Revisiting The Horrors Of The Holocaust


FOTCM Member

(CBS) This segment was originally broadcast on Dec. 17, 2006. It was updated on June 21, 2007.

For the first time, secrets of the Nazi Holocaust that have been hidden away for more than 60 years are finally being made available to the public. We’re not talking about a missing filing cabinet - we’re talking about thousands of filing cabinets, holding 50 million pages. It's Hitler’s secret archive.

The Nazis were famous for record keeping but what 60 Minutes found ran from the bizarre to the horrifying. This Holocaust history was discovered by the Allies in dozens of concentration camps, as Germany fell in the spring of 1945.

As correspondent Scott Pelley reports, the documents were taken to a town in the middle of Germany, called Bad Arolsen, where they were sorted, filed and locked way, never to be seen by the public until now.

The storerooms are immense: 16 miles of shelves holding the stories of 17 million victims – not only Jews, but slave laborers, political prisoners and homosexuals. To open the files is to see the Holocaust staring back like it was yesterday: strange pink Gestapo arrest warrants as lethal as a death sentence, jewelry lost as freedom ended at the gates of an extermination camp. Time stopped here in 1945.

Pelley walked through the evidence with chief archivist Udo Jost. He showed 60 Minutes a list of 1,000 prisoners saved by a factory owner who told the Nazis he needed the prisoners labor. This was the list of Oskar Schindler, made famous by the Steven Spielberg movie.

"Here are the 700 men and the 300 women whose names were on Schindler’s list," Jost explains.

The 60 Minutes team also found the file of "Frank, Annaliese Marie," better known as Anne Frank. It’s her paper trail from Amsterdam to Bergen-Belsen, where she died at the age of 15.

But most of the names here are of unknown people. While the Nazis did not write down the names of those executed in the gas chambers at places like Auschwitz, they did keep detailed records of millions of others who died in the camps. Their names are listed in notebooks labeled “Totenbuch,” which means “death book.” The names are written here, single-spaced, in meticulous handwriting.
Say WHAT? They didn't "write down the names of those executed in the (alleged) gas chambers" ??? !!! (And I say "alleged" not because I don't think the gas chambers existed or that people were gassed in them, but only because I know that the gas chambers that now exist are reconstructions based on descriptions of inmates and we don't know if they are exact replicas. )

"Here we see the cause of death: executed. And you can see, every two minutes they shot one prisoner," Jost explains.

"So they shot a prisoner every two minutes for a little over an hour and a half?" Pelley asks.

"Yes. Now look at the date: it’s the 20th of April. That was Adolf Hitler’s birthday. And this was a birthday present, a gift for the Führer. That’s the bureaucracy of the devil," Jost says.

The devil is in the details - the smallest details. Pelley and the 60 Minutes crew were amazed to see the Nazis kept records of head lice.
They recorded a series of murders that were a "gift" for Hitler's birthday, and did NOT record "the names of those executed in the (alleged) gas chambers" ??? !!! They recorded head lice, but not those who were allegedly gassed?? (And here I say "allegedly" not because I doubt that gassing took place, but because I question that they did not record the names of those who were gassed. I believe they must have, but destroyed the records.)

"You can see the names and numbers of each prisoner, and the amount of lice that were found," Jost says.

The Nazis couldn’t have disease spreading among slave laborers. "You can see he was a perfectionist. He even put down the size of the lice. Large, small or medium-sized lice," Jost comments about the Nazi lice inspector.

Paul Shapiro helped pry open the archive. He’s Director of Holocaust Studies of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C.

"I’m curious. Why did the Nazis keep all these records? If they were gonna murder these people anyway, why keep the paperwork?" Pelley asks.

"Because they wanted to show they were getting the job done. So, in terms of people whose destiny was to be murdered, recording how well that was being done was very important," Shapiro explains.
So, how could they show they were "getting the job done" if they did not write down the names of those executed in the alleged gas chambers? Something is wrong with this picture. The gas chambers existed and I feel certain those names were recorded somewhere. The records were probably destroyed, but someday, someone may discover them in an as yet unsearched collection of archives.

And those records make up the largest Holocaust archive anywhere. Run by the Red Cross, the International Tracing Service was set up after the war to trace lost family members. Survivors could write for information, but there was a backlog of 400,000 unanswered letters. And neither survivors nor scholars got past the lobby.

"What was the stated reason for keeping these documents out of the public eye for more than 60 years?" Pelley asks.

"A respect for privacy of individuals was the most-often cited reason," Shapiro says. "On the one hand, you had governments stating 'We’re protecting people’s privacy.' And on the other hand, you had those very people saying 'No, no, we want the material to be open.'”

But opening the archives has taken longer than expected. Although the process began 15 months ago, it won't be completed until next fall.

But 60 Minutes brought three men to Bad Arolsen for an advance look.

Walter Feiden, Miki Schwartz and Jack Rosenthal are the first Holocaust survivors ever in the archive.

Schwartz, of San Diego, was 14 when he watched his parents herded to the gas chambers at Auschwitz and then, later, was forced to sign himself in at Buchenwald.

Schwartz came across some documents bearing his handwriting.

60 Minutes asked the Red Cross to find all the documents for these three survivors. There were plenty of surprises, including a mysterious reprieve.

"This is a transport list for prisoners leaving Buchenwald and going to a camp called 'Dora,'" Pelley remarks. "You know what Dora was?"

"Yes," says Schwartz. "Some sort of a fabrication of armaments."

The arms fabricated at Dora were the V-1 and V-2 rockets that rained on London.

"And the story of that place is, hardly anybody got out of there alive. Look at your name. It’s on the transport list to go there. And somebody’s drawn a line straight through the middle of it. They took you off the list. Did you know until this moment that you were headed to Dora?" Pelley asks.

"No. Never, never, never, wow," Schwartz says. He had no idea why he was taken off the list. Of 50 people named, he was one of just two with a lifeline straight through his name.

"I’m sort of, yes I’m shaking. I’m scared right now," Schwartz says.

"Right now, it makes me think back, and I’m living like there is this 14-year-old youngster and they wanted to kill him," Schwartz says. "I don’t know why, I did not ever do anything, any harm to anybody. I think I should have a middle name, my middle name to be Mr. Lucky."

Walter Feiden, of New York, was 13 and a prisoner in a Nazi ghetto, where both his parents died. Later, he too signed into Buchenwald.

