Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

From The Moscow Times:

As Quietly as Possible: Premium on Secrecy as Russia Rams Through Military Draft Rules Bill

Updated with Putin's signing of the law.

This article was corrected to clarify that the bill to which the amendments were added had passed its second reading once before, and that, for Russian laws to come into force, they need to be officially published.

It took the Russian parliament just twenty-three minutes to vote on the second and third readings of a controversial bill tightening military draft rules that many observers believe will pave the way for a second wave of mobilization.

In a rare show of protest, several lawmakers complained they were only shown the full text of the 55-page law an hour before the session began.

“We simply had no opportunity to examine the bill,” Communist Party deputy Nina Ostanina said ahead of the vote.

The speed and stealth with which this bill — that will enact sweeping changes to the country’s military draft procedures — was rushed through the State Duma earlier this week was unusual even by the less-than-transparent standards of Russia’s legislative process.
As Quietly as Possible: Premium on Secrecy as Russia Rams Through Military Draft Rules Bill
Moscow Times is a US-Friendly Russia-hating outlet:
When even vehemently Russophobic Moscow Times has to admit a massive spike in Russian-Chinese trade in less than one year, one has to take a note—China is opening her markets to Russia.

Matthew Bodner Has Something To Say About Defense.

Of which he has no clue as is expected from a product of US "education" in the "political science" and persona associated with the liberal sewer of Moscow Times.
This could have been written only by a complete ignoramus of Russian history and of Russian people (expected from US-"educated" Moscow Times' material) since NATO is NOT Vladimir Putin's "favorite foreign bogeyman" but it is sure as hell favorite "bogeyman" of overwhelming majority of Russian people who ARE NOT in communication circle of Mr. Bodner, which, I am 100% positive, consists of Russian liberal West's sycophants whose only real skills are in distinguishing Glenlivet from Johny Walker's Black Label.

You can find multiple mentions of Moscow Times on this blog. Just search for "times".
What Xi told Zelensky

From the Ukrainian TG-channel “Cartel”:

“The gossip is that Xi today gave an ultimatum to Zelensky. Giving him a choice: either start the process for a Chinese-led peace settlement now, etc., or raise the stakes by going on the offensive and provoking a nuclear war.

Zelensky did not give an answer, but he understood the signal…

If the Britons press on with the offensive, then Xi’s peace case proposal will no longer be relevant.”

Source: Donbass Devushka
From RT:

Moscow issues warning over use of depleted uranium ammunition

The suppliers of the munitions to Ukraine and the users will be held responsible for the results, the Kremlin spokesman said

The British government will be held accountable for the environmental and public health damage caused by its decision to supply depleted uranium ammunition to Ukraine, as will the troops who use the munitions, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has warned.

Peskov reiterated that there is abundant data on the long-term effects of depleted uranium, based on medical information gathered in former Yugoslavia. NATO forces extensively used munitions containing DU during their campaigns in the Balkans in the 1990s.

“The data is quite sad. The British must realize that they will be held accountable” for the supply of this type of ammunition to Ukraine, Peskov told journalists on Wednesday.

The Russian Embassy in London stated that it “has by now become self-evident” that the US and its allies are willing to turn Ukraine into “not only an anti-Russian military ‘shooting range,’ but also a radioactive landfill.”
What Xi told Zelensky

Source: Donbass Devushka
We can already speculate how that will turn out. Since Zelensky (or anyone else in Ukraine, for that matter) are really not in charge. Maybe not a real nuclear war, more like using army of Russia in more than 15-20% how much is in use today. In translation: bloodshed of Ukrainians and possibly few surounding countries which are eager to "participate" in war.

West really easy forgot that Russian war mashine is slow and hard to start and move, but once when they oil the cogs and get it in motion, nothing can stoped it for years.
and possibly few surounding countries which are eager to "participate" in war.
WARSAW, April 26 - RIA Novosti. The Polish prosecutor's office seized money from the accounts of the embassy and the trade mission of Russia, the head of the diplomatic mission, Sergei Andreev, told RIA Novosti.

