Pyramids in Bosnia?

7ightG4therer said:
Hi all,

I was volunteering in the Ravne tunnels during the time when the ground radar crew was working there. I've had the chance to talk to those involved and there were a few things they said that are worth mentioning. First of all the cross section of the soil as can be seen in one of the posted pictures of the ground radar should be interpreted correctly. As I understood it, the picture contains artefacts as a result of reflections from the top of the underground structure, that are misleading. They expect to find a triangular stone object with the point sticking upwards. They do not know whether there is anything more below that structure, since the returning signal is skewed to such an extent that any interpretation is educated guesswork at best. Furthermore, the aspect ratio of the picture is misleading. The depth of view in the picture of the cross section is close to 4-5 meters, but the horizontal distance is compressed, relative to the vertical. In reality therefore, the triangular object has less steep angles than the picture suggests. The sketch that was shown is most likely inaccurate.

thanks for presenting some "information" about this structure in the Ravne.

7ightG4therer said:
What is interesting too are the existing 'megaliths' that are located inside the tunnels. These look natural, but supposedly these were analyzed and shown to be of some type of baked clay. They were found to be hollow when analysed with scanners and seem to contain egg-like solids inside. The purpose of these megaliths evade every one involved..

when I remember correctly didn't they say that those megaliths are made out of ceramic ?

7ightG4therer said:
For as far as the people are concerned that are involved with the project, I have heard and seen some interesting things. It seems that some of these people do not have the best interest of the archeological work at heart. There are only very few scientists involved permanently (as in, who live near the site and are working there full-time) and all of them seem to be very dedicated and sincere. Within the organization above them however, I saw a number of people that seem to have different agendas. There is a lot of money flowing in, but somehow this is not used for the excavation work. One of the lead scientists involved, told me that no salaries were being paid for month's on end. This person was living almost in poverty and only pursued the work because of a profound fascination for the site - almost a hobby, so to say. When this was discussed on numerous occasions with Semir, he showed a side within his personality suggesting he is a true narcisist. I hope you understand I limit the amount of detail to protect those involved..

A number of scientist I spoke with do not trust the organization surrounding Semir at all. They suspect that the work is carefully monitored and speed of progress is managed - even actively stalled.

that is interesting

7ightG4therer said:
I will later post some links from blogs and forums where more information on the progress is being posted......This short rambling is only a very brief collection of thoughts on the Bosnian excavation. There is way more and I would like to share more.

please do so
The forum where the recent developments of the Visoko work is discussed most extensively can be found here: _

Mod's note: The link has been deactivated.
7ightG4therer said:
The forum where the recent developments of the Visoko work is discussed most extensively can be found here: _
I hope You have read the threads regarding Icke and 'likes found in this forum?
Here's one if You'd like to dig in;,1242.0.html

Mod's note: Link deactivated
Thanks for pointing that out, Cleck de Bonk. I'll honestly say that I do not intend to go through all 33 pages of that thread on Icke right now. Let me make clear I'm by no means a fan of him and I tend to avoid any association to him and his work. Nonetheless, the link to that thread I posted earlier is the most extensive source of recent information on the Visoko excavation. Take the information as it is and judge for yourself.
7ightG4therer said:
Thanks for pointing that out, Cleck de Bonk. I'll honestly say that I do not intend to go through all 33 pages of that thread on Icke right now. Let me make clear I'm by no means a fan of him and I tend to avoid any association to him and his work. Nonetheless, the link to that thread I posted earlier is the most extensive source of recent information on the Visoko excavation. Take the information as it is and judge for yourself.

I think it would be wise for you to go through all 33 pages of that thread. You're posting links to the man's forum, after all.
anart said:
I think it would be wise for you to go through all 33 pages of that thread. You're posting links to the man's forum, after all.

FWIW, I too highly recommend doing this, 7ight. Have you been paying attention to the recent destructive and dangerous effects of believing lies?

It seems only responsible of you to know exactly what it is you are linking to.
Thanks anart and cholas, I've taken your advice to heart and am reading the thread now. Some point stuck:

anart said:
Since you are the one who posted the link to David Icke on this thread, it follows that you believe him to be a reliable source of information (why would you post a link to 'not reliable' information).

Which is true from my perspective, although I assume that the fact that the news on the digs is published on Icke's forum does not necessarily imply that the whole Visoko story is corrupted. I do agree with you that it does make it more likely, thus I should be vigilant.

