"Puzzling People" by Thomas Sheridan - a puzzling person

It's merely a fake olive branch mixed with a pity ploy of "I'm just a salt of the earth man". Sorry TS, you're not normal, normal people would be offended by being classed with you. We're all imperfect, but the things he says and does go way beyond imperfection.
Also, I am a poor, little known artist and writer in the scheme of things - so if anyone wants to pay for an MRI scan of my frontal cortex - then my cranium is waiting as soon as the machine is fired up.

Why can't he get a job and line up an MRI scan? Doesn't Ireland have universal HC?

I'm sure there are plenty of 'blokes' willing to hit him in the head to get him a scan set up. ;)
Also, I am a poor, little known artist and writer in the scheme of things - so if anyone wants to pay for an MRI scan of my frontal cortex - then my cranium is waiting as soon as the machine is fired up.

all it'll show is it be lit up with empathy, emotions, kindness, love, laughs, creativity and dreams, many many vivid dreams. Then we can make prints of the scan for people to hang it on their walls.

I'm not sure if this is sad, funny or both. It sounds to me like he wants to take a picture of his 'awesome' brain to prove to the world that he is so speshul - and not a psycho. "Many many vivid dreams", because according to Sheridan psychos have no dreams, see? And then his fans will be hanging his brain from their walls. :rolleyes: As if! He really thinks the world spins around him, doesn't he?
If you want to prove to the world you are not a psychopath then start showing genuine love, compassion, empathy, and remorse for your past wrongdoings.

But then again, in this ponerized society many would fail anyway, so maybe a brain scan would be best!
probably some victims are coming out of bushes . so he may be trying to damage control. that also some body else has to pay for it. sounds like damage control .
Long time back, I read a story of previous head of Britannia india donating costly gift to a friend redirecting the same friends money. His friend was so pissed off with the episode that they kicked that head out of office after finding that the guy did the same with literally every body and the company money.
Pity ploys. He claimed in his intro post on this forum that he suffered from cancer at some stage. Has anyone ever heard mention of it elsewhere?

Funny thing is, he says in one of his books that psychos claim illness like cancers to elicit pity.
Kniall said:
Pity ploys. He claimed in his intro post on this forum that he suffered from cancer at some stage. Has anyone ever heard mention of it elsewhere?

Funny thing is, he says in one of his books that psychos claim illness like cancers to elicit pity.

this Sheridan appears to be a real fantasist. raped by a night hag?? :rolleyes: i am briefly familiar with his writing and media appearances through my interest in psychopathology although i prefer to study the work of experienced experts in the field that have studied the individuals with the condition.
i have had a good look at the links others kindly posted when i introduced myself and it does appear that he has lifted many of his ideas from forums such as this one and many others by the looks of it. i wonder how he came to the conclusion that all psychopaths have high testosterone?? how would he have carried out tests to ascertain that?
and some of his comments were pretty extreme and thoroughly dishonest, reading things on facebook he is accused of flirting and manipulating his followers. he says look for red flags, i think he has been hoist with his own petard.
Thought it might be useful to include his intro post to this forum in this thread:

I came from a family were my father was and in a classic sociopath. Apart from the horrific treatment I got at his hands/mindgames, and from studying his behaviour since I was a child he never seemed like a "person" to me. He was like a cartoon. When I was 16 I had enough and ran away from home. My first night stay at a friend's house I was attacked and raped by an entity. It was a night hag type of event. That was the end of that until I entered into this relationship with a very beautiful woman in my mid 20's who was a couple of years older than and from a wealthy family. It was an incredible sexual experience as she gave me sexually more than I could of asked for. But there was a price, she behaved like my father towards me after she won my heart. To be honest if she was not beautiful or the sex was so amazing I would have left. But her sexuality/beauty was a trap and she could be incredibly charming and likeable when she wanted to be. Classic female sociopath stuff. The relationship ended when I came home from work early one day and found performing oral sex on a man. It was classic heart break stuff. But the weird thing was I kept being reminded of both my father and the entity for reasons I could not understand.