Among the documents was the paper Feiden signed. "Hey, you’re right. I had better handwriting then than I have now, but, yes," he remarks.

"Who was the boy who signed this card?" Pelley asks.

"A young, actually, teenager who had gone through a great deal, become less trusting of what’s told to him. … But glad to be alive. You got to overcome it," Feiden says.

Asked what he has to overcome, Feiden tells Pelley, "The breaking down. Because that’s one thing we never did in camp. We never wanted to break down in front of some of SS men, and give them the pleasure of seeing us breaking down."

"How do you stop yourself from breaking down?" Pelley asks.

"I chew my lips. Have you noticed that the lower lip…" Feiden explains. It's what he did in the camps. "Oh, yes and you have to swallow after that. That helps also," he adds.

A card carried his barracks number, “66.” That number alone opened his memory. In Block 66, Feiden says a thousand people lived.

"Oh yeah, that’s correct. That’s correct. Oh, oh, my God, what just popped into my mind. Between each block there was a trough you could urinate in. And I can see it now: the block manager, whatever, felt that this person is just about dead. We put these near-dead people into that trough that other people urinated into, and let them die in those things. The brutality of it, you know?" Feiden recalls.

Jack Rosenthal, of New York, arrived with his family at Auschwitz. During the selection process after their arrival, Jack and his uncle were sent to a barracks while his mother and five sisters and brothers went straight to the gas chambers and the ovens.
How come we don't hear about whether or not the names of his family were written down? They must have been.

"I remember that night," Rosenthal says. "There was a little window in the barracks where we were. He told me: ‘Look out the window. What do you see?' and I said 'The sky is aflame.' The sky is burning, you know. You saw the flames licking the sky. The stench was terrible. You smelled burning flesh."

His family burned that night. Yet, incredibly, 60 Minutes found the Nazis had bothered to create a form to keep track of Jack’s mail at Buchenwald.

"But as you can see, there are no records of letters. You didn’t…" Pelley remarks.

"Who was gonna send me mail? I got news for you, if I would have died in Buchenwald, nobody would ever shed a tear for me, because my, my whole family was wiped out before then. We were a family of eight. And I’m the sole survivor."

American soldiers liberated Jack in 1945. On a personal effects card that he had signed at Buchenwald, there was reference to a number: A11832.

Asked if he's seen that number before, Jack tells Pelley "I see it every time. You wanna see it?"

A11832 is the inmate number the Nazis tattooed on Jack's arm. "It’s there. And when I die, they shouldn’t cover up my arm. They should keep it like this, because when the good Lord will see this, I hope he’s gonna put me front row, center. Because I deserve it," he says.

These men were first to see their documents, but the Bad Arolsen archive is being digitally scanned, to be distributed to research centers. Other survivors may yet discover unknown history still waiting to be written.

Asked if he's glad he looked back at the documents, Miki Schwartz tells Pelley, "Definitely. I feel like I learned about me, at least, what happened and specifically what I’m glad about, for those people who said the Holocaust didn’t happen, like the president of Iran. If they have any questions about it, please come to Bad Arolsen and check it out for themselves."
Something is definitely wrong with this picture. Nice inclusion of 'like the president of Iran' there at the end - nothing like letting the agenda show.

Funny you post this today since I happened to watch the first part of the Alfred Hitchcock documentary on the Nazi death camps last night.

A LOT of very graphic footage of skeletal corpses at Bergen-Belsen camp and lice-ridden survivors. No mention of gas chambers (at least in the first half) - but truly gruesome footage.

Time is spent blaming the German people for allowing Hitler's rise and not stopping him - "who allowed this to happen, you, the people did..." and so on. I'll finish watching it to see where it goes, but wanted to mention it since I was previously unaware of this documentary (it's probably well-known, I just missed it) - it does appear to be laced with a bit of propaganda, and the footage is so shocking that I found myself turning away - but, fwiw.
I grew up in Munich, Germany. As every kid in school, when I was 16, my whole class went on a trip to a concentration camp as part of the (guilt ridden) history education. The closest C-camp to Munich is Dachau. I remember visiting the "alleged" gas chambers as well, basically shower rooms that were actually gas chamber traps (with gas coming out of the shower heads in stead of water, so they say) and there were ovens right next to it, where the dead prisoners where cremated after they took a "shower".
That's at least what we were being told and shown as kids in Germany. The history lessons and education was extremely guilt driven and there was no way at any point to even think of questioning any of the official version of history. Being a German and saying anything against Jews and questioning the holocaust is the worst thing one could possibly do. It took me sometime, after I moved to the US and re-educated myself, looking through that whole anti-semitic scam and manipulation.
To this day, whenever I say anything against Jews or Israel I'm being looked at sometimes as if I'm a Nazi German and I have also been told that Germans will always have the "Jew hater" gene. The thought police in regards to this topic has a tight grip on anyone questioning the official history.
I too just saw a documentary about the gas chambers. Here explains what would have had to be done in order to come up with the numbers you read about in MS textbooks.
I only had one question in this debate. Why would there be this elaborate story about the gas chambers in order to bring the terribly evil regime to justice when there were countless other avenues of doing so...and not even have to be underhanded about it??
The only conclusion I could possibly come up with is that there was a selection made as to who would go before the courts and who would get to stick around.( Project Paperclip)

Take what you can from it. There is alot of reporter's speculation .
When I first read this thread a few days ago I didn`t want to comment since at the moment I simply lack the time for opening such a can of worms.
But the gaschamber-topic wouldn`t leave me alone. In my mind I caught myself thinking up possible replys and the following fragments from previous posts kept returning and distracting me from work:

"...of those executed in the alleged gas chambers?"

"A LOT of very graphic footage of skeletal corpses at Bergen-Belsen and lice-ridden survivors. No mention of gas chambers (...) but truly gruesome footage."

"The history lessons and education was extremely guilt driven."

After a sleepless night I finally gave up work today to sit down in the hope of excorzising these distracting thoughts from my mind.
I cannot exclude totally the possibility of having a knee jerk reaction, of running on auto-pilot and of having a typically German guilt-program running, in short being totally brainwashed.
In any case and fwiw this is not a spontaneous post. At least I hope to provide a not atypical Other german viewpoint. After all, people like me grew up in this mess.

