Rediscovering the Secrets of the Ancients: Sound, Light, and Vibration - An Introduction


Jedi Master
This is meant to be an introduction to the topics of sound, light, and vibration, along with the sciences that aim to study the relationship between them. Many people take for granted our ability to sense the world around us, but are these traits more than what they seem on the surface? What did the ancients who built the fantastic structures such as the pyramids and giant temples the world over know that we in the 21st century seem to have forgotten? What will be returned to us as our DNA supposedly activates upon return to the Fourth Density?

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." - Nikola Tesla

Part One - What Is A Wave?

A wave, waveform, or wavelength, is described as a graphic representation of the shape of a wave that indicates its characteristics (such as frequency and amplitude). The frequency of a wave refers to how often the particles of the medium vibrate when a wave passes through the medium. The amplitude of a wave is the distance from the center line (or the still position) to the top of a crest or to the bottom of a trough, and in sound these are measured in decibels (dB).

In electronics, acoustics, and related fields, the waveform of a signal is the shape of its graph as a function of time, independent of its time and magnitude scales and of any displacement in time. In electronics, the term is usually applied to periodically varying voltages, currents, or electromagnetic fields.

The most common periodic waveforms are the sine, triangle, square, and sawtooth. These waveforms are said to be periodic because the wave they represent can be repeated to produce a constant tone. The faster the wave repeats, the higher the pitch of the sound, and the different waveforms all have different harmonics. What is really interesting is that all four waveforms can be built by layering several sine waves on top of each other.

For a look at a really cool and interactive website showing you the basics of waveforms, check out this site here (Let's Learn About Waveforms)

Now, when we talk about frequency, the way this is expressed is called hertz (Hz). 1Hz = 1 cycle per second, as in the example of the sine wave in the picture above. If it took 1 second for the sine wave to travel from it's starting point, all the way to the crest, through the trough, and back to the same starting position, then that wave would be 1Hz. However, you probably wouldn't be able to notice that wave in any way.

Part Two - The Basics of Sound

Humans have the ability to hear in the range of 20Hz, all the way to 20,000Hz (20kHz), and this is called the audible range.
1 Kilohertz (kHz) = 1000 Hertz (Hz)
Lower sounds, in other words frequencies of 2-20 Hz, are called infrasonic. The deeper the frequency, the higher the sound has to be before we can hear it. A sound of 100 Hz needs a volume of at least 23 decibels before we can hear it.

However the average person actually can only hear from roughly 150 Hz, to somewhere in the range of 12-17kHz, depending on your age, how damaged your ears are, and how loud the sound is. A 1000 Hz tone played at 10 dB will sound quieter than a 100 Hz tone played at 60 dB. A 100 Hz tone played 60 dB will sound quieter than a 1000 Hz tone played at 60 dB). If you play both tones at 20 dB, then the 1000 Hz tone will be audible, but you won't even hear the 100 Hz tone because that will be below your threshold. If none of this makes sense, that's ok. Just know that most people can hear from 150-200 Hz to roughly 12-17 kHz.

Below is a graph used in audio production to carve out and shape frequencies, and that tool is called an Equalizer (EQ)


The colors here are not accurate representations of where visible light falls on the spectrum, but we will be getting to that soon enough. For now, I want to draw attention to the way this EQ is sectioned.

The "Low-End" frequencies are the range of 1 Hz to roughly 250-300 Hz. Remember that the large majority of people cannot hear below 100 Hz, but your body can certainly feel these frequencies.

The "Mid-Range" frequencies are roughly 300 Hz to around 2.5 - 3 kHz, with 1 - 1.5 kHz carrying the heaviest "punch" in the whole audible range.

The "High-End" frequencies start around 2.5 - 3 kHz, and extend all the way to 20 kHz. However, as with the low end, the majority of people can't hear beyond 15 - 17 kHz. When I was in college, I took a test and could only hear up to around 17.5 kHz, and that was a decade ago so I know mine has gone lower since then. But that's ok, because in this range you aren't really picking up many musical inflections, rather it's the crispness or sharpness of the sound, such as when listening to cymbals in a drum set.

