Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

From today's article of Simplicius, a few quotes, but the whole is worth a read as always :

"AFU Suffers Horror Breakdowns as Russian Forces Repel New Advance

Simplicius The Thinker
19 june 2023

The biggest news of the past few days was a revelation that Putin made to the visiting African delegation which was trying to mediate a peace talk between Russia and Ukraine, after some of them had just met Zelensky in Kiev.

For the first time, Putin revealed never-before-seen secret negotiation documents which were reportedly hashed out over the Istanbul peace talks which took place in late March of 2022. Many are professing surprise that Putin tied the proposed Istanbul accords to the Kiev withdrawal, but this was in fact reported at the time"

Now, let us move onto the ongoing ‘offensive’. Kiev made another major attempt to breach Russia’s forward screening lines. Various frontline correspondents were apoplectic with reports last night that the assault was one of the most brutal defeats of AFU forces of the entire war thus far. Casualty figures are reportedly extremely high as Kiev’s forces were thrown head-first into battle without much heavy armor support, this time apparently counting on their light armor to race across the gray zones.

They utilized some new tactics, like using smoke as well as the aforementioned. Of course, the Ukrainian side claims the push succeeded, as they did manage to capture the small hamlet of Piatykatki just on the outskirts of Lobkove, southwest of Orekhov."

A new alleged Storm Shadow strike on a Kherson railway juncture at Rykove where Russia was said to have stored arms for the Zaporozhye frontline reportedly leveled the entire railway by blowing a mass amount of ammo. This one, unfortunately, is hard to refute. The alleged before and after photos:


Geolocation: 46.334404206965885, 34.753528298679655"

"And on that topic of NATO possibly being activated. We spoke last time about NATO’s decision to increase its rapid response force from 40k to 300k. Now, there are persistent rumors that strange things are afoot in the U.S. as people all over the country claim to be witnessing ‘mass amounts’ of military gear being moved throughout many states/regions. I managed to compile a video of all the clips people are releasing, though there are even more than this:
(video in article)
Not only many different types of vehicles (Strykers, Humvees, artillery, etc.) but B-2 Spirits flying around:

In the US, there is a massive movement of equipment.
Something is happening in the US. B-2 Spirit bombers have been sighted over Minnesota, and military sources say missile defense systems are moving to positions on the US West Coast.

Americans! What's your take on this?
"US citizens are concerned about unusual military activity that's been reported in 26 states.
The Secretary of Defense added to these concerns by stating that these were not training activities."
💥🇺🇸💥Something is happening in the US. B-2 Spirit bombers have been sighted over Minnesota, and military sources say missile defense systems are moving to positions on the US West Coast.💥💥💥


And speaking of Putin, I wanted to add something to the last report’s analysis of the correspondent roundtable. I’ve now finished watching the full two hour meeting and there are two particular things that struck me.

The first, is that I realized one of the most critical points (for me personally, the most critical) of the entire talk was misunderstood/misinterpreted by most due to slightly faulty translations.

In regard to the issue of what comes next after Ukraine’s ‘counter-offensive’, the translations made it sound like Putin waffled and said “we have plans of a different nature”, which was strange and sort of nonsensical. But in fact, I realized that’s not what he said. What he in fact said made a world of difference, and now makes me more clearly understand Russia’s future plans.

What he actually said was along the lines of “we have plans of a different character depending on [how Ukraine’s offensive goes].” What he means by this is clearly that the Russian MOD has designed various contingencies based on the options I’ve previously outlined; such as: whether Ukraine ends up over-committing and getting a large part of their combat potential destroyed, or whether they turn coy and ‘turtle up’ to try to freeze things into a positional stalemate.

This is along the lines of what I said last time, but this new understanding simply confirms it for me and now gives me the confidence to truly believe unequivocally that Russia is employing a strategy of ‘exploitation’. Rather than an inelastic, rock-like strategy of simply chipping away in one direction no matter what happens, Russian MOD instead intends to ‘exploit’ whichever weakness Ukraine gives them. In short: the Russian MOD is utilizing Sun Tzu tactics like “never interrupt your opponent when he’s making a mistake.” The Russian MOD will allow the AFU to stumble into a blunder, and then will exploit it with devastating potential."

