RH Negative blood, fact and theory

Reposting reply #28 after edits to improve readability.

Daenerys] [quote author=Laura said:
From FB group for O Negatives:

The goal of this group pretend to be a place to all people who share the O-negative blood type, so that any person in need can quickly find geographically closest person to be transfused with blood that is safe for him or her, in case an emergency or accident.

It is know the most common blood type is O positive (O+) and the rarest is AB negative (AB-), but just the 6.6% of the world population has O negative (O-) and 0.6% of the population has AB negative (AB-). However, AB- is compatible with O-, A-, and AB- while O- is only compatible with the same blood type.

Additionally, only 7% of the people in the world have the RH negative (-) factor. If you are a woman with RH-, you should become an active member of this group.

There are some shocking characteristics of the people with this genetic code. Nearly 85% of all human beings have RH positive blood. Their red blood cells contain a substance called the RHesus blood factor. This means the positive blood contains a protein that can be traced to the Rhesus monkey. It is acknowledged that blood factors are transmitted with more exactitude than any other human or animal characteristic. While it is known that RH negative blood - (type 'O') is the purest blood known to mankind, it is not known from where the negative factor originates, RH negative factor that makes the blood 'pure'. Pure enough to be the universal blood of the world.

Everyone on the face of the earth can receive RH negative type 'O' blood, but these very same 'O' negative people cannot receive blood from any other type except their own type. An RH negative pregnant mother's body will reject her positive blooded baby in the womb. Her body fights the RHesus factor as a foreign element. A positive mother's body does not fight the negative baby she is carrying however.

Science at this very time is attempting to make the recipe for RH negative 'O' blood, but without success. The protein in positive blood can be cloned, but not so of the negative blood - which is quite interesting. If the RH negative factor does not derive from any known earthly link - from where did it originate? Just for think...

One last recommendation, if you are RH negative (RH-), you should strongly consider becoming a blood donor. Whenever an RH negative patient needs blood, it's harder to find compatible blood for him because there are fewer RH negative donors than RH positive donors. RH negative patients can receive only RH negative blood, but RH positive patients can receive either RH positive or RH negative blood.

It occurs to me that it may be possible that RH O Negative blood may be connected to The Mother Matrix in some way.This is a hypothesis only, and is based on intuition .

O negative blood cannot be cloned it says, and it is " divisible only by itself " or cannot receive except its own kind which makes it "prime" , all others can receive it though, as it is universally" pure".
A prime number (or a prime) is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisorsother than 1 and itself. A natural number greater than 1 that is not a prime number is called a composite number. For example, 5 is prime, as only 1 and 5 divide it, whereas 6 is composite, since it has the divisors 2 and 3 in addition to 1 and 6. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic establishes the central role of primes in number theory: any integer greater than 1 can be expressed as a product of primes that is unique up to ordering. This theorem requires excluding 1 as a prime. The property of being prime is called primality. A simple but slow method of verifying the primality of a given number n is known as trial division. It consists of testing whether n is a multiple of any integer between 2 and √n. Algorithms that are much more efficient than trial division have been devised to test the primality of large numbers. Particularly fast methods are available for primes of special forms, such as Mersenne primes. As of 2011, the largest known prime number has nearly 13 million decimal digits
There are infinitely many primes, as demonstrated by Euclid around 300 BC. There is no known useful formula that yields all of the prime numbers and no composites. However, the distribution of primes, that is to say, the statistical behaviour of primes in the large, can be modeled. The first result in that direction is the prime number theorem, proven at the end of the 19th century, which says that the probability that a given, randomly chosen number is prime is inversely proportional to its number of digits, or the logarithm of n.
Many questions around prime numbers remain open, such as Goldbach's conjecture, which asserts that every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes, and the twin prime conjecture, which says that there are infinitely many pairs of primes whose difference is 2. Such questions spurred the development of various branches of number theory, focusing on analytic, algebraic aspects of numbers. Primes are used in several routines in information technology, such as public-key cryptography, which makes use of properties such as the difficulty of factoring large numbers into their prime factors. Prime numbers give rise to various generalizations in other mathematical domains, mainly algebra, such as prime elements and prime ideals.
Reminds me of this post here: https://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,9338.msg360002.html#msg360002]

"The Mother Matrix is the Primal Source of all that exists in your realm. She has two faces - life giving and death dealing - and it is up to you which face you see. Those who gaze upon the Mother Matrix seeking to control her with rituals or domination or restriction in their hearts, will see only serpents - and will experience only destruction. For the Mother is a Mirror. Those who gaze upon her with non-anticipatory love in their hearts, will receive all the bounty of infinite potential."
anart said:
Daenerys said:
It occurs to me that it may be possible that RH O Negative blood may be connected to The Mother Matrix in some way.This is a hypothesis only, and is based on intuition .

