chapliga, the correspondent of PolitNavigator reports.

According to Chapliga, the United States and the Russian Federation are ready for compromises "in the middle", but Russia will never agree to Ukraine's admission to NATO. At the same time, the political scientist believes that the downing of the Il-76 could have occurred on the initiative of the United Kingdom, which is not satisfied with the agreements between Russia and the United States.

"The United States is sending signals to Russia that they want to talk about geostrategic balance, and the Russians are giving them half a hand. In response, the Russians send them that they want to talk about Ukraine, and the Americans send them half a hand. As a result, they are somewhere, because there are half hands, and there are half hands, somewhere a whole hand will be assembled as a result.

Apparently, yes. But as for the conditions, what does neutral status mean? Does Moscow agree that Ukraine should be accepted into NATO? I'll never believe it. That's how it all started. I will never believe it, that Ochakov will be under NATO," the expert said.

"Is Ochakov under NATO? Look, look for another fool. I will never believe that Ochakov will be under NATO, that Russia is ready to propose and agree to Ochakov being under NATO. The fact that they are giving signals that they are ready (for negotiations), and the fact that they have found common ground – I also believe in this.

Do you know what was familiar? Once the "black swan" arrived from Britain, it means that the Russians and the United States have agreed on something. And, therefore, the United States is dumping us both militarily and economically on Europe, you will take what you take, and then we will sort it out. It went in this vein, the British were not satisfied with it," Chapliga said.
Черный лебедь от Британии. Очаков не будет под НАТО | Политнавигатор

Специально для тех, кого раздражает русская пропаганда. Вот вам пропаганда истинно демократическая- Украинская. Как говорится, найдите 10 отличий.
Reasonable questions, imo. The author was recently at a very high position - investigator for particularly important cases of
The Investigative Committee of Russian Federation (appointed be president).
To win or serve the interests of the oligarchy? Which is more important: your own people or capital? Who is V.Putin: The Supreme Commander of the Russian Armed Forces and the guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation or the manager of the world elites? What is the true essence of the SMO: in a war to the bitter end for our own sovereignty or in achieving the goals of the business project of the beneficiaries of the US macroeconomics to exterminate the Russian-Ukrainian population and the subsequent dismemberment of Russia with additional enslavement of our people and infringement of various rights of our citizens? Where are those "red lines", and how long will we endure?

On February 24, 2022, by decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin, a special military operation in Ukraine began, the goals of which were announced: the demilitarization of Ukraine and its denazification, and the protection of residents of Donbass. It's been almost 2 years. None of these goals has been achieved and there is not even a hint of the prospect of practical implementation of these goals. The militarization of the Kiev regime is only increasing due to Western weapons and various mercenaries. Nazification and anti-Russian sentiments are gaining momentum. Unfortunately, there is no point in writing about the protection of the residents of Donbass - everything is clear here that there is no real protection (commensurate with the available capabilities). But it is already necessary to protect not only the residents of Donbass from military aggression, but also the regions bordering the zone.

A logical question follows: maybe initially there was no desire (political will) for the true realization of all these goals? Maybe all these goals are a well-planned trick and manipulation on the patriotic feelings of our people in order to achieve some other (unknown to the vast majority) goals?

Why has the highest political leadership of Russia given the American elites the opportunity to make an anti-Russian springboard out of Ukraine in recent years? Why was there no decisive action in 2014 against the coup d'etat (Maidan) in Ukraine, as a result of which the Yanukovych regime controlled by the Presidential Administration and the FSB was overthrown? Someone from the officials of the top leadership of our country was responsible for these fatal mistakes, which were effectively exploited by the United States and its satellites - after all, this was also the foundation for future manipulations with NATO, the building of the Nazi regime in Kiev and as a reaction to everything that was happening - the beginning of its own?

Why did the Russian special services and their network of agents in Ukraine (Medvedchuk and others, including those holding positions in the SBU, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other authorities) not properly prepare for their own? Who do Alexander Bortnikov, Sergey Shoigu, Sergey Naryshkin, Valery Gerasimov and Sergey Korolev work for? Why has the project "Kiev in 3 days", promoted by propagandists and officials, not been implemented? Why did Vladimir Putin, at the cost of the lives of our soldiers, decide to give a signal to the Americans and, as part of the Istanbul deal of 2022, withdraw troops from Kiev (Putin's sincere confession; watch to the end), and then confessed that he was deceived? Why didn't he first wait for the other side to fulfill this "deal" and some real (documented) international guarantees, and then withdraw troops if necessary?

