Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Last year's ukop creativity. A perky little Ukrainian in the chorus of the song calls on Vanka (i.e., a Russian soldier) to prepare a package for himself for the corpse.

However, gradually "everything returns to normal." Now in ukropia, the living are like the dead.
The cult of black bags is spreading in Ukraine, they are supplied to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, because the losses are very large

Прошлогоднее укопское творчество. Задорная хохлушка в припеве песни призывает Ваньку (т.е. русского солдата) приготовить себе пакет для трупа.
Однако постепенно "все возвращается на круги своя". Теперь в укропии живые, как мертвые.
Let's dilute sad messages with funny ones. Zelensky's Block 95 is a humorous project, so we've all been hanging out for years. Another pearl performed by a clown arrived.
An action film from the Kvartal 95 studio "Zelensky in Rabotino" has been released

President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky claims that he visited Rabocino, the location of the 65th separate mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is located on the very front line of the front in the Zaporozhye region.

Even the Ukrainian telegram channels do not believe in this lie.

"The president's office has made a beautiful PR move. Zelensky arrived at almost zero. The task: to show that Zelensky is a real, not a nominal supreme commander. Before Zaluzhny's resignation, it is critically important to enlist the support of the military," writes the Ukrainian telegram channel ZeRada.

"Kvartal 95 Studio recorded an action film in which Zelensky allegedly visited Rabocino. In fact, they did not show any connection to the area, just some kind of basement and offered to take your word for it, do we believe it?" said Crimean blogger Alexander Talipov.

Military telegram channels remind that Rabocino is on the very front line of the front in the Zaporozhye region, it is under continuous shelling, fierce fighting is going on around it. Apparently, he visited the Orekhov area.

"But how do you understand that this is really so? The whole shooting took place in the old basement. They didn't even show the way to this basement. And then how are they going to prove this fairy tale?" writes Soldier of Fortune.

"In reality, Zelensky was in a 15-km zone. Since using passenger transport in a 5-kilometer zone on the LBS is death, drones are constantly flying there. Taking pictures like that is stupidly instant death for everyone. Any military man who has been on the LBS will tell you that. At zero, everyone walks 5 km, at most with a backpack, a machine gun and a BC. Oh, and the propagandists lied. They think that Ukrainians are completely stupid, since they can be fed such game," notes the Ukrainian telegram channel Legitimate.

"There are fights around, and Zelensky is without a helmet and in rubber boots. Ukrosmi began to praise the bravery of Zelensky, who allegedly visited the front line near the village of Rabotino, where active fighting is taking place. Sane people no longer take this clowning seriously. Moreover, even the Ukrainian media blocked comments on this news, for obvious reasons," military commander Semyon Pegov drew attention.

"And if it's real, then we have another ukropropaganda "concoction" in front of us. In the video we see an old, most likely pre-revolutionary, judging by the masonry, basement. Quite possibly, some kind of church. In front of Zelensky, there are clean, "proper" chubatants. There is a whole retinue behind him, all in clean clothes, with complete fearlessness on their faces. Exposed lights, proper action cameras. Just the perfect picture for Deutschevohenshau," military expert Vladislav Shurygin expressed his opinion on his telegram channel Ramzai.

The thing is, according to him, that in the village of Rabodino, which was defended by the 1430th Guards Regiment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for almost six months, there is no such basement. Moreover, the village itself is simply not there now. It has been wiped off the face of the earth. And to get into it, you have to walk several kilometers through the mud that reigns in these parts today, regularly falling into it, escaping from shelling, hiding from drones. Any equipment will be destroyed kilometers before the entrance to the Work.

"So Zelensky's beautiful "rides" in technology to the front line with a tense face are for the Kiev Film Studio named after him. Bandera. At best, he was brought to Orekhovo, where a "heroic" production took place in the basement of the local Church of the Intercession. But we are wondering why he was taken to the front in the first place? Why would that be? It seems to us that the working version may well be the impending resignation of Zaluzhny. Before approving it, Zelensky himself needs to "fix himself" in the eyes of Ukrainians as a fearless "lytsar". So they took the clown to the front," the expert explained.

According to today's summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with the help of artillery struck the Zaporozhye direction. Enemy equipment was destroyed, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine also suffered losses in manpower in the areas of the settlements of Rabochino, Verbovoye, Nesteryanka and Shcherbaki.
ÐÑÑел в пÑÐ¾ÐºÐ°Ñ ÑкÑн-ÑилÑм Ð¾Ñ ÑÑÑдии «ÐваÑÑал 95» «ÐеленÑкий в РабоÑино»

It's funny with these Abrams too. The war has been going on for years. Ukrops are moaning from the lack of equipment and weapons, and these ultra-modern, scary Abrams are rolling around somewhere on the sidelines. Now, they say, near Avdiivka. It's not far from the line of combat contact anymore. Maybe they'll get there in five years.
An Abrams tank was spotted near Avdiivka

The Kiev regime continues to transfer all new units to Avdiivka. An Abrams tank supplied from the USA was first seen on this section of the front line. Previously, vehicles of this type were not used in combat by the Ukrainian military.
It is not yet known which particular combination of forces of the Kiev regime belongs to the Abrams, which was captured on Ukrainian television. The car "lit up" in a report about the 47th mechanized brigade of the Kiev regime operating near Avdiivka. It is noteworthy that the enemy did not even bother to repaint the tank, it is still in a sandy coloring.

Information was received earlier. that the Abrams M1A1 entered service with the 4th Tank Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, however, this information has not been officially confirmed. In total, the Kiev regime has at least 31 vehicles of this type.

The Abrams M1 tank is one of the most modern in the world. He is particularly dangerous in battles at night, for which the Americans carefully prepared the Ukrainian military.
Ðод Ðвдеевкой замеÑен Ñанк Abrams

Разбавим грустные сообщения веселыми. "Квартал 95" Зеленского - юмористический проект, вот мы все и ухахатываемся уже который год. Подоспел очередной перл в исполнении клоуна.
С этими абрамсами тоже смешно. Война уже не первый год вовсю идет. Укропы стонут от нехватки техники и вооружений, а эти суперсовременные, страшнючие абрамсы катаются себе где то в сторонке. Теперь вот, говорят, возле Авдеевки. Это уже не далеко от ЛБС. Может доедут они туда через пятилеточку
In my opinion, it is necessary to find out what the Poles, led by Duda, ate, which enlightened them so sharply. If this turns out, then it is urgently necessary to feed the rest of the Europeans with the same food.
The Polish Sejm supported Duda's words about the historically Russian Crimea

WARSAW, Feb 4 — RIA Novosti. Deputy Speaker of the Polish Sejm Krzysztof Bosak, on the air of the Polsat TV channel, agreed with President Andrzej Duda that Crimea belonged to Russia longer than to Ukraine.
Yesterday, in an interview for the Kanal Zero program, Duda admitted that Crimea historically belonged to Russia and that the Kiev regime is unlikely to return it under its control.
"The president told the truth. There are attempts in Poland to impose pro—Ukrainian political correctness, but we are not here to repeat the line of Ukrainian diplomacy," Bosak said.