What is 'the mother matrix'?

It is my impression that it is the point where consciousness and matter meet, in 3 d, but I also think it goes up through the densities as well. I have no idea factually what it is. At this point it is an abstract impression. Given that, I should have not posted.
Daenerys said:
anart said:
Daenerys said:
It occurs to me that it may be possible that RH O Negative blood may be connected to The Mother Matrix in some way.This is a hypothesis only, and is based on intuition .

What is 'the mother matrix'?

It is my impression that it is the point where consciousness and matter meet, in 3 d, but I also think it goes up through the densities as well. I have no idea factually what it is. At this point it is an abstract impression. Given that, I should have not posted.

Following your impression, Why connecting the mother with O- only, would not everyone and everything be connected with it?

In any case I think it would be beneficial to review the material on the Cognitive science board and have it always in mind when embarking in searching for knowledge and connections, it is easy to fall in self referencing pitfalls, or unreasonable conclusions, this way we train our mind to develop a good reasoning hability coupled with a clean intuitive side.
Ana said:
Daenerys said:
anart said:
Daenerys said:
It occurs to me that it may be possible that RH O Negative blood may be connected to The Mother Matrix in some way.This is a hypothesis only, and is based on intuition .

What is 'the mother matrix'?

It is my impression that it is the point where consciousness and matter meet, in 3 d, but I also think it goes up through the densities as well. I have no idea factually what it is. At this point it is an abstract impression. Given that, I should have not posted.

Following your impression, Why connecting the mother with O- only, would not everyone and everything be connected with it?

In any case I think it would be beneficial to review the material on the Cognitive science board and have it always in mind when embarking in searching for knowledge and connections, it is easy to fall in self referencing pitfalls, or unreasonable conclusions, this way we train our mind to develop a good reasoning hability coupled with a clean intuitive side.

Everything IS connected. I am not saying that the mother is not connected to everything- it is. I am noticing the prime number connection there. I also connect it to the duality of the mother- gives to all, divisible by it's self. Can be life giving to all others, and life taking- attacking fetus not like itself.
Daenerys you are deflecting, turning away from the main point of my post which is to remember you that intuitive connections (what you are basing your hypothesis on) may be flawed and that it is important to have this always in mind and work to not let them run the show.

As I said the Cognitive science threads will give you a more clearer picture to be taken into account.

Have you read them?
The problem is, Daenerys, getting distracted by those things leads nowhere. Trust me! Been there, done that! What is important is to concentrate on reality and being of service to the Cosmos.
Laura said:
Additionally, only 7% of the people in the world have the RH negative (-) factor. If you are a woman with RH-, you should become an active member of this group.

Thank you for this thread, I had no idea. :shock:

I did some more research and found the following article:
(Did not find anything about USWGO in the forum, so I do not know if this site is reliable):

Were Rh Negatives a target by NAZI Eugenics program?

January 17, 2012 by Brian D. Hill
Filed under Project EndGame, Science

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http://uswgo.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/hitler11.jpgAuthor: Brian D. Hill

It has come to my attention that when Hitler wanted a holocaust against the Jewish religion and race of people, the Nazis may have also had a role in checking blood types and even killing people based on blood types that were believed to be Jewish by the NAZI Eugenics program. Any medical records show peoples blood types so if a certain group of people had a certain blood type Hitler could target that whole group to get rid of that particular blood type.

But what blood type would Hitler and the Rockefeller backed NAZI eugenics program be targeting? Rh Negative blood type

There have been rumors that anyone associated with the Rh Negative blood type is either a reptillian/reptoid or apart of the satanic and demonic bloodline with claims that they attempted to mix with the grail bloodline.

