Revolution in Ukraine: Western-engineered Coup d'État?

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Keep in mind current situation in Ukraine.

These terrifying processes of reciprocal destruction and
of the annihilation of everything they have attained ensue partly from the
following cause in certain periods, when the action of the cosmic law of
Solioonensius makes itself felt in their common presence, arousing in them
the mentioned need for 'freedom,' then on the one hand, the intensity of action
of the data already inherent in them for constantly engendering the impulse of
'timidity' in front of power-possessors automatically diminishes, while on the
other hand, the intensity of action of those strange being-data provoking
'hatred' toward beings of other castes increases.
"That is why I said that this subdivision of your favorites into castes—
bringing about in its total result these uniquely strange being-data which
manifest more and more in their functioning and which flow, as you have
doubtless been convinced by everything I have told you, from the conditions
of their abnormal ordinary being-existence—serves chiefly as the second
factor for the arising of these terrifying processes.
"These terrible processes usually arise and flow in the following sequence:
"It always begins like this Under the influence of the action of
Solioonensius, several beings from one or another group in whom data for
engendering that strange impulse toward beings of other castes, particularly
those of the ruling class, happen to have been crystallized more strongly than
in the rest—see and feel reality more than the others and begin, as is said
there, to 'clamor,' and these 'clamoring orators' become for those around them
what at the present time are usually called 'leaders.'
"And further, thanks both to this 'clamoring' and to the action of the
cosmic law of Solioonensius, which always combine abnormally in their
presences, others in their turn begin to clamor.
"When this uproar among the ordinary beings begins to act too
cacophonously upon what are called the 'effeminate nerves of the left half of
certain power-possessing beings of the community, and these latter give
orders to those whose jobs it is to grease with what is called 'Scottish cream'
the navels of several particularly vociferous clamorers, it is then that these
excesses of theirs begin and rise progressively to a climax—yet in the end, to
the misfortune of your favorites, they always lead to nothing.

How all this usually ends.

"If these processes of theirs had improved the existence of beings of
subsequent generations even a little, then perhaps from the point of view of a
strictly impartial observer they might not appear to be so terrible But to the
misfortune of all the three-brained beings of our Great Universe, no sooner
does the 'blissful action' of this lawful cosmic manifestation cease, and these
terrifying processes come to an end, than there begins again the 'same old
story,' and ordinary being-existence grows more bitter than before and,
parallel with this, there also deteriorates what is called the 'sane awareness of
the sense and aim of their existence. '
"And it deteriorates, in my opinion, chiefly because after these processes,
the leaders of the former ruling class are usually replaced by beings from
other castes which have never had among their representatives, either of the
present or past generations, persons of any experience, conscious or
unconscious, of that being-manifestation which gives the ability to direct the
process of outer existence, and sometimes even of inner existence, of
surrounding beings who although 'similar' to them have not yet attained to
their degree of Reason.
"In all justice it must be admitted that although in the common presence of
the three-brained beings of the former ruling class the data present in their
'subconscious' for engendering real being-Conscience also did not take part in
the functioning of their 'waking consciousness,' these beings at least did have
the habit of ruling, acquired by heredity and improving automatically from
generation to generation.
"On the other hand, in the presence of the beings who have newly attained
to power, not only is real being-Conscience absent, as in the beings of the
former ruling class, but in addition, certain 'charms' begin to manifest in a
particularly stormy way and to give extraordinary and terrible results These
'charms' in general are crystallized in the presence of terrestrial three-brained
beings, especially of recent times, in consequence of the properties of the
organ kundabuffer, such as 'vanity,' 'pride,' 'self-conceit,' 'self-love,' and
others, whose functioning in them is still quite fresh, having almost never
before been 'satisfied' to a sufficient degree.
"To these terrestrial beings who become 'impromptu power-possessors,'
with no hereditary data at all in themselves for even the automatic ability to
rule, one of the sayings of our dear teacher can be fittingly applied
" 'I have yet to meet that idiot used to shuffling about in
a pair of old slippers who would feel comfortable in smart new shoes.
"And really, my boy, each time the action of Solioonensius comes to an
end and a 'relatively normal' existence begins again among your favorites, the
'freshly baked' power-possessing beings 'cut those capers' thanks to which
there is a constant increase in the birth rate of what are called 'slugs,' 'snails,'
'lice,' 'cockroaches,' and many similar parasites which destroy everything
good on that planet.
Zee Ley said:
More about the law Solioonensius. The reasons for its manifestation. Anticipated effects and cause of possible distortion.