Why were the commanders of the Azov battalion, about whom we were told that they were terrorists, exchanged for V. Putin's relative, Medvedchuk, who, even as an agent, with all the budget money spent on him, turned out to be completely ineffective within the framework of his own? Is he really more expensive for the state than the terrorists we had in captivity? Or is he just more expensive for Putin? For example, during the Great Patriotic War, General Secretary Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin had a different opinion on the ratio of state and personal interest. Exchange-traded funds worked even then. The story of I.V. Stalin's son Yakov and Field Marshal Paulus is known to many. As well as the phrases of the leader of the peoples: "I do not change a soldier for a field marshal!"; "I will bargain with them! No, war is like war."

And do we have a war, Comrade Putin, or not? War or trade? War or business? It turns out that we can exchange terrorists for your relative, a failed agent? It turns out that it is possible to call the actions of the Kiev regime to bombard our regions and civilians terrorist, but at the same time not to recognize them (the leadership of this regime) as a terrorist organization with subsequent decisions to change the status of its own and apply a different strategy/tactics of military operations only for the reason that then you will have to negotiate with these same terrorists and ensure through are they (as it is done today) gas transit?

So what do you want, Comrade Putin, to negotiate with terrorists or destroy terrorists? Your words and rhetoric are very different from your own deeds and deeds. Question: Who do you work for, Comrade Putin, and whose interests do you pursue? Why do you not comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Military Doctrine and the oath of office of the President of Russia? Or are drones and Western-style enemy missiles flying in our airspace, the death of our citizens, the shelling of territories and the destruction of our military equipment on our sovereign territory (there are many examples) - is this quite normal for you and correlates with the boundaries of a special military operation?

Why is the destruction of the patriots of Russia going on (they are either killed or "hung" on them with various labels and criminal cases), but at the same time the Abramovich-Friedmans and other "patriots" of some other (not ours) do the homelands continue to get richer and actually manage all state processes? How is it, Comrade guarantor and candidate for President of Russia in 2024?

P.S. Russian citizens from different parts of our big country are also asking you these questions, Comrade Putin. They don't ask how to negotiate with the Kiev regime and their masters. They don't ask how to drain their own. They ask you when the country's top military and political leadership will finally act within the framework of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Military Doctrine. Based on the interests of the indigenous population of Russia and the sovereignty of the state. And their questions are justified, and there is practically no time left for answers and decisive action.

Reasonable questions, imo. The author was recently at a very high position - investigator for particularly important cases of
The Investigative Committee of Russian Federation (appointed be president).
Come on Antony, you can do better than that.

The investigator at a very high position fled to UAE, arrested in Russia in absentia for creating an organized criminal group and extorting huge money in a criminal case scam. And I bet you know it!

On November 3, 2023, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation added Kirill Kachur, a former investigator and leader of a criminal group, to the list of foreign agents. In Russia, he is the main defendant in the scandalous criminal case of Merlion (Citilink brand), when investigators sent businessmen to jail, falsifying charges against them, and demanded money for their release.

In January 2022, Kachur fled the Russian Federation to the United Arab Emirates. Here, in order not to be returned to Russia, where prison awaits him, he is actively working out a Russophobic agenda on social networks. [...]

In 2015, Kachur Sr. [his father] was sentenced to 4 years for fraud in the case of the raider seizure of a financial and industrial building in Moscow. In 2017, he was released early and immediately fled Russia to the UAE, wh ere he also owns an apartment for $1.4 million. At that time, Kachur Jr. left his job in the investigative bodies and took up the "family business". [...]

He became one of the organizers of the Merlion takeover scam, which, with revenue of 274 billion rubles, according to Forbs, ranks 28th in the top 200 largest private companies. The plans of the father were implemented by the son, who attracted former colleagues, including the investigator of the SKR for the North-Western District of Moscow, Alexey Nesnov.

As a result, a criminal case was falsified and initiated against the owners and top managers of the company in order for them to pay off in exchange for the termination of the investigation. They worked with the involvement of false witnesses, the uncooperative were sent to the bunks.

