RH Negative blood, fact and theory

Rh negative blood


Im new to the forum, I'd like to give everyone my best regards and ask the question thats been bothering me fo a long time now.
What are the Rh negative bloods?? Where does it come from, are Rh negative people Homo Sapiens, a cross of an alien race?
The info I have found so far on the interenet is pretty uniform and scanty, there are no real clues, does anyone know?

Any info is hugely appreciated

Re: Rh negative blood

Thank you Turgon, but I know all that, all of the info in that post is what commonly circulates on the net, I keep finding the same things ad naseaum, what I need to know is WHAT IS negative blood, where its from, nobody seems to be able to answer...
Re: Rh negative blood

Amber said:
Thank you Turgon, but I know all that, all of the info in that post is what commonly circulates on the net, I keep finding the same things ad naseaum, what I need to know is WHAT IS negative blood, where its from, nobody seems to be able to answer...

Ah, okay. Actually try reading the latest feature article from Dot Connector available here. http://www.sott.net/articles/show/227222-The-Golden-Age-Psychopathy-and-the-Sixth-Extinction

She discusses this roughly half-way through the article. It's well worth the read, and may very well answer a number of your questions.
On this topic of RH neg blood, I have been trying to find information about the anti-D injections that are encouraged by doctors for pregnant women. My daughter-in-law is O- and is expecting our first grandchild in sept/oct hence the reason for my concern and search for more info(She hasn't had it yet).

There seem to be conflicting opinions on the net (no surprise there) from both the medical advice and the testimonies of those that have had the anti-D shot/s. Some medical advice even recommends up to three injections during pregnancy.Some do not even bother to find out the fetus's blood type to see if it would even be neccessary.'Just to be safe' they seem to be saying which is not factual enough for me to swollow.

Now, I've read that the injection may contain mercury and thimerosol among other crap but I have not been able to locate info on what exactly the concoction contains and certainly the possible side effects are not desirable by any means.

I'm still looking into it all, but in the meantime if anyone has more personal knowledge/experince/questions, I think it would be beneficial to discover some more facts about this subject.

Sorry for not starting a new post ( if I was supposed to) but I thought it tied in with this one so just wanted to add to it.If a new thread needs to be started for the anti-D injections, mods please feel free to do so.
There is an Rh-negative discussion group here:

There are quite a few discussions there and testimonies about this shot by women who have taken it. You might want to join.
Laura said:
There is an Rh-negative discussion group here:

There are quite a few discussions there and testimonies about this shot by women who have taken it. You might want to join.
Looking into it immediately, thank you.
I am a RH Negative blood female. I am actually A-. I really never saw the significance of being RH- (except for ensuring that I had Rhogram shots during my first six pregnancies) until very recently. Just last night, I did a search on weird historical science facts and came across an article on weird diseases. The article had a passage about blue-skinned people. I was amazed and decided to do more research about this condition when my search provided a seemingly infinite amount of articles about RH negative individuals. Ever since, I must admit being very overwhelmed by the information available on the internet about this condition. I have always been scientifically rooted when it comes to viewing the world. It's really impossible for me to believe that RH- individuals are hybrids of aliens or angels (though I do respect the beliefs of others that do believe these ideas). Yet, reading the alleged similarities among RH- individuals does have me shaking a little. I have reddish brown hair, and the gene for red hair does run in my family through my paternal grandmother's line. My eyes are hazel and do change colors leading some people to believe that they are amber, brown, blue, green or yellow. I do have a high I.Q. (so does my husband who is also A-) and I am empathetic to the degree that I continously put my career on the line defending others (whether they are right or wrong) and I seem to suffer from deep emotional pain for all the human suffering and wrongs of the world. I never understood why I am that way and it does cause internal conflict because it seems no matter how hard I try to be emotionally distant it seems as if I am compelled without conscious choice to help others in need and it does drain me both emotionally and mentally. Even complete strangers will chose to come to me for assistance though there are numerous other people around for them to seek assistance from and I have been teased by family and friends for being a "saint". I also do tend to obsess about the fate of mankind and survival of consciouness. Until recently, I believed myself to be alone and that something was incrediably wrong with me. Now, I know that I am not the only one and it's such a relief. The skeptic in me regards these traits as coincidence more geared to tragic events that have happened throughout my life that makes me more sensitive to the needs of others. Still, I can't help feel a certain kinship to other RH negative people and wonder if it really isn't coincidence.
Hi RJ1108,

