Another thorny issue that has returned to my memory from this 2006-12 period is the sheer amount of night terror experiences I had over the years. I alluded to it in posts above as being vampiric in tone, but it bears consideration in detail. Quite frequently I would awake screaming in my mind but not making a noise in reality. One night I was in conversation with an old musician in a dream, and when I raised the subject of vampires he bared his teeth and went for me! One night I was interfered with, I think it was in 2007. I felt my rib cage being physically assaulted as a gaggle of "voices" chatter and screech. Really frightening, and I made note of this in my notes from these days. I recall Laura saying she sleeps with one eye open, just in case. I've learned the hard way to agree, from grim experience.
Obviously my defences were poor, I was just one crazy kid facing the immensity of a 4d STS attack. I couldn't face them alone, and that is what prompted my return to this forum around 2010 when I got given a refurbished old PC from my work mate. Trouble was, I couldn't separate my 4d experiences (which were piling up in the back of my mind) from my increasing (and accurate) suspicion that I was mentally ill. Maybe both aspects dovetailed into a devastating slayer of my soul? Certainly, when I was attacked over this period I questioned what I was living for. But the old phrase "don't let the bastards grind you down" rang in my mind like a clarion call. And so I dug deep into my reserves of will and became a more determined seeker of wisdom. I experimented with many novel types of diet, with varying results. I was a curious and industrious soul during the period 2010-14 as a general rule. But I was now facing a tendency to be over-sensitive, and highly dissociative in times of potential stress.
Some of my drawings and paintings from this period hint at 4d manipulation in my reality. These pictures often featured lurid colours. This was a time when the voices went particularly quiet. I, over-confident to a fault, chose to ditch taking my meds. I began attending an artist's studio in town that summer of 2014 and the voices were stirred then for some reason. The studio was run by an ex UK Army veteran, an old mate of mine. We're the same age, but as men we're total opposites. He's a real man, I'm a pretender. During this period I was prolific in my output on the art front, and returned to my poetry too. At this time I also began a collection of short story synopses in a little notebook. Over the last 10 years I've often gone back and added to it. Got loads of little projects to keep me occupied. This grew out of a period when my life got difficult. This was the period 2012-15.
The job I had from 2004-12 was no more. Head Office closed our store down. I was gutted, I'd given this job 8 of my toughest years and now I was on the dole again! Over the next 3 years I'd take jobs that I was particularly unsuited to, and was fired by a few of them. They were sales jobs, and I'm just not a salesman. Don't have that gift of the gab to bullshit a customer. I look back on this period in my life with some sadness, because I was not having a good time. I occasionally fell off the wagon and would have nights when I got stoned with my brother again. I started selling some paintings from the art studio so at least there was some success, but I was approaching age 40, out of work, self-medicating again and low on money. In fact I was in debt to my bank at that time. In 2015 things came to a head to a very cold winter backdrop. I had a psychotic meltdown in my sales job in an electrical store, December 2015. why I took the job I still cannot explain. I bullshitted my way through the interview, saying the right things but not looking forward to the reality of selling electrical gear to Joe Public. The boss liked me for some reason, so I took the job.
The first week of this job was so stressful. I realised quickly that I was a complete Luddite and knew nothing about current-gen tech. Secondly, I was a shite salesman!
![Laugh :lol: :lol:](/forum/styles/cass/smilies/laugh.gif)
I babbled, mumbled, and did the bare minimum in the 9 or so weeks I lasted in that job. One cold afternoon, I was working a shift there, and I made my excuses to go out for a ciggie break. I was out the back of the store, and as I smoked a cig my mind and eyes lit up. I could sense that I was being watched. I saw a white craft, about the size of a bus, smooth and oval-shaped, in the afternoon sky. It revealed itself for a micro-moment, then vanished! It didn't move, it just went "poof!" and disappeared. I couldn't believe what I "thought" I saw! I smoked a second cig just as an excuse to try and make sense of this moment. Was it real, or just a hallucination? In my life at this point I felt, as a man, that I was a bit crazy but I was surviving, just about. But the combination that winter of the return of the 4d stuff, vampire dreams, and the general tension I felt in a sales job where my talent for selling is so poor, well it really ground me down.