After the scheme was revealed, one of the investigators, Oleg Pokrovsky, got caught in fraud, who, once in jail, handed over the organizer, Kachur escaped from Russia. He was put on the international wanted list.

The TFR charged him in absentia with creating an organized criminal community. [Kirill] Kachur is charged with committing grave and especially grave crimes under at least five articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: embezzlement of € 3 million; fraud; extortion of a bribe in the amount of $ 1.6 million; falsification of evidence; criminal prosecution of innocent persons. The maximum term for some of them reaches 20 years in prison. The Merlion case, given the large number of former and acting investigators appearing in it at the time of the crime, is under special control of the central office of the SKR. [...]

His OCG buddies' heads are rolling...

DeepL transl., excerpts
11 Nov 2023
Organised investigative community [most likely a world play with OCG]

Three employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation have been arrested on charges of particularly serious offences

Sergei Romodanovsky, son of former director of the Federal Migration Service (FMS) Colonel-General Konstantin Romodanovsky, who until recently headed the Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR) department for the North-West District of the capital, has been arrested on charges of organising a criminal association in Moscow. The prosecution believes that together with other investigators, Romodanovsky Jr. illegally prosecuted entrepreneurs and extorted bribes from them for their release.

At the request of investigators
of the central office of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (ICR), Basmanniy District Court on Friday late in the evening arrested Sergei Romodanovsky, ex-head of the ICR Investigative Committee for the North-West District of the capital, Andrei Zheryutin, an investigator of the same department, and Rustam Yusupov, head of the Khoroshevsky Investigative Department (part of the same ICR). They will be kept in custody until at least 10 January.

The ex-justice officers are accused of committing a number of crimes, including the organization of a criminal association with the use of official position or participation in it (Article 210 of the Criminal Code), as well as receiving bribes on a particularly large scale (Article 290 of the Criminal Code).

That's just a few, several others were arrested earlier ... and Kirill, from his comfortable place in UAE, is trying to avoid deportation to Russia by talking trash about her. In what you've posted Antony, Kachur just poured a new dose of mud on the President of RF and other officials. What's your point? What did you expect to achieve by posting that?
Come on Antony, you can do better than that.

The investigator at a very high position fled to UAE, arrested in Russia in absentia for creating an organized criminal group and extorting huge money in a criminal case scam. And I bet you know it!

His OCG buddies' heads are rolling...

DeepL transl., excerpts

That's just a few, several others were arrested earlier ... and Kirill, from his comfortable place in UAE, is trying to avoid deportation to Russia by talking trash about her. In what you've posted Antony, Kachur just poured a new dose of mud on the President of RF and other officials. What's your point? What did you expect to achieve by posting that?

Dear PoB,

Yep, i heard the ‘rumors’ about him. Very strange that they started last summer only after Prig’s ‘failed coup’. He supported questions Prig raised to the elite . He started radically to criticize russian leadership on smo topic. As soon as he was widely quoted, there was a command to discredit him (мочить - in russian). His TG channel with around 150 k subscribers was eliminated.
Later Kirill refuted that he fled russia. Have not seen the opposite proves. His tg channel now and reposts - do not have obligatory sign of foreign agent as it now forbidden by law.
And houses in UAE have a lot of members of our elite.
Anyway, it is not about his personality.

You asked why i posted it. Because the questions he raised are shared by many. Look, this thread with more then 800+ pages long (the longest on forum), 2 years gone, as a lot of true semites from both sides killed, but if you carefully analyze it-does it answer the major questions about smo? Have any of the forecasts came true? Imo, the real reasons, aims, undercurrent decisions, perspectives - are not revealed.
As we remember, that Rus-Ukr conflict was a key point of ongoing changes - year 0 in 2014 session. Imo, that is why full understanding of it-plays a crucial part in understanding our reality.

Come on, fotcm lighthouse, community of truthseakers, you can do better🙏😉
Yep, i heard the ‘rumors’ about him. Very strange that they started last summer only after Prig’s ‘failed coup’.

Oh, really? How it is possible, that you, living in Russia and having Russian as your native language "heard rumors" only, which, according to you, started in Summer last year, while I read about it much earlier (this drama started almost a decade ago) and some semi-closure came in 2022? It's not the first time Antony, so I'm wondering whether you've been playing games here on the forum or you need to research more before you post anything or come to believe something.