Lastly, I mentioned last time how most people aren’t aware that Russian soldiers get a base pay of around 200k Rubles per month. Given that the average salary in Russia outside of Moscow ranges from something like 30-70k Rubles per month, this salary would be the equivalent of U.S. grunt soldiers making over $150-300k a year."

The article ends with a video I couldn't imbed of a Russian soldier telling a joke (transcription's mine):

"A man find an old lamp and there's a genie in it, who promise wonder for its realease...
The man realeases the genie and beg a 200K salary...
And suddently appears an helmet on the man's head and a riffle in his hand... woooop he find himself in Ukraine..."
gee... i just wonder how we could manage without ukraine so far...
Yes, the Europeans have to pay so that the Ukrainians then sit on their asses exactly and profit from the needs of Europe. Well, what's there? As masters, so are the servants. The Americans are robbing the whole world, taking it on a scale, so to speak, and these, if such a scale is impossible, are trying to take it with arrogance.

Amazing! In connection with this news, I remembered a video (I won't find it now), where a small child with pure childlike spontaneity asks an adult man who did something wrong: uncle, are you a fool?
Crazy fantasies of politicians: Scholz wants to return the wounded Leopards from Russia
The adequacy of the decisions of European political leaders is increasingly in doubt. Sometimes it seems that world leaders and high-ranking ministers learn about international politics only from Marvel comics. In these books for teenagers, numerous creatures and superheroes inhabit the world, in which modern leaders seem to believe.

Olaf Scholz is a difficult figure to evaluate. If his main features are a constant smile for no reason and a tendency to avoid direct interaction, then it is difficult to form a positive impression about him. He reacted to the insulting remarks of his "neighbor" diplomat with the same impenetrable grin..

Scholz avoids making important decisions, does not make significant statements and simply takes his place, it is impossible to perceive him as a serious political figure. Instead, his strange female ministers, far from diplomacy, speak more and more, and his thoughts are a mystery to everyone.

This continued until a German politician commented on the burnt-out "Leopards" on the steppes of a certain territory. He is not concerned about the loss of people, the national tragedy or other humanitarian issues.

We know the phrase from the movie “The Three Musketeers, that “the haberdasher and the cardinal are power!" And Scholz, being in the cardinal's place, continues to think like a haberdasher. What matters to him is that the Russians destroyed German military equipment. And so he turned to Russia with a request not to destroy the tanks completely, but simply to disable them. When there is an opportunity, Scholz would like Russia to return the Leopards back to the Berlin Zoo.

These cars were built with the money of German taxpayers and are their property. Therefore, they are not a combat party and just happened to be in a combat zone. The Chancellor asks for understanding on this issue. It seems that these politicians have a cold heart and a soul made of metal, how indifferent they are to the fate of people. Since they love only military equipment, they themselves can be safely classified as insensitive robots.
Шальные фантазии политиков: Шольц хочет вернуть подбитые Леопарды из России

Recently, data were published that two garment factories in the Kharkiv region fulfilled an order for sewing 1200 sets of military uniforms, completely similar to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. This, as I understand it, is one of the results of this activity.
The Ukrainian military tried to break into Russian positions in the Urals, disguised in the uniform of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Several Ukrainian servicemen tried to infiltrate the positions of the Russian Armed Forces (RF Armed Forces) disguised in the uniform of the Russian army. The incident occurred near Kamenskoye in the Vasilyevsky district of the Zaporozhye region.

According to the Telegram channel "Military officers of the Russian Spring", the Ukrainian military arrived in a truck "Ural", on which the symbolism of Z. They claimed that they were transporting wounded soldiers, thus seeking to ensure free access to the territory controlled by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

However, this clever attempt turned out to be a failure. According to military commanders, the militants were not aware that all the wounded had already been evacuated. This was the key moment that allowed us to identify suspicious activity in time.