One night in December 2015, I got home from work on the late shift. I'd managed to blag my way through work and secured a few care plans for some sold TVs so I was not in any kind of trouble. I just knew that I hated my job, and felt (accurately) that I had a poor rapport with my work colleagues. In my old job from 2004-12, I worked with people I became friends with. These later jobs were different. I couldn't connect with the place nor the staff. I knew I didn't want to face a New Year working the day shifts selling stuff I knew nothing about! So, on this particular night I had a number of spooky experiences. By this point I think that I've seen it all, but I was unprepared for this series of psychotic episodes. I had a reprise of the old Vampire Artist dream. This time he turned up in my dream world this night, throwing slowly bouncing little rubber balls in my general direction. I swerve to avoid them as they slowly bounce towards me. Then he loses patience with me and throws a load of bronze age weaponry at my feet and challenges me to a duel. I refuse and struggle to awaken at this point. I wrote about this particular dream in depth in my notebooks of the time. Had I made an enemy of some artist on the etheric plane? Was it 4d STS taking umbrage of my increasingly conscious artworks of my own? Both theories are possible. In the following nights I had more trouble to endure.
I dreamt this cold winter night, where I was in a kind of theatre lobby. All of my pictures are on display on the walls of the lobby. It's a cold building, kinda 60s New Wave architectural design, but I'm pleased that in my dream I have my secret ambition; a one man show! Yeah. I know, pride before a fall. Never get carried away! Shambling ghostly figures have congregated in the lobby in my dream. I am informed by an authoritative voice that these are sleeping souls, viewing your artwork in real time! Now I was really impressed, and was keen to get any feedback from the souls viewing my hard crafted works. And so? Well, the feedback was almost unanimously negative. Any praise was muted, or delivered with a caveat that certain aspects let them down. I was downcast in this dream. 10 years of my personal efforts were struck down in what seemed like minutes. Was this really a dream, or was I tripping? I tried mescaline in 1999, and found it enjoyable but largely ephemeral. But people can be prone to "flashbacks"? Was I tapping into some 4d interface? With dormant souls? It spooked me and gave me plenty to think about that winter. I got a spiritual "reality check" so I guess I needed humbling.
I worked what would be my final shift at the electrical store that week, and Christmas was looming. I was depressed after my let-down on the art front, and was generally carrying a heavy load of anxiety. I didn't want to have to engage in bullshit conversation with canny punters today, thanks all the same. So I do something stupid. I have in my possession a small quantity of weed. I smoke it just prior to the shift beginning. I feel relieved and enter work as normal to begin my shift. Yes, VERY unprofessional on my part. Anyway, I got away with it and the shift went by with no dramas or tension. It's a bitterly cold night and I have to walk 3 miles home before I can properly relax. on the walk home all was calm and the roads were quiet. When i returned home I went online for a few hours, caught up with stuff, then went to sleep. I was relieved to think I had a few days off work (!), and I could reflect on my deflating dream experience from the previous night. Then I had my relapse into rank levels of absurdity. Truly, when the Cs said that no-one can stand alone against 4d STS, know that it is true! A series of flashing images were now being burned into my imagination. the voices were back, and this time they'd brought their visuals too. I was in for a sleepless night I knew that much, and I had no meds at this point to help me out. I just had to grin and bear it.
In part of a dream I came to become aware of myself in a masonic lodge. There was a great congregation of members, and I was being paraded among them as a "holy fool". They laughed and jeered as I tried to respond in kind. This lasted way too long for my liking, and so I sought to exit this place in the dream. Eventually I succeeded and I awoke in the usual confused state. What on earth was going on with me? I thought I was out of the woods after 11 years of regular stress, now my mind and my job were combining to send me straight back down to the floor again! I was feeling a growing anxiety that I was once again being targeted for "attention" by the dark forces that have been a constant in my life since the 1970s. I've documented the lot (so far) on these 4 pages. "They" were back, and this time they brought much more visual force to the party. In a way that's how they proved their point; their 4d "visual hallucinatory artwork" was devastating to behold.
I was struck dumb that night. I had a chat with Iain Duncan Smith in a sparsely appointed flat in my next dream. He patiently listened to my incoherent conspiratorial ramblings, then explained to me his perspective on things. Let it be known that at no point did he consider me a "holy fool" however, so amazingly for me I came away from this dream thinking he was a more decent man than my conscious mind would ever accept. So the plot did thicken. Then my dream shifted to a meeting and discussion with the then Prime Minister David Cameron. I turn up in his office (how I got there only the dream world knows) armed with my old blue copy of Richard Dolan's "UFOs and the National Security State Vol. 1". It's good to see the dreamer prepared for a change lol!
![Laugh :lol: :lol:](/forum/styles/cass/smilies/laugh.gif)
Cameron is very serious, a little haughty, and not as clever or knowledgeable as he would like to seem. He listens to me intently, as I improve on my political rants to Duncan Smith, safe on home turf again, my interest in UFOs. Again, he listens intently, and accepts my gift of the book, "for his reading pleasure". The dream ends and again I wake up frazzled and discombobulated by what had unfolded. I make written notes later, luckily my memory of these events proved to be excellent, and I got the lions share written down the following year. At the moment in time however, I fell back asleep and into the "finisher". The dream that was going to floor me. The Caesar dream.
