Revolution in Ukraine: Western-engineered Coup d'État?

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Siberia said:
Pashalis said:
Has anyone here come across Putin's new speech in english yet?

Found this: _ , but it is not the full version and kind of difficult to listen to...

Here is the full version in german:

Here is a brief review of his speech in English: I hope some media will post the full English version later, because the speech was not about Crimea only, but about the whole situation worldwide. Many reasonable things were covered.

Indeed... I've just finished the german version (the translation was kind of bad) and he indeed raised some interesting things. I would like to hear a better translation in english...
I'm growing accustomed to Putin's way of speaking now. Anyone who's been paying attention will recognize the difference between his way & the western rhetoric. Basically he did what he normally does (facts, details, history lesson) & this time, he definitely got the moral & political high ground. It seems more people are listening & prefer to listen to him instead of those in la-la land aka "the west". I swear, the MSM keep rolling out crappy translators. I was flicking between two stations as this speech was being given & it was lots of "erm…" & "ahh..." & annoying delays between sentences. Of course RT nailed it, but I thought it was best to check them against one another. I don't think the psychos can easily dismiss this speech, not with what seems like a relative change in attitude toward Putin. I want him to go further with what he says about the west though.
The latest from Abby Martin:


I have to say, the more I see from her, the more I'm disappointed...

As Putin stressed again in his recent speech:

There was never any kind of invasion from russia into crimea. Point. There were always russian military forces in crimea, under a legal contract between russia and crimea and the only thing that Putin did, is to increase the numbers of those military forces within crimea, within the limits of this contract that has been agreed upon both sides, a while back. Further there was no military force used, no bullets fired from either side, no occupation, and the overwhelming majority of the people in crimea were and are thankful for what Putin did there, which was, I stress again: legal. And I can't blame them for that, in fact I think crimea can be very lucky to not have fallen under the rule of the EU Ukraine aka. a lot of raging nazis with a profound hate of russians, that are in power or want to get into power in ukraine.

So why the heck are so many alternative news still talking about an invasion or military occupation of russia into crimea?


What should have Putin done? Should he have just sit back in that situation? And what would have been the consequences for crimea, russia and ukraine if he would have done that? Think about it...

I think what we can see here are the effects of a long time campaign, to paint russia and especially Putin as evil. And if you look back, that started pretty early on, as soon as he got president. I think there are a lot of believes involved here, that were created by the US from the get go of Putin's reign. It should also be remembered that russia isn't just any country like another Lybia, Iraq or Venezuela. Russia is the biggest country on earth, with a lot of influence on the world scene. So obviously a fast propaganda campaign ala Lybia or Iraq would have been pretty difficult. So they had to do it step by step, over several years.

A long term propaganda campain can be pretty effective, as we can see here I think.

That does not necessarily mean that we can, or should throughout the baby with the bathwater in regards to Putin either. But facts are facts and lies are lies, and it is our duty to expose them. We can only say with any confidence that he is doing what he is doing in his own interests (whatever that might be).
I need to vent about the same thing again: it's mind boggling to see acquaintances, friends and relatives being totally blind to the fact that the western powers have a looong history of criminal, murderous activities. On FB they are posting things like "we need to join NATO now!" because they think Russia will invade the whole world etc. Can't they put 2 and 2 together, for instance,which side has killed more innocent people in the last 50 years or so, what are the results of their actions?

In a sense, this whole thing is a 'litmus test': seeing which side they take, how much they believe in the lies, and turn a deaf ear and blind eye to the criminal acts of the US - that's how you know how asleep and unaware they are of things. And from wheat I'm seeing, the results are not encouraging. :(

End of rant.
Quote from Putin's speech at the end:

Putin said:
Now it is up to russia to make [a] political decision and it can only be based on the free will of the people, because it is only the people that are the source of any power.

Based on the difficult to understand vocal translation at the end of the video.
Argentines president has now responded and high-lighted the double standards of the West.

Kirchner compared the situation in Crimea with another event in modern history. The Falkland Islands also held a referendum a year ago. It is a disputed territory, claimed by both Argentina and the United Kingdom. In 1982, the opposition even resulted in an open military conflict, Russian Channel One reminded.

Britain then defended the Falklands by force of arms, and last March almost all the residents voted to stay a part of the kingdom in a plebiscite. The UN did not question the legality of the vote at that time, Kirchner reminded.

"Many of the major powers, which have secured the Falklands' people right to self-determination, do not want to do the same in relation to the Crimea now. How can you call yourselves guarantors of world stability, if you do not apply the same standards for everyone? It looks like the Crimeans cannot express their will, but the residents of the Falklands can. There is zero logic in that," she said.

Interesting when the BRICS countries respond.
Pashalis said:
So why the heck are so many alternative news still talking about an invasion or military occupation of russia into crimea?

I think they are just "alternative" media, hirelings of PTB as mainstream media are - and they are invoking bloodshed for someones' nutritional needs. They are designed as "sleepers" - to act like alternative sources and - after people accept them as such - they can impute evil spells when needed... FWIW
A FB friend has told me she's getting inside info from a source in Ukraine from another FB friend she recently made and posted this _ .It comes from FB private messages she was getting. I just mentioned it's likely all part of the propaganda and mentioned Sott's radio show analysis, which give's a different take. I don't think she looked at it. Anyone can make an online social profile, completely made-up and everyone knows this, but the possibility of being deceived by basically an anonymous FB contact seems overlooked. Could be it just fits the narrative from what the media's saying, I'm not entirely sure. Even companies have a social media plan, so it's not much of a stretch to think a social media plan isn't behind those who's interests are in promoting Russia / Putin as an evil force in the world.
Transcript and good english translation of Putin's speak.