So I also grew up in Germany, having first learned of our infamous history via the US-Show Holocaust, I believe. While my grandfather (catholic family patriarch) wasn`t thrilled that our mother would let us
watch this show (we kids were about 10 and 12 years of age) with the argument that we were old enough to hear about our forefathers crimes, he acceded to her, while he would have had the power to forbid us watching the show.
I personally was a bit disappointed to learn of the holocaust in school at some depths only at 10th grade. While not being an academic or historian, there`s no historical event I spent more time reading about than the Third Reich and the Holocaust.
I watched literally dozens of documentaries covering over a hundred witness accounts (in filmed or literary form). The witnesses were not only jewish and non-jewish concentration camp survivors but also Nazis and various technicians and others.
I`ve seen horrible footage to last me a lifetime. After occasionally questioning elderly people on the matter during my many years as a male nurse, there wasn`t a shadow of a doubt as to what had happened during our barbaric times. To paraphrase a SOTT saying: Sometimes genocide by gas is just genocide by gas. There were simply too many witnesses. There`s by now a huge wealth of documents and literature on Holocaust-research. A good friend of mine once spent three years researching his grandfather. All his family ever told him was that he was shot shortly after the war. It turned out he did a stint as head of a concentration camp in Poland from where he`d ordererd 10 000 children to their deaths. He`s also collected related material for 20 years now in order to finally write a novel on the topic (hope he`ll make it, cause he`s good). The friend is quite alienated from his family who, like so many Germans, spread the cloak of silence on the proverbial closets, bursting with skeletons.

Did you know that for one generation the time before 1945 hardly existed and was rarely mentioned in Germany? Our 50ies (US-client)-Chancellor Adenauer had Ex-Nazis in his Christian Party. He also forbade to have Alain Resnais Holocaust-documentary Nuis et brouillard shown and instead german filmmakers of the period made stifling comedies and revue movies, anything to distract from what had happened only a decade earlier. It might have been the famous Eichmann-trial which triggered the first Nazi-trials during the 60ies. What I learned much later, certainly not in school, was the fact that practically all Nazi-institutions (Medical, Educational, Judicialsystem and Police) were kept in place incl. the personnel until the late 70ies, when the old Nazis startet to die off or retired (often with fat pensions while CC-survivors hardly got anything). So as a 1960ies or 70ies anti-war protester you could easily have ended up in front of a Nazi-judge (Thanks again, Harry Truman, may you rot in peace). Obviously this created much anger among the protesters and a few became radicalized. Some of them became terrorists and, metaphorically speaking, ate their own children. Denazification? Foohgeddaboudit. After all, were the Nazi-elite not hanged after the Nuremberg-trials and hadn`t the rest of the evildoers fled to warmer climates? Certainly there couldn`t be one Nazi left in OUR country.

It were mostly young students who began to rebel against this parental cloak of silence. While our german 1968 was also about sex, drugs and flowerpower it became mainly a political protest against the old Nazi-structures. The authorities didn`t like that because they were too entangled in the old system. The protesters didn`t like the fact, that the same big companies(like IG - Farben) which had provided the Nazi-leaders with the lethal gas were now providing new warmongers with chemicals and weapons. That`s called German Tradition.

Twenty years later, while the last prominent members of society were outed as having been Nazis, our third and last School Magazine appeared. Cover Story: The Deportation of jews from our small town. That late in the game this issue shouldn`t have created much of a controversy in our sleepy little town - but it did. In the end we were only allowed to sell it outside of school grounds and I managed to get away with a completely illigal cover illu: Two boys, one jewish, one not, beneath a towering swastika. I tried to make the jewish boy look ... well, jewish and because of that got attacked by our editor as being covertly racist. So I learned relativily early that one could overstate (propagandize?) the issue. It was clearly an early case of Political Correctness.

Now during the 90ies I read in one of our more critical papers about regular attacks and lynchings (greetings from the South), done by the growing Neo-Nazis which were about to come to their own. Victims were people, who`s skin or hair color weren`t appreciated enough. These attacks culminated, when in Solingen a whole house (residents included) was burnt down. The neighbours proved encouraging, the police passive. Reichskristallnacht.
After left wing terrorists were considered as far more dangerous than Neo-Nazis (they`re never called terrorists, but than they only killed people with dark tinted skins, instead of the boss of Deutsche Bank) for decades, the Solingen event woke up even the most ponerized politician. I leave this little saga for now, but in case you`d like to roam about the eastern part of Germany, better make sure you have a nordic complexion, wear the right clothes (the brand Lonsdale would do) and don`t color your hair! If not, they might make you bite the boardwalk and stomp on the back of your head, that is if your lucky.

Oh and btw, this same cuddly little Neo-Nazi community are to the best of my knowledge the ONLY people who ever graced us sheep with their enlightened "no gas chamber" theory. These people can be persuasive!

If we entertain for a moment the possibility that the non-existence of the GC could be proven, where would that lead us?
Not only would there have been and would be still a vast conspiracy in place to convince the german intelligentsia of this ludicrous notion of the gas chamber but also one conclusion would be that jews (by their very nature) had to be pathological liars. After barely surviving the concentr. camps the surviving jews had nothing better to do than inventing those outragious lies?
Next step: Since the jews would now being seen as such pathological liars, they would now be seen as if they really were this cancerous growth that sooo threatened the German People`s Health, courtesy of the jews allegedly base mentality, minor genetics and overall pathological make up. What do we need psychopaths for when jews in general were so psychopathic ? And were it not justified after all of having done away with this lowly race? And when having arrived at that point where the Holocaust would essentially be considered as a good thing, wouldn`t the "gas chamber-question" not become a mood point?
And, last but not least, the ONLY people clever enough to see through this ruse are, of all people, the ponerized Neo-Nazi Morons who knew it all along. Sure `nough.
I call this the Retrospective Justification Thought Loop, (RJTL).

I`ve read enough stuff on - and on occasion even by - Nazis to get more of a glimpse of their pathological minds:
Their perfect bureaucratic system, their clever manipulation of the people, their advanced technologies, their overall efficiency.
I`ve looked at enough pictures and films containing hundreds of corpses. They obviously weren`shot. So how then did they die? Starved to death (their dead bodies do have the look),
poisoned or, dare I say it, gassed after all?

