Puck said:
For now, claiming it's been co-opted or calling OWS cointelpro
I think this is comparing apples to oranges. OWS is obviously being "co-oped" in that the mainstream media is only presenting carefully edited clips of what's actually occurring, and you can clearly see how they're trying to manipulate the sheeple perspective for their own purposes. If they didn't do this, I think I'd fall over in a faint.
While it's likely that cointelpro type gov/corp employes have infiltrated various groups involved in the protest (they always do) I think it's really hard for these agents to exert any form of effective control when there's no central authority to speak of. It's the independent "anonymous" aspects of these protests that have me interested. This is new in American protest movements, and it makes the results difficult to predict.
Yes. the PTB have the resources and abilities to either corrupt and/or destroy ANYONE in charge of any citizen action that has a hope of damaging the elite...but what are they going to do when no one is in charge?
I think these kids are onto something, and instead of keeping it to themselves, they're sharing whatever they can do with the rest of the 99%. Everyone can participate in OWS some way or another if they wish. While I might not be able to get myself to a big city to march, I can help publisize their activities, rebut the mainstream media's false claims, even send the protestors a few dozen pizzas, without leaving my chair.
Last week I waded through a bunch of paperwork, and starting next week, both my personal and business banking will be at a local Credit Union "co-op." I don't have much, so Wachovia/Well Fargo won't even notice the loss...alone I'm barely a drop in a huge ocean. But what if ALL of us working poor who're barely hanging on to lower middle class by our fingernails moved what little money we have out of the big banks? Those of us with small businesses and/or working family incomes can help Occupy Wall Street with our keyboards and bank books. All it takes is the effort, and I think it's worth it to at least try.
What are the PTB going to do if we ALL start to protest, in whatever way we can, without any leadership or motivation beyond our own convictions?