Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

OK I must have missed the memo, so, perhaps someone can explain. The Russians have total air superiority and beaucoup high-tech gadgety of the most advanced kind. They have drones and boots on the ground, tanks and missiles.

And yet there is this persistent ongoing shelling (which implies artillery...CANNONS, if you will) of a power plant which the Russians seem powerless to stop.

Does that ANY make sense? What am I missing? How can they not pinpoint freaking cannon fire with all the war tech they surely have? Sure, the artillery could be from motorized units, but they are on the ground, rolling around. This makes no sense unless the artillery has Klingon cloaking devices.
From what I can see, America and Ukraine are having small victories here and there. Russia clearly doesn't have full control over the battlefield - this is clear. Feels like a strategy of "gorilla like" warfare may ensue with small units launching small attacks here and there and generally ensuring the situation is never quite stable. Russia's ultimate reluctance to change the leadership in Kiev ensures this will be the status quo - weapons will flow into Ukraine forever essentially and Kiev will always have access to cannon fodder to throw to the front lines.

I feel ultimately by not securing the battlefield or Ukraine as a whole, Russia is putting itself in a position where it can't really win the war. At best, it'll be some stalemate but we know the US wants to use the situation to really drain Russia of resources.
The interest is at the moment down to 12 % of what it was in February. I don't know if the above result for Ukraine includes other searches where the word Ukraine was only a par, but it is possible that a simple search gives a better picture of the interest than a specialized search string, that only few would use.
I think that one of the reason of this drop is because people found a series of sources (websites, various channels like telegram) and when they want some information they directly click the bookmark (or use telegram or other similar apps) and it's done, no need anymore to go on google to search on the keywords. - at least, for the people who follow what is happening. I wonder which % they (people following) represent among all the ones that searched on these keywords in February ? I have in mind 15 to 20% and that all the other were just following the trend.
I feel ultimately by not securing the battlefield or Ukraine as a whole, Russia is putting itself in a position where it can't really win the war.

Russia will keep grinding away at Ukrainian troops until their numbers drop at such a level that they can't play a relevant role anymore. RU forces aren't that interested in taking huge swatch of areas because that means taking more risks. They are primarily focused on destroying military targets. When accomplished, the whole map belongs to Russia.

Putin has never lost a war, and this war demonstrates to every country who the real powerhouse is.

OK I must have missed the memo, so, perhaps someone can explain. The Russians have total air superiority and beaucoup high-tech gadgety of the most advanced kind. They have drones and boots on the ground, tanks and missiles.

And yet there is this persistent ongoing shelling (which implies artillery...CANNONS, if you will) of a power plant which the Russians seem powerless to stop.

Does that ANY make sense? What am I missing? How can they not pinpoint freaking cannon fire with all the war tech they surely have? Sure, the artillery could be from motorized units, but they are on the ground, rolling around. This makes no sense unless the artillery has Klingon cloaking devices.
The use of artillery is cheap despite the huge amount of projectiles that are fired daily, it is also proving effective and what is more, the Russians are apparently trying to use as little as possible their modern technology (this includes anti-aircraft systems, missiles, drones that they can be shot down, radars, planes, etc) because each event where it is used represents a danger in terms of theft of technology information, how it operates and ways of carrying out countermeasures by the United States, other countries and agencies of intelligence... right now they are learning about the S-300 systems, which despite "being old", is something with which they are not very familiar, the issue of the low use of aviation is also important, in part because the narrative of avoiding civilian casualties applies a lot here due to the high population density in some sectors, even so if it is being used in more stealthy operations and precision attacks, the same with the bombers that Since they attacked Azovstal and little else, there may be more reasons, but the artillery already fulfills the same objectives to a large extent... furthermore, this war is being waged by the allied forces of Donbass in good part, the Russians continue with low troops and with economy in peacetime.
From what I can see, America and Ukraine are having small victories here and there. Russia clearly doesn't have full control over the battlefield - this is clear. Feels like a strategy of "gorilla like" warfare may ensue with small units launching small attacks here and there and generally ensuring the situation is never quite stable. Russia's ultimate reluctance to change the leadership in Kiev ensures this will be the status quo - weapons will flow into Ukraine forever essentially and Kiev will always have access to cannon fodder to throw to the front lines.

I feel ultimately by not securing the battlefield or Ukraine as a whole, Russia is putting itself in a position where it can't really win the war. At best, it'll be some stalemate but we know the US wants to use the situation to really drain Russia of resources.
Can you give examples of small victories for Ukraine and the United States here and there?

Yesterday, the long-awaited counterattack of the Ukrainian regime in the southern direction took place, which the Ukrainians began to promote in the information space in mid-August.
Total: The effective actions of the Russian group of troops destroyed 48 tanks, 46 infantry fighting vehicles, 37 other armored fighting vehicles, 8 pickup trucks with heavy machine guns and more than 1200 Ukrainian military personnel per day (Summary of the Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation).

In the southern direction, Russia is not conducting offensive operations. Defense and positional battles.

In the east of Ukraine, the Higher Educational Institution of the Russian Federation and the allies are gradually breaking the ukrov defense, which was created for 8 years. Those forces that are, not numerous.

At the same time, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from the beginning of the SVO destroyed 70k Ukrainian nationalists + 210k sanitary losses (a simple rule, killed * 3), i.e. 280k irretrievable losses - this is the entire British army in terms of numbers.

Now, when you say that Russia does not control the entire battlefield (it does), consider that Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe. How do you imagine ensuring control of such a territory in terms of logistics. Even all of NATO will not be able to do this, and Russia also opposes the special services of Western countries. It's just pointless to control such territory. The tasks are different - the destruction of the Ukrainian grouping in the Donbas, and then the following tasks.

As for the US victories, yes, the number of stars on the CIA memorial wall is growing, mercenaries are fleeing Ukraine (since they are not considered combatants there, they do not carry out official service and for this reason, in the event of their death, their families do not receive payments), The US is opening up recruiting volunteers because the weapons they supply have to be managed by US specialists, they are no longer enough even for the small amount of weapons that the West supplies. Solid victories.

Russia has already won this war (as it defeated Nazi Germany in 43), now the question is posed in such a way as to finish off the Nazis in the Donbas with minimal losses and move on to the next stage of denazification, the demilitarization of Ukraine.
OK I must have missed the memo, so, perhaps someone can explain. The Russians have total air superiority and beaucoup high-tech gadgety of the most advanced kind. They have drones and boots on the ground, tanks and missiles.

And yet there is this persistent ongoing shelling (which implies artillery...CANNONS, if you will) of a power plant which the Russians seem powerless to stop.

Does that ANY make sense? What am I missing? How can they not pinpoint freaking cannon fire with all the war tech they surely have? Sure, the artillery could be from motorized units, but they are on the ground, rolling around. This makes no sense unless the artillery has Klingon cloaking devices.

