Revolution in Ukraine: Western-engineered Coup d'État?

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Possibility of Being said:
Altair said:
Again leaked emails:


Source: _]
Anything that could validate that "leak"?

I have looked around on Wisnewski's website and he seems to be seriously interested since many years in what goes on. For instance he wondered about Arseniy Yatshenyuk and describes here (_ how using the achive function he claims to have evidence Yatshenyuk's organisation Open Ukraine has these partners:

A similar report to Wisnewskis text is carried on another website: _
Anonymous Ukraine hack correspondence of US Army Attache Assistant in Kiev and discover a plot against Ukraine

We are Anonymous Ukraine

We have hacked e-mail correspondence of US Army Attache Assistant in Kiev Jason Gresh and a high ranking official from Ukrainian General Staff Igor Protsyk.

It appears that they are planning to conduct a series of attacks on Ukrainian military bases in order to destabilize the situation in Ukraine.

Particularly, Jason Gresh writes to Igor Protsyk that it’s time to implement a plan that implies “causing problems to the transport hubs in the south-east of Ukraine in order to frame-up the neighbor. It will create favorable conditions for Pentagon to act”, says Jason Gresh.

In his turn, Protsyk writes to some "Vasil" and tells him to arrange an attack on an airbase of 25 aviation brigade of Ukrainian air force stationed in Melitopol.

This "Vasil" is responsible for arranging the details of the attack, gathering of the gunmen and providing them with a map of sites that are chosen to be attacked.

We strongly recommend everyone to look through these documents. There you will find all the details.

(SNIP - Turner Radio Network will not directly reproduce the Hyper-Links to the 7.9 MB files full of allegedly stolen emails)

On this site _ there were live links but Mediafire had taken the file down due to violation of terms of service.

Given what we have learned through reports, leaks and analysis about the meddling of Western forces in the Ukraine, as well as what we know of the extreme willingness of some Ukrainians to assist in these endeavours even to the point of going to war, they could be for real.

Moreover, based on what John Kerry said anything is possible. It can be real or it can be part of the information war: said:
"Our hope is not to create hysteria or excessive concern about that at this point in time," he said. "Our hope is to avoid that, but there's no telling that we can."



Jason P. Gresh
Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army
Assistant Army Attaché
U.S. Embassy, Kyiv
Tankova 4, Kyiv, Ukraine 04112
(380-44) 521 – 5444 | Fax (380-44) 521 – 5636

US Embassy in Kyiv moved to a new location at 4 A.I. Sikorsky St. (formerly Tankova) in January 2012 [_]. The street name was changed even earlier, in October 2011, when "one of the streets in Kiev was renamed after Sikorsky. The decision was made by the City Council at the request of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, which opened its new office in that street."

In this context, I'd agree with this article:

While some chatter has taken place across the Internet in regards to this story, it has not yet been confirmed by this writer, Activist Post, or, to my knowledge, any other media organization as legitimate.

Unfortunately, with leaks of this nature, it is virtually impossible to confirm the veracity of the claims made therein, particularly within a short timeframe.

It should be noted that, although there is a LinkedIn profile page of a Jason Gresh listing employment as the U.S. Military Attaché to the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, Gresh is not listed on the U.S. Embassy website, nor is the position. However, Gresh did in fact work for the U.S Embassy in 2008 and in 2013. ...

Keep in mind that, while such a false flag attack is well within the realm of possibility, a large amount of disinformation is often circulated via the Internet during moments of crisis. Many of these elements of disinformation are often deliberately released in order to poison the well of good journalism with stories that seem legitimate but, in fact, are not. This method discredits the reporter and the outfit that reporter is associated with.

It is also quite possible that documents are intentionally doctored as a preventative measure to mitigate the fallout in case that document ever gets out. ...

With this in mind, it is important not to jump to conclusions as to the veracity of these emails allegedly coming from the U.S. Assistant Military Attaché or their relevance.

At this moment, they remain a development to watch - not a cause for panic.
The CNN Propaganda Machine is spewing out disinformation apace:

For the first time in more than a decade, Americans feel that Russia is a serious threat to the U.S., according to a new national poll. And they really don't like Vladimir Putin, either.

According to a CNN/ORC International Poll released today, 69% of those surveyed say Russia is a serious threat to the U.S., a 25-point jump since 2012 and the highest number on that question since the breakup of the Soviet Union.

More than seven in 10 say there is no justification for Russia's actions in Ukraine, and nearly half believe that a new Cold War is likely in the next few years. As for Putin, he saw a 14-point increase in his unfavorable rating, to 68% from 54% just before the Winter Olympics started in Sochi, Russia, last month.
All the search results go to This website publish all the hacked email correspondence of ukrainian politicians. There are e.g. 1402 emails of Vitaliy Klitshko on this website. Not sure I want to read them. :)
Just found a YouTube channel, called VICE news, showing amazing (and disturbing) footage from both Ukraine and Venezuela. These guys are filming right there in the crowds and the action.

Btw, the Venezuelan situation doesn't look good, at all! Same type of meddling going on there.

