There are lot of better ways to do things at work and it is expectation of the boss. But, we have limited control over how much we can influence the outcome. Some times, I get a impulse to suggest some things to improve ( ( because I can't be passive listener to BS arguments) and bite my tongue thinking 'why the heck I care'. I can suggest, but people doesn't put the effort( or don't want to learn new way of doing) for their reasons, thus forcing me to do it. I get angry with myself for starting it and had to put lot of extra effort to do it myself while I was thinking "This is all waste of time". Some times, it is this feeling of "Waste of time" triggers emotion, when not processed and strategized becomes mechanical action with lot of negative emotions including guilt. I started to think it as a processing of negative emotions in the matrix world. No doubt, all types of unexpected people get involved.
Yes, this is a good one. For me, this falls into the category of the universe saying, “Hey, look at this problem over here. So... what are you going to do about it?”
You have to weigh up whether it’s your responsibility or someone else’s. And then weigh up whether the universe is asking you to just fix the issue yourself, or whether it wants you to pluck up the courage to find the relevant person and point it out to them.
And then you have to weigh-up your motivation for doing either of them. Are you doing it for yourself, in the Gurdjieffian sense that no hard effort is ever wasted; are you doing it to impress someone; are you doing it because it’s an ingrained program, unresolved emotional baggage from a program running about how you always had to do everything around the house, or you’re now in the habit of overcompensating for having been what you now consider to be a lazy adolescent.
Overall, in the general sense, I think the important part is it’s a marker of awareness in the Petersonian sense: sit in a room and look around you. What stands out that you could fix or improve and then do it. And then the next thing will present itself, and the next thing. It’s just, when it happens at work, there are so many more factors and variables that you have to consider.