Here it is, straight on the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation website, dated 16 Nov 2022:
DeepL tansl., excerpt:

The extradition to Russia of businessman Kirill Kachur, accused in a case of embezzlement and bribes from businessmen, has been initiated, the press service of the Investigative Committee of Russia has reported.

According to the investigation, Kachur created an organised group and was involved in embezzlement of 3 million euros and extortion of $1.6 million in bribes from entrepreneurs.

In January, Kachur was put on an international wanted list and arrested in absentia. The investigation found out that the accused is in a foreign country, and the procedure for his extradition has been initiated.

According to the investigation, Kachur's accomplices have already been punished.

In January, it was reported that Kachur lives in the United Arab Emirates. [...]
Oh, really? How it is possible, that you, living in Russia and having Russian as your native language "heard rumors" only, which, according to you, started in Summer last year, while I read about it much earlier (this drama started almost a decade ago) and some semi-closure came in 2022? It's not the first time Antony, so I'm wondering whether you've been playing games here on the forum or you need to research more before you post anything or come to believe something.

Here it is, straight on the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation website, dated 16 Nov 2022:
DeepL tansl., excerpt:
PoB, if you are all satisfied with ‘answers’ you have in this thread, that is fine with me. But is Divine Cosmic Mind?🤔 Remember Cs remark - that smo will end as you do not expect.
‘Time’ will show💁‍♂️ Learning is fun🙏
PoB, if you are all satisfied with ‘answers’ you have in this thread, that is fine with me. But is Divine Cosmic Mind?🤔 Remember Cs remark - that smo will end as you do not expect.

Are you really not getting it? And I would suggest for you to leave the condescending tone for other places, if you have to use it.

He supported questions Prig raised to the elite.

He would use (not support) anyone if it suited his agenda. At that time he was already on the wanted list and hiding abroad from the justice system.

He started radically to criticize russian leadership on smo topic.
As many other dissidents have been doing. What's so noble about it?

As soon as he was widely quoted, there was a command to discredit him (мочить - in russian). His TG channel with around 150 k subscribers was eliminated.

As far as I know, he was mostly quoted by 'foreign agents' like himself and at the time his TG channel was removed, he was wanted and had a criminal case opened against him for particularly ugly crimes.

Later Kirill refuted that he fled russia. Have not seen the opposite proves. His tg channel now and reposts - do not have obligatory sign of foreign agent as it now forbidden by law.

Not sure I understand your point.

And houses in UAE have a lot of members of our elite.
What does it have to do with the topic at hand? He has moved there running away from justice, wanted for particularly ugly crimes.

Anyway, it is not about his personality.

There is nothing about his personality in my posts. It's all about his deeds. A lawyer who initiated an investigation against a company's leadership to extort bribes, lured other lawyers, state officials, state investigators into his OCG, hired false witnesses, made those bosses who refused giving bribe to be sentenced and imprisoned, and that's just the beginning of the list. And as soon as one of the perpetrators landed in pre-trial detention and started spilling the beans, Kachur fled the country.

You asked why i posted it. Because the questions he raised are shared by many.
Which 'many', would be my first question. What's their agenda and what solutions they suggest - another one. What are their credentials that allow them to criticize the government, especially in such challenging times when other virtues should be at the top of their hierarchy of values list? Why to pick and promote Kachur when there are experts raising similar questions in a much more constructive way, don't have not-so-hidden personal agenda and are not spitting at their homeland from abroad?

Look, this thread with more then 800+ pages long (the longest on forum), 2 years gone, as a lot of true semites from both sides killed, but if you carefully analyze it-does it answer the major questions about smo? Have any of the forecasts came true? Imo, the real reasons, aims, undercurrent decisions, perspectives - are not revealed.
As we remember, that Rus-Ukr conflict was a key point of ongoing changes - year 0 in 2014 session. Imo, that is why full understanding of it-plays a crucial part in understanding our reality.

Maybe this forum does you no good and you'd be better elsewhere?
Last edited:
PoB, if you are all satisfied with ‘answers’ you have in this thread, that is fine with me. But is Divine Cosmic Mind?🤔 Remember Cs remark - that smo will end as you do not expect.
‘Time’ will show💁‍♂️ Learning is fun🙏

If there is no good counter-argument, maybe platitudes Casiopaea style will do :rolleyes:

It's important to note that the response you get isn't directed only toward you. It's not the first time and probably not the last that your views are different from the understanding held by many on this forum, and specifically Russian forum members.

