RationalWiki is neither rational nor accurate! Buncha Loonies!


FOTCM Member
I just had a look at an entry about me on "rationalwiki". I'm going to archive it here in case they decide to change it. It's so bad its "not even wrong." !! I suspect we get a lot of readers sent our way from there!

Laura Knight Jadczyk (hereafter referred to as LKJ) is a batshit insane blogger and crank, who calls herself a "scientific mystic and PaleoChristian Shaman". She is primarily notable for her role in purveying Comet Elenin and Planet X/Nibiru woo, but she is also into free energy,[1] Mossad conspiracies,[2] the 9/11 truth movement,[3] the Denver Airport conspiracy theory,[4] the New World Order,[5], Earth changes,[6] , and alien abduction, and HAARP,[7]. It seems LKJ never met a piece of pseudoscience she didn't like, and she's a left-wing crank and moonbat par excellence. She's Gene Ray with slightly better writing skills.

More weirdness

A large section of her Cassiopaea website is about something called The Grail Quest And The Destiny Of Man, which appears to be about finding the Holy Grail, in what appears to be a nonsensical section on alchemy, dreams, the New Age, and Christianity.[8] Another section is called The Wave, and appears to be about souls, the 2012 apocalypse, and earth changes.[9] She has some rather odd beliefs concerning psychopaths: apparently they control every nation on earth via dominant personalities.[10][11] She knows this because she wrote a book on it with a Soviet professor who allegedly fled with his book in his memory after discovering this.[12] She often rambles on her Sign of the Times website, which is described as "The world for the people who think". It mostly rambles about left-wing politics, smoking, and the aforementioned psychopaths.[13][14] Not to mention the horrible gauntlet of peer review and corporate science obscuring Truth.[15]
[edit] Legal troubles and more 2012

In late 2011, her aforementioned Sign of the Times website started to have some legal trouble, though exactly what the trouble is isn't clear. It also coincides with them asking for donations, with those pledging a certain amount getting "A Telephone Into the FUTURE".[16] The post also states that the 2012 apocalypse is a fake... but because it is so well known and "smacks of a set up". That's right, the 2012 theories are a false flag operation by psychopaths.
[edit] Cassiopaeans
“”Q(L):Who or what are the Men in Black? A: Lizard Projections.[17]

Cassiopaeans are apparently some sort of physic aliens that communicate with humans via, of course, channeling.[18] They may or may not be planning on eating us, it isn't very clear.[19] It has is something to do with a 4th way, and the Cassiopaeans' being from the future. Maybe. Or with their being from another star.[20]
[edit] Organic portals

Organic portals are "people whose abilities of imitation are so developed, so much an integral part of who they are, that they can only be discovered after years of observation. The psychopath is the failed organic portal." What this means isn't clear, but there is a page explaining it. [21] It states there are 3 billion organic portals, which means they make up a nearly half of the world population and they are apparently soulless. She then goes on about there being 2 races "pre-adamic" and "adamic" humanity. This apparently Means Something, and they are nearly identical physically, but have different souls. Also, something about density crops up ever so often.
[edit] Arkadiusz Jadczyk

Arkadiusz Jadczyk is LKJ's husband is a PhD in theoretical physics interested in quantum mechanics. His list of publications in reputable journals checks out. [22] [23] However as with many mathematicians (and theoretical physicists are of the same breed), he veers off into very bad philosophy of physics - an area of expertise completely disconnected from, but often confused with, physics itself. His many thoughts which go beyond his training in mathematics (on the nature of consciousness, mental powers, etc.) are a kind of quantum woo. He maintains a website for his speculations, which is also bizarre.[24]
[edit] Diet woo

God forbid, a crank site could actually put up a page that didn't try to sell you some way to lose weight. I realize we are all fat, and have no body-image self esteem thanks to the Media, but must everyone hawk the "biggest, baddest, bestest" diet? Oh, and it is all the fault of the agricultural industry, as fruit and vegetables are bad for you.[25] The article references the aquatic ape hypothesis and shows hints of promoting the paleo diet.
[edit] See also

Crank magnetism
David Icke
Fractal wrongness
Richard C. Hoagland (one of her more academic sources)
Time cube