Russia does not want to be baited into hitting civilian targets, Ukraine loves to use the presence of civilians and civilian infrastructure. If it wasn't for this factor the shelling would have been stopped. As many analysts keep pointing out - we have never actually seen a war like this. We are so used to the NATO way of engaging with the enemy. Unfortunately it has resulted in a lot of pro Russian posters on Telegram channels etc. eager for retaliation and escalation at every turn, but fortunately the Russian and Donbass Republic forces seem to be lead by cool heads with a sense of perspective and strategy which avoids this. They need to avoid becoming like their enemies, in order to achieve victory in its fullest sense.
Can you give examples of small victories for Ukraine and the United States here and there?

Assassination of the daughter of Alexander Dugin
Drone/missile/sabotage attacks in Crimea
Some attacks within Russian territory itself
I believe a Russian ship was hit as well a while back
The civilians in the recognised republics within Ukraine are still being terrorised and continue to needlessly die. Their security hasn't been secured

Assassination of the daughter of Alexander Dugin
Drone/missile/sabotage attacks in Crimea
Some attacks within Russian territory itself
I believe a Russian ship was hit as well a while back
The civilians in the recognised republics within Ukraine are still being terrorised and continue to needlessly die. Their security hasn't been secured

I thought that you would give examples of small victories on the battlefield, but you gave examples of terrorist acts by the secret services of Ukraine, the United States and Great Britain.

And yet, let's take it in order.

"Assassination of the daughter of Alexander Dugin"
Definitely, Dugin himself was the target. The operation was conceived by the British intelligence services as an intimidation of the Russian elites, on whom the West is betting. This is the West's last chance to defeat Russia if the elites betray Putin and overthrow him. But, it happened as it happened, and instead of scaring the elites with the murder of Dugin, the murder of his daughter was committed, which in turn consolidated the Russian community in even greater hatred for Ukraine and the West.
Of course, this is a tragedy, Daria died as a patriot and hero of Russia, as a warrior on the battlefield. But this is the failure of the British intelligence services, again. In order not to be unfounded, I’ll just remind you of what other events took place on August 23:
-demolition of a monument in Riga;
-the statement of Erdogan, the head of the Turkish Foreign Ministry and another deer that the Crimea should be transferred to Ukraine (Erdogan felt that there was a movement and hurried to wedge into the process, screwed up, as always);
- an attempt to assassinate Dugin (in order to put pressure on the elites of the Russian Federation);
- shelling of the DPR administration at the moment when Volodin (chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation) was there, the goal was not achieved, HIMARS screwed up;
-The US State Department urged Americans to urgently leave Ukraine;
- as well as the introduction of personal sanctions against the elites, prevented terrorist attacks in the Donbas and downed drones in the Crimea, and much more that we did not see in the news from what happened behind the scenes.
I think it was all part of a plan to stir up unrest in Russia. Did not work.

"Drone/missile/sabotage attacks in Crimea"
Those drones and shells that are launched from the territory of Ukraine are successfully shot down by air defense. The rest is real sabotage and sabotage by terrorists from the SBU and their recruited agents - how can a terrorist act against civilian objects be called a victory for Ukraine and the United States? Then we must recognize Ukraine and the United States as terrorists.
As for the attack on the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation and other objects, yes, they exist, they are also carried out by agents on the spot, but even if they were a great success, this would not affect the outcome of the war in any way. The same applies to "I believe a Russian ship was hit as well a while back". This is not enough for at least some victory.

"Some attacks within Russian territory itself"
In the adjacent regions of Russia in the north of Ukraine? I will not now raise the issue of traitors in the headquarters of the RF Armed Forces, because of which there were successful helicopter overflights. I will tell you about recent events, when the Ukrainian side has to strain the Russian air defense very much in order for the subsequent HIMARS missiles to have at least some chance of achieving military goals. These are rare successful Ukrainian / American attacks on military and non-military objects of the Russian Federation in Kursk and other neighboring regions. If we talk about military purposes, then this is a common occurrence during the conduct of military operations, losses are inevitable, generals die, ships sink.
If we talk about civilian purposes - then again - this is terrorism.

"The civilians in the recognized republics within Ukraine are still being terrorized and continue to needlessly die. Their security hasn't been secured"
Now, when you write and recognize this as part of the small victories of Ukraine and the United States, you yourself become a terrorist, since you recognize successful terrorist attacks against civilians as victories for the United States and Ukraine.
Russia must recognize Ukraine, the SBU and the GRU as terrorist organizations.

I hope google translate didn't screw up when I wrote this. Thank you for giving me a chance to speak.
I hope google translate didn't screw up when I wrote this. Thank you for giving me a chance to speak.

I missed the main idea, conclusion.

The US and UK may consider these terrorist attacks small victories, but they have further rallied the Russian world and everything they do against the Russians ultimately only makes the Russians stronger.
The West does not understand the Russians, they think to intimidate, scare, but the effect is the opposite.
I missed the main idea, conclusion.

The US and UK may consider these terrorist attacks small victories, but they have further rallied the Russian world and everything they do against the Russians ultimately only makes the Russians stronger.
The West does not understand the Russians, they think to intimidate, scare, but the effect is the opposite.
The one thing I would stress, as a word of caution, unlike Russia, US has A LOT of experience in fighting non-conventional warfare over many decades and continents. In fact, the US is using Ukraine and Europe as a proxy and not necessarily engaging its most valuable assets directly. The weapons being sent over are generating revenues for the US military industrial complex and they very much like a continuation of this. Russia needs to be very careful in dealing with such an adversary who is not constrained by considerations about doing things with "integrity".

I actually think Russia's best efforts of winning is in getting Western citizens to realise their elites are psychopaths. The military power alone is not enough - learn from America's mistake of believing military strength is all that is required.
A Sensation That Went Unnoticed: The UN “Cancelled” Ukraine
2 days ago
NEW – August 26, 2022

In New York, where the UN headquarters is located, an event happened with a true meaning that remains unclear: the world is burying Ukraine, Russia is winning the battle for the minds and hearts of people.
The West and its vassals have not had to experience such shame for a long time. Despite the wringing of hands for six months, threats and blackmail, only 54 UN members from 193 countries signed a statement directed against Russia on the situation in Ukraine, which was prepared by Britain – this curator of the Ukrainian drama. The shameful document was announced by the permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN, Sergey Kislitsa. Having listed the countries that supported the statement, which contains criticism of Moscow’s actions in Ukraine and calls for Russia to immediately cease hostilities, he said on behalf of the signatories:

We remain committed to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders.

That is, with Crimea, Donbass and all other territories that are no longer Ukraine.

The complete triumph of Russia
Kislitsa actually announced the victory and triumph of Russia. Firstly, because we are talking about less than a third of the UN member states. More than two-thirds refused to support Kiev and its Western masters, thereby siding with Russia.

Secondly, the list itself testifies to the appalling isolation of the West, not Russia. In addition to EU and AUKUS members, it is full of such wonderful states as Albania, Andorra, Guatemala, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Georgia, gas dependent Moldova, San Marino, “freely associated with the USA” (that is, American colonies) Marshall Islands, Palau and the Federated States of Micronesia.