A mobile group belonging to the 4th military base from Ossetia quickly reacted and destroyed the Ural together with the servicemen on board. Nevertheless, there were a number of questions about how exactly the APU truck could be in the rear.

So far, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has not responded to such a situation.
Украинские военные пытались прорваться на российские позиции на "Урале" переодетыми в форму ВС РФ

That's what I understand- a real kamikaze drone! And then they all show us some flying matchboxes. But such a thing will come crawling, and it shies , it will not seem enough to anyone.
The most powerful explosion: our fighters turned the APU tank into a powerful kamikaze drone and sent it to the Ukrainian positions near Marinka (VIDEO)

In the area of Maryinka near Donetsk, our fighters touched a tank, stuffed it with 6 tons of TNT and other useful gifts, and then sent it back to the Ukrainian positions on autopilot.

The tank did not reach the enemy a little, having blown up on a mine, and the detonation occurred after the RPG shot. Everything was clearly cleared nearby, and the positions were damaged.

Experiments with the creation of kamikaze drones continue.

All this in a single day?! :shock:
A little more about the Ukrainian losses.
Orekhovskaya meat grinder: 3 out of 120 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine remained (VIDEO)

Russian military medics on their professional holiday rescued a captive commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The command threw its soldiers for slaughter in the Orekhovo area without the support of equipment.

Three out of a unit of 120 people survived, the wounded platoon commander received urgent medical care.

Our Orekhovsky Spartans massively grind infantry and armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

The "brave" remember everything: The militants of the 25th Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine paid a terrible price for the execution of our prisoners (VIDEO)

The fighters of the "O" group took revenge on the Nazis from the 25th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who had previously shot our captured fighters, by cutting out the detachments of the Ukrainian paratroopers.

The losses of 25 ovdbr amounted to 400 militants!

The "Siberian association" of the Center group decided to remind the still-alive Ukrainian militants what awaits them if they do not lay down their arms.

In this case “dirt” basically means information that someone doesn’t want another to know - so in a sort a roundabout way that’d be the truth.
Thanks, I see now. As we say: live forever-learn forever.:thup:

Да, европейцы должны заплатить, чтобы украинцы потом сидели на своих жопах ровно и наживались на потребностях европы. Ну а чего тут? Какие хозяева, такие и слуги. Американцы грабят весь мир, берут так сказать масштабом, а эти при невозможности подобного масштаба, пытаются взять наглостью.
Потрясающе! Мне в связи с этой новостью вспомнилось видео (сейчас я уже его не найду), где маленький ребенок с чистой детской непосредственностью спрашивает взрослого мужчину, который сделал что то не так: дядя, ты дурак?
Недавно были опубликованы данные о том, что в Харьковской области две швейные фабрики выполнили заказ на пошив 1200 комплектов военной формы, полностью аналогичной ВС РФ. Это, как я понимаю, один из результатов данной деятельности.
Вот это я понимаю- настоящий дрон-камикадзе! А то нам все показывают какие то летающие спичечные коробочки. А вот такое приползет, да как шарахнет- мало никому не покажется.
Еще немного об украинских потерях.
Спасибо, теперь понятно. Как у нас говорят: век живи-век учись.
The Americans are robbing the whole world
Well, who would doubt that everything would be exactly like this?
Senators in the United States have developed a bill to squeeze the assets of the Central Bank of Russia. So, the main thing here is that the pressed will go - TAKE A DEEP BREATH - to repay part of Ukraine's debt to the United States. Although it is formally written that this should help restore Ukraine after the war. (Kirill Fedorov)
19.06.2023 Наступление ВСУ: враг атакует Урожайное. ТАНК-КАМИКАДЗЕ из трофейного Т-64: Взрыв похож на ядерный! Карта боевых действий (15 видео) смотреть онлайн в хорошем качестве
I don't know the details from his book on the Zaporozhye Cossacks, but here's what I know from other sources(I will wrap the automatic translation in a quote, because many letters):
Have you seen Project "Ukraine". A documentary by Andrei Medvedev, 2015 from this thread: A historic documentary about Polish, Austria-Hungarian, German, and Soviet policies that shaped the formation of Ukraine, with the transcript in English being available in post one and two.

