Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Ukrainian forces in Artyomovsk (Bakhmut) and Ugledar are using chemical weapons against Russian troops, the Donetsk People's Republic head Denis Pushilin said, adding that some fighters are experiencing severe dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

By Ilya Tsukanov - 8 hours ago (Updated: 7 hours ago)
6 Feb, 2023

Ukrainian refugees are becoming a burden to the Baltic states​

Batko Milacic for the Saker blog

During the meeting of the online conference “Ukrainian refugees in the Baltic States, social aspects of integration into society”, experts from the Baltic countries discussed the problem of Ukrainian refugees and their impact on the lives of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

The conference was held in Russian. It is curious that even 32 years after the collapse of the USSR, the inhabitants of the Baltic countries prefer Russian rather than English in interstate communication. [...]

Today, Europe receives a huge number of refugees from Ukraine. And if at first the streets of European cities were full of yellow-blue flags, refugees were received with pomp and open arms, today Europeans are less and less sympathetic to Ukrainian refugees.

At the same time, the indigenous population leaves for other countries in search of a better life – there is an outflow of people to Germany, England, and the Scandinavian countries. [...]

Maksim Revva, a political observer:

If in the spring of last year Ukrainian refugees aroused compassion in Europe, now, both in Latvia and in any other European country, refugees have become an society burden.

But with the deterioration of the economic situation, the refugees will become a bargaining chip in any national or regional elections in Europe, which will inevitably lead both to the deterioration of the social situation of Ukrainians in Europe, and to talk, and then to actions for the forced return of Ukrainians home.[...]

Erika Švenčionienė, representative of the International Neighborhood Forum:

Ukrainians feel like the masters of Lithuania here. No one talks about this, but in Lithuania, almost every administrative institution has a flag of Ukraine. In our parliament, the flag of Ukraine also hangs. This is very painful for us Lithuanians!

Allan Hantsom, editor-in-chief of the Estonian newspaper Delovye Vedomosti:

There are people who are fleeing the war, but the majority quietly leave those regions where there are no hostilities or rocket attacks. Very different people. Some come on buses with trunks, others – on expensive cars, and they also demand free rations and free accommodation. Especially now there is a crisis in the countries and now the Europeans are more and more concerned about their own problems: inflation, shortage of fuel and housing.

Read the whole story at thesaker.is
A classic, he is a classic because his words are relevant centuries later. Fyodor Tyutchev said almost 2 centuries ago, but as if today.
That was March 2022 and now:
Medvedev quoted Tyutchev, discussing how Russia has achieved success
Medvedev read an excerpt from Tyutchev's letter, discussing how Russia has achieved success
MOSCOW, January 30 - RIA Novosti. Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev read an excerpt from a letter from the Russian poet Fyodor Tyutchev to the editor of Vseobshchaya Gazeta Gustav Kolb, in which the lyricist reflects on the true basis of Russia's success and its conquests, the video was shown on Channel One as part of the Word Classics project.

Medvedev began his speech with Tyutchev's words that 'for centuries, the European West quite ingenuously believed that apart from it there is and cannot be another Europe.'

'And further with Tyutchev:' As soon as we admit this, everything is made clear, everything is explained. The true basis of the rapid successes and extraordinary expansion of Russia that astonished the world is becoming clear. You begin to comprehend that the so-called conquests and violence were the most natural and legitimate thing that has ever been done in history, just an immense reunion took place,' Medvedev read the 1844 letter.
See the Russian version of the letter, 30 pages including copious footnotes, which can be translated with a browser app: Letter to Dr. Gustav Kolb, Editor of the Vseobshchaya Gazeta

See also this article and biography:
Fedor Tyutchev, a prophet in his Fatherland
The great Russian poet accurately predicted the fate of Russia and Europe
Vladimir Malyshev
See the article reposted on VK. The automatic translation has:
In his opinion, Russia “by the very fact of its existence denies the future of the West.” Therefore, he was a staunch opponent of blindly borrowing foreign experience, transferring European institutions and institutions to Russian soil. He said: “We have to stay where we are. But such is the fateful confluence of circumstances, which have been weighing on our minds for several generations now, that instead of preserving in our thoughts about Europe the point of support naturally given to it, we have, willy-nilly, tied it to the tail of the West, so to speak.

But at the same time, he believed that Russia is not at all opposed to the West, but is its “legitimate sister”, living only “its own, organic and original life”.
Contrary to the opinion of the then German Chancellor Bismarck, who said that the unity of nations is achieved only by “iron and blood”, Tyutchev wrote:

"Unity," proclaimed the oracle of our days,
It can only be soldered with iron and blood.
But we will try to make love to him,
We'll see what's stronger...

