Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the office of the President of Ukraine, announced that he had resigned.

On January 14, Arestovich said that part of a house in Dnepropetrovsk had collapsed due to a missile shot down by Ukrainian air defenses. After that, he was sharply criticized by the Ukrainian public. On January 16, Verkhovna Rada deputy Aleksey Goncharenko announced the start of collecting signatures for the dismissal of Arestovich. The parliamentarian accused him of treason for his words about the cause of the collapse of part of the house in Dnepropetrovsk.
Here is from his TG:
- I wrote a letter of resignation.

I want to show an example of civilized behavior:

- a fundamental mistake, then resign.
- Написал заявление об уходе с должности.

Хочу показать пример цивилизованного поведения:

- принципиальная ошибка, значит, в отставку.
There was also this upload to his channel where he offers his analysis of his mistake plus excuses to families of those that died in the blast, etc.

Inessa S has this take on it:
President Zelensky's controversial advisor Aleksey Arestovich (Inessa S) resigns, after stating that Russian missile which fell on an apartment block in Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk was shot down by Kiev's own forces, as it was headed toward a military target.

"I am resigning due to an error [in judgement], in an example of what civilized behaviour looks like." - he wrote.

Two points to take away - that Kiev officials rarely take responsibility to step down, AND telling the truth (Inessa S) in Ukraine constitues a grave misjudgement. 🤷‍♀
In another post:
Following Arestovich's resignation (Inessa S) - head of Donetsk administration (Ukrainian side) also resigns.

Something about rats and sinking ships...
Russia will be increasing its army
The Kremlin linked the increase in the number of Russian Armed Forces with the proxy war of the West

Russia is increasing the number of its Armed forces because of the proxy war declared by the West, Russian presidential press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said.
"This is due to the war that the countries of the collective West are waging. This is a proxy war that includes elements of indirect participation in combat operations, as well as elements of economic warfare, financial warfare, legal warfare, going beyond the legal framework, and so on. This is what such measures are connected with, " he said when asked what the increase in the size of the Russian army is related to.

Peskov also recalled that the changes proposed by the Ministry of Defense in the Russian army were conceptually supported by President Vladimir Putin.
Earlier today, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said at a meeting on increasing the size of the Armed Forces that large-scale changes in the Russian army, including increasing its strength to 1.5 million people, will be implemented during 2023-2026.
A comment from Dmitry Medvedev
What a disgrace, if not to say more rude. There is a capacious Russian word for the same letter.
At the Davos forum, they are discussing...
the supply of tanks to Ukraine. There, this Polish duda said that she was gathering a coalition of Western countries to supply armored vehicles to Kiev. Earlier in Davos, they discussed something else. Like the economy and all that. It's good that there are no Russian or Chinese businesses there today.

They probably hope that the "tank coalition" will bring the long-awaited division of Ukraine into parts for the Psheks. But then it is not necessary to create a coalition, but to draw up a collective paper. About the capitulation of the rotten Kiev regime in order to save people. And about the future configuration of what will remain of the Square.
Medvedev has a point about Ukraine and Poland, but from a US perspective, possibly only half the war is about weakening Russia, another part is about earning money for the MIC, weakening Germany and the EU, distracting people and give the US a reason to be in Europe, and you can add a few more ingredients as you please. The Polish initiative to help with the tanks is part of the play.

Regarding the resigning of O. Arestovich, the note on his TG about resigning has 16.5k angry faces vs 13.5 k with various degrees of accept, applause etc. The post has been seen by 358k and has 7.5k shares. The channel has 441k followers. At one time, he was mentioned as a possible presidential candidate. Arestovich has over the years spilled many beans. And now, oddly enough, without even being hit, he became a casualty of a Russian rocket, or was it a casualty of a faulty UA missile defence?

Will there be a new spokesperson saying stuff more similar to Zelensky's account, which has 984k subscribers and is translated into English. Here are examples:
Zelenskiy / Official that read as if written by the US State Department or a NATO Secretary General press officer.
What happened in Dnipro, the fact that Russia is preparing a new attempt to seize the initiative in the war, the fact that the nature of hostilities at the front requires new decisions in the defense supply – all this only emphasizes how important it is to coordinate our efforts – efforts of all members of the coalition to defend Ukraine and freedom. And to speed up decision-making.

Today, there is a good example from the UK. A new package of defense assistance has been announced – exactly what we need. Tanks, other armored vehicles, artillery. What we discussed with Prime Minister Sunak. I thank you, Rishi, I thank every Briton for the tangible and timely support!

Starting tomorrow, this week will be even more active in terms of our diplomacy. The Davos Forum will start its work – Ukraine will be heard at this globally important platform. At the end of the week, a regular meeting in the Ramstein format will be held. We expect fundamental decisions from the coalition of our partners. Important bilateral negotiations are also planned.

