random thoughts concerning all this ...

random question ... can non-OP's even be possessed by 4D-STS? I'm working off the assumption that they can't without a huge amount of effort. Regardless, it would seem that in general that STS wants the maximum effect with the minumum effort. OP's and non-OP's can both be dangerous, but for very different reasons, an OP can be taken over by 4D-STS and not even know it, the non-OP-STS canidate makes the choice to be evil, as I understand it now to be a canidate for 4D-STS they have to be 95% STS and 5% STO, that kind of evil is simply impossible for the OP of it's own accord ... I believe you are correct in saying that both groups can be influenced by 4D-STS without their knowledge, that's obvious ... do we not live in an STS reality? But ultimately the influence is different ...
Thanks again for the other link that you posted laura. I have by no means gotten through all of it but it certainly does offer a bit more insight. There is a bit concerning possession of non-OP's that exhibit psychopathic tendancies, say like as in hitler for example. But in a way possession of a 4D-STS canidate seems counter intuitive to me, I could see how a 3D-STS entity could give themselves up to possession, but since they would be possessed it wouldn't be the same as engaging in conscious evil ... I think the 4D-STS canidate would be "aligned" with them rather than possessed by them (the 4D-STS) ... but then I'm assuming that to be a 4D-STS canidate would require free-will to be maintained ... any thoughts would be appreciated in regard to this because I'm having a bit of trouble getting my mind around all of this ...
Ruth said:
Could this be some sort of rationalisation that only OPs do dangerous and/or bad things and they are simply not aware of it? I don't see any reason why this shouldn't apply to a non-OP as well. They may even be easier to manipulate into a situation like that.
Ruth, Ruth, Ruth, Ruth..... Why does saying one thing, on a specific subject, in a specific way, that does not include the entire gamut of things that could be said on the subject or related subjects, always lead to a question from you that seems to infer things that were never implied, suggested, or in anyway touched upon?

Now, please, re-read what I wrote which was a very short response to a very specific remark you made that had no other purpose than to respond to that erroneous remark and maybe prompt you to think more before you write.

I had hoped that my comment would stimulate you to creatively apply thinking principles from one subject to another. I didn't think that I would have to treat of every single detail of every variation or permutation, discussed in excruciating detail ...

Yes, I could write a book about it and do exactly that. But if I do that on this subject, there are other, far more important subjects that I will NOT be writing about.

So, try to think and figure this one out. It's not hard, really!
highmystica said:
random question ... can non-OP's even be possessed by 4D-STS? I'm working off the assumption that they can't without a huge amount of effort.
I think that the word "possession" really ought to apply to those that are "non-OPs" because it suggests "possessing" as in "the individuated soul." OPs, as "Portals" are simply used temporarily. There is nothing there that is wanted to "possess". You could say that an OP is a motel and possession is like a "Time share Condo."

Yes, the "possession" of the non-OP requires some effort which is why I used the comparison above. Let me recommend Malachi Martin's book "Hostage To The Devil," for some good insights on possession.

highmystica said:
Regardless, it would seem that in general that STS wants the maximum effect with the minumum effort.
Pretty much.

highmystica said:
OP's and non-OP's can both be dangerous, but for very different reasons, an OP can be taken over by 4D-STS and not even know it,
Yes. But the non-OP can be very much influenced by 4D STS especially if they are not aware of the possibility.

highmystica said:
the non-OP-STS canidate makes the choice to be evil, as I understand it now to be a canidate for 4D-STS they have to be 95% STS and 5% STO, that kind of evil is simply impossible for the OP of it's own accord ...
That's one way of looking at it. The OP is also, in a particular sense, not even responsible. After all, if you do not reincarnate as an individuated being, how can you be held psychically responsible? Does a cat have responsibility because it eats mice? Will it go to Hell for doing so? Or, reincarnate as a mous? Not likely.

highmystica said:
I believe you are correct in saying that both groups can be influenced by 4D-STS without their knowledge, that's obvious ... do we not live in an STS reality? But ultimately the influence is different ...
highmystica said:
Thanks again for the other link that you posted laura. I have by no means gotten through all of it but it certainly does offer a bit more insight. There is a bit concerning possession of non-OP's that exhibit psychopathic tendancies, say like as in hitler for example. But in a way possession of a 4D-STS canidate seems counter intuitive to me, I could see how a 3D-STS entity could give themselves up to possession, but since they would be possessed it wouldn't be the same as engaging in conscious evil ... I think the 4D-STS canidate would be "aligned" with them rather than possessed by them (the 4D-STS) ... but then I'm assuming that to be a 4D-STS canidate would require free-will to be maintained ... any thoughts would be appreciated in regard to this because I'm having a bit of trouble getting my mind around all of this ...
No, to be an STS candidate is to, as Ra says, become an apprentice to STS, which is to serve and to learn how to induce others to serve thereby. I would recommend reading the Ra Material on this since he has a pretty good way of describing it. Maybe later I'll see if I can find the excerpt and post it if somebody else doesn't do it first. (-;

As for the possession of the STS candidate, refer to the previous post about "Time Share." The reason I use this is because it was actually the description given to me by a demonic entity possessing a fellow who was a hypnosis client of mine. The session ended up being an exorcism. You can hear clips from it on our podcast page. I believe the series includes exorcism in the title.
I like the time share analogy - and it helps to have an expanded version of what you meant by possession. The apprentice discription is insightful, but I'll have to consider it more fully and carefully. I don't doubt your assesment of the value of the Ra material, but the transcripts I have seen have ra stating "I am ra" continuously and I think a book of that would reduce me to giggling fits, in a way that is too funny. I'll certainly check out the podcast - though I'll prolly do it latter tonight - today is my sunday so to speak and I'm going to cook pasta for my parents for dinner, so since the sauce will be simmering all day I should be able to carve through the rest of the other thread, provided my eyes don't dry up from staring at the computer screen all day ...
Ra starts every answer with 'I am Ra', which is presumably neccessary to the 'narrow band contact' which the group established. I thought this was weird at first, but by Book 5 you find yourself skipping to the next sentence in each of Ra's responses because you become so used to it!
In regards to how an OP can be potentially dangerous, a good example would be The Manchurian Candidate, where programmed agents can, at a precisely selected moment, activate to perform an activity that has been instructed to them. Same goes for The Matrix, where agents can walk into the body of anyone and literally take over. Now, these examples are not to be taken literally, but if you think about the fact that every second or third person can unconsciously do (or fail to do) something that could potentially kill you, it gives you pause for thought.

