Remember remember.

Danny said:
Guardian, you have sunk to a new level. I have that up because of my hatred for social networking.I was pressured into making an account by friends to be able to keep in contact. Now that will be erased.

Yeah, yeah...I know, I'm scum for showing people what you wrote on a public's everyone's fault but yours...Blah, Blah, Blah....

Is this going to be another one of those long "Southern Goodbyes?" If so...I'm gonna run get a snack.
Bud said:
I understand. This is not a typical chat or debate forum. It is a research forum and the members voluntarily engage in specific activities, in specific ways for specific purposes

Oooooohhh...I'm gonna snag this one for a sig file :)
Danny said:
Just so it is clear what I was quoting about the acid vid here is the REAL man who came up with it in it's full context...

Ahhhhh...very different than the one posted by the fake man who ripped it off and posted out of context. The REAL man can even enunciate...although in all fairness, he does have the advantage of a full set of teeth :P
Bud said:
Bracing said:
Bud said:
Hi Bracing. You seem to have registered on the forum 4 days ago and without the courtesy of an introduction or even a little bitty "hi y'all", you go:

Bracing said:
bunch of meanies in this place, wow


Were you just waiting for an opportunity to react like this, or did I mis-read you?

Well I just happened by and was taken aback a bit, so I was compelled to say.. "huh?"

What the hell kinda place is this anyway? Not a nice one for sure.

I understand. This is not a typical chat or debate forum. It is a research forum and the members voluntarily engage in specific activities, in specific ways for specific purposes.

Perhaps the Forum Guidelines can explain it better than I.

No ,I would say its sadly typical, really.
For the record, this is the first time I've
seen "yo mama" jokes on this forum. Protip: wasn't funny, the key to successful yo mama jokes is no ego.

Danny, you were rude, illogical, and avoiding answering questions
from the very beginning of the thread. It is not your video that is "psychoanalyzed", it's your problem with being asked to be externally considerate. What you call external consideration
is in fact the opposite. How can anyone know if they wanna watch your video if you don't say what it is about?

It's a real shame that you can't see past your ego. Either your objectivity went downhill as a result of being away from the netwok, or you were away because you never fit to begin with. Either way, I hope you can see your behavior here with fresh eyes one day, and see it as it really is. I recommend doing EE or at least POTS and taking a breather.
Bracing, does asking someone to be considerate of others and to respect the purpose of the forum a mean thing? Cuz that's all I saw that was being asked of Danny, who took offense to it.
Danny, i repeat that you have been in this forum since 2006 and you know exactly how this forum operates. If you just post a link to a video without saying what it is about, and why you think the rest of the forum members should devote their precious time to watch it, of course you will receive the questions you did.

And are you insulting other members in order to make us ban you so that you justify to yourself that we are indeed non-understanding and mean to you, and you are the victim of this "drama"? Anytime you feel like it, you can leave the forum for good, and you know this as well.

Bracing, i don't know how to talk to you. You never made an introduction to this forum, so i have no clue who you are, how you found this site and why you wish to be a member. I do find it very interesting however that from all the threads (all the very many threads) that are going on on this forum, you chose to write your first post in Danny's thread, and with your second post to call all the rest who participated in this thread, meanies, without understanding the context of the forum and the work we do here. If you wish to stick around and understand who we are and what we are about, you are welcomed to make an introductory post, and tell us a bit about you. If not, our doors are open.

For the time being, i would advice everyone to take a "time out" from this thread, as i don't see any point in repeating the obvious.
The behavior in this thread is rather disconcerting. Danny, you over reacted to the input on your video. You then collected yourself, and then over reacted again. Guardian, there was no need to post pictures of Danny in this thread [that specific post has been removed]. An emotional over reaction on his part does not warrant that, nor some of your comments. Bracing, if you are posting in this thread to 'back up' Danny, please stop, you're making yourself look less than informed.

