Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

I strongly suspect that they also recruit from neo-nazi groups from all over the world or neo-nazis just gravitate toward Ukraine because that's where the action is. Just goes to show what a huge responsibility Putin has taken on for the benefit of the whole world - they're all heading to Ukraine to get their downloads then going home to their respective countries to continue the terror.
There were also earlier reports that mercenaries from around the world would not be treated as soldiers and taken as prisoners of war, but liquidated on the spot.
Just in regard to this downloading, I was thinking that so many of the Nazis are being removed due to the actions of the DPR/LPR/Russians that there must be fewer people to download into.
And then I thought, Is that why there are so many foreign mercenaries being invited to the Ukraine? "Come on in guys, fulfill your fantasies!" I don't know what the FRV of a mercenary would be, but would imagine they must be pretty damaged humans, and/or definitely leaning towards STS.

(Pierre) And the struggle for the portal is indicative of 4D STS wanting to use this portal?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Why do they want to use the portal?

A: Downloading is taking place there.

Q: (L) Downloading of what?

(Joe) Information.

(L) Do I really want to know? [laughter]

(Pierre) The naughty side of the information field is being downloaded there.

(L) So the STS bad guys download themselves via a portal into the people there?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Wow.

An idea shot through my head. This "game plan" has been going on for much longer than just after the Maidan "revolution". Planting Nazi types in to the Ukrainian society must have been going on since at least right after the Second World War. I saw a documentary (posted here somewhere) that according to the researchers, that the USA "planted" ex-Nazi elements into Ukraine as a counter to the Soviet Union. Question is what makes "Nazi's" special in their (DNA) make-up to be the preferred download platform and has it always been the plan to fill that region with such people so the 4D STS have plenty of "stock" around? Then this would give Operation Paperclip an extra dimension, since a lot of the ex-Nazi party members / scientists were moved to the US and could plant themselves into US positions of power and contaminate US society and the 4D STS would have stock there too (a portal must be there too).

It is such a bizarre idea, that it boggles the mind....
A few rumors. In Russia, they don't write anything about this, but in the LPR, people say that they have replaced all the military authorities, and the shoulder straps were taken away from the former leadership along with the duties. Apparently something is not going according to plan.

Assuming any of those rumors are true at all (which I haven’t checked myself yet) I think it is entirely possible and even likely that something like that could be happening since there is probably a good chance that at least some of the LPR leadership and military leadership is corrupt and/or were infiltrated by the Ukraine forces before the operation even started. I think Gonzalo Lira suggested something like this early on, although I would guess that was just an assumption on his part.

Could be that the russians sort out that problem now by appointing (or suggesting to the LPR leadership to appoint) different leaders after they gave them the chance to proof themselves first during the operation. Therefore I would think it is rather unlikely that this wasn’t taken into account by the russians before the operation started.
I have also been wondering where all these STS minded mercenaries are coming from and all the ISIS and terrorist groups too. I can not help but think of the abducted soldiers from previous wars that the Cs mentioned.
Thank you for that recap and it is an interesting line of thought. Those captured KIA over the last century would fit into the profile of being downloaded via a portal, one would think. Especially since this appear to be not just any war, but the battle between good and evil in this cycle, where the STS forces don't want to lose and thus is throwing everything at it.
It is such a bizarre idea, that it boggles the mind....
What's so strange about this idea? Do you seriously still think that the USA is a "hail on the hill"?
C's said about the German Reich that it was a rehearsal.
Many, if not all participants of the "Paperclip" were/are under the control of the CIA/NSA and other special services.
In order to have a genetic predisposition, it is not necessary to have a swastika on the armband.
There are a lot of facts to compare. Let you compare it.

Чего же в этой идее странного? Вы всерьез до сих пор думаете, что США это "град на холме"? Про германский рейх С говорили, что это репетиция. Многие, если не все участники "Скрепки" были/есть под контролем ЦРУ/АНБ и прочих спецслужб. Для того, чтобы иметь генетическую предрасположенность не обязательно иметь свастику на нарукавной повязке. Фактов для сопоставления море. Сопоставляйте!

It says here that not only in Nikolaev, but also near Kharkov. As we say- well, not to go twice.