The first thing that comes to mind is to spend as little amount of time around OPs as possible, yet just the thought of doing this sends my head into a spin. It simply isn't possible. Even if OPs had neon signs above them that read, "One day I could put you in mortal danger and not even realise it. Let's be friends?" trying to avoid half the human race is ridiculous. The fact is, we exist amongst OPs and, short of confining yourself to eternal solitude, my only suggestion would be to observe. You're going to last a lot longer in your current body if you pay attention to your surroundings and not slip into a disassociated state yourself.

Ruth said:
Teach it to jump the fence or open the gate? The cow might wonder why it should know that, as it simply won't see much point to knowing that.

Now look what you've done, you've made me laugh so hard I got the hiccups! :o
Well, there's another option: I posted a series of articles by Michael Topper here in the forum:


where he says (and I agree his writing is dense, but worth wading through)

We may understand the business of the densities, then, by analogy with old Rubik's damnable Cube. We may imagine that our minimal threshold level of self-consciousness in 3rd density is similar to being installed at the globally symmetric center of the cube, (thus our potential for self-reflection, since we're functionally established as a locus of cross-correlation and convergence through a system of Looking-glass planes inset for infinite, imagistic regress like a complex of dressingroom mirrors), at the same time, the units of each side of the cube are still at their maximum state of disorder, so that everything is functionally perceived through distorted patterns of mazelike indirection.

This condition gives rise to some interesting potential in the formally screened or "masked" patterns of 3rd-density reality. Keeping in mind that this calculated screening of the direct recognition of deep reality from 3rd density consciousness is for purposes of "producing catalyst", we see that the practical result of such disguise is the generation of a necessity for choice. Since the absolute coinherence, unity and ecstatic identity of everything with everything else on the ground of deep reality is not directly perceived and is therefore not a functional "given," the self-reflective ego consciousness of 3rd density is confronted with the requirement of assessing the implication of all interaction with other beings, and of choosing an orientation on the basis of that assessment. Given the full complement of rational and intuitive faculties with which 3rd-density consciousness is equipped, and which may on the basis of identification function either in congruence with or in antagonism toward the underlying principle of unity, that consciousness is empowered to determine just what the informing character of its reality is.

Thus, it can either determine by experimental reflection and analysis of consequence (of relative "cause and effect") the essential unity and empathetic identity of all beings one with the other; or it may reject the implication of empathetic extension of self to other-beings, preferring to compound the harmony, self-congruence and integral consistency associated with the principle of selfhood in a purely personal portfolio of ego-investment by encoiling the love-nature around a fictitious core of separate I-hood.. Both options are made available through screening of direct Unity-cognition. Thus 3rd-stage consciousness is always reflecting a potential polarization - a choice - between exclusive self-orientation, and an understanding of selfhood which follows the intuitive lines of the Unified Deep Reality in extending that love to all apparent "others."

This is very significant, for, according to the Ra material, the work of crystallizing this CHOICE is the real and underlying business of 3rd density existence. We have lived our myriad rounds of incarnation through this density ("preserved" between physical lives as a memory-record of patterns coded in subtle-dimensional media through the Soul matrix like a holographic "working-beam" locked in comparative integration with the "virgin beam"), strictly in order to produce this polarization, to one side of the "self" equation or the other. And, this choice must be formed in response to the "masking" catalyst of opaque physical existence. [There will be NO physical proof.]
The inference is, of course, that the "balancing" mechanisms of karma does not merely serve the simplistic idea of "cause and effect" as described by our traditional spiritual teachings. But rather, those balancing mechanisms, depending on the total tendency of the ego-soul over the greater span of its incarnative history, may serve to harmonize the self-complex in conciliatory service toward "others," or they may consolidate an insular harmony about the basically fictitiouse complex of ego in aggrandizing service toward itself .

This polarization - the choice - of "service-toward-self" or ,"service-toward-others", is then the object of 3rd density incarnation. Such polarization-alignment determines the "harvestability"of the soul-entity at the close of each Master cycle (a period which we are living right now, and which will end - in close correspondence to Mayan prophecies etc-around the year 2011).

"Harvestability" is the manifest ripeness of the soul-entity. That is, if it has achieved the minimal threshold intensity of its polarization-alignment in either negative or positive direction, it may proceed to the more subtle lessons of the higher densities beginning with 4th, which offer the benefit of being basically unscreened and thus openly congruent with qualities of bliss-love, integration and wholeness. And this "wholeness" is conceived in terms BOTH strictly private and transpersonal continuity) .

The implications of this teaching may come as a shock to many. For it clearly indicates that the separative and self-seeking "delusion" of negative egoity is capable itself of achieving a dedicated integration and overall alignment in one-pointed devotion to its own, absorptive aggrandizement which, through its polarity/choice, is as spiritually potentiated and ripe for "advance" as its positive counterpart! Uh oh. Does this mean that we are to bump into the negative ego-complex even in densities above the 3rd? Does this mean that, just at the point we thought we'd shed the shadow of that despoiling antagonist, it looms large once again only amplified by the additional potency belonging inherently to the unscreened higher dimensions?

Yes it does. Indeed, such a negative ego-complex must be high in the achievement of such integrated negative intensity in order to merit such harvestability. At that requisite degree of harvestable negative polarization, the being must have achieved a certain value of purity of its type Such purity in the traditions goes by the name of "demonic."

Negative Greeting (Hell-O Harvest)

Just as positively-polarized beings are advanced after Harvest to the unitive level of social-memory-complex compatible with the unity of that greater density, so the negatively-polarized beings are advanced after Harvest,"waking up" to the hierarchy of positions (sorted and settled through preliminary battle) comprising a parallel Negative "social-memory-complex." In the polarizing field of 3rd density, the relatively "positive" and relatively "negative" consciousness units were mingled together so as to intensify the confrontational power of catalyst, in the 4th and higher densities the clearly polarized positive and negative beings are distinctly separated into different psychic spheres of patterning. These distinct loci pertain to values of the higher densities differently polarized, either positively or negatively. In this way, catalyst for further intensification and resolving harmonization continues to exist even in the higher,"clear" densities where the unitive value of deep reality is direct and immanently functional .

