Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

A Colombian mercenary. Castaneda Perdomo Rusvert (15.07.2000), left lying in a wooded area.
This is real shame, from what I have learned in the past two years, the Colombian government has an official policy to discourage anyone from going to Ukraine to fight. Yet, the promises of good money seem to be too tempting.

But, there's a lot of horror stories too, where soldiers get there and get their passports removed from their personal belongings, sent to the front, and have to deal with not only a superior enemy, but inept leadership, and not in every case is payment actually submitted. Since there's no contract, once the mercenaries die, their families do not see a penny.
Don't know how true it is but Andrei Martynov states that any human casualties inflicted when any vehicles of any description are destroyed are not included in their daily count.

I'm not going to argue with anything at all. I'll just give you my opinion.
First of all, I think that you are writing about Martyanov, not about Martynov. Andrey Martyanov is a well-known analyst. I personally do not watch or read it on a regular basis, but I have come across some of its materials. From these materials, I concluded for myself that at least this is not a stupid person. Based on this, I will not refer to it or challenge it in any way.
Secondly. Statistics is a very tricky science and allows you to do a lot of things. There are lies on all sides and I do not urge anyone to unconditionally believe any one side. When I personally have a question about which data to trust more, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or the Pentagon, I personally will trust the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation more, realizing at the same time that I will not get one hundred percent truth in any case.
Thirdly, as for the Ukrainian losses. The figures that I have given are related to the data of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and I would not swear by my life and health that this is 100% true. It's just that in my opinion this is much closer to the truth than statements from the other side (Zelensky, in the third year of the war, said that they had 30,000 irretrievable losses). In addition, quite a lot of indirect information speaks about the cactastrophic situation in Ukraine.
I'm going to write without links, as they say, offhand some things that come to my mind. More than once, there have been statements from local residents of different regions of Ukraine about the complete absence of the male population in specific localities. I wrote about it here. The dead in cemeteries are buried by women.
Just about cemeteries. At one time, there was a public statement from the head of some western office (Monsanto, Black Rock, State Street, I do not remember exactly) to the Ukrainian authorities that it is impossible to expand cemeteries so uncontrollably, thus meaninglessly (in his opinion) wasting a valuable resource - land, which according to his statement "It doesn't belong only to them." Such a statement speaks volumes. The cemeteries themselves, which are growing geographically at an incredible pace, and the ownership of the land. Those unfortunate women who bury their dead men are burying them in no longer Ukrainian soil, which is what Western capitalists are publicly worried about (they can also be understood - they did pay not for it).
And finally, all that nightmare and lawlessness that accompanies the mobilization in Ukraine. I do not know how familiar you are with the situation, but believe me - modern Ukraine is one big prison or concentration camp. Starting from the legislative level (either by law or by presidential decree, many civil rights have been abolished. Officially!) and ending with the fact that it is happening "on earth". This is not happening from scratch.