I try to put myself into the mind of a typically ponerized Nazi bureaucrat:
Order from above.
Stop. Sent jews into east .Stop.Fuehrer Hauptquartier, or so...
(euphemism for sending them to one of the six extermination camps; I don`t think Hitler was on record having ordered the "final solution";
it has to be imagined like a scene from a generic gangster movie where the gangster boss tells his goon "You take care of it."
In a ponerized society such subtle hints are usually perfectly understood by the characteropathic factotums).
Concentrate them in camps, then kill them. How? Shoot them up in front of mass graves.
(That was done at a big scale. Problem: In the long run a bit tough on those soldiers who have to do the killing.
Not all Nazi soldiers were Without Conscience.)
So that could cause problems.
(The Nazis first experimented with killing the sick and the handicapped with Morphium injections (similar to present day executions in the United States)
before advancing to building gas chambers disguised to look like bathrooms).
This proved to be a wonderful solution, far quicker than starving them to death.
Kill as many as efficiently and quickly as possible without getting any blood on our hands.
Let jewish guards lead them to the shower rooms, someone presses a button...pshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... and ... RIP.
Perfect. Now have other jewish prisoners load the bodies on carts to be burned in the crematoriums. Easy beasy.
No need to dirty our hands, rather keeping them unstained for ... maybe a little Schubert, why not?
(Yes, the Nazis were an anal-fixated lot with endless lists, forms and whatnot. But when it came to note the names of those who`ve been killed they might
have conveniently forgot to write them down. And the orders were often of the "you take care"-sort).

But the Nazis couldn`t have had such sophisticated technology!
Okay yeah, their had TV, High End rocket technology, flying disks, fawk, but ... gas chambers???

If it were ever proven that gas chambers didn`t exist, how to answer the following question:
With their advanced technology and their bureaucratic system of efficiency, WHY IN *EL* NOT didn`t they think about simply gassing the people to death?
It would have been sooo .... practical, sooo ... neat, sooo ... easy, sooo ... deutsch. So Why Not?

Regarding the guilt ridded history lessons. No one in Germany suggests that those who were born "after the fact" were guilty or even supposed to feel guilty, BUT:
If a German, after having understood the implications of our dark history, never ever felt at least a few pangs of guilt, however unjustified, wouldn`t it be right to call such a person ponerized? Wouldn`t it be human to feel a tiny bit of guilt? I think that there is the responsibility for a German to remember the past Or; like the philosopher George Santayana so famously put it: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
(also see: United States and the succesful whitewashing of their history)

Of course there ARE blind spots. I never learned in school or any other governmentbacked media about the Zionist`s role during these times or about the Morgans, Rockefellers and similiar suits having helped finance Hitler before and during the war, only to have beloved genocidal Harry T beam Nazi scientists to UFO-land, so they could happily continue with their lethal sciences in good ole Nazi tradition.
Also focusing for decades on "our own genocide" seriously distracts from the other genocides which continued to happen all around us, never mind that we collectively swore to never
let this happen again. And yes, somewhat belatedly I have to agree that there actually is a "Holocaust Industry". Difficult for a German to hold the balance!

From a STO point of view the "gas chamber issue" is just the cream on the devil`s applestrudel.
Nemo, you have given me a lot of food for thought. Please see my post in another thread here:
Nemo said:
"A LOT of very graphic footage of skeletal corpses at Bergen-Belsen and lice-ridden survivors. No mention of gas chambers (...) but truly gruesome footage."

Nemo, thank you for posting your journey into memory in the search for the truth of history. The Holocaust and Hiroshima
are two world shaping mythologies maintaining a legal plausible deniability for the psychopathic perpetrators and psychological plausible deniability for the normal human beings complicit in the crimes. Revisionist historians often focus on disputed, buried, or fabricated details as they weave a web of doubt and diversion from genocide by creating a mythological shield for the psychopaths who stand on the bodies of their victims and claim exemption from international law and common decency. Sometimes the devil is not only in the details, he
hiding behind the details.

I have found Political Ponerology by Andrew M. Lobaczwewski a help in my search for understanding the context of my own
programming by the mythologies of our times. I am going to read The Cunning of History-The Holocaust and the American Future
by Richard L Rubenstien. He states starvation is the psychopath's prefered method of extermination. There is a review of his work in the
book section. Inhuman history is indeed the track of a predator, necessary study to discover the reality behind the veil.

Rubenstein said:
In order to understand how the moral barrier was crossed that made massacre in the millions possible, it is necessary to consider the importance of bureaucracy in modern political and social organization. The German sociologist Max Weber was especially cognizant of its significance. Written in 1916, long before the Nazi party came to prominence in German politics, Weber observed: “The decisive reason for the advance of bureaucratic organization has always been its purely technical superiority over any other kind of organization. The fully developed bureaucratic mechanism compares with other organizations exactly as does the machine with the non-mechanical modes of organization. Precision, speed, unambiguity, knowledge of the files, continuity, discretion, unity, strict subordination, reduction of friction and of material and personal costs – these are raised to the optimum point in the strictly bureaucratic organization.”

Almost from the moment they came to power, the Nazis understood the bureaucratic mechanism they controlled...Himmler does not seem to have been a sadist. During the war, he did not like to watch killing operations and became upset when he did. But, Himmler was the perfect bureaucrat. He did what he believed was his duty sine ira et studio, without bias or scorn...Under Himmler there was no objection to cruelty, provided it was disciplined and systematic. This preference was also shared by the German civil service bureaucracy. According to Hilberg, the measure that gave the civil service bureaucrats least difficulty in exterminating their victims was the imposition of a starvation diet. In a bureaucratically controlled society where every individual's ration can be strictly determined, starvation is the ideal instrument of “clean” violence.
[quote author=go2]I have found Political Ponerology by Andrew M. Lobaczwewski a help in my search for understanding the context of my own
programming by the mythologies of our times. I am going to read The Cunning of History-The Holocaust and the American Future
by Richard L Rubenstien. He states starvation is the psychopath's prefered method of extermination. There is a review of his work in the
book section. Inhuman history is indeed the track of a predator, necessary study to discover the reality behind the veil.

That really answers why the PTB are starving so many people. Their preferred and clean method of killing. Yeah, well, I guess that they think that it then leaves their hands bloodless.

[quote author=Rubenstein] ...In a bureaucratically controlled society where every individual's ration can be strictly determined, starvation is the ideal instrument of “clean” violence.[/quote]

You can never underestimate their twistedly sick thought patterns.
nemo said:
in case you`d like to roam about the eastern part of Germany, better make sure you have a nordic complexion, wear the right clothes (the brand Lonsdale would do) and don`t color your hair!

