Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

'The US does not want independent international investigation into Nord Stream blasts, while using Denmark, Sweden and Germany to cover it up.'

21 Feb, 2023

18 hours ago (Updated: 18 hours ago)

13 hours ago (Updated: 13 hours ago)
I live near an air force base which provides communications and intelligence support services to the UK and the US.

From Wikipedia:

"The site contains an extensive satellite ground station and is a communications intercept and missile warning site. It has been described as the largest electronic monitoring station in the world"

There is occasionally military aircraft activity around the area. Yesterday and today I have noticed a lot more activity than usual, I can't always see the type of plane or helicopter but I have heard a lot of both. It's clearly distinguishable from civil aviation even by the sound.

I thought it was worth mentioning considering the events of the next few days, which I think we can all see are generating considerable anticipation and speculation from a lot of people. Both sides will surely be paying attention to everything, as ever.

I don't wish to add to that speculation but it is something quite noticeable in my immediate environment and I wanted to share it with you.
Turning point

In anticipation of Putin's speech, Scott Ritter has presented his 16 minute:

World Peace Speech
stating clearly what We The People want​
Scott's video summary:
Despite the Mass Media Flood of Lies, it is possible to create, [what I call] 'STO governance on Earth'!

Others on this thread also recounted, how they feel that a Turning Point is Near, how deeply people are now affected and reaching their limits. Going with that vibe: US Colonel Douglas Macgregor also gave his 34 minute

World Peace Speech
stating clearly:
The Terror of the Situation
Video summary: Douglas Macgregor speaks in the mood of 'The Brotherhood & Sisterhood of Sorrow'. Recounting USA Evil in recent history. How the Angels in Heaven must WEEP, when they are looking down onto Earth! Remember how it was addressed by Putin to the Deep State:

- Look at what you have created!
Well.. At which point will the Cosmic Balance tip? At which point will the Tears Of The People create a FLOOD drowning the Beasts of the Deep State sitting in the US Senate??
DeSantis also referred to Russia's military as third rate. He's either deluded or lying to play to his base. The reason Russia hasn't steamrolled into Europe is because they aren't an evil superpower. If he doesn't understand that, then he's not the man to be president.
My respect for DeSantis just dropped from 9 out of 10 down to 3. Yup, definitely not presidential material.

Off topic here @Beau, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :lol:

Biden dared not visit Kiev without asking Russia for security guarantees first — diplomat​

"Maria Zakharova noted that "the US leader’s visit was staged with drama, but, in reality, resembled a failed stage of in a provincial theater"

MOSCOW, February 22. /TASS/. US President Joe Biden dared to make a ‘brave’ visit to Kiev only after obtaining guarantees of security from Russia, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said during a briefing Wednesday.

"In order to assign some drama to this moment, they have even sounded the air raid alarm," she noted. "Although, they told the people of Kiev in advance not to pay attention to it,"


Biden dared not visit Kiev without asking Russia for security guarantees first — diplomat​

"Maria Zakharova noted that "the US leader’s visit was staged with drama, but, in reality, resembled a failed stage of in a provincial theater"

MOSCOW, February 22. /TASS/. US President Joe Biden dared to make a ‘brave’ visit to Kiev only after obtaining guarantees of security from Russia, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said during a briefing Wednesday.

"In order to assign some drama to this moment, they have even sounded the air raid alarm," she noted. "Although, they told the people of Kiev in advance not to pay attention to it,"

John Helmer posted a similar article about Biden's visit;

For the first time in the century of US warfare against Russia, a sitting US president has requested and received a formal ceasefire and safe conduct pledge (propusk) from the Kremlin in order for him to visit a third country.

President Vladimir Putin signed his authorization for the pass before it was transmitted to the Oval Office in Washington last Friday morning, according to the New York Times, “when the president gathered with a handful of top advisers in the Oval Office and consulted with others by phone.”