For updated links, see this post, including a currently functional link to the video with English subtitles. In case the link goes down, there are ideas in the above post about how to look for another copy.

This page, about the documentary, where I found the transcript wrote, that the work of Oliver Stone, Ukraine on Fire and Revealing Ukraine, "pick up the thread of Andrei Medvedev’s documentary."

Here’s How The War-Loving New York Times Came To Valorize Neo-Nazi White Racists In Ukraine​

NATO Arms Fall Short in Ukraine Offensive, US Meddling in Taiwan, & China-Russia in the Pacific
Jun 18, 2023, RT 14 minutes + The New Atlas
I discuss with Garland Nixon and Dr. Wilmer Leon the shortfall of Western weapons amid Ukraine's ongoing offensive as well as US meddling in Taiwan and Russia and China's growing strategic partnership in the Pacific.

Tiny Victories And Great Losses In The Zaporozhye Meat Grinder
19.06.2023 SFN

Screenshot 2023-06-20 at 06-05-10 senore_amore on Twitter.png
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(At the top of the document, translation into 10 languages)
By Djamal YALAOUI, Lawyer at the PARIS Bar and Associate Correspondent at the Oran Bar

“We civilizations know we are mortal”

1 / Western obsession with Russia

Heterotely (from the Greek heteros, other, and telos, the goal), this word, this concept designates the fact that an action achieves a goal other than its objective. In other words, the archer's arrow hits the wrong target. At best it gets lost in the void. Perhaps those who are at the helm, therefore at the controls of the Davos forum, and who bring or think of bringing light to humanity will end up unleashing the sun, but the real one, and like the unfortunate shooter they will pretend to be happy about it… History is naughty, you have to be careful with these things.

We have been able to see this, in particular, with the Covid-19 operation, which ultimately enabled many peoples to become aware that each euro or dollar of debt, following the surreal declarations of " whatever costs" and after President Macron's "we are at war" (which in fact announced the confrontation between NATO and the Third World State) against a laboratory virus, on the one hand, and the project of dismemberment of Russia via the Ukrainian proximity, on the other hand, becomes economically kilos or pounds of human flesh, in the long term.

Debt and war are part of the logic of the "great reset" which constitutes the fabric of the geopolitics of the post-covid world, namely the war of all against all which is on the agenda of the davos agenda.

We are now perfectly aware of the collusion that exists between the financial oligarchies of the United States and London via the City which already dictated, at the time of the Kosovo war, Tony Blair's speech aimed at burying the ideal of peace established by the Treaties of Westphalia of October 24, 1648, which had allowed the emergence of sovereign Nation-States and established the balance of European powers .

However, today, even France has become aware of the obsolescence of the arsenal of its armies by passing a military programming law of 413 billion, in a context of rearmament and technological breakthroughs, to face the challenges of an international law, the principles of which are subject to interpretations likely to fluctuate according to the global economic situation: international law is a balance of power, the law of the strongest!

Peace is no longer a constant in the discourse that prevailed before the 1st Gulf War. On the contrary, a multifaceted war is now considered by the financial oligarchy as an adjustment variable for the global economic disorders linked to state debt and to the contestation by Russia and China of the economic and military supremacy of the dollar, as reserve currency for international transactions.

On March 31, 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin adopted a new foreign policy doctrine, according to this document, Russia now considers the line of US foreign policy as a major source of risk to its security and international peace. .

Russia is a country that has long been coveted for its natural resources, and whose dismemberment rightly haunts the Kremlin.

Russia has been a target for the Anglo-Saxons since at least the Crimean War (1853-1856) which was initiated by Great Britain because it feared an extension of the Russian empire.