Я не буду спорить вообще ни с чем. Просто выскажу свое мнение.
Во первых, я думаю, что вы пишете про Мартьянова, а не про Мартынова. Андрей Мартьянов довольно известный аналитик. Я лично не смотрю и не читаю его на регулярной основе, но некоторые его материалы мне попадались. Из этих материалов я сделал для себя вывод, что как минимум это не глупый человек. Исходя из этого, ссылаться на него или как то оспаривать его я не буду.
Во вторых. Статистика очень хитрая наука и позволяет делать много чего. Вранье есть со всех сторон и я не призываю никого безоговорочно поверить какой либо одной стороне. Когда у меня лично встает вопрос каким данным больше доверять, МО РФ или Пентагону, я лично буду больше доверять МО РФ, понимая при этом, что стопроцентной правды я не получу в любом случае.
В третьих, что касается украинских потерь. Цифры, которые я привёл, имеют отношение к данным МО РФ и я бы не стал клясться своей жизнью и здоровьем, что это правда на 100%. Просто по моему это гораздо ближе к правде, чем заявления с другой стороны (Зеленский на третьем году войны заявил, что у них 30000 безвозвратных потерь). К тому же довольно много косвенных сведений говорят о кактастрофическом положении на Украине. Я сейчас напишу без ссылок, что называется, навскидку некоторые вещи, которые приходят мне на память. Уже не один раз попадались заявления от местных жителей разных регионов Украины о полном отсутствии мужского населения в конкретных населенных пунктах. Я здесь писал об этом. Умерших и погибших на кладбищах закапывают женщины.
Как раз о кладбищах. В свое время было публичное заявление со стороны главы какой то западной конторы (Monsanto, Black Rock, State Street, я не помню точно) в адрес властей украины о том, что нельзя так бесконтрольно расширять кладбища, таким образом бессмысленно (по его мнению) растрачивая ценный ресурс- землю, которая по его заявлению "принадлежит не только им". Такое заявление говорит о многом. Собственно кладбища, которые территориально растут невероятными темпами и принадлежность земли. Те несчастные женщины, которые хоронят своих погибших мужчин, закпывают их уже не в украинскую землю, о чем публично и переживают западные капиталисты (их тоже можно понять- они не за это платили).
Ну и наконец весь тот кошмар и беспредел, которым сопровождается мобилизация на Украине. Я не знаю насколько вы знакомы с ситуацией, но поверьте- современная украина это одна большая тюрьма или концлагерь. Начиная с законодательного уровня (то ли законом, то ли указом президента отменены многие гражданские права. Официально!) и кончая тем, что просходит "на земле". Это же происходит не на пустом месте.
This is real shame, from what I have learned in the past two years, the Colombian government has an official policy to discourage anyone from going to Ukraine to fight. Yet, the promises of good money seem to be too tempting.

But, there's a lot of horror stories too, where soldiers get there and get their passports removed from their personal belongings, sent to the front, and have to deal with not only a superior enemy, but inept leadership, and not in every case is payment actually submitted. Since there's no contract, once the mercenaries die, their families do not see a penny.
It's time to work out a simple, but reinforced concrete principle - where the Anglo-Saxons rule (I mean, of course, political Anglo-Saxons, nationally they can be anyone), you will be deceived with a 100% probability.
From various other sides, to, not all are white and fluffy, but there is a much lower probability of deception.

Пора выработать простой, но железобетонный принцип- там, где рулят англосаксы (я, конечно имею ввиду политических англо-саксов, национально они могут быть кем угодно) обманут с вероятностью 100%.
С разных других сторон тоже не все белые и пушистые, но там вероятность обмана гораздо ниже.
Andrei Martyanov was born in Baku. He’s a graduate of Kirov Naval Red Banner Academy., and served as an officer on the ships and staff position of Soviet Coast Guard through 1990. In mid-1990s he moved to the United States where he worked as Laboratory Director in a commercial aerospace group. I’ve read all three of his books (all well researched and with comprehensive footnotes), and am eagerly awaiting delivery of his latest (to be released on August 1st). I watch his podcast every day the moment it’s posted, and personally find him to be among the best analysts I’ve heard, particularly in the field of weaponry, production, surge economy, and Intelligence, Surveillance, Targeting Acquisition and Reconnaissance. In my opinion he’s as solid as they come. Just my two cents. I love the guy!😄
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We are slowly moving forward.
In this case, although there has not yet been a complete liberation of the settlement, nevertheless a very important milestone has been reached. The Seversky Donets-Donbass Canal is an artificial waterway that steadily supplied Donbass with water. Currently, the canal has been blocked by ukrops for almost 10 years and there is still no normal, sustainable water supply in Donetsk. When we manage to seize the canal along its entire length from Slavyansk, repair and launch it, then in Donetsk and almost in the whole Donbass there will be a holiday comparable to joining Russia.
"This threatens to be a disaster": The Russian Army has completely occupied the Kanal microdistrict in Chasov Yar (MAP)

In Chasov Yar, the Russian Army completely occupied the Kanal microdistrict, gained a foothold and advanced on the flanks, the Ukrainian DS resource reports, calling the situation close to disaster.

