Questions about famous abductions


The Force is Strong With This One
Hi everybody i have some qouestions about famous abductions that always eats my mind

I have been researching UFO abduction and encounter cases and i wonder about which species
are rolling in this famous cases. Which species have been coming and for what purpose. Here is some cases;

1- Is Travis Walton telling the truth?

2-I also wonder about 'Pascagoula Abduction'. This species are so strange. Are they also biocyber? or some lizard projection?
or do they really exist?

3- In Allagash case, are they coming from the same place(serving for lizzies)?

4- Is Kelly–Hopkinsville encounter true? Are they bad guys?

5- In Varginha UFO case; Is it incident or falling from the windows?

6- What do you think about this captured little creature ?

7- How about Betty and Barney Hill story ?

8- İ have recently watched ' The Fourth Kind' movie. What you think about this movie?

and these are some other species;
Hi cpuxxx,

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cpuxxx said:
1- Is Travis Walton telling the truth?
Most probably, his is the best documented case in the history of alien abductions.
There are sites that claim he flunked the first polygraph test, like this one:

Hithere said:
There are sites that claim he flunked the first polygraph test, like this one:


Here's what Dolan writes in volume 2:

Regarding this polygraph [which was given to Walton's friends before he reappeared], one commentator, Geoff Price, wrote:

The significance of the unanimous passing of competently administered CQT examinations by all six witnesses is considerable. Assuming independent tests, the odds of gross hoax (all participants lying about the UFO encounter) is less than one-tenth of a percent using the reasonably conservative figure of 70% for test accuracy, and on the order of one in a million using the 90% figure suggested by field tests. In short, relatively strong evidence that some kind of real event took place.

Then, on the 15th of November, McCarthy administered a polygraph examination to Travis Walton. Prior to the exam, McCarthy learned that Travis had occasionally smoked marijuana, and also that he and Rogers's younger brother had once committed check fraud some years earlier. It was Walton's only brush with the law in his life, and he was not proud of it. McCarthy then administered the test. Walton was agitated and McCarthy was hostile. He interrupted Walton 28 times during the questioning, at one point berated him when Walton was confused about dates, and actually said, "Where have you been, in a vacuum?"

McCarthy concluded that Walton was engaging in "gross deception," but the conclusion was withheld publicly for many months. The Waltons, APRO and the National Enquirer agreed to keep the results a secret because (they maintained) they doubted McCarthy's methods and objectivity. Coral Lorenzen essentially called McCarthy biased and incompetent. She, Travis, and Duane believed that he had intentionally asked Travis embarrassing and irrelevant questions in order to create conditions more likely to produce a negative result.

I the spring of 1976, aviation writer and UFO skeptic Phillip J. Klass received a tip on the polygraph and wrote about it. This damaged Walton's standing with many UFO researchers, to say nothing of the general public. Klass launched a campaign against Walton that lasted for many years, arguing that there was a strong financial motive to the hoax. He argued that Mike Rogers knew he would fail to complete his contract with the Forest Service, and created a scheme to invoke the contract's Act of God clause He mentioned the Walton family's alleged prior interest in UFOs, which he said brought their claims into question. He noted that NBC had aired "The UFO Incident" just a few weeks before Travis's disappearance. This made-for-television film described the famous 1961 abduction account of Betty and Barney Hill. Klass stated that Walton had probably been inspired by the program. And of course, Klass never tired of pointing out that Walton had flunked McCarthy's polygraph test.

There were counter arguments to each of these points. Travis Walton said he had not seen the television special. And Jerome Clark pointed out that Walton's account of his time on the UFO is very different from the Hill account, anyway. Regarding Mike Rogers, he had completed many Forest Service contracts, and on two occasions had failed to complete them. This had not been a serious problem, and he continued to get rehired. More tellingly, Rogers never tried to invoke an Act of God clause after Walton disappeared, nor ever.


With the results of the McCarthy test public, APRO quickly arranged for a follow-up examination of Walton by another polygraph administrator, George Pfeifer. Pfeifer tested Travis, Duane, and their mother, concluding that all were truthful in their accounts.
cpuxxx said:
Hi everybody i have some qouestions about famous abductions that always eats my mind

I have been researching UFO abduction and encounter cases and i wonder about which species
are rolling in this famous cases. Which species have been coming and for what purpose. Here is some cases;

I think the abductions are interesting to study. I'm not sure I'd assume "species have been coming" here to do the abducting. Or if they did come here from somewhere else, it was likely a long, long time ago, osit.