[edit] External links

Her website
Her blog, last updated in August 2011
Her forum. Do not expose to face
Her "news" website
Her Truther book
Yet another website, this time on genealogy. My how they do crop up

[edit] Footnotes

↑ via Albert Einstein apparently
↑ here
↑ Secret cult of 9/11
↑ Denver
↑ Earth changes
↑ HAARP and Roswell
↑ The Grail Quest And The Destiny Of Man
↑ The Wave
↑ [1]
↑ Psychopaths rule our world!
↑ Łobaczewski, Andrzej, Laura Knight-Jadczyk, and Henry See. Political Ponerology: a Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes. Grande Prairie, AB, Canada: Red Pill, 2006: pp 25-7. Print
↑ Sometime they even tie two of these together
↑ Some economically-left politics for you
↑ Corruption in Science: Francesco Fucilla and the Telesio-Galilei Academy of Science -- that's right, ranting about other cranks.
↑ 2012 and the 'End of the World' - Sott.net Needs Your Help!
↑ Laura channeling the Cassiopeans to explain things
↑ LKJ about channeling
↑ [2]
↑ Floating world
↑ Organic Portals
↑ http://arxiv.org/abs/nlin/0312046
↑ http://arxiv.org/find/all/1/au:+Jadczyk_A/0/1/0/all/0/1
↑ The homepage
↑ The Obesity Epidemic, Courtesy of the Agricultural Industry
Here's their talk page about it:

Icon sociology.svg This article contains information about one or more living persons.

Articles about living people must be handled carefully, because they are more open to legal threats.
Reference any contentious allegations solidly; unreferenced allegations should be removed.
If legal threats are raised on this page, please direct the potential litigant to RationalWiki:Legal FAQ; do not interact with them.
Icon conspiracy.svg

This Conspiracy theories related article has been awarded BRONZE status for quality. It's getting there, but could be with improvement.

This article is of MID importance to the wiki.

See RationalWiki:Article rating for more information.

What, not mention of the Cassiopeans, Sign of the Times (sott.net), her husband or the psychopath thing? (See Talk:Psychopath.) --ZooGuard (talk) 17:04, 1 September 2011 (UTC) P.S. Was the article inspired by the red link in Comet Elenin or the one in the ToDo list?--ZooGuard (talk) 17:05, 1 September 2011 (UTC)

The comet. I'll write some more hopefully later today.Тytalk 18:54, 1 September 2011 (UTC)

Okay, I've added some more, this is truly insane. Тytalk 20:09, 1 September 2011 (UTC)

Contents [hide]

1 why is there no blue link to paleochristian
2 Oh my god, andy's right
3 Need something about Organic Portals
4 Need something about Organic Portals
5 Wow
6 Blind leading the blind
7 Another source
8 Legal threat by a BoN
9 9/11 truth, NWO and Paleo...

[edit] why is there no blue link to paleochristian

Clearly, this is something we need an article on. oh. wait. THERE IS NO FUCKING THING AS A PALEOCHRISTIAN.Pink mowse.pngEn attendant Godot 00:15, 2 September 2011 (UTC)

That's what she calls herself... Тytalk 00:17, 2 September 2011 (UTC)

OH, I get that we didn't make up the term. SHE made up the term. stupid fucking bimbo on a cross.Pink mowse.pngEn attendant Godot 00:23, 2 September 2011 (UTC)

This article appears to be only the surface, that's the scary part. Тytalk 00:26, 2 September 2011 (UTC)

[edit] Oh my god, andy's right

it's the liberization corporatation of language. "The definitions of numerous key concepts have changed and are changing ever more rapidly in the present day. This process seems to have begun with the additions of tertiary, or lesser, and slang definitions, shifting in the direction of the concepts the Deceiver wants to achieve. Although a gradual alteration in the spellings, pronunciations and meanings of words does occur naturally, in the process known as linguistic drift, it does not normally happen in so brief a span as a few decades. The speed with which this is occurring strongly suggests deliberate controls are being imposed on words." ROLLS ON THE FLOOR ROLLING MY FAT ASS OFF.Pink mowse.pngEn attendant Godot 00:38, 2 September 2011 (UTC)