"We received a notification from the prosecutor's office that the funds from the accounts of the embassy and the trade representation in Santander bank were transferred to the accounts of the prosecutor's office," he said.

Following this, Santander Bank announced that it had ceased cooperation with the embassy and closed accounts, Andreev added. The diplomat clarified that they were talking about "significant funds", which were both in US dollars and in Polish zlotys.


the logical end of this meat grinder is approaching
PMCS "Wagner" broke through the defense of the APU in the west of Bakhmut and threatens the APU with a new boiler (MAP)
04/26/2023 - 22:16

PMCS "Wagner" broke through the defense of the APU in the west and threatens the APU with a microcottle.

This is reported in the evening summary by Ukrainian military analysts.

In the Bakhmut direction, the situation remains extremely difficult: PMCs forces have advanced two blocks to the western outskirts of the city.

In the city center, the Wagners managed to get to Tchaikovsky Street, where heavy fighting is now taking place. Along Pavel Novgorodtsev Street and along 2nd Lesnoy Wagner Street, I am intensively trying to connect two assault groups, threatening to encircle the APU in order to force Ukrainian units to abandon positions.

In the area of the center (in fact, already in the west) and in the north of the city, the "Wagnerians" advanced along Levanevsky Street, Sobornaya, Lesya Ukrainka and in the area of the meat processing plant along the same Tchaikovsky Street.

There are heavy battles for the territory of the military unit, close to the block of high-rise buildings in the north.

In the north of the gray zone of Bakhmut, shooting battles continue along sections of Tolbukhin, Irina Levchenko and Pobedy streets.

Along the section of Polevaya Street and 1st Pushkin Lane, the Russians are conducting active offensive actions in order to break through to multi-storey buildings.

A tank with such a caliber is a very formidable weapon. During the Second World War, the Red Army had an ISU-152 self-propelled gun. Any hit from this weapon was guaranteed to disable any tank or self-propelled gun. Even if the projectile did not penetrate the armor, but, for example, ricocheted, the force of the impact caused the crew to be concussed and a lot of equipment broke down.
Topkor: tanks with 152-mm cannons were seen in the area of the SMO

Tanks equipped with 152-millimeter cannons were found in the area of the special operation, the Topkor information portal reports. These tanks are a modification of existing models of armored vehicles with an increased caliber of weapons.

The appearance of tanks with 152 mm guns in the area of the SMO indicates a possible escalation of tension in the region and the strengthening of defensive measures on the part of the army. Tanks with more powerful weapons are capable of hitting targets at a greater distance and have an increased penetration ability, which can significantly strengthen the defensive potential of the armed forces.

"Some time ago, we saw a tank with a huge and not at all tank gun in the SMO zone - presumably 152 mm caliber. Around — a bunch of people in white shirts under brand-new camouflage jackets. Representatives of design bureaus are regular guests at the front, they bring and test experimental samples of weapons, and sometimes they come to finalize the old ones," war correspondent Murad Gazdiev reports.

Experts note that the increase in the caliber of armament of tanks may be due to the need to confront more serious threats and challenges. At the same time, such tanks require more qualified maintenance and can cause certain difficulties in operation.

The appearance of tanks with 152-mm guns in this area may indicate the readiness of the army for new challenges and threats, as well as the desire to strengthen defensive positions.
Топкор: в зоне СВО замечены танки со 152-мм пушками

The information noise about Armata continues
Discover24: T-14 Armata tanks sent to storm Artemovsk
Russian T-14 Armata tanks are causing alarm among Ukrainian armed formations in the Donetsk direction

The information publication Discover24 reports that the appearance of Russian T-14 Armata tanks in the Donetsk direction raises concerns among members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). Ukrainian servicemen are aware of the superiority of this military equipment over the means available to them.

