Revolution in Ukraine: Western-engineered Coup d'État?

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We have Obama's mighty response - sanctions against 7 russian officials. :lol:

Obama eats crow, announces minor sanctions against seven Russian officials

President Obama announced Monday that he is leveling new sanctions against seven Russian officials the White House says have contributed to the crisis in Ukraine.

Obama announced the sanctions one day after the Crimean region of Ukraine voted overwhelmingly to join Russia in a referendum that the U.S. and western allies vowed not to recognize.

In comments at the White House to formally announce the sanctions, Obama said he believes there is still a diplomatic solution to end the crisis. At the same time, he warned that if Russia continues to interfere with Ukraine's sovereignty he stands ready to push for even tougher sanctions.

"We are imposing sanctions on specific individuals for undermining the sovereignty, territorial integrity and government of Ukraine," Obama said."We are making it clear that there are consequences for their actions."

The high-level government officials named by the White House are: Vladislav Surkov, Sergey Glazyev, Leonid Slutsky, Andrei Klishas, Valentina Matviyenko, Dmitry Rogozin, and Yelena Mizulina.

Surkov and Glazyev are presidential advisers to Russian President Vladimir Putin. The five others hold various positions in the Russian parliament and Russian government.

The punitive measure -- which will almost certainly heighten tensions between U.S. and Russia -- does not target Putin directly.
What's funny and ridiculous, that apparently these, so called sanctioned politicians, don't even have businesses or bank accounts in the US.

Here are some tongue in cheek responses: :cool2:

Mr Rogozin mocked the American measures in a message on his Twitter account (@DRogozin): “Comrade Obama, what should those who have neither accounts nor property abroad do? Or maybe you didn't think of that?”

Surkov responded (here in Russian), that he sees the sanctions as the highest honor and recognition of his services to the Russian Federation. He doesn't have any accounts in the US. Says, that the only things that interest him there, are Tupac, Allen Ginsberg, and Jackson Pollock, and he doesn't need a visa to enjoy their works. :P

And Matvienko said, that she also never had any bank accounts in the US, so she doesn't even understand the purpose of the threat, and that this move is unprecedented and something like this never happened before, even during the Cold War.

It's actually hilarious and quite embarrassing for the US, Obama, and the whole psycho bunch. :rolleyes:
Pashalis said:
This whole soap opera reminds me of what was stated in the paper "The Hazard to Civilization from Fireballs and Comets" which was addressed to the European Office of Aerospace Research and development, dated June 4, 1996:

"We do not need the celestial threat to disguise Cold War intentions; rather we need the Cold War to disguise celestial intentions!"

Maybe that is what that all is really about? A new cold war in which anything that is hitting the earth can be blamed on humans on either side of the "new cold war" line and possibly create a new hot war if needed at any time, if things out there get to much out of hand?
That's very possible. Yes, will must to see to what extent they can hide what actually happens.
The reactions of people if know the truth (and how tptb have fooled all of us) could be tremendous.

Renaissance said:
We have Obama's mighty response - sanctions against 7 russian officials. :lol:

Obama eats crow, announces minor sanctions against seven Russian officials

..."We are imposing sanctions on specific individuals for undermining the sovereignty, territorial integrity and government of Ukraine," Obama said."We are making it clear that there are consequences for their actions."

The high-level government officials named by the White House are: Vladislav Surkov, Sergey Glazyev, Leonid Slutsky, Andrei Klishas, Valentina Matviyenko, Dmitry Rogozin, and Yelena Mizulina.

Surkov and Glazyev are presidential advisers to Russian President Vladimir Putin. The five others hold various positions in the Russian parliament and Russian government.

The punitive measure -- which will almost certainly heighten tensions between U.S. and Russia -- does not target Putin directly.
Obama and his gang are increasingly showing how stupid they are. The truth is that if the world could vote in a referendum for be free of them, the vast majority would vote yes, as in Crimea.

Laura said:
Oh, that is just HILARIOUS! Obama is such a psycho.
Yup. I hope that take note the majority of normal people in America
Here is the latest RAP NEWS by "the juice media" feat. Abby Martin about the Crimea situation:

Interesting that the force there has also changed from the presenter being more or less neutral in presenting the different facets of world events and the different takes from alternative media on it, into a not so neutral position, by saying russia invaded ukraine with military force. That is not neutral. That is a statement of "a fact" that most likely, at this point, is a lie.

It is another one of those "both sides are evil" report, while ignoring the truth, lies and facts on the ground, especially about russia, Putin, ukraine and what actually is happening there.

By the way: Alex Jones also seems to go into a similar direction...

Maybe somebody wants us in the alternative media, to think exactly that way about this situation? Facts are facts and if the facts on the ground are currently corresponding with what Putin and russia have said and done, why should we not report and follow up on it? That does not mean we are necessarily taking sides when we do that I think, it just means we are standing up for facts, truth and objective coverage, no matter if it is coming from the carefully created "evil Putin/russia" or not. Fact are facts and they have to be reported as well as lies have to be exposed for what they are.

So in this case saying "both sides are evil" and "you can not trust any news from either side" is akin as to not standing up for the facts and for objective coverage and ignoring what those facts and lies actually are.

Also as SOTT said on the last radio show: What should have Putin done? Should he have just sit back in that situation? And what would have been the consequences for crimea, russia and ukraine if he would have done that?
Laura said:
Anthony said:
People have a choice, but if that choice doesn't coincide with what
the elites want then forget about it - it's violation of the international laws
or some other nonsense. I mean, they can't really do anything now
with 95% of the people approving of the referendum - unless they want
to expose their patological version of the so-called democracy.

