Danny said:
I am emotionally disturbed. I deserve to be considered an enemy. My track record sucks.
True enough. It really doesn't matter how or why a person gets to a certain state, what matters is what they do. What is, IS. If a person shoots another person, it doesn't really matter if it was an accident or premeditated murder: the victim is just as dead. That is, of course, from the victim's point of view. It doesn't matter to me, as a human being, whether you attack me because you are damaged, or because you came with a covert agenda to target me.
However, from another perspective: that of the attacker, maybe it does matter? But it can only matter if there is realization that LEADS TO CHANGE. An attacker can feel remorse, or not. The attacker has a future and can choose how that future will manifest.
Danny said:
I said years ago I think I am what is considered an organic portal. A damn living,breathing carcass without the soul to navigate said carcass.
It's actually not very likely that you are an OP. OPs generally don't behave as you do; they are most often authoritarian types that follow the leader quietly and do what they are told.
You think that just because you don't control your emotions, that they lead you around like a pig with a ring in his nose, that means you don't have soul potential? Not necessarily true. What you do have is the emotional quotient of a 2 year old. Somehow, you got emotionally blocked at that age and the characteristics of the "Terrible Twos" are written all over everything you write, say and do.
Danny said:
I don't want forgiveness ad I don't intend on using any reverse psychology in order for any kind of sympathy whatsoever.What I am going through is a rage and envy of those who DO have souls.
Oh horse hockey! What you are going through is the triggering of your infantile narcissism which may be a valid problem, but you need therapy to deal with it.
Danny said:
What kind of sick perverted entity would put a person on this planet in that capacity? God only knows.
This is the anger of the infant for being denied its needs at a very early age and getting stuck there and never being able to grow up emotionally. It manifests as anger at God/mother, whatever. It's not even all that unusual.
Danny said:
I never intended for this thread to go beyond page 2 for cryin out loud.
My dig on Laura was totally inconsiderate and cowardly at best. I did not get my info from the thread that was implied that I read. It was on the basis of other websites.
But it is quite revealing that the dig was at me and I hadn't even posted to this thread - actually hadn't even read it at all until it came up in the mod's discussions. Again, that points to narcissistic wounding when a child, probably at a very early age, and probably by the mother. Via transference, I am the mother who denied you whatever you needed and must be destroyed.
Danny said:
If I am not allowed on the forum anymore so be it./ I dont deserve it and really have had enough of forums anyway. At least contributing because at my level of maturity, I have nothing useful to contribute other than being made an example.
Based on your history, that's probably a good idea. I would also highly recommend therapy. You might want to read "Deep Therapy in the Fast Lane." Hopefully, someone will find and provide the link.
Stop trying to find excuses for your abhorrent behavior like "I'm just an OP... can't help myself." That's a load of bollocks and you know it.
Yes, you have behaved in sick and perverted ways - no question about that - the question is, what is the REST of your life going to be like? You DO have a choice, you know. If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always got. You can use today to heal the past and shape the future.