According to the data, the command of the Russian Armed Forces is actively transferring T-14 Armata and T-90 Breakthrough tanks, as well as heavy flamethrower systems "Solntsepek" in the direction of Artemovsk, in order to strengthen the military presence in the city area. This threatens the previously announced counter-offensive operation of the Ukrainian military, since they cannot compete with the powerful Russian weapons.

It is noted that the presence of modern Russian military equipment in the Donetsk direction causes fear among the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who understand the whole difficult situation and the likelihood of failure of the spring counter-offensive operation due to the inability to resist Russian weapons.

Nevertheless, it is known that Western armored vehicles are also concentrated in this direction, in particular, it was previously reported that Leopard 2 tanks were deployed here.
Discover24: танки Т-14 "Армата" отправлены на штурм Артёмовска

The plane crashed. It happens. The bad thing is that this type is the carrier of the well-known Kinzhal missile and now such an aircraft is no longer produced. So we have one less Kinzhal carrier
The fighter crashed in the Murmansk region (VIDEO)
26.04.2023 - 17:46

The MiG-31 interceptor crashed in the Murmansk region.

The plane crashed near Monchegorsk.

According to reports, the pilots ejected, taking the fighter away from populated areas. It is reported that the plane crashed into the lake.

Statement of the Ministry of Defense about the crash of the MiG-31 in the Murmansk region (VIDEO)
26.04.2023 - 18:08

The Russian Ministry of Defense has issued an official statement on the fact of the crash of the MiG-31 fighter.

"While performing a training flight in the Murmansk region, a MiG-31 fighter crashed.

The plane crashed in a deserted place. Both pilots ejected, they were evacuated, their lives and health are not in danger.

The media reports that during the ejection, the pilots caught on tree branches, rescuers followed them," the defense ministry said in a statement.

Танк с таким калибром очень грозное оружие. Во время ВОВ в Красной Армии была самоходка ИСУ-152. Любое попадание из этого оружия гарантированно выводило из строя любой танк или САУ. Даже если снаряд не пробивал броню а, например рикошетил, то сила удара вызвала контузию экипажа и ломалась куча всякого оборудования.
Разбился самолет. Так бывает. Плохо то, что этот тип является носителем известной ракеты "Кинжал" и теперь такой самолет уже не выпускают. Так что у нас на одного носителя Кинжала стало меньше
this GUY IS mostly a economist - who lives in central america ( JIM WILLI )
he has alot of contacts ..
says in early 2023 - the Russians dropped a bunker buster bomb on a
deep NATO head quarters in the UKRAINE..-took out 200 NATO big wigs...

A Discussion With Jim Willie | Sunday, April 23, 2023

I decided to make a translation of Prigozhin's long speech (the head of PMC Wagner) dated 26.04.

We publish a request from the editors of the Arguments of the Week publication and the answer:
Dear Evgeny Viktorovich!
A lot of different information about the timing of the alleged offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is distributed on the network. We would like to know your opinion, what is the real situation at the front now? Also, please tell us how the situation with ammunition for Wagner PMC fighters is now?

Voice answer in russian:
Translated answer:
What is happening today with the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It's raining today. May 2 is the last rain. It takes another week for the wind to dry the soil. After that, the APU will be ready to move. Will they do it on May 9th to "spoil the holiday"? Maybe so, maybe not. It is only here in Russia that it is customary to do everything for the holidays (March 8, May 9, etc.). The Armed Forces of Ukraine are ready to go completely and cut the flanks. Nobody covered our flanks. All the stories about how they prevented an attempt to enter the reserves into Bakhmut are all complete nonsense. Not a single military man fires a single shot (here, as I understand from the context, we are talking about the forces of the Airborne Forces and the Russian Guard, which cover the flanks of the PMC Wagner from the north and south).

The criminal team does not give ammunition. Ammunition is accumulated in warehouses in "packs", as I already said. The number of people in PMC Wagner is drying up - the dead, the wounded and those who left after the end of the contract. We are preparing new reserves. We will not fully throw in new people until they are fully trained and until they become those fighters who can defend the interests of the state.

