Revolution in Ukraine: Western-engineered Coup d'État?

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Paddyjohn said:
More and more people are waking up, so there is hope for us. I long for that divorce. But if we get it we can be sure that our spurned spouse will take the clothes off our backs. But we'll be naked and free - free to start again. That's one possibility anyway :)

Poland won't be able to leave the EU - it will owe so much money to the IMF that it will get an "austerity" package just like Greece did, and the IMF will take your money away from you right out of the bank like it did in Cyprus.

I hate to tell you this but Poland has already been invaded and violently annexed though it's not physical violence that you can see just yet. That comes from the US and EU in a different, more covert way: oppression, death by stress, bad western food, or starvation, or lack of medical care, or being murdered by Big Pharma or GMO.
Laura said:
Paddyjohn said:
More and more people are waking up, so there is hope for us. I long for that divorce. But if we get it we can be sure that our spurned spouse will take the clothes off our backs. But we'll be naked and free - free to start again. That's one possibility anyway :)

Poland won't be able to leave the EU - it will owe so much money to the IMF that it will get an "austerity" package just like Greece did, and the IMF will take your money away from you right out of the bank like it did in Cyprus.

I hate to tell you this but Poland has already been invaded and violently annexed though it's not physical violence that you can see just yet. That comes from the US and EU in a different, more covert way: oppression, death by stress, bad western food, or starvation, or lack of medical care, or being murdered by Big Pharma or GMO.

Exactly. There is the true enemy, mak3. The US/EU powers that be will do everything from keeping the realisation of this from you. One of the main tools they use to do that is by feeding us lies about supposed enemies - Russia for example. Having Knowledge/Truth is the source of protection from this, and it's all here in this network for you.
Well, maybe you are right. Our food is so much worse than before joining EU. Medical care is like it was - there is no medical care.
Unfortunately our polish greatest weakness is governance so I can imagine your words will implement in future.

Can you tell anything positive that may happen? :) What you're saying is terrible to hear (read).

Kind wishes,
mak3 said:
First of all the referendum was illegal because Crimea was under the Ukrainian government. Please get familiar to International Law. Also there was 125% votes in this referendum - much more than total of Crimeas residents. These are facts, not propaganda.
Even the US MSM says 80% voted with 96% approval rating. I am not sure where you got this 125%.
There is a good faith saying "country doesn't mean land, it means people". If 96% of crimeans wants to be part of Russia, being part of Russia is the best thing for them.
mak3 said:
Can you tell anything positive that may happen? :) What you're saying is terrible to hear (read).

Kind wishes,

I went through a similar thing when I first learned about my ancestry. Like... Oh, those evil Russians! They killed my ancestors, deported the rest like dogs through thousands of miles and those who survived the journey had to fend for themselves in the middle of nowhere... Native language was prohibited, so was religion, schools closed down and only soviet propaganda ones were allowed, etc. You get the idea.

Fast forward into the future and it is deja vu all over again. Only that the ponerized and crushing ideology which seeks to stamp out a sense of self and creativity is not found in Russia anymore. The ancestors should be spinning in their graves by seeing their descendants struggling with the same things all over again.

It seems to me that the best anti-dote is to really learn about ponerology and to learn how to read the signs. Then the lesson can be extracted from our histories and applied to current state of affairs. It is really learning about the true nature of evil and stripping its influence in our lives. A good day's work!

Reading regularly is a good start. When you read the signs without allowing your emotions to cloud your thinking, your knowledge and awareness expands. That is quite an antidote against fear. Yes, it can be a very painful process, but it is the least we can do in the name of those who suffered before and are suffering now in the name of evil.

And as someone once said, "Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased—thus do we refute entropy."

My 2 cents! :)
In Spain it is conducting "The march for dignity". People around the country are walking towards Madrid. People are tired of suffering cuts in wages and social services (education, health), higher taxes on everyday items, of losing their homes at the hands of the banks, exorbitant unemployment figures, people who have been defrauded by banks, corruption. The Spaniards, ordinary citizens support the payment of the debt. And money seems to flow only for banks. People who can not pay the electricity bills, hosted by families living grandparents and eat their meager pensions, among other things.
This is also a reality in the EU.
mak3 said:
[What happened in Kiev was caused by West-Ukrainians wish to join the EU. They see what changed in Poland/Slovakia/Czech when they became the part of EU.

No, they don't, and that's the problem. They see what they want to see, which 'accidentally' is what the so called West want them to see, not was actually IS. You said it yourself:

I think Poland should leave EU in the next couple of years. Our law is continuously changing due to EU regulations and this is very bad for us.
In the next couple of years it will be unprofitable for most of EU countries to be members of the union.


Well, maybe you are right. Our food is so much worse than before joining EU. Medical care is like it was - there is no medical care.

mak3 said:
Ok, maybe I'am wrong or just being afraid of Russian invasion. I just hope it won't happen to Poland.

How helpful you think it is to be afraid of something that may or may not happen (and most likely, won't) and the same time not seeing the current real danger? And how reasonable it is to ignore the latter and focus instead on the remote and unlike? I'm relating here to general public, not only to you personally.

To ease the fear you feel, you might want to make yourself a favor by researching and writing down a list of countries invaded and occupied by the US in one column and Russia in the other one during the last, say, 25 years.

Seeing through all that propaganda we have been flooded with for decades, and still are, is not easy, but doable. And that's an exciting endeavor even though the emerging picture is not very uplifting either. But that's what IS and without knowing that, at least to some extent, we are like ghost ships drifting and lost in the darkness -- not the best position to voice opinions on what is going on out there or navigate through winding waters.