You are being given a benefit of the doubt that you are sincere and therefore have a free will to think as you will, even if at times it looks like a deliberate misinformation or at least an indication that you may lack critical thinking. But here's a platitude for you: we all have our lessons, and this is yours.

But we also can't leave the information you share without response and clear stance on its content, simply because this thread is read by people who lack knowledge about such things. Therefore it is our responsibility to show the "quality" of the information you repeatedly share on the forum. It should be voiced for the benefit of others, and hopefully for your benefit as well.

It is also for the protection of our Russian members, because considering what is being written in the posts you share and in the below analysis, I think it is best to be very clear about our disagreement with what you share.

The West is not abandoning its attempts to organize a new coup in Russia and is attracting new faces to the role of protest leaders," the TG-channel "Two Majors" writes. - Newly-appeared political blogger Kirill Kachur is a former investigator for especially important cases near Moscow, a "solver". In Russia, he is the main defendant in a high-profile OPS case (a raid on the IT company Merlion) involving corrupt employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the Federal Security Service - he faces at least 20 years in prison.

In late 2021, Kachur fled the country and was put on an international wanted list and included in Interpol's lists. A year later, Kachur began to conduct from abroad an active public activity - to denounce the "bloody regime" mainly in social networks. From the very beginning, leaders of law enforcement agencies, including the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin, were the objects of discrediting the fugitive "solver". Initially, this was attributed to the fact that in this way Kachur wanted to put pressure on the course of the investigation of his criminal case.

However, it soon became clear that Kachur was not an ordinary character, but a full-fledged project of Western intelligence services, with whom he made a deal to avoid extradition. The objects of his critical rhetoric very quickly became not only law enforcement agencies, but also the state leadership, and then the Russian President.

In parallel, his image as a "fighter against the regime", "owner of Kremlin secrets" and "member of the inner circle" is being promoted by Russophobic foreign media at the hand of his handlers. Such as the Ukrainian resource FakeOFF, the English-language iNews, Bavarian Radio, and even the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), which is directly linked to the U.S. State Department and regularly publishes Kachur's "expert" opinions.

Following the methodology, in his TG-channel Kachur constantly urges Russians to "consolidate," take to the streets, overthrow the government and promises that "the march of justice will be brought to the end and its goals will be fully realized." The march is from Yevgeny Prigozhin, on whose bones Kachur is now actively dancing in the informational agenda".
So far, this is at the level of rumors, but it can become a bomb.
The Commander—in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been removed from office, - Mass media

A number of Ukrainian politicians and major information resources write about the removal of the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who has a long-standing conflict with Zelensky.

One of the first to say this was Borislav Bereza, a deputy of the Rada of the last convocation, and one of the largest resources of Trukha.

There are no official comments yet.

Similar attacks on peaceful cities occur almost every day. Fortunately, people don't suffer every day, but today is not such a happy day. There are both dead and wounded.
The Ukrainian army launched missile strikes on Donetsk
Ukrainian troops shelled the Kalininsky district of Donetsk, as a result of which three people were killed and another was injured, said the mayor of the city Alexei Kulemzin. According to the head of the DPR Denis Pushilin, the shelling was carried out from the Grad multiple rocket launcher system, as a result of which six people were injured, three of them died. As a result of the attack, two private houses and at least three civilian infrastructure facilities were also damaged.

According to the HP representative office in the JCCC, the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired eight MLRS missiles at the area. An eyewitness of the shelling, Victor, told about the attempts to rescue the victim. Emergency services confirmed the use of 122 mm MLRS projectiles during the impact.

Shelling of Donetsk by Ukrainian troops has become a regular occurrence, often leading to deaths and injuries among the civilian population. The DPR authorities and local residents are forced to confront the constant threat of military action.
Украинская армия нанесла ракетные удары по Донецку

Such a "wunderwafl" has not been reported yet. Well, nothing, everything happens for the first time.
The Russian military destroyed the legendary German anti-aircraft complex Skynex
During a special operation, Russian troops hit the modern Skynex anti-aircraft complex, manufactured by the German company Rheinmetall and designed to combat drones and low-flying objects. The Ukrainian military received from 4 to 8 such systems from Western allies last year.

