Every state or nation that wants to develop independently should strive for autonomy in action. Autonomy can be achieved by striving for external independence, i.e. having a strong sovereign state, and internal independence, i.e. having a real influence on the direction of actions of a given state or nation.
The cybernetic definition of a state understood as an autonomous system says that it is a system that can be controlled, i.e. act on purpose in its own interest, and additionally counteract the loss of this control, i.e. rely on external actions that can lead to the liquidation of such a system.
In the process of control, information as well as energy take part, and the autonomous system uses it thanks to its six elements.
In the energy track, i.e. the one that processes energy, we can distinguish the power supply, battery and generator.
The power supply is used to obtain energy from the environment. In the case of a state, these are economic branches such as agriculture, the production industry, as well as those elements of foreign trade that deal with imports.
The power supply energy goes to the battery, where it can be stored in order to be used in the future. In the case of a state, the battery is the processing industry and various types of warehouses are used to store raw materials, semi-finished products, as well as ready-made products.
At the end of the energy track there is a so-called effector, i.e. an element thanks to which the system can affect the environment. In the case of a state, these are various types of executive bodies related to the economy, military, propaganda or administration.
In the process of control, the system also collects information from the environment. A receiver or receivers are used for this, because there may be several of them. In the case of a state, these are various types of press agencies, public opinion research institutes, interview bodies or counter-interviews.
Information collected by the receiver goes to the so-called correlator. The correlator for the information track is what the battery is in the energy track. The correlator deals with the accumulation and processing of all information. In the structures of a state, these are various types of archives, libraries, scientific and administrative institutes, and this part of the media, which deals with the analysis of data collected by the receivers.
In the final phase, the correlator transmits information to the effector, where, together with the energy supply from the battery, it causes an impact on the environment.
The central element of the autonomous system is the so-called homeostat, which, remaining in the feedback connection with both the correlator and the battery, organizes the operation of the system, which is part of it. The homeostat is the part of the national elites that identifies or subordinates their own interests to a higher purpose, which is the national interest. In the structures of a state or nation, the homeostat is the state's governing bodies, social or religious organizations, and various types of groups that have an impact on public opinion.
In order to properly perform the function of the homeostat, the elite must have professional knowledge and be independent of the inspiration coming from the external organizer. On the other hand, the homeostat must also have control over the battery, i.e. be a representative of the capital industry, including, above all, the strategic industry.
The deprivation of the autonomous system of influence on its own structure, i.e. the loss of autonomy, can be done in two ways. First, by cutting the homeostat from the influence on the battery, which is practically done by foreign agencies using capital export, and is revealed by the purchase of these industrial branches that provide a given nation with autonomy. This situation occurred in Poland after 1989. On the other hand, the loss of autonomy occurs when the feedback link between the homeostat and the correlator is broken. This can happen when institutions associated with the correlator are occupied by people trained by the external organizer as part of various types of grants or courses. In this case, the correlator takes over the behavior and methods of data analysis that have been programmed by foreign agencies. This leads to wrong decisions, which consequently affect the system within which the correlator operates.
To sum up, maintaining autonomy through the system, which is a state or a nation, requires two things from it. First, control over the key economic activities, which is naturally related to the limitation of foreign capital import and expertise of management staff, who, thanks to knowledge about obtaining information about the world around us, can counteract various types of diversions or inspirations undertaken by foreign agencies.
In the case of loss of control over the homeostat over the correlator and the accumulator of a given system, the role of the organizer is taken over by the external center, which leads to the emergence of neo-colonial dependence, which we can currently observe in Poland.