Yesterday, the S-300s were destroyed near Nikolayev and near Kharkov, but it was not indicated that these were "the very ones". Today, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation declares that "those same" Slovak S-300s were destroyed near the Dnieper. In any case, they did not serve the Nazis for long. As we say - drag more.
Two Ukrainian Su-25s were shot down, the S-300 delivered to Ukraine were destroyed by a "Caliber" strike (VIDEO)
11.04.2022 - 11:03
During the morning briefing, the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Major General Igor Konashenkov, reported on the current situation on April 11, 2022 in the zone of the SVO in Ukraine.

On Sunday, April 10, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with high-precision Kalibr missiles destroyed the S-300 APU equipment hidden in Dnepropetrovsk, supplied to the Kiev regime by one of the European countries.

Four S-300 launchers and up to 25 personnel of the Ukrainian armed forces were hit.

During the night, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with high-precision air-launched missiles destroyed the AFU weapons and military equipment repair base in the area of Velikaya Novoselovka, including the Buk-M1 and Osa-AKM air defense systems.

Also, two ammunition depots were destroyed in the areas of the settlements of Nikolaev and Zhovtnevoye, and a radar for illumination and guidance of the S—300 anti-aircraft missile system was destroyed in the Uspenovka area.

As a result of high-precision strikes in the areas of Vozdvizhenka-2 and Ivanovka settlements of Donetsk region, nine tanks, five self-propelled 2S3 "Acacia" artillery installations, five BM-21 "Grad" multiple rocket launchers and more than 60 nationalists were destroyed.

Two Ukrainian Su-25 aircraft were shot down in the air by Russian air defense means near the village of Izyum.

In addition, three unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed in the areas of Balakley, Kharkiv region, Gulyai-Pole and Volnovakha, as well as one unmanned aerial vehicle of the Valkyrie type in the area of the Kalininskoye settlement of the Mykolaiv region.

In the area of the settlement of Posad-Pokrovskoye, Kherson region, a Ukrainian military helicopter Mi-24 was shot down in the air by concentrated small arms fire.

78 military facilities of Ukraine were hit by the operational and tactical aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

Among them: three command posts, an illumination and guidance radar, three positions of short-range anti-aircraft missile systems, four ammunition depots, as well as 58 strong points and areas of concentration of Ukrainian military equipment.

In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, 129 aircraft, 99 helicopters, 243 S-300, Buk-M1, Osa-AKM anti-aircraft missile systems, 441 unmanned aerial vehicles, 2079 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 239 multiple rocket launchers, 909 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 2003 units of special military vehicles.

Вчера С-300 уничтожались под Николаевом и под Харьковом, но не указывалось, что это "те самые". Сегодня МО РФ заявляет, что "те самые", Словацкие С-300 уничтожены под Днепром. В любом случае недолго они послужили нацистам. Как у нас говорят- тащи еще.
One word - despair. It's a human pity for the guys, but it's too early to dissolve snot. This Nazi force must be completely finished, and it's still a long way from that

The failure of the militants' attempt to escape from Mariupol
11.04.2022 - 13:11
The military-political figure of the DPR, a well-known militia member, ex-commander of the Vostok brigade and the Donetsk Alpha, Alexander Khodakovsky ("Skif"), in his author's Telegram channel, reported on the enemy's attempt to escape from Mariupol tonight.

"The enemy put our identification marks on the equipment, formed a column and tried to escape from Mariupol at night.

In total, about thirty combat vehicles, including self-propelled guns, reached out to meet us, not realizing that since the formation of the column, we had already controlled all its movements from the air. As a result, the equipment is abandoned, the enemy has scattered around, our people are catching him.

He is still struggling, but his situation is becoming more hopeless, and such desperate attempts to escape are clear evidence of that. Apparently, it's time to throw agitators with conditions of surrender on the territory controlled by him so far — there is information that many would like to raise their hands, but do not know how."


"We are written off. Today there will be an extreme battle": the marines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine wrote a farewell letter from Mariupol (PHOTO)
11.04.2022 - 13:34

The militants of the 36th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine published a farewell letter on their page on the social network, saying that the Ukrainian leadership and command had written them off and today they would give the last battle with ammunition running out.

In a message written half in Ukrainian, half in Russian, they told how they were driven by the advancing forces of the DPR and Russian Armies to the Azovmash plant, where they were practically left without resources to conduct defense.

"Dear Ukrainian people.

We, the 36th Marine Brigade named after Rear Admiral Mikhail Bilynsky, without betraying the oath of 2014, left the Crimea and continued to adequately fulfill the task of defending Ukraine.