They will then get their hands (also with the French) on all the mines and industries of Tsarist Russia (nationalized by the Bolsheviks, hence the attack of the 14 great nations against the nascent USSR, in 1918-1920): neutralize the only major country that threatened to deprive the United States of the title of breadbasket of Europe and of the first possessor of the world's food and energy weapon, a policy which still prevails today.

Left to its own devices Russia, which was by no means the backward, illiterate country caricatured by publisher Fernand NATHAN, was about to overtake the United States with the help of modern methods of grain production. and by a more accelerated industrial development than in the State of Illinois (industrial France had contributed to this): Russia in 1913 manufactured more sewing machines (especially of the SINGER brand) than the rest of the world. It was necessary to use all possible means to send it back to the Middle Ages or better still to any kind of oriental despotism in order to condemn all economic growth, such as a sin, as the dying Manchurian China had been. The New York Times of 1919 proudly headlined that the nascent USSR was only " a kind of China in the making". without suspecting that it was China that would become “a kind of USSR” (Alfred SAUVY).

We didn't really know if it was better to put at the head of the USSR slavophile obscurantists à la Rasputin or individuals from the ultra-left as apragmatic as possible. It was in a totally sadistic spirit that the American Jewish financing of the Russian revolution was made by the New York bank SCHIFF, among others.

Within this picture, Léon TROSKY was an element who had the role of little saboteur and little more: the important thing was to make the USSR completely inoperative as a supplier of vital products to Europe in ruins and, particularly the 'Germany.

The promotion of the United States to the rank of first world power, at this precise moment, was done by no other method… At the expense of the British Empire which was being overtaken and Germany which was being crushed!

This thesis does not come from any conspiracy theory (argument which does not have one, but which casts shame on any debate or reflection which escapes the single thought), it is the opinion the most widespread and the most mainstream within the prestigious press of the American East Coast!

During the civil war of 1918-1921, uncertainty hovered over the outcome of the Bolshevik revolution. The Judeo-Saxon oligarchy was counting on a respite of a few years to allow, then, a comeback in force of the much more reactionary tsarists who were to restore serfdom, keep their territories in poverty and open the doors to their colonization. This is why the great powers of the time (United States, Japan, Great Britain, France, etc.) intervened to support the tsarist white armies.

In his book "Lenin: The Permanent Revolution" the historian Jean-Jacques MARIE explains that the future USSR by wanting to nationalize, and therefore exit the market, the mines and industries all owned, under the Tsar, by English or French capital ; eventually found itself "at war with the world" .

Moreover, it is because of the bankruptcy of the ROTHSCHILD banks in Berlin associated with the printing press that Adolphe HITLER came to power, through the ballot box, with the massive help of women's votes (women are the future of Man sang the post-war poet)!

To be complete, it should be recalled that the financing of Nazism by the bankers was a tragic attempt to overthrow STALIN who had "excommunicated" TROSKY. And already, the Western coalition had broken its teeth.

The plan didn't work as expected: the worst is never certain and history has, wickedly, a tendency to repeat itself!

Moreover, in one of his last speeches, President Vladimir PUTIN recalled that Nazism, directed against the USSR, was the product of the Western world, already under the domination of the United States and therefore of New York banks.

Let's not forget that the sole purpose of the Cold War was to ruin the USSR through the arms race. President Ronald REAGAN even boasted of having dealt the fatal blow to the USSR with the very costly "Star Wars" project (armed satellites): the United States had a military budget of 5% of their GDP when the USSR was obliged to allocate 20%!

Today, when certain Western politicians say they are declaring total war (5th generation war ) on Russia, this means that we are not attacking a political regime but a whole people (as in Iraq, Syria, etc.). ) that we want to reduce to famine and return it to the Stone Age!

The obsession for the dismantling of Russia, which is a historical constant, among the Anglo-Saxons (and Poles: Prometheanism) is explained by the fact that total world domination is only possible through the control of Russian territory which contains 20% of the world's natural resources.