Welcome to our forum. :)

We recommend all new members to post an introduction in the Newbies section telling us a bit about themselves, how they found the cass material, and how much of the work here they have read.

You can have a look through that board to see how others have done it.
RJ1108 said:
I am a RH Negative blood female. I am actually A-. I really never saw the significance of being RH- (except for ensuring that I had Rhogram shots during my first six pregnancies) until very recently. (so does my husband who is also A-)
Just curious; If both you and your husband are RH- then why would you need the Rhogram shots. As far as I am aware anti-D shots are usually given only if the partner is RH+ and the blood type of the fetus is unknown? My daughter in law is RH- so I have been looking into that for afew weeks and that is just one thing that I have found out about it.
Hello everyone, I'm new on here, I found this website while looking up rh- blood. I'm O- rh- and I'm fascinated by all that I'm finding so far. It's amazing to me that reading a personality profile based on my blood type can describe me so well. Its interesting to me also that I went gluten free almost 2 months ago now to test for an intolerance and having responded so well I assumed I had an intolerance, but now I'm seeing it probably has more to do with my blood type. My paternal grandmother was O- rh-, my father is O- rh+, my mother was B. So I can thank my grandmother for my awesomeness :)
Hi Jerseygrown80,

Welcome to our forum. :)

We recommend all new members to post an introduction in the Newbies section telling us a bit about themselves and how much of the work here they have read.

You can have a look through that board to see how others have done it.
Looking at this another way, it seems there might have been two separate land or ice bridges, one of them on the east coast connecting the America`s to Europe, by way of Greenland, Iceland etc, and also the other more familiar one, on the west coast connecting to Siberia by way of Alaska.
What makes this logical to me is the fact that the most enduring "Algonquin spiritual practices" are actually nothing more then what remains of the pure and ancient Great Mother worship, separated by thousands of years, from that "religion" once so prominent in the Mediterranean areas, that along with the enduring legends of white people on this continent returning home, the way they came, to and from the north!
Other "native populations" have different and seperate spiritual beliefs nothing even close to that of the Algonquins.

I wonder if when the ice melted during the last ice age this "mountain ridge" on the east coast left only islands (Greenland, Iceland etc) remaining?
I wondered too, if maybe there was once an ancient civilization living along this eastern corridor and if so maybe these rising waters could have been involved in what is thought of as the sinking of Atlantis era?
And what about the same clovis points on both continents?

"Very recently, Professor Spencer has summed up the evidence in favor of the elevation of the northern portions of America and the north Atlantic, about the early Pliocene times, and considers that it proves beyond a doubt that it must have reached from 2000 to 3000 feet above the present level. Further testimony to the existence of this land bridge is offered by the glacial striae on the rocks of Shetland, the Faeroe Islands, Iceland and south Greenland.

These are in such directions and of such a character that Mr. James Croll, a high authority, maintains that they must have been produced by land ice and that the theory of a land connection between these localities can alone explain all the facts.

A comparison of the flora and fauna in the higher latitudes of the two continents reveals marked identities which require some such theory to explain them.
Thus, certain species of land snails occur both in Labrador and Europe, and the flora of
Greenland, although American in the north, is distinctly European in the south.