Since the beginning of the war, we have been defending Mariupol for 47 days. We were bombed from planes, we were fired from artillery, tanks and other firepower. We held the defense with dignity, doing the impossible. But any resources tend to run out.

During the fighting, we were once given 50 122-mm shells, 20 mines, some enclaves and Elon Musk's starlink — thank you, Elon, he withstood many airstrikes and is still working. They didn't give us anything else.

Without BC (ammunition), unable to defend themselves, the enemy gradually pushed us back to the Azovmash plant, surrounded us, shackled us with fire and is now trying to destroy us. There was an option to bring reserves to us in order to strengthen and continue the defense. There were options for the brigade to make a breakthrough and reach its troops. We reported this to OTG “East”, and they started planning the operation.

Sodol, Delyatsky tried to do something, but their senior staffs turned them down. We reported this to the OOS, they said “trim” (hold on), we are working, promised a helicopter, which never arrived.

We talked to the commander-in-chief, who promised a deblockade. We talked to the guarantor, who guaranteed us either a political or military solution to the situation. For more than a month, the Marines fought without replenishing ammunition, without food, without water, almost lapping out of a puddle, and died in packs.

The mountain of wounded makes up almost half of the brigade. Those who have not torn off their limbs and can walk, return to the ranks. The infantry all died, and gunners, anti-aircraft gunners, signalmen, drivers and cooks are fighting rifle battles. Even the orchestra. They die, but they fight. We are gradually coming to an end. Wise generals advise taking ammunition from the enemy.

Probably, these soviet parquet floors have not died out, so a lot of people will die in vain because of them. There were chances. There were opportunities, but because of the prickliness to report vertically, they were not implemented.

No one wants to communicate with us anymore, because we are written off. Today will probably be an extreme fight, since there is no bc left. Further into the melee. Then for some death, and for some captivity.

Dear Ukrainian people, I do not know what will happen next, but I ask you very much: remember the Marines with a kind word and regardless of how events will develop further, do not speak badly about the Marines.

They did everything possible and impossible.

Bo mi VIRNI ZAVDI! (Because we are always faithful) 11.04.2022…»

Одно слово - отчаяние. По человечески жаль ребят, но сопли распускать рано. С этой нацистской силой должно быть совсем покончено, а до этого еще далеко

It's very tough
Hard shots: a Russian tank destroys a crowd of AFU infantrymen at point-blank range (VIDEO 21+)
The news is being updated
11.04.2022 - 15:34

A tank of the Russian Army at point-blank range destroyed a crowd of Ukrainian infantrymen who did not recognize the enemy.

A military source told Russian Spring about this.

Probably, the Ukrainians at the checkpoint decided that their own were approaching, but a volley followed, followed by another one — as a result, at least 15 "horsemen" and bandits from the so-called theroborona dropped out of the game.

These shots show how after the first shot, the one who was shooting runs and after 10 seconds the second one is heard.

It is noteworthy that Ukrainian military propaganda is already using this video, passing it off as "peremoga" and claiming that they "shot the orcs at point-blank range." Orcs, recall, Ukrainians call the military of the DPR and the Russian Federation. And when their own people point out lies to them in the comments, the fake authors declare that they are lying intentionally: "So you can't see the bandages."

From such cases, in general, the "unprecedented peremogi" of the Ukrainian army are formed.

There were shots from the place of a point-blank strike on Ukrainian infantrymen, on which torn corpses were recorded.
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US bioweapons in Ukraine & Human experimentations
31 March 2022

View attachment 57662

Thomas Röper has an extensive (german) article on his site "Anti-Spiegel" about the US-Bioweapon programs running in Ukraine. Notice that this original text has many links there (but not here in the english translation)

Human experimentation in US laboratories:
new information about the US bioweapons programme in Ukraine

The Russian Ministry of Defence has published new findings and documents about the US bioweapons programme in Ukraine, which I have translated.

From 31 March 2022 17:41

I remind you that the Russian statements about the US bioweapons programme are not Russian propaganda

but that I and my informant, with whom I did research for the book "Inside Corona", already knew much of the information now published by Russia from publicly available sources. However, the Pentagon has recently taken most of it off the net to cover its tracks, as I have pointed out here.

The Russian Ministry of Defence repeatedly mentions the company Metabiota, which is well known to us from our work on "Inside Corona". The company is funded and run by the Pentagon and the CIA, details can be found here. I have also reported on Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden's connections to the Pentagon's bioweapons labs.