Dismantling Russia was and is the common project of the City, Wall Street and the Trotskyist Zionists financed by the same!

Isn't it the same project against France and Germany, today, too!

When will we understand this historical truth?

The European countries have gone out of history following the repeated abandonment of their monetary and diplomatic sovereignty in favor of the European Union, a supranational body subservient to Atlanticist interests whose expansionist aims, in the direction of Russian territory, are far from be negligible in the event of an intensification of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, under the pressure of NATO forces above all concerned with restoring the supremacy of the collective West by putting an end to the desire for a multipolar world.

In the event that there was still the slightest hope of avoiding the cataclysm of a 3rd World War: Westerners would have to take care of their financial system, find reason and have the courage to put down this debt system which has become, absolutely, deadly rather than opting for the "all the way" of this macabre logic which will lead to hundreds of millions of deaths, as we will demonstrate.

The War in Ukraine: A Metaphor of the Russian Doll (Part 2)

The War in Ukraine: A Metaphor of the Russian Doll (Part 3)

The War in Ukraine: A Metaphor of the Russian Doll (Part 4 and End)
NATO Arms Fall Short in Ukraine Offensive, US Meddling in Taiwan, & China-Russia in the Pacific
Jun 18, 2023, RT 14 minutes + The New Atlas

Tiny Victories And Great Losses In The Zaporozhye Meat Grinder
19.06.2023 SFN

View attachment 76529

If you are having trouble trying to explain to people the history of Ukraine during the 'Great Patriotic War'
or clarify where Putin's resolute intentions are coming from:

"BLACKRUSSIAN: A video about the atrocities of Ukrainian OUN (Banderites) during the Great Patriotic War was shown at the plenary session of the SPIEF."

(extreme warning: this file contains graphic images / distressing content - however it is the reality of the situation, atrocities that are clearly continuing to current day, based on other reports we have seen. You probably won't be eating anytime soon after watching it.)

You can access the file through Ca's ORIGINAL post above - it's not long.
It starts with Putin asking for a film to be played about Ukrainian history -
which should help fully crystallise comprehension for the viewer... unless of course they are really, really stupid.
BLACKRUSSIAN: A video about the atrocities of Ukrainian OUN (Banderites) during the Great Patriotic War was shown at the plenary session of the SPIEF."

(extreme warning: this file contains graphic images / distressing content - however it is the reality of the situation, atrocities that are clearly continuing to current day, based on other reports we have seen. You probably won't be eating anytime soon after watching it.)

You can access the file through Ca's ORIGINAL post above - it's not long.
It starts with Putin asking for a film to be played about Ukrainian history -
which should help fully crystallise comprehension for the viewer... unless of course they are really, really stupid.
Indeed, a truly horror, I don't remember seeing or knowing that part of the history.

Here again, it is sometimes misplaced among so much information.


I came across this twit elsewhere, but I can't see the youtube video, there are comments that some people saw it. Censorship by region?


  • Screenshot_20230620_103100.jpg
    126.6 KB · Views: 8

I came across this twit elsewhere, but I can't see the youtube video, there are comments that some people saw it. Censorship by region?
Yes, some people saw it because it is available in following regions:
  • Philippines
  • New Zealand
  • Canada
  • United States
  • Australia
In some cases it may not be censorship, but it is just that someone licensed that video in your country. It is full featured movie after all.
You can buy movie if it is licensed in your country or in case that no one licensed that movie in your country just use VPN.
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EU preparing $55 billion bailout for Kiev –​

The European Commission wants member states to cough up €50 billion ($55 billion) to bankroll the Ukrainian government, so it can pay wages and pensions, and commence reconstruction projects, sources cited by Bloomberg have said.

On the supposed death of President Lukashenka (dated) by the pro-Ukraine tabloids Nexta and Charter97.org.

Since #Lukashenka left Russia without attending the Victory Day lunch with Putin, he has disappeared from the public eye. On May 14, the Belarusian dictator did not attend the annual flag day ceremony held Sunday morning in Minsk.