The newspaper also reported the Russian terms required Biden’s signed undertaking in advance that no US military or civilian aircraft would enter Ukrainian airspace during the 24-hour duration of the safe conduct pass. The New York Times confirmed this detail, claiming “American military planes were spotted hovering in eastern Poland near the border during the trip, but officials said they never entered Ukrainian airspace out of concern that it would be taken as the sort of direct American intervention that Mr. Biden has avoided.”

CBS News has reported the National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan, as confirming the application to the Kremlin and the receipt of the reply several hours before Biden agreed to make his trip to the Ukraine. “’We did notify the Russians that President Biden would be traveling to Kyiv,’ Sullivan told CBS News chief White House correspondent Nancy Cordes. ‘We did so some hours before his departure for deconfliction purposes. And because of the sensitive nature of those communications, I won’t get into how they responded or what the precise nature of our message was, but I can confirm that we provided that notification.’”

This is the first time White House officials have publicly confirmed accepting Putin’s word on a diplomatic, military, or security issue.

"In order to assign some drama to this moment, they have even sounded the air raid alarm," she noted. "Although, they told the people of Kiev in advance not to pay attention to it,"
That was SOOOO obvious... :lol: I was laughing watching it...
Sure!!!!!! Biden would definitely just casually wander around the streets chatting with Zelensky while an air raid siren was going off. I can only imagine what the locals were thinking about the 'show'.

This obvious 'blustering' combined with ridiculous statements like they 'informed' Russia that Biden would be travelling to Ukraine are just hilarious. If you were worried about 'the enemy' knocking off the US President, would you let them know where and when he would be travelling?? Duhhhhh. And would he travel the way he did unless the Kremlin (Putin himself!) assured Biden of having safe passage?

God I laughed at the 'show' in Poland, Biden trying to 'outdo' Putin and 'steal his thunder' by attempting to direct attention away from him. Biden got so excited at the event and music playing that he kinda tried dancing AND walking for a moment on the stage - things got a little uncomfortable for a second, :umm: it seemed that people were just holding their breath thinking he was about to fall and break his hip. We all know he can barely walk a couple of steps without getting lost or falling over (or both).


Biden 3 States.png
They are trying to involve Moldova, which is quite logical from their point of view
It became known about the preparation of a large-scale provocation under the Russian flag

The Russian Defense Ministry announced that Kiev was preparing an armed provocation against Transnistria

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, it became known that the Kiev regime was preparing a provocation against the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. Ukrainian servicemen and nationalists from the Azov formation (recognized as a terrorist organization and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation) should take part in the operation.

The invasion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine into the territory of Transnistria will be carried out under the pretext of an alleged offensive by Russian troops. In a staged invasion of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Ukrainian saboteurs will change into the uniform of Russian army soldiers.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that it is closely monitoring the situation and is ready to respond promptly to any changes in the situation.
Стало известно о подготовке масштабной провокации под российским флагом

Reuters writes that the Biden administration told the Ukrainian government that US support and resources "are not infinite," and the conflict will end sooner or later anyway, and Americans would like it to end sooner. The publication also refers to sociology, in which popular support for assistance to Ukraine has already dropped to 58% and continues to decline.
23.02.2023 Новости с Украины: Вагнерам наконец-то отгрузили снаряды! С ПРАЗДНИКОМ! Карта боевых действий: Бахмут, Берховка, Марьинка (13 видео) смотреть онлайн в хорошем качестве
A couple of days ago:
Moldova-Transnistria has stocks of old USSR ammunition
Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.02.21 speculates that Transnistria and Moldova could become involved in the conflict since Transnistria has huge stocks of artillery shells of types relevant for and needed by Ukraine. Also, Moldova needs to resolve the issue of Transnistria to be able to apply for NATO membership. One way to resolve such an issue is by force, and with the help of Ukraine, that has an interest in the ammunition.
On Russian RT there was: 23 February 2023, 10:31
The armed forces of Ukraine are preparing a provocation against Pridnestrovie, fighters of the nationalist battalion 'Azov' * will be involved in its implementation, the Russian Defense Ministry reported. It is noted that as a pretext for the invasion, Kyiv plans to stage the offensive of allegedly 'Russian troops' from the territory of the PMR [Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR)]. The defense department assured that they were ready to respond to any changes in the situation.
“According to available information, in the near future the Kiev regime is preparing an armed provocation against the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, which will be carried out by units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including with the involvement of the Azov nationalist formation *,” the statement says.
According to the Russian military, as a pretext for the invasion, it is planned to stage an alleged offensive of the Russian Armed Forces from the territory of Transnistria.