The relative "delusion" of self-recoiled ego is able to persist and operate even through such a unitive deep reality, and strictly on its own terms, since its choices were enabled in the more opaque incarnational atmosphere of 3rd density where it was not bathed in a choiceless Unity and harmonization of polarities from the beginning. Now that, by virtue of its harvestability in orientation about its own shadowy axis it is able to function through the overt deep reality -planes of being, it may be characterized as a true spiritual evil for, at that level, it chooses its orientation quite freely without the functional restraints and cognitive masks that formerly had forced its association due to a pattern lock-in resulting from the fragmentary left-brain fixation of dualistic material focus. As the Ra material states it, a harvestable negative Being demonstrates a conscious preference for Negativity, regardless the incarnational conditioning that served as point-of-departure for that polarization .

Such a distinctively spiritual (because chosen, conscious) evil functioning from higher, psychic and subtle planes, gives objective justification to the traditional insistence of the religions both East and West as to the reality of conscious negativity, intelligent malevolence and thus - real demonism.

The Ra material explains that this higher-dimensional "clinging" to separative egoity creates a military-like hierarchy of negative beings who, as previously harvestable entities, had shown a clear preference for manipulation and enslavement of "other-selves," for the control involved in the inducing of fear and pain etc even when able to see the resultant magnitude of Creative potential made indifferently available to any degree in the threshold integration of intent. Due to their negative polarization through the higher densities they exist along a current which nourishes itself on the psychic energy-exudate of emotional distress, sadness and terror etc .
Their purpose is "the same" as that of the positive beings. Existing, as they do, in a reality informed directly by the unitive reality of ultimate spiritual holism, they seek a degree of intensification and alignment commensurate with the value of that reality. The difference is that the negative beings seek to "stuff that infinite magnitude into the dimensions of the illusory ego-nucleus, the retractile self-center of furtive, unapproachable "subjectivity." The means of their further polarization toward progressively higher densities is the diabolical pattern of "conscripting" an expanding number of uncommitted or as-yet-insufficiently-polanzed souls (necessarily recruited from the schoolyards of 3rd density worlds) to the ranks of negative polarity, thus earning merit by stocking and replenishing the Negative waters with a proliferating spawn of self-serving subjects lured into "obeying" the propaganda of the Negative hypothesis .

Because they constitute a spiritual Negativity their tactic is an interpretation of divine law regarding the conservation of free will in all instances, so that success is measured by the cleverness with which obedience to the principle of self-serving is elicited as a conscious option. In this way the negative beings of the higher dimensions promote the attractiveness of enslavement of others. Enslavement per se is a coercion of free will so that, by itself, it does not aid in further polarization and thus advance of the negative being. The negative being is interested in conquest and dominion through persuading the formation of a "power elite," the members of which will have chosen the path of self-service. Those who are enslaved, in turn, are subjected to the well-known stress of self-protective psychological identification with one's tormentors (cf studies of the victims in Nazi concentration camps) so that they will ideally seek a similar power as the "winning hand", thus arrogating the "virtues" of self serving to themselves. [A chief example of this tactic is the monotheistic religions: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Their "principle" is enslavement, by choice, to an "other" who is depicted as an "attractive" god, saviour, or prophet. Converts typically feel "special and chosen, thus "elite." One cannot overstress the importance of the key element here: that the evil must be presented as "good" in the most clever manner, so that it will be freely chosen. The fact that the chooser is choosing a lie is immaterial.]

Fourth density discloses deep reality in the form of a subtle, perspectival anisometry so that the it takes practical shape as a reticulation of psychic tunnels, hollows of conducting passage formulating a cosmic webwork or energy-net of interlaced holes and cognitive tubes. Here the "transdimensional ducts of hyper-space" comprise a living psychic reality, drawing a starry network of spatial corridors for the continued, collective Seeking of the Creator .

The positively polarized social-memory-complexes of 4th density roam the known galaxies in "spacecraft" that are actually biomechanical extensions of the members' electric current-envelopes or auric fields, energizing a living psychic technology for purposes of patrolling the available dimensions-regulating the allowable comings and goings of positive and negative influence with respect to developing systems, and in general seeking modes of service which will enable their expansion in pure Understanding so as to polarize more efficiently toward congruence with the higher densities, and ultimately with the Creator.

The negatively polarized social-memory-complexes, similarly roam the galactic corridors in its biomechanical "spacecraft," its members scouting with predatory eye for likely worlds of "light" (i e , self-reflective consciousness) upon which to poach, seeking always to create a power elite under the negative entities' control which will in turn prosecute the pattern of controlling others. Thus the "highest" in the Negative hierarchy stands at the summit of a cosmic and planetary chain of control, a chain always looking to bind increasing numbers in the promotional links of negative Empire ("Empire" is Ra's terminology, a Star Wars analogy Elkins did not fail to note).

In the case of both positive and negative beings of 4th density polarization, the negotiable currency of their transactions is a bio-psychic energy; the mode of both is accumulation, in the sense of storing and putting such biopsychic energy-capital to work in powering or transforming the centers toward deeper integration and functional unity .


The world of 4th density is an astral webbing through which etheric and physical components organize as the sensate-olfactory extremity of the total, incarnative Vehicle or body-complex, it is therefore similar to what's experienced through the "inner planes" when 3rd density consciousness dissociates in its astral body. It is a medium surcharged with the symbolizing "numen" of what we usually associate with the dream state. Yet to the quickened spark of self-reflective awareness struck in that continuum it is a world of perceptual properties as consistent in the laws of their behaviors as the perceptions of the material dimension are consistent with respect to their own. Whereas however the "astral" is commonly experienced by 3rd-density consciousness through nocturnal dissociation of the nested inner vehicles as a disembodied state, 4th density represents the coaxial extension of a focalized and locked-in, incarnative consciousness sweeping the span of available conscious states from the psycho-symbolic to the electron circuit of the condensed tactile value we identify as "physical" .

Thus 4th density beings are astral psychic entities in their optimum degree of awareness, with a physical complex (electronic) component organized and extended through the patterning alignments of astro-etheric cohesion. The biopsychic energy which constitutes the "negotiable currency" of 4th density beings, is their natural nutriment. It is not Just the "fleshy leaf" upon which they sup, but the specific value or psychic charge of its enveloping astro-etheric atmosphere. Positive 4th density beings achieve greater polarization through aiding the maintenance and peaceful, harmonious furtherance of energy-rich spheres such as that of earth where biopsychic entity of a less advanced stage nonetheless generates tremendous "loosh" (in the terminology of Robert Monroe) through the surcharged atmospheres of a self-reflective-and therefore abundantly productive-degree of consciousness and light. The peaceful promotion of a unitive continuity and energy-intensive "advance" of such globes, planes and worlds as the physical we know, serves 4th density positive polarization creating as it does a general spread of the integral "net" of available, adequately coherent nodes in the universal medium functionally coextensive with social/memory/complex "bodies".