In consequence of such facts the most careful English geologists of today hold that the communication, which certainly existed between Europe and North America in
Eocene times by way of Iceland and Greenland, which was then a part of the American continent, continued to exist through the Miocene and Pliocene Epochs.
This land bridge formed a barrier of separation between the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, so that the temperature of the higher latitudes was much milder than at present.

The evidence, therefore, is cumulative that at the close of the last Glacial Epoch, and for an indeterminate time previous, the comparatively shallow bed of the North Atlantic was above water ; and this was about the time that we find men in the same stage of culture dwelling on both its shores. From this brief presentation of the geologic evidence, the conclusion seems forced upon us that the ancestors of the American race could have come from no other quarter than western Europe, or that portion of Euro-Africa which in my lectures on general ethnography I have described as the most probable location of the birth-place of the Native Americans."

Then there is this,

In the book "Short History of the Near East" by Philip Piffy, he states: "The Phoenician trade on an international scale on textiles, metals, glass, pottery and etc., gave the country three centuries, beginning around 1000 B.C. a prosperity unmatched in its history."

Now the world recognizes the Phoenicians had an empire at that time, but they do not wish to acknowledge that from 1000 B.C.Cartage became very powerful in the middle of the first millennium B.C.
In their early days they were much stronger than Rome and imposed a treaty on Rome, which basically forbade them from sailing in the Western Mediterranean and telling them where they could sail their ships.
They were the enemies of Greece and Rome, they kept them out of the Atlantic Ocean with the Carthagenian Navy. But the Greeks did record some information about what Cartage had found in their Atlantic voyages.
And a lot of this will probably be quite new to you.

The Greeks record: "In the sea outside the pillars of Hercules, that's Gibraltar, an island was found by the Carthagians, a wilderness having wood of all kinds, and navigatable rivers; remarkable for various kinds of fruit, many sailing distance day away.
When the Carthagenians, who were the masters of the western ocean, observed that many traitors and other men were attracted by the fertility of the soil and the pleasant climate, they frequented it. And some resided there. They feared that knowledge of the land would reach other nations."
You can check the historical accounts and see that Cartage at that point became very protective of what was going on west of the Atlantic Ocean, and did not allow the sailors of other nations past Gibraltar.

Heroticus a Greek historian records that, "the Carthagenians sent an expedition westward from Gibraltar, which included.. 30,000 men and women, sixty ships,.. in a time frame of 500-480 B.C. that was when Cartage was much stronger. Westward through the pillars of Hercules to a destination he did not know."
Think for a moment, 30,000 men and women; that's a colonizing expedition, in 60 ships: by doing a little math that is 500 people per ship. Which will give you an idea of the size of the vessel, which even the Greeks acknowledge the Carthagenians were sailing. This also gives us an idea of the size of the ships the Phoenicians and Israelites had during the reign of David and Solomon's time.

Carthagian coins and artifacts have been found in North America, which is a story that is basically not told anywhere. It is in Berry Fells book, but the typical academic writers do not want to really deal with what he has discovered.
These coins have been found in Colorado, New York, Alabama, Connecticut and Nevada.
Most people do not realize this because history has been taught from the Greco-Roman perspective but America was long known about, in ancient history.
Laura said:
From FB group for O Negatives:

The goal of this group pretend to be a place to all people who share the O-negative blood type, so that any person in need can quickly find geographically closest person to be transfused with blood that is safe for him or her, in case an emergency or accident.

It is know the most common blood type is O positive (O+) and the rarest is AB negative (AB-), but just the 6.6% of the world population has O negative (O-) and 0.6% of the population has AB negative (AB-). However, AB- is compatible with O-, A-, and AB- while O- is only compatible with the same blood type.

Additionally, only 7% of the people in the world have the RH negative (-) factor. If you are a woman with RH-, you should become an active member of this group.

