Pyramids in Bosnia?

What is bothering me is: Why pyramids in Bosnia are covered with earth and those in Egypt not?
From transcripts I realize they are a kind of energy infrastructure used for STS purposes - maybe they wanted to hide Bosnian ones for some reason? If they are built for collecting bad energies and sending same in "heavens" so 4th STS can feed on them (?!) maybe they wanted to hide them from somebody who could destroy them? Considering all bloodshed and suffering that happened in Balkans in Ages that Passed, they have had quite a feast :(...
So is than Mr Osmanagić doing a good job or ..? He is revealing what is hidden on purpose to serve its masters for centuries :scared:.. So if Bosnian Pyramids are covering Balkan region, could it be that those in Egypt are in charge of Middle East? And the last question:
Since today's Scandinavians are synonym for peaceful coexistence after many wars, maybe they are lucky to have no such ancient STS structures or they manage to annul bad influence of similar buildings (or different but of same purpose).

Scandinavian countries are known after their open approach to sexuality; also they have so small percentage oh population smoking (Sweden 5%?) :huh:. On the other side, the part of the world greatly under the influence of Vatican is supporting monogamy and, if possible, no sex before marriage... It seems to me that other strategy of "ultimate" restraint of sexuality is such a "pool" for aggressive behavior which causes a lot of damage resulting in all kind of bad emotions which are so yummy for Lizzies.... Pardon me for long PS :-[
Yozilla said:
What is bothering me is: Why pyramids in Bosnia are covered with earth and those in Egypt not?
From transcripts I realize they are a kind of energy infrastructure used for STS purposes - maybe they wanted to hide Bosnian ones for some reason? If they are built for collecting bad energies and sending same in "heavens" so 4th STS can feed on them (?!) maybe they wanted to hide them from somebody who could destroy them? Considering all bloodshed and suffering that happened in Balkans in Ages that Passed, they have had quite a feast :(...
So is than Mr Osmanagić doing a good job or ..? He is revealing what is hidden on purpose to serve its masters for centuries :scared:.. So if Bosnian Pyramids are covering Balkan region, could it be that those in Egypt are in charge of Middle East? And the last question:
Since today's Scandinavians are synonym for peaceful coexistence after many wars, maybe they are lucky to have no such ancient STS structures or they manage to annul bad influence of similar buildings (or different but of same purpose).

Scandinavian countries are known after their open approach to sexuality; also they have so small percentage oh population smoking (Sweden 5%?) :huh:. On the other side, the part of the world greatly under the influence of Vatican is supporting monogamy and, if possible, no sex before marriage... It seems to me that other strategy of "ultimate" restraint of sexuality is such a "pool" for aggressive behavior which causes a lot of damage resulting in all kind of bad emotions which are so yummy for Lizzies.... Pardon me for long PS :-[

the Bosnian "Pyramids" are in a complitly different enviroment then the Pyramids of Egypt.
Egyption Pyramids are in a desert like enviroment now (and possibly for thousands of years).
contrary to that, the Bosnian "Pyramids" are in a different enviroment .
it is known that some famous monuments in egypt were covert with sand in the past for example the Sphinx and some Pyramids.

if the Bosnian "Pyramids" are really very old (over 10 000 years) then the layers of soil over them is naturaly explainable (OSIT) given the possible age and the enviroment they are/were in.

the Question of what Mr Osmanagić is all about is a different one. I don't really know what to make of him.
does he have an agenda ? I don't know.
maybe he has an agenda ? but what agenda ?
maybe he is a honest guy ?

I stay open to all of that .
Pashalis said:
the Bosnian "Pyramids" are in a complitly different enviroment then the Pyramids of Egypt.
Egyption Pyramids are in a desert like enviroment now (and possibly for thousands of years).
contrary to that, the Bosnian "Pyramids" are in a different enviroment .
it is known that some famous monuments in egypt were covert with sand in the past for example the Sphinx and some Pyramids.

if the Bosnian "Pyramids" are really very old (over 10 000 years) then the layers of soil over them is naturaly explainable (OSIT) given the possible age and the enviroment they are/were in.

Yep, just search for pictures of the Mayan pyramids before they were uncovered. They basically looked like big hills.
Approaching Infinity said:
Pashalis said:
the Bosnian "Pyramids" are in a complitly different enviroment then the Pyramids of Egypt.
Egyption Pyramids are in a desert like enviroment now (and possibly for thousands of years).
contrary to that, the Bosnian "Pyramids" are in a different enviroment .
it is known that some famous monuments in egypt were covert with sand in the past for example the Sphinx and some Pyramids.

if the Bosnian "Pyramids" are really very old (over 10 000 years) then the layers of soil over them is naturaly explainable (OSIT) given the possible age and the enviroment they are/were in.