He prophetically realized that under the slogans of freedom and Western European “democratic” revolutions, a terrible fate was being prepared for Russia, severe trials were waiting for her.
He wrote:

A terrible dream weighed on us,
Terrible, ugly dream:
In blood to the toes, we fight the dead,
Resurrected for a new funeral.
These battles last for a month.
Heroic ardor, betrayal and lies,
A thief in the house of prayer,
In one hand is a crucifix and a knife.
And the whole world, as intoxicated with lies,
All kinds of evil, all tricks of evil!..

No, never so boldly the truth of God
People's kryvda to fight didn't call !..
And this cry of sympathy for the blind,
A worldwide cry for a frenzied fight,
Depraved minds and distorted words-
Everything rises and threatens you,
Oh the edge of native ! - such a militia
The world has not seen since the early days...
Great, know, oh Rus, your meaning !
Courage, stand, stand strong and overcome !

Anticipating the events, Tyutchev noted: “The revolution and Russia. These two forces today stand against each other, and tomorrow, perhaps, will fight each other. There are no agreements or contracts between them. The life of one means the death of the other. From the outcome of the struggle between them, the greatest struggle the world has ever seen, depends for centuries the entire political and religious future of mankind.

And Tutchev was right - it happened. The revolution in Russia not only destroyed the centuries-old foundations of the country and flooded it with blood, but also changed the face of the world, the consequences continue to be felt to this day. And the hatred of adherents to historical Russia, he explained by the fact that Russia, first of all, “is a Christian power, and the Russian people are Christian not only because of the Orthodoxy of their beliefs, but also because of something even more intimate ...

Revolution is the enemy of Christianity. The anti-Christian spirit is the soul of the revolution, its essential, distinctive feature.
But the fate of the prophet in his homeland was not easy. The last years of Tyutchev’s life were marred by heavy losses. His eldest son, brother, daughter Mary, died. From consumption died his beloved Elena Deniseva, and a year later - their two children, his mother. He himself was seriously ill, and died in 1873 in Tsarskoye Selo. But until the last day of his life, he believed in the triumph of truth and justice, stubbornly fought for the interests of Russia. This is what we have promised our descendants.

Take courage, fight,
Oh glorious friends,
No matter how tough the fight is,
Neither is the struggle persistent.
Fyodor Tyutchev (Wiki) passed away 150 years ago [1873-2023].

Medvedev: "There will be no partition of Ukraine according to the Korean scenario."

The Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, has commented on the desire and suggestions of some Ukrainian propagandists, like Aristovich (Slavyangrad), to divide the territories of the current Ukrainian state according to the Korean scenario.

According to Medvedev, the Ukrainian propagandists are talking about this because they want to be "under Western control and protection," reach the level of South Korea, and then have a hope of reunification with their old territories.

However, Medvedev notes, Ukrainian propagandists do not point out that the two independent states were created in 1953, but Donbass and other territories have already joined Russia, which is the largest state with the most formidable weapons.

"What is remarkable here is something else." In Kiev, they shyly jabbed the thesis that there can be no complete victory. At best, it's a partition. "But in fact, this is the first step toward the recognition of the existing realities on the ground," said the deputy chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

I can't find any other sources, but if Medvedev said this then Russia's commitment to the SMO's goals are more clear to me - demilitarization and denazification refers to all of the Ukraine.
From DW..com

Fire breaks out at US-owned drone factory in Latvia

Amanda Rivkin
2 hours ago
Large plumes of black smoke were seen at the "Edge Autonomy" drone production plant on the outskirts of Riga. The cause of the fire is unknown

A US-owned drone factory near Riga airport in the Baltic nation of Latvia was ablaze Tuesday, according to emergency services in the small Baltic nation.

The Edge Autonomy unmanned aerial vehicle production plant was partially engulfed in flames, with large plumes of dark smoke reaching towards the sky.

The AFP news agency reported more than 20 police cars, nine fire engines and five ambulances were at the scene of the blaze. Latvian broadcaster LTV shared video taken from the road showing black smoke belowing out of the burning factory.
The facility delivers unmanned systems technologies to academic, commercial and government clients in 70 countries, including Ukraine and NATO allies. According to the company website, the California-based company produces long-range unmanned aircraft for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions.

The company was founded in 2009.
Zelenski to Biden, 'don't worry about removing the depleted Uranium from your armor, we have lots of depleted Ukranians here that we can use'.
Russian RT:

07 Feb 2023

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have shot dead a group of Polish mercenaries in Ugledar, an adviser to the acting head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk people's republic, Yan Gagin, has said. [He quoted DNR's intelligence as the source]

"On the night of Sunday to Monday, Ukrainian units shot dead a group of foreign servicemen in Ugledar, presumably (they were. - RT) Poles," he was quoted as saying by TASS.

