Wizard said:The history of the world under the twin evils of Zionism and Communism with their common origins should leave us in no doubt as to the cunning of those who seek our destruction.
And now, bizarre as it may seem, we really ought to add Naziism to the list of "isms" with a common origin. Oddly enough, as Hannah Arendt points out in "The Origins of Totalitarianism", Judaism is the original model for the "chosen people" and now the Nazis have served their purpose to create the modern state of Israel, the Zionists have become the new Nazis with the Palestinians taking the role of the new "Jews."
Behind all of it is the pathology of the psychopath with the schizoid psychopath out in front creating the ideologies. The so-called God of the Jews was originally the God of the Kenites, i.e. Cain - the first murderer - a clear and evident first psychopath. That Cain is associated with "farming" suggests that psychopaths first appeared on earth around the time of the "agricultural revolution." That suggests that it is a mutation of some sort. Of course, it is now known that agriculture appeared a lot earlier than formerly thought. It might be that the mutation also occurred much earlier and that it was only stressful conditions on the planet that allowed psychopaths to achieve some kind of ascendancy. As I have tried to show in the Comet Series, whenever there are times of trouble, psychopaths know well how to take advantage of them, to use emotional sticks and carrots to drive normal humans to do their bidding, to become their slaves and servants.
When you begin to review history with Ponerology in mind, a whole lot of things become clear, a lot of questions are answered, and pathology is the key.