Revolution in Ukraine: Western-engineered Coup d'État?

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Aeneas said:
Interesting when the BRICS countries respond.
Recent movement of war ships into indian ocean for missing airplane is interesting in timing as it can intimidate some countries of the region. This reminded me of this situation and how countries/people follow their party lines.
The 1961 Indian annexation of Goa (also referred to as the Invasion of Goa,[4] the Liberation of Goa,[5] and the Fall of Portuguese India [6])
Portuguese actions post-hostilities

On 18 December, even as Indian forces were rolling into Goa, a special emergency session of the United Nations Security Council was convened at the request of the Portuguese government. At the meeting, called to consider the Indian invasion of Portuguese territories in Goa, Daman and Diu, Adlai Stevenson, the US representative to the UN, criticised the Indian military action. He then submitted a draft resolution that called for a ceasefire, a withdrawal of all Indian forces from Goa, and the resumption of negotiations.[57] This resolution was co-sponsored by France, UK and Turkey, but failed after the Soviet Union, India’s long-time Cold War ally, exercised its veto.
The New York Times of 19 December 1961 reporting the Western response to the invasion of Goa stated: "Adlai E. Stevenson warned the Security Council early today that the United Nations was in danger of dying as the result of a Soviet veto killing a Western resolution to tend the Indian invasion of Goa
Atleast nobody has yet said UN is defunct for crimea situation. Annexation or Liberation or Fall ?.
Aeneas said:
I found this article which is rather long, but also entertaining. But the point that he brings is how deeply the Ukraine debacle is tied to Israel and their defeat in September 2013 as Putin stopped Obama from attacking Syria.

Qoutes from the article with the great title: The Passion of Vladimir Putin, by Mark Glenn

Indeed, it is Purim again, with Vladimir Putin—intent upon reigning in Apocalypto–that figures as this year’s Haman, set to be hanged.

What a load of nonsense. I'm betting Putin will out-maneuver all of them.
So far two navy bases in Crimea are overtaken. What was interesting that the bases were taken (or at least the headquarters) without any weapons and that supposedly to witnesses they came without any. Or that both Russian soldiers with weapons and the Pro-Russian militia entered at the same time and that the Ukrainian soldiers more or less just walked out of the base. It is interesting imo, because since from the current Ukrainian government it was announced that soldiers are allowed to defense themself with weapons and also speaks of the psychology of the current government of the Ukraine:

Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Ukraine's prime minister, accused Moscow of committing a war crime and said the conflict with Russia was "moving from a political to a military one". After the incident, Kiev issued a statement authorising its armed forces to use weapons to defend themselves.


So maybe it was a good strategy and to act that quickly, since one Ukrainian soldier said that everything happened very fast.

I was watching the news yesterday, and they seem to have
an idea that Russia will start invading the rest of Europe.
They were presenting Poland as being afraid that something like
what happened in Crimea could also happen to them.
Now they're extending this to other Baltic states.

It seems they're using this hysteria to gain more control over people,
while presenting themselves as defenders of liberty.
I do not get this kind of reasoning, it's basically
"we'll protect you from foreign invasion by invading you ourselves".
Curiouser and curiouser..

Ms Jen Psaki (US State Dept) wrote in her Twitter yesterday: 'Stop the shooting in Simferopol. Clear that Russia shot first, and now must show restraint.'

Why would Russia send a sniper to shoot two people in Crimea, one of them being a Ukrainian soldier, after it has signed the Accession Agreement with Crimea?
Laura said:
What a load of nonsense. I'm betting Putin will out-maneuver all of them.

I too agree that Putin will out-maneuvre them as he is in a different league all together. That doesn't rule out that some dirty tricks might still be tried as the farcical Western leaders are bad losers.

