RationalWiki is neither rational nor accurate! Buncha Loonies!

I'm pretty sure that page has been up for several years. The comment in the discussion: "Oh my god, andy's right" makes me think the author of it was the, now dead, Andrew Rowland.
OMG, I almost hit the floor laughing!! :lol:

It seems there's two civilizations on this planet living side-by-side, and what's "rational" in The Great Society of Non-Thought will likely be the complete opposite to the rest of us, and vicey-versey. :)

Laura's obviously too aware to fall for this, but other female members here can also be made to suffer from crap like this, so here's my contribution.

RationalWiki in this case appears to be a good example for social conformity using public perception to try and move Laura into the mold of the Mad, Bad, and Sad. These editors or posters probably assume they are thinking for themselves and drawing conclusions from facts when they are primarily thinking with emotional bias and drawing confusions from preferences. The words of biased emotional thought ('horrible', for example) abound on that page.

Evidently the "rational" Wiki participants fail to see their own irony which would be visible from a historical perspective because an apparent implication of that RationalWiki page has already been preempted: The author, Lisa Appignanesi, has shown a rational view of women who've been accused of mental illness as simply being forced to suffer in the context of oppression. And these people seem to be deliberately contributing to that kind of thing. As far back as the 1960s the radical psychiatrist RD Laing declared that madness was a sane response to an insane world. So, even if mad, I must be too, because what other way could they look at me if I were a public figure?

Back to the program already in progress... :D
Buddy said:
OMG, I almost hit the floor laughing!! :lol:

It seems there's two civilizations on this planet living side-by-side, and what's "rational" in The Great Society of Non-Thought will likely be the complete opposite to the rest of us, and vicey-versey. :)

Laura's obviously too aware to fall for this, but other female members here can also be made to suffer from crap like this, so here's my contribution.

RationalWiki in this case appears to be a good example for social conformity using public perception to try and move Laura into the mold of the Mad, Bad, and Sad. These editors or posters probably assume they are thinking for themselves and drawing conclusions from facts when they are primarily thinking with emotional bias and drawing confusions from preferences. The words of biased emotional thought ('horrible', for example) abound on that page.

Evidently the "rational" Wiki participants fail to see their own irony which would be visible from a historical perspective because an apparent implication of that RationalWiki page has already been preempted: The author, Lisa Appignanesi has shown a rational view of women who've been accused of mental illness as simply being forced to suffer in the context of oppression. And these people seem to be deliberately contributing to that kind of thing. As far back as the 1960s the radical psychiatrist RD Laing declared that madness was a sane response to an insane world. So, even if mad, I must be too, because what other way could they look at me if I were a public figure?

Back to the program already in progress... :D

Buddy, are you referring to this Lisa Appignanesi?

Lisa Appignanesi: aka Jessica AyreElżbieta Borensztejn was born on 4 January 1946 in Łódź, Poland, the daughter of Hena and Aaron Borensztejn.


In 1990, she decided to take the plunge and write full time. Since then, a number of best-selling novels have appeared as well as non-fictions. The novels have grown increasingly darker and moved into a psychological thriller genre.


Sounds like she's been on a long road .......... to the Twilight Zone? (Mush-brains!) A Peace Prize Nominee.
angelburst29 said:
Buddy, are you referring to this Lisa Appignanesi?

Lisa Appignanesi: aka Jessica AyreElżbieta Borensztejn was born on 4 January 1946 in Łódź, Poland, the daughter of Hena and Aaron Borensztejn.


In 1990, she decided to take the plunge and write full time. Since then, a number of best-selling novels have appeared as well as non-fictions. The novels have grown increasingly darker and moved into a psychological thriller genre.


Sounds like she's been on a long road .......... to the Twilight Zone? (Mush-brains!) A Peace Prize Nominee.

I'm not sure unless it was her as that author. Didn't investigate her history, so I didn't know the rest of that story. I'll strike that part from the rant and learn to pay more attention to my references. Sorry about that, just trying to help. :(
Ridiculous! The person or persons who wrote this dribble, obviously think very highly of themselves! It basically a couple paragraphs of their opinion!!!! And name calling! Come on! How did they read back over that and consider it intelligent! I am blown away!
Buddy said:
angelburst29 said:
Buddy, are you referring to this Lisa Appignanesi?

Lisa Appignanesi: aka Jessica AyreElżbieta Borensztejn was born on 4 January 1946 in Łódź, Poland, the daughter of Hena and Aaron Borensztejn.


In 1990, she decided to take the plunge and write full time. Since then, a number of best-selling novels have appeared as well as non-fictions. The novels have grown increasingly darker and moved into a psychological thriller genre.


Sounds like she's been on a long road .......... to the Twilight Zone? (Mush-brains!) A Peace Prize Nominee.

I'm not sure unless it was her as that author. Didn't investigate her history, so I didn't know the rest of that story. I'll strike that part from the rant and learn to pay more attention to my references. Sorry about that, just trying to help. :(

It is the same person, and she has written several other serious non-fiction works, including a biography of Simone de Beauvoir. But hold on a minute, you're going to condemn someone because they are a successful novelist in the thriller genre? People have to make a living. If they can do it writing thrillers, good for them! Her book The Mad, Bad, and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors sounds interesting. The Amazon page for her works is here: http://www.amazon.com/Lisa-Appignanesi/e/B001HCZR5I/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1
Mal7 said:
It is the same person, and she has written several other serious non-fiction works, including a biography of Simone de Beauvoir. But hold on a minute, you're going to condemn someone because they are a successful novelist in the thriller genre? People have to make a living. If they can do it writing thrillers, good for them!

