Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

FWIW. Hilarious if true! :lol:

Ukrainians launch online petition, calling for Vladimir Zelensky to be drafted into the military, seeing as how his presidential term is officially finished.

FWIW. Hilarious if true! :lol:
It's nothing more than funny. Vova Zelensky is an experienced "uhilyant" (hiding from the draft, in Ukrainian). It was stated that this cunning Jewish youth had successfully avoided conscription for legitimate military service 4 times, so and this time, most likely, he is not in danger of being mogilized, despite all the twists and turns with the presidency.
However, it is interesting how Russia will "celebrate" the official end of the presidential term of the Ukropsky professional comedian. The "Iron Dimon", for example, has already recalled that Vova is a legitimate target for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as the Fuhrer of the enemy's ukroreich, and there is evidence of an unusual accumulation of strategic aviation at the Olenye airbase in the Murmansk region. Do not look that it is far away - an extra 1000 km is not an obstacle for the "strategist" at all.

Это не более чем забавно. Вова Зеленский опытный "ухилянт"(скрывающийся от призыва, на украинском). Заявлялось, что этот ушлый еврейский юноша 4 раза благополучно избежал призыва на законную военную службу, так что и в этот раз скорее всего могилизация ему не грозит не смотря на все перипетии с президентством.
Однако интересно, как Россия "отпразднует" официальное окончание президентского срока укропского профессионального комика. "Железный Димон", например уже напомнил, что Вова является законной целью для ВС РФ, как фюрер вражеского укрорейха и есть данные о необычном скоплении стратегической авиации на авиабазе "Оленье", в Мурманской области. Не смотрите, что это далеко-"стратегам" лишняя 1000 км совсем не преграда.
It would be kind of flirtatious to write that we are moving forward slowly. The third settlement was liberated in one day in different directions, this has not happened for a very long time. By the way, some people are talking about another liberated settlement- Spornoye, but we will not hurry.
RV: the Russian military liberated the village of Neitalovo in the DPR

"The Russian army has completed the defeat of the enemy by liberating Netailovo," the telegram channel said in a statement. Fighters of the 9th brigade, together with fighters from other units, drove the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) out of the village. The surviving AFU fighters fled, leaving some of their weapons. The forces of the 59th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine could not contain the pressure of the Russian military, hold the defense and were forced to retreat, the message says.
«РВ»: российская военные освободили поселок Нейталово в ДНР

Уже как то кокетливо будет написать, что мы продвигаемся вперед потихоньку. Освобожден третий населенный пункт за одни сутки на разных направлениях, такого не было очень давно. Некоторые, кстати, говорят о еще одном освобожденном поселке- Спорное, но мы не будем торопиться.
I have already written about the "wonderful" balancing act in the Western version. In this case, we will talk again about it and also about what our notorious red lines lead to, which suddenly turn pink, and then dissolve altogether.
In this article, a person calls for certain things, and in this case it does not matter which ones. The important thing here is that he considers "himself" entitled to cause material damage to Russia, i.e. this has become the norm in his concept. Since the West no longer hides, but openly says that its goal is the destruction, dismemberment of Russia, then perhaps, having soaked in such "narratives" (I couldn't resist using a fashionable word now), such people sincerely believe that we are all illegally wasting their resources here. This is a painful misconception. It either passes by itself, or is treated in modern conditions with healing Zircons, Kinzhals, Iskanders and others.
In such a logic, someone should personally burn down his house, apartment, car and, if he is outraged, then recall him these calls of his. In a broader sense (I have already written about this), all the countries that support ukroreich are not called and are not considered enemies of Russia only by the good will of Russia itself. I do not want to think that this goodwill is not immeasurable, but perhaps it will still come to a certain limit.
"They will not touch a Russian soldier": Germany proposed a crazy plan for Russia

The destruction of Russian missiles and drones over Ukraine from NATO territory will not lead to a direct military clash between the alliance and Moscow, since this will not be considered an attack on Russia, writes Konrad Schuller, correspondent of the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

"Western anti—aircraft installations on the border with Ukraine will not only not attack Russia, but will not touch a single Russian soldier," he claims.