Now the Russian Ministry of Defence has issued another statement, which I have translated. The slides that go with it can be found after the translation.

Start of translation:

We have already pointed out the cooperation between government agencies and the current US military and political leadership with Ukrainian bio-objects. Particularly highlighted was the involvement of an investment fund headed by Hunter Biden in financing biological programmes in Ukraine.

Before you is an exchange of letters between the son of the sitting US president and staff of the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency and Pentagon contractors in Ukraine. The existence of these materials has been confirmed by Western media.

The content of the letters indicates that Hunter Biden was instrumental in creating the financial opportunity to conduct the work on pathogens in Ukraine by attracting funds for Black and Veatch and Metabiota.

The published correspondence suggests that the Pentagon's true goals in Ukraine
are anything but scientific. For example, in one of the letters, the vice-president of Metabiota states that the company's activities are aimed at "...Ukraine's cultural and economic independence from Russia...", which is quite strange for a biotech company.

Today we have the opportunity to name specific officials who were involved in the production of biological weapons components in Ukraine.

One of the key figures is Robert Pope
- then a DTRA employee and director of the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, which aimed to engage post-Soviet states in military biological activities. He also came up with the idea of setting up a central depot for particularly dangerous microorganisms in Kiev.

In his letter to Ukrainian Health Minister Ulyana Suprun - a US citizen, by the way - Pope praises the Ukrainian Health Minister for ensuring access of US specialists to Ukrainian bio-objects and for starting work on establishing a microbial depot.

I recall how these activities ended: According to the available information, all pathogenic biomaterials were flown from the repository to the US via Odessa by a military transport plane in early February 2022. (Translator's note: This is a very clear indication that the US assumed that Russia would become militarily active in Ukraine after the US rejected talks on mutual security guarantees. The US took the sensitive material out of Ukraine shortly before the Russian operation began).

Joanna Winthrol, head of DTRA's office in Ukraine
was responsible for coordinating military-biological projects in Ukraine and selecting those to carry them out. Under her direct supervision, the US projects UP-4, UP-6 and UP-8 were carried out to study life-threatening pathogens such as anthrax, Congo-Crimean fever and leptospirosis.

Continuing on, Black and Veach's Ukrainian division is headed by Lance Lippencott. He is also the main contact for officials from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Health.

The company has been working for the Pentagon since 2008 on projects to study potentially dangerous bio-agents. These include Project UP-1 to study rickettsiae and tick-borne encephalitis virus in arthropods in northwestern Ukraine. For global control of the biological situation, the company has introduced a system for remote monitoring of tularemia and anthrax in Ukrainian bio-objects as part of project UP-2-.

The biomonitoring and information transfer was overseen by David Mustra
who is closely associated with another Pentagon contractor, Metabiota. He had previously managed bioweapons projects in Ukraine and Eastern Europe under the Cooperative Threat Reduction Programme.

It should be noted that Black and Veatch's activities have raised many questions even among Ukrainian intelligence agencies.

For example, back in 2017, the Kherson branch of the SBU stated in its memo, quote, "...the potential threat of deterioration of the epidemic situation in our country has recently been updated due to the intentions of DTRA through Black and Veatch to establish control over the functioning of Ukrainian microbiological laboratories conducting research on pathogens of particularly dangerous infections that can be used to create or improve new types of biological weapons...". End of quote.

The company Metabiota
is known for developing infectious disease outbreak predictions. The Pentagon has also used it to model the epidemic situation in the former Soviet Union. In Ukraine, Metabiota was represented by Mary Guttieri, the company's vice-president and a confidant of Hunter Biden, according to her correspondence.

Scott Thornton oversaw the modernisation of the laboratories. He also advised local staff on the handling of highly dangerous pathogens in DTRA projects in Ukraine.

The information obtained demonstrates the direct involvement of the US military and its contractors in the planning and implementation of Pentagon projects in Ukraine. We believe that the above officials should answer questions about the true purpose of this work.

We have previously drawn attention to the development of technical means for the delivery and use of biological weapons in the United States of America. For example, the US Patent and Trademark Office has issued Document No. 8,967,029 for an unmanned aerial vehicle for aerial distribution of infected insects. The patent's description states that the device can be used to destroy or disable enemy forces without endangering US troops.