All in all, I think this thread is an example of several people not remembering themselves or this forum. We are not children, this is not a schoolyard where insults need be thrown around.

Those who want to stay and participate on this forum as adults, following forum guidelines, please do. Those that don't, please move along.
anart said:
Guardian, there was no need to post pictures of Danny in this thread [that specific post has been removed].

Actually, they were hotlinks directly to his public Myspace page (which he's since taken down) My thinking was that if the whole world could see them, yawl should too...but if I was in error, I do apologize. :flowers:

I could really do with a little clarification here please? Exactly what are the limits on exposing a predator who's connected to one of the groups harassing Laura this case the "9/11 Truthers" but it could be any one of them?

Considering how it takes forever to get one to show himself as long as you're agreeing with him, consoling him, stroking him, etc.... how snarky is too snarky? I will gladly abide by whatever standards yawl set, additional specs just means it takes longer...but I kinda feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place sometimes. I can't just tell you, I have to show you ...and it's never pretty.

An emotional over reaction on his part does not warrant that, nor some of your comments.

Oh but you can tell so much about a person from an emotional over reaction. ;D

A non threat would have reacted to my initial post with something like " I don't drop acid, that was just me goof''s an old Bill Hicks skit" (which I already knew)

In this case when I jokingly confronted him, he got angry and invoked the standard "house raffle" meme.

From my perspective...that was easy :halo:
Guardian said:
Considering how it takes forever to get one to show himself as long as you're agreeing with him, consoling him, stroking him, etc.... how snarky is too snarky? I will gladly abide by whatever standards yawl set, additional specs just means it takes longer...but I kinda feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place sometimes. I can't just tell you, I have to show you ...and it's never pretty.

Interesting statement, Guardian.

A lot of your posts have been edgy and some are down right angry. Which is quite understandable living in the World we do.

But many (not all!) were just about controlled venting, as opposed to adding something to the Network pool of knowledge.

So, I have to ask: where are you going considering your statement above?

I only ask because (if you didn't know) I've been an angry SOB for a LONG time and I'm seeing tell tale signs of that consumption. It WILL consume you, if it's all that you let yourself see. It's a deception, but I think you know that intellectually, but might not viscerally.

It took me quite a bit of hard work to come to terms with the soul crushing stupidity of this World, and this while living comfortably, with loving friends and family. (The latter, ironically, contributed very much to my anger towards the shenanigans of the World.)

Rock, hard place, been there, like everyone else. But those are unique to the individual and situation.

So have it, air it out. Sure, you'll get posts that sound like platitudes, but be prepared to be surprised at some insight from outside.

I just wanted to say that in my opinion you WAY over-reacted to the mod's wanting an explanation for the video. Here's why it would be externally considerate to put an explanation with a video you're posting.

Some people on this forum (like me) live in places where internet is very slow, and also we pay for every gig used every month, the higher you go, the more you pay. Youtube videos take A LOT of bandwidth, so I've had to cut down watching vids considerably from the time I used to live in the city and had unlimited bandwidth. So now, when I watch a video online- I would have to know that it's WORTH watching (paying for) because somethings are just silly and I can go without. So if someone posts a video link here with an explanation of what it is- it would be VERY helpful for me, because then, I would not have to click on the video link, go to the page and have it load and take my bandwidth.

Now, my situation is but ONE reason why a little video description would go a long way. So your reaction really did come out from left field and I really hope you consider thinking about why it evoked such an emotional reaction within you.
Azur said:
Guardian said:
Considering how it takes forever to get one to show himself as long as you're agreeing with him, consoling him, stroking him, etc.... how snarky is too snarky? I will gladly abide by whatever standards yawl set, additional specs just means it takes longer...but I kinda feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place sometimes. I can't just tell you, I have to show you ...and it's never pretty.

Interesting statement, Guardian.