Every day of our diplomatic marathon brings Ukraine quite specific defensive results. And I thank everyone who helps our state! I thank everyone who works for the victory of Ukraine! Glory to each of our warriors!
And Zelenskiy / Official
Now we need even greater cohesion throughout the free world. And this is the only way to end full-scale aggression and total terror. The energy of the struggling world must not weaken.
The energy of Zelensky's free world certainly has been depleted, and the pathology he represents has helped it along very well.
More evidence that a gas station disguised as an economy continues to fail. Increasing signs by the day that those sanctions are really strating to work (not).

Latest 2022 figures just in from Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Alexander Valentinovich Novak:


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NATO weapons in Ukraine:
It seems to me that if the Americans realize (fantastic of course) that they can achieve more serious goals than just prolonging the war, then everything will go into action. And Abrams and Leopards and Leclerc and everything else of the latest modifications.
In 2022 Germany approved the sale of 100 PzH 2000 howitzers to Ukraine. These new, hi-tech, computerized, thus highly accurate howitzers were reportedly worth $1.72 billion. This comes down to $17.2 million per howitzer.

Tank versus Howitzer

Heavy armor​
Light armor against firearms and metal shrapnel only​
Smaller gun: 120-125mm​
Large gun: 155mm​
Full tank body​
lower tank body only​
US Abrams old/new:​
6-8 million US dollars​
COST:US M109A6 howitzer:
1.2 million US dollars in 2001
PzH 2000 German Howitzer 17 million Euros (2022)​
GUN RANGE: ~10km
GUN RANGE: 15-42km

Operational use in Ukraine revealed that these accurate, hi-tech PzH 2000 German howitzers require intensive maintenance.

German PzH 2000 howitzers getting worn down in Ukraine

German PzH 2000 Howitzers Have Problems in Ukraine

Ukraine operates various modern Western howitzers, such as the French CAESAR, Polish Krab and Slovak Zuzana 2 and American relatively modern M109A5. Out of these, the new, highly accurate German PzH 2000 howitzer were the first ones that stopped firing after extensive use in combat and required servicing.
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Medvedev has a point about Ukraine and Poland, but from a US perspective, possibly only half the war is about weakening Russia, another part is about earning money for the MIC, weakening Germany and the EU, distracting people and give the US a reason to be in Europe, and you can add a few more ingredients as you please. The Polish initiative to help with the tanks is part of the play.
Are we not witness to continuing human sacrifice for those who would be gods - through war and "health" initiatives - a rhetorical question.
You can't defeat the living? THEN, FIGHT THE DEAD!

Taken form the blog of: © Andrei Martyanov's Blog

"Cannot Defeat Living...​

... fight the dead. Here are Russians sending the remains of French Napoleonic general Gudin back to France. Moscow's Vnukovo-3 Airport and guard of honor in authentic 1812 uniforms." (See short video in article below)

"But then again, these are low class Slavic Rooskie subhumans, here are French:"

Maria Zakharova:

The decision to suspend cooperation with Russia on an Orthodox cemetery in Paris over the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, and to refuse payments for expiring tomb concessions, are examples of "blatant inhuman immorality," Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova has said. The Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois Russian Cemetery, established in the late 1920s and located in the southern suburbs of the capital, houses the tombs of many emigrants who fled west from their country following the 1917 Bolshevik revolution and the civil war that ensued. The decision, undertaken by the authorities of the commune, was brought to light in a report by Le Monde over the weekend. According to the report, multiple tombs at the necropolis, housing more than 5,000 Orthodox graves, have already been marked with warning notices that their concessions have expired.

"First, Germans wanted to "separate" Russian and Ukrainian soldiers of the Red Army, now French decided to fight Russian Orthodox dead. I think that sums it up pretty well in terms of lack of any honor, class and memory in the combined West, especially Europe. I think, Russia should simply remove those graves back to Russia. Russia will also continue to tend and maintain Napoleonic and Wehrmacht's (Axis, in general) cemeteries in proper order. I guess it is due to Russians being uncultured and backward people. I am on record--there is nothing to talk about with Europe."
'Digging your own grave.'

17 Jan, 2023

The Russian economy is in good shape, Putin said.

17 Jan, 2023

Balance? :-)
Taken form the blog of: © Andrei Martyanov's Blog

"Cannot Defeat Living...​

Sometimes the comments to an article are as good or better than the article - up to 90 so far and one seemingly striking a nerve:

764 replies - well, that will take some time should one choose to peruse.