A piano has a range of 27.5 Hz to 4186 Hz, and when you strike the lowest note, you will feel the vibrations as much as you will hear the note. What you can hear depends on how loud you play the note, but even then, you'll notice it's not a very pretty note. The A key above the middle C is at 440 Hz (more on this later as well).

The lowest note on the standard guitar is E at about 83 Hz, but a bass guitar can play down to 41 Hz, and again, how well you can hear these notes, if at all, depends on how loud the sound is. Remember, decibels and amplitude.

Part Three - The Basics of Light

I'll confess, I'm not as well versed in the light spectrum as I am in the audible spectrum, so we'll keep this section short, though if anyone more knowledgeable about light wants to supplement please be my guest.

Visible Light.jpg

What you'll notice from these graphs though are that, for one, now we are dealing with TeraHertz (tHz), which is a unit of frequency equal to one trillion Hertz. This is a big step up from the 20 KiloHertz (kHz) at the high end of the human audible range. The visible light frequency is approximately 430–790 tHz.

Something interesting about TeraHertz range, specifically the range between radio waves and infrared, is that the waves can “look inside” plastics and textiles, paper and cardboard. If our eyes could see in this range, could we see inside and through objects? Is this one of the methods to which we might experience in 4D? After all, using light waves, the C's say our DNA was cancelled, or captured. Were we captured into only being able to experience what we know as the visible spectrum, similar as well to the small selection of hearing in the audible range?

The important thing to take note of is that sound and light are both wavelengths, just on vastly different parts of the spectrum. What your ears hear, your eyes can't see, and what your eyes see, you ears can't hear, but they are in both cases waveforms that are just traveling at different speeds.

In case you aren't convinced....

Part Four - Sonoluminescence: Sound Into Light

The energy of a sound wave in a fluid can concentrate by 12 orders of magnitude to create flashes of light that can be shorter than 50 picoseconds. A picosecond is a millionth of a millionth of a second. The flashes originate from hot spots that form inside bubbles that nucleate, expand, and crash in response to the travelling sound wave. We have observed hot spots as small as 10 nanometers and as large as 100 microns. We can generate them one shake at a time or at a rep rate of 10 million times per second. Will the degree of energy focusing that can be achieved with the physics of sonoluminescence someday reach to thermo-nuclear fusion?

While certainly interesting in its own right, as well as it's potential applications for fusion in the future, Sonoluminescence may just be a quirky little thing compared to the next blend of sound and light, which leads me to....

Part Five - Cymatics

Ok, maybe not sound and "light" specifically, but it does concern sound and what we can visibly see.

Cymatics is the study of visible sound vibration and shows the transformational nature of sound and matter. Sound guides us and shapes us, yet is an intangible force. For centuries, however, scientists have been experimenting with making sound and vibration visible by way of exciting media like liquids and particles. It's a recognized field of science that Swiss medical doctor and pioneer Hans Jenny, named cymatics. When musical vibrations are channeled through a malleable medium, such as a liquid, the vibrations cause the medium to arrange itself into visible geometries known as cymatic patterns.

This is undoubtedly cool, but why is it important? Well...

Wounds may heal more quickly if exposed to low-intensity vibration, report researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

The finding, in mice, may hold promise for the 18 million Americans who have type 2 diabetes, and especially the quarter of them who will eventually suffer from foot ulcers.

Timothy Koh, UIC professor of kinesiology and nutrition in the UIC College of Applied Health Sciences, was intrigued by studies at Stony Brook University in New York that used very low-intensity signals to accelerate bone regeneration.

"This technique is already in clinical trials to see if vibration can improve bone health and prevent osteoporosis," Koh said.

The researchers found that wounds exposed to vibration five times a week for 30 minutes healed more quickly than wounds in mice of a control group.