The "saucers" of 4th density, being biomechanical vehicles, serve the group entity in energy-intensification and enrichment by virtue of their means of propulsion through the "nutritive menstruum" of astro-ethenc atmospheres, in operative continuity with group-biological configuration. The "saucer" is not then an independent "tin can" hardware vehicle of the type we know, but is rather more like a pattern-crystallization of the group psyche or auric field of its "pilots". Similarly, the negative beings of 4th density are accelerated in their particular polarization through the sowing of stress and disintegration in energy-rich fields, thereby breaking down and converting the nutritive substance of biopsychic life indicative of a given zone into material suited to their psychically styled "digestive" needs.

Due to the character of our traditional spiritual and esoteric teachings, we may have a conceptual difficulty understanding how a being of a higher density (especially one which is represented as involving the value of Love itself in its basic lessons) manages to acquire its status without benefit of any basic heart-development. Such beings (of a positive character) have achieved the necessary intensity and developmental alignment adequate to 4th density polarization, through conscious decisions based on recognition of the abstract propriety and promotional advisability of peaceful values, cooperative characteristics and strict adherence to identifiable divine law. Thus beings such as are encountered in the Andreasson Affair, display a recognizably "scientific" approach to spiritual considerations, they openly regard Divine Light as a mensurable magnitude, actually quantifying the presence of "religious merit" so that for example when in a moment of fear Andreasson protests that she is "full of the Light", they show her "X-ray slides" of the precise ways in which she is not (they also subject her to certain gentle processes of light-balancing to amend the "breaks"). Their apparent "coldness" or objectivity in even the warmest, most "psychically alive" of astral-like circumstances does not prevent them from registering any inadvertent distress they might be causing their "captive", and modifying their approach accordingly .

If this seems minimally gratifying in light of the fact that the incident is, after all, one of those increasingly common accounts of UFO abduction, the "victim" seeming to be forced to endure such non-ordinary experience through no decision of her own, one need only compare the behavior of truly negative beings in superficially similar circumstances in order to appreciate the difference. In the famous accounts of Whitley Strieber regarding his ongoing history of bizarre abduction we have an adequate example with which to contrast the Andreasson description .

Smerfs-Up: Here Come the Gremmies

The Strieber entities make no bones about the pleasure they derive in causing him stress; juxtaposed against the Andreasson grays, the latter are nearly innocuous. Rather than the apologetic withdrawal and prompt provision of liquid "balms" (that induce a kind of overriding bliss) as with the Andreasson entities, the Strieber marauders furnish graphic illustration of what the Ra material describes (according to abstract principles) with respect to the higher-density Negative Being .

What then of the seemingly execrable, indeed unthinkable fact that both accounts revolve around abduction scenarios which with equal, peremptory efficiency seem to deprive the subject of precisely that free will factor so central to the preservation of spiritual integrity as outlined in the Ra material?

Even that material suggests that, very rarely, members of the Confederation (the higher-density Good Guys) are involved by Permission in such abductions, or Close Encounters of the fourth kind. However, Ra suggests without specifying that these apparent psycho-physical "kidnappings" do not at their deepest level violate the free-will factor, and are occasionally though not often considered to be serviceable in the direction of positive polarization. How can this be? All one really need do is conscientiously compare the respective texts, i e Andreasson's and Strieber's, initiated understanding will furnish the conceptual characterization of what's inevitably intuited or vaguely felt when weighing these accounts against one another.

In the Andreasson case, we are always given the impression that, despite her overt fear and often terror at the sheer strangeness of the situation the beings are always doing something of a telepathic or quasi-physical nature to put her at ease; there is even the sense, reported by Andreasson herself, that at some deep level this is taking place in conformance with her will and not against it, as if in some way it had been prearranged. In contrast, discomfort of a deliberate kind almost consistently characterizes Strieber's account, and he is made to feel very overtly like a specimen humiliatingly observed and manipulated. He is even laughed at. There is in Strieber's case no underlying sense of complicity, of a prearranged concordance between dimensions of the deeper volitional being perhaps belonging to the planning-boards of Dream and the intensified volitional level of the entities themselves; rather, there is something much more distressing. And that distressing note develops in the course of Strieber's writing his accounts .

Rather than any a priori sense of soul-compliance, there is evidenced a progressive, after-the-fact-rationalization as if the negative intensity of the experience were too much to bear, and the implications too stressful to contemplate. In Strieber's account we witness the astonishing (but, under the circumstances, understandable) effort to transmute those horrific experiences into an ego-positive outline. Thus Strieber with almost excruciating transparency invokes the standard "humanistic" saw to the effect that dichotomies of good-and-evil are too simplistic and medieval, truth always being some "gray" blend of opposites, in this way he shields from himself the obvious implications of his ongoing ordeal. But more importantly, he demonstrates to perfection how one procedurally "falls into the hands" of the Negative Beings and, by the self-protective mechanisms of 3rd-density psychology engineers a reversal of assurance to the effect that "good" things, developmental things positively proceed from such ordeals-thereby underwriting a posteriori through the work of his own will the things which can't be "taken back" from the memory-banks and so seem to require some cover sufficiently assuaging of any ego-damage done through that quality of helplessness dripping, like absinthe, from the bitter cup of his plain victimization .

But other messages echo through Strieber's lines, much more powerful and persistent messages. "Why do you hate me?" was the first expression to which he gave rise in the recovery of his initial "abduction memory-print"; he reiterates over and over, in both Communion and Transformation, that despite everything he can't overcome the feeling that "they" are totally negative, just plain evil and monstrous. Yet his conclusions, his occasional distillates of what so far he's learned insist almost schizophrenically that these entities must in some way have the "good of mankind" at heart, that through the apparent terrorism of their utterly unworldly appearance and vile behavior they function something on the order of "cosmic zen masters" (as one commentator inferred from Strieber's account) taking a hard stick to our stubborn skulls so as to crack them of their crippling insularity. As "proof" of the actually liberative work they're performing, Strieber invokes the fact that owing to his jarring experiences he's "come loose" and is able to sample in waking consciousness the phenomenon of astral travel. This shouldn't be so heartening, if properly understood.