Thirdly, practically no major and influential country outside the narrow Western club has come out against Russia. One will not find on this list neither China, nor India, nor Pakistan with Bangladesh (the population of the latter country is several tens of millions more than Russia), nor Indonesia with Saudi Arabia and Iran, nor Egypt with Algeria and Morocco, nor Nigeria with South Africa and, of course, Brazil with Argentina and Mexico.

It is curious that Azerbaijan is not among the signatories, although the Turkey of our “friend Recep” supported this statement (they themselves are coveting Crimea, plus for internal political reasons).

The collapse of Western politics in all its glory
Judge for yourself. Half of the G20 participants did not side with the West against Russia. From the ten members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), only Singapore supported the statement. From the eight members of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), all supported Russia. From the 11 (including associate) members of Mercosur (South American common market), only one country participated in the shameful show in defence of Banderist Ukraine – Colombia, an old US client with brutal traditions of suppressing its people. No one from the African Union (AU), the successor of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), which includes 55 states, betrayed Russia, its old friend. From the League of Arab States (LAS), in which 22 countries are members, too.

Thus, the whole of Africa and the whole Arab world is on the side of Russia. All of South America, with the exception of Colombia, and all of Central America, except for Guatemala, too. South Asia is all for Russia. Southeast Asia, except for Singapore, too. As, too, Oceania, with the exception of the three American colonies. In East Asia, Ukraine was supported by US-occupied Japan and South Korea. The latter, however, behaves in such a way that it does not oblige it to anything, it intends to maintain its economic ties with Russia. And Japan does not want to sever them completely. They have someone to take an example from. As was recently recalled in Beijing, the countries in which 85% of the world’s population lives have not imposed sanctions against Russia in connection with the situation around Ukraine.

What is this, if not the complete collapse of the West’s policy of “isolating” Russia, which in fact led to the fact that he isolated itself? After all, we repeat, the situation for Westerners is actually even worse. If it were not for pressure and intimidation, this statement would be supported by much fewer countries. Hungary, for example, where they perfectly understand what is happening in Ukraine, would definitely not be among the signatories. It was the realisation of this immutable fact that prompted Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, to declare that Western countries will not be able to prevent the imminent fiasco of the Kiev regime, despite massive financial and military assistance, and that the goals of the Special Military Operation will be achieved.

The world has figured out everything
Why does Russia have so many friends in the world, which was so clearly manifested in this particular case? There are two main reasons.

Firstly, the world is not blind and sees perfectly well that it is not Russia, but Kiev and the West behind it that are dragging out the war in Ukraine in every possible way, and, of course, also knows how, by what brutal methods Ukrainians are waging it. If, thanks to the propaganda of the Western media and their offshoots in non-Western countries, their societies are often deprived of a truthful picture of what is happening, then everything is absolutely clear for governments relying on objective information.

Secondly, and this is perhaps the most important thing: almost the entire non–Western world has fully realised that Ukraine is a special case. We are really talking about a Russian-led uprising of countries striving for sovereignty against the suffocating hegemony of the West, which wants to continue plundering the rest of the world with neocolonial methods.

It’s a little scary to lead such an uprising yourself – most of the countries that are victims of Western hegemony have neither the strength nor the resources for this, but they have the courage to support Russia politically and economically. That is why most countries wish Moscow victory, more or less clearly understanding or guessing that Russians are fighting in Ukraine for the freedom of all, including Ukrainians captured by terrorists.

So what?
Understanding of Russia’s policy towards Ukraine, by the way, did not appear immediately. UNGA resolution ES-11/1 “Aggression against Ukraine”, condemning Russia for conducting its own and demanding the immediate withdrawal of the Russian army, was supported by 141 states in early March.

And today the same thing has already been supported by 54 countries, almost three times smaller and mostly of the caliber of Northern Macedonia. This can only mean one thing: Russia is winning not only in Ukraine, but also in the battle for the minds and hearts of people around the world, although it is happening very clumsily.

Sergey Latyshev

Russia’s Military Operation in Ukraine: Goals, Tactics and Strategy, Including Potential Ones
4 days ago
NEW – August 26, 2022

Despite numerous fantasies that colourfully describe the virtual defeat of Russia, the alignment is already well known and for those who understand it looks like an accomplished victory of ours. This is what I will proceed from in the analysis of the Special Military Operation (SMO).

So, the situation on the battlefields:

1. The UAF at the time of the SMO is about 250,000 well-trained bayonets. In a short time, the number was increased to 350,000. The potential mobilisation reserve (even taking into account the draft dodgers) is definitely several million.

2. The UAF is the strongest (after Turkey) army in Europe, surpassing the strength of the army of any European country. For example, the army of Germany – 180,000, France – 120,000, Britain – 80,000, etc. Taking into account the experience of fighting against a strong enemy, the UAF is the most efficient, motivated and experienced, potentially capable of defeating any European army.

3. All European countries supply weapons and ammunition to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, both outdated (but quite suitable) Soviet systems, for which there is no need for additional training, and quite modern Western ones, under which the Ukrainian military receive training on an ongoing basis.

4. For 8 years, on the territory of Donbass controlled by Kiev the most powerful defensive lines were equipped that have no analogues in modern history and, perhaps, are comparable only to the volumes of earth and concrete works in the First World War.

5. The Russian army in a limited contingent (about 130,000), which suffered significant losses in the first weeks of the operation, quickly reorganised and changed tactics, focusing on remote “Uragan” artillery fire (several thousand shells daily), as well as the use of high-precision missiles and aircraft, destroying them as weapons warehouses and infrastructure, as well as destroying advanced Ukrainian defensive lines. As a result, personnel losses were reduced to a minimum with a simultaneous catastrophic increase in losses among the Ukrainian Armed Forces and other law enforcement agencies of Ukraine. Land units (first of all, PMCs, units of the L/DPR People’s Militia and Chechen units) come into direct fire contact only at the final stage, making a sweep of the captured lines with the remnants of manpower that were subjected to heavy Russian artillery fire. This is already making a tremendous impression on Western military experts and, most importantly, breaks the traditional idea that the losses of the attackers are always much higher than the defenders, which was the expectation. It is also believed that there should always be 2-3 times more advancing ones. But more on that below.
6. The Russian army does not experience any shortage of shells, missiles and other ammunition, the military-industrial complex and logistics work in mobilisation mode, continuously supplying the warring units with everything necessary. Also, at the same time, high-precision strikes on Ukrainian targets led to a severe shortage of ammunition, as well as weapons (including Western ones), the losses of which are measured in many thousands of units.

7. Both leaks online and data from Western intelligence agencies today lead to approximately the same data on the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces: about 80,000 killed and at least the same number of wounded, completely out of action. In total, at least 150,000 fighters. If we add to this figure all other losses of other law enforcement units (nationalist battalions, territorial defence, police, SBU…), then the total losses are estimated at 230,000-250,000. At the same time, the losses of the Russian Armed Forces are an order of magnitude less.

