random thoughts concerning all this ...

From the Ra material above that you quoted the part
"The two most usual types of bidding are: One, the use of perversions of sexual magic; two, the use of perversions of ritual magic."
reminded me of something rather disturbing that a friend of mine called and told me about - she had just moved into a new apartment in another state and there was this guy that she described as being schitzo was going around trying to get other people in the apartment to come over to his apartment and engage in a session of group masturbation in an attempt to contact what he described as yellow reptilian beings - needless to say I her and everyone else was terribly disturbed by such a statement ... made my skin crawl when she said it - I'm sooo glad she doesn't live there anymore, although the scary guy moved before she did - guess he couldn't get anyone to play with him ...

I hope that doesn't go beyond the accepted guidelines of this forum, I don't say it to be vulgar, but it is without a doubt the most vulgar thing spiritually I've heard in a long time ... how he could say that to perfect strangers in that building with a straight face is simply beyond me ...
highmystica said:
thanks for pointing that out hkoehli, I only saw it once late at night ... I really need to find the book that it was based on ...

someone pointed out on another thread that the ra material is available in the library section at http://www.llresearch.org/main.htm , I haven't read through that much of it yet ...
I read the book years ago. I remember it being purposefully monotonous, repetitive. Pat Bateman talks endlessly about his clothes, where he bought them, how much they cost, how to eat certain dishes at restaurants correctly, etc. As for the movie, I've seen interviews with the screenwriters, and they seemed pretty naive when it comes to actual psychopathy. Perhaps this explains Pat's emotional outburst near the end of the film, where he seems to show feelings. However, I guess it was more self-pity than any real conscience... I can't remember if that was in the book.

From the interviews, it seems the film makers were more out to create a satire of yuppie culture, and by doing so ended up with a pretty good psychopath. Funnily enough, at least one critic said Bateman was an unrealistic character because he was so one-dimensional. I find this is the reaction to a lot of "English Major" type people. They think psychopaths are poor characterization! I guess they're right... :lol:
hkoehli said:
I am Ra. This is correct. Through telepathy the philosophy of the Law of One with the distortion of service to self is promulgated. In advanced groups there are rituals and exercises given and these have been written down just as the service-to-others oriented entities have written down the promulgated philosophy of their teachers. The philosophy concerns the service of manipulating others that they may experience service towards the other self, thus through this experience becoming able to appreciate service to self. These entities would become oriented towards service to self and in turn manipulate yet others so that they in turn might experience the service towards the other self.
The question following this one is also interesting:

Would this be the origin of what we call black magic?
I am Ra. This is correct in one sense, incorrect in another. The Orion group has aided the so-called negatively oriented among your mind/body/spirit complexes. These same entities would be concerning themselves with service to self in any case and there are many upon your so-called inner planes which are negatively oriented and thus available as inner teachers or guides and so-called possessors of certain souls who seek this distortion of service to self.
This ties into what Laura said about 4D STS candidates and possession in another thread. From reading Ra, I see three possibilites for the 'negative path':

1) enter the STS pecking order of higher dimensional beings
2) be 'taught' and 'possessed' by 'inner plane' entities
3) achieve pure STS without any external control (probably the rarest, and scariest)

[Edit addition follows]:

Rereading this Ra stuff, I see some interesting connections. Ra says that the cosmic spam sent out by 4D STS is received by STO and STS channels. The STO (that is, in potential) sources channel a message of doom, the STS simply channel STS philosophy. I find it interesting that all the sources commented on by AdPop are suspiciously doom-free ("everything's gonna be all right, we space brothers are here to save you"). That is, they are pure STS philosophy: subjectivity, wishful thinking.
I don't know if the book was purposefully monotonous and repetative ... particularly without reading it, but psychopaths are often described as being methodical - they may often have a need to try and conform to an accepted "image" as part of their disguise. Considering the emotional make-up of psychopaths -> I'm having a bit of trouble with this, but it seems to me that they have a kind of emotional make-up (laughs at the phrase emotional make-up), but it strikes me as more primal - it lacks a "higher" emotional understanding ... they feel pity rather than sympathy, they have mercy as opposed to compassion - etc. His out-burst aside there were some really disturbing things in the end of the movie - like all the bodies and what not vanishing from his safe-houses or when he's talking to the lawyer about killing that one guy, the lawyer tries to pass it off as a joke and then finally gets frustrated with Pat Bateman and says the he just saw this other guy in london etc. and the part that freaked me out the most was when Pat Bateman was saying something along the lines of his confession meaning nothing because he had learning nothing from it (the act of confession). Another thought is whether or not the main character is a psychopath or a psuedo-psychopath. Reading through the stuff regarding psychopaths an psuedo-psychopaths from what I understand the population is made up of 6% psychopaths, and 14% psuedo-psychopaths, or did the 14% include both pychopaths as well as psuedo-psychopaths? Now I realize that this is an estimate at best, they are guess at the number of such people by extrapolating on known cases so there could be more or less, but often researchers tend to make conservative estimates, so with all assumptions aside if 20% of the population are made up of such, I can't tell you how much that alone has freaked me out - It's like I just found myself on another planet, yet considering the 1/5 ratio - it has certainly explained a lot of things ...

you said
"They think psychopaths are poor characterization! I guess they're right... "
- so very true, and funny in a disturbing sorta way ...

I think that options one and two are effectively the same because the both describe entering into the heirarchal structure - yeah option 3 is the scariest ...
As I was doing the dishes I had a few thoughts regarding how I responded to Ruth ...

first off ... ruth said,
The way I look at them is that they're just 'different'. Hense the analogy between cattle and OPs. Not such a bad discription from some of the recent observations I've had (especially at uni). My God! Do they ever follow each other around or what! Making noises about nothing in particular, carrying on like a bunch of cows too.

My previous reponse failed to adress the root of my problem with what you (ruth) said, and for that I appologize. In such an impersonal medium as the internet it is most important for us to explain ourselves both more carefully and more completely. My problem with what you said is that you seemed to get the thing about them as being simply different, but then you followed it up with several statements that are full of judgement. My problem wasn't the different part - but the judgement part. The sounds cows make are entirely important to their fellow cow, and the sounds that an OP makes are not only important to the fellow OP's but also to the non-OP. You can't write them off so easily as that, there is a hidden depth to the things they say - even if they don't understand what they say, those that are "great of soul" can extrapolate from what they say because they were once there themselves ... they are learning as is everything else, but if you can pull it off there is always something to be learned from even the most basic forms of life, often it is the case that you learn the most profound lessons from those you might [consider] on a lower level because they can describe a similar point to where you might be in simpler terms. I hope you appreciate what I am trying to say, I appologize for the incompleteness of what I said before ...
another thought concerning judgements - while one can say that a 4D-STS critter is more evolved than us, what is the relevance? At some point or another STS turns into a black hole and recycles itself as pure matter - whereas it seems that only an STO can recombine in wisdom to the divine we descend from ... so the ultimate STO will recombine with the 7D, but the STS will get to a certain point only to start over at the begining as pure matter. There would be theoretical evidence for this in that there is no mention of 6D-STS, or a similar concept. I might be dead wrong in that assessment, please anyone tell me if I missed something there - but as it now seems to me STS cannot exist as a 6D entity.
thank you laura ...

I finished listening to the exorcism recordings ... I don't know what to say, or what I can say, I needed to remember though a few things that happened three years ago I guess, and apply them to the now and now ...
Other strangness regarding all of this ... does anyone know who is more likely to be programmed by the methods described in the greenbaum speech. It would seem to me that since the ptb wouldn't need to go so far as all that to control an OP, but the non-OP might need to be fragmented so completely to turn them into a manchurian canidate ... Has anyone here heard anything regarding that in a more direct fashion?
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