Schuller also noted that strikes on Russian missiles and drones "will only cause material damage", which will not lead to an escalation of relations between the North Atlantic Alliance and Russia. In addition, he added, this will allow the release of some air defense systems from western Ukraine and direct them to the defense of Kiev and Kharkov.

As Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said earlier, the Europeans see that the situation is changing rapidly and is fraught with a complete collapse for Ukraine, so they deliberately escalate tensions.

For comparison, I will give a similar story in the main a century and a half ago.
How Nicholas I almost sent 300,000 spectators to Paris theaters

Once in Paris, they decided to stage a play on Russian history, in which Catherine II was exposed in a very frivolous light.

This news reached the Russian imperial house, and the reigning Emperor Nicholas I, through our ambassador to France, expressed his displeasure to the French government and asked them to cancel the performance.

To this, the answer was received that France is a free country with freedom of speech, and that everyone in it is free to express any thoughts, and in general, theatrical performance is a private matter, and the government should not go there.

After listening to this answer, Nikolai asked to convey that in this case he would be forced to send 300 thousand spectators in gray overcoats to the premiere of the play, who would be able to "boo" the performance.

The memory of 1812 was still fresh, so the play was removed from the program without further explanation.

Я уже как то писал о "чудесной" эквилибристике в западном исполнении. В данном случае речь пойдет опять о ней и еще о том, до чего доводят наши пресловутые красные линии, которые внезапно розовеют, а потом и вообще растворяются.
В приведенной статье человек призывает к определенным вещам и в данном случае совершенно не важно к каким именно. Важно здесь то, что он считает "себя" вправе наносить материальный ущерб России, т.е. это в его понятии вообще стало нормой. Так как запад уже не скрывает, а открыто говорит, что его цель в уничтожении, расчленении России, то возможно, пропитавшись такими "нарративами" (я не смог удержаться и не применить модное нынче слово), такие люди искренне считают, что мы тут все незаконно тратим их ресурсы. Это болезненное заблуждение. Оно либо само проходит, либо лечится в современных условиях целебными Цирконами, Кинжалами, Искандерами и пр.
В такой логике надо бы ему лично сжечь дом, квартиру, машину и, если будет возмущаться, то напомнить вот эти его призывы. В более широком смысле (я уже тоже об этом писал) все страны, поддерживающие укрорейх, не называются и не считаются врагами России только по доброй воле самой России. Не хочется думать, что эта добрая воля не безразмерна, но возможно ей все же придет некий предел.
Для сравнения приведу похожую в главном историю полуторавековой давности.
Thank you for the response, I reflected on the information in post two of this thread
Youlik, thank you so much for your continued information re Russia v West geopolitics.
That last comparison (whether true or false) tickled me re Russian (diplomacy v threat)
Loved it. ;-D
I wrote a long time ago that my goal is not just to publish news, but to select it from the point of view of the actions of Western propaganda, where many things are simply not published, and those that are published are distorted. And the second important thing that I would like to achieve with my messages is to show the attitude of Russians (of course, through my personal attitude and how I understand it), which, as I see it, is not always close and understandable to everyone. It is not necessary to divide and agree at all, but I think it is necessary to understand.
I am happy with any reaction to my messages, and when they find a positive response, it is doubly joyful. This tells me that my goal is slowly being achieved. Thank you.

Я когда то давно писал, что ставлю цель не просто публиковать новости, а отбирать их с точки зрения действий западной пропаганды, где многие вещи просто не публикуются, а те, которые публикуются, искажаются. И вторая важная вещь, которой мне хотелось бы достичь своими сообщениями, это показать отношение русских (конечно, через свое личное отношение и как я это понимаю), которое, как я вижу, не всегда и не всем близко и понятно. Разделять и соглашаться совсем не обязательно, но вот понимать необходимо, я считаю.
Я радуюсь любой реакции на свои сообщения, а когда они находят положительный отклик это радостно вдвойне. Это говорит мне, что моя цель потихонечку достигается. Спасибо.
A small selection about intelligence.
The strikes on Russian territory turned out to be directly related to NATO aviation flights
Monitoring conducted over the past 14 months has shown that more than 90 percent of attacks on the Crimean Peninsula and facilities in the Krasnodar Territory carried out by drones and missiles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) occur after the appearance of NATO, mainly American, reconnaissance drones or aircraft in the skies over the northern and eastern parts of the Black Sea. According to monitoring data, American aerial reconnaissance vehicles conduct long-term flights in these areas, after which strikes from the territory of Ukraine follow on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Experts note that such coincidences are difficult to consider accidental and call it one of the strangest patterns in the history of armed conflicts. In this regard, representatives of the expert community are increasingly discussing possible measures to reduce the level of danger of missile and unmanned strikes on the Black Sea regions of the Russian Federation.