8. The main strategy of a special operation is that the calendar and, especially, any significant calendar dates have zero value. The SMO will last as long as it is necessary to achieve the main goals set at the very beginning: the denazification and demilitarisation of Ukraine. The chosen tactics described above (point 5) have two main objectives: minimising the loss of personnel of the Russian army, and also, using every opportunity, preserving the maximum number of civilian lives of former Ukraine.

9. A task that is already being completed in parallel and arose in the course of the SMO due to the position and actions of Europe: the demilitarisation of the NATO alliance, massively supplying weapons and ammunition to the Ukrainian Armed Forces that are regularly disposed of by missile strikes of the Russian army, significantly depleting Western military resources.
10. Finally, the last thing: through the energy resource education of the European Union, which is facing a severe energy crisis and without going beyond the outlined framework of a special operation, to denazify the Western elites. The calendar does not matter here either, only the strategic goal is important: with the help of an indicative SMO, at least for a long time, to deprive the West of the desire to even declare the possibility of fighting against Russia and to escalate the Nazi ideology in their societies for this, as a result of which sane contractual elites can come to power in Europe.


The text makes no mention at all of the United States and its significant role in the unfolding conflict. In my opinion, their grip will not only not weaken over time, but will also strengthen. There are many unknowns in this equation, including those related to provocations and their goals in Southeast Asia. Therefore, Russia’s strategy can potentially be modified and spread across the ocean, especially if potential allies catch up.

For example, the probability of a US default with the write-off of the entire set of debts (public debt and not only) is getting closer and closer. In this case, yes, America gets a chance to start with a clean slate, which is a plus for it. However, at the same time, the dollar will lose its role as the world’s reserve currency and means of payment, which will dramatically reduce the role of the United States. But at the same time, trillions of reserves of many countries are actually disappearing, including China, which will also be among the affected countries. Finally, the demand for Chinese goods will fall sharply, which will also lead to a decline in the Chinese economy. This will break the tight export-import dependence of the United States and China, which will allow the latter to act more decisively in international politics, including in the direction of possible joint efforts with Russia.
Russia, of course, will also be among the victims due to the fall in the entire global economy and falling demand for goods and energy carriers, but this fall will not be critical and will allow attracting to its side those who are currently acting as an observer, waiting for the winner.

And one last thing: the stronger the internal crisis, the more actively the image of an external enemy is pumped up, on which one must write off one’s failures – the law of the” jungle”, which is characteristic of almost any system and at all times. Despite the obvious height of the crisis in the West, I consider that the main economic events are ahead, including in potential theatres of military operations. That is precisely why on August 25th the President issued a decree on increasing the full-time strength of the Russian Armed Forces from 01.01.2023 to 2.039 million units, including 1.150 million military personnel.

As for the energy crisis, today’s $3,000 per 1,000 m3 is just the beginning. Therefore, contrary to the forecasts of economists about the ceiling of $4,000, I believe that the price of gas on the spot market at the peak will reach $6,000.

Aleksandr Dubrovsky

About the Features of Our Air Defence, in Particular, in Relation to HIMARS
4 days ago
NEW – August 26, 2022

We find technological solutions that allow to get out of any difficult situation
The Russian air defence system is effective not only against aircraft and drones, but also against multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS). According to the majority of MLRS in service with Ukraine, our air defence works with a 100% success rate.

But here it is necessary to explain that there is a military air defence, and there is an object air defence – these are different systems that work on different tasks. The former covers troops on the battlefield, while the latter protects stationary military and civilian facilities.

The main weapon of military air defence is a modification of the “S-300V” system, now – “S-300V4”. Also included in the army’s air defence system are the “Buk-M2” and “Buk-M3” air defence systems (by the way, the UAF only has the “Buk-M1”). “Buk-M3” is completely digital. And, of course, the Tor-M2 is an all-weather anti-aircraft missile system.

Object-based air defence is, first of all, the “S-300P” and “S-400” complexes. The first one usually comes in the “S-300PM2” modification. And the “S-400” is a more modern system, but it is made in such a way that it is difficult to distinguish it from the “S-300” outwardly. At least to a layperson. This is done to disorient the enemy when they use surveillance equipment such as drones from a distance of two to three kilometres. And the difference between the combat characteristics of the systems is very noticeable. The “S-300” has a maximum range of 250 kilometres, while the “S-400” has a maximum range of 400 kilometres! All the systems that I have mentioned to you are robot systems.

What is such a robotic system? On board it has a computer with special programs, which is very helpful during combat work, given the intensity of modern combat, which, in fact, can take, given some recent data on the shooting of HIMARS, 10 seconds! This much time is allocated for detecting, capturing and launching to destroy the target. And if the enemy attacked not with one missile, but with a group? A person simply does not have time to react, so computers are indispensable in such situations.
Let’s analyse the case of the shelling of the Antonov Bridge near Kherson by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Back then, on the first day, several missiles hit the target. Moreover, Ukraine here used the old Israeli tactics of the Arab-Israeli conflicts of the early 1970s and the more recent experience of Israel in the confrontation with Lebanon. The Israelis then hung angle reflectors on the drones, and such drones on the radar screens of the air defence calculations looked like fully-fledged aircraft in size. The air defence division, of course, fired at these drones, shooting all the ammunition. It is necessary to reload, and at that moment attack aircraft are already flying and freely hit the objects designated by the Israelis.

By the way, the same story happened in Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan has collected a lot of AN-2 “corn crop duster”. Many people then laughed at the strange Azerbaijani love for these biplanes. And the Azerbaijanis did this: they put a remote control system in each vehicle and planted explosives – they turned out to be a kamikaze drone. If it is not shot down, it hits some target on the ground, besides destroying everything in the area. Therefore, it is necessary to shoot it down. And these “crop dusters” were launched by the Azerbaijanis in dozens. The Armenians shot them down, but it all ended with the fact that there were almost no missiles left. It was then that the “Bayraktars” of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces were launched. And there’s nothing to shoot at them with…

In Kherson, the UAF worked using approximately the same scheme. First came “Smerch”, powerful Soviet-designed missiles with a range of up to 70 kilometres. They were followed by HIMARS. MLRS HIMARS is an armoured container on a wheeled chassis. A five-ton truck takes six missiles. Firing range – up to 110 kilometres. At the apogee, they reach a height of 22 kilometres. Up to this value, they fly along a ballistic trajectory, and then begin to be controlled by commands – through the GPS system, for example, to accurately hit the target. The accuracy is high, only 7-10 meters of error.
Thus, on the Antonov Bridge on the first day, several missiles hit. On the second day – not a single missile, all were shot down. On the third day, the missiles hit again. Moreover, HIMARS damaged only the roadbed, and the supports were not damaged. By the way, that’s why we don’t use missiles on bridges much either. A damaged roadway can be repaired in a week, and it is very difficult to get into the support. We can only do this if a drone or our special forces laser illuminates the support, but this is difficult to do in the rear of the Ukrainian troops.