[Edit: fixed screenshot]
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I have no doubt that the SBU detains and arrests people in packs all over the country, but this? Is it true that in this downtrodden, intimidated society there are people who are able to actively resist, or is this another episode of intimidation by the SBU? In any case, it's a pity for the people who fell into these Nazi millstones, regardless of whether they cooked something or it's fiction.
In the Poltava region, unknown people tried to undermine the Ukrainian HIMARS
In Ukraine, unknown people tried to blow up HIMARS.

A group of unknown persons attempted to undermine the HIMARS missile system in the Poltava region of Ukraine, as well as to sabotage the area of deployment of S-300 air defense systems. This is the first known case of sabotage against such systems since the beginning of the conflict.

At the moment, it is known that the SBU detained a group of people in Kremenchuk who intended to carry out sabotage against the HIMARS system, presumably. By detonating the latter device. Exactly how the plans were supposed to be implemented is unknown, however, this is the first known case when a diversion is supposed to be committed against such weapons.

It is reported that the undermining of the HIAMRS system, as well as the location of the S-300 air defense systems, was supposed to be carried out on the territory of the Poltava region. According to preliminary data, the movement of these systems here is carried out very openly, which the residents of Kremenchug expected to use.

According to a number of data, it was possible to establish the intentions of the saboteurs due to open and unprotected correspondence, which was intercepted by the Ukrainian special services.
В Полтавской области неизвестные пытались подорвать украинский HIMARS

В то что СБУ задерживает и арестовывает людей пачками по всей стране я не сомневаюсь, но вот это? Правда ли, что в этом забитом, запуганном обществе остались люди способные оказывать деятельное сопротивление или это очередной эпизод запугивания со стороны СБУ? В любом случае людей, попавших в эти нацистские жернова, вне зависимости готовили они чего нибудь или это выдумка, жалко.
A helicopter crashed in Brovary, Kyiv. Reported due to heavy fog. It caught fire in the air. Fell near the kindergarten, the crew died. The evacuation is underway.

As a result of a plane crash in Brovary, the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs died - they were in the helicopter of the State Emergency Service, reports the head of the National Police Klymenko.

Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs Denis Monastyrsky and his deputy Yevgeny Enin were on board the helicopter that crashed in Brovary, they died, the Interior Ministry said.


16 people died after a helicopter crash in Brovary, including two children. :cry:
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On January 18, when the day of the 80th anniversary of the breaking of the siege of Leningrad is celebrated, Vladimir Putin laid flowers at the "Frontier Stone" monument on the Nevsky Piglet - a bridgehead on the left bank of the Neva, which has become a symbol of the resilience and courage of Soviet soldiers in the battle for Leningrad.


Vladimir Putin - about the blockade, his parents in the war and his dead brother:

The war began, the father wrote a statement to the front. They sent him to the NKVD sabotage detachment. They were thrown into the near rear to carry out acts of sabotage, but they almost immediately fell into an ambush. Someone betrayed them. They were pursued through the forest, and he survived because he sat for several hours in a swamp and breathed through a reed.

Moreover, he heard how German soldiers passed nearby, how dogs yapped. They brought me a file on this group from the archives of the Ministry of Defense. Of the 28 people, four crossed the front line back to ours. 24 died.

And then they were sent to the Nevsky Piglet. It was probably the hottest place in the entire blockade. Our troops held a small bridgehead, it was assumed that this would be a bridgehead for breaking the blockade. The dominating heights were all around him, they were shooting through him. It's still solid metal.

And my father told how he was wounded there. All his life he lived with shrapnel in his leg: all of them were never taken out. The foot never flexed afterwards. He and his friend made a sortie to the rear of the Germans, crawled and crawled ... And then it was both funny and sad: they got close to the German pillbox, a healthy man came out of there, looked at them ... but they could not get up, because they were at gunpoint. “A man,” he says, “he looked at us carefully, took out a grenade, then a second one and threw these grenades at us.” Life is such a simple thing and cruel.

It was already winter, the Neva was iced over, it was necessary to somehow get over to the other side. There were few who wanted to drag him to the other side, because there the Neva was in full view and was shot through by both artillery and machine guns. There was almost no chance to reach that shore. But quite by chance, his housemate in Peterhof turned out to be nearby. And this neighbor dragged him without hesitation. Both of them made it there alive. The neighbor waited for him in the hospital, made sure that he had been operated on, and said: “Well, now you will live, and I went to die.”

And went back. And then I asked my father: “Well, did he die?” They got lost, and the father still believed that the neighbor was dead. And somewhere in the 60s, he suddenly came home, sat on a chair and cried. He met this savior. In the shop. In Leningrad. By chance. I went to the grocery store and saw him. It’s necessary that both of them went to this particular store at that very moment. One chance in a million...