According to him, if Ukraine wants political correctness from Poland, it must take counter steps.
"If Ukraine wants this to be the case, it should encourage us to do so, and this is not visible. Do we have an unresolved conflict over the seizure of the freight market, an unresolved conflict over the flow of agricultural products from Ukraine, do we have unresolved historical issues, and do we have to discipline each other and prove that Crimea is more Ukrainian than Russian? It's strange for me," the vice speaker added.
Duda's words about Crimea caused a resonance in Poland. The president was attacked by a barrage of criticism, after which he published a post on the social network X, in which he confirmed the "unequivocal" position of Warsaw, which does not recognize the Russian affiliation of the peninsula.
Crimea became a Russian region in March 2014 following a referendum held after the coup in Ukraine. 96.77 percent of the voters of the Republic of Crimea and 95.6 percent of the residents of Sevastopol voted for reunification with Russia. Ukraine considers the peninsula its own, but temporarily occupied territory. Moscow has repeatedly stated that the residents of Crimea made the decision democratically, in full compliance with international law and the UN Charter. According to Vladimir Putin, there are "no circumstances under which Crimea could return to Ukraine and there never will be."
В сейме Польши поддержали слова Дуды об исторически российском Крыме

Ecuador has tried to prove that they are handing over scrap metal to the Americans, because they themselves know very well that transferring weapons without consent is a violation of the treaty. For some reason, Russia did not believe this evidence and now the Ecuadorians will have a lot of cheap bananas and pineapples.
Ecuador decided to sell Soviet helicopters, MLRS, MANPADS and grenade launchers to Kiev through the United States. What an accident. The Rosselkhoznadzor has more thoroughly checked shipments of bananas from five major Ecuadorian suppliers and found a dangerous humpback fly in them, which may pose an increased threat to our agricultural crops. A western flower thrips was found in the carnation. There are similar problems with pineapples.
Analogues of all of the above products can be delivered from the Philippines, Guatemala, Colombia and Kenya. Russia used to buy bananas in Ecuador for almost $600 million a year.
04.02.2024 Полное видео как 20 наших ШТУРМОВИКОВ захватили 6 опорников ВСУ. Карта боев на Украине СЕГОДНЯ (12 видео)

По моему необходимо выяснить что поляки во главе с Дудой скушали, что их так резко просветлило. Если это выяснится, то необходимо срочно тем же самым накормить остальных европейцев.
Эквадор попытался доказать, что они передают американцам металлолом, потому что сами хорошо знают, что передача оружия без согласия это нарушение договора. Почему то Россия не поверила этим доказательствам и теперь у эквадорцев будет очень много дешевых бананов и ананасов.
In my opinion, it is necessary to find out what the Poles, led by Duda, ate, which enlightened them so sharply. If this turns out, then it is urgently necessary to feed the rest of the Europeans with the same food.
:lol: I wish it was the case! But as usual, his words, taken out of context, were picked up by Russian ("pro-Putin" as you can read in Polish journalists' comments) media and published for propaganda reasons. Info-war as usual.

That's what he said, answering a journalist's question if he believed Ukraine would get Crimea back?

"It is difficult for me to answer this question. I don't know this ... I don't know this, whether [Ukraine] will regain Crimea, but I believe it will regain Donetsk and Lugansk. Crimea is a special place. I do not know, whether Ukraine will regain Crimea. It is also special for historical reasons. In fact, if you look historically, it was for most of the time in the hands of Russia."

Which is interesting by itself - if historically correct, which I don't think it is, though I'm not a historian, and depends on how you define "most of the time". Moreover, it seems to be a lame argument because it applies more to Donetsk and Lugansk than to poor Crimea passing from hands to hands for "most of the time", due to its strategic location. But he used to be very ignorant and/or wrong in his history related comments, so nothing new here and nothing more than a free gift to propaganda machine. Now, his Crimea comment is called anything from "political faux pas" to him being Putin's puppet. But given that in fact, he is a US puppet, it's quite likely the script was written in Washington and passed on by Brzezinsky Jr. who keeps a close eye on everything, including a blatant interference in purely Polish matters.

Kind of funny (not), during Duda's current official visit to Kenya, this so-called Polish president was reported as saying:

Duda stressed that talks with African leaders will address Russian propaganda. - "This is an important task to counter the very massive Russian propaganda in Africa", the head of state concluded. Let us recall that one of the objectives of the President's trip to Africa is to "bear witness to the situation in our part of Europe, the Russian aggression against Ukraine, to explain where the food crisis in Africa comes from".

Doesn't look like he is there to advance Poland's interests in African countries.
Translation of text message:

"Your bank card has been blocked following your failure to report to the TCC. For more information, contact your local TCC mobilization office.
Kind regards,

— Dean O'Brien (@DeanoBeano1) February 6, 2024
Brings to mind the warning of visa cards as the future of money controlled by the system, and belong to the system or starve. Join the Ukrainian army to get your money back and die, or lose your digital money and starve.
A: World will soon have nothing but credit and debit have you not heard of this new visa debit cards this is the future of money as controlled by the world banking system i.e. the brotherhood i.e. Lizards i.e. antichrist.

Q: (L) If I don't have a credit card then I don't have to belong to this system?

A: No. You will have no choices: belong or starve.

Q: (L) What happened to free will?

A: Brotherhood aka Lizards aka antichrist has interfered with free will for 309000 years. They are getting desperate as we near the change.

Q: (V) It has always been my nature to rebel against that which I did not feel was good for me. Is rebellion against this system possible?

A: If you are willing to leave the body.

Q: (L) Leave the body as in death, croak, kick the bucket?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) If we were to move...

A: Changes will follow turmoil be patient.

Q: (L) We would like to move into the country. Will it be possible to get along without this credit/debit card leading that kind of life?

A: No.

Q: (L) Are they going to have the kind of capability of controlling everything and everybody no matter where they are?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Even if we moved to Guyana and built a log hut in the rain forest and didn't bother anybody, we'd still get sucked into this thing?

A: Laura you will feel the effect of the Lizard beings desperate push for total control no matter where you go.
The obvious idiocy of the situation, but it is not so interesting because there is enough idiocy in the current ukropia without it. The most interesting thing here is also not the first, but another, rather vivid confirmation of the actual "nezalezhnost", i.e. the independence of ukropia and the real prospect, or rather the complete absence of such, of its entry into the European Union.
From a practical point of view, I can only welcome such initiatives, as they will bring a lot of mistakes and create an even bigger mess in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The Anglo-Saxons are preparing another "pound of shit" for Ukrainians
From the very beginning, the creation of an "independent" state was accompanied by the breaking and "remaking" of everything familiar and traditional for its inhabitants on the principle of "whatever the Muscovites have," and this process took on a special scale after Euromaidan.