Strieber's inventory of "positive side effects" on the whole describe a definitive list of what would be characterized in the Ra material as distinct inroads in the Negative program of conquest and ultimate Soul-capture. Like diabolical chessmen, Strieber inadvertently shows that the "spacebeings" have maneuvered and bullied his thoroughly beleaguered psyche into actively choosing the hypothesis with which they've implicitly enveloped him. He has accepted fear, for example, as a legitimate "tool" of deliberate spiritual "teaching" (which is very curious, since Strieber's hearty endorsement is prominently displayed on the dustjacket of Kenneth X. Carey's Return of the Bird Tribes, a "channeled" book which has as its most distinct and repeated message that Love must become the accepted educational mode of consciousness and not fear-do we detect Whitley's furtive effort to humble himself before a principle opposite of that which he openly espouses? or is there something more deliberately subversive here-one tactic of the Negative Beings, after all, is to find a means of subtly allying their Message with that of the truly Positive so as to generate confusion in untrained minds which would tend on surface evidence to accept these actually contrary messages as equivalent) .

In further "defending" his tormentors and interpreting their tactics as a strict but ultimately benevolent discipline(!), Strieber helpfully displays for us one of the common vulnerabilities on which the Negative tactic counts, as a kind of hook upon which the Soul is sure to be snagged save by the unlikely event of a real egoic "repentance", for indeed there is not just the sorrowful, cringing form of victimization to be found in the Strieber profile cast as a shadow on the psychic wall of his verbal edifice. There is also the distinct, burning ember of ego, the persistent glow of an intellectual pride which refuses to be counseled when the counsel seems to touch too close to truth, for any suggestion that his entities are plain evil seems to cause him to clutch his experiences the more covetously, and guard their interpretation jealously from any who might have a revealing word (which would in effect displace their proprietorship onto the overlapping circle of another ego). He proclaims over and again, all too often to remain marginal, that no one can explain his experiences to him since they're uniquely his, that anyone with an interpretation ipso facto has an axe to grind or approaches from the Procrustean perspective of preformulated concept, doctrine or theory, and that finally, his intellectual superiority makes him uniquely qualified to pioneer this field which he acknowledges sharing with other "abductees" (inferentially, not so well qualified).

It is this type of rationalization and self-protective recoil upon which the Negative design counts, for it is these internal properties of 3rd stage consciousness which serve all too predictably to convert scenarios of real coercion, flagrant violation of free will and worse, into occasions of egoic appropriation magically transforming the imprisonment of will into a full volitional acceptance. So Strieber seems to accept on principle the methodology and meaning with which he was harrowed, the Weltanschauung through which he was seized, defending it in full Will like a snapping terrier coveting its terrible bone against all comers, and that is too bad, because by his own account and according to his public history he is a man of gentle instinct and kind, overtly benevolent traits. He has written of his concern for nuclear disarmament, and thus of his concern for humanity, and he has given every indication of being a conscientious father (whose son, nonetheless, has become deeply involved in this unsavory business according to what was recounted in Transformation) .

Planetary Quarantine and the Divine Dice

The natural question to ask, then, is how is it (considering factors of "karma" and psychic "laws" of like attracting like etc ) that an apparently positively inclined personality such as Strieber should be so confoundingly caught up in the net of Negativity which he details? Isn't his tendency toward "goodness" enough? Is there some unknown clement involved in all this, which accounts for the seeming collapse of protection that ought to surround a "good man"?

In fact, though this saga spans dimensions and takes place principally on a spiritual level, we may suggest that the same factors apply which govern those grim circumstances wherein very good and innocent people went to the ovens in Nazi Germany-and indeed which presided at all such similar outrages recorded in our mystifying planetary history.

The answer to this question is going to be disturbing, particularly for all those who believe that their day-to-day "niceness" is enough, a kind of talisman like the universal sign of the cross that automatically "repels" negativity and sends it to the door of the less deserving.

Initiated understanding knows of principles besides those of "karma", which govern the cycling of events (as if "karma" were some heartening explanation that kept the wolf from one's door, owing to the likelihood of one's unblemished reincarnational past!) There is also a random factor, something very much akin to the revolution of a roulette wheel or the occasional synchronization of-arbitrarily calibrated-stroboscopic pulses. The random factor in the lives of beings is very much like a cosmic manifestation of the principle of free will, it is in fact an expression of the underlying conscious indeterminacy which in forms, and indeed permits, the variable coordination of complex lines of tendency and preconditioning we take to be fixed or fated patterns .

The random factor flickers over our lives as a particular kind of catalytic agent; its existence, through the principle of indeterminacy, furnishes an unpredictable variety and therefore multiplies by an exponent the numbers and types of experience through which we're given the opportunity of soul growth, freeing such possibility from an otherwise strict limitation to "causal input", or those wheels which are already set in motion by our will.

Such a random factor is described in the Ra material in the discussion regarding planetary quarantine, or the means established by the Confederation to block out of the vulnerable matrix of enforced, 3rd density limitations any undue influence that would infringe on the factor of free will. An undue influence would of course be that of the Orions (the name Ra gives collectively to the Negative Beings of the higher densities, though not all negative beings are from the etheric locus of Orion), for the Orion Crusaders as they're called proceed precisely by plunder, and do not observe the positive proprieties of, for example, waiting until there is a distinct call put out for their "services" .

Their method is, by tendency, to coerce the capitulation of "free will" thus in effect adhering to the letter of the Law while violating its spirit (through those means and in the manner previously described). Thus a compromise balance is struck by the positive "law enforcement officials" of the Confederation, honoring the spiritual requirement to allow for the Orions' negative interpretation of the "first distortion of the Law of One" as Ra puts it, i e the Law of Confusion or free will. The free will of the Orion Crusaders to plunder and impose their influence wherever possible is furnished a minimal aperture through which to vent its impulse, the random and ideally infrequent "holes" in the kaleidoscopic webwork of Quarantine thrown about the 3rd density earth-sphere. This random factor is also conceived to supply an indeterminate term in the supplemen tation of "catalyst" which is otherwise largely laid out upon the well-worn tracks of "karma" or previous conditioning .

The ideal minimizing of this opportunity afforded the Orion Empire-having to time its predacious leaps through the in finitesimal calculations of light-wave synchronism whereby the void-channels opening earthward irregularly "pucker"-establishes under ordinary conditions a satisfactory ratio of balance between the free will "needs" of the Negative Beings, and the free will requirements of 3rd density incarnate consciousness (inordinately vulnerable due to the deliberate, encoded blindness accompanying the critical choice of a "test-dimension" specifically shielded from direct perception of void-nature as a unitive and intelligent continuum).