One of the proposals put forward by the experts is to create a no-fly zone over the northern and eastern parts of the Black Sea. This decision is proposed in connection with the systematic threat to Russian citizens caused by the coordination of actions between Kiev and NATO. The creation of a no-fly zone could significantly limit the possibilities for reconnaissance flights, which, in turn, would reduce the likelihood of attacks on Russian facilities.

Nevertheless, this airspace is international, and therefore it is either difficult or impossible to implement such an approach.
Удары по российской территории оказались напрямую связаны с полётами авиации НАТО

Another drone in front of the Crimean bridge. Well, we are waiting for what will follow.
The American RQ-4B Global Hawk UAV is seen opposite the Crimean Bridge
The US Air Force's RQ-4B Global Hawk reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle has been spotted again over the Black Sea. The UAV runs between Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory, which raises serious concerns about possible surveillance targets and potential attacks.

According to sources, the drone's flight route indicates increased attention to strategically important sites such as the Crimean Bridge and facilities in the Krasnodar Territory. This may indicate preparations for possible attacks using missiles and unmanned vehicles.

The resumption of the active presence of an American reconnaissance drone in the region is of concern to the Russian authorities and analysts. Increased intelligence activity may be a harbinger of new attempts to attack key infrastructure facilities in the Crimea and Krasnodar Territory.

Experts note that such activity of the RQ-4B Global Hawk indicates the continued interest on the part of the United States in the situation in the Black Sea region against the background of providing intelligence data to the Ukrainian side.
Американский БПЛА RQ-4B Global Hawk замечен напротив Крымского моста

Turkey is a member of NATO, do not forget this.
Turkey transmits intelligence data to Kiev in the Black Sea
Turkey is actively providing Ukraine with intelligence on the situation in the Black Sea, using its reconnaissance aircraft for this purpose. According to the Crimean Wind monitoring group and the Flightradar portal, an ATR 72-600TMPA aircraft with the call sign MARTI25, designed to perform maritime patrol tasks, was spotted off the coast of Turkey.

Equipped with advanced electronic reconnaissance and surveillance systems, this aircraft is actively operating in the surveillance zone, performing tasks of anti-submarine defense, combating surface targets and electronic reconnaissance. The ATR 72MP radio detection and guidance system includes an advanced multi-mode surveillance radar with an active phased array antenna, a turret with electron-optical sensors, an automatic identification system and an on-board search and rescue system radio direction finder.

"Western intelligence agencies are sharing information with Ukraine in real time. It should be noted that the recent Ukrainian missile attacks on targets in Crimea were preceded by massive electronic reconnaissance from the air," the report said.

It should be noted that earlier Turkey denied supplying Ukraine with weapons and transferring intelligence data.
Турция передаёт Киеву разведывательные данные в Чёрном море

I am publishing this news here for comparison. Of course, it is impossible to directly compare the Houthis with Russia, but they are champions in terms of the number of downed American reconnaissance drones.
The Houthis shot down the fifth American MQ-9 Reaper drone
Yemen's air defense forces shot down an American MQ-9 unmanned aerial vehicle over the central part of the country. This was announced by a representative of the Houthis, stressing that this incident is a significant success for the Yemeni armed forces.

According to the Houthi representative, the drone was detected and destroyed as a result of coordinated air defense actions. The MQ-9 Reaper, known for its high technology and capabilities for conducting reconnaissance and strike operations, was shot down at an altitude of several thousand meters, which confirms the effectiveness of the air defense systems used by the Yemeni forces.