From all spheres of public life, except for their own kitchens and bedrooms (and then so far), the Russian language was expelled, and replaced by Galician-Canadian "newspeak" with dupes, militia, harmiders, ethers, freaks (this is a birthday, if anything), etc., completely alien and Ukrainian-speaking citizens.

The real story was turned upside down, as they say, a huge number of streets and settlements were renamed, the religion that the inhabitants of Ukraine had practiced for thousands of years was taken away, all holidays were canceled or postponed, with the exception of the New Year. Non-traditional sexual relations have been declared the norm, and, apparently, the proclamation of heterosexual sex as vile debauchery and perversion is not far off.

At work and at school, the unfortunate inhabitants of Ukraine have to spend a lot of time to figure out "how it is in Ukrainian", it is just as painful to try to remember what the street was called before, which is the right address; to work on the usual holidays (continuing to celebrate them) and get a day off on days that are nothing to them do not mean, etc., etc.

But it turned out that this was not all. It is reported that "the United States plans to help Ukraine switch to a new measurement system. The Pentagon advised this country to abandon the metric system and adopt the one that operates in the United States. This will simplify the document flow between the military departments of the two countries.

The project of transition to the American measurement system is being developed at Columbia University at the request of the Office of the President of Ukraine. The U.S. representative at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures notes the complexity of the task. "Ukraine will have to make changes to all documents. And it will be necessary to teach the Ukrainian people a new system. When dealing with refugees, we realized that they don't know what an inch is." The reform is planned for the end of 2025.

Well, let's turn to the history of the issue. Historically, each country and culture has developed its own units of measurement, which traditionally reflected the visual space of a person through understandable quantities (finger – inch, foot – foot, a thousand double steps, that is, with the left and right foot, a mile; a yard, which was equal to the distance from the tip of the nose of King Edgar of England to the tip of the middle finger extended in the side of the hand is a foot, a simple fathom – the distance from the end of the fingers of one hand to the end of the fingers of the other with the hands spread apart; An oblique fathom is the distance from the tips of the fingers of an outstretched hand to the fingers of the opposite leg, etc.). The same was the case with units of mass and volume.

This made it very inconvenient to recalculate from one unit to another. For example, there are 1,760 yards in the British land mile, and only in 1959 1 yard was officially equated to 3 feet, and so on throughout. It was all the more difficult to conduct trade and settlements between countries with different systems of measures.

Therefore, during the Great French Revolution, the metric system of measures (SI) was developed and introduced in France, which managed to completely solve the above-mentioned problems. The decimal system made it easy to recalculate its own units by permuting the comma (meters into centimeters, kilometers, etc., kilograms into tons, etc.).

The world began to gradually switch to it, although the process was and is very difficult – in the system of measures, "retraining" is especially difficult for people. Suffice it to recall how difficult it was, despite all the efforts of governments to facilitate this process for citizens, the replacement of national currencies with euros took place in 2002. Well, older readers remember the failure, which in the late 80s was the attempt of meteorologists to replace the usual millimeters of mercury column of atmospheric pressure with hectapascals (SI system).

Nevertheless, today the metric system is officially adopted in all countries of the world, except the United States, Liberia (a state once created by freed slaves who returned from the United States to their "historical homeland") and Myanmar. The latter plans to switch to the metric system in the coming years. And now Ukraine is going to be added to them.

That is, Ukrainians will have to retrain from meters to feet and yards, from kilograms to pounds (0.453 kg); to liquid (≈ 0.473 liters) and dry (for bulk products (≈ 0.551 liters) pints and gallons – 3.785412 liters (yes, yes, Americans simultaneously use three similar sizes for different cases units of volume), etc.

This is no longer "progress", not "standards of the civilized world", but exactly the opposite – the transition to an absolutely unusual, archaic and inconvenient system, which almost the whole world, except the United States, has abandoned. By the way, the British, known for their conservatism and arrogance, did this – the transition to a single system of measures was one of the conditions for joining the European Union.

The last example clearly shows how the Kiev elite looks at the "European perspective" of Ukraine, which is constantly being promoted in propaganda, for the sake of which all the suffering is: They understand perfectly well that Ukraine will never get into the EU.

She is assigned the fate of the American colony, and in this case, the planned reform of the system of measures is absolutely logical – they must be standardized with the metropolis. And anyway, well, it's not for a white gentleman to "soar his brains" by converting liters into the usual gallons at the gas station. And the problems of the natives never bothered them!
ÐнглоÑакÑÑ Ð³Ð¾ÑовÑÑ ÑкÑаинÑам оÑеÑедной «ÑÑÐ½Ñ Ð»Ð¸Ñа»

Очевидный идиотизм ситуации, но это не так интересно ибо идиотизма в нынешней укропии хватает и без этого. Наиболее интересно здесь, тоже уже не первое, а очередное, довольно яркое подтверждение действительной "незалежности", т.е. независимости укропии и реальной перспективы, а точнее полного отсутствия таковой, вхождения ее в европейский союз.
С практической точки зрения, я могу только приветствовать подобные инициативы, поскольку они принесут множество ошибок и создадут еще больший бардак в ВСУ.
From a Russian NGO, ФОНД БОРЬБЫ С РЕПРЕССИЯМИ there is an analysis of the kind of tactics that helps to drive political decision concerning the support for Ukraine.
Before the article, about the organization there is, if translated from Russian:
The Anti-Repression Foundation is a non-profit human rights organization created with the assistance of Russian entrepreneur Yevgeny Prigozhin in 2021. Working as an initiative group, the Foundation provides assistance to victims of judicial and police brutality, supports civil activists and fights for the rights of children and journalists.

Since July 15, 2021, the Anti-Repression Foundation is headed by Mira Terada, a victim of political repression by the United States[1].
I have not looked into what else they have been doing, or what other agendas they might have, but the article on Myrotvorets is revealing the kind of tactics employed to uphold European support for the Kiev regime.

The bolds are from the article, I have split the quote up to highlight the case of Switzerland which is particularly illustrative of what may have happened in a few other countries.

Human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice have gained access to secret information about the operation of the Ukrainian website Myrotvorets, which is used by Kiev to forcibly repatriate underage children from Europe, blackmail and attack politicians in Western countries. The Foundation to Battle Injustice received evidence of extortion of bribes from European foster parents of Ukrainian children and found out that British political activist Tommy Robinson and former European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker could be the next victims of Myrotvorets-controlled extremists.