You know, not without a reason one of our mottoes is: "Learning is fun". It is indeed.
Just to be clear. Of course they see what they want to see. It is in human nature to put colours into B&W scenery. In my opinion it WAS good for Poland to join EU in that time.
But for now - it would be good as well to leave. This won't happen in 3 or 5 years but maybe in 15.

I am fully aware that US invaded a lot more countries than Russia in last decades.
mak3 said:
Just to be clear. Of course they see what they want to see. It is in human nature to put colours into B&W scenery. In my opinion it WAS good for Poland to join EU in that time.
But for now - it would be good as well to leave. This won't happen in 3 or 5 years but maybe in 15.

I am fully aware that US invaded a lot more countries than Russia in last decades.

It's good that you are aware of that, mak3. But there is so, so much more to see and know. What we are saying to you isn't coming from our opinions or beliefs. It is knowledge of the true reality gleaned from unbiased research began decades ago by Laura, and continued right now by her and others here.

Yes, people see what they want to see and they remain asleep. Being asleep makes them easy prey. By absorbing the knowledge that can be found here and on they wake up. And in waking up they have the sort of protection they didn't have before.

Yes, the current reality is the worst nightmare and it is tempting to tell ourselves it's not really happening. But one day it may be too late to wake up, so better to do it now. And one of the most surprising things, as Possibility of Being mentioned, learning is fun. Somehow, with the knowledge and increasing awareness of just how bad it is, there is a positive feeling of gratitude for being awake to it all. A bit of a paradox, but reality is full of them.
Paddyjohn. Is there any way to contact you on priv? I would like to ask you for some thing but it seems there is no way to do it on this forum.
mak3 said:
Paddyjohn. Is there any way to contact you on priv? I would like to ask you for some thing but it seems there is no way to do it on this forum.

We've found using private messaging to be a dangerous way of communicating on the forum, mak3. It caused problems in the past. I'm not suggesting that there would be a problem with you my friend, but that's how the forum runs, and it's the best way to run it.

If you really aren't able to talk freely here, I am sure a moderator/admin will advise the best way forward :)
Ok, I just don't want to spam in this place.
I just want to ask you what do you mean when speaking "waking up they have the sort of protection they didn't have before".
What king of protection are you talking about? It's hard to filter information which we are reading . You wrote that the knowledge we can found on but there are many of sources that we can't trust certainly. Main question is - how can any knownledge protect us from anything?

mak3 said:
Main question is - how can any knownledge protect us from anything?

This is addressed more in depth in The Wave series - along with tons of other things. But for a short version:

Basically, knowledge is the basis of choice. Without it, we don't know our options, and we can't make good judgments about whichever choices we know about. Perhaps you could say that the state of one's knowing determines the extent of one's free will.

This is easy to see on the larger, societal scale - whole societies are duped and induced to make bad choices, which have consequences. And in our lives, often we screw up, in bigger or smaller ways - and if we learn from our mistakes, it becomes clear that if we had known earlier, then we could have chosen differently.

Knowledge must of course be applied. For example, it can be the difference between eating toxic garbage and becoming sick and having a foggy mind, or getting healthier and more clear-headed. Psychological and other knowledge can change our relations to others in our lives. And it can change what we do, for a living and otherwise. And so on.

And it helps us see signs in the world that point to what's coming and making choices to be better prepared.

There's also various more esoteric angles to this that you can read about if you're interested (lots of that in The Wave), but the above is the more obvious nuts-and-bolts aspects.

In a nutshell, I'd say striving for knowledge - and applying it - is giving oneself the best possible chance. (In everything - including being of help to others.) There are no guarantees, and we can't know exactly what will happen - but I think that the alternative, to not really care and to not actively strive to learn, is to give up on both oneself and on the world.
seek10 said:
mak3 said:
First of all the referendum was illegal because Crimea was under the Ukrainian government. Please get familiar to International Law. Also there was 125% votes in this referendum - much more than total of Crimeas residents. These are facts, not propaganda.
Even the US MSM says 80% voted with 96% approval rating. I am not sure where you got this 125%.
There is a good faith saying "country doesn't mean land, it means people". If 96% of crimeans wants to be part of Russia, being part of Russia is the best thing for them.

This site, which was mentioned earlier in the thread as promoting flimsy US propaganda, initially supported this 125% figure, but then retracted saying it was 'unproven' (euphemism for it was a lie):


The issue had to do with the claim that a Crimean official stated a certain amount of people voted vs the stats posted on the Sevastopol website and Sevastopol's population. This claim was shown to be untrue and that the official had indeed stated a lesser number. And in any case going on what someone said during the initial outcome of any vote isn't proof of fraud. The population of Sevastopol has also probably increased in the past weeks since it's at the center of things in Crimea, and people may have traveled there to vote as well.
mak3 said:
Ok, I just don't want to spam in this place.
I just want to ask you what do you mean when speaking "waking up they have the sort of protection they didn't have before".
What king of protection are you talking about? It's hard to filter information which we are reading . You wrote that the knowledge we can found on but there are many of sources that we can't trust certainly. Main question is - how can any knownledge protect us from anything?


Hi mak3 and by the way welcome to the forum! If you like you could also introduce yourself in the newbies section where you could get some informative links and infos for example (where to find the "wave" if you don't already know and so on).
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