"In the Hours of Yar, the Russian landing force gained a foothold in the Kanal microdistrict and is moving towards the Orlov tract in the direction of the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal," Ukrainian military resources write, publishing maps.

The Deep State military analytical resource working for the GUR refutes the statements of officials that the Russian Armed Forces were driven out of the city.

"Unfortunately, mistakes have to be paid for by people and territory. If it continues to appear that everything is fine, then the situation will be on the verge of disaster," they write.

Mistakes include "attempts to restore positions when it makes no sense, and defense on unfavorable lines, and sometimes surrounded."

The Canal microdistrict is the extreme eastern part of the Chasov Yar, located east of the Seversky Donets — Donbass

The "decommunization" loudly announced by ukrops continues. The Yuzhmash enterprise is one of the pearls of the Soviet space industry. At that time, this enterprise made a large range of space rockets. Why do ukrops need this?
The Russians have an obscene saying suitable for this occasion. I'll put it under the spoiler just in case.
A fool doesn't need a glass penis- he'll break it anyway, and even cut his hands.
In Dnepropetrovsk, a Russian missile strike destroyed the production of drones and missile weapons
Today's strikes in Dnepropetrovsk were aimed at the facilities of one of the largest enterprises in Ukraine — the Yuzhmash Southern Machine-Building Plant. As a result of the attack, production facilities that play a key role in the country's military industry were damaged.

Yuzhmash is the main manufacturer of military products in Ukraine, specializing in the manufacture of missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and repair of damaged equipment. This plant has long been considered a strategically important facility for the Ukrainian defense industry. Its destruction can significantly affect Ukraine's production capabilities in the field of armaments.

It is reported that the strikes were carried out with precision weapons, which is confirmed by local sources. As a result of the attack, several workshops were damaged, as well as the infrastructure of the plant. While there is no information about the injured among the company's employees, however, significant damage has been caused, and the restoration of production may take a long time.
В Днепропетровске ударом российских ракет, уничтожено производство дронов и ракетного вооружения

The detonation of missiles at the Yuzhmash plant in Dnepropetrovsk was caught on video
Today, a powerful missile strike was launched at the Yuzhmash plant in Dnepropetrovsk, which led to a serious detonation on the territory of the enterprise. According to local sources, explosions continue on the territory of the plant, caused by manufactured missiles and drones.

According to the information received, the Yuzhmash plant is one of the largest enterprises in Ukraine engaged in the production of military products, including missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The strike on this strategic facility caused significant destruction and led to fires.

On the video footage at the disposal of Avia pro journalists, you can see how powerful explosions are thundering on the territory of the enterprise, accompanied by emissions of fire and smoke, while detonation is still going on on the territory of the enterprise.
Детонация ракет на заводе «Южмаш» в Днепропетровске попала на видео

Russia also continue to save ukrops from unnecessary hassle in various other places. In addition to Odessa and Krivoy Rog noted here, there were also reports of arrivals in Poltava.
Explosion in Odessa: A blow was struck at the production of marine kamikaze drones
In the morning, a powerful explosion occurred in Odessa in the south of Ukraine. The incident happened at about 6:40 Moscow time, while an air alert was declared in the Odessa region.

Sources report that the purpose of the strike was the production of unmanned kamikaze marine drones. These unmanned aerial vehicles, designed to attack marine facilities, tried to attack Novorossiysk a few hours ago. However, thanks to the operational work of the Russian military, the attack was repelled.

Information about the explosion and its causes remains scarce. By 10 a.m., no more accurate information about the incident had been received. It is only known that the explosion damaged several buildings in the area of the production facility, but there is no information about the victims at the moment.
Взрыв в Одессе: Удар нанесён по производству морских дронов-камикадзе

Explosions in Krivoy Rog: A train train with NATO equipment was previously hit
This afternoon, powerful explosions thundered in the territory of Krivoy Rog, causing serious destruction. According to preliminary data, the target of the strike was a railway train with military equipment and its storage sites.