Other patents on the slide show different types of munitions for use with chemical and biological agents.
In their description, the following characteristics are mentioned: "...low cost to destroy a unit and no necessary contact with enemy forces..." This is in line with Washington's concept of "non-contact warfare". It shows the possibility of equipping the capsules with poisonous, radioactive and narcotic substances as well as pathogens of infectious diseases.

We recall that these documents came to public attention in connection with the investigation of another Pentagon biological project - the Lugar Centre in Tbilisi.

In 2018, the Russian Foreign Ministry asked the US State Department for a legal assessment of the development of such technical devices in terms of compliance with the Chemical and Biological Weapons Conventions. The US government limited itself to a formal response, cynically thanking the Russian side for drawing attention to the issue and pointing out that "... the development and production of biological and chemical weapons are prohibited by national legislation, but the decision to grant a patent does not violate US obligations under the Biological and Chemical Weapons Conventions...".

In this context, the request from the Ukrainian company Motor Sitsch to the Turkish manufacturer of unmanned aerial vehicles Bayraktar is of interest. I would like to stress that this document is dated 15 December 2021, and it is essentially about whether it is possible to equip this drone with aerosol delivery systems and mechanisms with a capacity of more than 20 litres. (Translator's note: I have reported on this, details can be found here).

Given the range of such a drone of up to 300 kilometres
and the filling of the containers with biological preparations, there is a real danger of large-scale use of biological weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation.

It is about the development of technical means for the use of biological weapons by the Kiev regime, which could also be used against the Russian Federation.

An important result of the special operation of the Russian armed forces was the closure of five Kiev bio-labs where work was being done with pathogens of anthrax, tularaemia, brucellosis, cholera, leptospirosis and African swine fever.

Part of the collection was exported to the USA, while the remaining strains were hastily destroyed in accordance with the Ukrainian Ministry of Health's order of 24 February.

It has been confirmed that these laboratories were involved in work on behalf of the US Department of Defence. In one of these bio-objects, the Centre for Public Health of the Ukrainian Ministry of Health, several UP projects totalling over $30 million were carried out.

Please note the decision signed by the Head of the Ethics Committee
of the said Centre on 12 June 2019 in the framework of the UP-8 project. The document states that the research was conducted with unknown risks to the life and health of the participants and that the identity of the subjects will be kept secret.

We have already quoted the research programme for this project, which only proposes a standard procedure for blood collection. The question arises as to what kind of life-threatening tests are involved when the document states that "Minor incidents involving volunteers must be reported to the US Bioethics Committee within 72 hours of the event; major incidents, including deaths, must be reported within 24 hours..."

It cannot be ruled out that the official research programme is only "the visible part of the iceberg", and that in practice volunteers have been infected with Congo-Crimean fever virus, hantaviruses and leptospirosis pathogens.

Such a careless attitude towards Ukrainian citizens is indicative of the pragmatic US approach to organising military and biological research. Developing countries are considered testing grounds for components of biological weapons and drugs.

We believe that the incoming documents demonstrate that the US and Ukraine have in fact violated their obligations under Article 4 of the Biological Weapons Convention and UN Security Council Resolution 1540 of 28 April 2004.

We will continue to analyse evidence of violations of the international biological weapons non-proliferation conventions by the US government and the Kiev regime and keep you informed.

End of translation

Now the slides published for this purpose, which were also published in English.

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I jump here to the end of the above document - but all of them (and many more held in english) are to be found in the end of Tomas Röpers article at his original site "Anti-Spiegel".

View attachment 57679

So not all of the genetic weapons were destroyed - some were evacuated to US soil.
A few rumors. In Russia, they don't write anything about this, but in the LPR, people say that they have replaced all the military authorities, and the shoulder straps were taken away from the former leadership along with the duties. Apparently something is not going according to plan.

Немного слухов. В России ничего об этом не пишут, но в ЛНР люди говорят, что сменили все военное начальство, причем у прежнего руководства вместе с должностями отобрали и погоны. Видимо что то идет не по плану.
Remember that famous DPR LPR leaders were assassinated
1. DPR-hero Arseny Pavlov "Motorola" (16.10.2016)

2. Prominent DPR Commander Mikhail ‘Givi’ Tolstykh Killed In Eastern Ukraine

and possible 'Why's' were given as:

So, the possible explanations of the incident are:
  1. ‘Motorola’ was killed by American saboteur group with had used the connivance of local authorities;
  2. The local authorities ‘allow’ the Ukrainian special services and other power brokers to liquidate prominent commanders that are not linked with the local ruling elites;
  3. Some Ukrainian ‘saboteurs’ have increased their skills and become 007-like agents;
  4. Play of chance.
1.- Videos circulating on the internet have shown protesters in the Greek port of Thessaloniki trying to stop the shipment of NATO military equipment to Ukraine on 6 April and even engaging in clashes with the police.

