Reflections on a life of high strangeness

Thank you for writing your story of everyday's earthly issues, and this kind reminder for the reader to be gentle with oneself.

I collect "T-shirt messages from Universe" in my note pad, and the most recent one is "do what makes you happy", for me sounds almost like I-Ching reading, lol, and is very suitable atm.

Considering all what is going on and how it may influence one's mental state for going forward, it is good to remember that being gentle and also do some things that brings joy is very important. At least for me, as I was/am always very harsh on myself. So in a sense it is maybe going against my programming.

Thank you once again, I read your inputs with pleasure, best wishes for walking lightly forward :)
Thanks @karo! Compassion, and how you practice it in life, is crucial for the self as well as with others. I noticed many years ago that I was way harsher on myself than I was with friends et al. It surprised me when I became aware of this state, and gradually I realised that I needed to be a little more chilled in how I dealt with my own state. I don't want to change the world, such a task is beyond me, but I do want to change how I respond to the world as it is. This is a smaller task and is one which I feel confident I can do well. I think we are programmed to think, "well, I don't know much, what right do I have to opine on worldly events?". It's an old trick played by those who would rather see us stay silent. Once you've reached a certain level of knowledge/being/experience, it becomes second nature to suffuse everything you say and do with a certain "signature", which rings true on what's wrong and right. I've seen it in others, and it is what I'm working towards.
Thanks @karo! Compassion, and how you practice it in life, is crucial for the self as well as with others. I noticed many years ago that I was way harsher on myself than I was with friends et al. It surprised me when I became aware of this state, and gradually I realised that I needed to be a little more chilled in how I dealt with my own state. I don't want to change the world, such a task is beyond me, but I do want to change how I respond to the world as it is. This is a smaller task and is one which I feel confident I can do well. I think we are programmed to think, "well, I don't know much, what right do I have to opine on worldly events?". It's an old trick played by those who would rather see us stay silent. Once you've reached a certain level of knowledge/being/experience, it becomes second nature to suffuse everything you say and do with a certain "signature", which rings true on what's wrong and right. I've seen it in others, and it is what I'm working towards.
Have you ever tried painting? I have been kicking around the idea of taking it back up and getting better at it, I would love to retire this summer Divine Cosmic Mind willing and have always found painting to be a calming experience for me.
Have you ever tried painting? I have been kicking around the idea of taking it back up and getting better at it, I would love to retire this summer Divine Cosmic Mind willing and have always found painting to be a calming experience for me.
Yeah, I worked on a number of acrylic boards during 2005-15 in particular. I used to work as a volunteer assistant in a local art studio. Sold about a dozen or so pictures too. I prefer drawing with pencils/ink, I feel I have more nuance and control with them. I agree that you can get into very Zen-like states if you just surrender to the process of creating. I get the same vibes from playing on my electric piano too, even though I'm clumsy and primitive in my riffing. Whereas when I write I become more distinct, more present in the moment, less like I'm jamming, more deliberate in my thinking. I just love the whole creative process, and I feel glad that I have writing, music and picture projects on the go as outlets for my expression. Art makes life worth living as far as I'm concerned.
I have been kicking around the idea of taking it back up and getting better at it, I would love to retire this summer Divine Cosmic Mind willing and have always found painting to be a calming experience for me.
I'd say go for it. If you find yourself with freedom and lots of time on your hands, there's no reason why not. Visually the world is an information feast today too. I've done a number of pictures in recent years set in Haiti, Iraq, Gaza, and I found it to be a very instructive project to undertake. It was a happy observation to make that my most well-read part of myself was also keen on striking visual art as well. You've got nothing to lose man, go for it!:cool2: It sends a message out to the world and the DCM that you are here, and this is what you see. Bear witness to reality and make your own mark on this life.
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