Eyewitnesses report a series of powerful explosions. As a result of the strikes, several facilities were damaged, as well as a significant part of the railway infrastructure. According to local sources, the strikes were carried out by Iskander tactical missile systems.

Details of the streets have not yet been disclosed, however, over the past week Russia has intensified it attacks on enemy military installations, creating serious problems for the latter.

Sources note that at least 3 explosions occurred in total on the territory of Krivoy Rog.
Взрывы в Кривом Роге: Под удар, предварительно, попал железнодорожный эшелон с техникой НАТО

Мы медленно продвигаемся вперед.
В данном случае хоть пока и не произошло полного освобождения населенного пункта, но тем не менее достигнут очень важный рубеж. Канал Северский Донец- Донбасс это искусственная водная артерия, устойчиво снабжавшая Донбасс водой. В настоящее время канал перекрыт укропами уже почти 10 лет и нормального, устойчивого водоснабжения в Донецке до сих пор нет. Когда нам удастся овладеть каналом на всем его протяжении от Славянска, отремонтировать и запустить, тогда в Донецке да и почти во всем Донбассе будет праздник, сопоставимый с присоединением к России.
Продолжается громогласно объявленная укропами "декоммунизация". Предприятие "Южмаш" это одна из жемчужин советской космической отрасли. В те времена на этом предприятии делали большую номенклатуру космических ракет. Зачем такое укропам? У русских есть неприличная поговорка, подходящая к этому случаю. Я уберу ее под спойлер на всякий случай.
Дураку стеклянный член не нужен- все равно он его разобьет, да еще и руки порежет.
Также Россия продолжает избавлять укропов от лишних хлопот в разных других местах. Помимо отмеченных здесь Одессы и Кривого Рога, ещё сообщали о прилетах в Полтаве.
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Officers of this rank are rarely captured, and given the constant Ukrainian desire to destroy even their ordinary soldiers who are captured, this is an even rarer event.
"It's like sending Budanov to rest in Krasnodar": The head of intelligence of the 59th Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was captured
During fierce fighting, the intelligence chief of the 59th Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was captured by Russian troops. Ukrainian information resources report on the serious consequences of this incident for the Ukrainian army.

Ukrainian sources note that earlier information was received about the possible death of this officer, but later it turned out that he had been captured.

"****, chief of intelligence, it's like sending Budanov (listed as an extremist and terrorist – editor's note) to Krasnodar for a vacation," Ukrainian resources emphasize, focusing on the severity of the situation.

The capture of the chief of intelligence of the 59th Brigade is a serious blow to the information and combat capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This officer had important information and played a key role in organizing and coordinating intelligence operations at the front. The loss of such a valuable specialist can significantly weaken the position of Ukrainian troops in this region.
"Это все равно, что Буданова отправить отдыхать в Краснодар": Начальник разведки 59-й бригады ВСУ попал в плен

In recent days, Russia has taken up the destruction of Ukropian aviation more actively than usual. Apparently, they are clearing a place for F-16s and Mirage.
An accurate strike on the AFU airfield destroyed 2 Su-25 attack aircraft and one fighter
Russian troops attacked the Dolgintsevo airfield, located near Krivoy Rog in the Dnipropetrovsk region. Despite the proximity to the front line — only 75 kilometers, the airfield continued to remain active and used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

According to data received from the scene, high activity remains at the airfield, due to the lack of alternative airfields for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. During the strike, several units of Ukrainian aviation were destroyed, which caused significant damage to the enemy's combat capabilities. According to Avia journalists.However, one fighter and two Su-25 attack aircraft were destroyed.

