Really weird "entity" videos

As already mentioned about the shadow people, here are two other examples

Very interesting,

I will insist on the music being the biggest turnoff with these videos, and probably one of the reasons why people tend to look away from them, I think the music is meant to be scary, that is the association of the music with the event is meant to generate fear... and that is only going to attract certain people, and while it is paranormal in a sense.. it does not invite study.

Sorry to add the above, but it just struck me that this is one of the reasons things like this are avoided, and not studied.
That video is quite interesting. This being looks like a big bat, which reminds me of the sightings about hyperdimensional beings with wings of that characteristic. But on the other hand, at the 1:08 minute... the person's arms moves in a very strange way and I think it even disappears. But the way her hands are crooked reminds me of the case of the Asian girl who was chased by the golem. She seemed to twist her hands really weird too, so if this is real, that would be an interesting pattern. And if I go a little more, well, I wouldn't necessarily need to physically "touch" it to move it too and that's part of it.

But what do I know... the hyperdimensional is even cartoonish at times.

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