Just as a side note concerning the Lonsdale clothes. According to some sources it would be a reference to Hitler's party : LoNSDAle -> NSDA -> National Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter (Partei)
I just watched a documentary by a guy named David Cole about the existence (or not) of the gas chambers at Auschwitz.
It's here: _

Found it through Les Visibles' latest article.

At about 43 minutes Cole mentions that the "Auschwitz camp death records were held by the Soviets, not released until 1989."

So I did a little googling for this, and along with a lot of articles claiming there were no records being kept for people who went directly to the gas chambers, the following came up.

From _

Institute for Historical Review
Journal of Historical Review
Pages From The Auschwitz Death Registry Volumes
Long-Hidden Death Certificates Discredit Extermination Claims
Mark Weber

Over the years, Holocaust historians and standard Holocaust studies have consistently maintained that Jewish prisoners who arrived at Auschwitz between the spring of 1942 and the fall of 1944, and who were not able to work, were immediately put to death. Consistent with the alleged German program to exterminate Europe's Jews, only able-bodied Jews who could be "worked to death" were temporarily spared from the gas chambers. Holocaust historians also agree that no records were kept of the deaths of the Jews who were summarily killed in the camp's gas chambers because they were too old, too young or otherwise unable to work. [1]

However, Auschwitz camp death records — which were hidden away for more than 40 years in the Soviet Union — cast grave doubt on these widely accepted claims.

Inmate deaths at Auschwitz were carefully recorded by the camp authorities on certificates that were bound in dozens of death registry volumes. Each "death book" (Sterbebuch) contains hundreds of death certificates. Each certificate meticulously records numerous revealing details, including the deceased person's full name, profession and religion, date and place of birth, pre-Auschwitz residence, parents' names, time of death, and cause of death as determined by a camp physician.

These death registry volumes are designated as "secondary books" (Zweitbücher), suggesting the existence of a still-inaccessible set of "primary books."

The death registry volumes fell into Soviet hands in January 1945 when Red Army forces captured Auschwitz. They remained inaccessible in Soviet archives until 1989, when officials in Moscow announced that they held 46 of the volumes, recording the deaths of 69,000 Auschwitz inmates.

These 46 volumes partially cover the years 1941, 1942 and 1943. There are just two or three volumes for the year 1941, and none at all for the years 1944 or 1945. [2] It is not clear why so many volumes are still missing. According to informed International Red Cross officials, the most likely explanation is that they were misplaced by the Soviets, and might therefore turn up later. (There is no indication that Auschwitz camp authorities made any effort to destroy any of the volumes.) [3]

"No one seems to know yet what become of the numerous missing volumes," the journal Red Cross, Red Crescent has reported. "Are they still gathering dust in one of the numerous archives throughout the [former] USSR? Anything is possible, but this last hypothesis seems most likely. The mere thought that there are more than 3,250 archival centers in the USSR is enough make anyone's head spin." [4]

Russian officials have permitted an agency of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) — the International Tracing Service in Arolsen, Germany — to make copies of the 69,000 death certificates. Microfilm copies of the documents have reportedly also been given to the American Red Cross, and the original volumes have been turned over to the Auschwitz State Museum in Poland.

Although archive officials have not permitted independent researchers to freely examine and evaluate the death registry volumes, the IHR recently obtained copies of 127 of the death certificates from German journalist and researcher Wolfgang Kempkens, who obtained copies of more than 800 of them from sources in Poland and Russia.

Published here — to our knowledge for the first time anywhere — are facsimile reproductions of 30 of these certificates. (Because of the Journal's page size, the documents reproduced here are reduced to 55 percent of original size.)

In selecting which certificates to reproduce here, preference has been given to those recording the deaths of Jewish prisoners who were indisputably too old to have been able to work.

Consistent with the Sterbebuch records, other German wartime documents show that a very high percentage of the Jewish inmates at Auschwitz were not able to work, and were nevertheless not killed. [5]

For example, an internal German telex message dated September 4, 1943, from the chief of the Labor Allocation department of the SS Economic and Administrative Main Office (WVHA), reported that of 25,000 Jewish inmates in Auschwitz, only 3,581 were able to work. All of the remaining Jewish inmates — some 21,500, or about 86 percent — were unable to work. [6]

This is also confirmed in a secret report dated April 5, 1944, on "security measures in Auschwitz" by Oswald Pohl, head of the WVHA agency responsible for the concentration camp system, to SS chief Heinrich Himmler. Pohl reported that there was a total of 67,000 inmates in the Auschwitz camp complex, of whom 18,000 were hospitalized or disabled. In the Auschwitz II camp (Birkenau), supposedly the main extermination center, there were 36,000 inmates, mostly female, of whom "approximately 15,000 are unable to work." [7]

The evidence shows that Auschwitz-Birkenau was, in fact, established primarily as a camp for Jews who were not able to work, including the sick and elderly, as well as for others temporarily awaiting assignment to other camps. [8]

Along with the two documents above, the long-hidden certificates reproduced on the following pages discredit a central pillar of the Holocaust extermination story. As revealing as these documents are, though, there is little doubt that a careful examination of all of the many thousands of documents in the Auschwitz death books — as well as other, still-inaccessible wartime records — would bring us much closer to finding definitive answers to the central questions of Germany's wartime Jewish policy. It is high time for archival officials in Poland, Germany, Russia and Israel to open all their records to independent scholars.

1. Probably the most often cited "evidence" for extermination at Auschwitz are the "confessions" and "affidavits" of former camp commandant Rudolf Höss. See, for example, Höss affidavit of April 5, 1946 (Nuremberg document 3868-PS), and: Rudolf Höss, Death Dealer: The Memoirs of the SS Kommandant at Auschwitz, Steven Paskuly, ed. (Buffalo: Prometheus, 1992), pp. 27, 31, 32, 34, 157, 159.; As Prof. Robert Faurisson has explained, the Höss "confessions" are error-ridden statements obtained by torture. See: R. Faurisson, "How the British Obtained the Confessions of Rudolf Höss," The Journal of Historical Review, Winter 1986-87, pp. 389-403.; Other often-cited "eyewitness accounts" confirming the alleged Auschwitz extermination program include: Miklos Nyiszli, Auschwitz: A Doctor's Eyewitness Account (Fawcett Crest pb. edition, 1985?), pp. 23-24.; Olga Lengyel, Five Chimneys (Granada, pb., 1981), pp. 83.