Wounds exposed to vibration formed more granulation tissue, a type of tissue important early in the wound-healing process. Vibration helped tissue to form new blood vessels -- a process called angiogenesis -- and also led to increased expression of pro-healing growth factors and signaling molecules called chemokines, Weinheimer-Haus said.

"The exciting thing about this intervention is how easily it could be translated to people," Koh said. "It's a procedure that's non-invasive, doesn't require any drugs, and is already being tested in human trials to see if it's protective of bone loss." A clinical study, in collaboration with Dr. William Ennis, director of the Wound Healing Clinic at UIC, is planned, Koh said.

Certainly this reminds me of the stories of ancient temples and their various healing modalities involving sound and light regeneration.

But, as we'll see in the next section, there is probably more to it than just blasting vibrations. Thanks to cymatics, we've been able to see which frequencies are more likely to be beneficial, compared to some that may just destroy more.

Part Six - Cymatics, Chakras, Crop Circles, Oh My!

Cymatics and Chakras.jpg

On the left you'll see the images of sound at different notes, referenced by the piano key they correspond to. Each note on a piano has a frequency, as we learned earlier, with a range of 27.5 Hz to 4186 Hz on a standard piano.

While not exact, tell me I'm not the only one who sees a similarity between the shapes produced with cymatics and the different symbols for the chakras. While also an extremely abstract idea, I do recall the C's confirming that the chakras were indeed a real thing, whether or not the human understanding of them is factually correct notwithstanding.

On the right side of the above image, you'll see what is purported to be the operating frequency of each chakra, starting at 432 Hz and going up to 768 Hz. You'll notice that the piano note of A4 is also 432 Hz, could that be more than a coincidence? But wait, earlier I said that A4 was actually 440 Hz, and if you remembered that you'd be correct!

See, it is true that current Western scales are turned to a 440 Hz root note. And while most people wouldn't hear the difference between 440 and 432 other than it maybe sounding just barely flat, here is the supposed difference between the two when looking through the lens of cymatics


Now, they say a picture paints a thousand words. But is this real? Are there any noticeable effects? Let's see what this government funded study had to say

Design: Cross-over pilot study.

Setting: A room dedicated to listening to music, in an Italian city.

Participants: 33 volunteers, not suffering from acute and/or chronic diseases.

Interventions: Two sessions of music listening on different days. Both sessions used the same music (movie soundtracks) but tuned to 440 Hz on one day and 432 Hz on the other. Each session consisted of 20 min' listening.

Main outcome measures: Vital parameters (blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation), perceptions (physical and emotional sensations, for example fatigue and stress), levels of concentration during the listening session, and general satisfaction with the experience.

Results: 432 Hz tuned music was associated with a slight decrease of mean (systolic and diastolic) blood pressure values (although not significant), a marked decrease in the mean of heart rate (-4.79 bpm, p = 0.05) and a slight decrease of the mean respiratory rate values (1 r.a., p = 0.06), compared to 440 Hz. The subjects were more focused about listening to music and more generally satisfied after the sessions in which they listened to 432 Hz tuned music.

Conclusions: The data suggests that 432 Hz tuned music can decrease heart rate more than 440 Hz tuned music. The study results suggest repeating the experiment with a larger sample pool and introducing randomized controlled trials covering more clinical parameters.

Maybe it's something, maybe it's nothing. I have a feeling it's not nothing though, but to what degree of something remains to be seen.

Now, there is a whole conspiracy (don't we love those) about how/when/why the change to a standard of 440 Hz was made, but I'll leave it up to you if you want to research that further. All I'll say is that if there was a conspiracy, the why shouldn't be too hard to figure out based on the picture above, assuming that it is true also.

Solfeggio and More Cymatics.jpg

Last but not least, here are more cymatics pictures, along with purported effects or experiences for each one. But mostly, I wanted to take a look at the 528 Hz cymatic picture, which is purported to be representative of the solar plexus. Whether or not that is true, I felt that the picture (top right in gold) reminded me strongly of a crop circle. Is it possible that the genuine crop circles are a form of cymatics in reverse? Instead of sound into visible image, we would have a wavelength of light into a visible image created in the crops? Sound and light are two sides of the same coin after all, with much in between that only our technology can measure, since it is outside of the range of hearing or seeing.

