Radio show announcement - New weekly show: 'The Health and Wellness Show'

Just finished listening to the 06 April show and can corroborate the earthing and grounding effects. Running or walking on wet grass is an amazing feeling! Lying exhausted on the grass after exercise with palms and feet touching the ground can be a spiritual experience. :D

I have to make my own ~ 1300 feet running ground with perfect (flat rolled) lawn, because all the city lawn - soccer fields - were taken over by corporate interests. In many cases they killed the perfect lawn on the soccer fields and implanted awfully smelling - possibly toxic - plastic grass or just built a fortress over the [in the past] beautiful green grass.

Nothing is more refreshing for the entire body - appears to neurologically reboot the digestive system - than a good walk, jog or exercise on the earth and grass.
I just wanted to give you guys a big thank you! I am learning so much from your shows and I have started a little notebook with the recipes in them. With so many threads in the diet and health section it's invaluable to get the most up to date information on various bits and pieces so I can take new notes and amend old ones. Fantastic job!!!
:thup: :bacon: :bacon: :bacon: :clap:
Hi I wanted to second what lainey said, I love listening to your shows and find them really informative. Thank you :D

I'm part way through vit d and sun exposure, I'm just wondering what was the supplement doug mentioned that protected from sun burn? It had betacarotene(nt sure if that's the righ word) in it?
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