2.- ASB military:
Lavrov: "Our special military operation aims to put an end to the unfettered expansions and unfettered course towards total domination of the US and other Western states under it on the international arena," he said.
Lavrov noted that such domination is being built with horrible violations of international law.
"It is possible to recognize the independence of Kosovo without a referendum, but it is impossible to recognize the independence of Crimea, declared after a referendum, observed by hundreds of objective foreign representatives, representatives of foreign public. The US imagined a threat to their national security thousands of kilometers away in Iraq, but, when they bombed it and found no threat there, they didn’t even apologize.”

3.- The port of Mariupol came under the control of the DPR forces, said the head of the republic, Denis Pushilin.



4.- A criminal case will be opened against Ukrainian actress Andrianna Kurilets, according to the RF Investigative Committee @sledcom_press.

As noted in the department, the commercial in which she starred contains clear hateful expressions, as well as threats against the Russian military. The video is similar to those created by IS fighters *.

Earlier, a commercial appeared on the network with a girl who, with a smile, cuts a man’s throat with a sickle and threatens the Russian military. The subtitle text was written in English.

* "Islamic State" (ISIS, ISIL) - the organization was recognized as a terrorist organization by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014.

Nice to see this 🙂
Pro-Russia protesters rallied on Irish roads over the weekend, with a line of cars spotted on the M50, in Dublin, Ireland's busiest motorway, with huge Russian flags waving from the windows.

Some of the cars had various other flags on display, with others having the letter 'Z' written across the windows.

Totally irrelevant, so take this super investigation as a joke that shows a total misalignment of reality:

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has been widely condemned in many parts of the world, but a network of Facebook groups run by people with obscure motivations would like to change perceptions of the country's leader.

Millions of people have viewed posts committed to portraying President Vladimir Putin as smiling, benevolent and peace-loving.

These are Putin's superfans - and we've been tracking what they do and where they come from.

Big numbers

The BBC has been investigating these huge pro-Putin groups with the help of researchers from the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD).

ISD experts identified 10 pro-Putin public groups, boasting names such as Vladimir Putin - Leader of the Free World. The groups have more than 650,000 members between them. Content includes photos and messages praising the Russian leader, written in a number of languages, including English, Russian, Farsi, Arabic and Khmer.
Not only are they popular, but they are very active. Over the past month, researchers counted 16,500 posts, receiving more than 3.6 million interactions.
The overall aim of the groups seems to be to promote Mr Putin as a hero standing up to the West, with overwhelming international support.
The images often show the Russian leader "walking confidently, holding puppies, staring longingly into the camera, saluting troops, and riding an array of wild animals, including bears and lions".
These groups have gained more than 100,000 new members since the start of the invasion on 24 February.
Putin's mysterious Facebook 'superfans' on a mission
Not only are they popular, but they are very active. Over the past month, researchers counted 16,500 posts, receiving more than 3.6 million interactions.
First time I wrote "Glory to Russia!" on RT last week and "Thank You for your service, Russian soldiers!" and a western troll almost immediately answered: "Are you crazy?!" :D
Since then I habitually repeat these posts, whenever a military 'achievement / saving civilians' article on RT comes up. :)
Meanwhile, Lavrov says:

Russian special operation aims to end US’ course towards total domination — Lavrov

The Russian Foreign Minister noted that such domination is being built with horrible violations of international law

MOSCOW, April 11. /TASS/. Russian special military operation in Ukraine aims to end the course of the US and other Western states for total domination, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview Monday.

"Our special military operation aims to put an end to the unfettered expansions and unfettered course towards total domination of the US and other Western states under it on the international arena," he said.

Lavrov noted that such domination is being built with horrible violations of international law.