You're right. I don't know about anyone else, but I was just dodging controversy just because of something said as part of an act whose intended meaning was good. But I see that even that act (avoiding something) can have undesirable consequences, so here's what I'm thinking:

I read that book and liked it, but I suppose I got way more value from it than someone who will read only for superficial messages and not pick up on the threads running through it like there will be with a good writer, including Laura. One thread is simply that, no matter who is doing the judging, the mere fact that we have to live in this world will, at various times and to various people, make us all look crazy no matter what we say, and that we should not be name-calling and labeling people as any sort of crazy just because we (ponerized people) think someone else is that one, and in any case, all we'd really be doing is labeling the human condition. To read those Wiki word wranglers engaging in such behavior is simultaneously hilarious from the view of their inanity and sad, seeming to be trying to force someone (Laura, for example) into a state of mental alienation and implying the threat of social attack to anyone daring to associate with the Cassiopaean Experiment. That implication may not be visible on the Wiki page to some people, but it seems to be there nonetheless.

Anyway, my thought gets even more complicated from here and involves speculations concerning possible hyper-dimensional ideation, but even without any of that, I don't think the average person will understand the real significance of what Lisa is trying to point out in that book, IMO. But I think I do, and I respect that effort and contribution to the societal literature.

What I really didn't prepare for ahead of time was a possible need to defend the reference. Maybe I thought the meaning and intent would be clearer and interested people would just go read themselves.
It actually gave me a good chuckle. Reminds me of how my 13 year old son writes book reports..two years ago! :lol:
luc said:
Well, I remember skimming through this some time ago (I think there was less text there then), and thought it's such worthless crap that I shouldn't bother with it at all.

Yeah, i had similar thoughts as well when i read it a while back. Just a bunch of retards, and best thing to do is to laugh about it ! If iodine defficient retards have to sink so low to try and derail the work done here, it can only mean that Sott and the Forum are definitely making a difference in the world, and truly shining the light ! :cool2:
From Laura and Kiet;
Well, think about it: if reading that puts a person off and does NOT make them curious to make up their own mind, maybe they aren't a good fit here? So, you could say that it does us a favor.

Actually, if descriptions of a clearly crackpot site were enough for him to dismiss Laura's work, than perhaps it's a good thing that he didn't end up here. ;) Considering everything we know about information theory, and how people may find certain information, then as Laura said, such sites could do us a service by weeding out those who are not going to get it anyway.

I coined a term for places like that..its an "Idiot Strainer"....it keeps those big chunks of bone(headedness) out of the broth! :lol:

I too found it a while back and thought it wasn't worth mentioning, FWIW.
Keit said:
Gaby said:
I don't think that iodine deficiency could even justify that kind of stupidity and close mindedness. It goes beyond "mental retardation".

Yeah, all the energy that these fools and other retards spend on spreading childish nonsense for some reason reminds me of the following research:

The Louder the Monkey, the Smaller Its Balls, Study Finds

...But in a beautiful twist of expectations, scientists have now found that the louder the monkey’s calls, the smaller the monkey’s balls. A team based out of Cambridge University came to this conclusion by comparing the size of dozens of monkeys’ testes with the hyoid bones located in their voice boxes, which revealed a negative correlation between decibel levels and testicular endowment. The results are published today in the journal Current Biology.


What a perfect correlation to these peoples' postings and their ability to reason! LOL! Just stupid beyond belief.
Gaby said:
I don't think that iodine deficiency could even justify that kind of stupidity and close mindedness. It goes beyond "mental retardation".

I thought something similar. Are they devout vegetarians that don't smoke? Their thinking and research is so bad, it's not even wrong!
Menrva said:
Gaby said:
I don't think that iodine deficiency could even justify that kind of stupidity and close mindedness. It goes beyond "mental retardation".

I thought something similar. Are they devout vegetarians that don't smoke? Their thinking and research is so bad, it's not even wrong!

I doubt they've done any research at all. They just follow their dirty agenda. I'm not surprised.
Chacara said:
I doubt they've done any research at all. They just follow their dirty agenda. I'm not surprised.

Well, the more I think about it, the more I think this has something to do with authoritarian thinking. People like those "rational" wiki types, they defend what they perceive to be "official doctrine" whatever it takes, and become even more zealous than their "idols". Basically, they are slaves to the dominant discourse, probably without any intellectual capability whatsoever to come to their own conclusions independent from the "intellectual hierarchy". Hence the stupidity of their "arguments" - they just slam Laura's work (even using emotional language!) for the simple reason that it goes against their authority (how dare she!), which is everything to them. Ironically, this makes them the worse kind of irrational "believers" one can imagine - after all, the kind of vulgar philosophical materialism that such types promote is as contradictory as the creation story from the bible! OSIT
luc said:
Well, the more I think about it, the more I think this has something to do with authoritarian thinking. People like those "rational" wiki types, they defend what they perceive to be "official doctrine" whatever it takes, and become even more zealous than their "idols". Basically, they are slaves to the dominant discourse, probably without any intellectual capability whatsoever to come to their own conclusions independent from the "intellectual hierarchy". Hence the stupidity of their "arguments" - they just slam Laura's work (even using emotional language!) for the simple reason that it goes against their authority (how dare she!), which is everything to them. Ironically, this makes them the worse kind of irrational "believers" one can imagine - after all, the kind of vulgar philosophical materialism that such types promote is as contradictory as the creation story from the bible! OSIT

That's it in a nutshell, methinks.

I'm reminded (painfully) of those I have had to deal with who love to point out how:

[list type=decimal]
[*]You can't believe everything you read on the internet, because facts are important and some people are crazy
[*]If you want to debunk something, just quote some "good" wiki or other site like Snopes

I mean, how does one respond to that? You can't even point out how contradictory they are being in their thinking, because that's just proof that they're right and you're wrong, even though it isn't at all in reality.

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