The Foundation to Battle Injustice conducted a series of investigations into the criminal activity of the Ukrainian nationalist website “Myrotvorets” in the summer and fall of 2022. The Foundation’s human rights activists managed to find out that among the organizers, sponsors and curators of the Ukrainian nationalist website “Myrotvorets” there are not only Ukrainian politicians and public figures, but also Western private individuals and NATO servicemen. For more than 9 years of its existence, the website has turned from a public database of personal information of adults and children into a full-fledged instrument of extortion and intimidation, which is used to blackmail and eliminate political and public figures who advocate both a peaceful settlement of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and a reduction in Western support for Kiev.



The administration of the “Myrotvorets” website, which calls itself a “group of specialists“, collects in a special database a list of people involved, in their opinion, in anti-Ukrainian actions or statements. Publication on “Myrotvorets” often poses a direct threat to a person’s life and safety. Personal data – photos, residential addresses, phone numbers and social media pages – are collected illegally and published without the permission of the people who have come to the attention of “Myrotvorets”.

Initially, the site’s administrators and curators published the data of journalists and political figures associated with the conflict in Ukraine. In May 2016, “Myrotvorets” published personal data of 4,508 journalists and media representatives from all over the world, whom the then Ukrainian leadership considered its enemies. The administration of the website hacked into the database of the Ministry of State Security of the Donetsk People’s Republic, from where it obtained phone numbers, e-mail addresses and regions of residence of foreign journalists who, according to the curators of “Myrotvorets”, “cooperated with structures outside the control of the Ukrainian government“. After the publication of personal information, the journalists began to receive calls with insults and threats and became victims of harassment in social networks and by e-mail. In response to numerous complaints from journalists, the Security Service of Ukraine said that it had found no violations of Ukrainian legislation by “Myrotvorets”. The human rights organization Committee to Protect Journalists condemned the publication of personal data of thousands of journalists and media workers who reported from the east of Ukraine. According to human rights organizations, thousands of people suspected of so-called “pro-Russian” views are arrested and interrogated every year on the basis of the “Myrotvorets” list. Moreover, the information published on “Myrotvorets” has been used as evidence in more than a hundred court cases targeting so-called enemies of Ukraine and, in reality, public figures and ordinary citizens who disagree with the actions of the Ukrainian government.

Having analyzed the network protocol of the domain of the “Myrotvorets” website, human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice found that the website uses the services of a technology company from California. Despite the fact that Americans have full access to the extremist content of the site and the U.S. government authorities partially recognize the responsibility of “Myrotvorets” for offenses against journalists and public figures, the United States does not take any measures to restrict its work. A Foundation to Battle Injustice source in the Ukrainian government, who asked to remain unnamed, notes among other Americans involved in the creation of the nationalist website “Myrotvorets” Joel Harding, a self-proclaimed information operations expert who claims to be a former U.S. Army intelligence officer and senior NATO advisor.

As a result of its investigation, the Foundation to Battle Injustice managed to contact Mikhail G., a former employee of the Myrotvorets Center, a public organization that oversees the activities of the “Myrotvorets” website, once close to Roman Zaitsev, a former member of the Ukrainian security services who participated in the creation of the “Myrotvorets” website. According to materials provided by the source to the Foundation to Battle Injustice, the information held by the site’s administrators and curators is much more extensive than that published in the public domain. In addition to addresses, phone numbers and links to social networks, “Myrotvorets” has IMEI-identifiers of mobile devices of the database members, IP-addresses of computers and detailed transcripts of all incoming and outgoing calls of subscribers with phone numbers, time, date and duration of conversations. In addition, in some cases, the website’s administrators have access to bank statements of persons listed in “Myrotvorets”, reflecting the status of accounts and cash flow. Mikhail claims that the detailed list of information allows “Myrotvorets” curators to track the movements of their victims in almost real time, which further enables them to blackmail, threaten and extort money from those who have been included in the database.

Расширенная информация о лицах из базы Миротворца, которой располагают администраторы и кураторы сайта
Expanded information about the persons in the “Myrotvorets” database held by the administrators and curators of the site
Детализация звонков абонентов, внесенных в базу Миротворца с указанием номеров телефонов, времени, даты и продолжительности разговоров
Call details of subscribers included in the “Myrotvorets” database with phone numbers, time, date and duration of calls
A Foundation to Battle Injustice source claims that almost all of the sensitive information that “Myrotvorets” collects on individuals on its list is provided by European and American technology companies that service banking equipment and mobile network data processing devices. Although the transfer of sensitive data from organizations and companies that provide technology solutions for banks and financial institutions violates the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation and several U.S. laws, in particular the Consumer Financial Protection Act, Mikhail G. claims that “Myrotvorets” obtains personal information at the initiative of Western technology companies.

The publication of real-time movement data poses a particular threat to children in the “Myrotvorets” database. As Georgiy F., a former SBU employee, told the Foundation to Battle Injustice, in 2023 “Myrotvorets”, commissioned by the SBU, formed a database of minors of pre-conscription age, who are planned to be searched for and forcibly recruited to participate in hostilities on the side of the AFU.



In July 2022, human rights activists of the Foundation to Battle Injustice discovered that the Ukrainian website “Myrotvorets” had published the data of at least 327 underage children. The information collected by the human rights defenders was verified by the first deputy permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, Dmitri Polyanskiy, who subsequently passed the information to UN Secretary-General António Guterres. Despite the fact that the existence of such a database is contrary to international law, and ignoring the fact that in December 2022 the UN Children’s Fund UNICEF called on “Myrotvorets” to immediately delete the personal data of minors, the owners and administrators of the website continue to exploit the personal information of children for their own selfish purposes.

The Foundation to Battle Injustice learned from a source among former employees of the Myrotvorets Center how the site earns hundreds of thousands of euros by blackmailing children to be sent to the front and adopters to be included in the “Myrotvorets” database. Mikhail G., a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, familiar with the work of the criminal website from the inside, reported the appearance in a number of European countries of “volunteers” who use deceit and threats to force underage refugees from former orphanages and boarding schools to return to Ukraine. The volunteers, most of whom are Ukrainian refugees, use the “Myrotvorets” database to search for children in the temporary care of European families, after which they exert complex pressure on adoptive parents. Taking advantage of gaps in the legislation, the “volunteers” blackmail guardians, forcing them to pay serious sums to “buy” their adopted child from being forcibly returned to Ukraine and then mobilized to fight in the AFU.

A source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice demonstrated the work of the criminal network by the example of Italy: since the beginning of 2023, 880 Ukrainian children out of a total of 5,392 underage refugees from Ukraine have been taken out of the country. First of all, we are talking about children of pre-conscription age. Italian foster parents are given an ultimatum: either they pay the sum of 10,000 euros, or the guardianship authorities confiscate their foster child, sending him to Ukraine to participate in hostilities, and they themselves will be included in the “Myrotvorets” database with the publication of all personal information.