Tyfacepalm.jpgТytalk 00:43, 2 September 2011 (UTC)

Why do these people have to see secret conspiracies everywhere? One would think that the open attempts in some quarters to control words would be enough to rail about. Mjollnir.svgListenerXTalkerX 00:51, 2 September 2011 (UTC)

Worse, L'academie Francais telling french speakers how to speak french. "that's not an acceptable word, we have a word for "life", en direct - use that." nahhhh.....Pink mowse.pngEn attendant Godot 00:56, 2 September 2011 (UTC)

[edit] Need something about Organic Portals

sorry, I do not know the wiki language— Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs
[edit] Need something about Organic Portals

(very important, great secret of the cult) http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/organic_portals.htm

- OP: Kinds of Reptoid's Aliens eating souls... - Cassiopaens: disembodied beings of 6th density.— Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs
[edit] Wow

Our stuff on her/Comet Elenin is being cited... by 9/11 truthers. [1] TyBother me 18:54, 20 January 2012 (UTC)
[edit] Blind leading the blind

Starting from here. Particularly like the argument on whether "Trent Toulouse" is a nom de plume. Tmtoulouse (talk) 00:52, 12 September 2012 (UTC)

"But I thought this was supposed to be RATIONALWiki!" Drink! Nebuchadnezzar (talk) 00:57, 12 September 2012 (UTC)

...fancies himself a "Scientist" ...he'll do anything for attention. He wants to be famous soooo bad. yawl know the sort. —Guardian[2]
Oh, Trent, you fame whore. Star of David.png Radioactive Misanthrope 01:13, 12 September 2012 (UTC)

LOL I am a senior sysop and a higher up here. ТyILAB 01:17, 12 September 2012 (UTC)

Also, Blue is on the board apparently. ТyILAB 01:26, 12 September 2012 (UTC)

Pats all of you on the back. You know you are doing something right, when cooks and crackpots call you stupid! --Green mowse.pngGodotBe informed. Vote. 03:32, 12 September 2012 (UTC)

[edit] Another source

A very polite one which sets out her opinions without excessive judgement - David Gerard (talk) 10:16, 23 March 2013 (UTC)
[edit] Legal threat by a BoN

Originally added by in the wrong place on this talk page. Section title added by me.--ZooGuard (talk) 19:19, 11 April 2014 (UTC)

Laura Knight Jadczyk item 15 ( footnotes ) This article is at present a matter of criminal investigation and is in fact under present criminal investigation for defamation by the french police and high court. ↑ Corruption in Science: Francesco Fucilla and the Telesio-Galilei Academy of Science -- that's right, ranting about other cranks. it must be removed as the people that introduced the article may be liable for defamation and criminal damage. please remove the article for its total nonsense.— Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs 18:43, 11 April 2014 (UTC)

The linked article is still up and has been since 2012. Does BoN have any links or documents on this case allegedly in progress? If there's a serious problem, there should be documentation available to that effect - David Gerard (talk) 22:06, 11 April 2014 (UTC)

[edit] 9/11 truth, NWO and Paleo...

... this woman seems to be right on target. But for "RW"s like you – of course – ahead of her time, until it's too late (it probably already is). So keep your blinders on, ignore the awkward and continue your imperialistic aims. And do not forget: WTC 7 NEVER fell and you are the true rationalists. In "Old Europe" there is a saying: Man kann gar nicht so viel fressen, wie man kotzen möchte. That says it all... — Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs
casper said:
For me, the lawsuit for libel and defamation ;)

It's so stupid it's not worth the money!!! They can't even get anything right!
So pathetic! They haven't even bothered to check very basic stuff that can be proven wrong in like, 5 minutes. Dunno where to begin. Low and cheap... :ohboy: :thdown:
Laura said:
casper said:
For me, the lawsuit for libel and defamation ;)

It's so stupid it's not worth the money!!! They can't even get anything right!
It's not the money, the thing is that you do not let that throw mud and insulting your work and your family. Insult you and your husband, who is next, your children?
The arrogance of ignorance in action. Indeed, rationalwiki is not even rational; it is rather a collection of the cognitive biases of personalities who have not even seen their Shadow yet, even less integrated it; existing as dissociated, illusory egos they vehemently reassure their selves by barking at the Shadows of the deeper levels of consciousness. Classic reductionist materialism throwing dust in their own eyes.