2. Jean-Louis Amar, "Death Camps: The Archives Open," Red Cross, Red Crescent, January-April 1990, pp. 24-26. This journal is apparently an official publication of the Swiss-based International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

3. E. Schulten, "lich Glasnost ...," Waldeckische Landeszeitung, Nov. 2, 1989.

4. J.-L. Amar, "Death Camps: The Archives Open," Red Cross, Red Crescent, January-April 1990, p. 26.

5. This has recently been obliquely confirmed by Auschwitz State Museum official Franciszek Piper. See: F. Piper, "Estimating the Number of Deportees to and Victims of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp," Yad Vashem Studies (Jerusalem: 1991), Vol. 21, pp. 70-71.

6. Helmut Eschwege, ed., Kennzeichen J (Berlin: 1966), p. 264. Source cited: Archives of the Jewish Historical Institute of Warsaw. German document No. 128.

7. Nuremberg document NO-021. Published in: Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals (Washington, DC: 1949-1953), Vol. 5, pp. 384-385. (This is also known as the NMT "green series.")

8. This is also the considered view of Dr. Arthur Butz. See: A. Butz, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century (IHR, 1983), p. 124.

The cover of an Auschwitz death registry volume (Sterbebuch) containing 1,500 certificates from July and August 1943.

This Auschwitz camp death certificate reports that prisoner Josef Buck, a Jewish teacher from Kattowitz, was 65 years old when he died on August 1, 1941. "Weakness of old age" is given as the cause of death.

Josek [sic] Nisenkorn, a Jewish laborer, was 71 years old when he died in Auschwitz on August 11, 1941. "Weakness of old age" is given as the cause of death by camp physician Dr. Siegfried Schwela, who himself later died of typhus.

Chaim Richter, a Jewish salesman, was 81 years old when he died in Auschwitz on March 1, 1942, of "weakness of old age."

Samuel Mandel, a Jewish tailor, was 74 years old when he died in Auschwitz on March 26, 1942. Physician Dr. Entress reported the cause of death as "influenza with heart failure."

Ernestine Hochfelder, a Jewish inmate who had been deported to the camp from Slovakia, was 70 years old when she died in Auschwitz on June 4, 1942. "Physical weakness and old age" is cited as the cause of death.

Josef Hoffmann, a Jewish butcher, was 89 years old when he died of "old age" on June 22, 1942.

Abraham Stieber, a Jewish salesman from Slovakia, was 79 years old when he died on July 2, 1942, of "old age."

David Reichman, a Jewish farmer, was 70 years old when he died on July 22, 1942, of "old age."

Tibor Pollak, a Jewish secondary school student from Slovakia, was 14 years old when he died on July 26, 1942. Camp physician Dr. Meyer recorded "heart and circulatory failure" as the cause of death.

Albert Janos, a Jewish cook born in Russia, was deported to Auschwitz from Bordeaux, France. He was 48 years old when he died on August 10, 1942. Camp physician Dr. Entress recorded the cause of death as sepsis with inflammation of tissues.

Gerszon Wajsbort [sic], a Jewish merchant deported to Auschwitz from Paris, was 40 years old when he died on August 10, 1942. Camp physician Dr. Meyer recorded the cause of death as accumulation of fluid in the lungs and heart failure.

Armin Horn, a Jewish salesman deported to the camp from Slovakia, died on August 19, 1942, at the age of 70. Camp physician Dr. Thilo recorded the cause of death as "accumulation of fluid in the intestine and weakness of old age."

Tadeusz Jaworski, a Catholic Pole from Krakow, had just turned 19 years old when he succumbed to typhus on August 22, 1942.

Abraham Trijtel, a Jewish student from the Netherlands, was 14 years old when he died on September 4, 1942, of "acute inflammation of the stomach intestine."

Jettchen Fuld, a Jewish inmate, was 67 when she died on October 10, 1942. Old age and physical weakness is given as the cause of death.

Salomon Serlui, a Jewish laborer from the Netherlands, was 67 when he died in Auschwitz on October 16, 1942. Camp physician Dr. Kremer reported a stomach ulcer as the cause of death.

Renö Hirschfeld, a Jewish tailor born in Berlin in 1878, was 64 when he died on November 2, 1942. Camp physician Dr. Kitt reported "weakness of old age" as the cause of death.

Freide [sic] Littmann, a Jewish inmate from Leipzig, Germany, was 70 when she died of "old age"on January 11, 1943.

Wolf Eisenhöndler, a Jewish student from Berlin, was 14 when he died on January 13, 1943. "Sepsis with pneumonia" is reported as the cause of death.

Josephine Kohn, a Jewish inmate born in Hungary who had been living in Leipzig, was 69 years old when she died on February 10, 1943. Auschwitz camp physician Dr. Kitt reported "weakness of old age" as the cause of death.

Emil Kaufmann, a Jewish attorney deported from Germany, was 78 years old when he died of "old age" on February 15, 1943. "Weakness of old age" is given as the cause of death.

Julius Sonnenberg, a salesman from Germany, was 65 when he died on February 27, 1943, of "angina pectoris." His religion is cited as "non-believing, formerly Jewish."

Abraham Blok, a Jewish butcher from the Netherlands, was 70 years old when he died of "old age" on March 6, 1943.

Franz Waitz, a Catholic laborer, was 67 years old when he succumbed to typhus on June 21, 1943. His death was certified by Dr. Josef Mengele, the Auschwitz camp physician who was sensationally stigmatized after the war as the "angel of death."

Josef Daniel, a Catholic laborer from rural Moravia, was 18 years old when he ed his life on June 21, 1943, by "suicide by high-voltage electrical current."

Max Lichtenstaedt, a Jewish salesman from Berlin, was 73 years old when he died in Auschwitz on July 21, 1943. "Uraemia" is given as the cause of death.

Peter Diessenberg, a baby, was just one year old when he died in Auschwitz on December 27, 1943.

Johanna Seiner, a Jewish inmate who had been deported to Auschwitz from the Theresienstadt ghetto-camp in Bohemia, was 72 years old when she died of "old age" on December 27, 1943.

Zeli Gieclik, a Jewish tailor, was 34 when he died on December 12, 1943. Camp physician Dr. Fischer reported "sudden heart failure" as the cause of death. This is the last certificate in death registry volume 25, which is the final volume for the year 1943.