Part Seven - Conclusion

I like the number seven, so I found it fitting that I ran out of material (for now) in time for the conclusion on part seven. I hope perhaps anyone reading this walks away with some new knowledge and information, and possibly a new interest into some of these amazing subjects. I invite anyone who'd like to, to add to this post with any further connections you see, or information you may dig up. I didn't even talk about the cathedrals with their amazing architectual designs and stained glass windows which are very obviously representative of the shapes we see from cymatics.

All in all, my final opinion is that the ancients most certainly were privvy to knowledge we are only beginning to scratch the surface of, knowledge that allowed them to levitate enormous stone blocks to build temples that not only could heal ailments, but more than likely opened doors to other levels of consciousness or even higher densities, and that perhaps this knowledge is hiding right beneath our senses. With the coming of the wave, will these truncated senses return to their former glory? And does any of this have to do with operating anew in fourth density?

I guess the C's would say, "wait and see."
Nice effort putting it all together. I have some thought to add for part 1. A wave usually are being shown in 2d representation of a wave. In observable reality waves are actual spiraling energy vortexes from the micro to the macro. It is something anyone can observe in a river or an ocean.
Nice effort putting it all together. I have some thought to add for part 1. A wave usually are being shown in 2d representation of a wave. In observable reality waves are actual spiraling energy vortexes from the micro to the macro. It is something anyone can observe in a river or an ocean.
Great feedback! I wanted to keep things pretty basic for the intro, but that's definitely something I can look into expanding on in future updates! Having studied as an audio engineer, I'm also way more familiar with just the 2D representation and associated harmonics of the different types of waves than I am with 3D waves, though certainly making that jump would be the logical next step. Thanks for the suggestion!
Thank you for that summary. Concise and informative. Be interesting maybe next / later to hear about use of various frequencies to target objects such as microscopic critters we might not want hanging around in our bodies. How it’s used / could be used to elevate heavy objects etc. I’ve come across these ideas and be great to hear more in the same way as you presented the above. If that’s of interest?
angelburst29 made a nice post on this topic in the July 4 2020 #102 transcript. Even More Grist for the mill: A = 444 (!) Whatever note you designate as C or G or A, it is the frequency that is the thing. Also a 6 note scale as also being more sane and organic:

432 DNA Tuning and the Nazi-ization of Music

The Healing Benefits of 528 Hz & the Solfeggio Frequencies | LN

528 Hz: a Sound Frequency That Can Transform Your DNA - Learning Mind

Sidenote: the difference between reality and mathematical theory:
ever watch/listen to an ace piano tuner work? With or without an oscilloscope? They tune these midrange freqs to be sweet but the farther you go up and down the scale, the harder it gets to do. It is all one big compromise, really. It is an art.

Actually if you get the frequencies prefect and tune like a theoretical robot, it "sounds" out of tune! You have to trick the brain. Yes fascinating indeed.

Getting each string perfect, doesn't work. You have to tune it as a whole - an approximate average seeking balance and harmony. So yeah, when the notes are closer to whole numbers (x = 528 etc), it works better; the triads sound fatter, juicier and more relaxed.

As for the chakras - it seems to me different humans are tuned to different wavelengths. My root chakra tuning might not be yours.
Thank you for that summary. Concise and informative. Be interesting maybe next / later to hear about use of various frequencies to target objects such as microscopic critters we might not want hanging around in our bodies. How it’s used / could be used to elevate heavy objects etc. I’ve come across these ideas and be great to hear more in the same way as you presented the above. If that’s of interest?
Glad you enjoyed it! It's funny, the original impetus I had to put together a post actually had more to do with the long wave cycles and short waves cycles as presented by the C's, along with a few other ideas they've presented to us, but then as I began sketching out ideas I was like "well maybe I should start at the beginning of what's a wave." Then it just kind of went off in this direction because things like cymatics is so fascinating to me.