“For this, the Ukrainian saboteurs participating in the staged invasion will be dressed in the uniform of the military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,” the defense department noted.

The Ministry of Defense stressed that they are closely monitoring the situation on the border of Ukraine with the PMR and are ready to respond to any changes in the situation.

It should be noted that in December 2022, the head of the Information and Security Service of Moldova, Alexander Musteata, in an interview with TVR Moldova, without providing any evidence, said that Russia was allegedly planning an invasion of the territory of Moldova to unite with Pridnestrovie. At the same time, a few hours later, the press service of the department indicated that Musteata's statements had been incorrectly interpreted.

At the same time, the Romanian authorities indicated that they did not see the risks of an alleged Russian offensive against Moldova. In mid-February, Moldovan President Maia Sandu expressed a similar point of view.

Tiraspol also reported that Pridnestrovie is not a threat to anyone and should not be considered as an object of military manipulation.

“We are seeing certain dynamics from both the Ukrainian and Moldovan sides, but we are doing everything to prevent an escalation of tension,” said Vitaly Ignatiev, head of the Transnistrian Foreign Ministry, in an interview with Izvestia.

In January, Mustiata's words were commented on by the Russian Foreign Ministry.

“It is noteworthy that, simultaneously with the statement, directly opposite assessments about the absence of any threats to the Republic of Moldova from Russia were voiced both by the Moldovan leadership, including the president and the speaker of parliament, and by the leadership of NATO and states neighboring Moldova,” said in a conversation with TASS Director of the Second Department of the CIS countries of the Russian Foreign Ministry Alexei Polishchuk.

In February, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Moldova is one of the countries that the West wants to turn into another anti-Russia.

“Now Moldova is being looked at for this role, primarily because they were able to put a president at the head of the country by quite specific methods, far from free-democratic, which is simply eager to join NATO. She (Maia Sandu. - RT ) has Romanian citizenship, she is ready to unite with Romania and is generally ready for almost anything, ”he said in an interview with journalist Dmitry Kiselev on the Russia 24 TV channel.

At the same time, later, speaking at a government hour in the State Duma, the minister stressed that Moscow wants to have good relations with Chisinau: “We absolutely do not feel pleasure from using this friendly country for anti-Russian purposes.”

According to him, the Russian side fixes the maniacal desire of Kiev and the West to undermine Moscow's positions in the '5 + 2' mechanism (Moldova, Transnistria, OSCE, Russia, Ukraine and observers from the EU and the USA) on the Transnistrian settlement.
Read the above list and note that it is unlikely Kiev would do an incursion in PMR without some consultation with NATO (EU-USA-CA-UK), who are aware of what Kiev is doing and controlling their firing targets performed with Western equipped artillery.
On February 23, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin indicated that Russia was making political and diplomatic efforts to preserve this format. “The main thing now is to prevent even greater degradation of the dialogue between Chisinau and Tiraspol,” he said in an interview with TASS.

* 'Azov' - the organization was recognized as a terrorist organization by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 08/02/2022.
The Russian Wiki has this map of the PMR, notice the long border.

Here is a screenshot of the a map from Viamichelin.co1677148690461.png
Notice the short distance between Odessa and Tiraspol. The cities are 100 km apart!
, "You saved hundreds, maybe thousands of guys' lives." The head of the Wagner PMCS, Yevgeny Prigozhin, announced the start of the shipment of ammunition, the shortage of which was reported earlier.