This bloodline is said to be more resistant to certain forms of attacks against human individuality by certain elite groups, have special and psychic abilities, and are ones that can easily break out of the propaganda matrix to warn others about the matrix they are living in.

“On 15 September 1935 he presented two laws—known as the Nuremberg Laws—to the Reichstag. The laws banned marriage between non-Jewish and Jewish Germans, and forbade the employment of non-Jewish women under the age of 45 in Jewish households. The laws deprived so-called “non-Aryans” of the benefits of German citizenship.[168] Hitler’s early eugenic policies targeted children with physical and developmental disabilities in a programme dubbed Action T4.[169]” stated on Wikipedia.

Hitler in the 30′s wanted to prevent the mixes between the Jewish and non Jewish race which means that Hitler wanted to prevent two different blood types, two different types of humanoids from having a child together due to the facts that any Rh Negative that marries and non Rh Negative usually ends up in a miscarriage due to the conflicting blood types between the baby and mothers blood type. If Hitler had caught on to the Rh Factor it is likely what led to him despising and wanting to kill this blood type, and what led to the madman that Hitler had become.

According to research I had conducted on the Rh Factor, Dr. Philip Levine [2] “conducted research at the Rockefeller Institute for seven years, publishing 20 papers with Dr. Karl Landsteiner on blood disorders and discoveries.” according to a NYTimes article. It seems mysterious that the Rockefellers would take a interest in blood types regarding Rhesus Negative and positive facter right close to the extermination of Jewish people in the Third Reich, and since the Rockefellers were the ones that backed the NAZI Eugenics movement.

“Eugenics would have been so much bizarre parlor talk had it not been for extensive financing by corporate philanthropies, specifically the Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Harriman railroad fortune. They were all in league with some of America’s most respected scientists hailing from such prestigious universities as Stamford, Yale, Harvard, and Princeton. These academicians espoused race theory and race science, and then faked and twisted data to serve eugenics’ racist aims.” according to the History News Network.

Then according to extra research I stumbled onto a credible PDF booklet talking about “Professor Pat Mollison: Yes. It has already been pointed out that one of the first
labs in this country working on blood groups was the Galton Laboratory Serum
Unit set up by R A Fisher with Rockefeller money in 1935.8 In 1937, by a lucky
chance, Rob Race, a young pathologist destined to become a great figure in
blood grouping, was appointed to help G L Taylor. They worked for the first
few years only on ABO and MN,9 which were (apart from P) the only blood
group systems known at the time, although from the early 1940s they started
on Rh – and I will say a word about that in a moment.” according to the PDF Linked here.

So it can’t be a coincidence that the Rh factor researchers were all being given financial help or support from the Rockefeller institutions, that also backed the NAZI German Eugenics program, and Hitler wanted a certain group of people to be targeted and killed in concentration camps which is likely Rh Negative blood types.

In fact a researcher from GodLikeProductions discovered that some being taken to the concentration camps did not even new they were jewish so in other words Hitler would have to be targeting Jews by blood type or race, stated that “Studying the past revealed that some of the people taken to these concentration camps had no idea they were “jewish” until they were forcefully taken from their homes.”
An afterthought: How practical to have all the names of the O-negatives assembled in an open Facebook group :/
Or am I getting paranoid now ...

Laura said:
The problem is, Daenerys, getting distracted by those things leads nowhere. Trust me! Been there, done that! What is important is to concentrate on reality and being of service to the Cosmos.


Been reading Horns of Moses and what comes to mind is a relationship between cometary mutagenetic events and the coming on the scene of certain blood types.
Especially B type blood can be geographically linked (or so it seems) to a pretty small area which makes me think maybe there was some Tunguska type event there.

After many years of esoteric study and based on my own experiences, I have come to believe that 0 negative and A negative bloodlines are extraterrestrial. My mother has O negative blood and my father had A negative. I have A negative. I have brown hair but it has a red undertone. My hairdresser once told me that no matter what color I might tint my hair, I will always end up with red or auburn. Also, I used to have trouble using the cosmetics sold in department stores. They looked strange on me. Finally a Mary Kay consultant informed me that my skin has a blue undertone and that it was rare. The makeup sold in department stores is designed for the majority of people whose complexions have yellow or pink undertones. My eyes are light brown but sometime look hazel. I didn't relate these facts to my blood type until a few years ago.