Last year he gave a lengthy speech at the flag, coat of arms and anthem day. Now instead of him, Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko spoke at the ceremony.

The mustached cockroach has not appeared in public for the fifth day. He flew from Moscow to Minsk on May 9 after the Victory Day parade, having missed Putin's lunch in Kremlin. The reason for the hasty departure of the Belarusian dictator was his state of health. An ambulance accompanied him to the airport. On his arrival in Minsk, for the first time, he was also unable to speak at the parade in Minsk. There he stood looking like a dying old man (photo).

There was also information that Lukashenka was in the Republican Clinical Medical Center on May 11. Lately, doctors, including those from the Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, have often flown from Moscow to Minsk to treat Lukashenka.

14.06.2023, 9:05
The dictator has held another self-exposure session.

As reported by Charter97.org, Lukashenka stated yesterday that he has been "running and jumping sick" and therefore will be recovering from his illness for a "long time".

Political analyst Dzmitry Balkunets noted that with these ridiculous statements the dictator has further exposed his propaganda and sowed doubt about his state of health :

- Lukashenka requested in advance to ask him a question about his health, but the answer turned out to be stunning.

"They said they had taken me to the Central Clinical Hospital, some other places - I don't even know where the Central Clinical Hospital is".

And how could he know if his body was taken there unconscious?

"And then. This is stupidity and foolishness beyond belief. If I needed help, Putin would have sent a dozen doctors from the Central Clinical Hospital to me within hours".

That is exactly what happened. Putin sent a dozen doctors who resuscitated the body.

"So all this is a lie and you don't believe it." -

Did anyone expect him to report that he was in the CCH? The ruler is supposed to be "alive, jumping, running".

Those who are supposed to know, they are very well aware of the situation and they know perfectly well how it all happened.

And in general, from experience, when Lukashenka says one thing, he means quite another.

As Charter97.org reported, the name of an incurable disease, which the consilium of doctors at the Central Clinical Hospital (CCH) in Moscow diagnosed Lukashenka with, has become known. The dictator was diagnosed with disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome (DIC). This disease is characterised by abnormalities in the blood coagulation system in which multiple clots form.

Also from Хартыя’97 in Warsaw (Below)

Screenshot 2023-06-20 at 21-38-14 Nazi Merc Tracker on Twitter.png



  • Screenshot 2023-06-20 at 17-18-03 Belarusian News - Charter'97.png
    Screenshot 2023-06-20 at 17-18-03 Belarusian News - Charter'97.png
    4.4 MB · Views: 8
I came across this twit elsewhere, but I can't see the youtube video, there are comments that some people saw it. Censorship by region?
Great Twitter clip:

The YouTube video is unavailable, also here. A description from the Wiki helps to explain why that might be - well, just jump down to how it was received in Ukraine, (not received at all).
Volhynia or Hatred (Polish: Wołyń) is a 2016 Polish war drama directed by Wojciech Smarzowski. The film is set in the 1939–1943 time frame and its central theme is Ukrainian anti-Polish hatred culminating in massacres of Poles in Volhynia. The screenplay was based on the collection of short stories titled Hate (Polish: Nienawiść) by Stanisław Srokowski.[3]

The film was nominated for the Golden Lions Award at the 41st Gdynia Film Festival, where it received three awards: for the cinematography, best debut, and best makeup.