Earlier, Yevgeny Prigozhin complained that the Ministry of Defense does not provide enough ammunition. The department also noted that no one refused to supply ammunition to Wagner.

As explained by the commander of the Vostok battalion, Alexander Khodakovsky, commenting on the situation, the problem is not that Wagner does not receive shells, but that it receives "like everyone else", and this is not enough for them.

According to the latest data, the shipment of ammunition for Wagner has begun. According to Prigozhin's press service in telegram, "today at 6 am they reported that the shipment of ammunition begins."

I would like to thank all those who helped us to do this. You saved hundreds, maybe thousands of lives of guys who defend their homeland, gave them the opportunity to live on," the press service quotes Yevgeny Prigozhin.

He noted that "thanks" should be said both to "ordinary citizens who did everything they could" and to those "who were, including in high offices, exerted pressure and made a decision".

I would like to hope that such problems will be solved not only by the Wagner PMCs, but also by other divisions.

"Wagner" in parentheses - let's in fact
The first Minister of State Security of the DPR, Doctor of Political Sciences, hero of the DPR Andrei Pinchuk told us what lies behind the problem of "shell hunger":

I would like to put this story out of brackets the question of the relationship between Wagner and the army. The fact that not everything is as wonderful in army warehouses as we would like, was also mentioned by State Duma deputy General Andrey Gurulev. He noticed the loss of 1.5 million units of uniforms.

In addition, Pinchuk added:

I don't think that someone "educates" Prigozhin by refusing to allocate him some units of nomenclature. I think that the question is more prosaic and is related specifically to the fact that there is a certain volume of production. And now the question should be that the entire industry and economy dramatically increase the quantity and quality of military-industrial complex products.
Пригожин сообщил о решении проблемы со снарядами для "Вагнера"
Who is behind the plan of the new Khazaria. M. Khazin

At a meeting with Ainis Petkus, Mikhail Khazin suggested possible beneficiaries of the "Solomon Plan":

One can speculate a lot about who is behind this plan, Andrei Devyatov calls it the plan of Solomon, something else. The restoration of Khazaria is… You see, when you build some big state, you always have to offer some mystical component for it, that we are not trembling creatures here, but we have the right.

Since the Khazars lived there, it seems like they have the right. The question of what people have to do with the Khazars is a separate question. Here the Hasidim believe that they are related to the Khazars.

Maybe you can line them up in a religious line. I'm not at all sure that it can be built into a genetic one. Here it is not at all obvious to me.

But this is a well-known story, the descendants of the Romans do not live in modern Rome, the descendants of the Egyptians do not live in modern Egypt, the Arabs live there, who came there much later, and so on and so forth.

For this reason, I will not climb in this direction, although there is one very important thing and here Lithuania plays a very important role for a banal reason. The fact is that, yes, of course, in the Khazar Khaganate, Judaism was at the top. At the top.

When you apply for something big, you have to justify your requests historically.

Most of the population were not Jews, more precisely, they did not profess Judaism. But it was Judaism that did not come from the west or even from the south, it came from the southeast.

These are, in fact, those Jews who, after the Babylonian captivity, lived in Babylon and then moved through the Caucasus to these Black Sea-Caspian steppes. The trick is that they did not live under either the second temple or the Roman Empire. This is what is called non-Talmudic Judaism.

Karaites, who in a certain sense are their direct descendants from a religious point of view, they did not recognize the Talmud, because the Talmud is a Western thing. Just like Kabbalah and some other tricks. For this reason, there is a hypothesis that the Hasidim and all directions, this one, it appeared exactly where these people who came from there lived.

But there was a very difficult interweaving going on there, because Jews, Ashkenazim, who lived in Germany, and who just lived at the second temple, and under the Roman Empire, came from Poland. There was some complex interaction that needs to be dealt with very carefully.

