Jedi Council Member
From today's article of Simplicius, a few quotes, but the whole is worth a read as always :
"AFU Suffers Horror Breakdowns as Russian Forces Repel New Advance
Simplicius The Thinker
19 june 2023
The biggest news of the past few days was a revelation that Putin made to the visiting African delegation which was trying to mediate a peace talk between Russia and Ukraine, after some of them had just met Zelensky in Kiev.
For the first time, Putin revealed never-before-seen secret negotiation documents which were reportedly hashed out over the Istanbul peace talks which took place in late March of 2022. Many are professing surprise that Putin tied the proposed Istanbul accords to the Kiev withdrawal, but this was in fact reported at the time"
Now, let us move onto the ongoing ‘offensive’. Kiev made another major attempt to breach Russia’s forward screening lines. Various frontline correspondents were apoplectic with reports last night that the assault was one of the most brutal defeats of AFU forces of the entire war thus far. Casualty figures are reportedly extremely high as Kiev’s forces were thrown head-first into battle without much heavy armor support, this time apparently counting on their light armor to race across the gray zones.
They utilized some new tactics, like using smoke as well as the aforementioned. Of course, the Ukrainian side claims the push succeeded, as they did manage to capture the small hamlet of Piatykatki just on the outskirts of Lobkove, southwest of Orekhov."
A new alleged Storm Shadow strike on a Kherson railway juncture at Rykove where Russia was said to have stored arms for the Zaporozhye frontline reportedly leveled the entire railway by blowing a mass amount of ammo. This one, unfortunately, is hard to refute. The alleged before and after photos:
Geolocation: 46.334404206965885, 34.753528298679655"
"And on that topic of NATO possibly being activated. We spoke last time about NATO’s decision to increase its rapid response force from 40k to 300k. Now, there are persistent rumors that strange things are afoot in the U.S. as people all over the country claim to be witnessing ‘mass amounts’ of military gear being moved throughout many states/regions. I managed to compile a video of all the clips people are releasing, though there are even more than this:
(video in article)
Not only many different types of vehicles (Strykers, Humvees, artillery, etc.) but B-2 Spirits flying around:
In the US, there is a massive movement of equipment.
Something is happening in the US. B-2 Spirit bombers have been sighted over Minnesota, and military sources say missile defense systems are moving to positions on the US West Coast.
Americans! What's your take on this?
"US citizens are concerned about unusual military activity that's been reported in 26 states.
The Secretary of Defense added to these concerns by stating that these were not training activities."
Something is happening in the US. B-2 Spirit bombers have been sighted over Minnesota, and military sources say missile defense systems are moving to positions on the US West Coast.
And speaking of Putin, I wanted to add something to the last report’s analysis of the correspondent roundtable. I’ve now finished watching the full two hour meeting and there are two particular things that struck me.
The first, is that I realized one of the most critical points (for me personally, the most critical) of the entire talk was misunderstood/misinterpreted by most due to slightly faulty translations.
In regard to the issue of what comes next after Ukraine’s ‘counter-offensive’, the translations made it sound like Putin waffled and said “we have plans of a different nature”, which was strange and sort of nonsensical. But in fact, I realized that’s not what he said. What he in fact said made a world of difference, and now makes me more clearly understand Russia’s future plans.
What he actually said was along the lines of “we have plans of a different character depending on [how Ukraine’s offensive goes].” What he means by this is clearly that the Russian MOD has designed various contingencies based on the options I’ve previously outlined; such as: whether Ukraine ends up over-committing and getting a large part of their combat potential destroyed, or whether they turn coy and ‘turtle up’ to try to freeze things into a positional stalemate.
This is along the lines of what I said last time, but this new understanding simply confirms it for me and now gives me the confidence to truly believe unequivocally that Russia is employing a strategy of ‘exploitation’. Rather than an inelastic, rock-like strategy of simply chipping away in one direction no matter what happens, Russian MOD instead intends to ‘exploit’ whichever weakness Ukraine gives them. In short: the Russian MOD is utilizing Sun Tzu tactics like “never interrupt your opponent when he’s making a mistake.” The Russian MOD will allow the AFU to stumble into a blunder, and then will exploit it with devastating potential."
Lastly, I mentioned last time how most people aren’t aware that Russian soldiers get a base pay of around 200k Rubles per month. Given that the average salary in Russia outside of Moscow ranges from something like 30-70k Rubles per month, this salary would be the equivalent of U.S. grunt soldiers making over $150-300k a year."
The article ends with a video I couldn't imbed of a Russian soldier telling a joke (transcription's mine):
"A man find an old lamp and there's a genie in it, who promise wonder for its realease...
The man realeases the genie and beg a 200K salary...
And suddently appears an helmet on the man's head and a riffle in his hand... woooop he find himself in Ukraine..."