A few months after we broke up I developed cancer. Now here is where it gets really weird. Even though I survived the cancer. I kept thinking that the tumor was a composite of my father, the entity and my ex Fem-Soc. As in it was the same being out to get me. I know it sounds nuts but it was a constant feeling I had.

Then a couple of months passed and I meet this very wonderful, but in popular culture terms ordinary looking girl. We were very, very happy and I thought I was set. But then this other woman who was very seductive and attactive approached me in work as a friend. But you know what happened one night following a few drinks after work. Now stupidly I did this one night thing while involved with a girl I loved on a more soul level. But I was then being blackmailed by Fem-Soc no 2 for our one night stand - she looked EXACTLY like the previous Fem-Soc when she was in the same classic sociopath mode. She even used the same language. It was creepy. Even though the previous Fem-Soc was a tall elegant blonde and the second one a short red head, they were the same person... Luckily she found someone else to target and lost interest in me as she knew I was not going to leave the "Ordinary Girl".

I know I did wrong and I tried to make amends. Then my girlfriend the one I remained with was badly injuried in a car accident. She is recovered now. We are planning to get married. But she can't have children now. But we will be very happy together. So my life in good.

Well time goes by and you reflect on your life and you realise that there is a pattern. But for reasons I cannot explain the pattern with me was very clear. All these things and all these sociopaths were the same thing. Then I spoke to a moslem guy at work about life and relationships "do you ever seem to wonder sometimes if the same person keeps coming back in different bodies to make your life hell?" - He looked at me as if I was stupid and replied. "yes of course they are called The Jinn"

From that point on I went from being a guy who though all paranormal stuff was pure hocus pocus to completely accepting though my own story and listening to others that we for some reason are targetted by the same demon who comes and enters our lives in different forms. Mostly idealized sexual partners. This is when the idea of the Demonic Sociopathic Entity comes from.

Anyways, as soon as I made this connection between the sociopath and the demon, a wonderful sense of peace overcame me. And since that day I have met nothing but nice people and all the sociopaths in my life seem to have myteriously vanished. I am sure because I understand the true nature of the sociopath as a demon, that they can no longer get you. I started the blog and came up with the term 'Transsociopathica' to help others deal with this issue. I get emails from people who say it worked for them too. Just knowing the truth about them gets DSEs out of your life.

We can kill Demonic Sociopath Entities by being aware of their existence. This is the only thing which keeps them invading our reality. Our ignorance is their doorway into this world.

Hope this helps.
Auranimal said:
Ummm... this part here.... "Anyone I have may have hurt, offended or disrespected personally - I will give an apology personally - if they are willing to accept an apology. Just bring it to my attention."

That's offering an apology with a condition - only IF the other person behaves in the way he wants. Only pathological people do that. His behavior really leaves no doubt as to his condition.
Thought it might be useful to include his intro post to this forum in this thread:

Well time goes by and you reflect on your life and you realise that there is a pattern. But for reasons I cannot explain the pattern with me was very clear. All these things and all these sociopaths were the same thing. Then I spoke to a moslem guy at work about life and relationships "do you ever seem to wonder sometimes if the same person keeps coming back in different bodies to make your life hell?" - He looked at me as if I was stupid and replied. "yes of course they are called The Jinn"

From that point on I went from being a guy who though all paranormal stuff was pure hocus pocus to completely accepting though my own story and listening to others that we for some reason are targetted by the same demon who comes and enters our lives in different forms. Mostly idealized sexual partners. This is when the idea of the Demonic Sociopathic Entity comes from.

So, his bad behavior and poor choices are laid at the feet of "Jinn"?? Really??

That would be the same as saying aliens gave me MS, boo hoo! :wow: :rotfl:

Reading through that mess makes it clear, in his own words, that he's never taken responsibility for his actions. The next book that comes out from a supposed 'expert' on psychopathy will be getting a hard look before I buy anything from said 'expert'.

Moving on now....
Heimdallr said:
It's merely a fake olive branch mixed with a pity ploy of "I'm just a salt of the earth man". Sorry TS, you're not normal, normal people would be offended by being classed with you. We're all imperfect, but the things he says and does go way beyond imperfection.