Among other things, there is information that several more enemy military airfields were hit tonight, for which the Geran-2 attack drones were involved.
Точным ударом по аэродрому ВСУ уничтожены 2 штурмовика Су-25 и один истребитель

The Pindos technique does not stand up and makes our task easier.
A HIMARS launcher exploded near Kramatorsk
On the eve of the day in the Druzhkovka-Kramatorsk sector, an explosion occurred of one of the HIMARS missile launchers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, when it fired at Russian positions in Donetsk. The explosion was so strong that a huge column of smoke rose into the sky, while the installation was able to release some of the missiles, and after the explosion, at least two missiles exploded.

The Druzhkovka-Kramatorsk sector is often used by the Ukrainian armed forces to shell Russian positions, which makes this territory an important strategic hub for conducting combat operations.

Some sources claim that the explosion occurred immediately at the time of the rocket launch, which led to the destruction of the installation itself and damage to nearby infrastructure.

One of the causes of the explosion is called low-quality ammunition, while 6 people could have died as a result of the incident, although official statements from Kiev on this matter have not yet been received.
Под Краматорском взорвалась пусковая установка HIMARS

Офицеры такого ранга редко попадают в плен, а учитывая постоянное украинское стремление уничтожать даже своих обыкновенных солдат, попадающих в плен, это еще более редкое событие.
В последние дни Россия активнее обычного взялась за уничтожение украинской авиации. Видимо расчищают место для F-16 и Миражей.
Пиндосовская техника не выдерживает и облегчает нам задачу.
Officers of this rank are rarely captured, and given the constant Ukrainian desire to destroy even their ordinary soldiers who are captured, this is an even rarer event.

The head of intelligence of the 59th Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was captured.
I tried to find ANY confirmation of avia's claim, anything close to it. Search in Russian and in Ukrainian and found nothing. It seems to be based on an interview with Maryana Bezugla who said (July 3):

There the head of the of the [59th Motorised Infantry] Brigade quarrelled with the head of his intelligence unit and what did he do in such a case - he sent the head of his intelligence directly to Krasnogorovka where he was killed.

To which Serhii Sternenko added:

"The brigadier did not find a common language with the team, began to interfere with the drone operators' work, interfere with their work and even hid the drones from them. But this is not the point. Recently, the brigade commander agreed to send the brigade's chief of intelligence on a combat mission. For your understanding, the chief of intelligence is the eyes, ears and a lot of secret data on the situation in the brigade and in its area of responsibility. Sending intelligence chiefs on a combat mission is an absolutely incompetent decision bordering on a war crime. The brigade's intelligence chief was killed".

Failed to find any rebuttal of that death claim other than Avia's. Checked her TG channel and FB page - no correction from her either. Not sure how I could have missed it if anything related has appeared anywhere in the public domain... Could it be another story made-up by Avia? I really don't know.
Could it be another story made-up by Avia?
I also tried to search now and didn't find anything either. It looks very much like they made it up, but there is also a small possibility of the need to "shake" that intelligence officer without making too much noise and then the Russian media will be silent as mute. In this case, it may manifest itself after a while.

Я тоже сейчас попробовал поискать и тоже ничего не нашел. Очень похоже, что они это выдумали, но также есть небольшая вероятность необходимости "потрясти" того разведчика без лишнего шума и тогда российские средства будут молчать как немые. В таком случае это может проявиться через некоторое время.
The fantastic Q&A continues to unfold as prophesied


The $2.3 billion allocated by the U.S. will be enough for Kiev to get only three to four Patriot batteries, which will not affect the situation for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. This was stated by military expert Alexander Khrolenko for Sputnik

One air defense battery costs about $500 million, and a single Patriot missile costs $4 million. Therefore, $2.3 billion is negligible given the current front line.

"This is a consolation aid package. The U.S. has focused on air defense systems because no one expects an offensive from Kiev, even though it is occasionally mentioned. But the Ukrainian Armed Forces virtually have nothing to launch an offensive with. Since no successes from Ukraine on the battlefield are anticipated, the Americans at least want to slow down the advance of Russian troops.

"- ukraine_watch

A retired Marine General who once oversaw all training across the Marine Corps and who recently was in Ukraine to review that nation’s military training was found dead on Twentynine Palms training center, the service’s largest training base.