Puck said:
When you come to This Forum you should loose all you expectations and read the rules. You should also do your homework before posting info on a topic.

Point taken.. I did give the link knowing I would receive comments on the fact it was posted on Icke's forum. I wanted to share the updates nonetheless, wrote a comment on the link with Icke, but decided to delete this before I posted. The comment itself wouldn't have changed much anyway.

The most valuable comment I found in the Icke thread so far was this:

E said:
The problem with David’s following, is that they don’t develop personally and individually. They have a great knowledge of the machinations of our controlled society, but they are left powerless with that knowledge, because they’re not given solutions.

I honestly can’t tell if David does this on purpose, but he’s a ‘saviour’ in the eyes of his followers, yet they are left powerless. He’s giving his audience the conspiracy ‘genre’ almost exclusively, and a vast majority of them are satisfied with it and will look no further.

This is precisely why I personally dislike the work and approach of Icke. Good chance I will be educated further as I proceed with reading the thread, but I wanted to let you know already that I acknowledge the fact that the link between the Visoko news and Icke makes the former suspicious. All I can add is that what I read there is true in the sense that the updates reflect the work that is actually physically being done in Visoko. I've met those involved, have seen their measurements and the tunnels and have heard the stories that go around. This first hand experience does give me the confirmation of the reliability of what is posted in that particular thread.

What I have also noticed, and this is important in light of what was said by anart and cholas, is that the general sentiment I tasted with most of the volunteers working there is more in line with Icke than with Cass. Many of the volunteers were 'conspiracy minded', as it were, but in a rather mundane way. I didn't feel I was surrounded with like-minded people and often I found myself in discussions in which I had to wade through a lot of preconceptions and disinfo. I'm not saying I'm convinced my ideas are more true than theirs, but I did get the impression many there were stuck on a level of thinking that was in line with David Icke. That did frustrate me somewhat, but I wasn't expecting much else honestly. I was there primarily to learn first-hand what the pyramids and the organization involved with the dig are all about.

I'm not very experienced with intensive exchanges with people that have a different perspective regarding alternative ideas, as most people I meet on a day-to-day basis are simply repeating the MSM points of view. My question to you is: could it be useful to discuss more openly the ideas of Cass with these people, or would it be best to simply avoid such discussions alltogether? I suspect that many of those I spoke with while there have such strong convictions that it would cost me a lot of time, patience and energy to really dive into the Cass material with them. I'm not sure I even want that, as I don't want to impose my will on them. The thing just is that what I've seen in Visoko is interesting enough for me at least to deserve my attention a little more. I'm not yet convinced it's all smoke and mirrors.
7ightG4therer said:
My question to you is: could it be useful to discuss more openly the ideas of Cass with these people, or would it be best to simply avoid such discussions alltogether? I suspect that many of those I spoke with while there have such strong convictions that it would cost me a lot of time, patience and energy to really dive into the Cass material with them. I'm not sure I even want that, as I don't want to impose my will on them.

you should not impose anything to anybody, that can lead to many problems for the Network here and yourself too.
the most recent example of what can happen when you disrespect free will and try to impose your few onto other people that don't
ask for it can be fewed here:,24816.0.html
Pashalis said:
you should not impose anything to anybody, that can lead to many problems for the Network here and yourself too.
the most recent example of what can happen when you disrespect free will and try to impose your few onto other people that don't
ask for it can be fewed here:,24816.0.html

Even more than creating problems for this network, it comes down to a very simple idea. People cannot be dragged to the Truth. In fact, trying to introduce anyone to the Truth (as opposed to them finding it on their own) often (if not always) has the effect of turning them away from it because all of it instantly becomes associated with 'you' (whoever is trying to push the truth).

All their thoughts about you, experiences with you, all instantly become melded with this Truth you are trying to introduce - and I'm sure you can see the problem with that. So, in the interest of not doing any harm, it is usually best to discuss things as you understand them - to a point - while always keeping your audience in mind. This is External Consideration and Strategic Enclosure (both terms can be searched for more explanation).
Re: Pyramids in Bosnia?

anart said:
Even more than creating problems for this network, it comes down to a very simple idea. People cannot be dragged to the Truth. In fact, trying to introduce anyone to the Truth (as opposed to them finding it on their own) often (if not always) has the effect of turning them away from it because all of it instantly becomes associated with 'you' (whoever is trying to push the truth).