"It is possible to recognize the independence of Kosovo without a referendum, but it is impossible to recognize the independence of Crimea, declared after a referendum, observed by hundreds of objective foreign representatives, representatives of foreign public. The US imagined a threat to their national security thousands of kilometers away in Iraq, but, when they bombed it and found no threat there, they didn’t even apologize. And when neo-Nazis and ultra-radicals are being grown up right on our borders, tens of biological laboratories are being created under Pentagon’s supervision, carrying out some experiments that aim first and foremost to develop biological weapons - the discovered documents leave no room for doubt - then we are not allowed to react to this threat, right at our borders, not beyond the ocean," the Minister noted.

Top Neo-Nazi commander killed in Ukraine – Russia

Taras Bobanich, a senior figure in the Right Sector group, was killed by Russian commandos, the Russian defense ministry said

11 Apr, 2022 09:39

Russian commandos have killed a prominent member of Ukraine’s ultra-nationalist Right Sector group, the Russian defense ministry claimed on Monday. Taras Bobanich was accused by Moscow of causing hundreds of civilian deaths in eastern Ukraine during hostilities in 2014.

A Russian recon team killed the top Neo-Nazi while on patrol about 5km south from the city of Izium in Ukraine’s Kharkov region, the ministry statement explained. It said he was a deputy commander of the Right Sector responsible for reserve operations.

The ministry didn’t disclose the circumstances of Bobanich’s death. The Right Sector’s social media reported that he was killed on Friday near Izium, calling him a “legendary nationalist”.

The 33-year-old, whose nickname was “Hummer”, came originally from western Ukraine. He rose to national prominence during the mass protests and armed coup of 2013-2014, during which Western-backed Ukrainian nationalists served as a street fighting force against law enforcement.

The coup ended with the toppling of Ukraine’s democratically elected president and a rebellion in the east of the country, which the new authorities in Kiev tried to quash with military force. The nationalists formed so-called “volunteer battalions” to participate in the fighting.

According to Russia, Bobanich had personally ordered the indiscriminate artillery shelling of cities in eastern Ukraine during the hostilities, which allegedly resulted in hundreds of deaths.

In addition to serving as a nationalist military commander, Bobanich played a prominent role in the blockade of trade between Ukraine and Crimea in the autumn 2015. The blockade was organized by nationalist forces who wanted to punish people living on the peninsula for breaking away from Ukraine a year prior and voting to rejoin Russia.

Moscow attacked its neighbor in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements signed in 2014, and Russia’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics in Donetsk and Lugansk. The German and French brokered protocols had been designed to regularize the status of those regions within the Ukrainian state.

Russia has now demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.

Putin holds 'closed door' Ukraine talks with EU leader

Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer said the negotiations were “direct, open and hard”

11 Apr, 2022 15:51

Closed-doors talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer took place, outside Moscow, on Monday. No press conference or joint statements followed the meeting at Putin’s official residence, and no photo or video materials were published.

The negotiations were not a “friendly visit” but were rather “very direct, open and hard,” Nehammer told Austrian media after the talks. He signaled that the conversation revolved around the humanitarian aspect of the ongoing hostilities in Ukraine.

“This is not a friendly visit. I’ve just come from Ukraine and saw with my own eyes the immeasurable suffering caused by the Russian war of aggression,” Nehammer stated, adding that he had raised alleged “war crimes” blamed on Russian troops during the meeting. The chancellor also revealed that he told Putin that anti-Russian sanctions imposed by the EU would remain in place and could even be reinforced as long as the conflict goes on.

“The EU is more united than ever on this issue,” Nehammer stated.

The Austrian leader became the first EU leader to visit Russia after the ongoing conflict between Moscow and Kiev broke out in late February. The chancellor’s visit has been coordinated with the EU leadership, as well as Nehammer’s German counterpart Olaf Scholz.

On Saturday, Nehammer visited Kiev, meeting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, as well as other senior officials. During the visit, the chancellor pledged his support to the Kiev authorities, confirming that sanctions would remain in place “until the war stops.”

Moscow launched a large-scale offensive against neighboring Ukraine in late February, following Kiev’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements signed in 2014, and Russia’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk.
The German- and French-brokered Minsk Protocol was designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.

Russia has since demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO alliance. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.

New Pakistani leader chosen

Parliament confirms Shahbaz Sharif as next PM amid allegations of US meddling

11 Apr, 2022 15:57

New Pakistani leader chosen

Shahbaz Sharif. © AP Photo/K.M. Chaudary

Pakistan’s Parliament has elected Shahbaz Sharif of the Pakistan Muslim League as the country’s new prime minister on Monday. The former opposition leader took office amid a parliamentary boycott by the party of outgoing Prime Minister Imran Khan, who has accused his political opponents of colluding with the US ahead of the no-confidence vote that led to his ousting on Sunday.