In general, PMC Wagner has already fulfilled its historical mission. But will continue to perform. Until the last fighter.
We, as I said, are grinding the reserves of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Today, well-trained enemy units are already being thrown into Bakhmut. All day Polish speech. And, if I used to say that there are few mercenaries, now there are a huge number of them. Ukrainian special forces. There is a bloody battle. They don't give us shells. And we do our best on the minimum quantity that we currently have. But once again - those bastards who make this decision, they must answer to the mothers of the dead, because instead of one, several people die at once. The ratio is 1 to 5. 1 should die during the assault on the building - 5 dies. Due to the fact that there are no shells. We have nothing to destroy enemy artillery.

All the names of these scoundrels are on a piece of paper. The time will come and the Russian people will ask this question and I will answer it with confidence.

Conclusion: the offensive of the Ukrainians is inevitable. There is a betrayal within the Russian Federation. We are not allowed to build up defenses and advance further. But, we will attack at any cost. Solely in order to grind the army of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and disrupt this offensive. Thanks to our actions, the rest of the formations on the entire territory of the front can dig in, can prepare for this counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. And they themselves can attack Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. Why don't they do it? This is a question that will be dealt with by military counterintelligence and the FSB. At the right time. I think what is happening today is a crime against Russia and the Russian people. And this should not be ignored. The criminals must be held accountable.

(Appeal to criminals) Remember that every projectile that you missed - a person died. And you will have to explain to their children and wives why you killed them. Because you were sitting like roosters on a perch. And they kept this ammunition in their pockets without giving it to the troops. And when the Ukrainians advance, the mobilized will ask you the same question: where are our shells? And then they will ask - where is our administration, where are our commanders? And where is this Rublyovka, where they rest all day long. Today a crime is being committed against Russia. We still have enough for 2-3 weeks, while the last cartridge remains in the automatic horn, and then the intriguers must bear responsibility for what is happening at the front.
Что сегодня происходит с контрнаступлением ВСУ. Сегодня идут дожди. 2 мая должен пройти последний дождь. Ещё неделю надо на то, что бы ветер высушил почву. После этого ВСУ готовы будут двигаться. Будут ли они это делать на 9 мая, что бы "испортить праздник"? Может так, а может не так. Это только у нас в России принято все делать на праздники(8 марта, 9 мая и т.д.). ВСУ готовы полностью идти и резать фланги. Фланги наши никто не прикрывал. Все рассказы о том, как пресекли попытку входа резервов в Бахмут - это все полная чепуха. Ни один военный не делает ни единого выстрела(тут, как я понял из контекста речь о силах ВДВ и Рос гвардии, которые прикрывают фланги ЧВК Вагнер с севера и юга).

Преступная команда не давать боеприпасы. Боеприпасы копятся на складах "пачками", как я уже и говорил. Количество людей в ЧВК Вагнер высыхает - погибшие, раненные и ушедшие после окончания контракта. Новые резервы мы готовим. Мы не будем до конца вкидывать новых людей, пока они не будут полностью подготовлены и пока они не станут теми бойцами, которые могут защищать интересы государства.

В целом, ЧВК Вагнер свою историческую миссию выполнила уже. Но будет продолжать выполнять. До последнего бойца.

Мы, как я уже говорил, перемалываем резервы ВСУ. Сегодня в Бахмут уже вкидываются хорошо подготовленные подразделения противника. Целыми днями Польская речь. И, если я раньше говорил, что наемников мало, то сейчас их огромное количество. Украинский спецназ. Идет кровавившая битва. Снарядов нам не дают. И мы делаем все возможное на том минимальном количестве, которое у нас на сегодняшний день есть. Но ещё раз - те подонки, которое принимают это решение, они должны ответить перед матерями погибших потому, что вместо одного, гибнет сразу несколько человек. Соотношение 1 к 5. Должен погибнуть 1 при штурме здания - гибнет 5. Из-за того, что нету снарядов. Нам нечем уничтожать артиллерию противника.