All their thoughts about you, experiences with you, all instantly become melded with this Truth you are trying to introduce - and I'm sure you can see the problem with that. So, in the interest of not doing any harm, it is usually best to discuss things as you understand them - to a point - while always keeping your audience in mind. This is External Consideration and Strategic Enclosure (both terms can be searched for more explanation).

Yea. Somewhere at the beginning of me being introduced to this work and more, I also had the desire to spread the word so to speak. But I didn't talk about C's stuff, but mostly political stuff, especially the Israel/Palestina situation. But the main difference that I found, 7ightG4therer, between other forums and this one is that here it's about people having discussions, where people put aside their ego's as much as possible, where they keep the noise down as much as possible, so that some kind of objective truth can be reached. However, at the other forums, or atleast the ones I've been on, it was all about who has the biggest ego in a debate. There was no sincere interest in finding the truth out, everyone had their own truths/beliefs/illusions and they all wanted to present them and tell others that "they know better, because of this and that".

So yes, it would be a waste of energy and time on your side. They probably won't be interested, and I think that ''when the student is ready the teacher appears" applies here also. When they're ready for the Cass material, I'm sure the Universe will open up possibilites for them to discover.

And by the way, just because people are walking different paths, it doesn't mean that's a bad thing or whatever. It's just how things are.

However if you have a desire to spread the word, there are many ways to do this, which are much harmless. Think about commenting (on youtube) on Laura's videos, or sharing articles/videos on Facebook, or donating so that all the projects will be supported which will help them grow and reach more people. So the thing is, don't go out and act like a teacher, but be humble and treat all externally considerate. I think the best thing would be to start working on ourselves, and learning a few things ourselves via books and discussions here. Fwiw.
My opinion of Osmanagić is that he can be doing all that for fame, I remember that his words were all full of pride when talking about pyramids on TV, and I bet from expressions from his face that he thinks he is a very smart guy and that he enjoys it.
I'm reserving judgment pending further information regarding Osmanagić. I barely have a hypothesis formed yet. Although I have feelings and a few thoughts, they are all contradictory. For everything that could be evidence of narcissism, there could also be other explanations. Many researchers take pride in their work and, when they feel their work is going in the right direction, can feel exuberant, especially if they've been doubted by their peers. Much of Osmanagić's described character displays could be the result of someone who thinks they will finally show the nay-sayers they were wrong once sufficient evidence is collected. This ego, unfortunately, can lead to faulty logic, wishful thinking, bias in research and skewing or misinterpretation of data. He cold just have a big ego and not be a narcissist or worse. I think an unanticipatory wait and see approach is in order.

On a logical level, if he is about to discover something that will change the status quo or reveal a secret of the past, he is prone to be vectored and eventually co-opted toward whatever the PTB want.

I also worry about all of the workers and the ability to plant evidence or alter things according to directions from their handlers.

I could be wrong these are just some of my thoughts at the moment.

Gonzo, you are right about making assumptions but something just doesn't feels right with him from my perspective.

Much of Osmanagić's described character displays could be the result of someone who thinks they will finally show the nay-sayers they were wrong once sufficient evidence is collected.

He does not see that that will never be the case so it sounds a bit naive, and he doesn't see a bigger picture, he thinks or wants other to think that nobody wants to take alternative history as fact because of scientists ego(which is the truth in some cases) and because Egypt has much to lose in tourism from that, maybe he isn't interest in truth but only wants to look right, I don't trust him.
I think it's safe to distrust anyone prone to ego illusions and all the more when one thinks what could be at stake. Even the damage to Egyptian could be substantial. But it makes sense to think there's more to pyramids than just tourism.

I should have been more clear in my earlier post.
I sure hope I didn't come across as supporting him. Rather, I was suggesting caution in judgment, ensuring it is evidence based. I share your gut feelings. I just can't piece anything together.

a fried of Klaus Dona made a satellit penetration recently of the sun pyramid.

Klaus Dona says: this satellit is able to penetrate the ground up to 3200m deep
and they found tunnels and chambers (some filled with bones and other things) inside of the pyramid

here Klaus Dona speaks about this discovery:

and here is the presentation from Dona from September of this year about those tunnels and chambers inside of the pyramid. (with the marked tunnels and chambers, the deepest chamber is 400m under the tip of pyramid etc. ):

This is the latest part of conference by Klaus Dona at ICBP2011 in September.
In it you can find the speech about tunnels beneath the Pyramid of the Sun discovered by new technology of military satellites.

pretty interesting if it is true !

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