Sharif's success comes after lawmakers in the National Assembly voted to remove Khan from office over the weekend with 174 votes; two more than the required simple majority in Pakistan’s 342-seat lower chamber of Parliament. Sharif previously served as chief minister of Punjab, whose some 110 million residents make it Pakistan’s most populous province, from 1997-1999 and again from 2008-2018.

He is the younger brother of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, who was found guilty of concealing assets in 2017, when damning revelations emerged with the Panama Papers, and has led the Pakistan Muslim League since his brother’s conviction. In 2019, the National Accountability Bureau froze 23 properties belonging to Shehbaz and his son, Hamza Sharif, accusing them of money laundering. He was indicted for money laundering in 2020 and incarcerated pending trial before his release on bail in 2021.

Sharif’s candidacy was left uncontested when rival candidate and former Pakistani FM Shah Mahmood Qureshi, favored by Khan’s Tehreek-e-Insaf (Pakistan Justice Party) former foreign minister, led a walkout and boycott of the election.

Back in March, Khan had accused political opponents of colluding with the US to undermine his authority, citing a briefing letter from Pakistan’s ambassador to the US which he says contained evidence that Washington believed his removal from power would bring about improvement in US-Pakistani relations.

“They say that ‘our anger will vanish if Imran Khan loses this no-confidence vote’,” the embattled PM alleged in a televised address at the time.

In response, US State Department spokesperson Ned Price had insisted there was “no truth” to the accusation and that Washington was “closely following developments in Pakistan” but that it “respect[ed] and support[ed] Pakistan’s constitutional process and the rule of law.”

Khan, a former cricket player who led the Pakistani team to victory at the World Cup in 1992, became the first prime minister in the country’s history to depart following Sunday’s vote of no confidence. He had resisted calls for his replacement, vowing to “never quit no matter what the result may be” and moving to dissolve parliament on April 3. His opponents appealed to the Supreme Court, which ordered the legislature reinstated and okayed the vote after four days of deliberations.

As prime minister, Khan had maintained a fiercely independent foreign policy, arguing that Pakistan had suffered for previously supporting NATO’s military actions in Afghanistan. At a March rally, he declared, “We are friends with Russia, and we are also friends with America; we are friends with China and with Europe; we are not in any camp.” He met with Russian President Vladimir Putin on February 24, the day Moscow launched its military offensive in Ukraine, to discuss bilateral ties and regional issues. He later responded to a March 1 letter pressuring Pakistan to join a UN resolution condemning Russia over “aggression against Ukraine” by slamming its signatories, which included diplomats from EU, Canada, and Australia, accusing them of treating Pakistanis like “slaves.” Pakistan was one of 34 countries to abstain from the vote.

Moscow maintains that the attack was launched with the purpose of the “demilitarization” and “denazification” of Ukraine, and that it was the only possible option left to protect the people of eastern Ukraine following years of a grueling blockade that claimed thousands of lives. Kiev insists the offensive was unprovoked, saying it had no plans to retake the breakaway Donetsk and Lugansk republics by force.


Former Pakistani Prime Minister's Party Withdraws From Parliament

Apr. 11, 2022 -4 minutes ago

NEW DELHI (Sputnik) - Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan's party, Tehreek-e-Insaf, withdrew from parliament shortly before the election of a new prime minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, former foreign minister and vice president of Khan's party, said on Monday.

On Sunday, parliament ousted Khan in a vote of no confidence. On Monday, parliament elected opposition leader Shehbaz Sharif from the Pakistan Muslim League-N as the new prime minister.

"We are announcing that we all are resigning," Qureshi told parliament.

Shortly later, Pakistani President Arif Alvi’s press service said that he will take a few days off due to health issues.

"President Dr. Arif Alvi has complained of discomfort. The physician has examined him thoroughly and has advised him rest for a few days," press service said on Twitter.

On 3 April, the Pakistani parliament initiated a no-confidence vote to remove Khan from office. After the motion was rejected as unconstitutional, Khan asked the president to dissolve parliament.

The decision to cancel the no confidence vote was challenged in court by the opposition. The Supreme Court ruled that the no-confidence vote must take place, with Khan saying that the opposition's motion was an attempt by foreign powers to depose him.
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