Note that this is incredibly difficult, because during this time they composed a whole bunch of legends about dinosaurs and it is very difficult to uncover these legends of the 18th and 19th centuries, because everyone who participated in this wrote in the style of "And I had a divine revelation."

At the same time, a huge number of documents disappeared, because there are serious reasons that one of the tasks of the Holocaust, which was implemented, was the task of eliminating these people who had alternative profitability. It didn't work out.

I can't say now how much they are involved in this process. That is, they do not want to restore Israel as the statehood of Talmudic Judaism, but this particular Khazar Judaism. Don't know.

As you know, there are always some uncles with a lot of money behind people who think about the sacred, who have "nothing personal, purely business."

And then, accordingly, you understand. These people who are "nothing personal, purely business" were greatly outraged that their such beautiful plans, which have almost been realized: depopulation in Ukraine has occurred, a drop in living standards has occurred, land has been allowed to be sold, we have already bought a lot of things there and then Russia comes with a special military operation.

I strongly suspect that the rabid Russophobia that has gone on among part of the Israeli population is due to the fact that these guys have paid money.

In particular, some of the characters who started hitting on me, like Avigdor Eskin, are just getting their ears out of there. You see, it's still understandable here.

It is even inconvenient to discuss it here, because it is absolutely obvious that some Beneficiaries of specific schemes are very unhappy that they have been ruined by schemes and that these schemes may have some deep roots, the ordinary man in the street is not interested at all.

But I remind you that Gedimin Karaimov moved to Trakai. So, then, Gediminas in some kind of 16th century or in the 15th?

Ainis Petkus: If memory serves, somewhere yes, the 15th century was.

M.H. Well, that's it. It overpowered a large Karaite community, which otherwise would have been slaughtered, under Trakai, which was then its capital.

Not even the capital, but rather the capital castle. There was no city there, there was the main base. They still live there formally. I was there only once in 1983, and there are quite a lot of museums and everything else. All this is described.

The notorious Trakai Castle, restored, by the way, under Soviet rule, which everyone modestly forgets about. Moreover, there was a grandiose story, because in Lithuania they invested all the money they allocated for culture and everything else in the restoration of Trakai Castle.

Then the revision came and said: "What are you doing? This is wrong." Then they decided that it was okay, since it was a symbol, then it would go. That's the story.

Mine. Interesting story, after sudden ‘regrouping’ from Kharkov region in september, one interesting analytic speculated, that khasids Berl Lazar, the head of jews organisation in RF, promised VVP easy walk in Ukraine before the start of the operation - all was decided via incognito channels with Israel and Ukraine elites. After it failed, Lazar/his representatives are not ‘invited’ for public presidential events from the start of SMO. Could it be that way, that Russia has been blindly used for that project?🤔 but then who is rebuilding new khazaria- Ukraine or russian khasids?

Look closely at the map in the link. Familiar?...
Why the left bank of the Dnieper is a key region of the world. M. Khazin

At a meeting with Ainis Petkus, Mikhail Khazin gave an assessment of regional events.

Ainis Petkus: The US has conceived a plan to control banks and emissions, then control energy and emissions, and keep everyone through it. And this is probably the most powerful emission. But, you know, it requires a lot of resources.

Then the question is, it is necessary to destroy a competitor – Europe and necessarily Russia, take these resources and provide this plan. But look, the Khazar plan, what is it?

The creation of a new Khazaria under the warm belly of Russia, at the expense of Russia. The lands are beautiful, eco-friendly. Plus, the Chinese silk route is controlled, it passes through Ukraine there. North, south is there nearby. That is, you control everything. And military support for Russia, too. That is, the United States needs to break up Russia, and the Khazar project only needs to take Khazaria, and for Russia to provide it.

Mikhail Khazin:

Now look. Firstly, the notorious North-South corridor was also controlled by Khazaria because Kiev was the northern outpost of Khazaria until it was captured by Russian princes in the ninth century.