Here's the VICE news channel, check it out:

ADDED: Something fishy going on in Turkey too:
Just a note on VICE, as they are partially funded by Fox. While they have interesting pieces and claim to be impartial, when they report from demonstrations/ uprisings they always seem in the end to support the western propaganda angle.
Some thoughts on the origin of the snipers of the Maidan F. William Engdahl wrote on Global Research, March 03, 2014.
_ said:

The question unanswered until now is who deployed the snipers? According to veteran US intelligence sources, the snipers came from an ultra-right-wing military organization known as Ukrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian People’s Self-Defense (UNA-UNSO).
Strange Ukraine ‘Nationalists’

The leader of UNA-UNSO, Andriy Shkil, ten years ago became an adviser to Julia Tymoshenko. UNA-UNSO, during the US-instigated 2003-2004 “Orange Revolution”, backed pro-NATO candidate Viktor Yushchenko against his pro-Russian opponent, Yanukovich. UNA-UNSO members provided security for the supporters of Yushchenko and Julia Tymoshenko on Independence Square in Kiev in 2003-4.[4] UNA-UNSO is also reported to have close ties to the German National Democratic Party (NDP). [5]

Ever since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 the crack-para-military UNA-UNSO members have been behind every revolt against Russian influence. The one connecting thread in their violent campaigns is always anti-Russia. The organization, according to veteran US intelligence sources, is part of a secret NATO “GLADIO” organization, and not a Ukraine nationalist group as portrayed in western media. [6]

According to these sources, UNA-UNSO have been involved (confirmed officially) in the Lithuanian events in the Winter of 1991, the Soviet Coup d’etat in Summer 1991, the war for the Pridnister Republic 1992, the anti-Moscow Abkhazia War 1993, the Chechen War, the US-organized Kosovo Campaign Against the Serbs, and the August 8 2008 war in Georgia. According to these reports, UNA-UNSO para-military have been involved in every NATO dirty war in the post-cold war period, always fighting on behalf of NATO. “These people are the dangerous mercenaries used all over the world to fight NATO’s dirty war, and to frame Russia because this group pretends to be Russian special forces. THESE ARE THE BAD GUYS, forget about the window dressing nationalists, these are the men behind the sniper rifles,” these sources insist. [7]

If true that UNA-UNSO is not “Ukrainian” opposition, but rather a highly secret NATO force using Ukraine as base, it would suggest that the EU peace compromise with the moderates was likely sabotaged by the one major player excluded from the Kiev 21 February diplomatic talks—Victoria Nuland’s State Department.[8] Both Nuland and right-wing Republican US Senator John McCain have had contact with the leader of the Ukrainian opposition Svoboda Party, whose leader is openly anti-semitic and defends the deeds of a World War II Ukrainian SS-Galicia Division head.[9] The party was registered in 1995, initially calling itself the “Social National Party of Ukraine” and using a swastika style logo. Svoboda is the electoral front for neo-nazi organizations in Ukraine such as UNA-UNSO.[10]

One further indication that Nuland’s hand is shaping latest Ukraine events is the fact that the new Ukrainian Parliament is expected to nominate Nuland’s choice, Arseny Yatsenyuk, from Tymoshenko’s party, to be interim head of the new Cabinet.
(The links to the references are on the websites)
And a short note about Victoria Nuland
_ . . Understanding the Crisis in Ukraine Updated March 13 said:
. .
What is most disturbing about the regime change that brought Yatsenyuk to power is that he seems to have been put in that position through the actions of Victoria Nuland, an official of the U.S. State Department who is married to Robert Kagan. The Kagan family, Lithuanian Jews of Khazar ancestry, seems to have a permanent fiefdom at the State Department. [Kagan and Kahn are Khazar names that derive from a title of imperial rank in the Mongolian and Turkic languages equal to the status of emperor and someone who rules a khaganate.]
Robert, Fred, and their father, Donald Kagan, were the founders of the Project for a New American Century, which aggressively pushed for war against Iraq during the Clinton and Bush administrations. Rather than being allowed to start new wars, the Kagans should be prosecuted for their roles in the conspiracy to wage a war of aggression against Iraq. (See: "Russia Under Attack")-
Just came across this article:

Moscow (AFP) - A United States surveillance drone has been intercepted above the Ukranian region of Crimea, a Russian state arms and technology group said Friday.

"The drone was flying at about 4,000 metres (12,000 feet) and was virtually invisible from the ground. It was possible to break the link with US operators with complex radio-electronic" technology, said Rostec in a statement.

The drone fell "almost intact into the hands of self-defence forces" added Rostec, which said it had manufactured the equipment used to down the aircraft, but did not specify who was operating it.

"Judging by its identification number, UAV MQ-5B belonged to the 66th American Reconnaissance Brigade, based in Bavaria," Rostec said on its website, which also carried a picture of what it said was the captured drone.

The photograph appeared to show an apparently armed drone in flight, rather than debris.

The Crimean port of Sevastopol is home to Russia's Black Sea Fleet, which is believed to be equipped with detection equipment.