The depiction of Putin is reminding me of the description of Ceasar as I am currently reading "Ceasar, politician and statesman" by M. Gelzer. So much in that book that describes Ceasar is written by Cicero, who was an optimate and not at all on the same team or level as Ceasar, yet he is often the only available source. In connection with Putin, it would be the same as if McCain or John Kerry writing a book about Putin and it being the only source available in 2000 years about Putin. It would make it hard to get a picture of Putin if only Western sources were available.
Anthony said:
I was watching the news yesterday, and they seem to have
an idea that Russia will start invading the rest of Europe.
They were presenting Poland as being afraid that something like
what happened in Crimea could also happen to them.
Now they're extending this to other Baltic states.

It seems they're using this hysteria to gain more control over people,
while presenting themselves as defenders of liberty.
I do not get this kind of reasoning, it's basically
"we'll protect you from foreign invasion by invading you ourselves".
Perhaps one could ask, in which parts of the World the populations are requested or expected to believe in the tallest heaps of lies. Of course there are several contributers and some seem present everywhere. Still, Western Europe and North America can be proud of of having produced, as evidenced by the poor decisions of their leaders, the tallest and most quickly growing, heaven reaching, offensive heaps. Believing all these lies puts, IMO, the concerned populations at a disadvantage, if not at risk. What will this all lead to? In a Homeric sense, that the crises of Ukraine takes place not far from where the Olympic fire was last lit, in the historic area of Caucasus, is just intersting.
And now we have this. Again, notice the way NYT presents the situation:

BREAKING NEWS Wednesday, March 19, 2014 3:17 PM EDT

Ukraine Plans to Pull Military From Crimea, Conceding Loss

Bowing to the reality of the Russian military occupation of Crimea a day after Russia announced it was annexing the disputed peninsula, the Ukrainian government said on Wednesday that it had drawn up plans to evacuate all of its military personnel and their families and was prepared to relocate as many as 25,000 of them to mainland Ukraine.

Thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and sailors have been trapped on military bases and other installations here for more than two weeks, surrounded by heavily armed Russian military forces and loosely organized local militia.

While the provisional government in Kiev has insisted that Russia’s annexation of Crimea is illegal and has appealed to international supporters for help, the evacuation announcement by the head of the national security council, Andriy Parubiy, effectively amounted to a surrender of Crimea, at least from a military standpoint.
Pashalis said:
The latest from Abby Martin:


I have to say, the more I see from her, the more I'm disappointed...

Abby's idea of 'balanced journalism' there was to give a platform to John Feffer. The guy's a paid propagandist for George Soros's Open Society 'NGO', the very same trojan horse of 'democratic' lies and liars that Putin has worked so hard to root out of Russia.
Anthony said:
I was watching the news yesterday, and they seem to have
an idea that Russia will start invading the rest of Europe.
They were presenting Poland as being afraid that something like
what happened in Crimea could also happen to them.
Now they're extending this to other Baltic states.

I'm not sure that's exactly what's going on. I think, Poland as a nation is being fed with this kind of anti-Russian and fear mongering propaganda by hard-core nationalist groups on one side, and on the other, by their own (and forced on them) 'oligarchian' interests propaganda. Notice that their (Polish media and authorities') first heard concern and postulate last days was to start fracking ASAP. This kind of chaos and confusion -- and imposed fear on the society -- is for many a long awaited opportunity to "kill their own bird", so to say. Some will greatly benefit, but sadly, it won't be the average people.

It seems they're using this hysteria to gain more control over people,
while presenting themselves as defenders of liberty.
I do not get this kind of reasoning, it's basically
"we'll protect you from foreign invasion by invading you ourselves".

Sadly again, in Poland and most likely also in some other countries there is still a lot of those who believe in 'American, or European, Dream' to come. They will stay willingly blind to anything that could oppose their beliefs and undermine their hopes. Simplified, but true, I think.
Ukrainian TV boss assaulted and forced to resign by far-right Svoboda MPs [video]

Amnesty International:


A violent attack by a nationalist member of parliament against the head of one of Ukraine’s leading TV channels yesterday must be urgently investigated, and those responsible brought to justice, said Amnesty International.

