In his opinion, Russia “by the very fact of its existence denies the future of the West.” Therefore, he was a staunch opponent of blindly borrowing foreign experience, transferring European institutions and institutions to Russian soil. He said: “We have to stay where we are. But such is the fateful confluence of circumstances, which have been weighing on our minds for several generations now, that instead of preserving in our thoughts about Europe the point of support naturally given to it, we have, willy-nilly, tied it to the tail of the West, so to speak.
But at the same time, he believed that Russia is not at all opposed to the West, but is its “legitimate sister”, living only “its own, organic and original life”.
Contrary to the opinion of the then German Chancellor Bismarck, who said that the unity of nations is achieved only by “iron and blood”, Tyutchev wrote:
"Unity," proclaimed the oracle of our days,
It can only be soldered with iron and blood.
But we will try to make love to him,
We'll see what's stronger...
He prophetically realized that under the slogans of freedom and Western European “democratic” revolutions, a terrible fate was being prepared for Russia, severe trials were waiting for her. He wrote:
A terrible dream weighed on us,
Terrible, ugly dream:
In blood to the toes, we fight the dead,
Resurrected for a new funeral.
These battles last for a month.
Heroic ardor, betrayal and lies,
A thief in the house of prayer,
In one hand is a crucifix and a knife.
And the whole world, as intoxicated with lies,
All kinds of evil, all tricks of evil!..
No, never so boldly the truth of God
People's kryvda to fight didn't call !..
And this cry of sympathy for the blind,
A worldwide cry for a frenzied fight,
Depraved minds and distorted words-
Everything rises and threatens you,
Oh the edge of native ! - such a militia
The world has not seen since the early days...
Great, know, oh Rus, your meaning !
Courage, stand, stand strong and overcome !
Anticipating the events, Tyutchev noted: “The revolution and Russia. These two forces today stand against each other, and tomorrow, perhaps, will fight each other. There are no agreements or contracts between them. The life of one means the death of the other. From the outcome of the struggle between them, the greatest struggle the world has ever seen, depends for centuries the entire political and religious future of mankind.
And Tutchev was right - it happened. The revolution in Russia not only destroyed the centuries-old foundations of the country and flooded it with blood, but also changed the face of the world, the consequences continue to be felt to this day. And the hatred of adherents to historical Russia, he explained by the fact that Russia, first of all, “is a Christian power, and the Russian people are Christian not only because of the Orthodoxy of their beliefs, but also because of something even more intimate ...
Revolution is the enemy of Christianity. The anti-Christian spirit is the soul of the revolution, its essential, distinctive feature.
But the fate of the prophet in his homeland was not easy. The last years of Tyutchev’s life were marred by heavy losses. His eldest son, brother, daughter Mary, died. From consumption died his beloved Elena Deniseva, and a year later - their two children, his mother. He himself was seriously ill, and died in 1873 in Tsarskoye Selo. But until the last day of his life, he believed in the triumph of truth and justice, stubbornly fought for the interests of Russia. This is what we have promised our descendants.
Take courage, fight,
Oh glorious friends,
No matter how tough the fight is,
Neither is the struggle persistent.