But yes! I would like to write more so your suggestions are much appreciated. I'll see what I can learn along the way and how it unfolds. I wish I had a way to do my own tests on some of these theories. Boy my father will think I'm crazy when I start asking for help building a spinning machine 🤪
angelburst29 made a nice post on this topic in the July 4 2020 #102 transcript. Even More Grist for the mill: A = 444 (!) Whatever note you designate as C or G or A, it is the frequency that is the thing. Also a 6 note scale as also being more sane and organic:

432 DNA Tuning and the Nazi-ization of Music

The Healing Benefits of 528 Hz & the Solfeggio Frequencies | LN

528 Hz: a Sound Frequency That Can Transform Your DNA - Learning Mind

Sidenote: the difference between reality and mathematical theory:
ever watch/listen to an ace piano tuner work? With or without an oscilloscope? They tune these midrange freqs to be sweet but the farther you go up and down the scale, the harder it gets to do. It is all one big compromise, really. It is an art.

Actually if you get the frequencies prefect and tune like a theoretical robot, it "sounds" out of tune! You have to trick the brain. Yes fascinating indeed.

Getting each string perfect, doesn't work. You have to tune it as a whole - an approximate average seeking balance and harmony. So yeah, when the notes are closer to whole numbers (x = 528 etc), it works better; the triads sound fatter, juicier and more relaxed.

As for the chakras - it seems to me different humans are tuned to different wavelengths. My root chakra tuning might not be yours.
Thanks for the links BHelmet! I didn't know angelburst had made those posts so I'll definitely check them out. I remember making a smaller and less involved post about some of these topics before, but this time as I started writing I felt I should expand a little more.

Yeah it's been since I was a kid, but I had watched our piano tuner guy a couple of times growing up. Don't remember too much though about it. Small brains and all 😅

That's an interesting take on the chakras, and I don't see why it couldn't be the case. It actually would make more sense that way thinking about it now.

Plenty to think about that's for sure. Hopefully I can take these themes into a strong direction now that I've laid a little groundwork.

Thanks for your insight! I really appreciate it
Certainly you're familiar with this already but I will throw it in here for those who might not be:
The Healing Resonance of Churches: Cymatics in Sacred Spaces
From the article:

The Architecture of Sound by Tanya Harris

A fascinating read on this topic is a report by Tanya Harris. She visited various churches around Europe, and recorded the silence of each church for seven or so minutes, and then played the recordings back while recording the sound again to gain an amplified recording. Once she attained an audible sample, she created her own cymatic device and played the sound through light and water to observe the patterns created by the frequency of each church.

The results were nothing less than astonishing. The patterns produced resembled the classic stained-glass rose windows typically found in cathedrals. The resonant frequency of one church even displayed a five-pointed star that was in proportion with the golden ratio.
And it doesn't stop with just the cathedrals either. How about star forts and cities?


Another thing that comes to mind is the idea of "God speaking things into existence". As you've taught us so eloquently, sound is on the same spectrum as light, only many magnitudes apart, thus this sentence can be looked at in a new light (🙃). Seeing as the standard image we've come to associate with the atom also kind of resembles a cymatic image, I can't help arriving at the thought that truth is constantly staring us right in the face. We don't need to "go anywhere" to find truth, it's always there. We just need to deprogram and "uncondition" ourselves to perceive it. Tune our reading instrument to the objective frequency of Creation perhaps.

Definitely looking forward to the next installment in this series. Thank you for this mouthwatering appetizer :)
Certainly you're familiar with this already but I will throw it in here for those who might not be:
The Healing Resonance of Churches: Cymatics in Sacred Spaces
From the article:

And it doesn't stop with just the cathedrals either. How about star forts and cities?