This is the fifth American MQ-9 Reaper drone shot down by the Yemeni Houthis in recent months.
Хуситы сбили пятый американский беспилотник MQ-9 Reaper

Небольшая подборка про разведку. Очередной дрон напротив крымского моста. Ну что же, ждем что последует.
Турция член НАТО, не надо этого забывать.
Эту новость я публикую здесь для сравнения. Конечно напрямую сравнивать Хуситов с Россией никак нельзя, но вот по количеству сбитых американских разведывательных дронов они чемпионы.
A couple of news about new ukropia weapons.
What can I say about such "Frankensteins"? Only that the efforts of the terrorist regime can only produce terrorist weapons.
Think about it. They place weapons that are unmanageable in their design on a poorly controlled base. In the first case, it is said about the Grad system, in the second case, an aviation system for launching unguided rocket (NURS) is most likely used. Both systems have unguided ammunition after launch, and if the ground launcher can be fixed and oriented, and the aircraft can be confidently oriented and thereby achieve a certain aiming accuracy, then how can a light boat be fixed and oriented on the water?
Where can they shoot with such a weapon? Only "somewhere there". And what could be the target for such a weapon? Only a large target area, i.e. a populated area.
In Ukraine, Sea Baby drones with Grad installations were shown (PHOTO)

Grad MLRS are installed on Ukrainian Sea Baby drones

Enemy resources publish footage of winter field trials of such drones, but without going to sea.

It is assumed that equipping drones with MLRS launchers will allow them to strike from a distance.

The effectiveness of such drones, however, remains questionable.

Earlier, Russian Spring showed footage of a Ukrainian unmanned marine boat destroyed off the coast of Crimea. An air-to-air R-73 air-to-air missile was mounted on it.

The Ukrainian military used a marine drone with MLRS

The Armed Forces of Ukraine used a marine drone (unmanned boat) equipped with a multiple launch rocket system (MLRS). This happened in the area of the Kinburna spit located between the Dnieper-Bug estuary and the Black Sea.

A volley of rockets was fired from the drone at the positions of our fighters. The enemy failed to hit the target, but there is no doubt that the Ukrainians will improve such unmanned boats. A video of the work of a Ukrainian drone was published by the telegram channel "There beyond the mists".

It should be noted that this is not the first time that Ukrainian unmanned boats are equipped with weapons. Earlier, ANNA-News columnist Alexander Dolbysh reported on the use by the enemy of the Sea Baby marine drone, armed with hand-held infantry flamethrowers "Bumblebee". It is likely that in the near future the Ukrainians will begin to install anti-tank missile systems on them.

Recall that the armed forces of Ukraine actively use marine drones during combat operations in the Black Sea. They are used by the enemy to attack our ships and coastal infrastructure. In August 2023, the 385th separate brigade of marine unmanned special purpose complexes was created as part of the Ukrainian naval forces.
УкÑаинÑкие военнÑе пÑименили моÑÑкой дÑон Ñ Ð Ð¡ÐÐ

Пара новостей про новинки укропского вооружения. Что можно сказать про подобных "франкенштейнов"? Только то, что усилиями террористического режима может получиться только террористическое оружие. Задумайтесь. Они ставят неуправляемое по своей конструкции оружие на слабо контролируемую базу. В первом случае говорится о системе Град, во втором случае скорее всего применяется авиационная система запуска неуправляемых реактивных снарядов (НУРС). И та и другая система имеет неуправляемые после запуска боеприпасы и если наземную пусковую установку можно зафиксировать и ориентировать, а самолет можно уверенно ориентировать и тем самым добиться определенной прицельности стрельбы, то как можно зафиксировать и ориентировать легкий катерок на воде?
Куда можно стрелять таким оружием? Только "куда то туда". И что может являться целью для такого оружия? Только большая по площади цель, т.е. населенный пункт.
I wonder if Putin knows that he is planning to attack Gotland 🤔 ( Swedish island on Baltic Sea)

In an interview that Sweden's army chief Micael Bydén gave to german RND, we learn that:

Glauben Sie, Putin hat ein Auge auf Gotland geworfen? Ja, ich bin sicher, dass Putin sogar beide Augen auf Gotland geworfen hat. Putins Ziel ist es, die Kontrolle über die Ostsee zu erlangen. Wahrscheinlich hat er auch ein Auge auf die Inselgruppe Åland geworfen. Die Russen beobachten genau, was an den Ein- und Ausgängen der Ostsee geschieht. Für Putin ist die Ostsee genauso wichtig, wie es für uns wichtig ist, dass sie offen und sicher bleibt. Wenn Russland die Kontrolle übernimmt und die Ostsee abriegelt, hätte das enorme Auswirkungen auf unser Leben – in Schweden und allen anderen Ostseeanrainerstaaten. Das dürfen wir nicht zulassen. Die Ostsee darf nicht zu Putins Spielwiese werden, auf der er die Nato-Mitglieder in Angst und Schrecken versetzt.

English translation:

Do you think Putin has his eye on Gotland? Yes, I'm sure that Putin even has both eyes on Gotland. Putin's goal is to gain control of the Baltic Sea. He probably also has his eye on the Åland archipelago. The Russians are keeping a close eye on what is happening at the entrances and exits of the Baltic Sea. The Baltic Sea is just as important to Putin as it is to us that it remains open and safe. If Russia takes control and seals off the Baltic Sea, it would have a huge impact on our lives - in Sweden and all other countries bordering the Baltic Sea. We must not allow that to happen. The Baltic Sea must not become Putin's playground where he frightens the NATO members.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Mit dauerhaft stationierten Einheiten sichern wir nun die Insel und bringen vorübergehend weitere Kräfte dorthin, wenn sich die Gefahrenlage erhöht. Wer Gotland kontrolliert, der kontrolliert die Ostsee. Im Moment sind wir das. Wir verteidigen Gotland und können die Insel bei Bedarf auch für offensive Operationen nutzen. Wir haben ein großes Interesse daran, den Seeweg offen zu halten und zu kontrollieren, was über und unter der Wasseroberfläche geschieht. Von Gotland aus können wir anderen Nato-Staaten in der Ostsee helfen, in Sicherheit zu leben. Wenn Putin aber in Gotland einmarschiert, kann er die Nato-Länder vom Meer aus bedrohen. Das wäre das Ende von Frieden und Stabilität in den nordischen und baltischen Regionen.

English translation:

We are now securing the island with permanently stationed units and temporarily deploying additional forces there if the threat situation increases. Whoever controls Gotland controls the Baltic Sea. At the moment, that's us. We are defending Gotland and can also use the island for offensive operations if necessary. We have a great interest in keeping the sea route open and controlling what happens above and below the surface. From Gotland, we can help other NATO states in the Baltic Sea to live in safety. But if Putin invades Gotland, he can threaten the NATO countries from the sea. That would be the end of peace and stability in the Nordic and Baltic regions.
I wonder if Putin knows that he is planning to attack Gotland 🤔 ( Swedish island on Baltic Sea)

In an interview that Sweden's army chief Micael Bydén gave to german RND, we learn that:
Although this does not apply to this topic, I will ask: do you know why the Swede is so sure that Putin will attack this island?
Exactly the same reason why everything else (Ukraine) is happening. Until recently, there was an agreement according to which the Swedish island should be demilitarized and Russian personnel were present at it, who monitored compliance with this agreement. The Swedes broke the agreement, the Russian personnel were sent and some troops were led there.
That's the answer.

We continue to move forward.
Andreevka came under the control of the Russian military
. The Russian military took control of the settlement of Andreevka in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR). This was announced by the Russian Ministry of Defense in its summary of the progress of the special military operation.

Andreevka is located southwest of Artemovsk. The day before, the military department also announced the liberation of the settlement of Kleshcheyevka in the same sector of the front. Control over these settlements allows the Russian armed forces to move south of the road to the Yar Chapel, which opens up new strategic opportunities in this direction.

In addition, the fighters of the Southern Group of Troops inflicted a significant defeat on the enemy's manpower and equipment in the area of Konstantinovka, Razdolovka and the Yar Clock. According to the Ministry of Defense, Kiev lost more than 490 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, four vehicles, an M109 Paladin self-propelled artillery unit, a Hyacinth-B cannon, four D-20 howitzers and an L-119 cannon.