From The Journal of Historical Review, Fall 1992 (Vol. 12, No. 3), pages 265-298.
nemo said:
I try to put myself into the mind of a typically ponerized Nazi bureaucrat:
Order from above.
Stop. Sent jews into east .Stop.Fuehrer Hauptquartier, or so...
(euphemism for sending them to one of the six extermination camps; I don`t think Hitler was on record having ordered the "final solution";
it has to be imagined like a scene from a generic gangster movie where the gangster boss tells his goon "You take care of it."
In a ponerized society such subtle hints are usually perfectly understood by the characteropathic factotums).

This is a point that is very convincingly established in the BBC documentary 'The Nazis, A Warning from History'. Hitler suggested his orders really vaguely, perhaps because he couldn't be bothered to think about specifics, he wasn't smart enough, or perhaps because he liked to have his commanders guessing and competing to best please him. So they carried them out in their own 'style' and according to their own interpretations. There's a very clear example in the documentary of what they did in two different areas of Poland, administered by different German officers. If I remember correctly, the orders were to "Germanize" the land. So one of them sent away anyone who didn't make the racial standards, stole their lands and houses, etc. The other simply asked the Polish to admit they were German, without bothering too much about racial matters. So I can certainly picture the most pathological people in charge deciding that the best thing to do was to kill people en masse, and of course once you accept that, then it's just a matter of efficiency and the law of the least effort, which would logically lead to something like gas chambers. What is not clear to me is just how generalized this practice was, and how many people died that way.
Yes, nemo makes some very good points. The numbers and methods of extermination are not what we should concentrate on because this can be and is used to vector those who want to find as much of the truth as possible away from what really matters; and "documents / archives" are created and destroyed for this and other political reasons, making the pursuit of getting the details of the numbers and methods of mass murder with any accuracy almost impossible.

Our energy and time would be better spent on who played what role and why. And if World War II was a "trial run," it is imperative to get to the crux of the matter.
A few more big clues can be found in Hannah Arendt's book "Eichmann in Jerusalem" about the Eichmann trial. She reports that not only were the Jewish community leaders completely complicit in the Holocaust, but that Jews who were in the concentration camps for criminal offenses as opposed to those who were there due to "community roundups for extermination", were treated better. In short, Jewish psychopaths were probably selected to do the dirty work, and in their "selections" of who would live and who would die (however that death came about) may have been determined by whether or not the individual was a psychopath or not.

A few excerpts:

Hannah Arendt said:
...the gravest omission from the "general picture" was that of a witness to testify to the cooperation between the Nazi rulers and the Jewish authorities, and hence of an opportunity to raise the question: "Why did you cooperate in the destruction of your own people and eventually , in your own ruin?" The only witness who had been a prominent member of a Judenrat (community leader) was Pinchas Freudiger, the former Baron Philip von Freudiger, of Budapest.... During his testimony, the only serious incidents in the audience took place; people screamed at the witness in Hungarian and in Yiddish... the court had to interrupt the session. ...

Freudiger, an Orthodox Jew of considerable dignity, was shaken. [he said] "There are people here who say they were not told to escape. But fifty percent of the people who escaped were captured and killed."

This compared with ninety-nine percent death rate for those who did not [resist and] escape.

"Where could they have gone to? Where could they have fled?" [Freudiger asked]

But he himself fled, to Rumania, because he was rich...

The matter of cooperation was twice mentioned by the judges; Judge Yitzak Raveh elicited form one of the resistance witnesses and admission that the [Jewish] "ghetto police" were an "instrument in the hands of murderers" and an acknowledgment of "the Judenrat's policy of cooperating with the Nazis. .. Judge Halevi found out from Euchmann in cross-examination that the Nazis had regarded this cooperation as the very cornerstone of their Jewish policy. ...

The well-known fact that the actual work of killing in the extermination centers was usually in the hands of Jewish commandos had been fairly and squarely established by witnesses for the prosecution - how they had worked in the gas chambers and the crematories, how they had pulled the gold teeth and cut the hair of the corpses, how they had dug the graves, and later, dug them up again to extinguish the traces of mass murder; how Jewish technicians had built gas chambers in Theresienstadt, where the Jewish "autonomy" had been carried so far that even the hangman was a Jew. But this was only horrible, it was no moral problem. The selection and classification of workers in the camps was made by the S.S., who had a marked predilection for the criminal elements; and, anyhow, it could only have been the selection of the worst.

This was especially true in Poland, where the Nazis had exterminated a large proportion of the Jewish intelligentsia at the same time that they killed Polish intellectuals and members of the professions - in marked contrast, incidentally, to their policy in Western Europe, where they tended to save prominent Jews in order to exchange them for German civilian internees or prisoners of war; Bergen-Belsen was originally a camp for "exchange Jews."...

...the whole truth was that there existed Jewish community organizations and Jewish party and welfare organizations on both the local and the international level. Wherever Jews lived, there were recognized Jewish leaders, and this leadership, almost without exception. cooperated in one way or another, for one reason or another. [...]

...I have dwelt on this chapter of the story, which the Jerusalem trial failed to put before the eyes of the world in its true dimensions, because it offers the most striking insight into the totality of the moral collapse the Nazis caused in respectable European society - not only in Germany but in almost all countries, not only among the persecutors but also among the victims. ....

The extent to which even the Jewish victims had accepted the standards of the Final Solution is perhaps nowhere more glaringly evident than in the so-called Kastner Report. Even after the end of the war, Kastner was proud of his success in saving "prominent Jews, a category officially introduced by the Nazis in 1942... it went without saying that a famous Jew had more right to stay alive than an ordinary one... Kastner saved exactly 1,684 people with approximately 476,000 victims.

As Eichmann told it, the most potent factor in the soothing of his own conscience was the simple fact that he could see no one, no one at all, who actually was against the Final Solution.

... Without Jewish help in administrative and police work - the final rounding up of Jews in Berlin was done entirely by Jewish police - there would have been either complete chaos or an impossibly severe drain on German manpower. ("There can be no doubt that, without the cooperation of the victims, it would hardly have been possible for a few thousand people, most of whom worked in offices, to liquidate many hundreds of thousands of other people...)

To a Jew this role of the Jewish leaders in the destruction of their own people is undoubtedly the darkest chapter of the whole dark story. It had been known about before, but it has now been exposed for the first time in all its pathetic and sordid detail by Raul Hilberg...