As the budget of the film was insufficient, the director appealed to the public for financial support in order to gather required funds to finish the film.[4] Afterwards, the financial support was received from, for example, Telewizja Polska.[5]

Filming took place in: Lublin, Kolbuszowa, Kazimierz Dolny, Rawa Mazowiecka, Sanok and Skierniewice, from 19 September 2014 to 21 August 2015.
In Poland[edit]
In Tadeusz Sobolewski's opinion, Volhynia is a movie without precedents in Polish cinema after 1989.[12] Piotr Zychowicz and Pawel Lisicki praised the movie, underlying its authenticity and historical accuracy.[13][14] Grażyna Torbicka and Tomasz Raczek both expressed surprise the film had not received the main award at the 2016 Gdynia Film Festival in Poland.[15] Jakub Majmurek wrote that Volhynia has met his high expectations and is one of the best movie describing the history of the "bleeding lands". The author also believes that the director of the movie, Smarzowski, presented the relations between Poles and Ukrainians honestly, and the notion of the movie is a warning against any form of radicalism.[16] Ewa Siemaszko, who cooperates with the Institute of National Remembrance to uncover the historical facts of the massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia, thinks that the movie shows the events accurately. She quoted opinions of witnesses of the genocide, who said the movie is like a documentary on the events in Volhynia. Ewa Siemaszko additionally remarked that the massacres of Poles in Volhynia was genocide with exceptional cruelty – "genocidium atrox". It was a fierce, cruel and terrible genocide.[17]

In Germany[edit]
According to Gerhard Gnauck, Volhynia was the film that for which Polish society had long waited. On the occasion of the premiere, Gnauck recalled the history of the region and the Polish-Ukrainian relations. The author cited expectations of some political experts that the movie may chill the relations, arouse negative emotions in Ukraine and be exploited by the Russians to unleash anti-Ukrainian propaganda. Gnauck has underlined the episode of Zosia and her child seeking shelter around a unit of the German Army. In Gnauck's opinion, the film is very good and balances the rights of both sides.[18]

In Ukraine[edit]
Following the recommendation of the Ukrainian ambassador to Poland, Andrii Deshchytsia, showing the film has been banned in Ukraine. Reportedly, the censorship was rationalized by the Ukrainian authorities, who alleged that the film "could cause unrest on the streets of Kyiv". The head of the Ukrainian Association in Poland, Piotr Tyma, supported the ban by asserting that the film undermined Polish-Ukrainian reconciliation efforts. The Ukrainian media accused the director of making a biased film "based only on Polish historical sources".[19] The first such screening was planned by the Polish embassy in Kiev. It was to have been followed by a discussion with the director. Among the Ukrainian guests invited to attend was the president, prime minister and some MPs. However, Ukraine's foreign ministry strongly recommended the Polish embassy to call off the screening for the sake of "public order". Accordingly, the Polish Foreign Ministry spokesman Rafał Sobczak said that the introductory screening had been cancelled. Talks might be held about a possible new date of limited viewing.[20] The Polish Institute in Kyiv followed the recommendation from Ukraine's foreign ministry and called off the presentation of a film set against the backdrop of World War II massacres.[21]

During the production of the film, some Ukrainian actors who were invited to play characters rejected the offer after reading about them because they thought that the film propagated hate.[22] Andriy Lyubka noted that after the premiere of the film "Polish-Ukrainian relations will roll back 10 years" [1].

Nevertheless, the film received positive reception from Nadiya Savchenko, a scandalous member of the Ukrainian parliament, who welcomed the opportunity to talk about painful events of the past and noted many positive developments in today's Polish-Ukrainian relations.[23][24]
Savchenko had the better idea, I think, to talk about the past, reflect on it and make a better future, but the current UA Government and the Western backers, are less interested.

A secondary consideration
The Ukrainian state, guided by western money and the ideology of mainly Western Ukraine, is sending its own citizens to death, and Poland and the side of NATO has supported Ukraine in doing so. This situation kind of puts the WWII massacre of Poles and Jews, and later communists, into a different historic perspective, since both Poland and other NATO countries could have prevented the current mass killing of mainly Ukrainians and Russians from happening, but they haven't. On the contrary they have pressed for a continuation. Perhaps a resolution of the paradox is that the 4D STS puppeteers of psychopaths in power and the influencers of many others have an interest in suffering and in reducing the number of normal people. Does it matter much to them if those who die have a particular nationality, or if some of their own agents are carried away by a maelstrom of carnage similar to a meat grinder?
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