Все фамилии этих негодяев на листочке. Придет время и Российский народ задаст этот вопрос и я на него отвечу с уверенностью.

Вывод: наступление Украинцев неизбежно. Идет предательство внутри Российской Федерации. Нам не дают выстраивать оборону и наступать дальше. Но, мы будем наступать любой ценой. Исключительно для того, что бы перемолоть армию ВСУ и сорвать это наступление. Благодаря нашим действиям, остальные формирования на всей территории фронта могут окапываться, могут готовиться к этому контрнаступлению ВСУ. И могут сами наступать на Славянск и на Краматорск. Почему они этого не делают? Это вопрос, которым будет заниматься военная контрразведка и ФСБ. В нужное время. Я думаю, то, что сегодня происходит - это преступление перед Россией и перед Русским народом. И это не должно быть оставлено без внимания. Преступники должны понести ответственность.

(Обращение к преступникам) Помните, что каждый снаряд, который вы недодали - погиб человек. И вам придется перед их детьми и женами объясняться, почему вы их погубили. Потому, что вы сидели, как на насесте петухи. И держали эти боеприпасы у себя по карманам не отдавая их в войска. И когда Украинцы будут наступать, вам мобилизованные зададут тот же вопрос: где наши снаряды? А потом они спросят - где наше управление, где наши командиры? И где эта Рублевка, на которой они отдыхают целыми днями. Сегодня совершается преступление против России. Нас ещё хватит недели на 2-3, пока последний патрон остается в автоматном рожке, а потом интриганы должны понести ответственность о происходящем на фронте.

In my opinion. Prigozhin's words only confirm the words of Pyakin (representative of the Concept of Public Security of the Fund for Conceptual Technologies) that the special military operation is based on the Atavia-Proxima principle. I wrote about this earlier. When the elites agree to wage war as long as it is beneficial to everyone.

In addition, Putin's recent visit to the Vostok and Dnepr headquarters confirms that he does not trust the command of the general staff, specifically Gerasimov. He, with the participation of field generals, arranged an interrogation of Gerasimov and Shoigu. But this trip he risked his life.
Trolling from Prigogine.

We publish a request from the editors of LIVE24 and the answer:

Dear Evgeny Viktorovich, hello! Today, British MPs demanded that Wagner PMC be declared a terrorist organization in connection with the company's "destructive activities" in Sudan, the regions of Darfur and the Sahel. I would like to receive your comment on this matter.

We publish a comment by Evgeny Prigozhin:
“A phase shift has begun in the world, and this is very good. PMC Wagner has fought ISIS, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram and other terrorist organizations everywhere, and with great success. Moreover, in Mali, ISIS and al-Qaeda have teamed up to fight Wagner PMCs. If PMC "Wagner" is accepted as a terrorist organization, then I think this system needs to be balanced. Then ISIS and al-Qaeda should become humanitarian missions: hold meetings, invite the public, children there and, perhaps, the British Parliament will look very good as a venue. I am for this arrangement.

A little more of Prigozhin and the current situation in Bakhmut.

We are at the headquarters. We are doing military work. Information comes that Cerberus, commander of the 57th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, is taking American journalists to Bakhmut. A decision was made: to suspend artillery fire so that American journalists could calmly work out Bakhmut and go home. The press is sacred. They are also a kind of war correspondents. Therefore, hello to Cerberus from the guys, but do not pull up the reserves. Raspitushim (destroy) if you carry along the road reserves along with journalists.