Another thing that comes to mind is the idea of "God speaking things into existence". As you've taught us so eloquently, sound is on the same spectrum as light, only many magnitudes apart, thus this sentence can be looked at in a new light (🙃). Seeing as the standard image we've come to associate with the atom also kind of resembles a cymatic image, I can't help arriving at the thought that truth is constantly staring us right in the face. We don't need to "go anywhere" to find truth, it's always there. We just need to deprogram and "uncondition" ourselves to perceive it. Tune our reading instrument to the objective frequency of Creation perhaps.

Definitely looking forward to the next installment in this series. Thank you for this mouthwatering appetizer :)
Yes! I believe wholeheartedly that these magnificent structures were utilized in such a way to capture or transduce cosmic information, or "God's language," in such a way to promote or sustain the health and mental clarity of the people who knew how to work with them. It's brings a whole new level of beauty to them beyond what is readily seen on the surface, and I think you've hit the nail on the head that what we think of as a God talking to the ones of old, isn't at all some "other being" dictating what his followers need to do, though certainly that has happened as well a la STS. But rather that the real language of the gods exists in all things through these symbols and forms of vibration and energy.

I'd love to build my own cymatics machine, and maybe plug in some prime number frequencies. Wonder what images would be seen in those cases

Thank you so much for your kind words!
Lovely topic, thanks!
If we go out of western comfort zone of standard octave frequencies, there are microtonal frequencies (sounds between two notes) and I find it very interesting and unusual, although it may sound obscure. Here you can check some pieces:
Lovely topic, thanks!
If we go out of western comfort zone of standard octave frequencies, there are microtonal frequencies (sounds between two notes) and I find it very interesting and unusual, although it may sound obscure. Here you can check some pieces:
Love it! At 1:40 I was reminded of myself when I was younger trying to learn the piano, in what sounds like an exasperated "all hands down on the piano" frustration 😆 though I know it was intentional in this piece.

Indeed something I should have expanded on in my initial post are two things:

1) that many other scales in different cultures use totally different tuning as well as scale notes, for example Chinese Classical music I believe only uses 5 notes!

2) the advantage of playing a live instrument is such that you can tune it to any frequency you wish. It can be sharp or flat according to "conventional" scales, or you could even tune it to where the A note actually plays a B. The possibilities are endless.

It is one of the downsides I face nowadays of not owning a live instrument, rather my songwriting happens digitally where the tuning is determined by the coding in the programs. To do crazy stuff digitally, I'd have to go out of my way to do a whole lot more math, as compared to the relative ease of achieving the same thing with a live instrument.

Another interesting bit is the fact that we never only hear just one frequency of a note. The highest point of the sine wave or bell curve if you wish, determines what note is being played, say for instance the A at 432 or 440, or 444 as pointed out earlier. But the shape of the curve, whether wide or short, determines how many undertones and overtones you also hear that surround that note.

And like in my case growing up, I also played the trumpet, and the amount of air force I put into the note determined how "in key" I was. Too little and I was flat, say hitting 425 hz instead of the 440 or whatever, and too much and I was sharp, say 455 instead of 440.

Music and sound is so fascinating, I feel I could study it for several lifetimes and still not come close to understanding all there is to know about it.
@Pearce , can you not tune strings instruments at the right frequencies? I believe it is possible, especially when you do it the old way, with only a tuning fork.
Me personally, I've never really played a string instrument, so *I* probably couldn't haha

But in general yeah you can tune a string instrument to however you'd like, most likely within some parameters that are determined by the size of the string
Yes! I believe wholeheartedly that these magnificent structures were utilized in such a way to capture or transduce cosmic information, or "God's language," in such a way to promote or sustain the health and mental clarity of the people who knew how to work with them. It's brings a whole new level of beauty to them beyond what is readily seen on the surface, and I think you've hit the nail on the head that what we think of as a God talking to the ones of old, isn't at all some "other being" dictating what his followers need to do, though certainly that has happened as well a la STS.

Or you can say the same for the evil forces, remember the Pentagon and the entire DC?


Beauty on buildings geometry is suggestive when it comes to which type of energy it can attract!
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