Yep, just search for pictures of the Mayan pyramids before they were uncovered. They basically looked like big hills.
...Or the Chinese pyramids today. Take also into consideration that type of construction/structure and slope varies in all mentioned examples (and greatly so).
And, IMO, Osmanagić most certainly has an agenda. What it exactly is I am not sure but he's definitely promoting himself.

EDIT: @ Gonzo in reply #109; I will answer when I get home ;)
Hi clerk de bonk, I've seen you mention the self promotion aspect before and I'm wondering how you see it as a red flag. Does self promotion indicate an agenda beyond the desire to promote the self?

While self promotion in New Age circles sets off red flags due to the potential for deception, it is less of an issue in certain other areas (entertainment, for example).

At work I've had to deal with a few scientists, some of whom have huge egos and they tend to be self promoters, but the quality of the work ranges from brilliant to average. Since they are government scientists, they don't have a lot to gain beyond international recognition, save for a few who might hope for lucrative job offers from the private sector.

It is that you feel he could falsify research for some personal agenda or is there something bigger you fear?

I think that Osmanagic doesn't have some secret evil agenda. He do the self-promoting of course, but rare are the people who wouldn't. There are people that do researching and such mainly because they are curious. So far, his work was gaining benefit for people around him and people in the area. In the eastern European and Balkan countries, such as Bosnia, "agendas" and similar are a little bit differently comprehended than in anglosaxon world.

Of course, will he be able in his naivety to stop some other types to promote some agendas through him and his work is another question.
clerck de bonk said:
And, IMO, Osmanagić most certainly has an agenda. What it exactly is I am not sure but he's definitely promoting himself.

Or he could just promoting his Land to become a world famous in the future, after years of war and destruction. New start, new beginning. Thousands of tourists even millions, hotels, tourism industry...
It is not necessarily an evil agenda, but who knows?

my 2ct.
Gonzo said:
Hi clerk de bonk, I've seen you mention the self promotion aspect before and I'm wondering how you see it as a red flag. Does self promotion indicate an agenda beyond the desire to promote the self?
It might, it's not a given.
That said I have to admit that I tend to think about selfpromoters in a negative way, that it is "bragging about oneself" in essence...
Gonzo said:
While self promotion in New Age circles sets off red flags due to the potential for deception, it is less of an issue in certain other areas (entertainment, for example).
Agreed, but this is not entertainment we are talking about is it? ;)
Gonzo said:
At work I've had to deal with a few scientists, some of whom have huge egos and they tend to be self promoters, but the quality of the work ranges from brilliant to average. Since they are government scientists, they don't have a lot to gain beyond international recognition, save for a few who might hope for lucrative job offers from the private sector.
Yes and this is a good point I think. I think that I am not good at selfpromoting myself or I don't know what a "healthy" way of doing it would be... I sense a program...
Gonzo said:
It is that you feel he could falsify research for some personal agenda or is there something bigger you fear?
No, no fear. It's more like you have two scenarios:
A. The whole thing is made up/concocted in his mind and there is nothing tangible behind it. In which case a lot of people have been taken on a "joy"ride and he's gained a lot of whatever he's out for.
B. There is truly something there. Can You see Osmanagić pulling that through without selling out or becoming co-opted? IMO, he doesn't seem to have that kind of integrity. And the whole thing will be buried one way or other.

My bucks are on A.
Gonzo said:
Thank You.
My bucks are on A.

This is very naive claim when you take into account all the evidence and research done there.

B. There is truly something there. Can You see Osmanagić pulling that through without selling out or becoming co-opted? IMO, he doesn't seem to have that kind of integrity. And the whole thing will be buried one way or other.

If he is doing sensitive job that could impact history and system and if he wasn't stopped in that in any significant way, then he is co-opted for sure. This info about Bosnian pyramids didn't just go unnoticed by broader public like many other unconventional discoveries did, so maybe there is a broader agenda in play like mentioned in the Stargate conspiracy or maybe PTB thinks it will have no influence on people, which think maybe there is something more in this story but are totally ignorant and uninformed of it's implications, like they are. On the other hand maybe he is paid to take it slow, if there is no much time left - not much will be discovered, or he is given permit to dig but lacks money(which is the case) and the result is the same - slow discovery. Many possibilities in the end.
The fact there are pyramids there are indisputable. However, I think we would be naïve to assume that anything that would upset the apple cart, so to speak, would be whisked away quicker than you could say "is that an ancient time machine?".