Jewish officials could be trusted to compile the lists of persons and of their property, to secure money from the deportees to defray the expenses of their deportation and extermination, to keep track of vacated apartments, to supply police forces to help seize Jews and get them on trains, until, as a last gesture, they handed over the assets of the Jewish community in good order for final confiscation. They distributed the Yellow Star badges, and sometimes, as in Warsaw, "the sale of the armbands became a regular business; there were ordinary armbands of cloth and fancy plastic armbands which were washable."

In the Nazi inspired, but no Nazi-dictated, manifestos they issued, we still can sense how they enjoyed their new power - "The Central Jewish Council has been granted the right of absolute disposal over all Jewish spiritual and material wealth and over all Jewish manpower," as the first announcement of the Budapest Council phrased it.

...there had existed two categories of Jews in the camps, the so-called "transport Jews", who made up the bulk of the population and who had never committed an offense, even in the eyes of the Nazis, and the Jews "in protective custody", who had been sent to German concentration camps for some transgression and who, under the totalitarian principle of directing the full terror of the regime against the "innocents", were considerabley better off than the others... (In the words of Mrs. Raja Kagan, an excellent witness on Auschwitz, it was the great paradox of Auschwitz. Those caught committing a criminal offense were treated better than the others." They were not subject to the selection and, as a rule, they survived. ...

... After America's entry into the war, [Himmler] wrote to Muller, in December, 1942, that "all Jews with influential relatives in the United States should be put into a special camp ... and stay alive," adding, "Such Jews are for us precious hostages. I have a figure of ten thousand in mind." [...]

The massacre of Polish Jewry had been decided on by Hitler not in May or June, 1941, the date of the order for the Final Solution, but in September, 1939, as the judges knew from testimony given at Nuremberg by Erwin Lahousen of the German Counterintelligence: "As early as September, 1939, Hitler had decided the murder of Polish Jews." [...]

The judges had before them also the minutes of two conferences at the beginning of the war, one of which Heydrich had called on September 21, 1939, as a meeting of "department heads and commanders of the mobile killing units" ... the other took place on January 30, 1940, and dealt with the "questions of evacuation and resettlement." At both meetings, the fate of the entire native population in the occupied territories was discussed - that is, the "solution" of the Polish as well as the "Jewish question."

Even at this early date, the "solution of the Polish problem" was well advanced: of the "political leadership" it was reported, no more than three per cent was left; in order to "render this three per cent harmless," they would have "to be sent into concentration camps." The middle strata of the Polish intelligentsia were to be registered and arrested - "teachers, clergy, nobility, legionaries, returning officers, etc." - while the "primitive Poles" were to be added to German manpower as "migratory laborers" and to be "evacuated" from their homes. "The goal is: The Pole has to become the eternal seasonal and migratory laborer, his permanent residence should be in the region of Cracow." The Jews were to be gathered into urban centers and "assembled in ghettos where they can be easily controlled and conveniently evacuated later on."

Those are just a few bits and pieces. Note that Arendt quotes directly from documents and/or actual testimony of the perpetrators given at Nuremberg.

Now, I haven't gone deeply into Nuremberg, but Arendt comments that most of the prisoners that were tried tended to shove all the blame for things onto their Nazi comrades who had escaped, died, or disappeared. Considering her heavy emphasis on the extensive involvement of Jews in the Holocaust, it is not inconceivable that a really serious cover-up WAS undertaken and the ways and means of the culling of the Jewish population has been seriously obfuscated by Jews themselves.

She mentions, at one point, that there was testimony given that in the last year or two of the war, many of the burial sites were dug up and the remains further hidden or otherwise destroyed, including using explosives. Well, I don't know how far-fetched that is or not, but it was mentioned.

Another point might be that a lot of false claims could have been made afterward - deliberately - to draw attention away from what really was going on. The alleged Polish death camp where it has been shown that no bodies could have possibly been buried, and no ruins of destroyed buildings possibly concealed (is this Treblinka?) could be simply a distraction. There might be some fear or concern that if the actual sites, the actual situation, were to be exposed, it would expose the complicity of the Jews not to mention the fact that it was not exclusively a "Jewish" holocaust.

One thing that is clear is that there WAS a Holocaust - a systematic, administrative elimination of whole groups of people for no other reason than that they were considered inferior or they had something the Nazis wanted - and those groups included Poles, other slavs, Jews, and gypsies. The Poles seem to have been primary targets for the simple reason that the Nazis wanted their land - the oldest reason in history.

We just simply cannot underestimate the power of the "victors" to "re-write" history, to destroy records and traces, and to manufacture distractions. We have small-scale examples of this sort of thing that are more easily accessible, and with witnesses who point out the discrepancies, such as the JFK assassination, 9-11, and even the internment of the Japanese in the U.S. during the war. Just imagine this magnified. And do not underestimate the ability of psychopaths and other pathological types to create and maintain an almost air-tight conspiracy in a way that is inconceivable to normal human thinking.
There is just something about the official history of the Holocaust that is “off” IMO.

The first problem is that it is, to my knowledge, the only piece of history that is off-limits to new research. That the penalty for reviewing the official version and challenging it in any way is a prison sentence in many countries, countries that purport to be democracies, is most telling.

Millions died in WWII, millions died before WWII and millions have died since in the most horrific ways. Yet all these millions count not one jot against the “6 million”. The history of all that slaughter is open to all with the exception of the Holocaust.

Numerous highly credible researchers and historians have done what they could to shed real light on what really happened. Douglas Reed (Controversy of Zion), Hannah Arendt (Eichmann in Jerusalem) and Lenni Brenner (51 documents) all showed that there was a very high level of Jewish involvement in the perpetration of the crimes that have become known as the Holocaust.

From what we know now of the depths of evil that are Zionism the idea that the Holocaust was deliberately engineered by Zionists is not far fetched and is in fact supported by not only the works for the authors mentioned above but also by the research into Nazi financing by Guido Giamcomo Preparata (Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America made the Third Reich).

The history of the world under the twin evils of Zionism and Communism with their common origins should leave us in no doubt as to the cunning of those who seek our destruction.

With this in mind therefore, it seems to me that it is no wonder there is confusion as to the details of the Holocaust and the exact methods by which the victims, both Jew and non-Jew, died. There is deliberate obfuscation of the facts to hide the involvement of those whose hands the blood is ultimately on.
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