Andreevka became the third settlement taken by the Russian military since the beginning of this week.
Андреевка перешла под контроль российских военных

The situation with the Zaporozhye NPP is becoming more complicated. Interestingly, the IAEA, which had never "noticed" the Ukrainian shelling of the station, reacted promptly here. Some believe that at the upcoming gathering in Switzerland on the Zelensky peace formula, the situation at the station will be recognized as unsafe and they will try to push through a decision to transfer the station under UN control, respectively, this is the IAEA, and there the Ukrainian control is just around the corner. They still consider themselves the most cunning of all.
Zaporizhia NPP has lost connection with the only power transmission line
Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) has lost contact with the only remaining 750 kV power line outside the site due to a short circuit. This was announced by the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi. The station now depends on a single backup line.

"The NPP lost contact with the only remaining 750 kV power transmission line outside the site this afternoon due to a short circuit, as a result of which it depends on the only backup line," Grossi said on the official account of the IAEA on the social network X (formerly Twitter).

The IAEA Director General stressed that the power outage once again highlights the extreme danger of nuclear protection and safety at the Zaporizhia NPP during the conflict. The loss of the main power transmission line poses significant risks to the stable operation of the plant and can lead to serious consequences.

Zaporizhia NPP is located on the left bank of the Dnieper River near the city of Energodar and is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe in terms of the number of units and installed capacity. The station has six power units with a capacity of 1 gigawatt each. In October 2022, the nuclear power plant became the property of the Russian Federation.
Запорожская АЭС потеряла связь с единственной линией электропередачи

Хоть это и не относится к данной теме, я спрошу: знаете ли вы, почему швед так уверен в том, что Путин нападет на этот остров?
Ровно потому же самому, почему и все остальное (Украина) происходит. До недавнего времени существовал договор, по которому шведский остров должен быть демилитаризован и на нем присутствовал Российский персонал, который наблюдал за соблюдением этого договора. Шведы договор разорвали, Российский персонал выслали и вели туда какие то войска.
Вот и ответ.
Мы продолжаем продвигаться вперед. Ситуация с ЗАЭС осложняется. Интересно, что МАГАТЭ, которое никогда "не замечало" украинские обстрелы станции, тут оперативно среагировало. Некоторые считают, что на предстоящем сборище в Швейцарии по поводу "формулы мира Зеленского" ситуацию на станции постараются признать не безопасной и постараются протащить решение по передаче станции под контроль ООН, соответственно это МАГАТЭ, а там и до украинского контроля рукой подать. Они считают себя по прежнему хитрее всех.
Unlike the removal of other bribe-taking generals, the removal of this general from office will directly affect the course of hostilities in the Kherson direction. I hope that it will have a positive impact and the military in this area will breathe easier. There were a lot of complaints about the actions of the command of this army and because of this there were a lot of unnecessary losses.
The commander of the 20th Combined Arms Army, Lieutenant General Sukhrob Akhmedov, was removed from office.

Earlier, in the media and on military resources, he was repeatedly accused of failed offensive operations with unjustified losses at Ugledar.

Military sources have repeatedly written that he could mislead the command about the situation in the sectors of the front entrusted to him, staying afloat for a long time.

В отличие от снятия прочих генералов-взяточников, снятие с должности этого генерала напрямую повлияет на ход боевых действий на Херсонском направлении. Я надеюсь, что повлияет в положительную сторону и военные на этом направлении вздохнут посвободнее. Очень много жалоб было на действия командования этой армии и из-за этого было много ненужных потерь.
Here is video on how Russia survived the sanctions, in fact their GDP went up. we are aware of many of the points and video is little longer. some basic points:
  • Basic Imports from West are replaced by Chinese. Because it is market economy, the business men immediately and effortlessly switched suppliers
  • Economy shifted to military economy. Military manufacturers pay more, so employers in other industries cost of wages increased. so there is temporary increase in salaries and GDP. This will be big issue once war is over just like after WW I, WWII when the unemployment will skyrocket.
  • Oil is still transferred using what is called 'shadow fleet'. Though Russia sold less oil, due increase in oil price, they have more profit. Same with other commodities Russia export like fertilizers, some metals.
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