Well he's certainly proved he's not normal and that he's a coward by his habit of immediately defriending people on Facebook and blocking them over the slightest disagreement. He once attacked a Facebook 'friend' for not commenting (read complimenting him) on any of his art of music. I didn't much either and that was because I was afraid to say that some of his paintings looked garish and wierd. Another Facebook 'friend' was labelled as a troll out to get him just over a few disagreements.

The same goes for the Psychopath Free forum. Forum members can find themselves banned for life without any warning even when they think they haven't caused any trouble just because the thick headed and cowardly moderator doesn't like your political views or tastes in music.
Windmill knight said:
Also, I am a poor, little known artist and writer in the scheme of things - so if anyone wants to pay for an MRI scan of my frontal cortex - then my cranium is waiting as soon as the machine is fired up.

all it'll show is it be lit up with empathy, emotions, kindness, love, laughs, creativity and dreams, many many vivid dreams. Then we can make prints of the scan for people to hang it on their walls.

I'm not sure if this is sad, funny or both. It sounds to me like he wants to take a picture of his 'awesome' brain to prove to the world that he is so speshul - and not a psycho. "Many many vivid dreams", because according to Sheridan psychos have no dreams, see? And then his fans will be hanging his brain from their walls. :rolleyes: As if! He really thinks the world spins around him, doesn't he?

The fact that he needs to keep reminding us that his brain is full of empathy, love and kindness shows that he doesn't have an ounce of anything like that. He's certainly not proved himself by his actions to have empathy. Certainly a narcissist.
Laura said:
Thought it might be useful to include his intro post to this forum in this thread:

I came from a family were my father was and in a classic sociopath. Apart from the horrific treatment I got at his hands/mindgames, and from studying his behaviour since I was a child he never seemed like a "person" to me. He was like a cartoon. When I was 16 I had enough and ran away from home. My first night stay at a friend's house I was attacked and raped by an entity. [ETC ...]

I was just wondering if what he describes really happened to him - sounds like a full-scale attack to me. Maybe he had some potential lying dormant in him that needed to be quashed - and "they' would have done it successfully it seems. I would liken that to a demonic spirit attachment that has been vectoring him into detrimental relationships (à la "Love Bite") and to behave the way he does. Of course he also might be sociopathic on top of it.

Just ruminating ...
nicklebleu said:
Laura said:
Thought it might be useful to include his intro post to this forum in this thread:

I came from a family were my father was and in a classic sociopath. Apart from the horrific treatment I got at his hands/mindgames, and from studying his behaviour since I was a child he never seemed like a "person" to me. He was like a cartoon. When I was 16 I had enough and ran away from home. My first night stay at a friend's house I was attacked and raped by an entity. [ETC ...]

I was just wondering if what he describes really happened to him - sounds like a full-scale attack to me. Maybe he had some potential lying dormant in him that needed to be quashed - and "they' would have done it successfully it seems. I would liken that to a demonic spirit attachment that has been vectoring him into detrimental relationships (à la "Love Bite") and to behave the way he does. Of course he also might be sociopathic on top of it.

Just ruminating ...

Based on what we have uncovered about him, I think it is more likely that the whole story is made up.
Got this today

Niall and Joe -

I just wanted to let you know I read your article on Thomas Sheridan. I am one of the administrators of a private FB group. Thomas used to be a member of our group. Our group is for survivors of abuse dealt by the hands of narcissists/sociopaths. There are many members that have been to and through hell, that are fragile, that are untrusting - all for good reasons. To make a long story short, we decided to delete Thomas from the group. We feel he is an incredible danger to victims of this kind of abuse - and further perpetuates that abuse with his grandiose, almost "I'm a God" like attitude, all built on some bs platform that he's there to "help." His idea of help reminds me of Ronald Reagan's quote, "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Anyways, I just wanted to extend my appreciation for the article and I hope it will enlighten some of the victims I personally know that have been drawn away from real help and encouragement because they made the choice to follow this mad man instead. ♥ Thank You
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