I am very empathic, clairvoyant and have sensitive digestion. I have a very high IQ and was born with esoteric knowledge embedded in my DNA memory. Whenever I have tried to deny my knowledge or tried to fit into what others see as normal, someone or something has come into my life to remind me that I have a purpose here to help this planet and the people on it grow into what is their greatest potential for joy and love. I am not meant to fit in. I am a catalyst for change which has not been a comfortable thing to be!

Someone wrote here something about blue people in their visions or dreams. I recently dreamed that I had blue skin and was smiling and singing to myself in front of a mirror. A wise friend of mine said I was celebrating remembering my true being. Another clairvoyant told me that I came to this planet on the Blue Ray Vibration. You might want to look at web sites about Blue Rays (not Indigos) and web sites about the Magdalene Order, blue rays who are here to anchor the Divine Feminine. I think "blue bloods" are RH negative people who belong to this group. We are here on a mission.

Perhaps you are on the verge of discovering and accepting that you are a human angel. I know it is a lot to embrace. Don't pressure yourself. Acceptance of this new way of looking at yourself will come in time if you are willing. You have the support of others like me and the love of God for your contribution in this world.
Ya'll bear with me here. I have been really trying to go into a lot of science related to where I hit a wall trying to figure things out. When my attention keeps going back , and I think it may be related to fluid intelligence possibly as I have a zero background in science per se is superconductivity and things related. While I may be out in left field, and I apologize if I am, I find the following correlation interesting and it stands out to me, especially in addition to visuals I get. I hope this isn't noise, as I do not have a lot of forma; background as I said, and am really trying to connect dots. It seems it may go with what I was was trying to feel out earlier here but could not articulate maybe.

Anyway, RH came up in regards to iron in the Hall effect in relation to superconductors. I tend to notice things that behave similarly or have similar properties, especially in addition to letter similarity and since I often do not know better as to what the accepted model is and whether it is possible or not, it is hard to discern for me many times, although it is getting better. Due to quitting school at an early age, to put it in perspective, I read the transcripts for a long time (years)not realizing EM was an actual scientific thing. :lol:
ABSTRACT The Hall effect is investigated for eight superconducting Fe(Se0.5Te0.5) thin films grown on MgO and LaSrAlO4 substrates with different transition temperatures (Tc). The normal Hall coefficients (RH) have positive values with magnitude of 1∼1.5×10−3 cm3/C at room temperature for the all samples. With decreasing temperature, we find two characteristic types of behavior in RH(T) depending on Tc. For thin films with lower Tc (typically Tc<5 K), RH start decreasing approximately below T=250 K toward a negative side, some of which shows sign reversal at T=50∼60 K, but turns positive toward T=0 K. On the other hand, for the films with higher Tc (typically Tc>9 K), RH leaves almost unchanged down to T≈100 K, and then starts decreasing toward a negative side. Around the temperatures when RH changes its sign from positive to negative, obvious nonlinearity is observed in the field-dependence of Hall resistance as to keep the low-field RH positive while the high-field RH negative. Thus, the electronic state just above Tc is characterized by ne (electron density) >nh (hole density) with keeping μe<μh. These results suggest the dominance of electron density to the hole density is an essential factor for the occurrence of superconductivity in Fe-chalcogenide superconductors.
And perhaps this, although as I said I know just enough to be dangerous to myself and others. If I am totally out of the arena and totally confusing concepts. please someone nudge me. Thanks.
Daenerys said:
Anyway, RH came up in regards to iron in the Hall effect in relation to superconductors.

RH = RHall = Hall coefficient

Rh = Rhesus Factor is related to the presence of a certain protein in the blood

So even though both have similar notation they are quite different things.
jnnmcatee said:
... I think "blue bloods" are RH negative people who belong to this group. We are here on a mission.

Blood type is something that has just come into my awareness. I was going to find out where to post about it when this thread was resurrected. As O+ I am feeling pretty smug and secure :cool2:

Does anyone know why the monarchy/aristocracy are referred to as Blue Bloods? Is it related to RH?
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