Cattle Call

Indeed, the only means of nailing the light-strictures of Quarantine revolves around the requirement of honoring the integrity of free will, thus when there is a specific calling from the dimension of 3rd density consciousness (i e a coherent and sustained psychic request either pointed or implicit for certain types of information, "positive" or "negative" depending on the type of knowledge or the character of those making the request) either positive or negative forces of the higher densities may respond according to kind coming straight through the Quarantine envelope.

A "pointed" request would be that of a magical ritual specifically invoking powers and intelligences, whether "white" or "black"; an "implicit" request would be that of, for example, a prolonged brooding either personally or collectively over certain dilemmas of existence that loan themselves to central issues of value, meaning, purpose, the nature and destiny of Being etc. From this it may be inferred that there is one way of breaking the primary balance in the cover of Quarantine. That balance can't be violated from without by either positive or negative forces, but the collective character, over a prolonged span of time, of the net aggregate calling rising up from 3rd density consciousness, whether on balance predominantly positive or negative, can modify that initial formulaic ratio of equity. The quality, integrity, persistence and numerical composition of the "call" are the variable factors that determine the net value of all calling positive or negative.

The "physical" disturbances that may be said to contribute to a disruption of the Shield such as underground nuclear testing or atmospheric detonation of nuclear devices, the negative employment of certain "secret" superweapons of a scalar or etheric-energy type, the devastation of the ecology through petrochemical mismanagement etc may actually be understood as perceivable manifestations or concrete "symbols" of a psychic orientation toward great negativity, with a concomitant "calling" requesting the most powerful means or knowledge of exploitation, dominion and enslavement. To this call, the Negative most obligingly comes.

This distressing situation accounts for the alarming increase in the incidence of nonordinary or invasive negativity of a conscious type (an increase of which we are just becoming aware, as if it's steadily percolating to the surface of mass apprehension from the subconscious shadows and hypnagogic half lights where for many decades of sinister incubation it has lurked-cf Budd Hopkins' The Intruder's, Whitley Strieber's Communion and Transformation etc.). It seems in fact that we can date the evidence of an accelerated Negative calling from approximately 1945, or the year of the fateful decimation of a human populace by atomic weaponry.

Couple this knowledge with our previous explanation of the densities and we have a prospect pushing so hard upon the general threshold of awareness that it seems even now to send many off whistling in the dark of a nervous denial .

After all, we've received knowledge enough of both physical and metaphysical types to understand the basic principle of the "densities", i e that all dimensions, planes and states may coexist through a given point, that any such point is geometrically "saturated", a focal expression of creative vitality alive with the potential coordinates of force and form that essentially overlap, interpenetrate and coinhere-and which may be artificially separated into the "discrete" dimensions and planes of experience by specific, axial polarizations comprising the perceptual grid-network of a given system aligned through the informing pattern of the ideotype (logos or sub-logos). This shows that there is basically nothing standing "between" beings of any given plane and any other except the filtrate screen of perceptual coordinates through which the "perceiver" operates. Considering that the 3rd density with which earth-consciousness is collectively identified is uniquely "screened" from direct perception of the informing dimensions of energy, pattern and light functioning overtly through the spiritual value of Void-being, it becomes apparent that physically focused life is lived through the one-way permeability of a veritable cosmic fishbowl. We inferentially exist as an aquarium variety that can be viewed, unobtrusively scanned at leisure by all forms of self-reflective consciousness existing through the higher densities and dimensions either "positive" or "negative", and we in turn see nothing, even to the degree that we can (and must) ask the question "Is there anything out there?''

The very idea of this makes many people squeamish. As if it weren't bad enough to be transparent to eyes of a benign character operating through the higher planes, now we have to be told that the greater dimensions of spiritual existence beyond the physical do not just host the law-keeping legions of positive beatitude. It's one thing to accept that some Santa Claus-countcnance might be beaming down upon our blindered peccadillos with a disapproving cluck of the all-forgiving Tongue that, after all, resonates to the Divine Word, it's quite another to have to confront the prospect of some basically malevolent intelligence, of a purely conscious and calculated, predatory wisdom far more than just a match for any homegrown 3rd density mentality, moving freely with catspaw quietude through the porous fog of the dimensional interstices, gliding surreptitiously around and through the concrete objects that so peremptorily outline our limits, sliding next to us-invisible shoulder to quite vulnerably-solid shoulder-and whispering hemlock sweet overtures into our defenseless car (overtures that ooze with subliminal ease into the ongoing complex of our motivations, passed right by the crude monitor of our physically-oriented focus without registering a blink).

So unacceptable is this prospect to the 3rd stage ego (scarcely integrated to a degree where anything but anxiety can be its counselor), that it plunges for the veto button, foaming denial with a frenzy able to reach-in indiscriminate recall-for every churchly word of whatever denomination or faith that ever intimated only the "good" pass on to the afterworld.

Indeed, part of the 'confusion" of these comparative channeled accounts is that such reaction finds certain comfort in passages taken even from the better sources, so that for example, against the excellence of the Ra account the word of the Bird-tribe council may be juxtaposed to the effect that negative values and thoughts of warfare can't be brought along into the higher realms. Such sources would specifically have us believe that the basic identity of things as disclosed in the common denominator of the Void-light, compel a conscious conformance to the values implied in such unmistakably unitive modes .

Sticking to Your Guns

Just a little reflection, however, should wobble any such presumption, for no 3rd density scientist (for example) seems automatically constrained to "good works" by his own evidence that the elements operate through a mutually defining network of closely integrated properties and unitive principles. The objection to this, of course, is that the comparative perceptual "samadhi" of a 4th density magnitude would tend to subvert the dualistic underpinnings of the psychological structure-characteristic of 3rd density-that permits a persistent behavioral conformance to its divisive claims while allowing free rational admission of an underlying unity of Being.