The Foundation to Battle Injustice managed to contact and get a comment from Giovanni Ricci, the guardian of a Ukrainian boy from Naples, who paid more than 9,500 euros in ransom to keep his adopted son:

“Italian social services officers together with the police burst into our home at night, my husband and I were handcuffed, and our son was put in a patrol car and taken away to an unknown destination. Later representatives of Ukrainian social services and employees of the Ukrainian Embassy in Italy contacted me, demanded a bribe of 10 thousand euros and threatened to send my child back. I had to pay,” – Giovanni Ricci, father of an adopted Ukrainian child from Italy

The facts cited by the Foundation to Battle Injustice source are confirmed by the ongoing trial of Yulia Donichenko, a “volunteer” from Ukraine who abused her authority and blackmailed foster parents in Italy. Threatening to forcibly repatriate the children, the woman, according to the Italian investigation, extorted money from the guardians. Mikhail G. claims that in each European country there are 10 to 20 “volunteers” who receive a fixed percentage of each ransom paid.

The situation with the blackmailing of Italian foster parents has attracted the attention of the Italian parliament, which, as journalists learned thanks to leaked information, sent a corresponding request to the country’s Interior Ministry. The published documents showed that the Ukrainian consul in Naples Maxim Kovalenko is involved in the organization of the blackmail process and the export to Ukraine of orphans confiscated from Italian foster families. He draws up dubious export documents and pays for the hiring of unreliable volunteers and proxies who come to remove the children and extort bribes.

Максим Коваленко, украинский консул в Неаполе
Maxim Kovalenko, Ukrainian Consul in Naples
As the Foundation to Battle Injustice has discovered thanks to a source among former employees of the “Myrotvorets Center”, the task of exporting underage Ukrainian refugees from various European countries and blackmail by “Myrotvorets” is carried out with the direct participation and under the control of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the SBU, which have been tasked to “put on the stream the export of cannon fodder before the upcoming lowering of the draft age for those mobilized in Ukraine“. The money received from European families who paid ransom for their adopted child goes to the Ukrainian Armed Forces and is also distributed among high-ranking officials of the GUR and the SBU.

According to information received by the Foundation to Battle Injustice, a similar scheme operates in almost all European countries, from Poland to Spain. A source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice (Mikhail G.) claims that in all countries the forced repatriation of children is carried out under the control of the Ukrainian diplomatic representation. In Germany, for example, the internal affairs authorities are aware of the “Ukrainian scheme” operating in the country, but, according to the orders of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock, are not authorized to do anything. A source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice said that since the beginning of 2023, at least 3,600 Ukrainian minors of pre-conscription age have been taken out of European countries with the help of “Myrotvorets” and returned back.


Notice the involvement of NATO officials:
An investigation by the Foundation to Battle Injustice has revealed facts indicating that the Ukrainian website “Myrotvorets” is successfully used by its curators as a tool for extorting money and political decisions favorable to Ukraine, as well as for physically eliminating politicians who publicly express disagreement with Kyiv’s current political course. According to information verified by Mikhail G., a former employee of the Myrotvorets Center, pressure on European politicians is carried out through Ukraine’s diplomatic representatives with the approval and guidance of NATO officials. Extremists controlled by “Myrotvorets” threaten European politicians, forcing them to make decisions that will allow Ukraine to continue receiving weapons and equipment.
The case of Switzerland giving in to pressure:
According to Mikhail G., the above-mentioned scheme of pressure and threats against European politicians has already shown its effectiveness on the example of Switzerland. According to the source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, diplomatic representatives of the United States and Germany through the Prosecutor General, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Switzerland and Liechtenstein Irina Venediktova put pressure on the Swiss government to supply weapons to Ukraine. However, having received a refusal in February 2023, the U.S. ambassador, following a well-established scheme, pressured Bern through Venediktova. The Americans specified two people as targets: the head of the Swiss Federal Department (ministry) of Foreign Affairs, Ignazio Cassis, and the Swiss Minister of Defense, Viola Amherd.

Посол Украины в Швейцарии Ирина Венедиктова, глава МИД Швейцарии Иньяцио Кассис и министр обороны Швейцарии Виола Амхерд
Ukrainian Ambassador to Switzerland Irina Venediktova, Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis and Swiss Defense Minister Viola Amherd
During a meeting with diplomats in early 2023, Venediktova expressed a note of protest to Swiss ministers about the inconsistency with Western solidarity of Switzerland’s position on refusing to provide weapons, hinting that they could not be considered “friends of Ukraine. After receiving the diplomats’ refusal to provide Ukraine with weapons and night vision devices, Venediktova moved on to direct threats and intimidation of Swiss politicians. Ukraine’s ambassador to Switzerland contacted Peter Patrick Rott, a Swiss businessman with neo-Nazi views known for his ties to Ukrainian radical extremists and European nationalists. On a tip from Venediktov, Rott, through radical followers under his control, began a campaign to intimidate Cassis and Amherd through calls and emails, threatening them with inclusion in the “Myrotvorets” database and “enemy of Ukraine” status. A few weeks later, the intimidation campaign began to bear fruit: intimidated ministers began to promote the idea of using emergency powers to bypass Swiss parliamentary approval of arms re-exports, and in June 2023, the country’s Senate supported an amendment allowing the re-export of Swiss arms and ammunition to Ukraine.

At the same time, Venediktova and Rott organized a business on the subject of “Myrotvorets”, spreading the threat of publishing personal data on more than 30 members of the Swiss parliament with whom Venediktova personally met in February-March 2023 and who object to the supply of weapons to Ukraine. Through Rott’s people, politicians were offered to pay off their inclusion in the “Myrotvorets” database for “8-12 thousand euros“. Parliamentarians transferred funds to fake cards and cryptocurrency accounts. The money received was distributed in the following way: about 40% went to help the AFU and pay for the work of curators in Kiev, the remaining 60% went to Venediktov and Rott, including payment for the latter’s people. After paying the “ransom”, the deputies received a notice that “Myrotvorets” no longer had any claims against them and they could vote on the arms as they wished.
Again NATO comes up:
According to a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, such schemes of intimidation of European politicians by Myrotvorets in order to obtain the decision necessary for Kiev to supply weapons and equipment are operated through Ukrainian diplomatic representatives with the direct approval of the political structures of the North Atlantic Alliance in each country of the European Union. Mikhail G. claims that virtually all politicians in Germany, France and other Western European countries who have abruptly changed their position on the issue of uncontrolled aid to Ukraine have directly or indirectly received threats from persons associated with Myrotvorets“.