It is really interesting how he explains the ways of the psychopaths in very few words, its almost like he said "Stop, I know who you are, I know how you are functioning, and you cant have power over me" :)
Yozilla said:
Pashalis said:
So why the heck are so many alternative news still talking about an invasion or military occupation of russia into crimea?

I think they are just "alternative" media, hirelings of PTB as mainstream media are - and they are invoking bloodshed for someones' nutritional needs. They are designed as "sleepers" - to act like alternative sources and - after people accept them as such - they can impute evil spells when needed... FWIW

There are a number of levels and types of "litmus tests" regarding "alternative news sites". MOST of them appear to be funded and/or controlled by questionable sources.
Aragorn said:
I need to vent about the same thing again: it's mind boggling to see acquaintances, friends and relatives being totally blind to the fact that the western powers have a looong history of criminal, murderous activities. On FB they are posting things like "we need to join NATO now!" because they think Russia will invade the whole world etc. Can't they put 2 and 2 together, for instance,which side has killed more innocent people in the last 50 years or so, what are the results of their actions?

In a sense, this whole thing is a 'litmus test': seeing which side they take, how much they believe in the lies, and turn a deaf ear and blind eye to the criminal acts of the US - that's how you know how asleep and unaware they are of things. And from wheat I'm seeing, the results are not encouraging. :(

End of rant.

Yep, that's so but living in Finland you also know why that is. The ingrained fear of Russia... since centuries. Never mind that we where better off (IMO) after being "incorporated" post 1809.
I found this article which is rather long, but also entertaining. But the point that he brings is how deeply the Ukraine debacle is tied to Israel and their defeat in September 2013 as Putin stopped Obama from attacking Syria.

Qoutes from the article with the great title: The Passion of Vladimir Putin, by Mark Glenn

However, those who think that the timing of the present crisis in the Ukraine, falling PRECISELY during the Judaic celebration of Purim is mere coincidence need to check back into the Hotel Reality lest they be declared MIA. Symbolism, numerology, nuance and subtle statements within Kosher Nostra are as hand-in-hand with the nature of Jewish power politics as are phrases such as ‘making an offer you can’t refuse’. History, cold hard facts and the words of organized Jewish interests themselves presents a picture that prevents and precludes the possibility of accepting situations such as the events in Ukraine at face value. Taking this pernicious and pervasive influence out of the picture is like trying to understand the criminal history surrounding Prohibition-era Chicago and leaving absent any mention of Al Capone.

And then he mentions how the Purim festival is the celebration of the revenge against the enemies of Israel and mentions:

That being said then, all can be rest assured—and particularly now during this annual celebration of Judaic revenge known as Purim, where the body parts of Judea’s enemies are symbolically made into pastries and then devoured by Jews practicing a form of political cannibalism that Netanyahu is looking for a few eyes to gouge out…

And particularly those of a certain Russian leader of the Orthodox Christian variety going by the name of Vladimir Putin, in essence a new sheriff of sorts who has ridden into town on top of a Russian tank, is re-establishing law and order and is singularly responsible for Barack Obama refusing to launch new wars in Syria, Iran, Lebanon, etc, in order to satisfy the Old Testament fetishes of a dirty old man named Benjamin Netanyahu.

And more about Purim:
Purim—like all Judaic feasts that celebrate the defeat/death of Gentiles—is a BIG to-do, both in Israel and beyond. Like most Judaic rituals, it serves as a magnet in holding together an otherwise fractured, fractious group of cultists whose very identity is rooted in the ‘us vs them’ paradigm.

And historically, (and especially within the last century as organized Jewish interests have accumulated more and more power) when Purim comes ’round every year, someone (or a large group of someones) dies in some spectacular manner. Whether it was the bombing of Dresden during WWII, the hangings at the Nuremberg Trials post WWII, the massacre of 30 Palestinians by Baruch Goldstein in 1994 or the invasion/destruction of Iraq in 2003, every year when Purim floats to the top of the septic tank of Judaic religious feasts, some type of nasty business inevitably ensues.

And at the end of the article he sums it up:

In short, with regards to Israel’s attempt to get WWIII started that day, the pause button was pushed, and now, with the fabricated tension between the U.S. And Russia over the issue of Ukraine playing center stage, the play button has been pushed again and things are moving along—with a vengeance–where they left off on June 8, 1967.

Indeed, it is Purim again, with Vladimir Putin—intent upon reigning in Apocalypto–that figures as this year’s Haman, set to be hanged.
Treaty to accept Crimea, Sevastopol to Russian Federation signed
(video and photo's)

Russia and Crimea have signed treaty of accession of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol in the Russian Federation following President Putin’s address to the Parliament.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin requests parliament to ratify the agreement that would see both Crimea and the city of Sevastopol joining Russia.

“I ask you to consider the adoption of two new subjects of the Federation: Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol,” Putin told Parliamentarians.

Another site with photo's and video.....
angelburst29 said:
Another site with photo's and video.....
The speech touched off dancing and jubilant cheers in downtown Sevastopol, even as the United States continued diplomatic consultations it says are aimed at reversing Russia’s takeover of Crimea from Ukraine.

After Putin finished speaking and the treaty was signed, the crowd started dancing in the square and singing the Russian national anthem.

“We did it. We did it. We truly did it,” exclaimed Svetlana Kalinina, 53, as tears rolled down her cheeks from behind her sunglasses.

Another woman who said her first name was Natasha kept repeating, “Thank you, Putin.”

“I have waited so long for this,” she said, “We were given away, like a sack of potatoes. And finally we are coming back home.”
It looks NATO will meddle with crimea for a while.
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