Maj. Gen. William F. Mullen, 59, who retired from the Marines in 2020, was “found deceased” on June 29 on the base, the Marines confirmed in a statement to Task & Purpose. According to an online database maintained by the San Bernardino County coroner’s office, Mullen was found at the base’s Building 1651, a non-descript single-story classroom building used by the base’s Communication-Electronics school.

The Naval Criminal Investigative Service is investigating the death. No details on his death or how he was found were released.

Mullen was in Ukraine in February and met with Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Natalia Kalmykova.

In photographs and an interview published in Ukrainian media, Mullen appeared to be involved in reviewing and developing training programs for Ukrainian troops.

In an interview with a Ukrainian reporter, he expressed strong support for U.S. military support for the country:“Ukrainians don’t have that much. Our country is not helping much these days. I am not satisfied with this. I think that politicians are not paying attention to what is really important in the world, but to what is happening in their own little world in Washington,” Mullen said.

“I do not like it. Need to help. We must, we must send more aid. We have already sent a lot, but we need to keep sending money because it is a good help in your fight.”

Screenshot 2024-07-06 at 11-21-42 Retired Marine 2-star general found dead at sprawling Califo...png
The Naval Criminal Investigative Service is looking into the circumstances surrounding the death of a retired major general whose body was discovered at a Marine base on Saturday.

Maj. Gen. William Mullen, age 59, was found deceased at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, California, the San Bernardino County coroner’s office confirmed.

His body was found in Building 1651, according to coroner records, Military.com reported. The building is home to the Marine Corps Communication–Electronics School, according to an online base directory.

The Marine Corps provided a statement to Marine Corps Times stating that Mullen was at the base attending the Marine Corps Tactics and Operations Group change of command ceremony.

The retired major general was once the commanding general of the Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Center in Twentynine Palms, California, and retired from the Corps in 2020, according to the Los Angeles Times.

The Marine Corps also confirmed to Marine Corps Times that the Naval Criminal Investigative Service was investigating the incident.

NCIS was unable to be reached for comment.

The San Bernardino County Coroner’s Department is handling the autopsy and results are pending, a spokeswoman confirmed.

As a commanding officer of the Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team Company, Mullen deployed to Operation Desert Shield and took part in counter-narcotics missions along with Joint Task Force-6, according to his official biography. He later deployed with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit as a commanding officer of Fox Company and joined Operation Sea Signal, a 1994 military response to Cuban and Haitian refugees seeking asylum.

He deployed to Fallujah, Iraq, in 2005 as operations officer for Regimental Combat Team – 8. In 2007, he commanded 2nd Battalion, 6th Marines, also in Fallujah.

At the time of his death, Mullen was serving as the commanding general of Training and Education Command, based in Quantico, Virginia, according to the Corps.

Mullen’s “dedicated service to our nation and the Marine Corps will always be remembered,” Maj. Gen. Thomas Savage, the commanding general of the Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, said in a statement provided to Marine Corps Times by the Marine Corps.

Reached by phone on Friday, multiple members of Mullen’s family declined to comment to the media.

Snip: July 5-D 2023
Over the last week, Ukrainian armed forces lost up to 13,525 soldiers in battles with Russia's Battlegroups, the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) said on Friday.

Over the week, units of Russia's Battlegroup Sever improved its frontline positions and hit troops and equipment of three Ukrainian military brigades, the MoD said.

"Enemy losses over the period amounted to up to 1,595 troops, four tanks, three armored combat vehicles, 30 vehicles, three electronic warfare stations and 31 field artillery pieces, including twelve US-made large-caliber howitzers of various modifications," the ministry noted.

Russia's Battlegroup Zapad repelled 20 Ukrainian counterattacks and Kiev lost up to 3,580 soldiers in the past week, the ministry said, adding that Battlegroup Tsentr repelled 38 counterattacks, and Ukraine lost up to 2,970 servicemen.