Заместитель председателя парламента от Болгарской социальной партии Кристиан Вигенин, лидер партии «Возрождение» Костадин Костадинов и министр иностранных дел Болгарии Мария Габриэль
Bulgarian Social Party Deputy Speaker of Parliament Kristian Vigenin, Revival party leader Kostadin Kostadinov and Bulgarian Foreign Minister Mariya Gabriel
In Bulgaria, for example, since the beginning of 2023, dozens of representatives of opposition structures have been included in the “Myrotvorets” database, among them: Deputy Speaker of Parliament from the Bulgarian Social Party Kristian Vigenin and the leader of the Revival party Kostadin Kostadinov. In July 2023, Bulgarian Foreign Minister Mariya Gabriel was outraged by the information about the inclusion of Bulgarian citizens in the database and held a telephone conversation with Ukrainian Ambassador Olesya Ilashchuk, who said that the activities of “Myrotvorets” allegedly “have nothing to do with the work of Ukrainian state institutions“. A source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice claims that as of November 2023, Bulgarian leftist and national-oriented forces continue to be listed on “Myrotvorets” because of their inability to pay Ukrainian corruption claims.



According to a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice from among former employees of the Myrotvorets Center, a real hunt for political figures included in special “kill lists” is being launched. Administrators and curators of the website publish information about new persons added to the site’s database on the darknet and in closed chat rooms. The message contains a link to the profile of the “victim”, its current location and the bounty that “Myrotvorets” is ready to pay for the infliction of serious bodily injury or murder of a public figure or politician who publicly spoke out against supporting Ukraine. According to Mikhail G., the “hunt” is not announced for all the people listed in “Myrotvorets”, but only for those recommended by the SBU handlers.

Information offering to attack a public figure or politician listed in “Myrotvorets” is published through closed information channels in chat rooms and on message boards on the darknet, sorted by different European countries. According to Mikhail G., communities of “pacifiers“, as they call themselves, ready to beat, humiliate or inflict bodily harm for money, exist in every country of the European Union and consist mainly of Ukrainian refugees. Executors are paid from 2 to 6 thousand euros per order, depending on the degree of importance of the public persona and the necessary bodily injuries. Having completed the assignment, the performer sends his handler photo and video evidence of violence, after which he receives payment in cryptocurrency. In some cases, according to a Foundation to Battle Injustice source, the perpetrator is required to “gain the trust” of the potential victim and perform a series of simple tasks, such as attending public appearances or offering help.

Scheme for organizing assassination attempts on public figures from the “Myrotvorets” list
The victims of “Myrotvorets” are both public figures who have spoken negatively about Kiev’s policies and well-known political and public figures. According to Mikhail G., a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, who previously worked at the “Myrotvorets Center”, on October 21, 2023, a few days before the attack on Thierry Baudet, the leader of the Dutch party “Forum for Democracy”, a link to his page, location and information about his plans to hold a lecture at the University of Ghent was published in a closed chat room of the executors of “orders” of “Myrotvorets” in Belgium. According to Mikhail, a reward of 2.5 thousand euros was promised for the attack on the political figure, who, according to the creators and curators of the website, was engaged in “anti-Ukrainian propaganda“. According to a source of the Foundation to Battle Injustice, the perpetrator was found almost immediately, and in the evening of October 26, 2023, the leader of the Forum for Democracy party was attacked. According to eyewitnesses, the attacker shouted slogans in Ukrainian.

Скриншоты сообщений в закрытых чатах Миротворца, опубликованные за несколько дней до покушений на Тьерри Бодэ
Screenshots of messages in closed “Myrotvorets” chats published days before the assassination attempts on Thierry Baudet
However, the absence of any physical injuries to the Dutch politician was classified by “Myrotvorets” administrators as a failure, which “forced them” to organize a second assassination attempt. According to screenshots provided by Michael G., on November 19, 2023, a link to Baudet’s profile and his current geo-position – the city of Groningen in the Netherlands – was published in a closed chat room in the Netherlands. This time the reward amount was increased to 4,000 euros, and the “Myrotvorets” curator who published the ad called to “finally put an end to this rascist“. On November 21, 2023, 2 days after the task was published, the 40-year-old leader of the Forum for Democracy received several blows to the head with a bottle from the attacker. The politician suffered serious injuries and was hospitalized.

According to the Foundation to Battle Injustice, received from former SBU employee Georgiy F. and verified by Mikhail G., the administration and curators of “Myrotvorets” are currently preparing an assassination attempt on Jean-Claude Juncker, a prominent Luxembourg and European politician who previously served as President of the European Commission. In early October 2023, the politician criticized the idea of Ukraine joining the European Union, citing the extreme level of corruption in the country.

“Anyone who has had anything to do with Ukraine knows that it is a country corrupt at all levels of society. Despite all efforts, they are not ready for EU membership; extensive internal reforms are needed,” Juncker told the German publication Augsburger Allgemeine in an interview on October 5, 2023.
A Foundation to Battle Injustice source who previously worked in Ukrainian security agencies noted that corruption is “one of the sickest topics of the Ukrainian political top brass,” which is why an order was given almost immediately by high-ranking Ukrainian officials to “media eliminate Juncker.”

Жан-Клод Юнкер, политик, бывший Председатель Европейской комиссии

Jean-Claude Juncker, politician, former President of the European Commission
Mikhail G., a former Myrotvorets Center staffer, commented on the campaign to eliminate Juncker:
“As far as I know, the questionnaire of the Luxembourg politician has already been created in the “Myrotvorets” database, and its publication depends on whether he agrees to pay the ransom. They asked for an astronomical amount – about 120 thousand euros, and in case of refusal they are even ready to organize an assassination attempt on Juncker” – Mikhail G. about the campaign of “Myrotvorets” to eliminate Jean-Claude Juncker.
The website “Myrotvorets” directly threatens not only the citizens of the European Union, but also the residents of the United States, even though the website was founded and operates with the direct support of Washington. In late September 2023, one of the largest conservative news resources in the United States, The American Conservative, published an article describing the activities of “Myrotvorets” and its impact on American citizens. The journalists recognize that the website has direct links with the Ukrainian Government and is used as a lever of pressure on journalists, political and public figures who do not share the position on providing unlimited aid to Kyiv.

The list of activists, officials, journalists and public figures included in the “Myrotvorets” database is updated every day, which poses a direct threat to the life and safety of persons whose personal data have been published in the public domain. The list of politicians who are at risk due to “Myrotvorets” is expanding daily and already contains the following names: Matteo Salvini, Deputy Prime Minister of Italy, Tommy Robinson, British public figure and journalist, Geert Wilders, member of the Dutch House of Representatives, George Galloway, former Member of the British Parliament and Eric Zemmour, French politician.