Oleksandr Panteleymonov, head of the First National TV Channel, was visited in his offices by Igor Miroshnichenko from the Svoboda (Freedom) Party and at least five thugs who beat him and forced him to write a resignation letter.

Igor Miroshnichenko is a member of the parliamentary Committee on freedom of speech.

“It is astonishing that a member of the parliamentary committee on freedom of speech was involved in this attack. The acting authorities must send a signal that this sort of behaviour will not be tolerated in Ukraine,” said Heather McGill, Ukraine researcher at Amnesty International.

The attackers accused Panteleymonov of working for the Russian authorities after a live broadcast of the signing of the agreement between President Putin and the de facto Crimean authorities.

They used racist language and demanded that Oleksandr Panteleymonov apologise. They filmed the whole attack and posted it on the internet. The attackers then abducted Panteleymonov telling him that he would be forced to apologise to protesters still camping out on Independent Square. He was released a few hours after the attack became public.

“This assault on freedom of expression must be immediately investigated and those responsible must be prosecuted. Anything less will only open the door to further attacks against media professionals and activists,” said Heather McGill.

“The acting Ukrainian authorities must waste no time in demonstrating that basic human rights are protected in Ukraine and that nobody will face discrimination because of their political views or ethnic origin.”
Aeneas said:
Laura said:
What a load of nonsense. I'm betting Putin will out manoeuvre all of them.

I too agree that Putin will out manoeuvre them as he is in a different league all together. That doesn't rule out that some dirty tricks might still be tried as the farcical Western leaders are bad losers.

The depiction of Putin is reminding me of the description of Caesar as I am currently reading "Caesar, politician and statesman" by M. Gelzer. So much in that book that describes Ceasar is written by Cicero, who was an optimate and not at all on the same team or level as Ceasar, yet he is often the only available source. In connection with Putin, it would be the same as if McCain or John Kerry writing a book about Putin and it being the only source available in 2000 years about Putin. It would make it hard to get a picture of Putin if only Western sources were available.

Love your insight and Laura's too. I couldn't agree more! Long live Caesar/Putin! As I mentioned before, I still keep comparing their physiognomy's and am amazed by the similarities. Same facial 'balance', size and features - even the roman nose! Aristocratic or wise?

Vladimir may be the 'help is on the way' that the C's talk about. Either way he seems to be the only grounding, balance, stabilizing factor, sane mind and true statesman that we have left on this planet. I hope he is not part of the NWO and that via BRICS he can play the part of STO on our planet versus the West and US and their puppets being the STS. Only by time, and by their fruits, will we know them.

One thing for sure - I love it that he is outing in plain daylight, through their own manoeuvres and propaganda, all the lies and double standards and hypocrisy of TPTB for those that have eyes to see. And it is so comical. Hopefully they will hang themselves by their very own petards. Am enjoying the farce tremendously. The missing plane is the bonus ball.
When I think of Putin I see a man who knows with what kind of leaders he is dealing. He might have an idea that he is dealing with psychopaths, and if you stay for a while and imagine an asylum where some doctors are playing in the patient's delusions/acts/worlds, these doctors also impose some conditions during this play. "Well I can help you with this, but cannot do that, sorry". This is how I see Putin here, in this play; he is a doctor who knows exactly the condition of the patients, and he knows when to make his moves.
(I was trying to reply yesterday when my internet went out.) Yeah, I'd have to agree with the "litmus test" idea. One of the positive sides of these types of events is to flush out better hidden "agents", so to speak.

I think there's a good chance that other parts of the world will take the victory of Putin's Russia as a sign that it is possible to stand up to the Western machinations run amok.
SeekinTruth said:
I think there's a good chance that other parts of the world will take the victory of Putin's Russia as a sign that it is possible to stand up to the Western machinations run amok.

This is already happening. The support of the Pan-African Parliament, which consists of 54 African countries is but one example. South America is also taking notice without being too vocal about it. Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina comes to mind, but there are others. Then there is also Iran and Syria. I think you are right that it most likely will work as an inspiration for other countries as Russia has now dared to say that the emperor is wearing no clothes:


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