There are some shocking characteristics of the people with this genetic code. Nearly 85% of all human beings have RH positive blood. Their red blood cells contain a substance called the RHesus blood factor. This means the positive blood contains a protein that can be traced to the Rhesus monkey. It is acknowledged that blood factors are transmitted with more exactitude than any other human or animal characteristic. While it is known that RH negative blood - (type 'O') is the purest blood known to mankind, it is not known from where the negative factor originates, RH negative factor that makes the blood 'pure'. Pure enough to be the universal blood of the world.

Everyone on the face of the earth can receive RH negative type 'O' blood, but these very same 'O' negative people cannot receive blood from any other type except their own type. An RH negative pregnant mother's body will reject her positive blooded baby in the womb. Her body fights the RHesus factor as a foreign element. A positive mother's body does not fight the negative baby she is carrying however.

Science at this very time is attempting to make the recipe for RH negative 'O' blood, but without success. The protein in positive blood can be cloned, but not so of the negative blood - which is quite interesting. If the RH negative factor does not derive from any known earthly link - from where did it originate? Just for think...

One last recommendation, if you are RH negative (RH-), you should strongly consider becoming a blood donor. Whenever an RH negative patient needs blood, it's harder to find compatible blood for him because there are fewer RH negative donors than RH positive donors. RH negative patients can receive only RH negative blood, but RH positive patients can receive either RH positive or RH negative blood.

It occurs to me that it may be possible that RH O Negative blood may be connected to The Mother Matrix in some way.This is a hypothesis only, and is based on intuition .

O negative blood cannot be cloned it says, and it is " divisible only by itself " or cannot receive except its own kind which makes it "prime" , all others can receive it though, as it is universally" pure".

A prime number(or a is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself. A natural number greater than 1 that is not a prime number is called acomposite number. For example, 5 is prime, as only 1 and 5 divide it, whereas 6 is composite, since it has the divisors 2 and 3 in addition to 1 and 6. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic establishes the central role of primes in number theory: any integer greater than 1 can be expressed as a product of primes that is unique ]up to ordering. This theorem requires excluding1 as a prime.The property of being prime is called primality. A simple but slow method of verifying the primality of a given number n is known as trial division. It consists of testing whether n is a multiple of any integer between 2 and √n. Algorithms that are much more efficient than trial division have been devised to test the primality of large numbers. Particularly fast methods are available for primes of special forms, such as Mersenne primes. As of 2011, the largest known prime number has nearly 13 million decimal digits.
There are infinitely many primes, as demonstrated by Euclid around 300 BC. There is no known useful formula that yields all of the prime numbers and no composites. However, the distribution of primes, that is to say, the statistical behaviour of primes in the large, can be modeled. The first result in that direction is the prime number theorem, proven at the end of the 19th century, which says that the probability that a given, randomly chosen number n is prime is inversely proportional to its number of digits, or the logarithm of n.
Many questions around prime numbers remain open, such as
Goldbach's conjecture, which asserts that every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes, and the twin prime conjecture, which says that there are infinitely many pairs of primes whose difference is 2. Such questions spurred the development of various branches of number theory, focusing onanalytic or algebraic aspects of numbers. Primes are used in several routines in information technology, such aspublic-key cryptography , which makes use of properties such as the difficulty of factoring large numbers into their prime factors. Prime numbers give rise to various generalizations in other mathematical domains, mainly algebra, such as prime elements prime ideals

Reminds me of this post here: https://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,9338.msg360002.html#msg360002

"The Mother Matrix is the Primal Source of all that exists in your realm. She has two faces - life giving and death dealing - and it is up to you which face you see. Those who gaze upon the Mother Matrix seeking to control her with rituals or domination or restriction in their hearts, will see only serpents - and will experience only destruction. For the Mother is a Mirror. Those who gaze upon her with non-anticipatory love in their hearts, will receive all the bounty of infinite potential."
Daenerys said:
It occurs to me that it may be possible that RH O Negative blood may be connected to The Mother Matrix in some way.This is a hypothesis only, and is based on intuition .

What is 'the mother matrix'?
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