Check mate for Russia?

Yeah. US trying to save face now. They know checkmate is inevitable, so they knock over their king.

Hm I tend to see this as royal rosado of power - King is now in Russia...
I'm wondering, is there any official reaction to the infamous (?) statement by Dmitry Kiselyov that "Russia can turn US to radioactive ash"?

_ [video with English dubbing]


22.30 Reuters is reporting that a Kremlin-backed journalist has issued a stark warning to the United States about Moscow's nuclear capabilities as the White House threatened sanctions over Crimea's referendum on union with Russia.

"Russia is the only country in the world that is realistically capable of turning the United States into radioactive ash," television presenter Dmitry Kiselyov said on his weekly current affairs show.

Behind him was a backdrop of a mushroom cloud following a nuclear blast.

Kiselyov was named by President Vladimir Putin in December as the head of a new state news agency whose task will be to portray Russia in the best possible light.


В конце февраля телеведущий [Киселев] получил от президента России орден "За заслуги".
In late February, [Kiselyov] received "Order of Merit" from the President of Russia.

Doesn't look like he did portray Russia in the best possible light with his comment. Or did he? Or is it another example of something being taken out of context and used by the anti-Russian propaganda? :huh:
Keit said:
What's funny and ridiculous, that apparently these, so called sanctioned politicians, don't even have businesses or bank accounts in the US.

Here are some tongue in cheek responses: :cool2:

Mr Rogozin mocked the American measures in a message on his Twitter account (@DRogozin): “Comrade Obama, what should those who have neither accounts nor property abroad do? Or maybe you didn't think of that?”

Surkov responded (here in Russian), that he sees the sanctions as the highest honor and recognition of his services to the Russian Federation. He doesn't have any accounts in the US. Says, that the only things that interest him there, are Tupac, Allen Ginsberg, and Jackson Pollock, and he doesn't need a visa to enjoy their works. :P

And Matvienko said, that she also never had any bank accounts in the US, so she doesn't even understand the purpose of the threat, and that this move is unprecedented and something like this never happened before, even during the Cold War.

It's actually hilarious and quite embarrassing for the US, Obama, and the whole psycho bunch. :rolleyes:

Well yes, if you are "a normal" you will be embarrassed for them & see it as hilarious. If you are one of the elite mob, you are deadly serious, with bags of pride, confidence, & probably relatively comfortable. In that respect, we should expect more of the same. Now, where's that facepalm smiley?.....
Yeah, the whole fiasco DID turn out to be like Georgia 2008 to the 10th power. I don't think it would be possible to show what evil clowns the "western" elite are more than what's happened here. And I was wondering yesterday about that really strange comment about "nuking" U.S. What's that about? (Could be another manipulation taking something out of context?) The only "nuclear option" Russia may need to use if the "West" continues to try to escalate the situation in their incompetent ways is to destroy the U.S. and EU economically and financially. But they probably won't even need to do that....
An update. In the context of referendums, NATO, EU etc, here is an RT report on Veneto' s attempts at breaking away from Italy. (Veneto independence referendum) Note that the psychos refuse (and will probably continue to) to recognize the legitimacy of it, but some think this is crucial to how "the game" is played in Europe. Also note that apparently, the vote doesn't carry any "legal weight", which is news to me. What's funny is that people in say, the UK (i.e. those who still vote) who've wanted referendums on all sorts for ages, ( & never get it ) will follow "party lines" about Ukraine/Crimea referendums as being illegal. :huh: Huh indeed.

Italy is gearing up to blow, me thinks. Then there's the long-running Catalan thing in Spain, UK (Scotland ) & elsewhere, to add to the chaos, confusion, & separation theme.
H-kqge said:
An update. In the context of referendums, NATO, EU etc, here is an RT report on Veneto' s attempts at breaking away from Italy. (Veneto independence referendum) Note that the psychos refuse (and will probably continue to) to recognize the legitimacy of it, but some think this is crucial to how "the game" is played in Europe. Also note that apparently, the vote doesn't carry any "legal weight", which is news to me. What's funny is that people in say, the UK (i.e. those who still vote) who've wanted referendums on all sorts for ages, ( & never get it ) will follow "party lines" about Ukraine/Crimea referendums as being illegal. :huh: Huh indeed.

Italy is gearing up to blow, me thinks. Then there's the long-running Catalan thing in Spain, UK (Scotland ) & elsewhere, to add to the chaos, confusion, & separation theme.

The issue is, as I see it, that those who operate at the highest levels of international society need centralized governments. I'm including in this certain large international corporations, which do not really belong to any nation, but rather they are unofficial states in themselves and their citizens are the stakeholders. Now, using a biological analogy, centralized governments provide the environment that these types thrive in. Any 'real' kind of decentralization, or secession from a central government, is a threat to their environment. They don't seem to take to kindly to those that think they have a right to not associate.
Now hear this!

YouTube has suspended Russia Today's channel:

This account has been suspended due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube's policy against spam, gaming, misleading content or other Terms of Service violations.
Has anyone here come across Putin's new speech in english yet?

Found this: _ , but it is not the full version and kind of difficult to listen to...

Here is the full version in german:
Pashalis said:
Has anyone here come across Putin's new speech in english yet?

Found this: _ , but it is not the full version and kind of difficult to listen to...

Here is the full version in german:

Here is a brief review of his speech in English: I hope some media will post the full English version later, because the speech was not about Crimea only, but about the whole situation worldwide. Many reasonable things were covered.
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