It is clear that HIMARS show high accuracy due to the use of GPS. But the question arises: how was it managed to shoot everything down on the second day? For example, I have a feeling that a modern system has been tested that has worked 100%. And then it was taken away, for example, to protect Sevastopol, where, conditionally, it could have been located before. So on the third day, we didn’t have the same results.

In general, it is possible to fight MLRS HIMARS, and our air defence system does it. Russian systems have for a long time and successfully destroyed the missiles of the Ukrainian MLRS “Uragan” and “Smerch”, which do not differ too much from the characteristics of American missiles in terms of tactical and technical characteristics.

Thus, a layered system of defence of the liberated territories is being built. The “S-300PM2” and “S-300V4” systems operate on the far approaches, while the “Tor-M2”, “Buk-M2”, “Buk-M3” (which works very effectively on HIMARS systems) and “Pantsir-S” systems protect the near borders.

“Pantsir” has proven itself well in both Syria and Ukraine. The main advantage of this anti-aircraft missile and gun system is the low cost and ease of execution of the missile. It is no coincidence that the “Pantsir” missile is called a flying crowbar.
Now a decision has been made to finalise the “Pantsir” air defence system. The updated system will look similar to its predecessor: a multifunctional station, 12 missiles, as it was, and two guns, two anti-aircraft guns of 30 millimetres each. But the station is completely new with target detection at a range of 70 kilometres and the ability to chase up to four targets simultaneously. This adds a very high accuracy in determining the coordinates of the attack object. Updated “Pantsir” will also work on HIMARS.

Unlike “Pantsir” missiles, the HIMARS missile is very expensive. A salvo of six missiles costs almost a million dollars. 12 missiles were fired at the Antonov Bridge, that is, almost two million “flew away”, and as a result – only minor damage. But this damage is clearly not worth two million dollars, so their costs are disproportionately high.

But still, long-range weapons require our immediate response. Here the Americans once developed an interesting system, which they tested a couple of years ago at the Yuma proving ground in Arizona. What did they do? They took mock-ups of our “Pantsir” and T-72 tanks and launched a satellite, the data of which was transmitted from the space communication node to two weapons of destruction – a helicopter-drone and an M109 Paladin howitzer. What is the novelty of this system? Previously, in a normal system, everything looked like this: satellite, communications centre, headquarters. The headquarters made a decision, gave a command – everything took about 20 minutes. And now it is done in 20 seconds with the help of artificial intelligence technology.

This is applied now in Ukraine as well. After all, representatives of Kiev have repeatedly stated that they receive information from the Americans and the British online. That is, what has been worked on at the Yuma test site is sold directly in Ukraine.

Nevertheless, we find technological solutions that allow us to get out of any difficult situation. And the same tasks that Americans solve with the help of super-technologies, we solve much easier and more affordable means. This is our strength.

Yury Knutov

Russia Will Have More Armed Forces
1 min ago
NEW – August 29, 2022

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 575 from August 25, 2022, establishing from January 1, 2023 the regular strength of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the amount of 2,039,758 units, including 1,150,628 military personnel, caused considerable resonance. It was immediately estimated that these figures increased by 137,000 (7.2% and 13.5%, respectively). This is a significant increase, corresponding to approximately 10-11 combined-arms divisions, and it applies only to military personnel, that is, those who – by conscription or contract – are assigned the duties of preparing for armed defence and the armed defence of our country itself.

In many publications, this increase is linked in various ways to the implementation by the Russian Armed Forces of the special military operation for the demilitarisation and denazification of Ukraine. But even if we leave aside the date of entry into force of this document (and by January 1, 2023, the fighting on the territory of Ukraine may well end) and refer to previous presidential decrees on this topic, the picture will be as follows:

Column headings left to right: Date and decree number, Staff number of the Russian Armed Forces, Number of military personnel
Thus, there is only a return of Russia to the situation of 2005, when there was no question of any large-scale military actions of our country outside the national borders.

It is important that the current restoration of the size of the Russian Armed Forces is taking place in fundamentally different conditions than those that existed 17 years ago: this also applies to the military-technical equipment of the Russian army, and the sharp increase in NATO military contingents on our western borders. As is known, since March 29, 2004, ten Eastern European countries have joined the North Atlantic Alliance during four expansions: Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, North Macedonia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Montenegro. Plus the “military development” of the territories of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine by the United States and its allies. As we can see, Russia for many years did not respond to this by increasing the size of its Armed Forces — however, maintaining the necessary level of defence capability due to their systematic modernisation.
However, with their dismissively inadequate response to Russian security proposals and their growing all-round support for the neo-nazi regime in Kiev and its armed formations, including operational control of their actions and threats to launch a full-scale military conflict using weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, the collective Western countries in their attempts to weaken and destroy Russia have crossed almost all possible and even imaginable “red lines”, therefore, restoring the size of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in this situation is an absolutely necessary preventive measure in response to a new, qualitatively higher level of external threats to our country.

If Washington, London and other capitals of the member states of the alliance of democracies are planning and preparing to expand the range and escalate a “hybrid” proxy conflict with Russia — for example, at the expense of Poland, the Baltic republics, the Romanian-Moldovan alliance, or the activation of “hot spots” in the Caucasus and Central Asia – they should know that our country has the ability to adequately and effectively respond to such provocations.

By the way, one of the factors indicating that the United States is following the path of escalation of the conflict is not only the current manoeuvres of the US Navy with the entry of an aircraft carrier strike group into the Mediterranean Sea, not only orders to transfer new military contingents to the borders of Russia and specifically to Ukraine, but also the recruitment of 87,000 agents to the federal tax service. The latest action cannot be considered a purely internal matter of the United States, since this country extends its tax and financial laws to all countries of the world and to all transactions involving US dollars. So a considerable part of these new agents – by the way, who have the right to carry and use firearms – after appropriate training and accompanied by “real” military personnel may well appear in conflict zones with Russia.
The problem here is also that the Pentagon budget and its associated expenditures have long been firmly inflated to the maximum limits, and the increase in the volume of incoming taxes is supposedly “expenses for income”, and the US Congress will be much more loyal to such an expansion of law enforcement agencies “through the back door”. And the topic of US militarisation in this context will not be raised at all. But double, triple and other standards of the Western “rule-based order” have long been no secret to anyone in the world. And the recipe for countering them is also well known — this is order in our tank and other units. Their quantity will now increase – not at the expense of quality. And as for their specific provision with the necessary forces and means, for some reason there is no doubt about this…

Aleksandr Maslov

Now We’re Playing the Long Game
just now
NEW – August 30, 2022

The special operation in Ukraine entered the phase of a war of attrition
August 24, 2022 is a landmark day. August 24 not only marked Ukraine’s Day of Independence (“from common sense and humanity,” as many add), but also marked six months since the beginning of Russia’s special military operation in the Ukrainian theatre of operations. What has Russia been able to achieve in the 6 months since February 24? What will the future course of the special military operation look like? Answers to questions from military expert Andrey Soyustov.

Vladislav Vladislavovich, how do you assess the course of the special military operation?