Crimea, where pro-Kremlin forces have control, is to hold a referendum on Sunday on the peninsula joining Russia, in what Moscow says is a fair expression of self identity but the West views as an illegal annexation of sovereign territory. sounds like they took it out with an EMP, perhaps?
I was about to post this same story, Khalsa, about Russia capturing a drone. It seems the initial reports started to be reported 3 days ago and today, it has been picked up by Before Its News, GodlikeProductions and now Yahoo, amongst others. There are also a couple of YouTube videos alleging to be footage of the drone. (?)

I suspect that the US would be flying drones over Crimea, trying to gather information. And if Russia took one down, I say more power to them. The US has no right to invade sovereign airspace of other countries. :phaser:

[quote author= Khalsa] sounds like they took it out with an EMP, perhaps?

It is more likely that they jammed the signal and took control of it. I think an EMP would just shut it down and it'd crash. From what I've read so far, they landed the drone without damage. Iran supposedly captured a drone a while back too, by taking over control and landing it, not crashing it.
Aragorn said:
Btw, the Venezuelan situation doesn't look good, at all! Same type of meddling going on there.
And that may continue worse and worse. It's like all psychopaths are thrown forward (because they must "feel" the coming of their end) regardless of the consequences or anything, they want it all. I remember a month ago or something, the Venezuelan government had to tell through the press that the extreme right would kill a leader of the opposition, Leopoldo López, and then blame the government of Maduro for that to grow the street violence. Actually they could generate monsters in Ukraine (monsters very well paid), which then serve them to keep climbing the endless violence. Like what says Ark on Syria:
[quote author=Session 7 September 2013]
Q: (Ark) I think there is another reason. You start the war, and then you let some kinds of these rebels to have access to nuclear weapons. Can you imagine how much more Homeland Security you will be able to have then if you let all these "Islamist rebels" get these weapons? Give your enemy advanced weapons, pretend you are helping them to get rid of Assad, and then later, "Oh, we didn't know they are terrorists, but now they have access to these weapons! We have to close our borders! We have to control everything!" (Andromeda) It's creepy, some of these reports of Homeland Security making these huge orders of hollow point bullets, and building these compounds with fences... It looks like they're kind of getting ready for some revolution or something. (Perceval)I wondered if those reports are just...

A: The real war, as you know, is on normal people via proxies.
Obviously, Ukraine is not Syria. A Syrian type scenario it's impossible in Ukraine because that will beginning a open war where Russia would attack European countries too. By the way, the Nazis that took over the government in Ukraine also serve Israel well, because if they become violent with Jews, many would go to the Middle East.
Something about the Jews in Ukraine:
"Rabbi hurt in Kiev attack wife calls anti-Semitic"

This can be done by those Nazi-well-paid or by agents of the Israeli service in the area.
Lilou said:
[quote author= Khalsa] sounds like they took it out with an EMP, perhaps?

It is more likely that they jammed the signal and took control of it. I think an EMP would just shut it down and it'd crash. From what I've read so far, they landed the drone without damage. Iran supposedly captured a drone a while back too, by taking over control and landing it, not crashing it.
I hope that Venezuela also has such technology to do that.
On Rt there is the news about the formation of a National Guard, 60.000 man strong:
_ said:
Ukraine has established a National Guard which will be comprised of former and current Ukrainian troops and volunteers from Maidan self-defense squads. Its declared goal, according to the statement of the country’s parliament, is the protection of Ukrainians against external and internal aggression as well as ensuring territorial integrity of the country.
Kiev’s continued economic struggles make some experts wonder who will support Ukraine’s military reform.

“Most of the financial assistance allocated to Ukraine by foreign countries, will focus on the establishment and maintenance of the National Guard of Ukraine,” former Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Vladimir Tereshchenko.

Tereshchenko says that financially supporting the Ukrainian Navy and army is being neglected by Kiev “thus emphasizing the priority of the domestic power structure” on the National Guard, which will receive the funds.

A logical outcome considering that some of the "volunteers from Maidan self-defense squads" probably would otherwise be unhappy with the austerities being put in place for the manjorty of Ukrainians. Therefore the new rulers need to create a situation where none of these "volunteers" would need to go against them. What better way than to arm them and cut down everybody else.
The Crimea referendum is tomorrow, so here's some additional propaganda right on time.

From NYT news alerts:

BREAKING NEWS Saturday, March 15, 2014 3:30 PM EDT
Russian Troops Seize Gas Plant Beyond Crimean Border, Ukraine Says

Scores of Russian troops that landed by helicopter seized a gas plant just beyond the regional border of Crimea on Saturday, the Ukrainian government said. The action was Russia’s most provocative since its forces took over Crimea two weeks ago.

The latest troop advance came one day before Crimea was set to vote on whether to secede from Ukraine, and it was testing Ukrainian leaders’ resolve to engage Russia’s much more powerful military if it moved beyond Crimea.

By late afternoon, Ukrainian troops were stationed outside the gas plant, which is on a slender sand bar to the east of the Crimean Peninsula, according to Unian, a Ukrainian news service, which quoted the local police. The news agency did not say if shots were fired.

The Ukrainian foreign ministry issued a statement saying that the nation reserved the right to use all necessary measures to stop what it called a “military invasion by Russia.”
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