Can you clarify and explain the connection of the quotes to the matter at hand?
Keit, I should thought about this before posting but is it possible to move Gurdjieff quotes in some separate thread?

Can you clarify and explain the connection of the quotes to the matter at hand?

There I will do my best.
I think they should be deleted because they are irrelevant to the topic.
Same pattern as elsewhere like in Nicaragua, where they did the same thing, and as they like to work both sides simultaneously, it's always hard to know if any of them are for real... protesters, rebels etc. The Sandinistas highjacked that situation as well and continue to do so with new legislation enabling the ole presidente for life routine.... sound familiar? ;D

If anything, Putin is playing it way too careful and using kid-gloves, but then he did, as well as others it seems, warn the President to tackle this issue before it blows out of proportion... same in any situation in life, if you don't stop the bleeding early on, it will kill you, thus 'knowledge protects', as in it tells you to get off your ass and take care of business while you still have one, because there's always some thieves out there looking for a quick theft, be it cash or a country, the only difference is scale of operations. "If you give them in inch they'll take a mile" applies here as does so many other warnings that stand the test of time.

So, the jackals or rebel rousers are in town and setting up shop as shock troops for what will follow if you allow it, but Prof Putin can play this to his advantage if he secures the Crimea and eastern areas while letting the rest of the country get a taste of reality, of Western hospitality, EU style, as it seems that like most people, the alarm clocks ring but they can't stay awake long enough to realize they are getting played by the same crew every time. Life is like that, no? :P

The entire Western economic game is about to fold anyway, so it's usually best not to dive to deeply in a cesspool unless you want to party on a sinking ship. The NWO gameplan for world domination along the usual Global Police State framework is almost wrapped around the world, though quite fragile in most parts, but illusion is all that matters to the puppets anyway. They are following the classic 'take no prisoners' script like Hitler at the end, willing to take the country down with him, and if you are a stupid psycho, why would you be concerned, and if you are part of the Western pretense, you know these rebels are worthless pawns and easily sacrificed for the needs of state, just like all the jihadis around the world that fall for the basic bs of empire-building, which usually clears the prisoners looking for willing participants in crime, even if it's only to create as much chaos as possible heading into the final curtain call.

Putin has to protect his periphery while he continues to deal with the rest of the puppet show economy and whatnot. All he really needs to do is simply to tell the truth, and try to get it into the homeland of the West where it will create chaos in the minds of the masses, upsetting their mental equilibrium if nothing else. Isn't that what RT is for? And look at the stress these current little truthful moments are causing there and in the mainstream media of the NWO/GPS. Such revelations go back to the beginning of 'America' from the British imperial gameplan, steal from the locals and then throw them out of their own house. Same around the world, only slavery isn't always utilized, depending upon the age and type of people involved.

If anything, Putin has been too soft on the West and allowed this situation to develop and now has to deal with being too nice. Didn't Caesar suffer from this same situation? Didn't it get him killed? It's nice to forget and be friends, but you cannot do that with those seeking to control, manipulate and destroy you and your people and everything you hold dear, just ask the Native Americans' who said "White man speaks with forked tongue".... has anything changed? They didn't see it coming, or not enough of them to do anything about it... and so it goes, the lessons repeat and repeat here in Purgatory, as it is in Thailand, Venezuela and elsewhere as the 'rebels' don't want free and fair elections, they want power and will stop at nothing until they get it, and if you don't understand that, you deserve the results... no pain, no gain, right?
Aragorn said:
Have you guys seen these latest videos?

On Sott here:
I wasn't able to translate the Russian link at this site to verify the contents?

Ukrainian Gold Reserves loaded on a unidentified Transport Aircraft in Kiev's Borispol Airport and flown to Uncle Sam’s vault

According to the last night ,Ukrainian gold reserves (40 sealed boxes) were loaded on an unidentified transport aircraft in Kiev’s Borispol airport. The board took off immediately.

A source in the Ukrainian government confirmed that the transfer of the gold reserves of Ukraine to the United States was ordered by the acting PM Arseny Yatsenyuk.

So my guess is, that is if indeed this report is true it either means the new ruling elite have stolen the gold bullion or perhaps their is a legitimate fear of the Russians taking possession of this bullion, whatever the facts, it still looks very shady indeed.

Ukraine turmoil - Live Updates - March 10, 2014

The coup-imposed government in Kiev is seeking foreign aid from the US, the EU and the IMF to address its budget shortage. The east remains defiant of the new authorities, while Russia reserves the right to deploy troops in order to prevent bloodshed.

