Radio show announcement - New weekly show: 'The Health and Wellness Show'


The Living Force
Starting today at 6pm EST, we'll be starting a new show on the SOTT Radio Network called "The Health and Wellness Show." We'll cover all aspects of health and wellness, including everything from hard data to anecdotal evidence about health truth and health lies in the modern world. Tune in, and if you can, please give us a call on the air!

Here's the link to the show, upcoming at 6pm EST:

We're really looking forward to expanding the SOTT Radio Network in this way! :D
Wow! Excellent news. Three SOTT talk shows a week!

Thanks to all involved. I really look forward to listening in to you all!
That's great news! I'm really excited about this new show. :clap:

I might just not be able to listen to it live as it's going to be at midnight here in Europe.

I think that if you scheduled it even just 1 hour earlier, you would have more European listeners tuning in but I guess you have your good reasons.
Eboard10 said:
I think that if you scheduled it even just 1 hour earlier, you would have more European listeners tuning in but I guess you have your good reasons.

Hi EBoard10, yep, we settled on that time because of scheduling and trying to get everyone involved on at a time that works for each of us. We may be able to change it in the future. We'll definitely keep everyone posted here. Fortunately, the show will be archived on the SOTT BlogTalkRadio channel, so anyone can listen at any time after each show airs. :)
Great news! I shall also be listening from archives as 11pm is a wee bit late for me here in the UK - but cannot wait to listen at a later time though.
Congratulations, another SOTT radio show. :clap:
Health and Wellness, what an excellent idea. We need to support people getting their health back and hopefully you will be able to attract new people to SOTT.
Good-luck with your maiden voyage tonight!
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