This is the kind of community that congratulates itself for laughing down real science, dismissing facts about vaccine or fluoride toxicity (which is widely available even in mainstream science for anyone who looks). If their dissociation keeps them from connecting the dots on even such basic physical science, don't expect them to have any insight about more subtle realities, especially inner/psychic/spiritual. Barking at their own Shadows, indeed.

Edit: as for those speaking of libel, get over yourselves. This is the internet. Stupid people exist. Don't feed the trolls. (except if you would like them to use a potential lawsuit for publicity à la Streisand effect, making Laura seem as the bad one and validating their claims)
There comes a time when this can only be positive promotion material for those who they are trying to defame if it isn’t already. I don’t have experience of dealing with such tyrants but if defamation is bound to happen anyhow and this is the best this 'useful idiot' or shill can come up with.

Thanks for the favor? Even if this debunking effort ever gains momentum which I honestly don't see happening it will be just to easy to rip it up piece by piece which in essence is always good 'advertisement'
Libel for sure... Blatantly false and ought to be fairly easy to demonstrate, IMO. Also, what is a moonbat?
That's so ridiculous! It's like they quickly skimmed over things looking for ideas and concepts and then shoot them down without any rational thought being put into it. How ironic. One person responded to them and sums it up nicely at the end.

this woman seems to be right on target. But for "RW"s like you – of course – ahead of her time, until it's too late (it probably already is). So keep your blinders on, ignore the awkward and continue your imperialistic aims. And do not forget: WTC 7 NEVER fell and you are the true rationalists. In "Old Europe" there is a saying: Man kann gar nicht so viel fressen, wie man kotzen möchte. That says it all... — Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs

I googled the saying and it's "one cannot eat as much as you want to throw up."
United Gnosis said:
The arrogance of ignorance in action. Indeed, rationalwiki is not even rational; it is rather a collection of the cognitive biases of personalities who have not even seen their Shadow yet, even less integrated it; existing as dissociated, illusory egos they vehemently reassure their selves by barking at the Shadows of the deeper levels of consciousness. Classic reductionist materialism throwing dust in their own eyes.

This is the kind of community that congratulates itself for laughing down real science, dismissing facts about vaccine or fluoride toxicity (which is widely available even in mainstream science for anyone who looks). If their dissociation keeps them from connecting the dots on even such basic physical science, don't expect them to have any insight about more subtle realities, especially inner/psychic/spiritual. Barking at their own Shadows, indeed.
I agree. The Laura's page on that site only mentions of few subjects that arectalked here and many cases it repeates "It isn't Clear". Without knowing what her work, they expressed their extreme dislike for her. There is another page that mentions the word 'Crank', definition and people who fall under. That lists edgar cayce, Ron Paul, Velikovsky etc. This wiki looks like another MSM brainwashed nut case. There is no distinction of merits based on research and effort. Waste of internet page and wiki software usage IMO.
Buncha loonies indeed! Man it makes me angry :mad: when 'people' like these come out of the woodwork. But I guess you are prolly use to all of this nonsense.

seek10 said:
I agree. The Laura's page on that site only mentions of few subjects that arectalked here and many cases it repeates "It isn't Clear". Without knowing what her work, they expressed their extreme dislike for her. There is another page that mentions the word 'Crank', definition and people who fall under. That lists edgar cayce, Ron Paul, Velikovsky etc. This wiki looks like another MSM brainwashed nut case. There is no distinction of merits based on research and effort. Waste of internet page and wiki software usage IMO.

I agree seek10, what a waste of web usage.
That was quite a painful read. To have to trawl through such waffle about yourself, I wouldn't have known whether to laugh or cry.
lainey said:
That was quite a painful read. To have to trawl through such waffle about yourself, I wouldn't have known whether to laugh or cry.

I had to laugh because it was so wrong. I mean, even checking their "references" was a hoot.

So, how many lies/errors can ya'll count?
Time is not the praise and congratulations, we know that the attacks will accelerate, it's also why we approach the release. The doorway is always narrower and delicate as the middle of the room.
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