There was a long story there, because first there were Askold and Dir, and then, respectively, Oleg came. Askold and Dir, they tried to go to Constantinople, Constantinople. It didn't work out for them.

Today's events are just new episodes of the old series.

They were beaten there. Oleg came, took Kiev and went himself. Then the most interesting thing. Kiev is the northern outpost of Khazaria, and the eastern outpost of Khazaria is Astrakhan.

That is, the corridor that runs from north to south is a river in the lower reaches of the Volga controlled by the Khazars. That's not all. Actually, the capital of Khazaria, Itil, was on the Volga. Not in the North Caucasus, but on the Volga. One of the options.

That's not all. The fact is that this green project is the bankers. The bankers controlled both the issue and the monetary policy. And, in fact, the appearance of Trump - Trump is an alternative elite of the United States of America – and Trump did not support the green agenda.

Trump's attitude towards Putin is neutral. If bankers hate Putin for obvious reasons, then Trump has an attitude towards him… Well, this is a kind of force that must be tolerated. We can't break it yet, so we need to negotiate with it in some way. There are still a lot of different subtleties.

No, it's a rich idea with Khazaria, but the fact is that at the first stage they don't want to climb the North Caucasus and the Volga. Fraught. Therefore, so far they only wanted to work with the Ukrainian part, as far as I understand, and then life will develop there.

As for Europe? There is London again, there is the Vatican. When you talk about the Turkish embassy, let's not forget that in many ways the Turks are controlled by London. That is, there is a very strong pro-London lobby in Turkey, and London may also have its own interests in the emergence of Khazaria.

Therefore, I will not get into all these geopolitical layouts for a very simple reason now.

Firstly, our time is already gradually running out.

Secondly, we are not conducting a geopolitical dispute, we are trying to speculate on how complex ideas are now emerging against the background of the collapse of this matrix.

Почему левый берег Днепра ключевой регион мира. М. Хазин
Look closely at the map in the link. Familiar?...
Yes, an interesting coincidence on the current front line in Ukraine, but nothing more. I doubt that the Jews will ever get these lands. Crimea and Sevastopol? Never.

In general, I don’t think that this thread is a good place to quote Khazin’s thoughts, especially in such a presentation. Not every Russian will delve into it, and this is clearly not the place for this. Maybe it would be right to start a separate thread for quoting Khazin, but I think that popularity will tend to zero. We need the correct presentation of information, with background and all that. Khazin is the internal cuisine of the Russian Federation, in my opinion.
This is an excerpt from a lengthy interview with Alexander Van der Bellen, who became the Austrian President in 2017.


(Q): How do you assess Europe's dealings with Russia?

I think that if I had spoken out publicly about this, I would have been defamed as a Putinversteher. I find it scandalous how almost the entire European press, with Austria no exception does not even try to understand Russian positions.

Crimea was never Ukrainian, except for the last 50 years. Khrushchev annexed the peninsula to Ukraine at that time for inexplicable reasons. If there is an indigenous population there, it is the Tatars, certainly not the Ukrainians. Another important point is Russia's military-strategic position.

When the Iron Curtain fell in 1989 and the reunification of Germany was imminent, Russia was assured that the NATO border would not be moved further east. This is according to U.S. sources. But the Russians had the misfortune that this was never agreed to in writing. So what happened?

NATO's eastern border now runs right along the borders with Russia. I can understand that this causes a frown in Russia.
If you go back 200 years, where did all the invaders come from? All of them through Ukraine.

So I am very upset when it is said that there is no military danger from Ukraine. Yes, of course, not from Ukraine itself, but that it is a strategic shield for Russia is clear.

How has the U.S. reacted in the last 100 years when a potential threat arose on its doorstep? They didn't care about international law either. There's a double standard here. Regardless of all these factors, the Ukraine problem is solvable. But there seems to be no good will on either side.

There is a snag, though...

Mr. Van der Bellen gave the interview in March 2015 probably before he even began thinking of running for president.
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