We continue to move forward slowly.
Back on June 29, there were the first reports of the Sokol's release, but only now the Ministry of Defense is reporting about it. That's how long it takes to suppress focal, disorganized resistance and clean up the neighborhood to prevent successful enemy counterattacks.
The Russian army liberated Sokol in the DPR, — the Ministry of Defense (MAP)

As a result of active actions, units of the Center group of troops liberated the village of Sokol in the DPR and improved the tactical situation.

This is reported in today's summary by the Ministry of Defense.

Units of the "West" and "East" groups of troops also occupied more advantageous positions, units of the "Southern" group of troops improved the position along the front edge.

Operational and tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile troops and artillery of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed a illumination and guidance radar, a low-altitude detector and two launchers of the S-300PS anti-aircraft missile system during the day, as well as an oil refinery and a fuel storage facility from which military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were supplied, an aviation weapons warehouse and a parking lot Bayraktar UAVs at two military airfields, as well as concentrations of enemy manpower and equipment in 127 districts.

An interesting situation.
Earlier, after the tragic incident on Sevastopol beach, the Russian Defense Minister ordered the General Staff to "propose rapid response measures." Now we will see if they have proposed and measures or have not yet had time.
The drone of the US Air Force RQ-4 Global Hawk is again on duty over the Black Sea

The American strategic drone RQ-4 Global Hawk of the US Air Force with the call sign "Forte16" returned to combat duty over the Black Sea for the first time in two weeks. This is reported by RT with reference to the Telegram channel "Military Chronicle".

The RQ-4 Global Hawk is equipped with the latest surveillance and data collection systems, it is one of the main intelligence elements in the US strategy. His flight towards Crimea may indicate preparations for new operations aimed at collecting data on the activity of the Russian Armed Forces and the location of troops on the peninsula.

It is assumed that this UAV is conducting reconnaissance of the region before possible attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

At the end of June, the Russian Defense Ministry announced an increased intensity of flights of strategic reconnaissance UAVs over the Black Sea. The head of the military department, Andrei Belousov, instructed the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to "make proposals on measures to promptly respond to provocations."
ÐмеÑиканÑкий беÑпилоÑник RQ-4 Global Hawk Ð²Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¼ÐµÑен над ЧеÑнÑм моÑем - ÐазеÑа.Ru | ÐовоÑÑи

Мы продолжаем медленно продвигаться вперед.
Еще 29 июня были первые сообщения об освобождении Сокола, но вот только теперь об этом сообщает МО. Вот сколько времени занимает подавление очагового, неорганизованного сопротивления и зачистка окрестностей для предотвращения успешных контратак противника.
Интересная ситуация. Ранее, после трагического инцидента на Севастопольском пляже, министр обороны рф отдал распоряжение Генштабу "предложить меры оперативного реагирования". Вот сейчас мы и посмотрим предложили ли они какие-нибудь меры или еще не успели.
We continue to move forward slowly.
The settlement of Chigari in the DPR has been liberated
The armed forces of the Russian Federation have successfully liberated the settlement of Chigari in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR). This was announced by the Russian Ministry of Defense in its official statement.

The operation to liberate Chigari was carried out as part of a broader offensive by Russian troops in this direction. According to representatives of the Ministry of Defense, thanks to the coordinated actions of infantry and support from artillery units, it was possible to oust enemy forces and establish control over the settlement.

The settlement of Chigari, located in a strategically important zone, has been under the control of the armed formations of Ukraine for a long time. The liberation of this settlement is an important achievement, as it opens up new opportunities for further offensive and strengthening the positions of Russian troops in the region.
Освобождён населённый пункт Чигари в ДНР

Perhaps a new Sumy direction is being prepared for the opening. It is necessary to stretch the ukronazis into such a twine that their pants will tear.
The Russian DRG entered the settlements of Popovka and Alexandrovka in the Sumy region
There are reports that Russian sabotage and reconnaissance groups (DRG) have knocked out units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) and occupied the settlements of Popovka and Alexandrovka in the Sumy direction. These two villages, for which there were supposedly battles, are located on the border of Sumy and Belgorod regions.