Маттео Сальвини, Томми Робинсон, Герт Вилдерс, Джордж Гэллоуэй и Эрик Земмур
Matteo Salvini, Tommy Robinson, Geert Wilders, George Galloway and Eric Zemmour
Human rights defenders of the Foundation to Battle Injustice condemn the violence, blackmail and corruption carried out by individuals associated with “Myrotvorets”. Despite repeated efforts by the Foundation to Battle Injustice and the Russian Permanent Mission to the UN, the responsible international structures have persistently ignored the danger posed by the “Myrotvorets” website.

The Foundation to Battle Injustice officially appeals to the listed EU politicians to be extremely vigilant and take care of their own safety due to the critical unwillingness or inability of international structures to influence the leadership of Ukraine, investigate the criminal activity of “Myrotvorets” and eliminate this malicious website. In the solidarity opinion of the Foundation’s human rights defenders, the Myrotvorets website poses a direct and significant threat to the lives and health of adult citizens and children of Russia, the United States and the EU.
More people are on the list than have gotten killed, but how many have chosen to censor themselves, how many have taken the hint and gone along with the NATO/US/UK/UA narrative even if they disagree?
Well, the APU can be congratulated on the new commander-in-chief. At the beginning of the article, the nicknames of this general are given, which should be deciphered for general understanding.
For those who do not know, the code 200 indicates the dead, respectively, it became clear what the nickname "General 200" means.
The "Debaltsevo kotel" is one of the major defeats, as a result of which the Ukrainian Armed Forces suffered heavy losses and Ukraine agreed to sign the Minsk Agreements. I explained the first word in the nickname "Debaltsevo kotlovodets", now let's move on to the second one. The word kotel in Russian military jargon means environment. Next, the consonance of the words polkovodets (military commander) and kotlovodets (logically, the military commander who brought his troops into the cauldron) is used.

"General 200" Syrsky, "Debaltsevsky kotlovodets" — the new commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is known for sending troops to the slaughter and heavy losses
The commander of the ground forces (2019-2024), Alexander Syrsky, attacked the positions of the Russian army a lot and failed, which resulted in heavy losses for Ukraine, he was nicknamed "General 200".

It was under his command that the AFU got into the Debaltseve "cauldron" in 2015, lost Soledar and Artemovsk in 2022, suffering huge losses.

Syrsky was born on July 26, 1965 in the village of Novosti, Kirzhachsky district, Vladimir region. He studied at the Higher Military Command School in Moscow, and in 1993 began serving in the 6th Division of the Internal Troops in Chuguev - so he stayed in Ukraine.

Ну что же, ВСУ можно поздравить с новым главнокомандующим. В начале статьи приведены прозвища этого генерала, которые надо бы расшифровать для всеобщего понимания.
Для тех, кто не знает, кодом 200 обозначаются погибшие, соответственно становится понятно, о чем говорит прозвище "генерал 200".
"Дебальцевский котел"- одно из крупных поражений, в результате которого ВСУ понесли большие потери и Украина согласилась подписать Минские соглашения. Первое слово в прозвище "Дебальцевский котловодец" я объяснил, теперь перейдем ко второму. Слово котёл на русском военном жаргоне обозначает окружение. Далее используется созвучие слов полководец (военачальник) и котловодец (по логике военачальник приведший свои войска в котел).
In light of the following two news stories, the story of the delivery of F-16 aircraft to Ukraine looks very different. Without such reconnaissance systems, this aircraft cannot pose a real threat to modern fighters, but using such systems it is already becoming a serious opponent.
NATO intelligence activity in the Black Sea has increased dramatically
Tensions in the Black Sea have increased after a series of night drone raids on Crimea emanating from the Odessa airport. During this operation, six UAVs were involved, directed towards the peninsula. Five of them were detected and suppressed in the air near the Crimea, and one, flying in the area of the Guard, was shot down by the Pantsir air defense system over Gvardeysky. The remaining drones fell into the water without reaching their target. These actions are supposed to have been aimed not at causing damage, but at evaluating the effectiveness of the response of air defense systems and determining the most vulnerable routes for further operations. Such data is provided by Mikhail Zvinchuk.

In the context of these events, the increased intelligence activity on the part of NATO countries in the region deserves attention. Before the raid, a comprehensive reconnaissance operation was conducted using American U-2S, MQ-9A, P-8A and British RC-135 aircraft, accompanied by Typhoon fighters. The next day was also marked by high activity, including flights of the American RQ-4B UAV south of Crimea.

This NATO activity, especially the use of a variety of intelligence tools, indicates a serious interest in collecting information about military infrastructure and capabilities in this strategic region. Particular attention is paid to the use of high-tech drones and aircraft capable of collecting intelligence at a great distance from objects of interest.
Активность разведки НАТО в Чёрном море резко возросла

The United States will supply Poland with ASRR radar reconnaissance systems
The United States of America has approved Poland's request for the supply of radar reconnaissance systems (ASRR) and related equipment, the total cost of which is estimated at about $ 1.2 billion. This decision was made by the US Department of State and announced by the US Agency for Defense Security Cooperation (DSCA).

The purpose of the proposed deal is to strengthen the security of Poland, a NATO member country, which in turn contributes to strengthening political stability and economic progress in Europe, thereby realizing the interests of the United States in the field of foreign policy and national security. A final agreement has not yet been concluded, so the delivery time and other technical details remain uncertain.

In May of the previous year, Warsaw asked Washington to supply balloon systems for aerial and ground-based radar reconnaissance, including airborne early warning radars and sensor systems. The Polish army plans to use balloons to monitor the airspace, which will effectively replace the more expensive AWACS aircraft. In November last year, it became known about the beginning of the formation of a specialized balloon radio engineering battalion designed to strengthen the capabilities of radar reconnaissance in Poland. The main priority of using balloons will be to protect the borders with Russia and Belarus.
США поставят Польше системы радиолокационной разведки ASRR

The boy was given a piece of candy, as they say, along with a kick to the exit. So that it would not be so insulting.
Zelensky awarded the title of "Hero of Ukraine" to the ex-commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky awarded the title of "Hero of Ukraine" to the former commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhny, whom he nevertheless kicked out of a high post.

The same "honor" was awarded to the head of the GUR of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Kirill Budanov*.

This figure is definitely worthy of the same title that Zaluzhny has just received. They all do nothing but lie there, but this one stands out.
NSDC Secretary claims that there were "no Ukrainian prisoners" on the downed IL-76 (VIDEO)

The Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Alexey Danilov, claims that there were "no Ukrainian prisoners" on the downed Il-76 in the Belgorod region.

"Were our prisoners there? I can tell you for sure — no. I am saying this based on the experience we had after Tehran* and on what happened next.