However, the same would be true for all pyramids, be they in Egypt, Bosnia or Mexico. As well, the same rules would apply to anything that could benefit mankind in any significant way, including even research in diet and psychology. To this end, we have to apply similar logic and discernment to Dr. Mercola, Weston Price, the Pressman's, Robert Hare et al.

I'm thinking whether he's been co-opted by nefarious nasties or he distorts his findings for fame and fortune, the end result for us will be the same: we will end up with a mix of facts and disinformation and more pieces to the puzzle.

Skepticism is healthy, provided we don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, OSIT.

Clerk, when you speak of programs, I find this case quite interesting for myself. These pyramids have stimulated both fantasy thinking and skepticism in me and both extremes are littered with programs. Yet another reason why I value and appreciate this forum so much.

Gonzo said:
... or he distorts his findings for fame and fortune...

I agree that fame and fortune are what is Mr Osmanagić is after (I don't blame him for that - this is STS world after all)... as much as he can get of both - so, seems to me, his major interest is to keep everything under his control and that obsession of his is slowing down the whole venture...

Gonzo said:
These pyramids have stimulated both fantasy thinking and skepticism in me and both extremes are littered with programs.

I totally agree with stimulation of fantasy too... I was fantasizing that there were/are powers in our STS domain that can frighten Lizzies&Co so they decide to hide some pyramids.... I think this is also a manifestation of wishful thinking... :-[
a relatively new interview with Sam Onsmanagich :

and a interview partly in german and english with a geologist that was in Visoko , with the italian woman who is the archeological head in Visoko, Klaus Dona, and other people :
Today at 00.09 AM there was a second part of documentary on HTV "Na rubu znanosti" ("On the Edge of Science") about international conference on Bosnian pyramids with so much interesting/exciting interviews and reports about underground tunnels in the area. Among other participants I was most impressed with Mr Dona (Klaus?) from Austria who is studying and collecting a wast amount of data about strange artifacts that are being kept in some museums all around the world. During his presentation a large number of pics of those artifacts has been shown - it was a rather quick slide show but on number of of them I noticed carvings which looked like astronauts and flying machines, planets (Saturn) and even wormholes... Especially distinguished was the comment about a figure of Pyramid with The Eye on top (familiar?) which was extremely flashing when exposed to ultraviolet light only. I am not quite certain where exactly - but I think somewhere on the bottom part of pyramid there was also carved an Orion stars constellation with some unknown hieroglyphics. It was shown to one eminent German expert who find that "alphabet" was older than Sanscrit and he managed to decrypt it: "Creator will be back" it allegedly says. Also he was talking and also slides were shown of giant skeletons found in Latin America and Malta - it seems to me that they were in position like hiding from some danger from outside catacombs where they were discovered... He announced a kind of mayor breakthrough that will happen very soon as result of his research that he didn't want to go further on because it is still in process... And something very intriguing - he brought to Mr Osmanagić a kind of satellite "x-ray" map ( sorry I don't recall the exact technical term :-[)of pyramid of Sun ans surrounding area which shows that tunnels were built in spiral shape... Mr Osmanagić had a comment of that that it is confirming his idea of pyramid being a EM producing machine with means of water torsion while passing through underground structure... Also for the purpose of producing the wanted frequency (around 30 kHz - ultrasound) the number of barriers made of quartz stone were placed on the entrances of some tunnels and - this is especially spectacular for me - huge CERAMIC monoliths that were a kind o oscillation drivers/producers (they are made of two parts - base and lid and are empty inside containing a scrap of unknown material that started to move/vibrate when water passed through tunnel bellow this monolith.
And according to this theory of Mr Osmanagić pyramid was not producing just "ordinary" EM energy that we know today of but more subtle (live) EM energy like in Tesla's coils ...

P.S. Mr Osmanagić was giving an impression of sincere person, truly delighted that his hard work has resulted with so many findings despite all mistrust and skepticizm that confronted him...
Yozilla what you are describing about the "Pyramids" was mentioned earlier in this Thread, did you read the whole Thread ?

there is also a thread about Klaus Dona and his discoveries and what you are describing was also mentioned before:,19067.0.html

it would be nice if you would use the search engine on the top right before posting something that was already discussed ;)
to make long posts of yourself more readable fore others you could divide it in sections so that it is not one big blog of words

Edit: spelling
I thought I add some new pictures to the thread





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