Monday, March 10
23:05 GMT:Police in Crimea have detained a number of people who, under the guise of policemen, were damaging citizens’ passports. According to authorities, an undisclosed number of suspects were arrested on Monday in the cities of Simferopol and Saki.

“The perpetrators disguised as police officers demanded that citizens show their passports , after which they were taken away or damaged " police said in a press release.

Law enforcers are calling on anyone affected by the fraudulent actions to immediately contact authorities to recover their documents.

22:01 GMT:The World Bank is prepared to offer Ukraine $3 billion in aid in 2014 to support “economic reforms” in the country, the bank said in a statement. It failed to specify particular conditions for the loan.

The World Bank announcement comes in addition to promises from the International Monetary Fund, the United States, and the European Union to consider all means of helping Ukraine's struggling economy.

20:04 GMT:More than 1 billion hryvna (at least $110 million) belonging to the regional budget of Crimea, has been frozen by the coup-appointed government in Kiev, according to the region’s treasury department. The aim was to “leave 200 thousand employees without pay, and 180 thousand children without subsidies,” according to a statement put out by the Crimean parliament. Local lawmakers also said that the asset freeze was carried out to sabotage the independence referendum on March 16.
Regarding the participation of foreign neo-nazis in the events in Ukraine, a piece of information appeared on page 11 of the Danish Ekstra Bladet Tuesday the 11th of March. The story is that the night between Sunday and Monday there was a clash in Malmø between antifascists and neo-nazis which involved knives and led to six wounded of which the 4 were due to the knives. "According to sources with insight into the groupings one of the suspects is a Swedish neo-nazi newly arrived from the battles in Ukraine."
Anti-Putin propaganda is working overtime. Take a look at these Western magazines' covers:
Keit said:
Anti-Putin propaganda is working overtime. Take a look at these Western magazines' covers:

Yes, it does. They overlook most of the apsects of what the West has been doing and is involved in as well as what the Ukrainian nationalists are doing.

Today I found a Russian report _ uploaded by ChannelProXima
with a lot of footage showing the democracy the US government and their aids are promoting, the role Ukrainian nationalists have played in the wars in Caucasus, their activities in Ukraine, and there are also great biographies of the different people in the new leadership of Kiev. The last 20 minutes or so is about the murder of Che Guevara.
Keit said:
Anti-Putin propaganda is working overtime. Take a look at these Western magazines' covers:

Thank you for the link. It is truly incredible the demonising of Putin, despite all the facts say something else. The West is at the moment able to shout the loudest as they control the media, but it doesn't make what they say any more sane.

The images follow the demonising of Assad, Gaddafi, Chavez, Ahmadinejad and on and on. Not one of these papers have tried to paint the same picture of Netenyahu or Sharon or Obama og Clinton or ..., which gives a clue as to who is behind it. An insult to objectivity!
thorbiorn said:
Today I found a Russian report _ uploaded by ChannelProXima
with a lot of footage showing the democracy the US government and their aids are promoting, the role Ukrainian nationalists have played in the wars in Caucasus, their activities in Ukraine, and there are also great biographies of the different people in the new leadership of Kiev. The last 20 minutes or so is about the murder of Che Guevara.

Thor, I know you are practicing your new Russian skills, but can you cool it on posting things from Russian sources except perhaps in the Russian language forum? Unless there is dubbing or subtitles in English, of course, or unless you undertake to also provide a translation.
Aeneas said:
Keit said:
Anti-Putin propaganda is working overtime. Take a look at these Western magazines' covers:

Thank you for the link. It is truly incredible the demonising of Putin, despite all the facts say something else. The West is at the moment able to shout the loudest as they control the media, but it doesn't make what they say any more sane.

The images follow the demonising of Assad, Gaddafi, Chavez, Ahmadinejad and on and on. Not one of these papers have tried to paint the same picture of Netenyahu or Sharon or Obama og Clinton or ..., which gives a clue as to who is behind it. An insult to objectivity!

You said it right! One picture has Putin in a strait jacket & then another has him as "the joker" - the totally crazy Heath Ledger one no less! Don't get me started on "The Sun" newspaper, it is, apparently, Britain's biggest selling newspaper & a despicable one at that. And does that "cold war" rubbish still work? I'm assuming that it doesn't, for the most part, but I'm also assuming that "the other side" thinks it does. They sure covered as many bases with the "Putin the antagonist" theme. :(
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