If this had happened, the amount of biological material, what is called, let's say, the dead, would have been in such quantity that they would definitely have taken advantage of it, filmed everything. And the field would be all red with blood. There was no such thing," says Danilov.

RV comment: Note that according to unspoken installations at the crash site, on the contrary, heavy shots with the remains of crew members and passengers of the crashed plane are never filmed.

The NSDC secretary also said that "there is no need to be so categorical" in claiming that the plane was shot down by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Recall that on the day of the crash of the military transport IL-76, on January 24, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that 65 Ukrainian prisoners were on board the plane shot down by Ukraine.

The list of dead "horsemen" was made public on the same day, and Kiev confirmed that the listed citizens of Ukraine were included in the exchange lists.

According to Danilov, the Ukrainian side "does not know if these prisoners are alive."

Earlier, the investigation established that the Il-76 with Ukrainian prisoners of war was shot down in the Belgorod region from the American-made Patriot air defense system. The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation also covered the process of identifying the remains of captured Ukrainian soldiers.

Yesterday, the funeral of the crew of the aircraft destroyed by Ukraine took place in the Orenburg region.

В свете двух следующих новостей история с поставкой Украине самолетов F-16 выглядит совсем по другому. Без подобных разведывательных систем этот самолет не может представлять реальной угрозы современным истребителям, но используя подобные системы он уже становится серьезным противником.
Мальчику дали конфетку, что называется, вместе с пинком на выход. Чтоб не так обидно было.
Вот этот деятель точно достоин того же звания, которое только что получил Залужный. Они там все только и делают что врут, но этот выделяется.
A very interesting twist. I will not translate the first video. Everything is written in the title there, but the second video needs to be translated.
The mother and brother of the Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Syrsky live on the outskirts of the Russian city of Vladimir. A neighbor of Vladimir and Galina Syrsky said that they regularly call each other via video link and General Syrsky himself speaks of Ukrainians like this: "They are cunning and sneaky. I can't stand them."
How is all this possible in a terrible, bloody Mordor?! I can't imagine. The city of Vladimir is very close to Moscow, about 200 km away.

Syrsky's adopted son from Australia washed all his bones
I do not know who he is now, he used to be the head of the ATO, Syrsky's last name. His parents live in Vladimir, and he was the head of the ATO. He personally created the detachments. He was in the Debaltseve pocket, he is a general. And he was born in the city of Petushki, Vladimir region. They moved to Vladimir about 15 years ago. He is an absolutely Russian person, you know. Who is he now? The Lieutenant General? Personally, I'm offended. Here I am from a military family. It's a shame to me that officers, like the same Syrsky, are doing this kind of shit now. They clearly know what is happening in the Donbas, they clearly know, they sent them there to fight, they command these AFU soldiers, and they themselves are native Russians, but they support all this policy, the main thing is a career. Money don't smell, as they say. I just know this Syrsky personally, I have his last name, he is my stepfather. I haven't spoken to him since we left for Australia. I went to Australia with another stepfather. And my younger brother is his own son. My brother doesn't talk to him. If you go to Wikipedia and read about Syrsky, it says that he got married for the second time... Why did he and my mother split up, because he was the head of the joint operational command, he was then responsible for all relations with NATO, he rode back and forth abroad with a translator and he decided to hook up with one of the translators. If I'm not mistaken, he married her and had a child. And so it is written on Wikipedia and in the declarations he writes everywhere that he has one wife, one child and that's it. There is nothing about other marriages or other children. They cleaned up the history. Before this war, he received three higher military educations. All three have red diplomas. In fact, they wrote about him in the newspapers that he was the best military man in Ukraine. He's a careerist. Not a bribe taker, not a corrupt official, but a careerist. He went clearly through his career, through his brains, made his way, therefore he is not a minister. Although all the prerequisites were there. He shook hands with all the presidents. Yushchenko gave him a watch, Yanukovych gave him a watch, the British ambassador gave him a saber. He used to be, one might say, an ideal for me because I thought he was a very smart man and a good officer, but when all this shit started, we tried to talk to him, and he, how to say, is not washed, he just says like: this is the policy, it's necessary. Well, fuck you if it's necessary, jerk. No, not a jerk, a scoundrel. Just a scoundrel.

Очень интересный поворот. Первое видео переводить не буду. Там в названии все написано, а вот второе видео надо перевести.
Как вообще все это возможно в ужасном, кровавом мордоре?! Я ума не приложу. Город Владимир это совсем недалеко от Москвы, около 200 км.
Я не знаю кто он сейчас, раньше был начальник АТО, Сырский фамилия. У него родители во Владимире живут, а он начальник АТО был. Он сам лично создавал заградотряды. Он был в Дебальцевском котле, он генерал. А родился он в городе Петушки, Владимирской области. Лет 15 назад они переехали во Владимир. Он абсолютно русский человек, понимаете. Кто он сейчас? Генерал-лейтенант? Лично мне обидно. Вот я из семьи военных. Мне обидно, что офицеры, как тот же Сырский, вот такой херней занимаются сейчас. Четко знают что происходит на Донбассе, четко знают, сами туда отправляют воевать, командуют этими ВСУшниками, а сами исконно русские, но поддерживают всю эту политику, главное же карьера. Бабки не пахнут как говорят. Я просто знаю этого Сырского лично, у меня его фамилия, он мой отчим. С тех пор как мы уехали в Австралию, я с ним не общаюсь. Я с другим отчимом уехал в Австралию. А мой младший брат ему родной сын. Мой брат с ним не общается. Если зайти в википедию и почитать про Сырского, то написано что женился второй раз... Почему они с мамой разошлись, потому что он был начальником объединенного оперативного командования, он отвечал тогда за все связи с НАТО, туда-сюда он катался по загранкам с переводчицей и вот с одной из переводчиц он решил замутить. Если я не ошибаюсь, он на ней же женился, родился ребенок. И вот и в википедии написано и в декларациях он везде пишет, что у него одна жена, один ребенок и все. Ни про другие браки, ни про других детей ничего нет. Почистили историю. До этой войны он получил три высших военных образования. Все три с красным дипломом. Реально про него писали в газетах, что он лучший военный Украины. Он карьерист. Не взяточник, не коррупционер, а карьерист. Он шел четко по карьере, по своим мозгам, пробивался, пэтому он не министр. Хотя все предпосылки были. Он всем президентам руки пожимал. Ему Ющенко часы дарил, Янукович ему часы дарил, ему посол Великобритании саблю подарил. Он для меня раньше был, можно сказать, идеалом поскольку я считал его очень умным человеком и хорошим офицером, но когда вся эта хрень началась мы пытались с ним пообщаться, а он, как сказать, не промытый, он говорит просто типа: такая политика, так надо. Ну и иди ты на хрен, если так надо, придурок. Нет не придурок, подлец. Просто подлец.
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