Skynex is equipped with an Oerlikon Mk3 rifled automatic cannon, which is characterized by a high rate of fire of 1,000 rounds per minute. A special feature of the complex is the possibility of remote control and the use of projectiles with programmable detonation AHEAD. The complex can be installed both on the basis of a truck and in a stationary version.

The main function of Skynex is the detection, tracking and identification of aerial threats using radar, effective at a distance of 20-30 km, although these parameters may vary depending on the configuration of the radar and the size of the target.

Skynex was introduced by Rheinmetall at the end of autumn 2021 and at the moment Ukraine is the only operator of this complex. Germany itself does not use Skynex in its armed forces.

The defeat of such a modern anti-aircraft system is a notable event, given its novelty and uniqueness, as well as its limited distribution.
Российские военные уничтожили легендарный немецкий зенитный комплекс Skynex

Пока это на уровне слухов, но может стать бомбой.
Подобные обстрелы мирных городов происходят практически каждый день. К счастью, люди страдают не каждый день, но сегодня не такой счастливый день. Есть и погибшие и раненые.
Про такую "вундервафлю" еще не сообщали. Ну ничего, все бывает в первый раз.
There is a new propaganda push... probably to test the public

Your article is just for subscribers. So I look and found this article in another site. If you don't mind, I will post it here for readers that are not subscribers.

Civil unrest​

Violence might not be confined to the front line. The Covid lockdown, which saw fights breaking out in queues at supermarkets and garages, was a glimpse of how trouble can spark during times of nationwide panic. There would also be concerns about looting, especially if food shortages started to bite.

Even during the London Blitz in 1941, nearly 5,000 looting cases came before the Old Bailey. If law and order really began to break down, security forces could be authorised to use lethal force against looters; neighbourhood vigilante groups might spring up.

“The Blitz spirit was a bit of a myth in some ways – many Britons were pretty miserable and just worried about where they were going to get food,” says Mr Moody. “I’m not sure we do have much resilience, and my personal sense is that people might behave very selfishly.”

Another potential threat could come from anti-war politicians, whom Kremlin propagandists might seek to incite. However, don’t expect to see Jeremy Corbyn being carted off straight away. In extremis, a wartime government could inter anyone deemed a threat to public order or the war effort.

But if Ukraine’s experience is anything to go by, the threat posed by a common enemy could have a unifying effect. Kyiv’s politicians used to be notoriously fractious – not least because of divisions between the pro and anti-Russian camps. Once Putin rolled his tanks in, pro-Russian sentiment largely vanished.

In a major war, most people are kept busy anyway. A large diversion of citizens to military duty would leave gaps in the workforce to be filled, be it guarding food warehouses or building trenches and bomb shelters. Retired members of essential professions – doctors, nurses, morticians, police – would be urged back into service. As in Ukraine, office techies could be in demand to operate drones on the front lines and to fend off cyberattacks.

Digital Doomsday?​

True Russian cyberwarfare capabilities have proved something of a damp squib in Ukraine. Far from crippling the entire national infrastructure, the worst they are known to have done is briefly disrupt power and mobile phone networks. That, though, is partly because Ukraine had already learnt from previous Russian cyberattacks over the past decade.

“At a national level, I think Britain would be relatively OK, as GCHQ is constantly monitoring this, but at the local level, emergency services, hospitals and town halls are still using legacy software that could be vulnerable,” says Jake Moore, a digital crime expert with ESET, a major European cybersecurity firm.

He points out that our digital networks are mainly cellular in structure, making it almost impossible to wipe them all at once. Last month, though, Oliver Dowden, the deputy prime minister – who as Minister for Disaster Preparedness is our “Doomsday Tsar” – urged Britons to stock up on old-school FM radios and spare batteries, warning that society was too “reliant on digital infrastructure”.


Even if cyberattacks didn’t wipe out Netflix, wartime Britons would still face a life without luxuries. While the Channel has long been the country’s greatest defence, it makes it hard to import in times of war. As well as curbs on foreign consumer goods, there’d be runs on more basic products like medical kits, fuel canisters and masking tape to stop windows shattering during bombing raids.
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