Remember remember.

Laura said:
Danny said:
<snip> I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition......NOOOOOOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUI....oops sorry more humor.
In any case you can rest easy, folks. This will be the LAST time I ever post here. And if I do...heh...I will raffle off my house!

And this from a LONG time member of this forum ...

This is a disconcerting statement to see from someone who has been hanging around for some time. If you've been reading the posts here for years and have not figured this one out yet... Well... I don't know what to say. Either keep it to yourself until you get up to speed, or go elsewhere.
[quote author=Guardian]Thank you for understanding. "Anger" doesn't even begin to cover how I feel pretty much every time I turn on the computer these days...and like everyone else, I'm a work in progress.[/quote]

Sure am glad you're on board, Guardian.
Jerry said:
Guardian]Thank you for understanding. "Anger" doesn't even begin to cover how I feel pretty much every time I turn on the computer these days...and like everyone else said:
So, I have to ask: where are you going considering your statement above?

I'm going to out predators who pose a clear and present danger to a long list of nice people...the only real question is how I'll do it. I'm always open to suggestions. :)

Azur, I knew exactly what Danny was the minute I clicked on his video and heard him speak. If the eyes are the window to the soul, then the voice is the backdoor to the DNA.

Of course then I've got to actually prove my instincts are correct...something else I really like about this group. So I read his prior posts and pulled up my trusty search engine google, typed in his name...the rest you saw play out here.

If my instincts were wrong (and they have been now and again) Danny would have reacted COMPLETELY differently to ever sentence I wrote, as well as to the display of his own words/images.

I know, which is why I use humor like a life preserver when I'm swimming in slime. If you've got better technique, I'm all ears?

I see humor the same way. Used as a tool to deal with a sticky situation.
Guardian said:
Azur said:
A lot of your posts have been edgy and some are down right angry. Which is quite understandable living in the World we do.

Thank you for understanding. "Anger" doesn't even begin to cover how I feel pretty much every time I turn on the computer these days...and like everyone else, I'm a work in progress.

So, I have to ask: where are you going considering your statement above?

I'm going to out predators who pose a clear and present danger to a long list of nice people...the only real question is how I'll do it. I'm always open to suggestions. :)

Azur, I knew exactly what Danny was the minute I clicked on his video and heard him speak. If the eyes are the window to the soul, then the voice is the backdoor to the DNA.

Of course then I've got to actually prove my instincts are correct...something else I really like about this group. So I read his prior posts and pulled up my trusty search engine google, typed in his name...the rest you saw play out here.

If my instincts were wrong (and they have been now and again) Danny would have reacted COMPLETELY differently to ever sentence I wrote, as well as to the display of his own words/images.

I only ask because (if you didn't know) I've been an angry SOB for a LONG time and I'm seeing tell tale signs of that consumption. It WILL consume you, if it's all that you let yourself see.

I know, which is why I use humor like a life preserver when I'm swimming in slime. If you've got better technique, I'm all ears?

Thanks for asking Azur and thanks for clarifying Guardian.

And as others have already stated you are very much appreciated, Guardian!! :)
Tigersoap said:
Guardian said:
I know, which is why I use humor like a life preserver when I'm swimming in slime. If you've got better technique, I'm all ears?

The EE program maybe :D :)

EE is absolutely wonderful AFTER (or before) I've taken my dip, but it's kinda hard to do while I'm actually reading and typing ;)
Laura said:
So, Danny has no excuse for dumping on me.

No, he doesn't...which is the point. If he were just an average member having a REALLY bad day accompanied by a few cocktails and a fatty, he would have dumped on me...or even Gandalf. Why insult you, when you hadn't even posted to the thread?

Unless a person's vocal cords have been physically damaged somehow, their voice is a harmonic of their soul ...OSIT
Bluestar said:
I see humor the same way. Used as a tool to deal with a sticky situation.

The best part is that if I'm totally innocent person is hurt. I can always apologize for a bad joke. :)
Jerry said:

Oh I want one!!!! :lol2:

Does he happen to have a tag with a company name on him?
Guardian said:
Does he happen to have a tag with a company name on him?

Found it ... I'm going to get the one in the red cape. :)
Guardian said:
Laura said:
So, Danny has no excuse for dumping on me.

No, he doesn't...which is the point. If he were just an average member having a REALLY bad day accompanied by a few cocktails and a fatty, he would have dumped on me...or even Gandalf. Why insult you, when you hadn't even posted to the thread?

Unless a person's vocal cords have been physically damaged somehow, their voice is a harmonic of their soul ...OSIT

He has a bit of a history with this particular insult.

[quote author=Danny]
So that is what it has come down to.I cannot explain the grief you have just caused me to hear "Have a heart for god's sake".You have just attacked what was sacred to me to the point of almost speechlessness.So allow me to rhetort.Suffer?Toiled ..SWEAT BLOOD??You left this country the first chance you got and RAN to the hills!! And as for wanting people to jump on some bandwagon...heh...How can I lead people to a bandwagon when they are already locked in on the TRAIN TO AUSCHWITZ!I deeply regret your accusation of me not having a heart and I am shaking to the point where I cannot type any further.I am truly sorry for the stir I have caused and have nothing to say on this matter.[/quote]

He way overreacts and can't see how the Universe operates.
Guardian said:
Considering how it takes forever to get one to show himself as long as you're agreeing with him, consoling him, stroking him, etc.... how snarky is too snarky? I will gladly abide by whatever standards yawl set, additional specs just means it takes longer...but I kinda feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place sometimes. I can't just tell you, I have to show you ...and it's never pretty.

Fwiw, I'm familiar with that feeling of seeing something and then either not quite knowing how to express it except by showing it, or, in my usual case, second-guessing it (working on that!).

In the U.S., there is a southern equivalent of this problem in the art world called "buck-eye" as most any art teacher will tell you. Buck-eyed people cannot seem to draw what is actually there. First, you've got to teach them how to see with their eyes [visualize a "bug-eyed" face here].

Generally, this seems to also be the main problem of most of 'sleeping' man's day-to-day human experience in ponerized society - how little people really see because they edit out valuable data before they perceive anything at all. Thanks for sharing what you see, Guardian! :hug2:
Bud said:
Thanks for sharing what you see, Guardian! :hug2:

I "see" more with my ears than my eyes, which is why I think the view's a little different. I REALLY appreciate having a group of intelligent people who aren't afraid to tell me when they think I'm wrong....and why.

Contrary to popular belief, practice does NOT make perfect :(

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