The production values in this dream were impeccable. I was out in some dusty Italian plain, and I was face to face with Caesar himself. He was in military garb, and he greeted me with warmth, charm, and sharp wit. I know, this doesn't sound like a psychotic episode does it? I was happy as Larry in this dream, we were just chilling and talking about myriad subjects. As you'd expect, he was very well-informed. Then the mood turned slightly. He revealed that he was aware that I had prayed to him for guidance when I was a porn addict in the years 2003-06. He reminded me that this represented my greatest weakness. My poor social skills made others more standoffish than normal. He said I had a LOT to learn, about women in particular, and that he had little faith that I would make any progress in this respect. This peeved me BIG TIME! I began arguing my case, as a child who was targeted by dark forces way back in the 1970s and has continually battled towards the light ever since. He listens and accepts that there is truth in my words. He still thinks I'm a little too complacent to make the necessary changes to my lifestyle. After a bit of extra chatter, he makes his excuses and departs the dream. I was left feeling okay about things. But he'd also diagnosed me. Someone who always wants to FEEL good. That's what I took away from this dream. I was using weed again on the odd occasion, but I was no longer drinking wine or even beer. Very strange that I'd have all these intense dreams in such a quick succession. It gave me plenty to write about in my journal.
The following day was a day off work. The voices were in my head from daybreak. David Cameron apparently thought I was a dangerous lunatic! I was completely delusional. Dreams and reality were conflated, and the voices were insidious, precise, and effective. All morning they provided a running commentary on my banal endeavours, hinting at something coming to "get" me. At one point I was alone that morning in the house, standing in the hallway, gently head-butting the wall. begging for it all to stop. I had no control over my thoughts. I was a grown man, 41, reduced to a manic wreck by some unseen force, and there was nothing I could do about it, or so I thought. Caesar said I could do more, but he said I lacked the necessary will to do so. This stuck with me, because always in my life in the back of my mind is the thought that I ought to be doing more with my life. I know, I'm hamstrung as a mental case, but there has always been periods of clarity and peace too. I don't want people reading my work here thinking I've lived through some "Hellraiser"-style horrific life. All told it's been a great life. I've had awesome experiences that have enriched my soul. Many friends have come and gone, and I've had to learn some hard life lessons along the way. I'm not looking for pity. But I am searching for knowledge, for experience. And explanations for weird phenomena, That's why I'm still hard at work trying to make sense of all the spooky doings over 4 pages on here lol!
Anyway, where was I? Headbutting the wall, begging for it all to stop. I gathered my will and phoned work. I informed them that I was having a nervous breakdown and that I quit. Then I wished the boss a happy Christmas and put the phone down. then I patiently phoned the mental health services and finally, after 11 years of stubborn resistance, I finally sought the assistance I needed, and this time I was ready to tell the full facts about what I was going through, no more bullshit. I thought I was recovering from my catastrophic 2004, but it was a fragile growth since then. A new approach was called for, and so it was on this path that 2016-24 truly takes shape. I'm looking forward to talking about some positive news in this section too! tjis is the modern age now. I'm back on twitter, reading sott daily, and from 2017 I'm back on the forum too, wiser and friendlier (I think) than in times past.
There is an old line in an REM song that gores "now is greater than the whole of the past", and it was with this line in minds I began proper therapy, and a new regime of ruthless self-analysis married to a growing taste for beer, and the contemporary self had 44 years or so's sorth of personal artworks, telling the story of my soul. I slowly began putting the notes together nad this is what you have read from me in this thread. I hope to make it of both personal use and of objective value. Since 2004 I have struggled with schizophrenia, that much I have surmised. Only since the mad winter of 2015 have I seriously addressed the flaws in my own character that were holding me back. It'll be good to get into this part, because I can demonstrate how I figured out an optimal "me" in this process. That part of me that was always taking notes, through good times and bad. this next part of the story is way more positive, and will be a pleasure to report. Then I guess the thread is done; I've accounted for weird abductions, UFO sightings, demonic attacks, vampires, little 4ft critters, the whole gamut. It's actually been a blast recounting all this and consolidating it in one handy place. I've learned a little about "what I'm like" as a person after watching how I present the facts on the ground. I like to think I've got good recall. I also think I'm way stronger for having gone through all that I did. Was it necessary? No. Did it break me? Almost. How am I nowadays? Emboldened.