And my mother told me how she came to her father in the hospital. They had a small child, he was three years old. And the hunger, the blockade ... And her father gave her his hospital ration. Secretly from doctors and nurses. And she hid him, carried him home and fed the child. Well, then he began to faint in the hospital, the doctors understood everything and stopped letting her in.

And then the baby was taken from her. They did this in secret order in order to save children from starvation. Collected in orphanages for evacuation. The parents weren't even asked. He fell ill there and did not survive. And they were not even told where he was buried. And so people I didn’t know worked in the archives and found documents for my brother.

And this is really my brother. Not only the address where he was taken from coincided. Matched first name, last name, patronymic, year of birth. And the place of burial was indicated: Piskarevsky cemetery and even a specific site.

And the father, when the child was taken away and the mother was left alone, and he was allowed to walk, stood on crutches and went home. When I approached the house, I saw that the orderlies were carrying corpses out of the entrance. And I saw my mother. He approached, and it seemed to him that she was breathing. And he says to the orderlies: “She’s still alive!” - "On the way it will come, it will not survive." He said that he attacked them with crutches and forced her to lift her back to the apartment. And he left her. She stayed alive. And lived until 1999. And he died at the end of 1998.

And there was no family where someone would not die, but they did not have hatred for the enemy, that's amazing. To be honest, I still don't fully understand this. Mom said: “Well, what kind of hatred can there be for these soldiers? They are simple people. They were just driven to the front." These are the words I remember from my childhood.

The main thing from the statement of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a press conference on the results of the activities of Russian diplomacy in 2022:

◾️The global economic crisis was maturing long before the start of the special operation in Ukraine;

◾️The amount of support for Ukraine shows that the West has put a lot into the war against Russia;

◾️The statement of the President of Croatia about the "NATO war" is honest;

◾️The West makes it clear that it will use the means used against Russia and against any other objectionable state;

◾️Declaration of cooperation between the EU and NATO directly puts Europe in a subordinate position to the North Atlantic Alliance;

◾️The actions of the United States to create a coalition against the Russian Federation are comparable to the actions of Hitler, who fought against the USSR;

◾️The United States created a coalition with the aim of "finally resolving the Russian question" so that the Russian Federation would suffer a strategic defeat;

◾️Macron would like to invite only "certain regions of the Russian Federation" to the conference of European states he is planning.

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The main thing from the statement of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a press conference on the results of the activities of Russian diplomacy in 2022:

◾️The global economic crisis was maturing long before the start of the special operation in Ukraine;

◾️The amount of support for Ukraine shows that the West has put a lot into the war against Russia;

◾️The statement of the President of Croatia about the "NATO war" is honest;

◾️The West makes it clear that it will use the means used against Russia and against any other objectionable state;

◾️Declaration of cooperation between the EU and NATO directly puts Europe in a subordinate position to the North Atlantic Alliance;

◾️The actions of the United States to create a coalition against the Russian Federation are comparable to the actions of Hitler, who fought against the USSR;

◾️The United States created a coalition with the aim of "finally resolving the Russian question" so that the Russian Federation would suffer a strategic defeat;

◾️Macron would like to invite only "certain regions of the Russian Federation" to the conference of European states he is planning.


◾️Russia does not plan to negotiate with the current Ukrainian authorities. This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
"There can be no talks about negotiations with Zelensky," the minister stressed.

◾️The Russian Federation will build such forms of interaction with friendly countries that the West will not be able to influence;

◾️The West wants to "rob the whole world" even in the new geopolitical conditions. It will take time to form a multipolar just world;

◾️The goals of the special operation are not invented, they are determined by threats to the security of Russia;

◾️Talking to the West only about Ukraine is pointless. The West makes decisions for Ukraine without its participation;

◾️Russia demands an honest conversation with the West;

◾️ The West, in sporadic contacts with the Russian Federation, does not say anything that would go beyond public speaking;

◾️The Russian Federation is ready to respond to serious proposals for negotiations with Ukraine, but so far it has not received any;

◾️There should be no military infrastructure in Ukraine that poses a threat to the Russian Federation, persecution and harassment against Russian-speaking citizens;

◾️Moscow's withdrawal from the Convention on Corruption does not mean that the Russian Federation has stopped fighting corruption crimes;

◾️Russia hoped that in Europe they would understand the impossibility of "deceiving all the time", including by expanding NATO to the east;

◾️The United States has invaded foreign territory about 300 times since the end of the Cold War;

◾️The humiliation of Russians in Ukraine is unacceptable, they associate with Russia the protection of their legitimate interests;

◾️Military Anglo-Saxon bases could appear in the Sea of Azov as part of a "bridgehead" against the Russian Federation;

◾️The war will end someday, Russia will defend the truth.
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