However, self-recoiled ego-identification is at bottom a conscious preference rather than a provisional mechanical constraint, and this is proven precisely in the higher densities where there is no longer a polarized lock-in enforcing a linear and abstractly distancing-or thetically "dividing"-left brain emphasis; at these accelerated levels, the adherence to divisive egoism in the face of the unitive Void-field is a manifest expression of will, and can only be the resort of a very conscious intent (i e it can no longer be "excused" as the subconscious habit-pattern of the enculturated nervous system). The clear decision to lurk and prey behind the overt holism and ecstatic oneness of reality, using that spiritual love-continuity in fact as a camouflage through which to install oneself by stealth, becomes self-evidently the option of a conscious being only (for the beings of 3rd density, no matter how "negative" they may be behaviorally, are not conscious- as 3rd stage beings-of the unitive holism of Void-nature and so do not have that value as an option to include in their calculations).

This accounts, for example, for the confusion Strieber feels in confrontation with his tormenting entities, as merciless as they re toward him, he feels the presence of love rather strongly when around them. This in conjunction with the compensatory mechanisms of psychological fear-reaction help lead him to conclude that they must be at bottom or in some way "good", and have mankind's welfare at heart. What Strieber feels in their presence is the informing quality of the density through which they characteristically function, i e the Love-density of the 4th stage. However, he fails to realize the manner in which this Love-unity-feeling is the pervasive property of that density (to which he is temporarily exposed in his abduction), not the personal expression of the beings-except insofar as they consciously invert the love-value of that density upon the shadowy, nucleated outlines of their intentionally preserved, egoic brand of selfhood. However, the beings rely on the general Love-feeling of that density to confuse the issue, to befool the bedeviled mind into taking psychological refuge in a self-protective premise that will further encourage the acceptance of their most coercive behaviors as reverse-twist exemplifications of the general rule of "love".

Why then do even otherwise "good" sources in the general category of channeled material sometimes speak to the effect that nothing negative can move on to the higher planes or stages of development?

What You Don't Know...
It's definitely worth reading, as I said. Maybe more than once.
How hard could it be to teach a cow how to jump over a fence - literature already supports their ability to jump over the moon ...

Actually in a strange way I found a bit of insight from what ruth said concerning cows and a similar analogy in regard to the OP's ... you can try all you want to help an OP individuate their souls, but it will be of little use, you can however show them that it is possible to do so. Just like you can show a cow that it is possible to open the gate - whether or not the cow opens the gate into a more liberated experience is ultimately up to the cow ...

By and by I had a cat once that figured out that you had to turn the door-knob to open the door - it would take her a great deal of effort to do it, silly humans us not making door handles on the level that a cat can't open them ... but she seemed terribly proud of herself that she could do it ...
I just finished the "Crisis of the Republic" and Pathocrats - An Exercise in Discernment, and it certainly offered some food for thought - particularly in regard to language ... now language is by its very nature very subjective ... and there are so many things to consider in regard to how one expresses themselves and how they comminicate. It seems to me that OP speak a certain language and psychopaths another, and the non-OP's speak a language equal to the number on non-OP's on the planet. There is something I have realized about psychopaths - or at least the (thankfully) few I have had to deal with, both a psychopath and a saint will agree with the statement "one is only as good as their word", but a psychopath will repeatedly remind you that they are as good as their word ... it's really odd - like it is their coded way of telling you just how bad they are ... there was an example of that kind of stuff in the movie "american psycho" that I brought up on the other thread where the main character is asked what he does while at a noisy bar and he said something like "I'm into murders and mutilations" and the woman that asked him that thought he said he was into mergers and acquisitions ... I wonder if psychopaths lie as well as they have been given credit for, or do they simply encode everything in this inverted manner ... reminds me of the double talk of polititians in a way, though in a more extreem form.
Nathan said:
The first thing that comes to mind is to spend as little amount of time around OPs as possible, yet just the thought of doing this sends my head into a spin. It simply isn't possible.
Not only that, 4D STS and 3D STS with stong orientation seem (imo) to be more dangerous.

Nathan said:
Even if OPs had neon signs above them that read, "One day I could put you in mortal danger and not even realise it. Let's be friends?"
The difference here is intent. Anybody can put another in danger by thoughtless or careless actions. Why not non-OPs as well. The intent is what makes those strongly of STS orientation more dangerous. I don't believe that 4D STS has the same degree of control over OPs as the matrix movies literally show. I'm not sure they even have the interest. The movie it is an analogy.

Nathan said:
trying to avoid half the human race is ridiculous. The fact is, we exist amongst OPs and, short of confining yourself to eternal solitude, my only suggestion would be to observe. You're going to last a lot longer in your current body if you pay attention to your surroundings and not slip into a disassociated state yourself.
Agreed, those altered states of consciousness can be killers! Is that how Lizzies 'get to us' I wonder?

Nathan said:
Ruth said:
Teach it to jump the fence or open the gate? The cow might wonder why it should know that, as it simply won't see much point to knowing that.
WHAT? Now look what you've done, you've made me laugh so hard I got the hiccups! :o
I was brought up surrounded by many different types of animals and I guess I had the opportunity to 'relate' to them by observing them. The way I look at them is that they're just 'different'. Hense the analogy between cattle and OPs. Not such a bad discription from some of the recent observations I've had (especially at uni). My God! Do they ever follow each other around or what! Making noises about nothing in particular, carrying on like a bunch of cows too. I don't mind cattle as cattle, but not humans as cattle - especially when I'm outnumbered. I've often wondered why animals seem to have more dignity than humans. Perhaps its because people have forgotten that they are just animals and think they are 'better' than them... I'm not sure.
highmystica said:
there was an example of that kind of stuff in the movie "american psycho" that I brought up on the other thread where the main character is asked what he does while at a noisy bar and he said something like "I'm into murders and mutilations" and the woman that asked him that thought he said he was into mergers and acquisitions ...
Nitpick: He says "Murders and executions." ;)

Laura said:
I would recommend reading the Ra Material on this since he has a pretty good way of describing it. Maybe later I'll see if I can find the excerpt and post it if somebody else doesn't do it first. (-;
While looking for this material, I found the following on http://www.lawofone.info/results.php?category=Negative+Path (worth reading, imo).