“In order to say exactly what was carried out during the special operation from what was planned and what was not, one needs to know the plans of the military-political leadership of the Russian Federation as of February 24, 2022 in more detail than the officially declared ‘demilitarisation and denazification of Ukraine’. Accordingly, now, without being fully privy to these plans, I can only voice my own assumptions.”

Let’s make assumptions.

“According to my observations, on the eve of the start of the special military operation, Russia ‘at the top’ had at least three points of view on the possible course of the special operation in Ukraine. The first was formed in the military department, which believed that it would take a long and difficult time to fight the Kiev regime, so it was necessary to prepare for the campaign ahead of time and carefully. This judgment, by the way, around 2018 gave an impetus to the launch of an extensive series of multi-format military exercises in our country, as well as the beginning of unwinding the flywheel of the work of domestic defence industry enterprises. The second point of view was born, as far as I understand, among intelligence analysts who believed that in Ukraine it would be possible to do everything in 3 months in order, figuratively speaking, to pass the Victory Parade in Kiev on May 9. Finally, there was also a third point of view, which was carried by various Ukrainian functionaries who lost power as a result of ‘Euromaidan’, moved to Russia and actively convinced the Kremlin that the Kiev regime would collapse in ten days after the Russian Armed Forces crossed the border of Ukraine. Judging by the way events unfolded in February, the Kremlin at first also believed that the special military operation could be implemented in 3 months.”

But something went wrong?

“The Ukrainian Armed Forces turned out to be more motivated and efficient, and the Kiev regime proved to be more stable than expected before February 24. Nevertheless, we definitely had a chance in 3 months to break the resistance of the Ukrainian army and demolish the post-Maidan government in Ukraine, if not for the enormous amount of assistance that Ukraine began to receive from the West. We are talking not only about finances, ammunition and weapons, but also about fuel and lubricants, providing intelligence, deploying training camps for Ukrainian servicemen, and so on. It was the large-scale Western assistance to Ukraine that did not allow the Russian Federation to implement its ‘three-month’ version and forced our command to switch to the systematic grinding of Ukrainian troops and reserves, that is, to waging a large-scale war in the Ukrainian theatre of operations. Yes, we still call what is happening on the territory of Ukraine a special military operation, but in fact it is already a real war that cannot be won in a matter of months. Now we’re playing the long game. Instead of operations carried out at a high tempo, political will, the endurance of society and industry, the sustainability of the economy, the amount of resources and the ability to manage them come to the fore.”

What was Russia able to achieve in 6 months of the special operation?
“Our army has gained invaluable experience in large-scale combat operations in a vast theatre of operations with the use of almost all modern weapons systems, with the exception, perhaps, of weapons of mass destruction. It was very expensive to pay for this experience, but, again, this experience is priceless for us. Until now, the Russian Armed Forces were preparing either to fight against the NATO bloc, which meant a rapid transition to the exchange of nuclear strikes, or to act in conditions of local conflicts like the campaign in Syria, which implies operations against an enemy that is obviously inferior to our army in terms of technical equipment. Thus, the Ukrainian Armed Forces, numerous, motivated, well-armed, ‘grown up’ like the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from the Soviet Army, but trained with the involvement of Western military instructors and having 8 years of positional war in Donbass, turned out to be a fundamentally new enemy for the Russian army. An opponent who had yet to learn how to win.”

Have we learned?

“We’ve learned. In addition, during the 6 months of the special military operation, we learned how to rotate our units, as well as adequately build their logistics. We have brought Russian defence industry enterprises to the production volumes of military products that cover the needs of the belligerent army (the Ukrainian Armed Forces now live exclusively at the expense of foreign supplies, the volumes of which do not cover all the needs of the Ukrainian army). We have launched a non-stop mechanism for recruiting, training and equipping volunteer contract units. This made it possible to double the number of our contingent operating in the Ukrainian theatre of operations compared to the beginning of the special military operation. For the better, the command staff in the warring units and formations has been updated. We also worked out the interaction within the framework of reconnaissance and fire contours between drone operators and barrel/rocket artillery calculations. Finally, for 6 months, the special military operation managed to grind in battles a significant part of the personnel and most experienced and combat-ready units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, to significantly thin out the officer corps of the Ukrainian army, and also destroy a large number of Ukrainian military equipment. As a result, the command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces now has to plug holes at the front with hastily recruited, poorly armed and poorly trained units of the territorial defence forces, deprived of sane command. In fact, this is just ‘cannon fodder’.”

What territories did we manage to liberate?
“In 6 months of the special military operation, the allied forces were able to liberate the entire territory of the LPR in the north. In the south, it was possible to liberate the Kherson region, as well as part of the Nikolaev and Zaporozhye regions, simultaneously occupying a strategically important bridgehead on the right bank of the Dnieper. We have made the Sea of Azov our internal sea. We forced our way into the Ukrainian fortified area west of Donetsk.”

Did the special military operation bring something new to military affairs or, as Ecclesiastes said, “There is nothing new under the sun”?

“Of course it did. Here it’s possible to mention a lot of new products. For example – the trend that has persisted since the first hours of the special military operation, in which the allied forces conduct offensive operations against an enemy that significantly outnumbers our troops in terms of personnel. In fact, the opposite situation is considered canonical, when the attacking side is 3 or more times larger in terms of personnel than the defending side. To compensate for the lack of infantry trained for assault operations, we in Ukraine have an advantage in firepower. Another novelty of the special operation is the refusal to act on the battlefield by large masses of troops. However, I would like to highlight another of all the innovations of the special military operation – the most important role of unmanned aircraft, which was so clearly manifested for the first time in the Ukrainian theatre of operations. We are talking about the entire range of types of drones – from reconnaissance and attack vehicles of the type used by the UAF ‘Bayraktar’ or our ‘Inokhodets’ and to barraging ammunition, as well as commercial copters. I can hardly be mistaken if I assume that the special military operation will go down in the annals of history, first of all, as a ‘drone war’.”

The continuous shelling of Donetsk and the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the murder of Daria Dugina, as well as hundreds, if not thousands more examples of actions of the Ukrainian side that can only be called terrorist. How do you think Moscow should respond to such actions in Kiev? Maybe it’s time for the Russian Federation to declare Ukraine a terrorist state?

“If we declare Ukraine a terrorist state, then the question immediately arises, on what grounds does Russia continue to transit energy carriers through Ukrainian territory? There can be no relations with a terrorist state. No negotiations. Are we ready for this turn? Obviously not.”

Then what do we do?
“Respond to Kiev, but not with a formal game of words and statuses, but with a real threat of physical destruction of responsible Ukrainian persons involved in making decisions of a terrorist nature. I consider the fact that we have not yet begun to put pressure on the Ukrainian leadership to be our big political mistake. Zelensky & Co do not appreciate our ‘good manners’ at all, consider themselves untouchable and from that they become more and more impudent. The government apparatus of Ukraine is now living a calm and measured life in Kiev, sanctioning the shelling of Donetsk, the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant and our border region, sabotage in Crimea and attempts to assassinate our journalists. From time to time, members of the Ukrainian government just as calmly host ‘friendship trains’ with Western leaders in Kiev, without any fear for their lives.”