I think everyone understands that this is a trick.
No journalists will go there, there is nothing to shoot there - is 10% of the territory under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine?
The situation is so bad that they came up with a reason for a tactical pause. Or something they want to bring in / take out? Any dirty tricks can be expected.
Today is a particularly black day for the Ukrainian air defense. In the area of Zaporozhye, allegedly when moving in a column, a whole group of installations was caught at once. It is noteworthy that the S300, the Cheetah, and the Buk are all air defense systems and they were all hit by airstrikes. This indicates the low qualification of the Ukrainian air defense and the effectiveness of drones
The Russian military set a record for the destruction of Ukrainian air defense systems

Yesterday, the Aerospace Forces of Russia (VKS of the Russian Federation) successfully destroyed four S-300 SAMs and one Cheetah ZSU in the Kherson region with the help of a Lancet kamikaze UAV, as well as more than a dozen AFU servicemen who were part of their calculations. This was reported by expert Alexey Vasiliev in his Telegram channel "Russian Engineer", where he described in detail the new scheme of combat work of the Russian forces, which caused serious damage to the plans of the air defense of the Ukrainian command.

Vasiliev noted that the massive use of Russian Aerospace Forces bombs with UMPC (unified planning and correction modules) turned free-falling unguided ammunition into high-precision weapons that cover distances of tens of kilometers. As a result, the Armed Forces of Ukraine were forced to attract long-range S-300 air defense systems to the front line in order to move the launch zone of Russian aviation away from the line of contact.

Vasiliev explained that the S-300 air defense systems work within the framework of echeloned air defense in combination with short-range complexes, such as Cheetahs, Wasps and Torahs. However, the appearance of the Lancet in the arena has led to a hunt for air defense systems, which are now located near the line of contact, which makes them vulnerable to attacks.

Vasiliev pointed out that the Ukrainian military had to reduce the presence or leave large areas of the country without air defense cover at all, pulling a variety of air defense equipment to the "front". This was an additional advantage for the Russian troops, since the Cheetahs, Wasps, Torahs and Buks covered the areas of the Ukrainian troops.
Российские военные установили рекорд по уничтожению украинских систем ПВО

They don't write us the place where it happened here. The only thing that can be said is that the "O" group works in the northern part
Kamidkaze "Black Hussars" destroyed "Buk" AFU (VIDEO)
27.04.2023 - 20:39

The operators of the UAV "Black Hussars" of the group "Brave" found a Ukrainian Buk standing alone.

An operational decision was made to destroy it with a kamikaze drone "Geranium".

Hit another headquarters.
In Nikolaev, the AFU headquarters responsible for the landing on the left bank of the Kherson region was destroyed
The strike on the AFU headquarters in Nikolaev casts doubt on the possibility of the AFU to use a landing with a counteroffensive.

Tonight, a high-precision strike with the use of missile weapons was carried out on the Admiralty building in Nikolaev. According to preliminary data, the attack was carried out with the use of tactical missile weapons, and its target was the AFU headquarters located in the building of the Admiralty of Nikolaev.

On the video frames that were at the disposal of Avia journalists.pro, you can see the moment of strikes on the territory of Nikolaev. One of the missiles hit exactly the Admiralty building, where a meeting of the Ukrainian military command was taking place at that time, the consequences of the strike can be seen in the photos.

Contrary to the statements of the Ukrainian side that the strike fell on civilians, experts pay attention to the fact that the Admiralty building could not be used by civilians, especially at night.

According to a number of assumptions, during the strike on Mykolaiv, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine held a meeting regarding the possibility of using a landing force to strike the left-bank part of the Kherson region as part of the proposed counteroffensive.
В Николаеве уничтожен штаб ВСУ, отвечавший за высадку десанта на левом берегу Херсонской области

Сегодня особенно черный день для украинской ПВО. В районе Запорожья якобы при передвижении в колонне поймали сразу целую группу установок. Обращает на себя тот факт, что и С-300, и Гепард, и Бук всё это системы ПВО и все они были поражены ударами с воздуха. Это говорит о низкой квалификации украинских ПВО и об эффективности дронов.
Здесь нам не пишут место, где это случилось. Единственное, что можно сказать, группировка "О" работает в северной части
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