55.3 Am I to understand then that just the fact that the third-density entity calls or bids an Orion Crusader [i.e. 4D STS] is a polarizing type of action that affects both entities?
I am Ra. This is incorrect. The calling mechanism is not congruent in the slightest degree with the bidding mechanism. In the calling, the entity which calls is a suppliant neophyte asking for aid in negative understanding, if you may excuse this misnomer. The Orion response increases its negative polarity as it is disseminating the negative philosophy, thereby enslaving or bidding the entity calling.
There are instances, however, when the contact becomes contest which is prototypical of negativity. In this contest, the caller will attempt, not to ask for aid, but to demand results. Since the third-density negatively oriented harvestable entity has at its disposal an incarnative experiential nexus and since Orion Crusaders are, in a great extent, bound by the first distortion [i.e. free will] in order to progress, the Orion entity is vulnerable to such bidding if properly done. In this case, the third-density entity becomes master and the Orion Crusader becomes entrapped and can be bid. This is rare. However, when it has occurred, the Orion entity or social memory complex involved has experienced loss of negative polarity in proportion to the strength of the bidding third-density entity.
55.4 You mentioned that this will work when the bidding is properly done. What did you mean by "when the bidding is properly done"?
I am Ra. To properly bid is to be properly negative. The percentage of thought and behavior involving service to self must approach 99% in order for a third-density negative entity to be properly configured for such a contest of bidding.
55.5 What method of communication with the Orion entity would a bidder of this type use?
I am Ra. The two most usual types of bidding are: One, the use of perversions of sexual magic; two, the use of perversions of ritual magic. In each case the key to success is the purity of the will of the bidder. The concentration upon victory over the servant must be nearly perfect.
Also, from http://www.lawofone.info/results.php?category=Orion:

11.16 What do the crusaders do?
I am Ra. The crusaders move in their chariots to conquer planetary mind/body/spirit social complexes before they reach the stage of achieving social memory.
11.18 Then we have crusaders from Orion coming to this planet for mind control purposes. How do they do this?
I am Ra. As all, they follow the Law of One observing free will. Contact is made with those who call. Those then upon the planetary sphere act much as do you to disseminate the attitudes and philosophy of their particular understanding of the Law of One which is service to self. These become the elite. Through these, the attempt begins to create a condition whereby the remainder of the planetary entities are enslaved by their free will.
[Note: this seems to be what is happening right now]
11.20 How do the crusaders pass on their concepts to the individuals on Earth?
I am Ra. There are two main ways, just as there are two main ways of, shall we say, polarizing towards service to others. There are those mind/body/spirit complexes upon your plane who do exercises and perform disciplines in order to seek contact with sources of information and power leading to the opening of the gate to intelligent infinity. There are others whose vibratory complex is such that this gateway is opened and contact with total service to self with its primal distortion of manipulation of others is then afforded with little or no difficulty, no training, and no control.
[Note: Is the implication here that some 3D STS'ers are slaves to their 4D masters, and some are not under their control? To me it looks like Ra is saying the latter achieve STS through their own work, not through being part of the STS food chain]
11.21 What type of information is passed on from the crusaders to these people?
I am Ra. The Orion group passes on information concerning the Law of One with the orientation of service to self. The information can become technical just as some in the Confederation, in attempts to aid this planet in service to others, have provided what you would call technical information. The technology provided by this group is in the form of various means of control or manipulation of others to serve the self.
11.31 I don't know if this is a short question or not, so we can save it till next time, but my question is, why do the crusaders from Orion do this? What is their ultimate objective? This is probably too long to answer.
I am Ra. This is not too long to answer. To serve the self is to serve all. The service of the self, when seen in this perspective, requires an ever-expanding use of the energies of others for manipulation to the benefit of the self with distortion towards power.
Is this the quote you were thinking of, Laura?

I am Ra. This is correct. Through telepathy the philosophy of the Law of One with the distortion of service to self is promulgated. In advanced groups there are rituals and exercises given and these have been written down just as the service-to-others oriented entities have written down the promulgated philosophy of their teachers. The philosophy concerns the service of manipulating others that they may experience service towards the other self, thus through this experience becoming able to appreciate service to self. These entities would become oriented towards service to self and in turn manipulate yet others so that they in turn might experience the service towards the other self.
I found this quote interesting. Unfortunately, Don never followed up on these robots (greys, hairy dwarves?):
the crusaders of Orion use two types of entities to do their bidding, shall we say. The first type is the thought-form; the second, a kind of robot. [...]The robot may look like any other being. It is a construct. [...] The Men in Black are a thought-form type of entity which have some beingness to their make-up.
I read through the link at http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=1256 ... thanks laura, although it was dense it was refreshing after reading through the threads here being as they are by their nature rather disjointed and take far more energy to read through. I don't know if I agree with unbelievers remarks at the end of the post, although he makes a few valid points, he goes strange places with them. But sticking to the part you posted here and as it applies to what nathan said above it regarding observation. I think my view regarding the adjustment of my stance to minimize the damage caused by pyschopaths and the 4D-STS canidates although was partially right it was also of the wrong orientation. I always think it's funny when I'm right for the wrong reasons, or wrong for the right ones ... anyway the part the struck me as particularly relevant in the part of the article by Michael Topper as posted here was in regard to the catalyzing effects that interactions with such negative forces can have. It is one thing to protect yourself from them, but quite another to learn from them as you protect yourself from them. Besides to cut ourselves off from the nagative forces in this universe is an impossibility as nathan points out, yes I meant the pun in nagative - naga=dragon/serpent. Those of STO orientation don't cut themselves off ... they embrace, and by doing such their knowledge, understanding and wisdom goes far beyond the simple knowledge of STS. Indeed it seems to me that dualistic thoughts like good and evil only belong to STS, STO seems to transcend such thoughts in a way that though they could be described as good, for those of such an orientation the concepts of good and evil don't even apply ...

Ruth I think it is an unfair assessment to liken an OP too much like an animal ... I know I kinda introduced the idea as an illustration, but cattle and OP's are very different things, the OP is more advanced ... though I'm beginning to wonder about that ... In the last few years I have noticed so many examples of animals behaving in ways that go beyond what should be expected from the kind of group souls they share. Animals in general seem to be advancing faster than the OP's but they also suffer from less influence from the 4D-STS as the OP's do ... and by virture of not having their evolution stunted as intensely as the OP's do they certainly have more "dignity". Of course I doubt the animal that are effectively grown for our consumption in the most unnatural ways for the mass production as a food source have much dignity left ... poor cows and chickens etc. It is one thing to point out that humans are simply animals, but you have to remember animals also have soul and the divine moves through them too.

[added latter] I just remember something about somebody's cat going to the next level in one of the c's transcripts ...
thanks for pointing that out hkoehli, I only saw it once late at night ... I really need to find the book that it was based on ...

someone pointed out on another thread that the ra material is available in the library section at http://www.llresearch.org/main.htm , I haven't read through that much of it yet ...
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