“How should it be?”

“It should be so that after a couple of demonstrative removals of Ukrainian functionaries involved in the commission of war crimes and terrorist attacks, Zelensky and his company do not walk around Khreshchatyk impressively, but, trembling with fear, hide in a bunker. Only in the dead of night does he climb out to get some fresh air. It should be the case that meetings with foreign visitors are held secretly by members of the Ukrainian government with a candle stub in some old Banderist cache near the western border of Ukraine. Well, the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukraine Armed Forces Zaluzhny and his staff should all the more become legitimate targets for our hunt. More precisely – for retribution. I’m sorry, but this isn’t the time to kick around and play spillikins.”

Please state your forecast of the future course of the special military operation.

“Now it is a large-scale war in the Ukrainian theatre of operations, which is conducted according to the patterns of the 20th century, but has military-technical content of the 21st century. This is a war of attrition. The side that lacks the political will, social stability, and resources to continue fighting will lose. Based on the well-known saying ‘While a fat one would be fading, a lean one would have died’, I believe that the losing side will not be Russia, but Ukraine.”

When will this happen?

“If everything goes as it is now, if there are no force majeure events in the form of, for example, the entry of Polish troops into Western Ukraine, then I would assume that the Kiev regime will begin to crumble within 18 months.”

Why not earlier?

“Because the West will continue to support the Ukrainian state for as long as possible. Moscow, trying its best to preserve the very social stability in Russia, will continue to fight with Kiev not in full force, but, as Aleksandr Dugin put it, ‘through a dream’, thereby protecting our population and economy from military encumbrances.”

But victory, in the end, will be ours?


Vladislav Shurygin

The West’s “Complex Projects”
2 days ago
NEW – August 28, 2022

British military intelligence publishes a daily summary of events in Ukraine. Their conclusions are replete with epithets like “failed and Russia has moved to more modest goals”, “the offensive is progressing minimally”, “the Russian army has problems”, “slower than planned”, “no success” and others.

And recently it was stated in the West that Russia is not able to implement complex projects as the United States, Britain, or France do. I really don’t know what projects were meant, but some of their “projects” immediately came to mind.

For example, Syria: a complex project? USA: Assad must go, Britain: Assad will be killed, France: Assad will be tried by a military tribunal. Syria is being defeated, and Assad’s situation is critical: the entire “Western world” and their ISIS terrorists are against him… But now Russia has come to the aid of Syria.

Does anyone still remember Cameron, Hollande or Obama? And Assad is still the president of Syria today. And where are the ISIS terrorists who controlled most of Syria in 2015? Only two years were enough for Russia to multiply the world’s largest terrorist group by zero.

Or, for example, Ukraine. After all, the coup attempt in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and the offensive on the DPR and LPR, and then on Crimea, are all one operation of the West. They would have succeeded in Belarus — Russia would not have had operational space in the north of Ukraine. It would have worked in Kazakhstan — Russia would have had a threat from the south as well. The West tried in every possible way to shackle Russia’s initiative so that it could not prevent Ukraine’s offensive on the DPR and LPR.
And what about in fact? In Belarus, they got slapped, in Kazakhstan, Russia also outplayed them, it was not possible to shackle Russia with fear — sanctions today hit more the “great” implementers of “complex projects” themselves. And in Ukraine, for the West it did not work out as they wanted: they planned a powerful blow to the DPR and LPR, and in the end — either peace on Russia’s terms, or surrender. And instead of its successes, in its reports, the West is now only trying to devalue Russia’s successes with its “strong” epithets.

I mean, don’t overestimate the West. Do not overestimate their strength, abilities, collective intelligence and spirit. Evaluate — yes, but in no case do not look at them from the bottom up. It’s time to get used to the fact that Russia is able to resist — and defeat at the same time — the collective West. And it is able to implement complex projects much more efficiently.

Aleksandr Skubchenko

They Do Not Understand…
3 days ago
NEW – August 27, 2022

There is a war going on, the scale of which, obviously, will surpass the scale of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people in 1941-1945. A significant part of fellow citizens accepted this simple conclusion, but there is also a considerable part who have not yet understood.

THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND that a real hot war is going on next to their prosperous homes, deciding the issue of their life or death.

THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND that they miraculously slipped past the destruction of these dwellings only due to the fact that the Russian Army, by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, struck ahead of the enemy, who was ready to rush into an offensive.

THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND that the first thing would be to slaughter the entire Donbass and all its 4 million people in a week, and then the turn of the Rostov, Voronezh, Belgorod, Kursk, Bryansk regions and Crimea would come.

THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND that the 36th Marine Brigade was trained not to defend Mariupol, where it was destroyed in May, but to capture Taganrog in February, and that the “Azov” regiment was supposed to cleanse both Azov and Rostov in March.

THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND that the minefields cleared by Ukrainian Armed Forces troops in February at Perekop and Chongar were supposed to let the advancing UAF tanks and motorised infantry into Crimea in March, and by the middle of the year on the territory of Ukraine it was planned to deploy at least 4 NATO brigades, and later on its fleet in Crimea.
THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND that any foreign missile, even only medium-range, in Ukraine is a knife in the heart of Russia and any city up to the Urals.

THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND that a “dirty” nuclear bomb from Ukraine would have appeared in the arena of war in just a week of it being waged if it had not happened according to our scenario.

THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND that for 20 years before the Special Military Operation, Westerners and their paid adherents with Russian passports, on a large scale, up to distant pure villages, collected the genetic material of Slavs throughout Russia, using it in Ukraine in 15 biological laboratories to create a poison that kills Slavs and their mestizos.

THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND that their completely prosperous life, which has not changed in any way either externally or internally, is the merit not so much of themselves as of the leadership of the country, which they, basking in prosperity, have been cursing for ten years.

THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND that if it were as bad as they jabber in their incantations against the leadership, then the country would be in the state of the 90s, when only artists (not all), junkies and bankers lived happily ever after, and everyone else in sweat and deprivation got themselves a stale piece of bread for food, there was devastation and banditry in the country, and a civil war was going on in the outskirts.

THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND that behind the outward smile and politeness of a Westerner hides the brutal essence of the enemy, who gladly burned, hung, shot our compatriots as subhuman and destroyed half the country only 80 years ago.
THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND that every century the Western world gathers in a gang for a trip to the East, where over and over again they get the full program in the face, are flattened by Russian weapons and calm down again for a century.

THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND that now the time has come when the Western world has once again gathered into a gang, resembling a band of homosexual morons, and by the hands of Russians, so far called Ukrainians, has begun its next campaign to the East with an obvious result.

THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND that we are eternal antagonists with the Westerners and there will never be eternal peace with them, even if the agreement is recorded on paper and reproduced in all languages.

THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND that there are no frameworks and obstacles for Westerners to violate the agreements concluded and the obligations to be fulfilled.

THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND that we and Westerners are genetically different, despite the outward humanoid resemblance, and therefore irreconcilable.

THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND that the main and only goal of the life of all Western elites, in addition to the colonial robbery of planet Earth, for centuries has been and still is the destruction of Slavic civilisation to the last native speaker of the Russian language.

THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND that in order to repel the current campaign of Westerners, it is necessary to strain all the forces of the country.

And therefore they NAIVELY THINK that they, West lovers, will definitely be spared and cherished if they inside our warring country are against and not for it. If they help the western beast to cope with our offensive and defeat us.
I will disappoint you – THEY WILL NOT SPARE. Anybody who speaks Russian. Each of us is superfluous for them, they will no longer allow themselves the previous mistakes of leaving us alive. There is only one question – who wins. War is not for life, but for death. If we lose, they will cleanse us to the last.

Simple words, but they will not become clear to them until their own red rooster pecks on the crown of their heads, until the walls of their houses collapse, until only tattered pants, a torn T-shirt and documents (at best) remain from all their property. I wouldn’t want this. But after all, they don’t seem to be fools, they know how to write, count, drive, but are stupid, because they don’t understand simple things.

Igor Ivlev

Hi all.
Everything is calm in Sevastopol.
We are slowly fighting off the drones.
Show a bold front
I love you all. ;-)
Below are a few bits from today, western equipment testing, old planes to Ukraine, DNR soldiers wondering why civilians are being shelled, a Russia alternative to SWIFT gaining ground, a suggestion Ukraine should begin to negotiate, sanctions and propaganda maths

Western MIC get a chance to test their artillery (TG)
The weapons Ukraine receive are used, and perhaps more than they were designed for:
UkroSMI publishes a list of serious malfunctions when using "reliable" Western weapons

🇺🇸 Howitzer M777:
After frequent shooting, the barrel does not fully return to its original position, which subsequently fails the gun; after 30 shots, the bolt wedge needs serious maintenance.
🇺🇸 SAU M109:
Due to intense shooting, the mirror wedge of the shutter and the sealing rings of the charging chamber burn out;
🇮🇹 Howitzer FH70:
The tightness is often broken and the nitrogen pressure in the balancing mechanism of the gun is reduced;
🇩🇪 SAU 2000:
The monitors of the Commander Control Unit constantly overheat, the charging system often fails; obturation rings quickly fail.
🇵🇱 SPG Krab:
During intensive shooting, the shaft breaks on the fuse at the bolt wedge, the bolts of the bolt wedge break and bend;
🇫🇷 SPG Caesar:
The aiming program incorrectly calculates: the first shot is always undershot by 600-800m; guidance blocks spontaneously fail.
More old planes to Ukraine (TG)
Poland and Slovakia will transfer old MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine.

Warsaw will give 30 planes, Bratislava will send 11 more, local media write.

As always, there is a nuance in sending foreign equipment to Ukraine — wear and tear.

The MiG-29 variant from Poland has a lot of wear, outdated equipment and old engines.

Since 2011 Slovakia is going to write off all its MiG-29s because of their wear and tear and the high cost of operation.

Kiev has become the main assistant in the disposal of obsolete equipment from Eastern European countries.
Civilian areas of Donetsk are still being hit, and local soldiers do not understand why (TG)
Our guys on the front line say that they think about the enemy who is fighting not with them, but with the civilian population in the cities of the Republic. The hardest question, and the most difficult answers for our fighters.
I think one reason for not shelling the DNR positions is that if they were shelled, the ones receiving the fire would soon learn from where, and later be able to return fire. In other word, for Ukrainian positions, there may be less risk when firing at random or at civilian areas.
Mir, an alternative to SWIFT (TG)
Iran will connect to the Mir system in the coming days, (Sputnik Таджикистан) Deputy Foreign Minister Mehdi Safari said.

It remains only to adapt the Russian system from the point of view of software, he explained.

Safari also recalled that Iran and the Russian Federation have agreed to create an analogue of SWIFT for mutual settlements between themselves and several other countries.

"This analogue will soon take effect."

Earlier it became known that the Mir system is planned to be launched in Cuba (NEWS: Ukraine, Russia, Donbass), as well as in India (NEWS: Ukraine, Russia, Donbass).
In the maths of sanctions, divide profits by 10 and multiply by -1.
Losses of the Latvian Railway in the first half of 2022 amounted to 439 thousand euros.

A year earlier, the railway concern Latvijas dzelzcels earned €4,061 million.

Sanctions math is to divide the profit by 10 times and multiply it by minus.
Propaganda maths in Ukraine, add zero,
O. Arestovich explained in a TG clip, all in Ukrainian:
"There were 12 dead, and I just added a zero."

A tutorial from Alexey Arestovich, how to make a sensation out of any news.
In another TG video posted by Inessa S, she commented:
O. Arestovich, Zelenskiy's presidential advisor says he experiences pleasure manipulating people (Inessa S).

He also said the Ukrainian national idea is based on lies (Inessa S), that ISIS act in a way that should be emulated (Inessa S), and many other things normal people don't say.
We would probably say 4DSTS, but she phrased it differently, though still in a way that was meaningful:
*Archons, in Gnosticism, are evil powers in the material world created by a subordinate God called the Demiurge. If David Icke's research is to be believed - Archons cannot create anything new, they have no ideas of their own. Much like energy cannot be destroyed, it can only change form - Archons can only invert the truth.

Is this why the MSM is usually the opposite of what is actually happening? 🤔
Ukraine should begin to negotiate
And from TG
Kiev should urgently start negotiations with Russia, because Russia is clearly not losing in this conflict, said the former head of the British General Staff, Lord Richard Dannatt.

He added that it is difficult for him to imagine how Ukraine is going to win.

"At some stage, this conflict will return to negotiations. It is widely known that Russia now controls about 20% of the Ukrainian territory. The UN, the world media, everyone can tell the Russians that they have to leave. But the Russians will never leave voluntarily. I don't see any circumstances under which Ukrainians will ever be strong enough to defeat them, and Western countries and NATO are not going to conduct a Kuwaiti-style coalition operation to kick out the Russians. I would also not advise the West to tell Zelensky: "You have to face the truth." Because then, they would quite reasonably say that the West, which encouraged them, is now selling them. At some point he himself must realize, and his advisers must realize, and military commanders must give advice: "Look, Mr. President, we have done everything we could, but we really cannot throw out the Russians, we cannot prevent them from seizing any territory, and we go into the impasse, President Zelensky, sir, you have to start negotiations," Dannat said.
Well, it seems the above possibility of negotiations is not until the West has exhausted all the weapons to spare. We are not there yet.
Germany vows to support Ukraine 'for years' -- Sott.net and
Even if some peace is negotiated, The EU may be unable to digest its own role and will experience a cold peace:
Europe's winter of self-inflicted chaos: Russia cuts gas supply to France as PM warns of future energy rationing -- Sott.net
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