Have you read Laura's book High Strangeness yet?
Z said:
cpuxxx said:
1- Is Travis Walton telling the truth?
Most probably, his is the best documented case in the history of alien abductions.

If i may also add (the latest entry) of another compelling and well documented incident from 1976.
The Allagash Abduction
Contains the written description and the first and original video from "Unsolved Mystery's" (not available onUTube due too Copyrights By Spike Lee Productions).

The Allagash Abductions

Published on Nov 25, 2015
In August of 1976, twin brothers Jim and Jack Weiner, along with their two friends Charles Foltz and Charles Rack, headed to the Allagash in Maine for a canoeing and camping trip. One night they experienced an incredible encounter with a UFO. Years later, after the brothers suffered from horrific nightmares, they underwent regression hypnosis. They were regressed separately and most of the men had startling similar recollections of what occurred during the night of the UFO sighting

Thanks for posting c.a. Its good homework I think to keep up on and learn about various abduction cases and other instances of high strangeness. The fact that the people here are interested in these subjects makes me feel right at home.

The men in this video seem sincere to me. Nothing to gain by fabricating a story and very unassuming. Its interesting how their interests changed after their abduction experience.

About Travis Walton who was mentioned in this thread. I listened to him give the account of his abduction at the yearly UFO conference held in Aztec NM years ago. I got the same impression of him as these men in the video. Very unassuming and straight forward, I considered his story to be true. How people respond to these experiences is certainly varied but their lives are certainly changed forever after.

The Aztec NM event,

The Aztec Recovery
W. Steinman & W. Stevens, 'UFO Crash at Aztec'
On 25 March 1948, an Unidentified Flying Object was detected and picked up on their scopes by three separate and strategically located RADAR units in the southwestern part of the Unites States. It seems that [the beam from one of the radars] had some kind of effect on the central control system of the flying object, for immediately it seemed to go out of control. The following is an in-depth overview of the crash and subsequent recovery of a UFO and sixteen humanoid occupants near Aztec, New Mexico. R

Incident at Aztec
Nick Redfern, Fortean Times (UK), March 2004
NICK REDFERN uncovers the FBI’s involvement in the case and finds that, more than 50 years later, the Aztec UFO affair is anything but a closed book. R

The Roswell crash happened the beginning of July , 1947, not sure of the actual date. I have 2 newspaper copies of the Roswell Daily Record which I think are very cool.

Headlines for Tuesday July 8, 1948:
RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in Roswell Region

The following day the weather balloon explanation is given.
Headlines for Wednesday, July 9

Gen. Ramsey Empties Roswell Saucer Ramsey says excitement not justified.

The beginning of this article states residents outside Tehran, Iran observed strange star like objects in the sky that exploded leaving smoke. Secret weapons being tested is the explanation given.
Open Minds UFO Radio: Calvin Parker – The Pascagoula UFO Incident
Published on Nov 20, 2018

Open Minds UFO Radio: Calvin Parker was 19 years old in 1973 when he and his friend Charles Hickson witnessed a UFO while fishing in Pascagoula Mississippi. They reported seeing strange creatures that took them into the craft and examined them. Terrified, they went to the police.

Their story leaked, and the incident made headlines. Hickson, 42 years old at the time, was a family friend who had just gotten Parker a job. However, Parker wanted nothing to do with the publicity they were receiving and left town.

He rarely spoke of the incident until now. With the release of his new book telling his side of the story, he is now doing interviews and a few appearances before he goes back to focusing on retirement and fishing.
The men in this video seem sincere to me.

Yeah, I had the same impression.

Nothing to gain by fabricating a story and very unassuming. Its interesting how their interests changed after their abduction experience.

I thought that was interesting as well. One of the guys used to like painting landscapes, and after the alleged abduction, he was, as he puts it 'obsessed' with mathematical art. I wonder why. I also wonder whether the UFO would've approached them if one of them hadn't done the SOS sign with his flashlight to try to get its attention. But perhaps that wouldn't have mattered. Creepy experience altogether!

Thanks for sharing, c.a.
Published on Dec 1, 2018 / 38:16
Coast to Coast AM November 09, 2018. Retired lawyer and former Terry Lovelace, shared details of his 1977 alien abduction experience.

According to Lovelace, he and his friend Tobias were wilderness camping in a restricted area of Devil's Den State Park (Arkansas),
where they had hoped to photograph eagles when their nightmare unfolded.

He reported watching what appeared to be a triangular constellation of lights which sat motionless in the sky some distance away.


Terry Lovelace
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