Confrontations between Ukrainian and Polish units have become more frequent recently, Gagin added.

On 5 February, scouts of the Western Military District captured Ukrainian positions, which were defended by Polish mercenaries among others.

It is noted that the battle was fought with the Ukrainian Airborne Assault Brigade.

There are many attempts to explain it, many speculations, but what seems to be the common denominator is that mutual animosity has been increasing recently, resulting in numerous conflicts and heavy fights. Some blame it on the presence of Banderists within the UAF and their hate toward Poles, some others on the mercenaries' misconduct (looting, harassing, patronizing and what not), yet others point to differences in money paid and equipment supplied between those two groups, and to pushing mostly the regular soldiers into "meat grinders". But what it shows is that the morale and discipline of both, mercenaries and regular troops, are falling rapidly.
So, if I am reading this right, Germany will send many more tanks than previously announced, but they are the Leopard 1 tanks...

But there is no ordinance for their outdated guns. Thank you Germany...

Meanwhile, Military Watch publication said that Leopard 1 tanks were outdated due to their weak guns.
"The Leopard 1's main gun, an old rifled design, not only has a very limited performance compared to modern smoothbore guns, but can only employ 105 mm rounds. This ordinance type was totally absent from Ukraine's pre-war stocks, and is very scarcely available in the West due to the conversion to 120 mm tank guns over 40 years ago," the publication said.
See more at Germany will send 178 outdated tanks to Ukraine
So, if I am reading this right, Germany will send many more tanks than previously announced, but they are the Leopard 1 tanks...

But there is no ordinance for their outdated guns. Thank you Germany...

Meanwhile, Military Watch publication said that Leopard 1 tanks were outdated due to their weak guns.

See more at Germany will send 178 outdated tanks to Ukraine
Roma gipsy metal scrapers are known to be people with grand luck in life . . .
Here is one interesting video where Scott Ritter explains what is reality on the ground, comparing Russian and Western armies.
Thanks for that Konstantin. I watch S.Ritter a lot and he is always emphatic in what he says. However, I was wondering if you could just give a few word commentary on the reaction of the people in the studio afterwards and especially who they are. I'm just curious if they agree with him or not as he is an American giving a view not spread by the West.
Since we don't have a separate thread dedicated to the attack on North Stream pipes...
The plot thickens.

We have this from early August (German newspaper):

US Navy
Large battle group active in the Baltic Sea

The largest U.S. Navy battle group since the end of the Cold War is currently transiting the Baltic Sea. Observers see this as a "sign of support" for the Baltics and Scandinavia.

Then, a strange article from today in a German local newspaper:

Large U.S. Navy fleet unit passes through Fehmarn Belt

I have no idea what they mean by "Thursday" and "Wednesday" since the article was apparently published today. But as a commentor on the article says: "And today NS1 and NS2 are broken. Coincidences do exist."

Here I marked the island of Fehmarn where the US ships were "heading west" Thursday morning or Wednesday morning, as well as Bornholm, where in August the US ships "deactivated their transponders":

View attachment 64604

US journalist Seymour Hersh has just published results of his investigation into that terror attack.

Just a few highlights:
- his investigation revealed that the explosives were planted by US military divers. US Navy Diving and Rescue Center specialists were behind the attack.

- It wasn't a quick decision, the White House discussed the plan for nine months

- An enigmatic "U.S. Navy’s Diving and Salvage Center" (based in Panama) has been training highly skilled deep-water divers for decades; last June, the Navy divers, operating under the cover of NATO exercise known as BALTOPS 22, planted the remotely triggered explosives that eventually destroyed three of the four Nord Stream pipelines

- Earlier, in December of 2021, Jake Sullivan convened a meeting of a newly formed task force—men and women from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, and the State and Treasury Departments—and asked for recommendations about how to respond to Putin’s impending invasion. It soon became clear that "Sullivan intended for the group to come up with a plan for the destruction of the two Nord Stream pipelines—and that he was delivering on the desires of the President."

- CIA gets involved and William Burns authorizes "an Agency working group whose ad hoc members included—by chance—someone who was familiar with the capabilities of the Navy’s deep-sea divers in Panama City. [Soon] members of the CIA’s working group began to craft a plan for a covert operation that would use deep-sea divers to trigger an explosion along the pipeline."

There is much more in there, too much for me to summarise. If anyone feels like adding more key points, go ahead!

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