Yes, it is interesting. Considering the fact that Danny wrote:

Danny said:
<snip> I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition......NOOOOOOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUI....oops sorry more humor.
In any case you can rest easy, folks. This will be the LAST time I ever post here. And if I do...heh...I will raffle off my house!

And this from a LONG time member of this forum ...

Interesting how what is really inside a person gets exposed when a person is only lightly scratched, eh?

Remember what Gurdjieff wrote:

Gurdjieff in ISOTM said:
"It often happens that, having stopped before some barrier, usually the smallest and the most simple, people turn against the work, against the teacher, and against other members of the group, and accuse them of the very thing that is becoming revealed to them in themselves.

"Sometimes they repent later and blame themselves, then they again blame others, then they repent once more, and so on. But there is nothing that shows up a man better than his attitude towards the work and the teacher after he has left it. Sometimes such tests are arranged intentionally. A man is placed in such a position that he is obliged to leave and he is fully justified in having a grievance either against the teacher or against some other person. And then he is watched to see how he will behave. A decent man will behave decently even if he thinks that he has been treated unjustly or wrongly. But many people in such circumstances show a side of their nature which otherwise they would never show. And at times it is a necessary means for exposing a man's nature. So long as you are good to a man he is good to you. But what will he be like if you scratch him a little?

"But this is not the chief thing; the chief thing is his own personal attitude, his own valuation of the ideas which he receives or has received, and his keeping or losing this valuation. A man may think for a long time and quite sincerely that he wants to work and even make great efforts, and then he may throw up everything and even definitely go against the work; justify himself, invent various fabrications, deliberately ascribe a wrong meaning to what he has heard, and so on."

"What happens to them for this?" asked one of the audience.

"Nothing—what could happen to them?" said G. "They are their own punishment. And what punishment could be worse?

As I said, Danny's been around for a long time. The mods and myself have been endlessly patient with him, taking into consideration any possible wounding, programs, etc. Well, as many of you may have guessed from the fact that I created this thread: about recent libel and defamation, I've about had it. I have been talking with our lawyers about what should or can be done and you can be sure that certain actions are being taken and will be taken, though it may not be a direct frontal assault as in a lawsuit for reasons that will be revealed soon enough.

So, Danny has no excuse for dumping on me. I've quite simply had enough. I'm too old and too tired to take that crap anymore and if Danny doesn't care anything about the network, our work, fine, but his complete lack of care and concern for me, even knowing (as he must if he has been sober enough to pay any attention at all), just as a human being, a woman, a mother and someone who has labored tirelessly on HIS behalf for years, taking all the hits, is just over the top.

With friends like Danny, who needs enemies?
[quote author=Bracing]bunch of meanies in this place, wow[/quote]

No ,I would say its sadly typical, really.

What the hell kinda place is this anyway? Not a nice one for sure.

Azur said:
A lot of your posts have been edgy and some are down right angry. Which is quite understandable living in the World we do.

Thank you for understanding. "Anger" doesn't even begin to cover how I feel pretty much every time I turn on the computer these days...and like everyone else, I'm a work in progress.

So, I have to ask: where are you going considering your statement above?

I'm going to out predators who pose a clear and present danger to a long list of nice people...the only real question is how I'll do it. I'm always open to suggestions. :)

Azur, I knew exactly what Danny was the minute I clicked on his video and heard him speak. If the eyes are the window to the soul, then the voice is the backdoor to the DNA.

Of course then I've got to actually prove my instincts are correct...something else I really like about this group. So I read his prior posts and pulled up my trusty search engine google, typed in his name...the rest you saw play out here.

If my instincts were wrong (and they have been now and again) Danny would have reacted COMPLETELY differently to ever sentence I wrote, as well as to the display of his own words/images.

I only ask because (if you didn't know) I've been an angry SOB for a LONG time and I'm seeing tell tale signs of that consumption. It WILL consume you, if it's all that you let yourself see.

I know, which is why I use humor like a life preserver when I'm swimming in slime. If you've got better technique, I'm all ears?

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