At the moment, there is no official or even unofficial confirmation of this, but such an operation looks logical in the context of the current problems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine west of Donetsk and near Kharkov. Experts note that the expansion of the activity of Russian troops in this area may be a strategic step to destabilize the enemy's defense and create additional hotbeds of tension at the front.

If the reports are confirmed, the liberation of the settlements of Popovka and Alexandrovka may become an important stage in the development of hostilities in the Sumy direction. Pulling apart the front and striking at various sections of the contact line allows Russian troops to put pressure on the AFU and make it difficult to coordinate their defensive actions.
Российские ДРГ вошли в населённые пункты Поповка и Александровка в Сумской области

Мы продолжаем медленно продвигаться вперед.
Возможно готовится к открытию новое, Сумское направление. Надо растянуть укронацистов на такой шпагат, чтобы у них штаны порвались.
Today there was a pretty strong raid in many places in Ukraine. The Ukropsky air defense distinguished itself again, destroying a children's hospital and several residential buildings.
Statement of the Ministry of Defense on a massive strike on targets in Ukraine (VIDEO)

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reports that on the morning of July 8, in response to attempts to damage Russian energy and economic facilities, a group strike was carried out on Ukrainian military industry facilities and AFU air bases.

The objectives of the strike have been achieved. 3 HIMARS MLRS launchers and up to 10 foreign specialists who serviced them were destroyed.

Statements by representatives of the Kiev regime about Russia's allegedly deliberate missile strike on civilian targets are absolutely untrue.

Numerous published photos and video footage from Kiev unequivocally confirm the fact of destruction due to the fall of a Ukrainian air defense missile.

The link has a video of the defeat of three HIMARS installations at once. This Iskander paid off the entire batch of his brothers with his hit.
Unique footage of the night hunt for the HIMARS battery (VIDEO)

This time, our intelligence revealed the movement of three Himars MLRS installations to pre-prepared positions near the locality of Klapai in the Kherson region.

After transmitting data on the location of the jet systems, the Iskander-M OTRK calculation launched a missile strike, destroying all the machines at once. The military claims that a dozen foreign specialists have been killed.

Poland continues to stubbornly climb into trouble. Zelensky is happy, that's understandable. He would at least get someone involved to begin with, and then in the general turmoil, you see, he will be able to jump off and still live in his British castles and ride his wife's freshly bought bugatti.
Poland will shoot down Russian missiles - Zelensky (VIDEO)

Zelensky and Tusk signed a defense agreement: A volunteer legion will be formed in Poland; a mechanism is being developed for Poland to shoot down Russian missiles and drones.

A mechanism is being developed for Poland to shoot down Russian missiles and drones in the airspace of Ukraine fired in the direction of Poland, Zelensky said.

The security agreement stipulates the formation of a volunteer legion in Poland with the possible participation of foreigners.

Now Ukrainian citizens who are in Poland, Lithuania and other EU countries will be able to voluntarily join the defense of Ukraine.

"We have fixed in our security agreement with Poland the formation and training of the Ukrainian Legion, a new volunteer military unit. We have a very positive experience of the Ukrainian-Polish-Lithuanian brigade. And it is on the basis of such experience that we will give the opportunity to the citizens of Ukraine who are currently in Poland, Lithuania and other EU countries to voluntarily join the defense of Ukraine," Zelensky said.

Сегодня был довольно сильный налет по многим местам на Украине. Укропское ПВО опять отличилось, разрушив детскую больницу и несколько жилых домов.
По ссылке есть видео поражения сразу трех установок ХИМАРС. Этот Искандер своим попаданием окупил всю партию своих собратьев.
Польша продолжает упрямо лезть на рожон. Зеленский радуется- это понятно. Ему хоть кого-нибудь втянуть бы для начала, а там во всеобщей суматохе, глядишь, и удастся соскочить и еще пожить в своих британских замках и покататься на свежекупленной его женой бугатти.
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